Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hello crafters!  Just a couple of more Christmas card giveaway days on the run up so I thought I would take advantage of them.  I have done another snow globe card for you today but thought I would do something a bit different and not use one of the Snow Globe scene dies in it, just to show you another option.  I started this card by cutting the round aperture for my snow globe in a piece of coconut white card.  I decided to use a piece of acetate rather than the treat cup too so I glued it across the aperture opening on the back.  I added mounting foam around the back of the card to raise it and provide a cup area for my shaker card.  I sprinkle some faux snow that I had in my stash and covered it with another piece of acetate so the card could be turned over without any spillage (it does make it so much easier to handle this way!)  I used a piece of periwinkle card as the backing and cut the Bold Snow Flake Flurry die in white.  I attached the snowflake to the backing this placed my card over it so it was partially in and out of the snow globe frame as I wanted the arms of the snowflake to show.  I cut a full Snow Globe out of white and added it over the front of the aperture, allowing the white from the backing piece to show through.  Using the Christmas Rose die set, I created three flowers out of white card and highlighted them slightly with a pink tinge and added pink and white stamens to the centres.  I added the foliage from the set with a slight green highlight to it.  I used the same pink ink very lightly around the edges of the card, heavier in the corners just to add a light framing to it.  The card was finished with three pearls in opposite corners and a white on white matting.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  7 1/4" in size.  If you would like to be entered into the drawing to win this card, just leave a comment on this post.  The winner will be announced on Saturday's blog post!  All for now, Sue x

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Karen Derbyshire, said...

Such a pretty card Sue

Pam said...

Lovely card for the giveaway, someone will be very delighted.
Elaine, I hope Andrew is feeling a little better, did he get the problem with his hand sorted. Chemo does affect people in different ways.
Caring hugs and thoughts for Tina during these very difficult emotional times. Always in my thoughts.
Tina, hope Peter is doing better.
June, you are a very lucky lady with your Colin but he is lucky to have you too.
Tracey, I hope your counselling sessions are going well.
Sharon and daughter, how are you both doing.
We had a lovely meal yesterday, food was great, the lads on the team made sure we all had a good laugh, Barbara seemed very happy, good time was had by all. Traffic was horrendous on way home, I fell asleep in chair, something I never do, woke up and went to bed at 9. My party animal days are long behind me. Hugs to all missing and poorly friends, and all on the blog.

Jan.moogie said...

Never thought of doing this but now I have seen it woohoo. Thanks for sharing Sue, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hollyberry said...

Such a beautiful card that some lucky person will win.

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card for this giveaway

Karen Drew said...

Very pretty and a different take on the snow globe. Someone will be very happy to receive this card
Karen xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. It will be such a shame to see the last of your festive samples, but the finale is yet to come and we have the 'orphan' collection to look forward to.
Another 'change up' to your way of thinking I see, although it's a lovely card, your globe design is meant for your stick snowman and village scene, something doesn't look right and I think I'm so use to seeing the designs you made to fit into the globe the large snowflake just doesn't look right, but I'm sure I'll get shot down for thinking aloud ! We can't always think alike can we ? You can count on one hand how many I've not been sure about this year, wish I could say the same about the one's I've put together lol.
Although I prefer your other snow globe samples you've inspired us with, I bet today's giveaway looks so pretty in real life. So as a thank you for being so generous I send my usual hug and hope your day is a good one xxx

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
What a clever way to use a snow globe. So clean looking white on white and roses are so pretty tinged with pink.
Pam - so glad you enjoyed your party!!! It does you good to let your hair down. Hope your friend Barbara enjoys her retirement.
June Smith - yes you are so lucky having Colin doing these great things for you. Hope you are doing your exercises.
Peter is not to bad, asleep on the settee this morning. Got a new tv for him yesterday as ours left this world on Saturday night, so he stayed up watching it. He is the milky bar kid at the moment, and found a Cadbury's chocolate mouse with chocolate pieces he likes.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxxx

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous card! Love the snow globe and snowflake!

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card love the shaker idea
Nancyd x

Unknown said...

beautiful card

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a very different card today, it is growing on me though.

Pam I am so pleased that you enjoyed the meal and the wonderful company, and Barbara retires tomorrow, she will find it quite strange at first and I know from experience that it takes a time to get used to but once you have well the world is your oyster, I always said that when I retired I would do what I want to do not what I have to do and that is certainly the way I have continued, love it. (not the getting older bit though).

Tina T, tell Peter he will have square eyes all this telly watching (my Mum and Dad used to say that to me when I was little), it must be something in the air because we had to purchase a new TV last week as ours had also gone on us. It is difficult to find things that Peter likes to eat and drink, oh I remember those milky bar kid adverts, the old ones are the best, anyway hope he enjoys the chocolate mousse.

Thinking of Tina and family at this difficult time.

Theresa G stitches out tomorrow, that will feel much better I am sure, but you will be still bunny hopping won't you xx

My thoughts and hugs are with everyone I have forgotten to mention, you all know who you are.

I am off to our Craft Club Christmas Meal today, so looking forward to it, I have wrapped the secret Santa present up and the card is done, have also made everyone a little gift for the table.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Marion Bull said...

Do like this card but for me I think I prefer the snowman or village scenes on the inside of thesnowglobe. I see that I am not the only one. However, as in all your cards Sue, even when they are not n my preferred style, it is work of art and a lucky person will win it! Thank you!

Maggie B xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. I can't believe that we're nearly at the end of this year's Christmas treats from you. Another beautiful sample today, your method of using two pieces of acetate to make shaker cards is brilliant.
Pam, pleased that you and Barbara enjoyed the meal, I hope that she has a last couple of days at work. Nanna Tina, you are in my thoughts. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, love the shaker card
Marion S x

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, love the shaker card
Marion S x

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, love the shaker card
Marion S x

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
A another lovely shaker card.I love the idea to put a snowflake inside.
Jan x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card.
Take care and have fun.

Netty The Runner said...

Such a lovely card Sue, thank you for sharing all your ideas.
Annette x

Dragonsnap2 said...

Beautiful card for one very lucky winner. Love the pink touches and such a different way to use the snow globe.
Happy crafting.
D xx

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A gorgeous card for today giveaway xx

Unknown said...

Morning sue and crafty friends.

Oooooh pretty and using my fave snowflake too. And I've got the snow globe. Didn't use the globe as much but might next year lol xx

Pam. Glad u had a smashing night and ir friend got the send off she deserved. I'm quite jealous that I have to keep working!! I was getting too used to being off when I was sick I wasn't really wanting to go back but the bills needed paying so back I went.
My stepdads dads funeral is today and I have to go to support him and my mom I've been stressing about it the past week which triggered off my ibs so I'd been in bed since Sunday the cramps were horrendous so I ended up at docs yesterday :-(.

Anyways Lynda ma wee pal I hope ur doing ok and terry is behaving himself!! Lol

Missing Laine an pp with the banter but I'm guessing their not keeping too good the now?

Sending hugs to everyone lots of love xx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
Thank you for giving us a different way of using the snow globe die. A very pretty card that I'm sure the lucky winner will treasure. X

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Nice card. I love white on white. Thanks for sharing.
Have a good day everyone.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's Christmas card is gorgeous. I do love the Snow Globe die set. I have used it a lot this year. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this is certainly a different way of using the snow globe idea. Lovely card though. Time is running out and I am not ready, oh dear!!!!

Love Rosemarie X X

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card-I don't have the snow globe so this would be the perfect Christmas card to tempt me!!


Debra K. said...

Great Christmas card! Debra x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card as always. Starting to feel festive!

lilian said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, love the flowers.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely card for us today, a real treat. It's nice to see an alternative to the treat cup too just in case you can't find them. Who doesn't love a shaker card! Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Pam good to hear you enjoyed your party and Barbara had a good send off xxx
Tina the chocolate Mose sounds lovely, I hope Peter continues to enjoy them xxx
June have fun today, you have been busy. Xxx
Tracey thinking of you sweetheart, it's nearly the end of the year and once today is over I hope you tummy settles. Sending you a big hug xxx
Sending hugs to Elaine and Andrew Sharon and Tina xxxx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card Sue a different way to use the Snowglobe.Have a lovely day .
Catherine xx

A Happercrafter6 said...

A pretty card - like the touch of blue.

Chris Curry said...

A lovely Christmas card Sue, the light touch of pink draws the eye in beautifully. Thank you. Xx

shabbycraftcabin said...

This is a lovely card. Would love this card :-) Ivy x

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card. I love how the snowflake is peeking out behind the snowglobe.
B xx

TDQ Karen said...

A bit different today, pretty snowglobe xx

Anonymous said...

Think this one will have to grow on me, Sue, love it all except the big snowflake - but your flowers as always just gorgeous!
So looking forward to your H shows at the weekend, hope life doesn't get in the way.
Tracy - keep strong today, a dreadful end to your worrying year that you've got through with great courage. Better times ahead for sure.
Hugs to our missing people. And to new furbabe Poppy.

'P' in Wales

Patricia Howarth said...

Ohhhhhh Sue !! This is a different way of using your Snow Glob die set, I love this idea. I adore snow globe cards and this one is stunning. I have made snow globe cards for my Daughter and Granddaughter's Christmas cards this year, and I'm loving them.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

JAO said...

Lovely card to give away.

foxyg said...

Beautiful giveaway card Sue.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card. I used your snowglobe to make my grandchildren shaker cards this year, they were thrilled. Apparently the 3 year old had told Santa, without me knowing, that he wanted a snowglobe for Christmas and so he assumed his wish had come true.
SueL x

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,a real treat today your lovely snow globe. I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. Thank you for sharing .Gloria (Sidcup) xx

Sue MacFall said...

What a beautiful card you are giving away Sue. Many thanks for the chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - like the alternative way of using the snow globe and the very subtle use of colours. A great card for a giveaway. Sending best wishes

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
I do like this card, but I love the snowman or village scene better. Sorry I know others will think it's lovely. Yvonne xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card for the lucky winner , but for me personally ,i do prefer the original version of your snow globe cards .

Pam, i am pleased your friend had a good send off and a great time had by all ,i wish Barbara a long happy healthy retirement .

TinaT i had to smile imagining your Peter watching TV with his found chocolate mouse, how good is that ?.

Tracy Stitt , aww so sorry you have not been well , i will be thinking of you and your Mum today , big hugs xx

June, Enjoy your craft club meal . xx

Nanna T , thinking of you and your friend .xx

Andrew had an off day again yesterday, the itchy rash didn't help matters ,but his hand was a lot better he is going to see if he can get some stronger cream today . Quote " this itching is doing my Bl@@dy head in Mum ."

Take care everyone big hugs to all.
Elaine H X

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew
Well today's card is very different I must say Like a few more that have left comments I'm not to sure about it
Ca t put my finger on why it was just first impressions
Pam I am so glad that Barbara's retiremant party went well Did she like your Card ?
Yep June stitches out in the morning and my bunny hopping is getting better but I hate having an itch that I cannot scratch lol
Tina my thoughts and prayers are with you And also with your friend
Tracey Stitt I hope the funeral goes off without any hitches and your IBS settles down hugs to you Hun
Hugs to everyone that may need one
Theresa G xxx

SassySaz said...

Morning Sue, a lovely card and a great way to use the snow globe die slightly differently - thanks for the inspiration xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A lovely card for the giveaway today and I like your colour combination.
Lesley S x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Such a lovely card. love Jean Z xxxx

June Horrocks said...

Stunning card sue love it the flowers are so preety and I love white for special cards this is very special thank you sue
Love always June horrocks xxxxxx

Karen M said...

Morning Sue,
I like the card, a little bit different very nice.
Best wishes
Karen M

Beryl said...

Lovely card Sue.

Suemac said...

Beautiful card again today

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

This card showcases perfectly that you can put just about anything inside the snow globe and still end up with a gorgeous design...and I just love that faux snow!...


Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Love this card, it's different and pleasing on the eye.
Thinking about, and sending love to all those who have lost loved ones, are in pain, having treatment and those caring for them. Also anyone who is lonely or upset.
Maureeen xxx

Unknown said...

The perfect winter card, love the coolness of it x

Unknown said...

A beautiful card as always. Love the colours.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card for the wednesday givaway, somebody will be delighted.

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue on a better morning, so glad the rain has passed over. A gorgeous card and I know my g.grandchildren love the shaker cards. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
I love the fact that you show so many different ways to use your dies and how they work with each other. Have made lots of shaker cards for Christmas, they are great fun to do.

Tracy hope that you get through today ok and your tummy settles, not long now until this year is over.

Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue, what a lovely card. There'll be a very happy winner out there.
Love Val in Spain x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
this is a lovely card, and like Pat L said, thank you for showing us all the different ways to use your dies. It's brilliant, and you're such an inspiration to us all.
Hope your journey back was good and the sun is shining on you here in this country............
and of course, the house is warm.....
Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

A really lovely card Sue, thanks for the chance to win it.

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
This card for me might be a little to fussy but I bet in real life isn't. Elaine I hope Andrew can get some stronger cream no wonder he wants to use strong words it must be driving him mad. Tracy your mum and stepfather will know how hard today is going to be for you and will be so grateful for your support as the others say this year will soon be over. June enjoy your meal out. Pam so glad you had a nice evening out.

Scottydog said...

Hi Sue, good to get other ideas on how to use your dies but unfortunately I don't have the snow globe die. I love the Christmas rose & that little touch of colour really brings it to life. A lovely card fir some lucky person! Thank you!

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, just bought this snowflake die so will have a play today

NannaShaz said...

Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
What a lovely Christmas card today,really lovely Sue and love the colours too.I have so many you have posted to catch up on where I have been so busy and worried have missed them.

With everything that has been going on I have only managed to make a few cards his year so very dissapointed but have decided to make them very early next year so hopefully Iam prepared for anything happening.

Pam so pleased your friend had a great send off, and I remember that feeling my party days are behind me too now, hope you are well and keeping warm and safe.
Elaine, I hope Andrew gets his hand sorted soon it must be so uncomfortable for him.
Love and healing hugs to Tina during these very hard days, your in my thoughts
Tina, hope Peter is doing better now.
June, Glad your doing so well, enjoy your craft club, I wish there was one near me it would be lovely.
Tracey, I hope your counselling sessions are going well.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and wishes my Daughter and I are on the mend slowly, its going to be a quiet Christmas this year for me, and look forward to a better healthy happier 2017 for everyone

Love and healing hugs to anyone I have missed
Have a lovely day

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a really gorgeous Christmas card. I love your snow globe with big snowflake, blue background and faux snow. Also the beautiful flowers.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous Christmas card.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card today. Love the Christmas Roses. The colours are beautiful.

Barbara V

Tami Grant said...

A lovely card Sue. Thank you for showing another way to use this die, not just making a shaker card. Thanks for the opportunity to give this card a new home.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

A lovely Christmas card, I like the little touch of pink in the opposite corners!

June x

KarinsArtScrap said...

it's very lovely Sue
Gr Karin

nzillingworth said...


Barbara (C) said...

Such good use of the Globe Sue - think it would make something pretty with flowers too...BarbaraC

Fikreta said...

this is very pretty card!

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
So sad that there are not many more Christmas cards to come this year, how the time has flown ! This one is lovely, a snow globe style card that could be posted and those beautiful roses too.
It has been in the high 30 degrees C here in many parts of NSW today, not exactly Christmas shopping weather but I managed to get a bit done today, there is supposedly a cool change and some rain on the way thankfully. The poor parched garden could use it
Muriel x

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Sorry I'm late posting today only just got in from early this morning. Beautiful card anyone would be lucky to recieve!
Hugs x
Heather T

Debs cards said...

Afternoon Sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

barbara macaskill said...

So pretty! I love the hint of pink on the card and the snowflake inside the shaker is beautiful! Would love to be in the running for it! TFS!

Unknown said...

As usual so beautiful, love your idea's.

Be blessed, Sandra in Taos, NM

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I like this alternative snow globe card and I love the Christmas Rose dies, many have appeared on my cards this year mostly cut in vellum. I must say that your tip about sealing the shaker element with an additional piece of acetate is inspired and works so well. Why did no-one think of it before?


Deb E Isle of Wight said...

A nice wintery birthday card as much as a christmas card. Love your Rose dies but then all your florals are a must have.

Pussycats said...

Hello sue and all. Beautiful christmas card to day , love how you have created a different card from the snow globe and the finishing touches.
Well wishes all round and hugs. Wendy

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely to see a different use of the snow globe.
Rosemary xx

Pawprintx4 said...

Good morning,
I love the technique you use for your shaker cards. I used it on my shaker snow globe cards this year. I cut fun foam and then sealed the back as you showed. I had never even made a shaker card before and it was easy to follow. Thank you!
I love this card and it is always nice to have other ideas for using my dies. I think the "snow globe" can be used for other seasons...spring flowers or butterflies maybe.
I wish everyone a happy Wednesday,
Stephanie K

JennyP said...

Lovely card, like the snowflake JennyP

Jean said...

Simply stunning!

sandieann21 said...

Love the use of the globe in this

DeCor said...

Really clever card. Like how you did it.

ursula said...

A note to myself, get this snow globe die, even if it is for next year, kept meaning to do this.....A beautiful shaker card Sue....luv Ursula xx

Janet Wilson said...

Very pretty snowglobe.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful snow globe, anyone would love to receive it.
Carole eaton

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card.
Beverley W

Barbara said...

Lovely card Sue! I love shaker cards and this one ticks all the boxes.

Rosie said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card today. Do love the colour combination
Love Rosie from

liz spooner said...

Great Christmas card! Love the colours.xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue, Love the idea on today's card (of course I would make it as just a shaker card rather than a snow globe - not a fan of snow globes - sorry)


Unknown said...

Your snow globe is a real favourite!
Just my colours too.
Thanks Sue
You're a superstar!!
Big hug
Julie E

DeeDee7770 said...

I love your Snowglobe die set and the inserts....I hope you continue to add on to this set. Who doesn't love a Snowglobe??? Such a beautiful card Sue. The little touch of pink just brings it all together. So many little time left. Happy Christmas Sue and family. May your days be merry and bright!

Karene M from Australia said...

Hi Sue, this is a lovely way to use the snow globe, I'll have to try it!

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Very pretty card today x I like how you have used the snow globe this way x thankyou sue x
Sending hugs to all those who need one x
Theresa w xxx

Laura O said...

a beautiful card ,who ever wins this will be delighted ,Laura O

karenlotty said...

Lovely card I like this different shaker card

Wacki Macky said...

Such a beautiful card Sue, and another one to take into account for the last few Christmas cards!

Thank you for the inspiration.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous snow globe card they are so cute and lovely flowers.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Really lovely Christmas card and a different look to the snow globe which I really like. Love and hugs Alison xx

Maria said...

Evening Sue and everyone.
Love the snow globe shaker card you have made here, love to see more of them.

Sending many hugs to you all but special once to our poorly friends
on this blog and family and hope you getting better for every day.
NannaTina, so sorry to read your sad news, he is no longer in any pain.
You and the family are in my thoughts x Hope your friend is alright
Tracy- a sad day for you all, hope the day went ok x
Pam- glad to see you and everyone had a nice evening, perhaps introduce
your friend to card crafting now she is retiring. She would never be bored x
Like to thank some of you my friends for the lovely cards I have received,
it was fun to come back home and find them on the floor. Had a lovely meet up with family.
Hope our missing friends feel up to come back soon.
Maria x

Eunice said...

Absolutely love the Christmas rose die, a must have. Not really a snow globe person, but it is quite pretty.

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card again Sue.thank toy

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm very late but have had a busy , busy day! Today's card is lovely and actually appeals to me more than a " proper" shaker card as I'm not a big fan of those!
Tracy - I know I'm very late but I have been thinking of you today! What a day, what a week, what a year you hve had! Keep your chin up, my dear! Love x
I'm sorry but I haven't had time to read all the posts today!
Pam will keep me right in the morning, all being well!
Love to PP and Laine, I miss you! Xx
Love to all, Myra. Xx

Sandy H said...

Pretty card. Love the touch of pink. I don't have the Snow Globe but I'm hoping Santa is going to bring me the lovely Christmas Rose.
Take care everyone.

Sherry said...

very pretty! love it!

Narrowboat girl said...

Lovely card Sue. Don't own the snow globe die but am very tempted to buy it now

dmj said...

What a superb card, Sue, anyone would be very pleased to receive it!!

Doreen x

Mavis L said...

Hi Sue. What a delightful card. Love to own it. Mavis L x

Dawn Holben said...

This is another gorgeous christmas card, i do love the snowglobes die.
Your design of this is absolutely beautiful.
I think every house should have at least one snowglobe.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, what a fabulous Christmas card, the snowglobe die is brilliant, love the partial snowflake peeking out from the edge of the aperture. Bx

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

hi Sue,

Another stunning and beautiful card, blue and white go together well.

Love the globe. and it does show that you can use anything with the globe.

Good luck to the winner of the card.

Love n hugs
Dorothy of Baldock