Saturday, 21 January 2017

Sparkly Coffee Card

Hi bloggers!  I have a very clean and simple card for you today, but it shows you how you can use just a portion of your Shadow Box die to create a lovely card!

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card giveaway is:

Hetty Garlick!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card.

 The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  7 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love it. I can smell the coffee.
Congratulations to Hetty. Enjoy your lovely card.
Elaine, glad that Andrews sense if humour still on top.. i remember those injections in my stomach, one daughter straight in there, the other more timid in case she hurt me, they both did lol. Hope the tests you had are okay.
Tina, it is a long way off to the 26th, it leaves you in a kind of limbo. Peter will be watching on his birthday. I always light one of those long burning candles. I can imagine how beautiful the flower smell was. My hugs to you and Owen.
Dawn, I know the feeling about things wearing out, don't like this getting old lark. Take care of that shoulder.
Nirah, thanks for the tip re Ribena Spicy, haven't seen that one and I love cinnamon. I giot Asda Cherries and Berries which is lovely (other brands are available) as they say.
Maureen and Yvonne, hope you have come back down to earth gently. It must have been fun, wish I could have seen it. PP hope the parents are okay. Your names for them made me think of the Weebles.
Hugs to all, especially our missing friends, Wheeley, Laine, hope all is okay with you girls. NannaTina, big hug for you .

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card. Congratulations Hetty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card this morning.

Barbara V

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what beautiful card and the dean and colours are gorgeous
I'm off to watch the video now
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Jan.moogie said...

I know two people who would simply love this simply stunning card Sue, would love to add a little smell by maybe rubbing a coffee bean over it. Great card Sue thank you for sharing, have a great day hugsxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, but now I want another cup of coffee!
I'm just going to echo Pam's comments today, thank you Pam for saying everything so well. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Karen Drew said...

This card would be so appropriate for a lot of my friends. Love it
Congratulations Hetty on your win

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
A great fun card.My American friends would love it their coffee mugs are never empty.
Thanks for the idea.
Jan x

JAO said...

Great card Sue.

Denise Bryant said...

Another awesome shadow box idea! Love it!

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
A beautiful card & one which would be received by a true coffee lover. Congratulations to Hetty. Yvonne xx

Marion Bull said...

What a gorgeous card, great for a friend and for any occasions! Thank you!

Magge B

Kate's Cards said...

Just the card for Friends! xxx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
perfect card for a coffeeholic (definitely describes me) , great colors and embossing folder too
have a lovely weekend everyone
Muriel x

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning dear Sue. Hetty, well done I'm tickled pink for you, enjoy your lovely gift from Sue, what an absolute beauty you've won xx
There you go again Sue. How ? Why can't I be blessed with such an imagination, to use just a small portion of the SB frame would never ever of entered my head until now, it seems an obvious thing to do now you've done it but to me - it's a frame a full frame, boy Sue you've done it again lol. I spent an hour the other day frantically going through a FULL large paper shredding box looking for a tea cup ! My room I work in is a tiny 2nd box room and the only wall that has sockets on has my machine and shredder plugged in with said shredder on the floor below the chest of drawers my machine stands on, so I'd cut the set in left overs of pretty paper for the 'china cup' effect, lifted the cutting plate and .... ping, that sound that makes your heart sink, ohhh NO ! (Something like that anyway) !! 😕 had it fallen behind the heavy chest of drawers or into the very full shredder or was it just nestling up against the skirting board, I moved the Hoover to check, couldn't see it, so only thing to do is empty the shredder onto the middle of the floor !! After going through half the pike I was losing the will to live I can tell you, I'd get cramp in my feet, and having no meat on my bun cheeks it was getting painful lol so again I checked on the floor by the plug board before attempting the second mound of shredded paper, there was my tiny tea cup under the plug board !!! Luckily Andy got home 5 minutes later so he could rescue me off the floor but I learnt a valuable lesson that afternoon I can tell you ! So Sue, thank you once again for showing me how to literally think 'outside the frame' and now my frame is more than a frame it's a section of 3 little boxes that will be used many times over. I do love your idea's so here's a big thank you hug from me xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a great card. The colours are beautiful, clean and simple. My husband would love this one as always has a coffee in his hand. Thanks for a great video. Congratulations to Hetty on winning Wednesdays gorgeous card. Have a great weekend everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Dragonsnap2 said...

