Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hi bloggers!  Here is the last Christmas themed giveaway card of the year (it's about time, huh! LOL)  There are more Christmas cards to show you though so you aren't getting off the hook that easy!  Today's card was a demo from the Christmas shows that I did  back in July.  I started with the Poinsettia/Holly Gemini die (I used the Holly side for both ends) and cut both ends of a piece of Brunswick Green card.  While the die was still in place I inked through it to add the veins in the holly with Forest Moss Distress Ink.  Next I cut an aperture in the middle of the borders using the Filigree Poinsettia die.  After the aperture was cut,  I added 8mm white pearls to the berry parts of the border die cuts.  I added mounting foam to the back to raise it for dimension.  I cut the Holly Octagon die in white and inked through it lightly with Chic Moss Colour Cloud ink.  I centred the die behind the aperture and even though it wasn't designed to fit, it filled up the area and provided a nice edge detail to the aperture opening.  I added a longer piece of coconut white card behind the entire aperture and I added wide strips of self adhesive sticky sheets to the ends.  I peeled off the backing paper and glittered it with Diamond Sprinkles before adding the aperture over it. For the sentiment, I cut the Greetings of the Season die several times in white and once in black.  I stacked the white ones and offset the black one as a shadow and glued it into the centre of the Holly Octagon die cut.  I made three different sized poinsettias cut from Ruby card that was covered with sticky adhesive sheets.  Once cut, I peeled off the backing and coated them with Lava Red Polished silk glitter.  I seated the flowers on opposite sides of the sentiment and accented them with Pine Twigs.  The card was completed with white mats and a thin red mat.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  8 1/2" in size.  If you would like a chance to win this one, just leave a comment on this blog post.  The winner will be announced on Saturday's blog post.  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Karen Derbyshire said...

Lovely card Sue

Pam said...

Stunning card Sue, perfect for the Wednesday giveaway.
Dragon snap, I can't express how saddened I am for your poor sister. It is said the Lord doesn't send you more than you can bear but sometimes you have to wonder how much you can take. You must be so worried for her. Don't worry about Christmas, she must just want to let it pass her by this year. Love and hugs for you both.
Norah, good to see your post, you must try to slow down and not damage yourself.
Elaine, I hope Andrews scan went well. My thoughts are with Helen and her family at this very sad time.
Tina, happy to hear Peter is eating better, he will be looking forward to his Christmas meal.
NannaTina, gentle hugs for you.
I'm home and had a lovely visit, went to A Christmas Market and loved all if the Chtistmas lights and decorations. Thank you for all good wishes.
Daily hugs to all, especially our missing friends, I hope all is well.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, this a gorgeous card very traditional colours too love it.
Nancyd xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Lovely traditional coloured card, the gemini die is fabulous specially when inked through to show up the veins, I did that a lot this year. The poinsettias look fabulous all glittery too.
Muriel x

hollyberry said...

A very beautiful card.

Dragonsnap2 said...

Sue, I love this card. It's so bright and Christmasy. I've been very slow with my cards this Christmas but just have a couple left to do along with a birthday card by Friday.

Thanks to all for your good wishes for my sister and me. None of you feel like strangers to me as I read the blog every day but my sister has been overwhelmed by the thoughts and prayers from complete strangers. I was feeling particularly low yesterday as I'd slept even worse than normal but was greatly cheered by all your kind messages. We've had a dreadful year this year, losing many friends and family but I'm sure others have had worse and it's lovely to know you're all out there for us. On a lighter note I now have a very good range of sympathy cards!

Love and hugs to all who need them.

Happy crafting.

D xx

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning christmas card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I love this Gemini die the detail is gorgeous! The card is fabulous in the traditional colours of red and green although I love using various colours that are not traditional!
Hugs x
Heather T

Karen Drew said...

Love the traditional Christmas colours. Stunning
Karen xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. This really stood out in July and I loved it, one of the many things I love about your dies is the embossing, it really makes the die pop and draw you in to 'explore' all the design details, even down to the tiniest details of stitching on the New Arrival collection, and on this card, all the detail on the holly leaf is just beautiful Sue. I'm just hoping that the embossed detail is picked up on the mini die cutter I bought yesterday as it's such an important part of the die and gives a totally different look to the end result - nothing worse than a flat, un-interesting die on our work !
It will be sad when we've reached the end and all the 'orphans' have been shown, on the other hand, a new collection will be winging its way to us ready to bloom along with the Spring so it's not all doom and gloom lol. All I wish for is that 2017 brings a 'happier brighter' craft blog, with less illness and more positivity to lift everyone's spirit.
On that note, I'll send a bright and cheerful hug your way and hope you have a lovely day xxx said...

