Saturday, 31 December 2016

Orphan Cards of 2016

Hi bloggers!  Today is traditionally the day each year that I present my "Orphan Cards."  This is the name that I have given to the cards that I make each year that, when finished, they just don't sing to me.  I am not sure what it is about each one, perhaps they just need a bit more, or even a bit less decoration, perhaps the colours are too bright (definitely the case in a few of them), too dull or too dark. The good news is that I don't think there are quite as many as in past years (maybe I am getting better at this card making thing! LOL)  The long and short of it though, is that they are just not my favourite pieces of work, but I know not all of you agree with me on this so they are put up for adoption!  If you would like to win the lot of these, then just leave me a comment to be entered into the drawing.  Do you agree with me on all of these or just a few, let me know what you think?  I will draw a name and post it on the blog on Thursday January 5th.

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card Giveaway is:

Muriel Kelly!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Although this last card isn't an orphan card, I had forgotten to include it with the Christmas cards. Since it is New Year's eve I thought I would include it now so I can wish you a  Happy New Year!!  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Wonderful card ps Sue, lovely way to end 2016. I love the orphan cards, too beautiful to be orphans. What awaits us in 2017 I wonder.
Well done Muriel, enjoy your card win.
Julie, sorry you were in hospital but to win the blog candy must have been a real treat for you. Enjoy it all and I hope you are feeling better honey.
Tina, I'm shocked at the lack of compassion from some of the nursing staff, I hope Peter is feeling better, he must have been mortified.
Elaine, hope Darren enjoyed his Christmas dinner. I hope Andrew is well and that 2017 will go more smoothly for him.
June, your hubby is going to be a boy racer in the new turbo car, enjoy it, my friend, you deserve it.
PP, a sad day for you and the boys but you will also have lovely memories of your Steve forever in your heart.
Lynda, hope you are feeling better, I know how much strain the coughing puts on your body, a bad bout once caused my heart condition to kick off please take care.
Dawn, hope you are feeling better too.
To all Wilsonettes, present and missing, and our wonderful leader Sue, I wish you all A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year, all the best for 2017. As in the words of the song, Things can only get better. My love and hugs to you all, such wonderful people.

Karen Drew said...

Great selection of cards. Someone will be very happy to "adopt" them.
Congratulations Muriel on your win
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year
Karen xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue how can you call these orphan cards they are wonderful
I think there's only one that I'm not keen on and that is the first one it is a bit bright for me.

It is a lovely way to finish 2016 and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have for us
In 2017
Have a Happy New Year Sue xxx

Debs Cards xxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, Happy Hogmanay everyone, what a pity these poor orphans and they are not so bad we all have cards we have done and they don't always please us when finished.
Congratulations Muriel well done.
Nancyd xx

DeCor said...

Happy New Year 's eve! Orphans or not some great and interesting cards. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, some of these cards are lovely, but as you say we all make cards which when finished don't suit us. Happy New Year.

Barbara V

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. 4 & 5 are lovely just lovely. Card 5 although it's dark don't you think it would make an ideal card for the men in our life ? Obviously not lol. I see what you're saying though Sue, if you scroll back to the start of the year, yes you can see that there are those that really make you smile or sing, or go ahhh when you launched the New Addition collection, and let's face it I think we all make cards that we're not sure about - I sure do but amazingly somehow they sell (some people have no taste) !! Lol. Poor little Wilson orphans, I know 100's of followers that would love to tuck them up at night 😊 so thank you for giving us the chance to love these cast off's lol.
Congratulations to Muriel on your win.

Let's just hope that although support is given here next year see's happier comments as it has been quite a sad and depressing year which if new followers read on a daily basis may just see them find a 'more uplifting' craft blog to follow and it's always nice to see daily comment numbers go up like on launch weeks and not go down due to sad and upsetting comments. So i wish everyone a happier 2017 and lets have a happier brighter blog in the new year which brings smiles not tears 😊
Sending smiles and hugs your way Sue and hope you have a good day whatever your plans xxx

Denise Bryant said...

Great cards! Love the New Year's card with the stars!

hollyberry said...

Love all your little orphans,though the first is not my favourite.
Congratulations Muriel on your win.
Hope everyone has a great New Years Eve and stays safe. Will be at home looking after our dogs as they hate fireworks and one neighbour loves having very noisy parties with very noisy fireworks.

Dragonsnap2 said...

Sue your orphans are beautiful. I wish mine were that good.

Tina, having spent a great many weeks in hospitals, either with one or other of my children or for myself, I've noticed that some nurses are far less compassionate these days. I think the worst thing that has happened is that all nurses now have to train at uni and some are great at the theory but can't cope with real patients. It also deters some less academics, who would make fabulous nurses, from doing the job. I hope all goes well for you both now.

Well, I for one won't be sorry to see the back of 2016. It's been such a sad year for us. We've lost so many friends and family and not all were old - my nephew was just 40! I hope 2017 brings health and happiness to all. Love and hugs to all those in need.

Happy new year to all.

D xx

Anonymous said...

Well, Sue, I think you're pretty top notch at 'this card making thing' - certainly fewer orphans this year and I'm sure we'd all be happy to win these.
Julie, sorry you've been poorly and what a surprise to find you won the blog candy!!
Well done to Muriel on the card win too.
My dear 104-year-old aunt passed away peacefully yesterday, the last of her generation by a long mile. Always full of love and loved by everybody... truly a life well lived.
Wishing you, Sue, and everyone a good 2017. It's been such a tough year for a lot of our Wilsonettes so hoping for happier times.
Thanks Pam for being our number one and always with such kind words.

'P' in Wales

Debra K. said...

Love the last card Sue! A really lovely card design. Got to admit that the others don't really do it for me colour wise but the designs are great.
Congratulations Muriel, lovely to see you win. Debra x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Every card has its own beauty! I'd give them a very good home!
P in Wales I'm so sorry to hear of your Aunt passing away sending love and hugs x
Congratulations Muriel!
I'd like to wish Sue and all Wilsonettes a Happy Healthy New Year!
Hugs x
Heather T

Debra K. said...

