Thursday, 30 June 2016

Extended Backgrounds

Hi crafters!  I love that my background dies are large, but sometimes, I want to make a really large card which calls for an extended background!  The video will show you just how easy it is to do and you can use these techniques with other background dies as well.

Just a quick reminder in case you hadn't noticed, but I will be on Hochanda today for a two hour show from 10am to 12pm!  I also have shows on Friday and Sat this week and the hours are all listed on the right hand side of the blog!

With the blog launch running, I completely forgot that I promised to announce the winner of last week's Wednesday Card giveaway(three panel card) yesterday!  The winner is:

Barbara (C)!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card!

The finished dimensions are 8" x  9" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                      Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Dragonsnap2 said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Love it. Will have to have a go.
D x

Pam said...

A such a beautiful card Sue.
Congratulations Barbara
My heart breaks for you and your dad. I nursed my Mum through her final days with the help of my Dad, I was 16. It is a hard jiournry but 52 years later, I'm so glad that I was able to help her. Please take all the help you can, spend your time with Dad and just love each other.
Elaine and Andrew, how are things
Pat, hope Sarah is settled back at home, what a little star she us.
Tina and Mick, hope the baby brought lots of joy to you both.

Jan.moogie said...

Well set gadget to record program later today, so looking forward to seeing what else you do. Gorgeous card today Sue and adore the colours. Have a great day today,hugs xxxxxxxx

Marion Bull said...

Beautiful card Sue, will have to watch the video later. This morning has been cancelled so I can watch you - lovely way to spend the day!
Maggie B xx

Marion Scott said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love the colours. Looking forward to your shows today and tomorrow and have recorder set for Saturday shows as I will be on holiday. Can't set recorder as far as the 16th July so will have to watch catch up on return. Marion S. x

auscrafts said...

beautiful card Sue

Jan on the Fosse said...

Gorgeous card Sue, Love the colours. Looking forward to your shows .
Jan x

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Beautiful card and great video. As if your dies aren't versatile enough to start with, you just give us more and more. As you said this method could be used for so many other backgrounds and that is what I hope to try on Saturday, planned for a full card day :-)
Congratulations Barbara. I will try again to watch your Hochanda online, usually stops so often it is so frustrating but never give up on watching a Sue demo!!!
Thinking of all having tough times,
Muriel x

hollyberry said...

Love this card,it is just so delicate and pretty. As ever the colours are beautiful and the flowers gorgeous.
Congratulations Barbara.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue Look forward to shows, recorder set. Congratulations Barbara. JJxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card and a fabulous colour.
Nancyd xx

Clai01 said...

Looking forward to all the shows Sue and the card is very pretty. x

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
what a stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely exquisite definitely a work of art, I will be at work so I will set recorder. Congratulations to Barbara. Yvonne xx

Jane Franklin said...

I love the card and colours used and the video is so informative. Looking forward to the shows. Luv jxxx

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, love the card today and it shows how the die cuts can be used to extend their usage to best advantage, lovely card too,

thank you,

Pearl xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue. I really love the colour you've used on this sample it highlights the beauty of the background dies. I've just about got over the pain of snipping your dies so hopefully I can progress to the larger background dies like you've shown today on this really beautiful sample.
I know we always hope and pray for good holiday weather if we can't get abroad but I'm hoping for the opposite today so I can sit and enjoy watching your 2 hour show this morning as it's not set up to record back home !!! Boohoo.
I will leave you and our Sam with big hugs, and hope you have a fantastic day Sue ☺ xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, will catch up with the video tonight after I've caught up with your shows. I'm not happy that I have to go to work when I could be watching you live, but I have to earn to feed my craft habit!
Congratulations Barbara on your win.
Tracy - sending special wishes to you and your Dad. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Aspiring crafter said...

A beautiful card Sue and will watch video a little later, looking forward to your shows,

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to Barbara on winning the card.
Have a great day everyone.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, this card is really lovely, beautiful soft colour, and a great video. Well done Barbara on winning the card. Bx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
A really beautiful card, loving the little flowers , i will try to watch your video later.