Fantastic card today Sue. I can just smell that coffee! Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to Hetty. You've won a beautiful card. Enjoy.
Crafty hugs to all who are suffering or just need a hug.
Happy crafting.
D x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

I saw you make this card a few days ago and commented then how much I liked it. I love the embossing folder and the CAS design of the whole card

Thank you for the tutorial

Congratulations to Hetty... enjoy!

June x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What a fabulous idea using just a portion of the die I would never have thought of that, that's why we need your inspiration! The bronze glitter and card are gorgeous and definitely on my 'I need' list. Your card is so clean and simple I love it!
Congratulations Hetty!
Hugs x
Heather T

Debra K. said...

What a fabulous CAS card! I love this especially the ceramic looking coffee pot and mugs. Debra x

DeCor said...

A great 'perk' you up card! (Pardon the pun)! My hub is a great coffee drinker...always with his favourite mug in his hand. Find it hard to make him cards so a Huge thank you for today's card. Congratulations to Hetty I'm sure your win will keep you inspired. Have a good weekend All!

DeCor said...

A great 'perk' you up card! (Pardon the pun)! My hub is a great coffee drinker...always with his favourite mug in his hand. Find it hard to make him cards so a Huge thank you for today's card. Congratulations to Hetty I'm sure your win will keep you inspired. Have a good weekend All!

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh yes todays card is gorgeous, I am going to watch the video in a minute when hubby brings in my breakfast, looking forward to that, as Pam said you can almost smell the coffee.

I also reiterate what Pam has said this morning, you put everything in perspective Pam, we love you to bits.

Congratulations Hetty, you are one very lucky lady to have won this card, I am very envious, it is a beautiful keepsake.

Off to an all day craft workshop tomorrow so have got a long list of things to get ready, that is if I can find what I am looking for. Also got my youngest son and two grandchildren popping in this morning for a couple of hours, going to enjoy that.

Oh here comes breakfast, catch you all later.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

lilian said...

Hi Sue, great card, love coffee but it doesn't like me.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Chris Curry said...

This is a very cheeky, perky card Sue, like it. Thank you, have a good day. Xx

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and Crafters all
Lovely card today I know a few coffee holiest!!!! Shame one of the has just had a birthday. John Lockwood did one with coffee beans as a shaker card which was great too.
Congratulations Hetty on your win!!!!
Pam, thank you for your lovely kind words. Yes it is a long time. Equipment people are coming this morning to remove their pieces. It's hard coming down and staring at an empty bed.
Stephanie I like you drop the little dies and being brown on a brown carpet is a bit frustrating.
To June, Elaine,Andrew,Helen, Craftysuetoo,Dragonsnap2,NannaTina our love goes out to you with hugs of course.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxx

TDQ Karen said...

Brilliant idea, I love these simple cards and wouldn't always think to use just a bit of the die. Congratulations to Hetty!

ahappycrafter50 said...

A card to brighten the day today.

Dolly Daydream said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A great pick me up card today, loving the simplicity and clean lines. I have around eight birthday cards to make, but just can't get motivated at the moment, but must try and do some today, even if they are just quick cards.
Congratulations Hetty on winning that beautiful card.
Have a good day everyone and take care.
Hugs, Dawn Searle xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - thank you for another one of your amazing ideas. How I love this card. So simple in style but so stylish. Will watch your video later today. Congratulations to Hetty on winning your beautiful card. Sending best wishes

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A great card. Congrats to Hetty.
B xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue a lovely card just perfect for a friend who loves her coffee.
Congratulations Hetty
Hugs Catherine.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card. Will watch video later. Happy weekend all.

hettygarlick said...

