Thursday, 22 December 2016

Best Wishes Today & Forever

Hi bloggers!  I have just found another card that missed it's day on the blog!  I am thinking about doing a day every month where it is a sort of clear out of all the cards that I have made that never got a day on the blog. What do you think, would that work for you?  I started this one with a piece of Blue Dusk card and I used the cutting edge from the Pictor die to cut the lower edge.  I then cut the Pictor die in black on the and added it under the blue dusk piece.  I cut the other portion of the Pictor in white and added it below the black and blue card pieces.  For the focal element, I cut the Double Pierced Noble oval die in white and created a frame.  I added a thinner frame to the top cut in black.  I stamped a sentiment and embossed it with the Jacobean Floral embossing folder and added the frame over it, then seated it in the top of the card.  I cut two Exquisite Poppies in blue dusk card and added black centres with pearls and seated them on the side of the frame with Olive Branches as accents.  I placed two pearl corner accents in the upper corners and completed the card with white, black and blue dusk mats.  The finished dimensions are 7" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                     Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Karen Derbyshire said...

stunning card today Sue, really lovely.

Pam said...

Beautiful card, just gorgeous. Best wishes to you too.
Myra, I am so happy that Emily will soon be able to interact with you all soon, she is doing so well, you must be aching to cuddle her and just look into her face, as a grandma, I can understand your feelings. It is a blessing that she is here but she is a little girl too and needs her cuddles.i wish you all a wonderful Christmas.
Laine, so lovely to see you back, hope you and Mum are feeling better.
Myra, congratulations to your granddaughter, I too passed 1st time, no one more surprised than me.
Elaine, good that Andrew has had his scan, just have to wait it out now, hugs for him and Helen, so much going on for them.
Tina, sounds as if Peter is doing better, how is his leg now.
Sharon, hope you are feeling better today, it has been a long struggle for you. OurJune is galloping away now, you will have to catch her.
Tracey, how are you doing Hun, it is a tough time if year for you at the moment.
Daily thoughts and hugs to Tina, Dragonsnap and Helens family.
Hugs to all on the blog, missing and poorly friends especially.

Jan.moogie said...

Another stunner for you Sue, love everything about it. Thanks for sharing, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

auscrafts said...

Lovely card ,it will be great to see all the cards that you have made

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Another of your beautiful cards. The poppies look gorgeous in any colour. You can most your cards any way you want as they are all beautiful and your inspiration is endless for those of use that dont have any imagination lol.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you so much a lovely card.
Sue all your cards would be lovely to see even the wonky ones lol.
Have a good day and take care Kitty.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is beautiful and would make a lovely wedding card, plenty of inspiration. Take care all. Bx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue wow what a wonderful card and the design is wonderful I love the colours you have used
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xx

Dragonsnap2 said...

Lovely card again today. I love the blue and white cards. I think your idea to show your cards that we haven't seen is great. Anything to see more of your lovely cards.

Once again, thanks for all your good thoughts and wishes for me and my family. Events have taken a turn but a mixed blessing - God really works in mysterious ways! My sister is no longer going to be on her own at Christmas but only because her daughter and partner have just split up so she and her children will be spending Christmas Day with my sister. Like I say a mixed blessing.

Thoughts and prayers to all of those in need, especially at this time of year.

Happy crafting.

D xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. Today's message comes back to you ten fold. I love your idea, it's such a shame that you spend your time making samples to help us gain inspiration and knowledge, and they don't get their day in the spotlight, so if you have the time it's a great idea. The poppy's are really exquisite and really draw your eye into the whole design. I know you have followers that don't get black on projects, but sometimes it's just so necessary, without the POP of black this card it would be quite bland - I suppose you could use the midnight blue if black really isn't your stash, but the black card just makes it all stand out and look 'alive' imagin it with the black gloss too lol how many are having palpitations now lol, sorry, just teasing !
There is no WiFi where we are hiding away over Christmas so lucky for you my comments will be very very short, one worders even, but nothing will stop my enjoyment and my day will continue to start with Particraft and I'm looking forward to a happier more positive craft blog in the new year, and hopefully it will encourage even MORE daily followers into Sue's world.
My usual hug is coming your way on this nasty freezing frosty morning xxx

Denise Bryant said...