Pam thank you for asking , Andrew is still in Hospital but i am pleased to say he is looking a lot better , they have drained over 2 litres of fluid from his tummy { this has gone away to be tested } , and his blood counts are back to normal.
Hopefully he is now on the mend .
I had a phone call from my youngest sons partner last night , to say Darren has just come out of Theatre ,{ what a shock ,he didn't want to tell us his appointment had come through as he thought we had enough worry with Andrew } So we will be visiting him this morning and i will be giving him a ticking off , i know he was thinking of us but he is just as precious and needs support also, however minor the operation .
It is a pity my boys are not in the same Hospital , one is in Stoke the other in Crewe , but we will sort out the visiting times , so i will away now and sort out the veges for dinner
it will be easier if its all prepared for when we get home.

Congrats to Barbara ,enjoy your lovely card .

Take care everyone
Lots of hugs to all.
Elaine H X

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card. Will watch video later. Thanks for the heads up you are on Hochanda today. It seems ages since I've seen you on the TV. I will rush round doing my jobs so I can tune in at 10 and see you wonderful demos. They never disappoint.

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and I love the colours
I will have to try this technique
Pat x

Chris Curry said...

Wow, what a fantastic card. Looking forward to watching the video later, seems perfect for someone special. Thank you Sue. Xx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card I have set the recorder.
Have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely card, Sue, really like the Australian border and even better for the enlargement! Altogether splendid.
Tracy - really feel for you. Cherish your time together and hope at least that your Dad can be helped with the pain. Just take what help you can, too.
Elaine - oh my word. Hope both your boys are okay now.
Hugs to Nanna Tina and Mick.
Well done to Barbara on the card win.
Crossing fingers that life does not get in the way of today's show.

'P' in Wales said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card I have set the recorder.
Have fun Kitty.
Oop's congratulations to Barbara.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A very pretty card that looks so fresh and feminine. I'll look forward to watching the video when I get in from work tonight.
Congratulations to Barbara.x

Champagne dVine said...

Beautiful card. I will try and remember to watch. I don't have a recorder.

Congratulations Barbara.

Would have loved to win a card as it's my birthday today ��������

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I am looking forward to watching the video and seeing you on Hochanda. Congratulations to the winner. Have a great day today it seems like you will be very busy. Take care. Hugs Jackie

hazel young said...

all set to record as at hospital today. Gorgeous card Sue love the colours x xhazel

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card, really lovely.

Congrats to the card winner.


doreenj said...

I do love that colour of blue, and the edging on the flowers!!

Congrats to last weeks winner,

Doreen x

Debra K. said...

Beautiful card today! Lovely use of the dies to extend their usefulness.
Congratulations to Barbara on her card win! Debra x

Bluefairy4U said...

Morning Sue, another beautiful card. Cannot wait to see your shows. Thank you for all your inspirations. Love Jo x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card. The colours are lovely and with the extra colour blending it just finishes it off beautifully. Love the flowers and butterflies. Congratulations to Barbara on her win. Got everything set to tape all your shows, hubby at work so i can sit in peace and watch till my hearts content lol. Looking forward to seeing all the new techniques that i will learn. Thanks for another great video.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, A beautiful card, I will have to try this technique as I love big cards. I love the flowers with just that tip of blue. Will be watching Hochanda today.

Love Rosemarie X X

lilian said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, just love the delicate colouring on the flowers.
So glad you are back on the telly will try and watch.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
I ran out of superlatives a long time ago since started visiting your blog so it's more of the same.... beautiful, elegant and oh yes, pulchritudinous! Fab video, too. And showing us how to extend your dies makes them even more versatile whilst losing none of their beauty.
Thank you. All set for your shows and looking forward to it.
Hugs, Rose

Anne said...

Beautiful card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Karen Derbyshire said...

great card Sue, enjoyed the video too.

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, I did watch your demo of this card and love it! Looking forward to your shows today - going golfing but recorder is set!

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card, using beautiful dies and colour way. Will watch the video very soon. I will also watch Hochanda, but have to carry on emulsioning our newly plastered bedroom walls first. Have set the recorder in case I get carried away or too paint splattered to come downstairs!

Congratulations to Barbara on your card win.

Love Helen xxx

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, will have to set recorder for your shows.
Congratulations to Barbara x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

This is so gorgeous, love it

Utopiablue said...

So beautiful x

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue I really love today's card it's very pretty Looking forward to your hochanda shows have them all set to record
Congratulations to Barbara. Caring thoughts to all who need them

NannaShaz said...

Morning Sue and everyone hope you all have a lovely day
I love this card and the colours and having a video to help is great i love watching them makes me go and craft more
Thank you Sue
Sharon xxx

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

What a pretty card and so cleverly done too and I love the addition of the trailing ivy - it doesn't have to be just a festive embellishment does it!...