A nice card to cheer someone up - especially a coffee lover. I only drink coffee. Although I'm British I really don't like tea!

Chris said...

Hi Sue,
I've just watched your video, what a great card, I have a 16 year old nephew who adores coffee and would really appreciate a card like this.
I love your outfit today, colour coordinated too.
Congratulations to Hetty.
Chris xx

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue love this idea xx hazel

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Oh how fab, love the sentiment with the coffee cups

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

What a cute, fun card today, would perk anyone up...and quick and easy to do...

Congratulations to Hetty on winning Wednesday's gorgeous card...


Karen Derbyshire said...

Lovely card Sue, different but lovely. Off to watch the video.

PharmacyMichele said...

Great card, love the alternative use of the shadow box dies.

Congrats to the card winner.


Liz said...

Love this card, thanks for the tutorial. xx

auscrafts said...

Great card for a coffee drinker

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, such a great card, would do as a get well card too. Love the sentiment. Well done Hettie on winning the card. Have a good day everyone. Bx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Nice card , love Jean Z xxxx

Anne said...

What a great card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Anonymous said...

What a super card, Sue, you're such a clever thinker! Perfect for a quick cheer up occasion. Thanks as ever for the video.
PAS - good words again, so will echo.
Well done to Hetty on the card win.
Hugs all round.

'P' in Wales

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A gorgeous card, would be ideal for somebody who is under the weather.
Note to Steph, I have a magnet on an extending handle which I use to push around the floor when I drop one of those little dies.
Will watch the video later.
Hetty enjoy your card.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and a great use of the shadow box . I'm sat drinking my coffee at the moment and am now going to watch the video. Thanks for all your inspiration, love to all Alison xxxx

marg said...

Good Morning
I will need to watch the Video next as this is such a lovely card!
Congratulations to Hetty on winning Wednesdays card!
Thoughts to everyone today
Love Marg

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this is a gorgeous card. I just fancy a cup of tea right this minute. Have a wonderful day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
What a wonderful card sue x a fantastic idea to just use part of the die the cards looks very elegant x thankyou sue once again for your inspiration x
Congratulations hettie x
Sending hugs to all the wilsonettes and their loved ones x
Theresa w xxx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue, what a good idea to use just part of the shadowbox die to create a more minimalist style card.


June Horrocks said...

Love this card sue I would never have thought of this great idea brillll!!!!thank you
Congrats to the winner xxxxxx love June horrocks xxxxxxx

Pussycats said...

Good Morning sue and all. A different card to day and different style using the shadow box collection. Looking forward to watching the video. Congratulations to Hetty. Wendy

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
So simple but striking. Another bright day today.! But maybe still a crafting day.

Heather R Oxfordshire

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and everyone who, like me, was surprised by the idea of a partial shadow box.

What a concept! And a magnet on an extending handle for recapturing tiny dies! Thank you, Lydia Jordan! And to whoever it was yesterday who suggested that any swirl or leaf or frond could work as a background the way Sue showed the Swirly Leaf Trio on Friday. And using gloss to make the mugs and coffee pot look ceramic. So many ideas in two days!

Just gotta say, that Pacific tag is so nice.

We all wish we were you, Hetty. Enjoy!

Donita in R.I.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Love it! SueL x

Anonymous said...

gorgeous card and excellent video xx love the idea of just using a portion of the shadow box will be giving this a try thank you for the inspiration xx love yvonne bennett xx

Anonymous said...

Today's card is so lovely on so many levels.
Clean and simple and perfect message for a friend who is poorly or just feeling down.

Congratulations Hetty, enjoy your beautiful card.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Suemac said...