Morning Sue.
Wow this is a real beauty.
Thank you.
To All Wilsonettes, I do not have time to read all the blogs only the early ones.
We all have our troubles, I wish you all the very best there can be and take care. Have a very happy Christmas and have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Great card for the giveaway, Sue, really liked that Gemini set when it was released but still don't have it. Nice that we still have some more C cards to come.
Pam - glad you enjoyed your break, Christmas market sounds fab.
Fluffycat - it was written in the stars! So pleased - wishing you a happy life together. Our Pippin and Tacker were 'done' yesterday, no ill effects and came back ravenously hungry. Hope your husband is doing well?
Norah, nice to see you back. Now where are Wheely, PP and Laine??
Special thoughts for Nanna Tina, and all going through a tough time.

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, lovely traditional Christmas Card this morning.very pretty.

Barbara V

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
This card is Christmas!!! Holly and poinsettia. Love the highlights on the holly leaves.
This also looks stunning in all white with the edges of the holly just tinged in green and the poinsettia leaves just the edges in red.
Pam - glad you enjoyed your Market break - not like poor Berlin - scum to do that at this time of year. You deserve all the good wishes, as you give plenty out.
June Smith - wonder if your goodie bag arrives before Christmas 🎄. Keep mobile!!!!!
Nanna Tina , Dragonsnap, and Elaine all of you as well as I will be glad to see the end of this year after all the pain and suffering.
Peter is slowly eating a bit more, his nurse arrived at 5pm last night so got his dressing changed but will have to come back on Friday to do his bloods. This was a new nurse and had got lost a few times.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful traditional Christmas card.
Jan x

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous holiday card! I love the poinsettias and the holly!

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, another great Christmas card for us today and I am so glad that there are still more to see. I really don't know how you can part with some of your cards as they are so nice.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, a very traditional card for the giveaway, it is gorgeous. Have a great day. Bx

auscrafts said...

stunning card ,with very traditional colours

Netty The Runner said...

Lovely card, using traditional colours.
Annette x

Marion Scott said...

Stunning card Sue, very traditional, I love poinsettias and holly.
Marion S x

sandieann21 said...

Love this idea and have all the required dies to attempt to reproduce. x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A lovely traditional style card. Love all the sparkle! Thanks for sharing.
Have a great, shortest!!! day everyone.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card for the Wednesday Giveaway, someone will be very lucky! X

Debra K. said...

Gorgeous giveaway card! Such a wonderful card design.

Dragonsnap I'm so glad everyone's messages helped your sister to know people are thinking of her in her time of need. I hope you know the same sentiments are expressed for you too. Take care. Debra x

PharmacyMichele said...

Stunning card-one for someone to treasure.


Chris Curry said...

Very Christmassy Sue, lovely. I love the glitter. Thank you. Xx

JAO said...

Great card Sue.

lilian said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, just says Christmas.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Teresa c said...

Loverly card Sue Christmas spirit and a happy Christmas to you and your family xx🌲🌲🌲🌲

NannaShaz said...

Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
what a gorgeous traditional Christmas card love it, its definitively Christmas and sparkle to
I love the Poinsettia and holly love how there highlighted too.

Just a quick note this morning as have woke up with a really bad headache so a quick pop on and then off to try get rid of it.
Sending all my love and healing hugs to Dragonsnap Elaine June Nanna Tina Pam and all today that need it
Love to all
Sharon xxx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Lovely card Sue.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW This card is right up my street, it has that traditional feel to it with its beautiful colours. The sparkle is just right and using a little bit of ink for the veins finishes it off beautifully. So pleased we will still get to see some more of your gorgeous christmas cards. Good luck to everyone for the draw.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

karenlotty said...

A beautiful card in lovely traditional Christmas colours

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful Christmas card, very traditional.
B xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, I'll be sad when it's the end of this year's batch of inspirations.
Pam, pleased you enjoyed your Christmas market. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Carolyn B said...

I love this card, you can't go wrong with holly!
Your recent tv shows were great as usual.
Happy Christmas.
Carolyn B

Unknown said...

Morning Sue love this card love the holly and the poinsettas a lovely Christmassy card
Catherine hugs

foxyg said...