P in Wales

Sorry to hear of your Aunt's passing but, goodness, didn't she has a long life. It's lovely to hear she had a happy life and that she was loved, you can't ask for more than that. It's great she had one last Christmas with you all. Take care, Debra x

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
I'm with you on looking back on cards some of mine don't always sing when finished.Your orphans will make someone very happy mine end up in the bin.
I would love to say a big thank you for all your hard work and inspiration through the year. Happy New Year Sue and to all your bloggers.
Jan x

Karen Derbyshire said...

All your cards are pretty Sue. I think we all at some stage make a card that doesn't 'sing' to us. Would love to win these.

Tina T said...
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auscrafts said...

I like most of the ophans apart from the first the colours are to bright for me against the black , but I like the design.yet the black background on the striplet die looks just right.

rosiejt said...

I'd love to win these, especially the third, fourth, sixth and the last one. Thank you for your year(s)long inspiration - greatly appreciated.

JennyH said...

Lovely orphans Sue, some are bright but not too bright, just personal taste I guess : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
So I am not alone in not always liking the cards I make! but often someone else sees them in a different light and they are like many orphans given a good home.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope next year brings as much success as this one has.

Heather R Oxfordshire

Unknown said...

Especially like the flower made from the Centers of the Madeleine and Charlotte frames and tags, I think, with the flower edger on either side, and the (apparently) paper pieced circles striplet. Very interesting!

Thanks, Sue, for supplying us with so much happiness this year.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Donita in Rhode Island said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you so much,even if we do not like the colours the inspiration is there so we can take it from there.
Sue have a happy healthy and prosperous 2017.
Take care Kitty.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely cards even if they are your orphans. Mine end up in the bin! So yours are definitely a much better class than mine. Ha!

Val.S said...

i think you are being too hard on yourself,Sue,your cards are all lovely,even if you are not so keen on them! They are a good inspiration! Happy New Year to you! Val.S

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful collection of orphans, as you say sometimes there's something on a card that to our own personal taste just isn't right. I think I might be in a minority in that I love the first card, its modern, clean lines are perfect. My other favourite is the retro circle striplet in black.
Congratulations to Mutual on your Wednesday win. Tina, I hope that the medics soon find out what's wrong with Peter and that you have him home quickly. P in Wales, condolences on the passing of your Aunt, but what a life she had and the changes in the world she must have seen. Princess P, a quiet family day would be just what you all needed.
I would like to say thank you to Sue, not only for the daily inspiration but for giving us a support system like no other. Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy new year. Sue xxx

DebbieLeigh said...

I love your orphan cards Sue. I think we all end up with a stash of 'orphan' cards, I know I do but I like to keep them so I can see my progress and gives me inspiration for my next cards.
Happy 2017 to you and may you continue to provide us with beautiful dies and bags of inspirationxxx

PharmacyMichele said...

All cards are lovely but my personal favourites are Nos 4,5 &6.

Wishing you Sue & everyone a very happy, healthy & crafty New Year.


JAO said...

They may not sing to you Sue, it they are all interesting, I particularly love the first one.
Congrats Muriel.

Chris Curry said...

All lovely cards in their own way Sue, think No 6 would be my favourite. I hope 2017 is good to you. Xx

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Some lovely orphan cards here its only the first one I'm not so keen on as the colours are quite loud Thank you for all your inspiration and hard work throughout the year I'm looking forward to seeing what delights you have in store for us in 2017
It has been a very difficult sad year for so many this year let's hope the new year will be a happier one Wishing you Sue & all Wilsonettes a very Happy healthy new year

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
What a fabulous way to round off the year! It's reassuring to hear that you also have designs that don't 'sing' to you as I often find the same with my cards.
Quite often I find that it's the more masculine designs that I struggle with; it must be my inner glitz and bling fighting to get out!!
I have seen several ideas here that I may need to 'borrow' so thank you.
I hope you have a very happy and healthy new year and look forward to seeing your amazing new designs. Thank you for all your wonderful inspiration. X

hazel young said...

Gorgeous cards Sue my favourites are 4,6 and 8 but all are fabulous as always . have a great new year xx hazel

Chris said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for sharing your Orphans, they are certainly good enough to find a new home. It's so strange that an idea in your head will look amazing but can look so different when the final card is finished. I have binned many a creation with frustration. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Chris xx

Marion Scott said...

Good morning Sue, what a lovely way to end the year. Although we all have cards that don't sing to us, peoples taste in cards can be very different and what one person dislikes another adores.
Congratulations to Muriel.
Wishing you Sue and all bloggers a very Happy and Healthy 2017
Marion S x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I love the designs on all your orphan cards but not so much the colours, however if I had made these myself I would be very proud of them. Like many others I would love to give them a good home. I think we can be too critical of our own efforts sometimes. I really like the New Year one and I would like to say a very big thank you for this past year for your wonderful blog, ideas and inspiration, it is much appreciated. Best wishes

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue your cards are beautiful. You are very hard on yourself I would be very happy to have made some of these cards. Thank you for the opportunity to give them a new home. Happy New Year to you I hope it is a good one. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Netty The Runner said...

We all do this, spend hours on a card, only to end up not liking it, but somebody will. We all have different tastes.
Annette x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Orphan cards are beautiful & sometimes we need to take a step back & enjoy our own creations as we are very critical of our own makes. Congratulations to Muriel. Hope everyone has a Happy New Year. Yvonne xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Orphan cards may just need a little time to mature - then they will have their day I am sure.

A very Happy New Year to everyone.

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue, they are certainly different to what you normally create and I can understand why you held them back, but we all have cards like that and I must be totally honest I dont think they are quite so bad really, I love the third one especially.
I want to wish you a very Happy New Year, and see you in 2017. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue and all a very happy New Year A lovely selection of orphan cards although no.5 would be my choice all the others im sure would grow on me .
Congrats Muriel
Catherine xx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for sharing your orphans with us, it is good to know we are not alone in sometimes making cards that don't work the way they did in our heads; the good news is that others are able to see the beauty in our orphans.
Wishing you a healthy and happy 2017.
B xx

Jane Franklin said...

Hello Sue and thank you for the 'orphan' cards. We crafters are always too critical of our own work but there's nowt wrong with these beautiful cards! My favourites are 1, 4 and the last and thank you for the chance to win one.
Thank you Sue for all your inspiration and a very Happy 2017 and wishing all you lovely peoples on the blog a Happy New year too. Luv Jxxx
Congrats to Muriel.

Jackie Meechan said...

Orphans or not they still give ideas, it's maybe just they colours you've used is just not right but I'm sure most of us get lots of ideas.
Hope everyone has a great Hogmanay.

Anne said...

I have a box of cards that I sell for a local charity and it is so often the cards that I am not keen on that sell first! These are showing us some great ideas even if they don't "sing" to you Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

SassySaz said...

Morning Sue, I think these cards are fabulous and would love the opportunity to own them. Thank you for all your hard work, beautiful cards and as ever incredible inspiration over the past 12 months. Looking forward to what 2017 will unfold. Happy New Year to all Sarah x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your blog family.
I do know how you feel about some cards, I think this happens to all of us. I make a lot of cards for Guide Dogs as my Daughter is a puppy walker (currently on her 14th pup), I also have a friend who raises money for Parkinson's, they seem to sell all that I make.
Have a great day and evening whatever you are doing.

d from northants said...

A lovely selection of 'orphans' Sue, not all to my taste though, but some are great!!
Thanks for all your cards during the last year, and here's hoping 2017 will be better for all,

Doreen x

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

I really like the bright and colourful ones, including the first!...would love to win all of these...all of my "orphans" are a lot

Congratulations to Muriel, enjoy your card win...


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Some of these are very colourful whereas you tend to stick to two colours a lot, maybe that is why they don't sing to you. Great selection, love the bottom card. Happy New Year

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. How different we all are. Your brighter coloured cards are some of my favourites. I particularly love your Happy Birthday one. Happy New Year. SueL x

sandieann21 said...

Being honest, Sue, I can see why SOME of them might be considered orphans, but not all. At least your orphans are still worth sending! Mine are in the bin and recycled! Happy new year to you and yours. Looking forward to many more crafty days in 2017 xx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue

Poor orphans! There is a home waiting for them here and no doubt at all your blog followers' homes too! The first card would be ideal for any of the male population for starters lol. We are always too critical of our own work

Steve and I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year and look forward to seeing many more of your fabulous creations in 2017

June x

Suemac said...

Even orphan cards are a great inspiration particularly to newbies!

hettygarlick said...

That's sad Sue. I don't like to think of any cards being orphans. However, I'm sure we all have cards like that from time to time. Hope these ones find a good home.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, if my orphans were half as good as yours I would be very pleased. But I know what you mean, sometimes you look at one you gave made and it just isn't right. For many reasons I will be pleased to see the back of this year and am looking forward to a New one. Thank you for all your wonderful inspiration and hard work, it is very much appreciated.

I hope everyone has a happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

Love Rosemarie X X

Anonymous said...

I am an orphan too so I would love an orphan card to treasure . Any card made by you sue is a wonder . But I know what you mean. I have just made a snow globe card for my brother who has Downs. Syndrome and I think I went overboard on the glitter and stickers lol. He loved it though I think your snow globe dies are just amazing . Happy new year to you and your team. Love Yvonne Bennett xx

June Horrocks said...

You know me sue I think the orphans are beautiful thank you for all you have done for us this year your kindness and help happy new year to you and yours god bless
Love always June horrocks xxxxxxxx
Congrats to the winner xx

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,

to be honest there is not card one which isn´t worth to show... maybe some are to bright in colours and others are a bit to black.
The three last cards are the ones I like most.

Thank you for another year of creativity.
I wish you and yours and the blog Readers a very happy and healthy NEW YEAR 2017

Rolf xxx

rolfi said...

Sorry, I meant:
there isn´t one card which isn´t worth to show...
Rolf xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the cards .love Jean Z xxxx

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,

I think your orphans are brilliant Sue but I can understand when a card does not turn out the way you think it is going. That has happened to me so many times too and I often have a chuckle to myself and think 'What on earth was that about?' then it goes in a charity box. One man's mistake can so often be another's treasure.

Looking back over this year's posts, I have realised that life is an ever-changing kaleidoscope of moments. Some sad, some bad, some tender, some funny, some happy, some full of love, some full of the WOW! factor and some very ordinary everyday moments that flash by in an instant. But what has come out of all those moments that we have experienced is our ability to cope with whatever curve ball life throws at us.
For those still suffering I wish you well and to remind you, we are all here on this blog with plenty of friendly hugs, advice and strong shoulders for you to lean on. You were all there for me when I lost my beloved soul's other keeper Pete, and your friendship enveloped me like a warm comfort blanket.
Sue did well in her decision to open her blog for us all. Thank you so much Sue.

I wish you all the best for 2017, Happy New Year everyone.

Love & hugs
Cheryl xxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, they are all still lovely cards. I am sure whoever wins them will love and treasure them.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, a very Happy New Year to you and your family, may your inspiration keep on coming in 2017. I love your orphan cards and any of them would find a home with me if they were looking. Enjoy your card Muriel. Take care and enjoy the New Year celebrations everyone. Bx

Cards2Di4 said...

I love all your cards, Sue. Happy new year to you, your family and all at Creative Expressions. Take care. Diane (Cards2 Di4) xx

Stella Munn said...

Well what a gallery - I'd be proud to have made nearly all of them!!! Here goes - I agree about the first Happy Birthday one, but the 2nd colourful Happy Birthday one is lovely, as is the For my Friend. The paper-pieced Thank You is really good, especially to give to those difficult people we!!!!! The last one (in my thoughts) is growing on me.
I think it's interesting how critical we all are of the cards we make!
Happy New Year Sue and thank you for all your inspiration and sharing of your craft expertise. x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

The orphan cards are fab...and I would love to adopt. Each one has something different and can be varied slightly to suit. If I could produce something half as good I would be happy.

Thanks Sue for yet another fabulous and inspirational year and can't wait to see what 2017 brings us...

Have a Happy New Year

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, I love all of your cards. Happy New Year to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Your orphan cards are beautiful in there own right. I do like No 4 & 6, i think they would make great guy cards. We are our own worst critic went it comes to making our own cards but we all have different tastes and wouldnt life be awful if we all had the same taste. Please dont put my name in the draw as i was very lucky to win last years orphan cards and they now have pride of place on my craft room wall. I find myself looking at them most days to give me inspiration to make my own cards. Thanks Sue. I cant wait to see what you have in store for us all next year, but i can see it now new dies, hopefully a new paper pad now i just need to win the lottery lol. Congratulations to Muriel on winning Wednesdays beautiful card. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and Good Luck for the draw for the orphan cards.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,I think your orphan cards are brilliant idea. Thank you for giving us a chance to hold one of your cards. To you Sue and all wilsonettes I wish you all a Happy and healthy new year. Gloria(Sidcup) xx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. There are a couple of cards that I agree with you about but I like all of the others. Each to his own I suppose. I would have to say that I would be pleased if I had so few cards that I made that didn't quite sing to me. I had better take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year in case I don't get a chance tomorrow.


Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and all. I think your collection of orphan cards are lovely as always. Each one is different and there are a few which I think are more stunning. We all make cards what we don't feel as happy with. Looking forward to seeing your creations in 2017.
I would like to wish Sue and everyone on here a Happy 2017 . Hope it is a good year for everyone. Sending hugs as well . Wendy

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Who wouldn't want to give these gorgeous orphans a home?! Thank you for the chance to rehome them. And thank you also for another year of your fabulous inspiration.
Have a great New Years Eve everyone.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Thank you for the chance of us winning one of those lovelies........ For me, the absolute favourite is No.2. Very striking.

Wishing you and yours a VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL 2017. You have deserved nothing less, with your kindness and generosity. Thank you for giving us all so much inspiration.

Have a Great New Year everyone!
Hugs, Rose

Paula said...

What a collection! Yes, a couple aren't your usual, but more of them are lovely! Especially numbers 4, 5 and 6, oh and the first one too, nearly forgot that one! Poor little orphans, they deserve a loving home wherever it is. :) Hugs for those in need, and I wish everyone on here a healthy and happy New Year, surely 2017 can't be as bad as this year has been for some.
Paula x

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Love all your orphan cards, especially the bright ones!!
Only one I might change a little is the Best Wishes one, maybe some more white instead of black in the centre elements.
Thank you for all the inspiration in 2016 Sue, much appreciated.
Wishing you a lovely New Years Eve everybody

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue,

I like all of these orphans very much but – and please don’t fall over when I say this – I love the black Thank You card with the Intertwining Circles striplet! I don’t really know why, but it certainly spoke to me. Any Wilsonette would be only too happy to adopt all of these lovely cards and give them a good home. Good Luck to everyone in the draw.

‘P’ – I was sorry to read of the passing of your aged aunt. She certainly had a long, and by the sound of it, happy life. I know you cared for her deeply and my thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Tina T – So sorry that Peter had another horrible day, hopefully today will be better. It seems that NHS treatment is a bit of a lottery; both my mother and father had atrocious treatment in different South London hospitals but my husband could not have been looked after better here in Central Scotland. All the staff spoilt him rotten and even the tea lady was sorry to see him go 

Muriel – Congratulations on being this week’s Wednesday Winner. I bet you will be doing the happy dance when your beautiful card arrives.

In case I am late tomorrow I would just like to wish you Sue and all the Wilsonettes Good Health, Contentment and Happiness in 2017.


Ann said...

Hi Sue

I love all of the "Orphan Cards" especially the striped one great for a teenage

Birthday card.

Wishing Sue and her family and all the Blog followers a very


Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, how can you call these orphans, everyone of us would be able to find a new home for them, yes I know that some may not be to your taste Sue as they are mine but a new home will be found for everyone.

Sue I would like to wish you, Colin and your family a wonderful, prosperous and healthy New Year 2017, I as everyone else is, am looking forward to putting 2016 behind us. My love to you always xxx

Congratulations to Muriel, enjoy your prize.

Ironing all done, just having a cuppa now.

Julie, hope you are back home and feeling much better, enjoy your blog win.

Oh Tina you must be tearing your hair out with the way Peter has been treated, why do they lie so much, I hope that he is now getting the treatment he deserves and is on the mend. special hugs to you both xx

Elaine, Andrew and Helen, I do hope you have a much better 2017, special hugs to you all xx

'P' Wales, I was so sorry to read of the loss of your aunt, 104 is a wonderful age to have achieved.

Pam, a special hug to you on this last day of 2016 to thank you for all the support you have given us ALL on the blog, your a diamond.

Wishing everyone a prosperous, healthy, safe and happy New Year 2017

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue, Gosh your Orphan cards are just lovely , Good Luck to all .
Well done to Muriel enjoy your card.

Stephanie Cotterill
I am sorry if my comments about my son Andrew have upset and depressed you , with the help, prayers and support of some of Sues bloggers Andrew and i have had great comfort and can not thank them enough. I certainly would not like Sues blog members go down , that said i will say no more .

Dragonsnap, You have had such a tough year ,i wish you and yours Good health and happiness for 2017.

Julie, hope you feel better soon, enjoy your blog candy xx

Tina T , i really dont know what to say , i know hospitals and staff are very busy ,but so thoughtless at times. I hope Peter can get sorted and soon . xxx

CHERYL Brown ,I was warmed to read your post , thank you , as i was feeling guilty and quite upset , { yes real tears } to think i had upset or offended anyone with my posts , xx

We had a lovely Christmas dinner yesterday, and i had lovely presents from the Philippines real silk scarves so colourful and light ,and a gorgeous perfume in such a beautiful bottle .

I would just like to thank you all my virtual friends for all your kindness shown and your support for me and mine { you know who you are } and to wish you all a very Healthy and Happy 2017 , God Bless you all.
Elaine xx

BenteS said...

I think there are many pretty cards among your Orphan cards :))
So thank you for the chance to win one!
I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR -
and I am looking forward to your projects in the upcoming year!

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A great selection of orphan cards
Whoever wins them will be very lucky.
We all make cards that don't sing to us but may sing to someone else.
Happy new year to everyone xxx

foxyg said...

There is only one of these that doesn't appeal, that's the third one down, mostly black. I'd love to adopt them all though!!!

craftynanna said...

Hi Sue, such a gorgeous array of beautiful cards like everyone is saying there is always something that please somebody, I struggle with mens cards so normally end up buying them but my new years resolution is to try and perfect mens cards to the best of my ability,
Congratulations to Muriel on winning the last blog card of 2016..
I don't often mention all of our poorly blog friends but I do think about them everyday including the missing ones, hugs to you all Johanna

Annie Stamps said...

Lovely selection of cards to end the year Sue. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for 2017.

Happy New Year everyone

Annie P

Rosemary Stickland said...

A very diverse set of cards. I think there is something there
to suit everyone's taste.
Rosemary xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
I wish my cards looked as good as some of your orphan cards, l love the intertwining circles it's gorgeous. Thank you so much for all the inspiration you've given us throughout the year and I wish you all good things for 2017. Congratulations to Muriel on winning the Wednesday card
Julie sorry to hear you were in hospital, hope all ok now and you enjoy your blog candy win.
P sending you caring hugs along with my sympathy

Sending love and best wishes to you all for 2017

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
How Could You Possibly Think Today's Array Of Cards Are "Orphans", I Dread To Think What
You Would Think Of My Cards (Disasters, Trajic, Misfortunate Cards, In The Bin They Go Lol!!!)
I'm Pleased To See Today's Cards All Have Something To Offer.
"Multi Coloured Happy Birthday" Would Look Great In Flag Colours (We Have Friends In France Who Would So
Appreciate This Card With There Flag Colours On) Love The Card With "The Zig Zag Very Ingenious Die"
I Love "The Black/Gold" Card Also "The Black/White And Multi Coloured Happy Birthday" (I Love Black On Cards)
"The Butterfly Edges Card To My Friend", Once Again "The Black Card With The Multi Coloured Striplet Die Thank You"
"The Superb Gold/White Card You Are In My Thoughts" Not Forgetting The Truly Outstanding "Happy New Year Card"
Sue "Thank You" So Very Much For Sharing, For This "Truly Tremendous Blog" Which I Love You Inspire Me Daily And I So
Very Very Much Appreciate Everything You Do.
2016 Has Been A Exceptional Year With Extremely Exquisite, Elegant Cards, Superb New Dies, Outstanding Video Tutorial Of
Which I've Gained So Much Knowledge From Thank You So Very Very Much........
Take Great Care Sue
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 To Yourself Sue
I Hope Yourself And Colin, Heather, Have A "Happy New Year" All The Best For 2017"
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes, Muriel Kelly Congratulations On Winning This Weeks Wednesday Gift Card Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the bright ones. Thank you so much for all the daily blogging and inspiration- you really are a super star. I hope you have a lovely New Year and happy 2017.
Beverley W

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
I love your 'orphans' they are delightful. The first one else is a bit bright lol. I know whoever is lucky enough to adopt them will be thrilled.
Happy New Year everyone.
Bejay xx

Barbara (C) said...

Orphans or not I would be happily give a home to one of your cards Sue! Happy New Year to all the Wilsonettes and especially Sue and the super team at CE!

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

I think it is good that we don't all have the same opinions, the World would be very boring if we all had the same tastes. I personally would be very pleased if I had made any of these Cards and would feel very honoured if I owned any of them. Thank you for all you do all year.

Congratulations to Muriel Kelly.

I wish you and yours and all your blog followers a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Chris Kelly said...

Hi Sue and A Happy New Year. All your orphans are lovely. Thank you for taking time to inspire us. It is much appreciated.
Hugs from Chris K. X

ursula said...

Ahhhhh, how can you call the orphan cards, I am sure they would be most appropriate for someone at some stage....many thanks for all your inspiration this last year Sue, without you, I could not have made some of my cards this year, I always look to you when I am lost.....I wish you and yours a wonderful 2017 and pray that all your dreams come true....thank you for being a friend....luv Ursula xx

Cathie said...

These orphan cards are lovely and would love to adopt them. Thank you for all your inspiration this year. Just love your work and have cased quite a few of your cards. My Sue Wilson dies are starting to overtake my craft studio. Wishing you all the best in the New Year and looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve to tempt us with.

TDQ Karen said...

Happy New Year She, I particularly like your bright cards, I do find them different for your usual style but I love the cheerful colours.
Congratulations to Muriel.
Happy New Year to all the people who post on Sue's blog looking forward to the posts in 2017

Nanny Jo said...

Sue, they are all lovely cards.....but I am kind of happy to know that you, too, have 'orphan' cards. It's not just ME!!!! I finally got a set of double pierced oval dies...been promising myself for so long....I shall be crafting mad for the next wee while! Happy New Year to you and yours, and to all the loyal Wilsonettes. May 2017 bring you peace, health and happiness. Jo xxx

Maggie said...

Hi Sue
Lovely collection of Orphan cards, as you say sometimes they just don't look right who knows why but comforting to know it happens to us all at Sometime. I like all the bright makes different from you usual, as you say some look to dark, but with a different colour card, they would look so different, so still great inspiration in all the designs.

Wishing-you a very Happy and Healthy New Year, looking forward to lots more inspiration here for 2017, even though I only pop in now and again I follow this blog via email so,always see your designs.