So pretty! Love the layers and colors!

Netty The Runner said...

Another beauty, love everything about this card.
Annette x

Anonymous said...

Really lovely card today, Sue, gorgeous design and colours - topped with the ever perfect poppies.
Think it's a great idea to feature your languishing cards, they need their day on the blog and the more the merrier, I say!
Dragonsnap - yes, a mixed blessing, hope their Christmas goes well, and yours too.
Laine - hey wot - missed you?! Of course not, though hordes pleading for you to come back! And that PP as well, though you will no doubt wonder why lol. Sorry you and Mum been so poorly, perhaps all that M&S nosh will cheer you up. Furbabies here loved and adored from inception, so to speak - but will happily let them go if a lovely home surfaces. And if you believe that........ Sadly lost Bunty (feral who came with name though he is a boy) yesterday, the dreaded kidney failure.
Fluffycat - he won't miss them and he'll be fine - report back please.
Myra - very good news re Emily, you all must be thrilled.
Other Myra - well done to GD on passing her test - like Pam, am a first-timer too, a miracle as nearly passed out with nerves near Tiverton en route to test!! Had to sit in hedge to recover - all many moons ago.
Hugs to all who are poorly or sad.

'P' in Wales

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card in such a lovely shade of blue.
I love your idea of having a day a month to post all your designs that haven't had their 'day to shine' on your blog, I for one can never get enough inspiration. X

Chris Curry said...

Great card Sue, love that blue. Can't believe you have many cards that haven't made the blog but sounds like a great idea. Thank you. Xx

hazel young said...

Brilliant idea Sue, love the card its gorgeous x xhazel

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely exquisite card & with your beautiful poppies. All your cards need to be seen, so the more the merrier. Yvonne xx

Tina T said...

Good morning Sue and crafters all,
This card is beautiful, fancy hiding it away!!!!
Love the simplicity, love the poppies and the black makes it pop. The sentiment is returned to you to!!!
Pam - love to you and your family, hope you have finished work for Christmas and thank you for your continued good wishes.
Peter's leg has gone down and nearly it's normal size without any medical input.
His eating is getting better, didn't enjoy his kippers he ha been pining for. Drinking is still his problem,getting plenty down is difficult as his mouth is dry.
He is getting his wheels tomorrow. I applied for a wheelchair last Thursday and it is coming tomorrow, then at least I can get him out safely.
Stephanie C have you thought about a mobile WiFi dongle when you go away, get them on pay as you go. I always take one on holiday . Enjoy your break.
Elaine,Helen, Nanna Tina sending love and hugs keep your spirits up girls.
June - hope your prize soon arrives. Keep doing your excercises and the walking continues to improve.
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxx

Debra K. said...

Wonderful card today Sue! A great idea to show the cards that haven't had their day on the blog :).

Dragonsnap. I'm really sorry about your sister's daughter splitting up from her partner, lets hope they can work things out but I'm glad your sister won't be alone this Christmas. Also children have a way of taking your mind off things if only for a few hours. When my dad died in the November before Christmas my son who was only 5 months old was a great comfort to my mum. I hope Christmas is a bit less worrisome for you all. Debra x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, how could you have missed this one it is gorgeous and I think the day a month for all cards that have not had a viewing is a great idea.

Went to physio 'joint school' yesterday, there were about 8 of us all at different stages, there are 3 session of about 45 minutes and you do a warm up together round some beams then you have 10 exercises to do at your own pace, well on the list was yes you have guessed it the exercise bike and I told them that it was a definite no, no, no, from me for this one, I had the bruises for quite a time so will never try that again, they were happy about it and said there were other exercises I could do. Stupid me wore a skirt instead of trousers so there were 2 exercise that I did not do, nobody wants to see me with my legs in the air showing off next weeks washing ha ha!! so I know what to wear going forward. Back on the 4th and then final one on the 18th.