Beautiful card Sue. Lovely colours.

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Lovely Christmas card ,good luck to all .

Sharon, i do hope you get rid of that beastly Headache and soon .

Pam, it is years since i went to a Christmas Market ,just the thing to get you into the spirit of Christmas.

Dragonsnap , sending hugs to you and your sister .xx

Tina T , you hit the nail on the head there , we will all be glad when this year is finally over , so pleased Peter is eating a little more.x

Andrew had his scan last night , he may get the results the second week of the new year hopefully. Helen is putting a brave face on things and doing quite well under the circumstances .
Sending hugs to all
Take care
Elaine H X

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card & I love your poinsettias. Yvonne xx

Scottydog said...

Love this die, have enjoyed playing with it this year & while I have mainly used this part of it next year I intend using the poinsettia part more next year. Just so many options! As always with your dies Sue, just so versatile! Thank you so much for all your inspiration. Lovely card for the giveaway.

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

A lovely traditional style card with the holly, poinsettias and pine twigs - I have this Gemini die and loved using it, it cuts beautifully and looks good in any colour.

I've been looking forward to the shortest day because from now on we're climbing out of this pit of darkness and back into the light - roll on summer 2017!


Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,lovely traditional card this morning .Very Christmassy . Thank you for sharing your ideas with us. Gloria (Sidcup) xx

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew
What a lovely Christmas card this morning I for one am not fed up with your Xmas cards keep em coming
My heart goes out to all wilsonetts that are suffering loss amd also to those poor people in Germany will this madness ever stop ?
I know some people will just want Christmas to be over but I wish you all well
Keep up the good work June
Pam the Christmas market sounded brill
Thoughts and prayers for those going through hard times
Hugs to all
Theresa G xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A beautiful Christmas card in such lovely colours.
Someone is going to be very lucky to receive this Traditional Christmas card from Sue!
Lesley S x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Love traditional cards so this is just right for me.
A beautiful giveaway

Anne said...

What a gorgeous card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Rosie said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous traditional card you have for us today. I just love this mix of colours, just perfect for the festive season. A lovely give away.
Love Rosie from Chorley....xxxx

Jane Franklin said...

I think this is a great card and so chrismassy. I have this die and its so detailed and even more so if you remember to emboss it too! A lesson learnt. Best wishes to all, luv jxxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, those gemini dies are so pretty and your card is stunning. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

d from kettering said...

What a stunner! must have missed this show, as I can't remember seeing it!!

Doreen x

June Horrocks said...

Such a beauty this one sue all about Christmas I'm going to miss them you have given us so much thank you
Love June horrocks xxxxxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A lovely card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

SassySaz said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card - thanks for the inspiration. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year xx

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue,

This card is all about Christmas, I love it. Good luck everyone for the draw.

I am so heartened this morning to read your post Dragonsnap2. Sue's blog is full of wonderful ladies who support each other through all our ills and joys, and who have the knack of reaching out to others with no other thoughts than to offer a comforting shoulder to lean on. May your sister and yourself be supported by all these shoulders for as long as you need them. I've said a little prayer for you both.

Gurt big, comfort blanket squashy ((((((HUGS)))))) to all in pain and discomfort.

Love 7 hugs
Cheryl xxx

BenteS said...

Love the colours you have used :))

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes wow this is gorgeous I remember you doing this and thought how lovely it was and ordered the dies there and then so pleased I did. Someone is going to have a lovely surprise, good luck everyone.

Dragon snap, I am so very sorry to hear about your sister and all her sorrow this past year, it is true what Pam said...the Lord doesn't send you more than you can bear. We all have to respect other's wishes no matter how hard they are.

Nice to hear from you again Norah, but take it easy.

Elaine, how did Andrews scan go? Thinking of Helen and her family at this very sad time.

Tina, hope Peter is looking forward to eating his Christmas meal.

NannaTina, gentle hugs for you.

Pam you trip sounds wonderful I have never been to a Christmas market, perhaps one day.

Our middle son is down from Birmingham for 2 days with his family, our granddaughter is 4 and is so excited about Christmas but oh boy she is so full of energy lovely to see but exhausting.

Stay safe, healthy and happy hugs June Smith xxx

Suemac said...

Beautiful Christmas card

Beryl said...

Lovely card Sue.

Jackie T said...

