Monday, 26 December 2016

The Last Of The Christmas Cards

Happy Boxing Day!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends!  Yes this is, I promise, the very last day of Christmas cards for 2016!  Can you believe how many cards I had left over??   I will let you have a final look at them and then we will not bring up the "C" word for many months, I promise! LOL  I would love to know if you have seen any that particularly tickle your fancy and may want to use in 2017?  If there is anything that you haven't seen and would like to for next year, drop me an email and let me know too!  I hope you enjoy this last look at all of the remaining cards!  All for now, Sue x

                                                          Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Absolutely amazing Sue, love these cards. Of all the cards shown over the 3 days I am still unable to choose a favourite, they are all gorgeous.
Happy Boxing Day to everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmax Day. I had lunch with my daughter Lesley, s-I-l Gary and grandchildren Luke and Rachael , after having breakfast with Kelly and Twins Jack and Ryan. It was a lovely day and I was thoroughly spoiled.. No crafting pressures though, my girls think I have far too much stash, possibly they are right there.
I had a call from my brother George, Robbie is doing well and planning a spring trip to the Grand Canyon with his friends, there is no stopping that remarkable young man.
NannaTina, Helen, Dragonsnap, Tracey and Yvonne, you were in my thoughts, I know how hard Christmas Day would have been for you all.
Biggest best hugs to all on the blog.

TDQ Karen said...

I love the simplicity of the cards made with the snowflake and the star dies, they are all different but have similar clean looks x

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue, what another wonderful array of cards.
Happy Boxing Day everyone.
Love Val in Spain xxx

Dragonsnap2 said...

Sue how can we possibly choose a favourite when all your cards are so beautiful and so different?
I was very busy yesterday as my daughter, sil and 2 young children spent the day with my son, hubby and me. Children are 2 and 4 so a lovely age. Today have 11 for lunch so won't have time to brood. I was very lucky and had the Pacific Ocean dies bought me along with some other stash so can't wait to try them all.
Thanks for all good wishes. I hope everyone had the best day possible yesterday. Hugs to all.
D xx

hollyberry said...

Another amazing selection of cards today. I too like the simplicity of the card with the 3d star on it.

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. Hope you had a lovely restful day yesterday. We are beig battered by storm Connor and not getting much sleep but this is such a cute 1818 chapel/old school house its worth being woken up in the early hours.
Talking of beauty today's blog is chocka block of beautiful samples and personally I'd love to see each and every sample have their own day here next year. Wishing you a good Boxing day, and here comes a hug to help you on your way xxx said...

Morning Sue.
I hope you had a great day yesterday so sorry I did not comment where did the day go?.
I did get some lovely dies.
Sue all the cards are beautiful I love the village scenes, these can be done for summer as well.
Take care all and have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful cards again. I love mistletoe maybe that could be a feature in a die or two next year. I produce smaller cards so appreciate dies that have smaller elements not to say your others aren't useful to me.
Heather R Oxfordshire

JAO said...

Wonderful cards Sue.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, Happy Boxing Day hope you had a great Christmas with your family.
More fantastic Christmas cards they are all beautiful but I do like the snowglobe one.
Nancyd xx

Karen Derbyshire said...

A lovely assortment of cards Sue-impossible to pick a favourite.

A Happercrafter6 said...

Too many lovely cards to choose a favourite Sue. But I like simple designs. Thanks for all the inspiration.

Debra K. said...

Happy Boxing Day Everyone! The fifth and the last one are my favourite today. Debra x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Another wonderful collection of cards, still couldn't possibly choose a favourite though. Have especially liked the snow globes and the holly frame cards this year, but would love to see some DL and A6 sized dies next year.
Pam, sounds like a hectic day yesterday! Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Again a great selection of cards, Sue - particularly like 2 and 3 (stars) and the gold/black angel striplet. Sorry it's the 'end of the show' but it's been a great run - thank you.
Wheely - so nice to see your comment, hugs for you and Billy. Wishing you better times.
Fluffycat - glad P-J okay, hope he stuck around for Christmas lunch!
Take care, all, especially Marianna in the Faroes.

'P' in Wales

Denise Bryant said...

Awesome details on each one!

Jane Franklin said...

What a great boxing day bonus, all these beautiful cards and I love the snow globe ones especially but can't pick a favourite. They all are!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas day and best wishes to all. luv jxxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Happy Boxing Day to you and everyone. Sorry i didnt get to post yesterday but as soon as my eyes were open i never seemed to stop, its just one of them days where you are on the go all day them its time for bed lol. I hope you had a lovely day with your family. Well on to todays cards, they are all gorgeous and i couldnt pick a favourite but i have loved seeing the snowglobe and the giftcard stocking cards. Hope everyone has a lovely Boxing Day.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

auscrafts said...

Love the third one down ,I find I am now making more of these simpler style of cards the die cut words on this card ,just hope I can find somewhere with it in stock so I can buy it for next year

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Hope you had a wonderful day.I still love all the cards using the star die.
Best wishes to everyone.
Jan x

Chris Curry said...

Such a great variety of style Sue, all gorgeous. Hope you had a good Christmas and we are all looking forward to your inspiration in the new year. Thank you for this year of beautiful, inspirational cards. Xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Another gorgeous selection

PharmacyMichele said...

More gorgeous Christmas cards-all stunning.


NannaShaz said...

Happy Boxing day Sue, and all the Wilsonettes, Wow another gorgeous lot of beautiful cards I couldnt choose any one card as there all stunning, hope you had a lovely peaceful Christmas day.

Just a short message wishing everyone a peaceful Boxing and thinking of all that are suffering and struggling this time of year love and healing hugs to you all

Lots of love to all on the blog and have a lovely Boxing day
Sharon xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, more beautiful cards again today. Cannot pick a favourite. Wish I had all the dies to make them all.

Barbara V

Karen Drew said...

Happy Boxing Day. Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday.
So many beautiful cards again today. I do love the ones with the snowglobes.
Karen xx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
What a wonderful 3 days it had been, inspiration that will make designing our 2017 cards so much easier, thank you! I hope you have a lovely, restful and relaxing Boxing day.x

Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. More WOWs from me, a beautiful collection of cards, each one is just stunning. I am stuck gain which one I like best. Hope everyone had a lovely day yesterday and has a great day to day. Hugs and well wishes to all. Wendy

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
Happy Boxing Day! Another great selection of cards. I love the angel striplet cards best.
I was very fortunate, my family gave me a selection of your dies and embossing folders and I can't wait to get creating. We played some great games yesterday and there was much hilarity.
B xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous and stunning christmas cards Sue. great designs and layouts.
Gr Karin

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue all the cards are gorgeous it is impossible to choose a favourite they are all so lovely. Have a wonderful day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Tina T said...

Mornings Sue and crafters all,
Happy Boxing Day.
Sue how do you choose or pick a favourite out of this collection, love snow globes and village scenes and snowflakes.
Pam sounds as though you had a very hectic day with your family. - That's Christmas!!!
I had a very busy day - Peter's cousin and partner were coming for lunch and as they do not drive, I had them to pick up and take home via her daughters to see her granddaughter. Boy was I tired. Opened pressies at 8pm , got some lovely and unusual gifts. My first drink was a small bottle of prosecco and fresh orange at 9pm and was in bed by 10.
Woke up at 7 am, needing painkillers as legs and knees really aching.
Peter did not eat much but enjoyed his cheesecake and double cream that I had made also a small piece of chocolate cake filled with whipped double cream filling and Cadbury chocolate melted on the top.
To all the Wilsonettes and bloggers have a fantastic day, all those who need a hug love you all.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxxx

Sue MacFall said...

What a lovely selection of cards - some simple and some ornate - great inspiration for next year !!!!

hazel young said...

Gorgeous cards Sue. Hope you had a lovely Christmas x xhazel

Rose in Chester said...

Happy Boxing day Sue and all Wilsonettes,
I haven't got any favourite of todays marvellous selection, they are all beautiful and inspiring. I shall look at them again and again as I continue to make Xmas cards until Feb or so. Just to get a bit of a start for Xmas 2017.......... LOL............ I'll still be panicking then as I have done this year, but I suppose that's part of Xmas.....
Hugs, Rose

hettygarlick said...

Those are beautiful Sue. The trouble is, by the time I start my 2017 Christmas cards I'll have forgotten what all your cards were like! I'll have to trawl through your blog to find them all again and remind myself.

Anne said...

Another amazing collection, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Hope you had a nice day with the family!
I can't choose today if I do it will be leaving out another one!
Love to everyone today
Love Marg

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - thank you for showing even more beautiful Christmas cards. There are so many favourites and it's so difficult to pick out one particular one, but I absolutely loved the Peace card in ruby red with texture paste and white poinsettias as I don't usually 'do' red but this card really took my eye. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day and continue to enjoy the festive season. Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hi Sue lovely cards again todayi wish i had all yhose dies .hope you has a nice day .
Catherine xxx

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

How sad that this is the last day for your Christmas card showcase, I've loved so many of them but my favourites from the last 3 days were all the black/gold samples, just love the drama of the colour combination, especially when enhanced with glitter!...

...and you're probably already working on the Christmas '17 collection, right?


d from kettering said...

Great!! Another selection of gorgeous cards, choose a favourite??? All of them!!

Happy Boxing Day to you all,

Doreen x

Unknown said...

HBD Sue! All your cards are lovely as always. Off to rustle up something with the turkey leftovers.

Unknown said...

HBD Sue! All your cards are lovely as always. Off to rustle up something with the turkey leftovers.

Karen M said...

Hi Sue
Happy Boxing Day,
All your cards are brilliant Sue,can't choose a favourite,
but my favourite die is your Angel for this year,
Best wishes for everyone
Karen M

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning cards, to hard to choose a favourite. Yvonne xx

SHARICA said...

Hi sue xx fab cards .. love the snowglobe xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue and happy Boxing Day hope you had a wonderful Christmas
These cards are all wonderful

Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xx

Beryl said...

Lovely cards Sue.

Rosemary Stickland said...

Beautiful cards.
Rosemary xx

Scottydog said...

Hi Sue, again we are being spoilt with another beautiful array of cards.. they are all lovely but I particularly like the simplicity of some of the star dies for batch cards, however my personal favourite would have to be the angel striplets &. Gold flakes! Thank you, will be sad not to see any Christmas cards for awhile, but look forward to more inspiration with your other dies, some of which I was lucky to receive for Christmas.
Hope you had a relaxing? Day yesterday.

craftynanna said...

Beautiful cards Sue it's hard to pick a favourite but the angel is my all-time favourite, I bought lots of your Christmas dies and didn't use half of them so I will be starting early next year with the C cards LOL, hugs to all Johanna

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh wow Sue these are so gorgeous, how am I going to choose one, well I can't, but I want to try and make everyone of these, not sure if I have all the dies though, but I will try.

Had a wonderful Christmas day, saw our granddaughter who is 4 on Skype, all dressed up in her 'frozen' outfit complete with fake plates, she looks really good. Then went to our sons for Christmas dinner, wow it was amazing, talk about stuffed, (no I am not talking about the turkey either haha). Lots of laughter and talking, reminiscing - it was a brilliant day.

Wishing everyone a happy boxing day.

Pam a special hugs for Robbie, what an amazing man he has turned out to be.

To everyone who is suffering I which you a joyful day, those that have lost a loved one, I wish you peace.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Nannieflash said...

Good morning Sweet Sue, i sincerely hope you had a fabulous Christmas and at least had a bit of family time time and relax.
Another set of not only beautiful but stunning cards, enjoy yourself today. And thank you hugs Shirleyxxxxx

BenteS said...

I am stunned by all the beautiful Christmas cards you have created, Sue!
You have done an amazing job :))
Looking forward to your new projects!

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Another lovely selection and am particularly drawn to the simple red and white Merry Christmas card. The simplicity adds a certain elegance.

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. Another stunning selection of cards again today. It is amazing how different they all are. As well as the cards with the snowflakes I like the ones using the star die. This is another one which seems to have passed me by and hopefully I will be able to pick it up in one of the sales!!!


nattyboots said...

Happy Boxing day Sue and all bloggers.
Loving the collection of Christmas cards Sue ,have pinned them all so can look more closely later in the year and hopefully get an early start on next years cards. .

Pam , how nice to have family spoiling you on Christmas day ,will be looking forward to Robbie's planned trip , you must keep us up to date.

June , John and i love reminiscing ,so nice to look back once in a while .So pleased you had a lovely day.

Sending warm wishes to all this Boxing day and big hugs to all who are finding it difficult at this time.

God Bless.
Elaine H X

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

All these gorgeous cards are real eye candy but today I think the Angel striplet die is my favourite.

Hope everyone enjoys their Boxing Day


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love all the card. love Jean Z xxxx

Yorkie girl said...

Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew.
Oh my. What a wonderful array of stunning Christmas cards
I cannot choose between them Sue they are all beautiful both in design and in colour
I had a very quiet day yesterday and just took things at a slow pace
And my little bro got me some of your dies Sue he did ask what I wanted. Lol
I hope everyone had a fab day and did not over indulge
To those going through tough times i wish you peace and contentment
Big gentle hugs to those that are not well
Be happy folks
Theresa G xx

Unknown said...

To My Dear Wonderful Friend Sue,
Where Does One Begin, What An Outstanding Array Of Extremely Exquisite, Very Beautiful "Christmas Cards"
I Love Each And Everyone They Are Superb Works Of Art, Such "Magnificent Masterpieces" Which All Have The
Sue Wilson Signature.
As I Have Said I Love Them All, But The Ones That Shout Out For Me Is The Truly Tremendous Angel Where You've
Used Gilding Flakes Behind The Angel (Just So Very Striking) Then Adding Black Card And The Outstanding Poinsettias.
I Love The White Card With Your Awesome Angel,Those Cards With Black Are Rich And Opulent.
Sue Thank You So Very Very Much For Sharing, I'm Now Going To Add Them To My Pinterest Folder And My Bloglovin Folder
That Is The Wonderful Thing About Placing Your Work In The Folders You Don't Have To Search The Blog For Them To Remind
Yourself, I Will Be Trying Out Many Of Them. Such Outstanding Cards Sue Thank You For The Inspiration I Truly Appreciate
Everything You Do And All The Great Things You Bring To Us, Thank You So Very Very Much......
Take Great Care Sue
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 To Yourself Sue
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes.....

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Have loved all your Christmas cards but particularly liked your star dies and the third card today was the inspiration for my batch cards this year although I did them as shaker cards and in silver/white. Hope you had time to relax yesterday and not think about cardmaking.

Sending warm Boxing Day wishes to everyone and it was lovely to see Wheelybad was able to comment last night, sending you, Billy and Mr W extra hugs

Pat xx

Netty The Runner said...

Absolutely beautiful Sue, every single one from today and every other day. Can't wait to see what you will bring us in 2017z.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, thank you for all the gorgeous cards, so many to look at and steal a few ideas from.
Have a lovely day everyone, Jess xxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Fantastic cards, I cannot single anyone out, they are all gorgeous.
Had a lovely day yesterday at our daughter's back there today for the next family day.
Hope you had a relaxing day.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, thank you for more gorgeous Christmas cards. So many different designs. Top of my list favourite list is the snow globe cards, Christmas stocking and the nativity along with the angel of light. Thank you for so much inspirational cards.

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
all your christmas cards are stunning and delicate as ever.
Rolf xxx

Unknown said...

Hi sue. Hope u and ur family had a lovely day. Loved all ur cards this year can't wait to see what u bring us in the next year.

Pam u sounded as tho u had a smashing day. I got a lovely call from tina Eldridge yesterday that truly made my day
As usual I was spoiled rotten by family and friends. Lots of crafty goodies including sues baby range which I was desperate for lol along with my bigger plates for the platinum. A nice day was had by the 3 of us albeit missing my dad but we went to graveside where our new heart headstone vase had been placed the day before. And wished him a merry xmas xxx

Love to all always x

Nana on the Hill said...

Whow! Yet more gorgousness! You really are spoiling us Sue these are stunning x

Kate's Cards said...

We are celebrating Christmas today as my youngest was working yesterday. I have been excluded from the kitchen which is a real treat (I have been allowed to make the roasties as they are my speciality).
Love all of the cards Sue. xxx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
What a truly wonderful set of cards to end on. I have had many favourites, and will definitely beseeking a way to get them from the computer and into some sort of reference book, ready for next year. I think I know a way of doing it, and I will let you know if I succeed
Margaret xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, another amazing array of cards, they just get better and better. My favourites have to be the ones with the Angel striplet but I have saved several others as well. Sorry it is the last for this year but I am sure you already dreaming up something special for us next year.

I hope everyone had as good a day as possible yesterday and that today you can enjoy the less frenetic Boxing Day.

Wheely Bad, P Pixie and Laine - lovely to see that you have been able to comment and hope that things improve for you very soon.


Anonymous said...

Love them all x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Yet another stunning collection with plenty of inspiration for next Christmas!
Thank you for sharing.
Véronique L

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous set of cards they are all gorgeous.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I got a HUGE stash of Sue Wilson dies so I'm a happy womn :) :)


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I have tried to pick a favourite, but keep chNging my mind, do will say they all are. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day.

Love Rosemarie X X

sandieann21 said...

Love them all. Pleased everybody has had a good Christmas. Here's to 2017

June Horrocks said...

I could never choose sue your cards are so beautiful.
Hope you had s lovely day yesterday as we did sue family is everything on Christmas Day thank you suefor every thing love always June xxxxxxx

Pawprintx4 said...

Good Morning & Happy Boxing Day. My Christmas was very good. My sis & brother inlaw are here so always lots of fun & good food. Hope Christmas was great for everyone and Santa brought lots of Sue's dies.
All these cards would be great in 2017. I loved the New Year cards also. The snowglobe with stars is a great idea.
Thank you, Sue, for sharing so much with us and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas & Happy Boxing Day.
Stephanie K

Laura O said...

fab cards Sue ,hope everyone had a lovely Christmas ,relax and enjoy ,Laura O

Littlelamb said...

Lovely cards Sue. Couldn't possibly chose one. Been at my son's since yesterday. Didn't have watercolour pencils as thought they are same make but ordinary pencils so will buy the watercolour ones myself. Thank you for sharing the lovely cards.

barbara macaskill said...

Al of these are absolutely fabulous but my favorite is the Merry Christmas and Happy New Year card with the shaker element! total perfection!! I am so in love with that card!! Hope you h ad a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!! TFS!

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue, what a great way to end the Christmas Card Bonanza, Could not choose a favourite one but wish I had seen some of these before Christmas, but loads of ideas for next Christmas.
Hope you and your family had a lovely Christmas and that Santa was very kind to you all.

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful cards thanks for sharing! As usual I can't pick a favourite! Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Hugs x
Heather T

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
I hope everybody had a lovely Christmas. Mine was hectic but fun as usual. My eldest her partner and 2 year Dalmatian have just left. Katie loved her mini die cutting machine and spent all afternoon playing with it. I have been lucky enough to get
both lattice frames and your birthday shadow box die can't wait to try them out. My mum is 90 on new years day so will be trying them out.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue,

Another batch of Lovely Cards and again such variety from the same dies. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Eunice said...

These are definitely some very mouth watering cards Sue. Thanks for sharing!!!!

Suzzette Yandle said...

Uhmmmm...the card today that tickles my fancy is the card with the braided ribbon.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. You must have a whole warehouse to yourself to keep all your lovely cards in. All lovely. SueL x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely selection of cards today. I really do like the simplicity of the 3 rd card and also similar one made with the snowflake die. I think some of my favourites over the festive season have been the shadow box ones though. Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Love to all Alison xxx

Marion Scott said...

Amazing collection of cards Sue, love them all. Hope Christmas Day was good.
Happy Boxing Day to all.
Marion S x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Each and every one of your cards are fabulous and I've got a few I would like to use for 2017!

Hope you and yours had a great Christmas

June x

sued99 said...

Difficult to decide on a favourite card as there are so many lovely ones. And that's just today! X

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, so much inspiration in this blog post, and I have 2 favourites, the red and white Merry Christmas and the Black and White Happy New Year, as I have been trying to decide on a card design to make for some friends for New Year, so thank you for the inspiration. Take care and looking forward to not only the last couple of days filled with beautiful designs, but also what you will bring us in the New Year. Hope you are all resting now. Bx

karenlotty said...

Beautiful cards I have lots of favourite's and ha enjoyed done of them to try for 207 I especially like the snowflake cards and the swirling stars

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Theresa said...

lovely set. love especially the black/grey and white ones, hugs xx

liz spooner said...

Gorgeous cards Sue.xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
All beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing.

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
Another array of beautiful cards! It is impossible to single out one favourite! I've pinned loads!
I'm in bed! That's unheard of , almost!! I'm a night owl! However I'm shattered tonight! Family yesterday and all day today when there were ten of us! I've had to throw in the towel!! Ha ha!
Hope everyone has had a lovely day!
Love Myra xxx

NurseRatchett25 said...

All of these cars just gorgeous. I think my favorite is the illuminated angel striplet card with the gilding. That's me gotta have bling.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue, what a fantastic display of Christmas cards, I'm pleased you were able to give them a showing on your blog.
Hope you enjoyed your Christmas.
Love Brenda xxx

Fikreta said...

very nice cards!
Happy holidays!

dragonswing said...

All your cards are fabulous (of course they always are), but my favorites are your shaker cards. LOVE them!!!

Disco Queen said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Thanks for Sharing Sue.

Muriel said...

Help Sue and all
more fabulous cards, hopeless trying to pick a favorite, I keep changing my mind lol !
wonderful Christmas this year, real family time , having a quiet catch up day today and will be pinning many Christmas cards for 2017 inspiration.
Muriel x

Sandy H said...

What a wonderful selection of cards. I've been awol for a few days after I ran out of steam making my Christmas cards in a mad rush at the last minute and a number of birthday cards. Lots of catching up to do over the next few days.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas.
Congratulations to the Blog Candy winners.

DeCor said...

So many beautiful cards. I think I s should start now for Christmas. .. but alas 3 birthdays soon. I like so many but I think I will try to replicate the 9th card shown. I also love your star die and made a few cards with it. So those are favs. Happy day to you.

Jan.moogie said...

A gorgeous array of cards Sue hugs xxxxxxxxx

Hilary Bunker said...


julie laz said...

If I had any of these Christmas cards I would frame it and it would come out every year at Christmas, big crafty hugs Julie laz xxx