Dragonsnap, they say that as one door closes another opens and this is true for your Sister and her daughter, it will be a difficult time but they can be together, hugs to you all xxx

Myra, good news of Emily, you will soon get your cuddles.

Myra, I too passed 1st time although I don't drive anymore, wishing your granddaughter many happy of safe motoring.

Laine, nice to see you back, how are you and Mum doing?

Elaine, pleased that Andrew has finally had his scan, now it is the waiting game, sending hugs to Helen and family too.

Tina, sounds as if Peter is doing better, how is his leg now.

Sharon, how are you doing, slowly but surely, I bet your running around, which is something I struggle with because of my back but I am feeling a lot more comfortable in myself. Are you still doing physio or have you passed that stage.

Special hugs to Tracey, Tina, Diane G, Theresa G and anyone else I have forgotten.

Got the last day of visits from our son, d-I-l, and granddaughter today before they head home to Birmingham later this afternoon, so looking forward to it, we are going to let her open a couple of her presents, she thinks that as she has been a very good girl that Santa left them with us on his way up to Birmingham....oh the innocence and wonder of a child at this time is priceless. Yesterday she sad with me in my craft room and she finished off a card I had made with lights in and stick it down for me, then wrote to Mummy and Daddy for Christmas, it was so wonderful to spend quality time with her on her own, then after our meal she gave it to them well the tears were certainly there, fantastic time.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Super card today. Love the embossed sentiment. Yes please to a clear out day once a month. Sounds a great idea!

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card and anything you do is a great idea , would love to see all your cards you hav done.
Nancyd x

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
I love to see your cards anytime so I think your idea is great.Today's card is beautiful such a wonderful sentiment and my favourite colour blue.
Thanks Jan x

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Pussycats said...

Good Morning Sue and ll. What a beautiful card this morning. I love the dusky blue card with the black and the cream, really draws the design out. Its always a pleasure to have a peep at your cards.
Hugs and well wishes all round. Wendy

hettygarlick said...

A lovely card. I really like the blue and black together.

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card & glad we got to see it. You could do Final Friday for each month-a round up of cards not shown.


CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, it definitely deserves its day in the spotlight.
Myra, so pleased to hear about Emily's progress. Laine, hope you and your Mum are feeling better. Dragonsnap, glad your sister won't be alone over Christmas but sorry about the circumstances. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Karen Drew said...

Lovely card today. Be happy to see anything that you have made on your blog
Karen xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I would love to see the cards that didn't make the blog! Today's card is absolutely stunning thanks for sharing. I love the script of the stamp you've used!
Hugs x
Heather T

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design and the dies are amazing. I would be happy to see your any of your cards anytime you want to show them. You are an inspiration. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Lovely card today i would love to see all your carcds that i missed.
Hugs Catherine .

Betty McAlister said...

Morning Sue. Great idea to publish all your beautiful cards. Today's is gorgeous. X

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card. I'm always happy to see your cards however old or new, the more the merrier.
B xx

Lisbeth said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card today. Love the colour and the beautiful font of the sentiment. I think it would be a good idea to show all the cards that haven't had their day on the blog, after all, if you have gone to the trouble of making them, I am sure we would all like to see them in a bit more detail.


d from kettering said...

Oh, yes please, post as many cards as possible, I love them all, even the ones I've seen demonstrated!!
This is a lovely card, so fresh and clean looking,

Doreen x

A Happercrafter6 said...

Very pleased to see anything you've made Sue. This card is lovely.

Wendy L said...

Looks lovely Sue, just caught upon the Hochanda shows, such inspiration, xxx

NannaShaz said...

Good Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
What a beautiful card and colour contrast really an eye catching card today I love it, whatever cards you post are so inspiring and a joy to see so post as many as you want us lucky ladies to see.

Pam hope your well and ready for christmas

Myra, I am so pleased Emily is doing so well

Laine, hope you and Mum are getting better.