Oh wow Sue this is a stunning Christmas card. It would be so lovely to give it a new home. Have a wonderful day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Sue MacFall said...

Lovely, traditional card and colourway - thank you Sue for offering it to us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - this card uses all the dies I love and the poinsettias are stunning. Who wouldn't love to have this one on their mantlepiece this Chistmas! Sending best wishes

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. I love this die, I used it for my cards this year. SueL x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Very very lovely! I am getting in the festive spirit at long last!

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

It's lovely to see a 'traditional' style Christmas card like this one, it's beautiful. I think anyone of your followers would not object to seeing the remainder of your Christmas cards!

June x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, I have this die, your card looks lovely . love Jean Z xxxx

Craft Cornucopia said...

The holly gemini and octagon dies have been so versatile and this is a beautiful card, Sue.

Merry Christmas everyone

Diane x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, very pretty traditional card today, it is beautiful. I would love to give it a home.

Love Rosemarie xx

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,

that´s a beautiful christmas card as all of your christmas cards are.
I wish you, your family and all blog readers
a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR (2017 can only get better for me)

Rolf xxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, a very traditional Christmas card, it is lovely, a nice one to win.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I love the colours you have used
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xx

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Sue, gorgeous.
VC x

Karen M said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card,really Christmasy & festive
Best wishes
Karen M

Anonymous said...

Stunning card, love the colours.
I will never get fed up of seeing Christmas cards.

Good luck everyone.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
And I only have one more Xmas card to do - YIPPEE...... Really want to get on with some others now and play with all the new dies.
This card is lovely, as is the Gemini die and you've used it so cleverly.
I'm looking forward to seeing your others, as I never tire of seeing Christmas cards.
Hugs, Rose

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
Just a quick post today as I seem to be running out of hours in the day. Love this card very traditional. Hugs to everyone.

Paula said...

This is a beautiful card today Sue! It's so unusual so it catches the eye for two reasons. :)
Hugs to all in need today,
Paula x

TDQ Karen said...

Stunning card, I do love traditional green and red and I love these Gemini dies xx

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
This card is so festive and cheerful, it's gorgeous.
Love to all who are troubled, poorly, fighting illness and those who have been bereaved.
Maureen xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful bright and cheerful Christmas card lovely

I may not be able to post from today as we are travelling to family for Christmas

I will try tho.......

Sue I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2017

To all the blog friends I wish you all Merry Christmas and a very

Happy New Year 2017

Luv n Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
Well I For One Have Loved Each And Every Christmas Card You Have Produced On Your Terrific Blog,
I Like All The Others Would Love To Win This Superb Christmas Card So Good Luck To The Winner Of Today's
Outstanding Gift.
I'm Lucky To Have The Dies In Which You've Used Today, The Beautiful Poinsettia/Holly Gemini Die, I Love How You
Added Ink To The Veins Within The Leaves Of The Die, The Stunning Poinsettia Die For Your Very Outstanding Aperture
Adding The Vibrant Diamond Sprinkles, I Just Love The Magnificent Poinsettia's Extremely Beautiful .
Your Card Today Is Extremely Exquisite, Rich, And Outstanding And Shouts "Hello Christmas...."
Sue Thank You So Very Very Much For The Inspiration You've Given To Me, I Could Never Be Like Yourself But At Least
With The Help Of Your Tips And Technique's I've Used On Making My Christmas Cards And Luckily Had Some Good Reaction From People, I've Sent Them Too..
Take Great Care Sue Thank You Once Again..
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 To Yourself Sue
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous Christmas card.

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
A beautiful Christmas card and I have these Dies and have used them a lot this year!
My grand daughter passed her driving test yesterday - first time too! Been making a card for that after I'd put card making things away for Christmas! It doesn't seem five minutes since she was born!! When we start saying things like that we are getting old methinks!
Pam so pleased you enjoyed your Christmas Market trip . They are fun and do get you in the Christmas spirit! However not if you you were one of the poor souls who went to the one in Berlin! Such needless grief and sadness !! Man's inhumanity to man.
Thinking of all going through troubled times! Praying things will get better .
Dragonsnap - so thrilled our thoughts have helped! Take care!
Love to all, Myra xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous Christmas card. A traditional and festive card perfect to send this time of year.