Lovely 'crisp' looking card

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a great card today, perfect for those coffee drinking males in our life ! Would be fun to put a coffee sachet or coffee filter bag in it too as a bonus and make it smell nice. Could be used as an invite to a coffee morning. Thank you for the ideas, it's great to take them and run with what pops into your head.
Love Diane G xxx
Congratulations to Hettie enjoy your card. Xxx
Pam as always you have the tight words. Hugs to you Tina and Elaine xxx

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Wow what a fabulous card it's so cute! Brilliant idea to use just part of the shadow box die!
Clever idea to use a magn er til on a long handle Lydia!
Sending good wishes to all

Steph Cotterill said...

Wonderful idea Lydia thank you so much. I have both so will introduce one to the other later. You'll be my saviour - thank you x

Netty The Runner said...

Fab card. Thank you for sharing all your great ideas Sue. Catch video later.
Annette x

Laura O said...

fab card,we all love a cuppa ,Laura O

sued99 said...

Lovely card Sue. I like the way you've used part of the frame. X

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a fabulous card great for an invitation to a coffee morning.
Nancyd xx

Paula said...

Oh, I do like this card Sue! It's something I would never think of doing, how I wish I had a quarter of your talent! :)
Paula x

Anonymous said...

Another way to utilise your shadow box die Sue. BRILLIANT!! Opens a whole new set of ideas! Thankyou.
VC xx

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
What a cutie,so useful it's brilliant,
Congratulations Hettie
Thank you Sue
Best wishes
Karen M

KarinsArtScrap said...

fantasticccccc Sue
Gr Karin

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, what a lovely card, I Wouldnt have thought of doing this with the die, thank you again for your inspiration
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue on a cold and frosty morning, I do love your card and funnily enough I have just made myself a coffee, I love the colour choice and the way youve double embossed the frame. hugs Shirleyxxxx

doreenj said...

What a lovely way to use SB die!! Must try and look at my dies
in a different way!!

Congrats to this week's winner,

Doreen x

Beryl said...

Lovely card Sue. Congratulations to Hetty Garlick.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Very cute card ideal for a little get well card.

Congratulations to Hetty enjoy.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Sue MacFall said...

What a great little card -very useful. Many thanks.

Clare Powell said...

Great card, looks so stylish and elegant x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
what a fab card, would perk anyone up.
Hugs, Rose

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue lovely card so clean and simple will watch the video later .
Congratulations to Hettie on winning such a beautiful card .

Tina and Owen you are in my thoughts also Nanna tina ,take care and big hugs .

I also echo Pam's comments , what would we do without you Pam . xxx
Take care all and big hugs.
Elaine H X

Sandy G said...

Lovely card Sue. Thanks for sharing.
Well done Hetty.
Have a great day everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafty friends.

What s super card. I'll need to try that idea. Love the cas look. Great video as always.

Love to all xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. The little pot and cups are so cute. Thanks for your video. Congratulations to the very lucky card winner.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue Morning Wilsonetts
Well I never thought of cutting my shadow box up what a wonderful idea and one I will be doing
Thank you Sue your soooo inspirational
Pam thank you for being so elequent with your words
Tina T your post sounded so sad people coming to take away equipment but totally understand how you must feel seeing it every day
I send you big gentle hugs sweetheart
Stephanie I sympathise with you die plight. Oh my the thought of all those paper shreds over the floor fills me with dread but had to be done our dies are our treasures glad you found it Hun
Hugs and best wishes to all the usual ladies
June enjoy your crafty Sunday and your visitors today
Take care folks and congrats to the card winner
Theresa G xx

Rosemary Stickland said...

A great fun card.
Congratulations Hetty on winning the card.
Rosemary xx

Anonymous said...

Love the sentiments of this card. Could make a get well or a just thinking of you type card.