MaggieH (Capricorncrafts xx

Littlelamb said...

They are all lovely cards Sue and I would be very pleased to look after the orphans. We all have cards that don't turnout quite as we planned in our mind. Happy New Year to everyone on the blog and good health. Thinking of all those unwell at the moment. Back to the tidying.😟👎🏻

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
All your orphan cards are fantastic sue x we all have different tastes and it would be an extremely boring world if we all liked the same thing ! I know my eldest would love the first card as she likes bright not 'pretty' x it surprises even me when I make a card I just can't take to and someone else loves it x thankyou sue for all your inspiration in 2016 x I really appreciate everything you have done and look forward to the joys you will bring us next year xxx
Congratulations to muriel x
P in wales such sad news x sending hugs x
Tina t sending hugs and I truly hope peter gets sorted soon x
Elaine please don't feel upset you have enough to worry about x support can come from the most unlikely of places and we are all friends here xxx sending you a hug and one for andrew too xxx
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Unknown said...

Always love your orphan cards, poor things


Kevonacrafts said...

Sue your cards are an inspiration even if you don't quite like them I think they are super. Certainly gives me room for thought in my own card making.
Wishing everyone a great 2017


Val Jones said...

Love your orphan cards Sue and would be so happy to give them a new home.

Wishing you and you family a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.
Love Val in Spain xxx

Kate's Cards said...

Isn't it funny how sometimes cards don't sing to us. I think they all sing very nicely.
Happy New Year to one and all.

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue all cards have their own beauty and everyone sees something different in them, what is too bright for you is just right for someone else, so I am sure that whoever wins them will love them.
Would like to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year and that 2017 brings you all that you wish for.

Dawn Holben said...

Sue your orphaned cards are beautiful and will be loved by whoever is lucky enough to win them.
I think we all make cards that we are not truly happy with but we all have different tastes and ideas about how
we want our cards to look.
All of these are still lovely and would be inspirational.

Wishing you and your family and of course all the blog family A Very Happy new year .

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I think all of these cards are great cards it's just sometimes they don't suit our mood at that time .. vanessa xx

Anonymous said...

Sue, oh for the day my orphan cards look like these. By your standards, maybe, these are, but not my standards. I would love to win them. Happy New Year, my card friends from around the world. In 2017 be bold, be blessed and be creative. God bless. Myra from Florida

NurseRatchett25 said...

I agree withe you, Sue. There are a couple that are a bit bright. But I am sure they would be just perfect for the right receipiant. I love the second card. It is beautiful. I would be happy to adopt these cards. Happy New Year everyone!

Suzzette Yandle said...

Only a couple of these don't seem to fit into the Sue Wilson "look". Not my favorite set of your cards. I, too, get an idea and when I put my idea into card, I say to myself: "What was I thinking!" Every card just can not be the most fantastic card ever made. You, Sue, seem to fill that upper echelon of perfect and most fantastic cards ever made. Please keep your "creative juices" working and sharing your ideas with us. Wishing you a fantastic New Year!

A Happercrafter6 said...

Thank you for all your inspiration this year.
A Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue
It was nice to see more than one card today and I liked them alll! You are too hard on yourself but then again I think most of us are.
Wishing everyone I very long and healthy new year. Love Michelle Stanley xxx

Eunice said...

Good morning Sue, two of the cards in your orphan pile are quite nice. They are the For my friend and Thank you. The rest just don't sing to me!!!!!

KarinsArtScrap said...

beautiful and elegant cards Sue the best wishes for 2017
Gr Karin

Pawprintx4 said...

I would not mind giving these orphans a new home. Several of them are quite striking and all are unique. You know what your standard is and these just didn't come up to your idea of perfection but they are all nice cards.
Again, Happy New Year everyone. I am staying in with a movie & my dogs....yeah, exciting I know.
Stephanie K

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Your Orphan cards are always interesting and give us ideas!!
Congratulations to Muriel on the Wednesday card win.
'P' sorry to read your sad news.
Tina T - it's unbelievable to read some of the things that has happened to Peter. I hope 2017 proves to be less traumatic for the two of you.
Elaine - Andrew deserves all the support he can get, and so do you.
PP - thinking of you at this sad time.
Pam - you always have the right words and know how to express them without being "mushy", a rare talent - thank you.
I haven't visited you as I've had the dreaded bug since Christmas Eve and have been in bed rather a lot, and now Mr K reckons he's caught it. We haven't been out or done anything so it's been very quiet here apart from the occasional visit from my daughter, SIL and granddaughters, just to check up on us.
Let's hope 2017 proves to be a wonderful year for all the people who are seriously ill on this blog, and their families. They deserve a change in their fortunes as they've gone through so much. Also to those who have lost loved ones, take heart as we shall all be together one day.
And very best wishes to Sue and all the Wilsonettes, for a happy and healthy 2017.
Maureen xx

barbara macaskill said...

I only see one of these cards that thinks it is "off", the rest are quite lovely and I would love to adopt them all! They would receive lots of love and attention (my friends can't get enough of your cards and love the ones that are on my Wall of Honor) and they would never be lonely! This would be their forever home and they will all feel the love! I am already quite in love with most of them and the rest will definitely grow on me. I am asking the Crafting Fairies to sprinkle me with lucky dust in hopes of these cards being on their way to live with me!! Thank you for the chance to adopt these lovely cards!
Congratulations to Muriel on winning the Wednesday card giveaway! Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafty friends.

I think all of ur orphans look great although u can't keep everyone happy with ur fab creations!! So looking forward to what's in store next year!! Wishing you and ur family a smashing new year!! Xx

P. Sorry to hear about ur aunt. My word 104?? I'll be happy to reach 50 lol

Elaine h. I wouldn't let anyone bother u no one minds u writing about Andrew I know I don't. I got lots of support here when I needed it.
At the end of the day followers don't have to read the comments I for one at the beginning just scrolled down and left my comment.

What annoys me more is when people only comment when sue is generously giving her dies away on a blog launch where loyal people comment every day. After all it only takes a few mins to admire and leave a lovely comment for sue which I'm sure she appreciates so much.

Anyways rant over lol

Wishing sue and all lovely followers on the blog a safe and healthy new year. Here's hoping it's a better one for some of us!!! Lots of love everyone.

Mavis L said...

Hi Sue I think all your cards are fabulous
finished to your standard or unfinished and
would be proud to own. Mavis L z

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
Who wouldn't love to give a home to these orphan cards. Tina you must be exhausted I hope today brings better news, Elaine don't be upset don't forget I am a relative newbie to the blog and it hasn't put me off. It's my mums 90th birthday tomorrow so going out for a meal tomorrow if she is well enough. Here's wishing everyone a happy healthy crafty new year.

sued99 said...

I'd happily adopt these. Can't say that they all amaze me me but there are some really nice cards there. Xx

Dorothy S said...

What a fun idea! Not that I would do the same - my orphan card array would be far too large! I am not sure you were soliciting opinions, but here goes... I really like several of them. The first one seems to have received the most comments - I think I would like it a lot if there were something inside the circle - like a tiny cupcake! The third is the other one I am not overly fond of. But the rest would find a welcome mose any where!

Happy New Year to all.

Unknown said...

I would adopt these, like quite a few, especially the blue and white one shown first.

Happy New Year Sue, looking forward to seeing your 2017 shows and samples.

Anne x

liz spooner said...

Happy New Year to you Sue and all the Wilsonettes.xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hello Sue & everyone
OH Sue I wouldn't call your cards orphans I love most of them the first one would take me a while to fall in love with it
as it's so bright But very cheery if I was lucky enough to win them I would love them all the same.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

PAM thank you this coughing virus is so draining as I said it started New Years Eve Eve & I'm still coughing just can't sleep.
I would just like to thank you for keeping us all informed what is happening on this wonderful carering blog every day. You always FINE the right Words SO THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR YOUR KINDNESS.Hug's coming your way 🤗🤗🤗
ELAINE Please don't get so upset you have enough to worry about we don't mind you talking about Andrew in fact it's lovely of you sharing his ups & downs & i for one Read you post every day. Sending you both some healing Hug's Hope 2017 a better year.for you both Pleased you had a nice Christmas dinner with Darren & partner.xx
P I was sad reading your elderly aunt has passed away thinking of you at this sad time. What a great age 104. Hug's xx
PP sendig you some special Hug's xx
LAINE HUG's for you too.
TINA T I hope you & Peter are doing ok I hope 2017 is a better year for you both 😘 XX
TRACY I will face time you very soon when this cough goes away. WISHING YOU BOTH A BETTER NEW YEAR IN 2017 🤗🤗🤗XXX

WISHING YOU ALL A HEALTHY & HAPPY NEW YEAR IN 2017. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🍾🍾🍾🍷🍷🍷🍸🍸🍸🎉🎉🎉xxx Lynda xx

karenlotty said...

They might be organ cards You may think that the colour isn't right or too dull etc but there are quite a few that "sing" to me especially the THANK YOU card and the HAPPY BIRTHDAY triple cards Perhaps it's because I have these dies and don't play with them very often and need that nudge to use them again! Having one propped up in my craft room would be the perfect reminder

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and lovely ladies
just want to say thank you to Sue for all the wonderful inspiration over 2016 and your generous heart in sharing all you have over the past year.
Thank you Wilsonettes for all the fun and laughter and for all the support, encourgement and kind words over the past year.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year - may 2017 be filled with love and laughter, good health, peace and blessings.
Love to all
Deb C xx

Yorkie girl said...

Good evening Sue and all your crafty crew
Well I am sure that your orphan cars wil soon be finding a loving new home
Congratulations to the Wednesday card giveaway.
As I write this there are Only four hours left in 2016
I know a lot of the wilsonetts have had to deal with loss and illness I hope 2017 seea better time for you all
Sue I thank you for all the work you do on this brilliant blog and I wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in 2017

Pam you are so supportive of all wilsonetts I wish you all that is good for the new year enjoy your family time
Tina T. And Nanna T big and gentle hugs to you and yours
P so sorry for your loss. 104 what a wonderful age but still hurts when we have to say our last goodbyes soecial hugs xx
And my good friend June Smith I wish you and Colin a wonderful new year may it be a happy safe and healthy one
There are so many I would love to mention but I wil be here all night
So I will just say to you all
Thank you for being such a wonderful lot
And may you all have a very HAPPY NEW YEAR
Theresa G xxx

Neene said...

Well I think they are all great!!! I've got enough room to adopt them!!!! Neene x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
They may be your orphan cards but they are still inspirational and I would love to adopt them.
Thank you for all the inspiration you give throughout the year.
Véronique L

Barbara said...

Some lovely cards Sue!
I love the gold card with you are in my thoughts.
ELAINE I don't agree that this blog is depressing and sad, I love to read all the comments sad and happy and no one apart from Sue should tell us what this blog needs.
I'm afraid that in life bad things happen to us all and it is nice to get support from friends who understand and can give some helpful advice. If you don't want to read these comments then scroll on past.

Theresa said...

Sue, there are some that i actually really like especially the rainbow happy birthday, the thank you (which i think is ace), and the blue one. best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2017, hugs xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Lovely selection of "orphan" cards :-) All beautiful in their own right. Congratulations to Muriel for winning the Wednesday card giveaway. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us Sue in 2017. Sending hugs and Happy New Year wishes to all xxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Well I wish my rejects were as good as yours. Thanks for all the inspiration you've given us all in 2016.
Wishing you and all your family a Happy New Year.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Just popped in to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2017.
Congratulations to the wednesday card winner
Lovely selection of cards
Big hugs to all
Love Tina xxxxx

Karene M from Australia said...

Hi Sue, I really like these cards, but I can understand why you may not like them - they are so different from your usual style. But I would really like to win them!

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
...well I love your orphan cards!!! Please don't tell them they are unloved!!!!... I just want to wish you a very Happy New Year and thank you for all your hard work and fabulous inspiration!!!
Sam Thapa

Princess Pixie! said...

Evening Sue
A question - how come my pile of orphan cards is so much bigger than yours even though I only make a small fraction of the number of cards that you make. The maths is all wrong! Lol x
Your orphan cards are so much better than any other 'rejects' I have come across. My door is always open to welcome them home x
I am in the middle of a wild party with a viennetta, a bag of kettle chips and a bottle of red (shloer). I am such a party animal! After a quiet day with the boys yesterday they are both out this evening and kissed me and wished me a Happy New Year before they went so are obviously not intending to be home early x
Muriel - congratulations on your win x
Nanna Tina - lovely to see you. Sending you love x
Lynda - missed you when you were away - hope you are on the mend. Big hugs x
Tina T - I am so sorry to hear about all that Peter has been going through. Here's hoping that 2017 will be a better year for you. Sending you lots of love x
P - sorry to hear about your Aunt. My goodness 104 is a grand age. Big hugs x
Elaine - don't ever stop telling us about Andrews journey. Lots of love and hugs x
It surprises me that not everyone agrees that being able to share our thoughts, be they happy or sad, brings so much comfort. The beauty of this blog is that the love and support offered and received by so many wonderful folks on here is what makes it such a cheering tonic and a well needed 'shoulder to lean on' when one is feeling down - for whatever reason. Having been through a few emotional ups and downs, this amazing Wilsonettes family has been a true blessing.
Personally I think that the true warmth shown by such an amazing group of people is what makes this the most uplifting and special blog which outshines any of the others by far x
So as we are coming to the end of 2016 I would like to say a huge thank you to you Sue for all of the amazing things that you have done and shared with us. You are such a remarkable lady and I wish you a very Happy New Year. Sending you lots of love and hugs x
On that note I want to send happy thoughts, lots of love and good wishes for a wonderful 2017 to everyone especially Tracy, Pam, June, Tueresa W, Maureen, Myra, Deb C, Fluffy, Lesley S and of course my sparring partner Laine. If I have forgotten any of my blog besties I apologise x
Take care
Crafty hugs
Yvonne x

Maria said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR Sue and to everyone on this great blog !!

Maria x

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm late AGAIN,! It just won't do!! However I may be first to wish you , your family and all on this lovely caring blog a very Happy New Year!
I agree with PP - how come I have more orphans than you when I make fewer cards? Life ain't fair! Your orphans are lovely and I'd be thrilled to give them a home! Thank you for the very kind offer! Whoever wins them will love them . All the best everyone!
Elaine - please don't be upset and certainly don't cry . We want to help you not hurt you . We have had many joys and sorrows over the years and we are all still here! How sad we were when Pam's nephew had his accident! How we rejoiced when he left Caringbridge!
We laugh at each other's tales too and I've even been known to be rude to Maureen!! It's just fun!
Tina - thinking of you tonight along with many others who lost loved ones this last year!
Happy 2017 everyone and God Bless you all!
Love Myra xx

Myra said...

Oh Shucks! Maria beat me to it!!
Happy New Year Maria - couldn't be beaten by a nicer lady!! X

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Wow!!! Thank you Sue for finishing off 2016 perfectly. I have dreamed of owning a SW original and now do - thank you again and to all of the well wishers on this fabulous blog.
Happy New year to everyone - wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017 spent with those we love.
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us this year Sue
Muriel x

Muriel said...

Oops. Forgot in my excitement your orphans are just lovely, especially numbers 2 6 and 7.
Muriel x

Sandy H said...

Some of these poor little orphans are a little too dark or busy for me but I love the New Year card. Thanks for all the inspiration you have given us throughout the year.

Happy New Year to you, Sue, and everyone on the blog.

Narrowboat girl said...

I wish my orphan cards were like yours, mine just end up in the bin. Still we have to make cards we are not happy with else we wouldn't learn & improve.
Congrats to Muriel

Unknown said...

Good morning lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

Just a quickie to show my appreciation of your stunning orphan cards....I'll be my usual verbose self on today's blog later is it that even your unwanted cards are perfection, you have a true gift my dear lady. I would be honoured to accept these little gems into my currently childless and very empty home, i would provide them with all the love, attention and devotion they need to flourish and they would be a daily and apt reminder of what standards i seek to achieve::-) Thankyou for your tireless generosity Sue, you are a starxxx

Crafty love and hugs


CraftyJo said...

Some cute cards here, I do like the 'thank you' one with the circle panel :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sue. I visit your blog every day but until now have rarely left a comment. N Y resolution, post more often. Your cards are an inspiration to me & I love the diversity of styles and colours. I'm starting to build a collection of your dies now. xx Sylvi

Laura O said...

love all the cards ,all have some beautiful elements to them,Laura O

Robin Sachs said...

Hi Sue,
I love all your orphan cards and would love to own them. You are truly an inspiration to me; my card making has gone to a different level since finding your fantastic blog. Although I do not always comment, every morning I look forward to reading your blog and seeing what I can learn. I haven't seen a card that I do not love. Thank you!
Robin. 😊

lion_tamer said...

We all have our favourite cards but your cards never fail to inspire xx

Rosie said...

It tickles me when you say they are orphan cards, i cannot see why they would be orphan cards as i think they are all Rosie from

Kate said...

Hi Sue,
Just found your blog after watching you on Hochanda and then locating your You Tube. Ive learnt a lot already but realise there is a long way to go as you have so many tutorials!. I certainly aspire to having orphan cards of this quality and vision. What Im really learning as I begin my craft journey is that while there are lots of cards out there, it seems there are almost as many different styles and tastes meaning there is room for us all. One thing Ive learnt from this blog post however is while my orphans are cards that didn't work yours are ones not to your taste ( but I love them!) Thanks for the inspiration and all the best for 2017.

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