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What a pretty card for the giveaway this week. I never tire of your Christmas cards, so no complaints from me lol. The poinsetias are so cute with their little sparkles.
I'm in a huggy mood today so am sending them out to everyone hoping that you are all having a good Wednesday so far. I was due for a double appointment with my doctor this afternoon but, bless her heart, she's sick! I'm now off the hook until January 4th and am wondering if the things I want to see her about will have all gone by then. I've got a list for her lol...that's probably why she called in sick haha.
Happy crafting everyone.
Bejay xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I bought this die as soon as I saw the launch and used it a lot this year on my Christmas cards and was very pleased with the results. I wonder what you will come up with again next year!


Suebak said...

A little cracker - perfect!

Susan x

Disco Queen said...

Wow! Stunning card Sue. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a Christmas Card handmade by you. It would take pride of place on my mantlepiece & then on my wall of inspiration. Fingers Crossed. Hugs, Theresa x

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card, I love the Poinsetias
Margaret xx

Cathie said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Love all the detail and the way you used the silk polish in the pointsettia. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue. Stunning card. May l wish you a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thank you for all the inspiration all year. Looking forward to your master pieces next year. Big hugs. Jan.x

ursula said...

Another beautiful Christmas card, an idea to put in my file, as hopefully mine are all done for this year, what a mammoth task...but your inspiration has been endless, thank you from the bottom of my heart....I too look forward to what you show us next year.....luv Ursula xx

Littlelamb said...

Lovely Christmas card Sue. I don't have these dies. Perhaps I should get them for next years cards. Thank you for sharing this. My thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering at the moment.

Katie-Louise sweetlove said...

Dear Sue
I adore this card I must have missed that Holly /poinsettia border die somehow it's fantastic. I love this card it really shows how beautiful christmas cards can be. I adore all your Christmas cards you always come up with wonderful creative creations that amaze me.
I hope you have your family around you this Christmas and it isn't too sad for you. My thoughts are with you Sue.
Love and hugs from Katie-Louise sweetlove

Agnes (Scotland) said...

hi Sue,
The perfect Christmas card, would be hard pushed to decide on which one is best but this one is perfect,

NurseRatchett25 said...

This is one of the prettiest, traditional Christmas cards I have ever seen. I love the Gemini dies and the poinsettas. You always amaze. Happy holidays to one and all.

barbara macaskill said...

WOW! Stunning! This is one that I would love to have! I love the traditional feel of it and the colors are lovely!! TFS! Merry Christmas to all the Wilsonettes! May your Holiday season be filled with love, laughter and maybe even a few minutes of world peace! We have to start somewhere so a few minutes at a time sounds like a good place to begin!

shabbycraftcabin said...

Absolutely beautiful.. Love the traditional colours for a change. Hugs, Ivy x

Pawprintx4 said...

Another beautiful Christmas card! I love Christmas cards the most and look forward to making them and sending them out each year. This is another die I would like to own.
I am fairly new on the blog but have really enjoyed all the inspiration and being a part of this caring group.
Christmas is such a happy time of the year and unfortunately we have seen a lot of tragedies lately. Barbara, a few minutes of world peace would be wonderful.
Everyone, have a Merry Christmas!
Stephanie K

Julia Garland said...

Beautiful! Such a creative way to use these dies. Love this card. Julia Garland

Anonymous said...

Sue and followers, Merry Christmas to you all. It truly is this year. If you've been praying for Emily, I have good news. She will take her last dose of steroids on Sunday which will cut her meds in half. Then hopefully in two to three months she will get to be in the same house with her extended family. As of now, they've only stood outside and talked through the door. No hugs and kisses, just talk through the door. The grandparents are going crazy. But we'll take that because she is still with us and getting better every day. Praise God. Thank you, Sue followers, for your prayers. Thank you, Sue, For allowing me to ask for prayer, and for the card you sent specifically for Emily. It is on display in her room. We have a future cardmaker for sure. She just has to get well. Leukemia is bad enough, but to watch a child go through it has been such an eye opener. Again, Merry Christmas. Myra from Florida

Mavis L said...

Hi Sue. Wow what a stunning card. I would be delighted to own.
Mavis L x

gailgale said...

I think Sue this is my favorite out of all the ones made this year.


Thank you Sue for all your wonderful dies you have given to us this year. What a fun die year it has been.


Suzzette Yandle said...

Fantastic Christmas card. I really like using the Silk glitter.

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

What a beautiful card. Love all the cards that you do. What inspirations you give us all.

Love n hugs
Dorothy of Baldock.

P Austen said...

I agree with everyone Sue;this is a really beautiful card and if I get the poinsettia border die after Christmas, I may use this idea for my cards next year. You truly are inspirational. Hugs xxx P Austen

gwen70 said...

Such a beautiful card Sue, love this die

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful traditional Christmas card, I do love that sentiment die maybe for next years cards

Myra congratulations to your grand daughter and as you're getting so old she'll be able to drive you about!!
Myra from Florida it's lovely to hear Emily is doing well and hopefully she'll be home with her family very soon

Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone

lritchie said...

Lovely card Sue, I'd be honored to give this card to someone next year

Lori from Canada

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous, traditional Christmas card, love it. Has quite a vintage feel to it I think.
Dragonsnap- my thoughts and prayers are with your sister , such a lot to bear.
Love and hugs to all, Alison xxW13796927

Judy Hollers said...

This card is begging to come to North Carolina! The card says "Christmas" at first glance. I would love to be the recipient of such a beautiful, elegant card. Thank you, Sue, for sharing this fantastic card. Merry Christmas Hugs, Judy Hollers

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Stunning card today, love it :-) Hugs to all xxx

Janet Wilson said...

Gorgeous card in traditional colours, love it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue
A simply stunning card! I think this one is my favourite..... I love it!
Love Michelle xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow Sue that is beautiful, I wish it could be Christmas everday !! I have loved seeing your daily festive inspiration,
it has made my endeavours hugely enjoyable. Merry Christmas from Anne from Calne.

Nanny Jo said...

A beautifully traditional card for the last Christmas 'show and tell'.... :) It's strange but, now it's too late to send any more cards, I have all these great ideas buzzing around in my head! Maybe I should start on next year's!!! No,no, no, no!!!! Have a wonderful Christmas, Sue and all the Wilsonettes. Jo xxx

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue!

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely traditional feel to this card.
Rosemary xx

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is another beautiful christmas card, i love those edges
and the whole design and layout making it one perfect christmas card.

Jane McDonald said...

Hi Sue Totally stunning card as always! You always make it look so easy...:) I am still trying to get my piercing to match on all sides
Wishing you and your loved ones a Blessed Christmas
Jane xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card in traditional red and green but when it is given the Sue Wilson treatment it becomes something very special. Love it.

Myra in Florida - I'm glad that Emily is so near the end of her treatment, I bet you can't wait to have cuddles.

'P' - glad Pippin and Tacker have had no after effects. My poor Pippin may suffer a little more being that much older (he's now approx. 20 months) but fingers crossed for him.


liz spooner said...

Love this Gemini die. want to get it.xx

Sherry said...

beautiful!! love the die cuts and the pop or red!

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue x xhazel

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

Oh what a disappointment, no more festive themed cards for the weekly giveaway:-( Well, at least i can console myself with the fact that you still have some more up your glittered sleeve before the season ends. This particular example is exquisite, i love the colour combo its very classic with just enough glitter to satisfy even the more obsessed amongst us. The Holly border is lovely, especially with the light inking that emphasises the gorgeous embossing. The poinsettias are my absolute favourite and glittering them with that gorgeous red has really enhanced their beauty. Love, love, love this card, its one of the highlights of your festive themed makes this year so whoever wins it will have a super impressive focal point to their mantelpiece:-)
Well hello lovely ladies! Have you missed me?What do you mean that you never even noticed i'd gone?:-)
Never mind, i sure missed you guys....i did pop by for a quick peep at Sues creations but couldn't keep track of all your daily news i'm afraid.
I bet you're all assuming that i had either won the lottery, been whisked away by my ageing multi billionaire or been imprisoned for offences related to the procurement of Sues latest die collection....yes, i am still being starved of dies until January at the earliest:-(.....but no, my reasons are rather more mundane i'm afraid. Initially i was kept busy caring for my Mum who had a rather nasty chest infection that floored her for a week, then i myself had a series of seizures followed by repeated migraines that meant any online activity was limited....i know many of our ladies can relate to this, i find the stress of Christmas approaching triggers the condition for me which is rather unfortunate considering the amount of added housework, cardmaking, shopping etc that comes hand in hand with this time of year.
Thankfully i managed to finish practically all my cards in time, the presents are now bought...even if they are still unwrapped....and we had a tense expedition to M&S this afternoon to get the rest of our food shopping, we did it with military precision, with a list...Not!...and a budget...You must be joking!....and managed to survive the incident with our bank balance still in the black:-)
I feel that i have missed so, so much in my absence, there's not enough space to express my feelings about everyone's news but i will try to condense my thoughts for you all,
Tina, I am so sorry to hear of Micks passing, this will be a particularly sad festive season for you but i hope that you can find the strength to cope with your loss and to celebrate the time that you and Mick had togetherxxxx
Dragonsnap, my sympathies to you and your sister, it has been a horrendous year for you and i hope that some light returns to your lives soonxxx
June, hope you are well.
Pam, i'd love to visit a Christmas Market, they are magical, hope you enjoyed the break.
Myra&Maureen, have you both been behaving in my absence?
P, poor little Tacker and Pippin, at least they have a solidarity of sorts with their loss:-) Any news on new homes for them or have they won your heart?
Frances, i am so happy to hear that Pippin has joined your household, good news for your girls that he's finally getting the snip though because we wouldn't want any unwelcome advances:-) I hope he doesn't suffer physically or emotionally from his loss though......xxxx
I am due to speak with Yvonne tomorrow, i realise that she has been AWOL also lately but she will no doubt fill me in on any juicy tidbits or adequate reasons for her absence, i will fill you all in in due course but hopefully she will be well enough to return herself sooner rather than later.
As I wouldn't want to send any of you into a boredom induced coma i will say goodnight and god bless. Special hugs to all my besties who i have missed dreadfully, hope you are all well and enjoying the seasonxxxx Sorry i havent used names, running out of characters allowed.