Congratulations to Barbara...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I really love this card and am going to watch the video in a short while to see how you have extended your dies. Love the trailing ivy - I go for this every time I make a flower arrangement. Really looking forward to your shows - best wishes

karenlotty said...

Beautiful card I'll watch video later Hadn't realised you are on Hochanda today So will have to watch on catch up

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Love your beautiful card. Looking forward to your shows - set to record :-) Congratulations to Barbara. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Scottydog said...

This is a beautiful card (my colours). You make it look so easy when you extend a diecut. I use that small butterfly a lot, it finishes cards off nicely. Hope to tune in at 10am, it's been too long since you were on TV! Thanks for the video Sue.
Congratulations to Barbara.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,,
Another stunning card, love it
Patricia xxx

susyjune said...


Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, hope to watch video after I've taken mum shopping, love the colours
Mick had a good day managed to eat some of the baking I did I made some of his favourite things to tempt his taste buds, he also got a huddle with his new Grandson we had to use cushions as he has no control of his arms and hands and he was worried about hurting him but all was good, very emotional he was the sunshine after all the rain for us
Congratulations to Barbara in winning card
Love and huge hugs to everyone and for all your hugs and wishes they mean a lot to me
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina xxxx

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
A truly beautiful card, I love the way that you have used your dies and the touches of colour on the flowers sets everything off to perfection. Looking forward to seeing you on hochanda, enjoy your day.
Thanks for all the inspiration,

Beryl said...

Beautiful card and enjoyed the video.

Nananne said...

Stunning card! I love this shade of blue, looking forward to watching your shows.
Anne xo

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the card and colours so pretty. love Jean Z xxxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a really inspirational video today and such a beautiful card.

Congrats to Barbara

Thinking of you Tracey and yr Dad, Elaine and Andrew, Patrick and Sarah, Tina and Mick and everyone else who is suffering or who have problems.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card
Congratulations to Barbara
Carol quinn

SHARICA said...

Great Vid and card xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Beautiful card, will watch the video later,
Looking forward to the show.

crossstitchmarg said...

Hi Sue,
Not sure where my post went to, my Daugter FaceTimed me while I was trying to post it.
This card is beautiful, I love it.
I have this background die set and it cuts out beautifully..
I must set my HD box to record your shows just in case I miss any.
Have a great day

gwen70 said...

Stunning card, love the colours, can't wait to see the video

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous card, love the way you have extended the background, you make it look so easy!! Who doesn't love a sparkly butterfly or two to cover a join ( or hide a mistake in my case!) and I always find the ivy perfect for that too. Thank you for sharing
Love Diane G xxx
Congratulations to Barbara xxx
Happy birthday champagne d'vile xx
Elaine oh my goodness you will be rushing around, I hope both boys are making good progress and will be home soon xxx
Tina how lovely for you and Mick xxx
Tracey my sweetheart I'm sending you the biggest cuddle, all you have been through this year you have been so brave. I hope dad is home with you soon, it will be so hard but accept all the help you can get and spend your dads with your darling dad, you will know you have done the best for him. Sending your dad a big hug too, tell him we are thinking of him, might make him chuckle that he's getting all these virtual hugs from ladies he's never met! Xxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, will ha e to watch video later, trying to get things sorted for a craft fair on Saturday.
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

June Horrocks said...

Love the card sue thank you xxxxxx
Love June Horrocks xxx

Annie Stamps said...

Love this card Sue, it's so elegant. Will watch the video in a little while.

I'm always inspired by your cards so I'll clear the remaining clutter from yesterday's play session and start off with a nice tidy work area in my craft room.

Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda, 2 whole hours woohoo. Will record it as well:-)

I had a visit from my eldest Granddaughter yesterday. They had been to register the baby's birth and called here to tell me they named her after me! Her official name is Bonnie Ann.

She's such a delightful baby, still very tiny but she feeds well and only cries when she's hungry. Grandaughter is healing now. She had nasty tear when she gave birth. Midwife didn't expect her to go from 3cms to fully dilated in less than 40 minutes so when she said she wanted to push they didn't take her seriously so told her to give a little push and they would have a look to see what was going on! Grandaughter was on her hands and knees because she had terrible back pain. She pushed and the baby shot out, fortunately the midwife caught her. All's well that ended well.

Congrats to the winner of the card.

Annie P

BenteS said...

A great technique, thanks for the video!
And you card today is beautiful - love the size of it :))
Congrats to the lucky winner!

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue What a gorgeous card, I have this die will give it ago again. Thanks you .Will be watching your shows on Hochanda. Gloria (Sidcup) xx

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, fabulous card and a really great technique for altering the background dies. Waiting for your show on Hochanda to start.

Hilary Bunker said...

Hi Sue what a lovely card. Blue and white always look wonderful together. Not had a chance to view the vidio yet, but am looking forward to seeing it later. I have set my record ready for your Tv shows later. So cannot wait to get some quiet time to watch you and all your wonderful demos I know I will learn a lot. Congratulations to Barbara for winning the card. Special thoughts and best wishes to all those going through difficult times at the momment.
love Hilary

marg said...

Hello Sue
Looking forward to watching you!
Love the card today
Congrats to Barbara!
Happy birthday champagne d'vile too!
Love Marg

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Great technique and the end result is a beautiful card. SueL x

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxx

Clare Powell said...

Really beautiful card, love the floral elements. Looking forward to watching your shows today x

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Smashing card as always. Heading down to plank my bum on couch to watch ur two hr show I'm so excited to see what ur going to do.

Congrats to Barbara on ur win.

Thanks everyone for ur well wishes and caring thoughts once more it really does make a big difference.
Dad apparently had been quite sick yesterday the nurse gives me update everyday when I go. Then he was sick twice whilst I was there. He was hallucinating as well which was hard to watch as if I didn't laugh I would be crying. It's like he's himself one minute and gone the next. I guess that's what having morphine does.
My sister who'd been in the afternoon said he'd told her somebody was hiding in his little bedside cupboard.
Don't think he will be out on Friday.
Anyways I'm off now to wTch sue.

Love to all xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, love the card - will have to watch the the video tutorial later as I need to get in front of my TV to watch your 2 hr show.

Anonymous said...

Really lovely card, love the colours.

Anonymous said...

such a lovely card xxx colours very soothing and great video xx love yvonnebennettxx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card Sue... Will certainly have to try this technique! Thanks for demoing.
V C Cumbria

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
That is a big card but it's beautiful, I love the butterflies
Beverley W

Laura O said...

beautiful card ,love these butterflies always useful ,Laura O

sandieann21 said...

Very pretty. Watching the show and love the first card you have just finished.

Crafty Cruiser said...

Really gorgeous card
Doreen R

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Lots of detail, lovely colours and beautiful butterflies. Thanks for your video.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and great video too, as you say you have to make the dies work for you and there's always a little flower or butterfly to hide the join. Watching your show now on Hochanda
Elaine how worrying having both you boys in hospital, what a thoughtful young man Darren must be not wanting to worry you
Tracy, caring hugs to you I know how difficult it is to watch someone you love suffering and morphine does funny things to your head
Congratulations to Barbara
Sarah back home again and insisted on going to school today! She is indeed a very brave little girl and has had to go through so much in her eight years she must absolutely hate hospitals,mi know I would. Thanks again for all your wishes for her it was very much appreciated.

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card, I enjoyed the video. Looking forward to your shows on Hochanda.
Congrats to Barbara.
B xx

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card, I enjoyed the video. Looking forward to your shows on Hochanda.
Congrats to Barbara.
B xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, another beauty in blue, love it and lucky me I have all the dies. Not sure who I would make such a large card for though, perhaps me? I will be catching up with your 2 hour special tonight when I can sit and concentrate without distraction. Hope all the shows go well for you.

Barbara C - Congratulations on being the Wednesday Winner. Enjoy your lovely card.
Angela W - Happy Birthday for yesterday, hope you enjoyed yourself.
ChampagnedVine - Happy Birthday for today!
Elaine - what a worry with both boys in hospital. Hope they both get better and home again soon.
Tracy - Hugs for you and your dad.


Sue MacFall said...

Lovely big card - must try one of these as I usually stay with a 6" square !
Thank you,
Sue Mac

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Today's card is another beauty Sue. Not watched your video yet that's a treat for later
Your card looks fantastic
Loving the show and my card got shown it is a full card though Sue. Lol
Hugs to those that need one
Theresa G xx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous the dies and colors.

Jan D., Florida, USA

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
watched your shows today and they were fabulous!
Rolf xxx

Paula said...