Myra, congratulations to your granddaughter, I too passed 1st time.

Elaine, hope Andrews scan went well.

Tina, great news about Peter's leg hopefully it is getting better now.

June That's great new about Physio I start mine on the 3rd Jan at the hospital as my physio saw me and couldn't do anymore as im doing everything she has told me to do everyday between everthing else lol... so onto the next step like you, I will have to be careful like you as I have arthritis in my spine, but when my daughter was in hospital as I came out from visiting her a guy was pushing an over filled rubbish truck and pushed it straight into me which has damaged my muscle and nerves in my back and neck so having to deal with that as well at the moment, and full of another cold so the Vit C and Echinacea hasnt worked so far.

Sending love and healing hugs to Tracy Tina, Dragonsnap Diane G Theresa G and Helen and all need it that and I have missed.

Love to all and have a good day

Suemac said...

Lovely to see more cards

TDQ Karen said...

Great idea to have a bit of a catch up,this card is so pretty,love the blue and white, so fresh xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card i too would love to see all your cards that didn't quite make it .

I must make an apology in advance to you all ,
I wrote my post quite a lengthy one and then coming to the end ,it vanished up up and away WHAT ???
I just have not got time to re write it all ,

So sending hugs to all ,stay warm and safe if you are going out { my hubby had a fall while out getting the paper } it is very lethal underfoot in my neck of the woods .

Big hugs to all
Elaine H X

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

I really like the imaginative twists you've used to make this card, very interesting use of the Pictor set and embossing the text panel rather than the outer blue piece is so unusual but works really well.

Would love to see all the cards you've made Sue, bring them on!


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this us a beautiful card, it really deserves its day of fame. I would love to see all the cards that haven't made it to the blog yet.

Love Rosemarie X X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
WOW really love this one I think ovals look so good. Off now to do battle with the food shops! Not too much to get , then home to do some baking and a little housework.
Do hope you enjoy the festive season and thanks for all the pleasure you have given throughout the year.

Heather R Oxfordshire

Beryl said...

Stunning card Sue.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - love the layout of this card, it is very stylish. What a great idea to show us all your un-seen cards -I look forward to that. Sending best wishes

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card, I need the oval dies.
Yes please, we need to see all of your stunning cards.
Have a good day.

foxyg said...

Beautiful card. Always love seeing your cards, as many as possible.

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sweet Sue on a very frosty morning, a really beautiful card today and I dont mind you showing of your un-seen cards at all especially if they look as gorgeous as this one. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the card and colour my favourite colour . love Jean Z xxx

BenteS said...

A really lovely card!

hollyberry said...

Gorgeous cad,so elegant in those colours.

Anne said...

Always happy to see any of your cards, Sue. Still catching up with your shows - I love the tree die. A great card today.

Anne (Northampton)

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card. Like the blue dusk. SueL x

Unknown said...

Dear Sue, please add my vote to those hoping to see cards that might have been forgotten. They don't all have to demonstrate a new technique, although this one shows how to join two colors with the choices allowed by the Geminis. I am still amazed at how exciting it was In November to see your new designs and the cards you made from them. My eyes were licking their lips!!! And now I wonder what you can possibly do next. I hope you have some ideas, because my eyes are hungry again.
Since I found out about your beautiful dies and started watching your videos, I have made such amazing cards that people think I'm artistic. If I have any talent, it's for adding to my shopping cart and checking out with PayPal. And then doing as close to what you do with what I have. They also think I'm creative! The creativity is all yours, so thanks for letting us buy it and use it. Your dies are just the kind of graceful that I wish I could be. And when I send a card made from them, both the recipient and I acquire the beauty that came out from you. How do you do that!?! What you draw is graceful and for that I'm grateful.
Donita in Rhode Island

June Horrocks said...

Love this card sue it really does deserve its place in the sun love the colours the flower is brill
Love you June horrocks xxxxx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Beautiful card today I love the Embossing inside the Oval Die!
Love Marg

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Lovely card today Yes please I would love to see your cards that haven't made it to the blog it's a good idea
Myra pleased to hear that Emily is making progress & soon you'll be able to cuddle her
June you made me smile with your comments about the gym & next week's washing!
Dragonsnap glad your sister will have her daughters company over Christmas although the circumstances are sad at least they will be able to comfort each other
Sending get well wishes & hugs to all who need them

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Lovely card today Yes please I would love to see your cards that haven't made it to the blog it's a good idea
Myra pleased to hear that Emily is making progress & soon you'll be able to cuddle her
June you made me smile with your comments about the gym & next week's washing!
Dragonsnap glad your sister will have her daughters company over Christmas although the circumstances are sad at least they will be able to comfort each other
Sending get well wishes & hugs to all who need them

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Beautiful card !! Yes please, me to, I would love to see the cards that haven't made it to the Blog.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card today, really love the poppies again and this is a lovely colour card, I must investigate! What a great idea doing a show all Friday or something, you make so many cards and it would be a shame for them to not have their day on the blog.
Love Diane G xxx
Only 3% battery left so I'm sending hugs to Tina and Peter Elaine Andrew and Helen Tina June Sharon Tracey .xxxxx Myra lovely news and dragonsnap a mixed blessing but lovely for your sister. Xxx June I have this very funny picture of you in a very elegant skirt doing your exercise at the bar like a prima ballerina!!!!! Take care everyone xxxx

Jane Franklin said...

Loving the card including the bit of black and the poppies. Definitely would love to see all your cards pleeeeeese! Best wishes to all, luv jxxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, you can show as many of your cards you want, I could look at them all day, and see something different every time. I need all the inspiration I can get.
Take care everyone, the storm is not far off xxx

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card today Sue.- what a great idea to show off your cards that didn't make the blog. Looking forward to seeing them.
VC x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card and please feel free to share as many cards as you want,I always think it's a shame that when you're on TV the presenters show the same cards over and over and you've gone to the trouble of making all these cards that don't get seen, I want to see them all

Laine good to see you back

Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful design and love the blue

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Love this card. The way you have used the border die makes the whole design look like a dressing table mirror
Margaret xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue, love the blue card.
I'm always happy to see any card you show.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, another stunning card today. The poppies look gorgeous so adaptable.

Barbara V

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty card. I love the flowers and the pearls.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
yes, would certainly work for me. Those ovals are just perfect for framing, I find myself reaching for them more and more.
That colour combo is wonderfully gentle but not insipid.
Hugs, Rose

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
Well Sue Like Many I Would Truly Just Love To See More Of Your "Outstanding Cards" That Have Missed There
Day On Your Excellent Blog, One Every Month Would Be Just Superb, I'd Love To See Your Masterpiece's.
Today's Card Is Extremely Exquisite, I Just Love The Stunning Colour Combination Of "The Coconut White/Ble Dusk/Black"
I So Love To See Black On Cards, It Makes A Card Stand Out,
I Love The Very Beautiful "Pictor Die" That You've Used At The Bottom Of Your Card, Also The Very Beautiful "Double Pierced
Oval Die" To Create Your Frame, Also Using The Extremely Exquisite, "Jacobean Embossing Folder" Its So Very Striking Indeed,
Love "The Exquisite Poppies" And "The Olive Branches" And The Stunning Pearl Accents....
Sue Thank You For Sharing Today's Truly Tremendous Card I'm So Looking Foward To Seeing More...
Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs🤗 To Yourself Sue
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes....

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card that should definitely be seen. I like the idea of a monthly 'clear-out' of cards that you have not posted for one reason or another. I'm sure we all appreciate getting as much inspiration as possible.

Laine - good to see you back. Hope your mum is now fully recovered and you are both ready for the festivities.

'P' - a report will follow, probably on Saturday.


Suebak said...

One of my fave group of colours and the font on the sentiment is to die for. Fab card.

Susan x

Kate's Cards said...