Anonymous said...

I do love this card, so glad its got its day on your blog, I have searched for it before, but saw you demo it on telly.
Christmas to a "t" just sums it up for me, right colours and very festive.

Anonymous said...

I do love this card, so glad its got its day on your blog, I have searched for it before, but saw you demo it on telly.
Christmas to a "t" just sums it up for me, right colours and very festive.
Carole eaton

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue gorgeous card a lovely Wednesday give away for one lucky lady.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Dragon snap your sister is in my thoughts & prayers what a horrendous time she has been through sending her some (((((( Hug's))))))

Hug's for all my friends & everyone xx

nzillingworth said...


Barbara (C) said...

Holly and Gemini Die make a great traditional style card. A lovely card one Blog follower indeed. BarbaraC

Wacki Macky said...

Great card Sue, it will be useful for next year now as I've finished my last hand made card tonight for this year.

Thank you for the inspiration..

Lynne L said...

Hi Sue This card is gorgeous I have the poinsettia Gemini die & I have been so delighted with the cards I've made with it Thank you Sue for all your wonderful Christmas cards you have posted they have been real inspiration One of my friends I send special cards to told me today that she keeps them all she just can't bear to throw them away how lovely to know my little effort is appreciated! So I want to tell you that I really appreciate all your effort Sue you give us all so much inspiration & pleasure every day
Thinking of all who are suffering pain or loss especially Tina, Elaine & family Dragonsnap2 &family

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunner today. Love this Die and it's on my Christmas wish list. Mind you I'm not to sure if I'll get it as my list was quite long.

Betty McAlister said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I have these dies and have made a similar card, following your inspiration many months ago. The holly Gemini die
Makes a beautful card, especially when embossed too, and red poinsettIas always add that finishing touch.
Thank you for all your hard work inspiring us crafters. Xx

Romayne said...

Oooh - I SO love that holly die and smart doing both ends of the card as it really shows it off wonderfully.

Brilliant card Sue.

Eunice said...

Love this card!!!!

DeCor said...

What a gorgeous card today Sue. Love the striking Christmas colours. Must have missed this Gemini die. It's really lovely.

DeCor said...

What a gorgeous card today Sue. Love the striking Christmas colours. Must have missed this Gemini die. It's really lovely.

Jennyaw said...

I really love that card. It has given me inspiration on how to use those dies (I have them), as I sometimes have inspiration block lol. Thank you for posting the card.

Pussycats said...

Hello sue and all. stunning card this morning , love the colours on this card. Your cards always blow me away. Hugs and well wishes all round. Wendy

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Again this one is very original but just love it for that....

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful card I have a card to make today and this is going to be it xx thankyou for the inspiration hope you and your family and all your team have a wonderful christmas and a vwry happy new year love from yvonne bennett xxx

Di said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful Christmas card, the colours dies, etc all make is truly Christmassy. Love it. and you and yours have a truly wonderful Christmas.
Di B