This is a beautiful card Sue, I can't wait to see how you've done it. Now I'm off to make the regulation cup of tea so I can relax and watch the video in comfort. :)
Hugs to all in need of them today,
Paula x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

This card is so-so beautiful, love the blue and white, and those little butterflies look perfect on this design. I just love it all.

Big hug, Brenda XXX

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Meg Owen said...

Oh Sue this is such a beautiful card. pretty butterflies and flowers too.

Nana Tina and Mick hope all keeps getting better for you now. How lovely having a baby to hug.

Tracy and Dad I send my love and hugs. We are all thinking of you.

Love and hugs to everyone.


Suebak said...

Simply beautiful Sue. I am about to 'catch up' with your shows on Hochanda earlier today.

Susan x

Unknown said...

To My Very Dear Friend Sue,
Just A Very Quick Comment As Today I'm Not Feeling Too Good..
I Love The Fabulous Card And Outstanding Dies The Video Was As
Always Remarable You Always Explain Things So Well.
Thank You For The Tips And Techniques Thank You For Shaing Everything With Us
I Love The Beautiful Colour Pallett You've Used Soft Summer Colours I Wish We Were Having A
Warmest Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes
Huge Hugs To Steph...

Unknown said...

Hi Sue such a lovely card, I have just watched your video and enjoyed watching the way you alter your dies and make them bigger or smaller which is very helpful, I am about to tackle the ironing and I have recorded your shows so that I can watch them while I iron
KathyB x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Love this card design and the colour is so beautiful

Congratulations to Barbara :)

June x

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

A Beautiful Card, lovely dies and colours. A very informative video. Thanks for sharing.

Congratulations Barbara (C).

Best wishes

gailgale said...

Love this card.
Thank you so much for the demo.
I learn so much from your videos.

sued99 said...

I really love this card. Hoping to catch up with the video later before I'm out of Internet range for the next few days!

barbara macaskill said...

WOW! Everything about this card screams AMAZING. GORGEOUS, STUNNING and FANTABULOUS!!! I love it all! TFS!

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Wonderful card sue and cannot wait to watch the video later to see you work your magic x just having an arguement with myself whether to watch the video first or hochanda catch up as I've just got home from work x
Tracy so sad to hear your dads back in hospital x sending you both a big heartfelt hug xxx
Nanna tina sending you and mick hugs too x so pleased he managed a cuddle with the little one xxx
Elaine wow your boys like to put you through it !!! Sending you all healing hugs x
Pat cannot believe sarah wanted to go back to school today x such a little trooper x
Wheely bad glad you managed to take meds before those dreaded migraines kicked in x sending you hugs x
Yvonne and laine it won't be the same if you are both nice to each other ! Sending you both a big hug x
Congratulations barbara x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w in Berks xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous card Sue

gr karin van eijk

Congratulations to the winner

Jean said...


Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it . . . . .
You know how the song goes. From this day forward I rename today - Thrilling Thursday!!!!
I was glued to the screen for your 2 hour performance, which was as ever completely marvelous. Then I come on to the blog to be greeted by today's work of art accompanied with a fantastic video. You have made a young lady (I use that term very loosely) very happy. And then there's tomorrow - WOOOOHOOOO x
Sue you are without doubt the undisputed champion of the crafting world. Was going to say heavyweight champion but would hate to cause offense. Lol x
I just want to throw something in the ring - see what I did there. I know that during my absence there was someone trying to take advantage of the situation with aspirations of knocking me off the top Wilsonette spot (like that is ever going to happen)!!! Surely a dedicated member of our Happy family would have set her alarm (as I did) to guarantee being able to watch you strut your stuff live. After a lengthy conversation yesterday it transpired that a certain person obviously thought it completely beneath her to make the effort and decided to record you instead.x
As you well know, I am not one to call into question anyone's scruples - but I'm just saying. Lol x x x
Seriously Sue - brilliant show, stunning samples and it isn't true what they say - I think you scrub up quite well x
Having a not doing much at all day today - ha ha what's new?! Still not up to speed with life in general really so a slow pace suits me and knowing we have another dose of Sue tomorrow makes life sweet x
WHEELY - lovely to see you girl. Such a relief when you manage to catch the migraine before it takes hold completely. Enjoy the viewing with hubby - romantic or what? Lol x
Nanna Tina - so pleased Mick had a good day x
Tracy - speaking from experience, humour is sometimes a blessing even when we are at our lowest. This time is so precious and you have to try and make the most of every second. Laughing at certain situations will create memories that will make you smile for years to come. Big hugs and smiles to you x
Pat - wow - go Sarah!! What a star. Lots of love x
Theresa - evil you are. What is so entertaining about mocking those who are of much lower class than us? Lol x
OK, bit of a shock to the system to be on here so early. I am so used to trying to rush my comment before turning into a pumpkin!!!
Enjoy the rest of the day everyone - especially you Sue - hope you manage to get a bit of feet up, glass of wine (maybe) and something extremely sweet to satisfy those inner yearnings. Lol x
Big hugs and happy thoughts to everyone - especially those who are special blog buddies - you know who you are x
Crafty hugs

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Lovely card today, and great video. I've watched your two hour show this morning, and you were super, as usual.
I've been missing for a while as first I was a bit off colour, then when I looked it was in the middle of a die offer, so I waited until that - and the Wednesday card giveaway - was over before coming on again. Congratulations Barbara on winning the Wednesday card.
Pat L, I did check after the 21st to see if Sarah had her operation, and was so very sorry to read that you were all disappointed again. You wonder how much such a little child can go through and she is so very brave. I send her lots of love, hugs and prayers.
Love to all who are poorly and battling their illnesses, and those who are caring for them.
Maureen x

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Another stunning card. I just love it.
Evis M.

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. Not sure if I have mentioned it recently but I really love this die, I think it is because I like the dashes on the borders of them which looks a bit as though they have ribbon threaded through. I was very interested to learn how the dies could be extended and I assume that they could also be changed into a square shape. Now I must go and watch this morning's show so I can see what everyone has been enthusing about,


Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful pretty!! Only just looked at blog & seen that I have missed your 2 hour show today on Hochanda!! GUTTED IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!!!! I will definitely be checking out your other shows tho!!!!

Pauline A said...

I also missed your shows today and will have to wait till Friday to watch today's video,but the card is lovely. Hugs xx P Austen

Welsh Dors said...

Hi Sue,
As I like to frame the focal point on my cards I love this die, being non-frilly (if that's a word) it's particularly useful for men's cards. Really enjoyed your shows today, nice to have a complete range explained in full, and the samples were fabulous

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card, the colours are beautiful

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love all your background dies and this card is no exception - stunning

Congrats for winning last week

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
I was so excited that you were on the television that I forgot to come on your blog!!!! (You know the saying about old age doesn't come by itself lol!). The video was full of inspiration as always and the card is gorgeous! I love how you can chop and change the dies without spoiling the original look, very clever.
Hugs x
Heather T

Karen Drew said...

Beautiful card. Have been so used to popping in a few times a day to see new posts from your Christmas collection that have done it a couple of times today too!!! Think I am having a moment!!
Am just about to watch your shows on Hochanda as I have a little bit of peace and quiet for a few hours. Bliss!!! Lol
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Simply beautiful card Sue, very stricking. Its great to see you back on our screens and I am looking forward to your next shows. Have a great time, Edwina

Kate's Cards said...

Very, very pretty. xxx

Janet Wilson said...

Very clever way to use these dies, makes a beautiful card

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. Love it have got some of these dies so will try and have a go when I'm crafting next.
Not able to do much just now my daughter still pretty sore and I'm still decorating just trying to get things settled again but I'm sooo missing my card making with my gorgeous dies I have.
Hope everyone is well and hugs to everyone who needs one. I certainly do just now. At work but still worrying.

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
I love this card I still haven't managed to find the nerve to chop into your dies maybe one day. Pat you must be so proud of Sarah she has had so many setbacks yet still gets on with life. Tina I am so glad Mick had a better day and managed to hold his grandchild. Elaine I hadn't realised that you are from my neck of the woods both boys in different hospitals you watch your own health. Happy birthday to champagnedvine. Tracey I hope the doctors manage to sort out his pain management soon so he is less confused and more comfortable please try and look after yourself.

Narrowboat girl said...

Such a pretty card Sue. Have just watched your video & am going to watch your Hochanda show late this evening - heaven

Eunice said...

Love this card Sue. I enjoy when you show how to use dies in a different shape and/or orientation. Amazing!!!!

liz spooner said...

So nice to see you on Hochanda today Sue. o and such a pretty card vas well.xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful, elegant card & pretty colour too, am just off to watch your 2hour program yeh!!
Marlene O xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
It's Aggie here...I'm lost when it comes to making cards. I've lost my interest but as always you know how to jumpstart the heart of a crafter. I've checked all the previous cards that I haven't seen and it seems I was asleep for a long, long time. Thanks for this inspiration and I love everything you make coz you were my guru die cutting queen 🤓 and always will be.

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, I loved your shows today, I loved watching you adapt your background dies from larger to smaller, and now this beautiful card making them larger. All your samples were stunning.
Congratulations to Barbara (C) on winning the card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Great shows today. Will be watching tomorrow and Saturday. This is a lovely card. I love this background.
Anne M xxx

Theresa said...

fab card. what a great use of dies, enlarging and decreasing in size. love it , hugs xx

ursula said...

Thanks for sharing a Sue, I love making big cards and this idea will help tremendously...superb finished card here, so pretty....luv Ursula xxxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card today Sue.
Will try and look at the video tomorrow to see how this is done.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so pretty.


Annx without an "e"

Maria said...

Evening Sue and everyone.
Stunning Card, love the colours used and thank you
for making up a tutorial.

Sending huge hugs to all who are having some real tough
times and wish all e well.
Tracy- you and your dad are always in my thoughts.

Many hugs to all Wilsonette's and to my friends,
Yvonne and Lorraine- play nicely, NoT ! ;-)

hugs Maria x

fame01 said...

'hi Sue
oh what a lovely card I will watch the video later on
thanks for sharing with us all
congrats to the winner
hugs Sarah N xxx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Lovely card Sue. Looking forward to your programs

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !!! A fab video and the card is just gorgeous !!! I love how you have made your dies bigger and smaller !!! You have given us some fantastic tips and ideas with this card Sue. You are very clever. I love the Australian background die but as yet it is still on my huge long wish list. I love your colour combo. I think your card looks great with the pretty flowers, leaves and Ivy. They are just perfect for covering things up !!! I really love your cute little glittered butterflies to !!! They make such pretty embellishments. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous card and fab video today Sue. I absolutely loved your double bill shows today on Hochanda Sue. You were fantastic, and I loved every minute !!! Thank you for all your hard work. I can't wait to see your shows tomorrow on Hochana again. I am really hoping you will be bringing us the Swiss Collection. Sending lots of love to you Sue from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone today from Tres x x x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Fabulous card and another really useful video. I dont know hie you manage it. Love and hugs Alison xc
ps congratulations to Barbara on winning the carx xx

Lorraine Freeman said...

Super,super card Sue and my favourite colour combination.
Congratulations Barbara
Visited the blog yesterday but forgot to comment.
Tracy, so, so, sorry to hear how poorly your Dad is. My heart goes out to you both. Xxx
Dubai Angela, Happy birthday for yesterday.
Wheely, I hope you continue to be able to keep those migraines under control.
Elaine, you poor thing, having worries over your two boys. I hope they are both fighting fit very soon and that you don't run yourself ragged visiting them.
Tina, so glad Mick got to cherish his new grandson and yum to baked goods.
Annie, how lovely to have a baby named after you are, congratulations.
Pat, Sarah is a real trooper no wonder you are so proud of her.
I have been doing quite well lately, yesterday I actually tidied up my craft table. It's supposed to be the dining table but I don't have anywhere else to craft.
Mum invited me out for lunch so that was good, then I did a few job around town. Then I just missed a bus so had to kill half an hour. That was the straw that broke the camel's back as my pain escalated greatly. By the time the bus came I could hardly walk. On the bus I started feeling nauseous so when I finally managed to get in all I could do was lie on the sofa. Hubby made me a cuppa but I couldn't drink it. Now I just have a headache so think it could be a silent migraine.
Hoping for better things tomorrow.
Sending love n hugs to all xxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue I absurlootly love this card it's Stunning love the dies the colour& the die is gorgeous.
Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

Berina RGA said...

Such a lovely card!! Love t he die cuts.. The flowers are gorgeous!!
Moxie Craftie

Sandy H said...

Stunning card and helpful video. Love those butterflies.
Take care everyone.

Barbara (C) said...

A stunning card and really like the colour combination. Have a wedding card to make and this design has given me a starting point in the inspiration department! Chuffed to be drawn for one of Sue's cards too. My week is ending on a real high. Thank you.

Yvonne19856 said...

Beautiful card. Love the flowing ribbon on it.

Linda Graham said...

Such a beautiful card Sue,your video`s are so clear and very helpful and how you show us you can extend and cut up your dies is a bonus,thank you,Linda x

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the wilsonettes,
Oh i really do like this card Sue, the blue is so beautiful a colour and looks so lovely behind the white just adding that splash of colour here and there. Now i know that the only dies i have in this entire card is the butterflies but that is ok as i can imagine and hope that i can get to that part of my need list soon. A bonnie card Sue and could be for so many different occasions.. Thank you flower for another fantastic piece of inspiration, take care.
Oh Elaine, you are having a time of it with your boys, both being in hospital at the same time but in different directions is torture. I know that you have been so worried about Andrew and i do hope that he is back on track for getting better and back home again soon, but i agree that both your boys are special to you and both mean as much so you give that Darren a ticking off flower, and tell him that it doesn't matter how minor or major the op, a mum needs to know and needs to be able to tell her boy that he is loved just as much. Sending down some hugs for you and your boys, lets hope both are on their way home soon.
Well done Barbara, you have truly a stunning WOW coming your way so enjoy it flower when it arrives and since it hasn't come this way, i will just need to make one for myself, lol.
Annie, what a thrill for you not only having a precious great gran daughter but for her to carry your name also. I hope that your granddaughter heals soon flower but she will be glad that it is all over now and she have literally a Bonnie baby in her arms. I hope your granddaughter was very happy to see your face light up when she gave you her news. My grandson was named after my sil's grandfather and my daughters grandfather, my beloved dad i just him and my mum could have been here to see him.
OH Tracy flower, that is quite normal for him on all the drugs as my dad was exactly the same. He would tells us that there had been a gunman that had come into his house and way his gun around and dad tackled him to the ground, which would have been credible if he could actually stand up, but since he couldn't, eh no didn't happen. Another time he was going to catch the bus that was taking him back to camp because he had to be back down there for take off in the morning. Dad was in the RAF plus another more elite force during his time in the service but he was 18 when he went in to it. There are countless stories that now i wish i had a tape recorder to record all his stories and adventures as you never heard about them very often as he just didn't talk about his days in the service at all and it would be an out of the blue occurrance when it did happen. I hope that dad is not sick today and is a bit of himself but i'm sending down hugs to you and him flower and i'm sorry that it doesn't look like he will be coming home today for you, take care Tracy.
Tina, i'm so glad that Mick got a cuddle at the wee fella even if he did need a bit of help with the pillows to hold him, as it would have given him such a boost that no medicine could ever do. It's little people like that, that can be the best medicine of all and i hope the wee fella has given him the boost to get back on his feet again. Sending you and Mick hugs and i hope that he is soon back in rehab and back home again after that, as i have my fingers and everything else crossed that it does.
Well that's me now caught up with me i think as yesterday just seemed to go in a whirl. I had a quick look in before going to Stirling yesterday to meet my friend Di but i never got back in some how as it was none stop the whole day. So i will leave you all with hugs
love and crafty hugs
Norah (glenochil)

Unknown said...

Beautiful card and just love these flowers


Anonymous said...

This card is so beautiful. I have that ivy die set and love it. My crafting friend and I used it just yesterday....we cut it out of green metallic cardstock and it was so gorgeous. Love the card and the ideas....great video.

Jan D., Florida, USA

Unknown said...

I love the colour of this one - beautiful.

susan said...

Love the colourway on this card Sue - gorgeous! Susan x

Dawn Holben said...

Absolutely gorgeous card, i am going to have to try this.
This is one of my favourite dies and can't wait to have a go at
following your instructions.
Another fab demo too.

freedom99 said...

Hi love

I love these dies totally amazed how you use them out of the box and make them bigger as I make A4 cards this is great for me.

All the best Pauline ( freedom99)

julie laz said...

Hi sue, wow wow what a card, well not been well so I'm catching up on your die's,
And watching you on TV and it's lovely, loving the die's and loving the show,
That's my money gone lol crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Laura O said...

another stunner ,great dies love butterflies ,Laura O

Unknown said...

Oh so pretty. The butterflies add a lovely touch and that ivy die is so versatile. Just beautiful.
Big hug
Julie E

DeCor said...

Looking forward to your programmes today. Lovely card today. Beautiful colours. Have to watch the video later. Have a super day Sue.

DeCor said...

Looking forward to your programmes today. Lovely card today. Beautiful colours. Have to watch the video later. Have a super day Sue.