Have a lovely day

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue
I've Just Watched Today's Video Tutorial With lots Of "Great Tips And Techniques"
I Love "The Shadow Box Die" It Was Great To See How You Trasformed The Die By
Only Using The Very Top Of The Die Using "The Stunning Chestnut Foundation Card"
Also Adding "The Terrific Sticky Sheet" So You Could Add Your Awesome Glitter.
I Just Love "The Pinpoint Matrix Embossing Folder" Its So Extremely "Tactile" To Touch
Using "The Shadow Box Collection "Thanks 'A' Latte" Eleven Small Dies In This Collection
Once You've Cut Out Your "Coffee Pot And Mugs" Splendid Idea To Add "The Creative Expression
Clear Varnish Lacquer" To Give Your Cut Outs A More Authentic Look.
I Would Possibly Add A Few Real Coffee Beans Also (As "The Cosmic Acrylic Glue" Sticks Everything)
Then For Your Superb Sentiment You've Used "The Pacific Ocean Tag Duo Dies"
I Would Send This Card To A Friend As A Quick Message About Meeting For Coffee And Cakes !!!!!!!
Sue Thank You For Today's Tremendous Video I Love Watching Your Videos And Watch Them Over And Over Again.
Thank You For The Daily Inspiration I For One Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
Sue Take Great Care
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗
Love From Sam xxx
Congratulations To 'Hetty' On Winning The Extremely Beautiful Wednesday Gift Card Enjoy !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and yesterdays was as well (I ran out of time to post can you believe it)
Beverley W

lucretia said...

What a lovely card. Pleased to see that tea and coffee motifs are so popular now. x

lucretia said...

What a lovely card. Pleased to see that tea and coffee motifs are so popular now. x

ursula said...

Quite a querky card for today, love it, can see it ending up a man's card...thank you Sue...luv Ursula xx

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a great card that is sure to lift the spirits of anyone who received it. Good way to extend the use of the shadow boxes, one that I must try. Love the ceramic looking pot and mugs.

Hetty - Congratulations on being this week's Wednesday Winner. Enjoy your beautiful MOM WoW.


sandieann21 said...

Could just drink that after finally finding the comment box! Thank you, Sue. Great idea as usual.

sandieann21 said...

P.S. With so many people commenting on your blog, I do hope you get the award you deserve this year xx

Marion Scott said...

Lovely fun card Sue, love it.
Congratulations Hetty on your win.
Marion S x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Simple yet classy....beautiful

Disco Queen said...

Fabulous card & video Sue. Love how you used a potion of the shadow box die. Theresa x

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous card! Will watch the video a little later! xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue, great card it reminded my that it was time for my daily coffee fix, so I watched the video with coffee and biscuit in hand. Can really recommend it.

barbara macaskill said...

Love this card! I really love the coffee pot and cups that you used! So cute! You had me at Sparkly Coffee! Combining two things that are near and dear to my heart! TFS!
Congratulations Hetty on winning this week's absolutely gorgeous card! Enjoy!

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card today. Congratulations Hetty on your win. Enjoy.

Sandra said...

Hi Sue,
Love this card,we have 3 coffee'aholics in our house, so this would be very apt !
I am off to watch the video
Congratulations Hetty !

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

Great card. I am fancying a coffee right now, think I'll put the kettle on. Im freezing.

congratulations to Hetty, enjoy your beautiful card. X

Love Helen xxx

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue,
Another fantastic card love what you have done on this one.
Have a great day
Patricia x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue enjoyed the video I learn so much from them . Your card today is so cute .Love the way polished silk glitter makes such a difference to the card . Thank you for sharing . Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

Eunice said...

Love this card Sue! Being able to use just portions of the Shadow Box die is fantastic. Really enjoy the dot matrix embossing folder as well, I do believe that it is my favorite as well. Thanks for all you do.

Steph Cotterill said...

Have you received my email chick ? Xx

karenlotty said...

Such a clever card and would perk anybody up Off to watch video now

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Great card and tutorial, love the coffee theme as
many of my friends drinking coffee this card would be great.

Congratulations to Hetty, lovely card coming to you.

I have been very lucky to met both Maureen and PP
so I'm sure you had a brilliant time together, loved to
been a little fly on the wall.They are both very nice 'ladies' :)
Hope your eyes are ok Maureen and PP ,glad your parents are
doing fine. A bit naughty tho to put your dad on the steps :)x
Laine- hope you are alright,have not seen you for a while on facebook.x
Elaine- take care, sending hugs to you all x
Tina T- Sending you many hugs, hope you have falily
family around also sending Nannatina many hugs x
Hope our missing friends are alright, Deb C,Julie Laz,Wheelybad
and everyone else x
Packed my bags for a week of walking in snow ,gluewine and
Tyrolean yodelling but will look in when I can
Maria x

Tressa said...

A lovely card. I like that there are some quite different techniques here. My difficult to please brother would happily have this as a birthday card as his weekend treat is an eleven o clock expresso!


Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I haven't been able to watch the video as my iPad won't play ball which is quite unlike it! However I get the idea which is a brilliant one! AGAIN!!! You are a clever lady! This is so effective and adds yet another use for the Die! I'm guessing you can use any bits of the Shadow Box ! Let's hope I'm right and not talking absolute twaddle! Careful, Maureen!!!
Thanks Pam - you keep us up to date with everything and you have a gift for saying what we are thinking!! How are you? Any better? I do hope so.
Maria - have a lovely holiday but steady on the Gluwein!! Have the odd hot chocolate as well!! Xxx
Love to all, Myra xxx

Janet Wilson said...

Beautifully simple but very striking card

Barbara (C) said...

I love CAS cards and this is a great example! Shows perfectly the versatility of the Shadow Box Die. BarbaraC

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Really lovely, I love the embossing folder and the gorgeous part shadow box and all the coffee items.
Congratulations to Hetty.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Jane Franklin said...

Loving the simplicity of this its so good. Best wishes all jxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue I really like this one and I love the embossing folder.

liz spooner said...

This is so fun and quirky Sue a lovely idea.xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue
Lovely card today the frame with the little coffee cups in great idea haven't looked at video yet.
Thank you Sue for all your inspiration
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

As alway thinking of Tracy Tina & Owen Nana Tina hope your ok. Elaine Wheelybad Billy Pam June PP Laine hope your ok Lorraine
Sending you all BIG HUG'S XX

Congratulations Hetty on winning a gorgeous Sue card xx

Hug's for everyone xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Really lovely card and great video as always. Been at a flower arranging workshop all day so sorry to be late commenting. Congratulations to Hetty enjoy your beautiful card

Caring hugs Nanna Tina, Tina T, Elaine and our Pam,
Love and best wishes everyone

Theresa said...

great idea using a part of shadow box. could just smell that coffee, hugs xx

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is a simple clean look card but absolutely stunning and
so perfect for all of my family as they are all coffee lovers.

Janice K said...

Hi Sue,
A great card for a coffee lover, lots of lovely sparkle and a beautiful embossed background. X

Littlelamb said...

Great card Sue and clever use of the shadow box die. Thank you. Must go and watch the video.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
What a great idea for this card. Great video as always!
Lesley S x

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue!
So easy to make and yet so pretty and cute.
Fabulous video!!!

Stella Munn said...

Love this card Sue. I must start thinking a bit more 'outisde the box' - or in this case, with less boxes. Thanks

Unknown said...

Great fun card

well done Hetty, you have won a beautiful card


Betty McAlister said...

Lovely card Sue giving us more great ideas for our Shadow Boxes. Very versatile card. Xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !!! This is such a cute, fun card !!! I love it. I love the video to !!! It is fab as always. I am so pleased to see you using the gorgeous polished silk glitters. They are amazing. What a fab way to use the shadow box dies. I would never have thought to do that so thank you for your lovely idea. I love the coffee die set you have used and I love the tag dies that you have used to. A beautiful card Sue. Thank you for sharing. Lots of love from Tres x x x

Congratulations to todays lucky Wednesday card winner !!!

Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

julie laz said...

Omgoodness just beautiful 🐩🐩xxx

maz said...

A very versatile design, lovely card
thanks Sue 🙂

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

A very simple and classy card love it.

With best wishes
Elaine Ann

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I love coffee this card would be perfect for me. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie