Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Shimmery Tree Card

Hi crafters!  Today's video uses the Family Tree die for an almost all white card.  The Pixie Powders provide a beautiful pop of colour for the leaves.

 The finished dimensions are 7" x  7 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

A beautiful card Sue. I hope you had a wonderful Chrustmax and managed to get some rest.
It has been lovely reading how much joy people on the blog had over Christmas.
Tracey, how us Tina doing. I'm glad you had company with you at Dads graveside, he would be watching over you and your sister.
Elaine, you are right it us fun to reminisce, brings back lovely memories.
June, your son must be like my Lesley, she was complaining at Chrustmax lunch that she needs bigger plates, there was so much food, we all laughed and said put less on. She always makes a wonderful Christmas lunch.
Tina, glad that Peter managed to eat something. Hope you can get him out for a while in his wheelchair but be careful, the wind is so strong here and they are heavy to push.
NannaTina, I hope you had a peaceful Christmas, it would have been a sad one without your lovely Mick but he would be there with you in your heart. I have thought of all who lost loved ones.
Hugs to all, I have to finish preparing for my sister in law and 14 yr old nephew who are coming from Kent tomorrow fir a few days, staying with me. Elliot is in the Sea Cadets and looks very handsome in his uniform.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous very elegant card of to check out your video.
Nancyd xx

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card.love the small touch of colour on the leaves

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a really beautiful card and a great video.
It will be lovely to get back to normal.
Take care and have fun Kitty.
Pam have a lovely time too.

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue wow this is one of my favourite cards you have done I love it.
It is so classy
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Dragonsnap2 said...

Love the card today Sue. The tree was one of the dies I had for Christmas so will have a go when I get chance. Still clearing up from the house full yesterday and the dishwasher is still working overtime!
Hope everyone had the best Christmas possible and could think of missing loved ones without too much grief.
Big hugs to all.
Happy crafting.
D xx

Jan.moogie said...

A simply lovely card Sue, I have a thing for trees, well trees and Elephants. Have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful card, love how the leaves shimmer. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, today's card is beautiful with the pixie powder leaves.
Marion S x

hollyberry said...

Simple looking but really beautiful card,love this one.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
Such a beautiful card today it is so elegant I love it.
Jan x

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. I have to say how lovely this card fits in with our country surroundings, what with all the glistening trees and wide expanse of nothingness around us. The 'Big sky' is absolutely stunning, thousands and millions of tiny stars lighting up the black sky and even now it looks so magical.
I had this die set for my birthday so can't wait to watch the tutorial but it will have to wait till we get back from this adorable little old school room. It's a year at 7am today since Andy got the call that his mum had received her wings, the biggest shock he's ever had to live through, so I've bought a little LED candle to keep going on her memory today (wasn't sure if real candles would be allowed) so a quite day today maybe, and if time alone is required then ill get my little shadow box accessories out and cut and get a card or two made up.
I will send my usual hug for the way to you Sue and hope it's a nice day for you xxx

Debra K. said...

What a gorgeous card! This is definitely one to make and looks like it would fit a 6" x 6" card. Debra x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, this is a beautiful card today, I have purchased the tree and gate/swing die but have not used them yet, so another design to add to my list of cards to do, will watch the video later.

Pam, enjoy your family up from Kent, the sea cadets do look so smart, you must be very proud.

Had a very quiet day yesterday just chilling out and putting some more dies away, I store them on double sided magnetic sheets in a strong clear folder, then label the folder and update my spreadsheet of where the dies are, this way I know where to find them easily. Might do a bit more of that today.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
Beautiful card today, this is stunning with the pixie powders shimmering on the leaves and the way the fence and border frame it.
Pam- sounds like you will be busy again, thank you for all of your caring and loving thoughts.
Peter has started to deteriorate, only had a mince pie with cream , drinking is very difficult so I will be ring his gp and Macmillan nurse at 8:00am. Sleeps only a couple of hours at a time even with sleeping pills!! Our friends came across from Blackpool to see him yesterday and he just managed a smile.
June Smith, Nanna Tina, Elaine and Andrew and all you lovely ladies on this blog - I say thank you for your kind words and suggestions.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxx

Chris Curry said...

Beautiful card Sue, this tree is so versatile, a definite wish list die. Wishing you a very happy new year. Xx

d from northants said...

I could see this card as a birth announcement, really lovely with the pop of colours.

Hugs to all, help yourself;

Doreen x

JAO said...

Fab card Sue.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Very lovely. Will watch video later.

A Happercrafter6 said...

A lovely simple card. The leaves are just gorgeous.

Karen Derbyshire said...

Love the (almost) all white of this card.

Anonymous said...

Really like this card Sue, have this set also a fence, so will be trying similar with gilding flakes and darker colours as still have no PPs. Would say that 100% like it in white but that will be for another time, man cards to make now. Love trees in all their shapes and forms and seasons. Thanks for the inspiration from your video.
Tina T, do hope Peter can be helped today, worrying times.
Nanna Tina, sending caring thoughts for you, too.
Hugs to anyone needing one.

'P' in Wales

Karen Drew said...

Lovely card today. Love how you have created the leaves
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful card love the touch of colour on the leaves..
Catherine xxx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card. I love the versatility of this die.
B xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card-very classy with just a hint of colour .


hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue xx hazel

Sue MacFall said...

A lovely card, Sue and the pixie powders really bring the die to life. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card the pixie powders just provide enough colour.

Barbara V

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - just fallen in love with this card, it is so elegant and delicate and the video is very informative. Am going to order these dies today! Thank you for your brilliant ideas, sending best wishes

hettygarlick said...

Such a pretty card!

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
Thank you for the tutorial and for the lovely design idea. I love the Pixie Powders and was lucky enough to find 5 bottles of them in my Christmas stocking!!!! I'm looking forward to playing with them today, now all the entertaining is complete. X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Do like cards made featuring trees and this one has the added bonus of
Pixie powders what fun they are just can not stop playing with them!

Heather R Oxfordshire

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

What a gorgeous card - love it!


rosiejt said...

I couldn't resist the Family Tree die any longer, so I've ordered it!

cr@fty said...

Good mining Sue
What a gorgeous card, I will have to watch the video when I get home the Internet is too slow here.
Hugs x
Heather T

Yorkie girl said...

Good Morning Sue and all your crafty crew
I love this die and I will be buying it as soon as it comes back into stock at Icon
I hope you have had a restful Christmas Sue but I bet you have been designing your next set of dies in your head. Lol
Pam enjoy having your visitors from Kent just chill and catch up
June look at you getting all organised with your dies I might have to take a leaf out of your book.
Nanna T sad times but happy memories hugs
Tina T my thoughts and prayers are with you and Peter I hope they are able to help make Peter feel a little better
Thoughts and prayers for all going through tough times
Hugs to all that need one
Theresa G xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Loving your card today , so clean and crisp looking , will watch the video later.

Pam, Bet you are so looking forward to Tomorrow , have fun.xxx

June , Gosh you are so organised with your dies , mine are in a case and i just flip through, i have not got that many so its no problem.

Tina T , I do hope your GP and Nurse will have good advice for Peter , how worrying for you . xxx

Tina , you are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Yesterday i had a very relaxed day no cooking at all . we had a meal in the local carvery with Johns sister and her family ,so nice to see them all together. Then we had crackers and cheese with mince pie for supper.
Today i am having my middle son and his family over for a buffet supper , i just hope my little flat will be big enough .

Andrew and Helen are doing ok . They have had plenty of invites out but have declined , Helen prefers to cook Andrews meals as she knows what suits him and she didn't want the rich festive food upsetting him . { Wise girl she is a little gem }

Sending Big hugs to all
Take Care
Elaine H X

TDQ Karen said...

Love this beautiful card, it's delightful xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I just love this card. As I was lucky enough to get it for Christmas I will be having a play.

Love Rosemarie X X

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A beautiful card. love the die, I think this may be my first purchase in the new year.

June Horrocks said...

Love this card sue must get this tree I love trees and all cards made from them so this die is a must for me thank you sue
Love always xxxxxxxxxx june horrocks xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Lovely card and such a useful die.love Jean Z xxxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue on a cold frosty morning, I hope you are recovering well from the festive season.
A lovely Spring card today it cheers me up no end as Im not a great lover of Winter cant wait for the new growth in my garden.
Have a fabulous day, hugs Shirleyxxxx

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue - hope you had a lovely Christmas! I love today's card - so clean and fresh!
This is one I will certainly try!
We are heading off home (to Islay) tomorrow for New Year so would like to wish all a very happy and healthy 2017!
Janette x

Karen M said...

Morning Sue
Love this card,quite eye catching,
Thank you for video
Best wishes
Karen M

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card - love the gorgeous pixie powder colours. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Beryl said...

Stunning card Sue. Enjoyed the video.

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely clean looking card, the Pixie Powders make it something special.
Rosemary xx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card today especially with the pixie powders shimmering. Yvonne xx

BenteS said...

Lovely card and a great video!
Thank you!

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is just gorgeous, love the colours from the pixie powders. Off to watch the video now, and hopefully get some crafting done. Have a great day. Bx

Netty The Runner said...

Beautiful, elegant card. The little bit of colour sets it off.
Annette x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love it !!! Again simple is more and its just perfect...

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
The Frost is so thick today in Bristol it looks like Snow!
I don't have this Die Sue, but you make it look like I NEED it!lol
Beautiful card!
Take care
Love Marg

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card today. Really like the splash of colour from the Pixie Powders. It's an elegant, clean card - right up my street. Going to watch video now . Love to all Alison xxx

Scottydog said...

Morning Sue, what a lovely card. I love the edging going round the card, it's one I've seen before but I can't remember which did set it is from. I will find out when I watch the video. It is so clean & sharp, giving it a very crisp, fresh look. Thank you.

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
I Love. This Tremendous Video And Outstanding Card, I Love The Paper Piercing Of The Leaves,
"The Family Tree Die" Is Superb Definitely A Must For The New Year, I Didn't Think I Needed It Until I Watched
The Video, Which I've Seen Before, Love The Remarkable Pixie Powders Fabulous Coloue Combination.
I Love How You've Paper Pierced The Leaves, Someone Mentioned This Would Also Look Awesome Using
Gilding Flakes, I So Agree...
Sue Thank You For The Wonderful Video
Take Great Care Sue
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 To Yourself Sue
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes...........

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, this is a lovely card, so clean and crisp, thank you for sharing X
Jess x

Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. what a beautiful card this morning, I love the effects you have created on the tree. going to pop the kettle on and watch the video. Well wishes to all and hugs. Wendy

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Love this card. Very stylish. SueL x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and great video as always, the tree die is high on my wish list maybe in January!!

Tina T hope there will be some help for Peter today, gentle hugs for you both
Nanna Tina keeeping you and your family in my thoughts for tomorrow

Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone

Anonymous said...

A lovely card and a great die. Would suit any occasion.

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what a pretty card, beautiful in its simplicity, another die on the wish list.

Bejay said...

Morning Sue,
Like Yorks butterfly Wendy, this is a die on my wish list, it's beautiful in its simplicity. I can't wait to go over to the video to see just how you managed to be so precise with your pixie powders as I manage to get them everywhere lol.
Bejay xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I have recently discovered the joys of pixie powders and this card demonstrates why we all love them so much. Love the simplicity of the card.


Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
this is such a beautiful card in its clear lines with just that bit of pop from the leaves. I love it.
Hugs, Rose

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Such a gorgeous, clean and simple card. I love white on white and the small pops of colour set the tree off beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very striking in the white with the coloured leaves shining like jewels. Thanks for your video.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous, elegant card Sue - I love it.
VC x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

This is a gorgeous card and I love how you've made the leaves a different colour. I have this die and looking forward to using it

Thank you for the video tutorial

June x

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
A beautifully simple card - well when it's finished it's beautiful and simple but a few processes to be got through first! It's lovely!
I'm a bit tired today as it's been a busy time and strangely I'm not getting any younger lol!
Nanna Tina - in case I'm late in the morning - my thoughts and prayers are with you for tomorrow! X
Tina T - sorry Peter's condition has deteriorated a bit! Thinking of you both and those who are caring and helping! X
Pam - have a lovely time with your family! X
Take care Everyone!
Lots of love, Myra xx

sued99 said...

Lovely card. This family tree die seems to have so many uses. Maybe I should buy it!

KarinsArtScrap said...

o wow Sue gorgeous card
Gr Karin

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I absolutely love this card it is so elegant, clean and fresh looking. Thanks for showing us the 'easy' way to paper piece the pretty leaves, so much better than trying to attach them individually.

Tina T - I hope the Macmillan nurse can help Peter today, such a shame that Peter has lost his appetite.
Nana Tina - I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow.
Tracy - hope you and your family are ok.
After 3 days of howling winds and heavy rain I awoke this morning to a beautiful blue sky and sunshine. I hope the sun is shining on Wilsonettes everywhere.


CraftyJo said...

Simply beautiful :)

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. Great dies, I love the pixie powder leaves. As you say very generic and suitable for any occasion. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A card suitable for any occassion.

Val Jones said...

A very beautiful card Sue.
Love Val in Spain xxx

NurseRatchett25 said...

Lovely. I have not tried the pixie powders but I think I need to order some today. At first I did not think I liked the family tree die but as I have seen you use it I feel it shall be a purchase soon. Thanks again Sue.

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I will be watching the video soon to see how it is made. Have a wonderful day. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Suzzette Yandle said...

The pixie powder treatment for the back of the leaves is wonderful. Love those pixie powders. I am liking the leaves on this set for cutting apart and using them separate from the tree. Thanks for the helpful video.

sandieann21 said...

So effective! Still haven't used my pixie powders!

Jane Franklin said...

Hello Sue. What a gorgeous card so simple but stunning and I love the use of the pixie powders. Best wishes luv jxxx

Eunice said...

Such a lovely card! I love the pixie powders and I AM going to try them for the first time!!!

gwen70 said...

Simply beautiful, stylish and elegant

barbara macaskill said...

Divine!! I am hoping to be able to get some of the pixie powders soon so I can try them for myself!! They look so lovely!!!
LOVE today's beautiful card! TFS!

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
I love this card sue x simple but stunning x I must have been really good this year as I received lots of your dies for christmas including the ones you have used on your card so I'm over the moon x sorry I haven't commented for a couple of days but been so busy my feet haven't touched the ground until today x
Thinking of all the wilsonettes and their loved ones x
Theresa w xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card.

liz spooner said...

This is lovely Sue could be for a lot of occasions.xx

Janet Wilson said...

Beautiful card, love the pixie powder leaves.

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is such a beautiful card that I had to order the dies as soon as I finished watching the video.
And of course some more pixie powders lol.
It is such a pretty clean look and look forward to seeing other designs using this die.

Disco Queen said...

Fabulous twist on using pixie powders. Thanks for sharing x

Kate's Cards said...

This is a beautiful card. xxx

Tressa said...

Very pretty card. Will have to wait till I get home to watch the video as the download speed here is less than I had in the bad old days of 512k max.

Spent a couple of hours with my mum this morning, she seems to be hanging in and even managed to eat a few grapes and a satsuma I peeled for her. She only has the strength to pick at small bits now.


Diana said...

This card is beautiful. I can hardly wait until the festivities are over to start making cards again.x

Denise Bryant said...

This is so beautiful! Love the tree and fence!

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue! This tree along with the baby dies have been my absolute favourite.
Forgot how much hard work toilet training a puppy is!!!! Have spent most of my Christmas running out to the garden with her, need eyes in the back of my head to watch her. She is worth it though!!!!!

Laura O said...

stunning card Sue,love the tree ,Laura O

ursula said...

An amazing card, so different, but a lovely technique especially for a male card....thanks Sue...luv Ursula xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue.
This is so georgeous I really love the simplicity of it. Loving the pixies even tho I tend to get in a right mess with them lol x

Frances. We are doing fine thanks for asking!

Love to all onthe blog xx

Liz said...

Stunning card. I had the Family Tree dies from a crafty friend for Christmas. Thanks for the tutorial, great inspiration. xx

Betty McAlister said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Clean and simple. Will watch video in the morning as late tonight.
My thoughts will be with you tomorrow Nanna Tina on such a sad day for you and your family.
Sorry to read that Peter isn't doing so well but hopefully the doctor will be able to help him regain his appetite.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Lovely card Sue, love how you made the leafs.

My thoughts are with NannaTina,Tina,Tracy,Elaine,Lorraine,Yvonne,
Laine,Tressa,Wheelybad, all Wilsonette's and my lovely friends

Maria x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. Another gorgeous card. Loving the clean and simple lines to this little beauty. Another great technique to use the pixie powders. This would make a great guy card and made with different colours.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Sandy H said...

Lovely card. Haven't watched the video yet, I'm saving it for later.
Thoughts and prayers with Nanna Tina.
Take care everyone.

Nana on the Hill said...

Love the simple elegance of your card today Sue, it's beautiful x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

What a beautiful cas card today

Anne said...

This is absolutely gorgeous, Sue. I'm late commenting as we have been away and struggle to get Wi-Fi in the wilds of Lincolnshire!

Anne (Northampton)

Barbara (C) said...

Love the simplicity of todays card....BarbaraC

Fikreta said...

gorgeous card!

Littlelamb said...

Sorry I didn't comment yesterday. I watched the video and then forgot to go to comments. Lovely card Sue and think this just go on my wish list.

julie laz said...

I would love to use this as a family tree with names on, big crafty hugs Julie laz xxx