It would be lovely to see more cards Sue.
Would love to see more inky cards too as I don't have many dies but do have zillions of stamps. xxx

Marion Scott said...

Today's card is gorgeous Sue and I love your idea of once a month showing cards that have not been seen on your blog. You make so many for TV appearances and new die releases and it would be great to see them.
Marion S x

Gloria Robey said...

Hi Sue todays card is a sight to be hold. Beautiful. Please we would all love to see your cards that didn't make the blog. I never get tired just looking back on your blog .Thank you for sharing your ideas with us .Gloria (Sidcup) xx

Annie Stamps said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the foliage, it's so pretty.

Annie p

Magic Maggie said...

Brilliant plan gal! I love seeing what you do WHENEVARRR..... It really doesn't matter to me if it's this years stuff or stuff from years ago - I still have all the same dies of yours I always had, and it's nice to get fresh ideas because we all move on..
Thanks for all you do (I could do with a stamp that says that!!) Happy Christmas to you and your team.
Maggie (Yorkite)

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. I'm pleased it had its day. I like how you have used the Pictor die and Olive Branches and Exquisite Poppies are among my favourites, love the colour combination. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Sue MacFall said...

The poppies finish this beautifully, Sue. It is a lovely card, thank you

Janie McD said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful Card! Colours are stunning and so fresh. So glad to have found your Blog, I love seeing all your Beautiful cards and get a lot of inspiration and ideas both from here and the You Tube videos which I watch often.

Love Janie ( oh and of course Pixie! )

NurseRatchett25 said...

Very lovely card. I think the poppies are just as named, exquisite. The body is a very nice combination with the black. Oh definitely don't let any of your lovely creations be forgotten. They are all such wonderful inspirations.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card, love the colour combo. Hugs to all xxx

Suzzette Yandle said...

A striking card today. I think having a day a month to show any card that has not had its day on the blog is a great idea. Bring it on!

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue, this definitely deserves is day on your blog Sue, it's beautiful.
Love Val in Spain xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card although not sure about the black! You can show off as many cards as you like as far as I'm concerned -- I love to see them.
Love to all Alison xx

barbara macaskill said...

Beautiful! I love the idea of a clear out day each month! That way we get to see so many more of your gorgeous creations!!! TFS! Merry Christmas!

Scottydog said...

Good to see this lovely 'shy' card, where was she hiding? Love the poppies & the colour combination. Like everyone else would love it if we have a bumper card day, so bring it on! We just can't get enough of your beautiful cards. Thank you Sue.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and lovely ladies
beautiful card today, love the colour scheme and especially as always that pop of black. Just gorgeous. There have been some stunning cards over the past few days too!
Sorry not up to speed and this is just a quick comment. Thanks Myra for your thoughts and prayers, so kind.
Glad to see you're on the mend June and congrats on your blog candy win.
Sending warm winter hugs to all my crafty friends including Myra, Maria, June, Lynda B, P in Wales, Wheely, Princes P and Laine.
Love and blessings
Deb C xx

lritchie said...

Hi Sue, lovely card this morning, love the colors you have used.

Lori from Canada

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue great are an really looking deserves its day in the limelight. I think hat it is great idea to have a day a month where you showcase the cards that have not made it to the blog so looking forward to that.

Stella Munn said...

I really like this one Sue. The style can be used for so many occasions.
Wishing you a very happy & blessed Christmas xx

Nanny Jo said...

Lovely card, Sue. I love the pierced ovals. They have been on my wishlist for so long that I have decided to buy them for myself as a last minute Christmas gift!! :) Jo xx

Barbara (C) said...

I like the font on this sentiment which fits so neatly in the aperture.The ovals are tempting me.....BarbaraC

sued99 said...

Lovely card. The more the merrier as far as your cards are concerned. X

Brenda said...

Hello Sue
Beautiful card, LOVE the poppies. Thank you for this special treat.
Love Brenda xxx

ursula said...

A real stunning card today Sue, I just love my poppy die, and here you have used it again...thank you....luv Ursula xx

karenlotty said...

Lovely card and a lovely idea to showcase a card that didn't make it to the blog because a) it's a new card to us as b) lets us see slightly "older" dies we may have in our stash for more inspiration

liz spooner said...

This is beautiful Sue, and those poppies look stunning in that colour.xx

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
More cards from you heaven can't wait.

Theresa said...

this is just beautiful and serene. love it, hugs xx

Yorkie girl said...

Good evening Sue and all your crafty crew
Beautiful card Sue I adore the font on the sentiment it's gorgeous
Sharon I hope that your injury from the idiot pushing the truck settles down and does not affect you to much over the festive period
June physio and you on the floor with all your washing showing is a sight I think I will pass on. Lol. Trousers next time eh
I envy you your time with your grandchildren so special And the memories you created with her crafting a card for her Mum & Dad will remain with her always xx
Tina thinking of you Hun prayers said
You know I am going to have to start to take notes so I can comment My memory for names is terrible
Hugs to all that need one
I wish you all everything that is good in this world
Theresa G xx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

This post is gorgeous and love the colours ...

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, love it

Love n hugs
Dorothy of Bsldock

Rosemary Stickland said...

Stunning card!
Rosemary xx

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Beautiful card today, and I'd be pleased to see whatever you want to show, whenever you want to show it!! (I'm talking about cards!)
love to all who are poorly, in pain, having treatment, recovering or who are lonely.
Maureen xx

Disco Queen said...

Hi Sue, I love the idea. Your cards are so beautiful, everyone of them deserves a place on your blog. To think today's almost didn't get posted & it's one of my favourites. Theresa x

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, the colours, shapes and composition are great,

thank you for the inspiration

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm late again but never mind I've made it! I meant to watch Julia at 8pm but I didn't manage to do that either! Catch up again!!!
Today's card is beautiful and I love how you have used the ovals in two frames in different sizes! Very effective! Love the flowers too and the colours.
Thanks everyone for your congratulations for my granddaughter!
Myra in Florida - so pleased about Emily and I'm sure she is just longing to sit on someone's lap and have lots of hugs! Such good news! Thank you for keeping us posted.
June - I did laugh at the picture you painted in my head of your exercise regime! Keep going , you are doing so well!
Laine - nice to see you to see you ----nice! Maureen and I have behaved impeccably just recently! Santa is coming you see and he only comes to girls who have been good!! It's hard work though! Sorry your Mum hasn't been so well! You have had your moments too!! Hope you are both now on the mend ready for Christmas!
PP - I do hope you aren't too poorly!
Thanks again Pam for keeping us up to date! I passed first time too! I could hardly believe it! It was a while ago mind you but a wee bit after the time when someone walked in front waving a red flag!! Maureen remembers that though!
Think I'd better go! Thanks Sue and Please show as many cards as you can! We learn from each and every one!
Night Night! Love Myra xx

Eunice said...

I love your idea of doing a post for the cards that have not been showcased!!! Would love to see them and maybe glean some great ideas!!! This card I really do love the color and the very different use of the dies!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

I love everything about this card. The font for the sentiment is gorgeous!

June x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A really delightful card in a striking colourway.
I do like those little touches of black and the exquisite poppies which have recently dropped through my letterbox. They are gorgeous as are all your floral dies.
Thank you for all the inspiration you have given us all throughout the year, for your Wednesday Giveaways and for the chance to win a Die at the start of your new die releases.
I hope you have a wonderful Festive season and manage to find some time to relax, Sue.
Lesley S x

Pawprintx4 said...

Seeing all the cards you have made would be a treat. Works for me.
I love the black accents on this card. A little black always makes things pop. The card is beautiful as usual and I do love the sentiment used also.
Everyone have a good evening (or is it?)
Stephanie K

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card.

Fikreta said...

very pretty card!
Merry Christmas!

Dawn Holben said...

This is an amazing and stunning card, the detail is just perfect.
And the colours too. definately another favourite.

julie laz said...

Beautiful love this card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx