Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hi bloggers!  Today's card giveaway is a sweet birthday card!  I started with a piece of coconut white card and used the Dorado Gemini die on either end of it to cut a pretty edge.  I used the outer cutting edge from the Melbourne die to cut an aperture in the centre.  Next I cut the Australian Background die in white and cut away the two longer sides to use as borders.  I added a thin aqua card backing to them and glued them to the inside of the Dorado edges, wrapping the ends around the back of the card.  I added mounting foam to raise the entire piece for dimension and then added it over a piece of aqua card.  I cut the Melbourne die using the decorative die  and then recessed it into the aperture opening.  Using the Birthday Circle die from the Perspective range, I cut the lettering in white, then added it to an aqua ring backing.  I mounted it on foam and placed it on to the Melbourne die.  For the very centre, I cut the small ring in aqua and glued it into the opening, then cut the cupcake in white.  I added a bit of aqua ink while still in the die ten glittered the flame on the cupcake and mounted it on foam in the centre.  The card was completed with a paper pierced edge using my piercing ruler, a thin aqua mat and a final white mat.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  9 1/4" in size.  Leave a comment if you would like to be entered into the drawing to win this card.  All for now, Sue x

                                                         Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Such a beautiful card, love it. Steph I know you have this die
Happy news I hope June.
NannaTina, glad that Mick is making progress although it must be scary when he passes out.
Lynda hope was all well for you yesterday.
I too looked in at Tina's blog yesterday, so heartbreaking for her and the family, they really are not doing well at all.
Tracey, thinking if you and your dad.
Hugs to all especially poorly and missing friends.

auscrafts said...

lovely card for today,

hollyberry said...

This is such a beautiful card.

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue. said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card you are so clever when you see other designs in one die.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue. JJxx

Karen Drew said...

Stunning card. Love the aqua colour it looks so fresh
Karen xx

Teresa c said...

Very pretty card love the colour xx

Jan.moogie said...

Gorgeous card Sue and any one would love to receive it. have a great day, hugs xxx

Tina T said...

Hi Sue and crafters all,
Wow another beautiful card, the circle happy birthday die looks so pretty, and the aqua card behind the Australian border gives it a ribbon effect. Need these.
I am off to the Eye Hospital to see if I have glaucoma!!
Love and crafty hugs to all
Tina T xxxxx

Denise Bryant said...

Beautiful card! I love the pretty layers and that fun cupcake! Awesome details!

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another stunning card, love the delicate colours and fantastic design.
Have a good day
Patricia xxx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Good morning Sue. What a great deign.

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue and I love the way you have used the dies and parts of die cuts,

thank you,

Pearl x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Gorgeous card, I would never of thought of using the birthday die in this way but it matches so well with the Melbourne. Hugs to all. Sue XXX

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, such a beautiful card for a giveaway today, how can you bear to part with it. I have some of the dies so best look out for the ones I don't have.

Nanna Tina, hope Mick is improving, keep your pecker up.

To all those who have worries, I wish you a happier day

Got to go back to the wound clinic again next week but if it has improved they will discharge me, I am so hoping they will.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card using some lovely aqua and white coloured card which always looks clean and fresh. A great design on this one and that cupcake is so cute.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a pretty birthday card. Anyone would be proud to own it. Lovely!
Anne M xxx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
This card is stunning love the dies and colour, the birthday die is on my wish list I need some retail therapy.
We after a great day Monday, Tuesday couldn't have got much worse I got a call at 10.30 to say his BP had dropped and could maintain his oxygen levels and was unresponsive and they where doing everything they could and had called the fast response team from ICU, when I got there he was on oxygen and they where putting lines in took him for a CT scan of his head (all good) so took him to ICU for continuous watching and more tests, later in the afternoon he woke up and asked for a cup of tea but was very confused, went off again after being given some paracetamol and oramorph woke up again and was awake when I left at 8 but still confused but remembers grandchildren names, rang them this morning had some pain but they got that under control, stopped the iv for his low BP as that's stable, still confused but was asking about me, ringing later to find out if he's to stay there or be moved back to rehab or another ward/hospital, not been able to read all messages but thank you up everyone for your kind words and wishes
Happy crafting
Love and huge hugs to everyone
Love Tina xxxx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Such a lovely card. Cute cupcake.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
A beautiful card that looks so pretty in the aqua colour way.x

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Beautiful in aqua and white, so fresh and clean looking and showing more of the versatility of the fabulous Melbourne die. Love the centre and the cupcake, actually I can see this in pink and white, although aqua is my definite favourite, I am thinking of my granddaughter, she is such a pink girl and her birthday is next month,
Hugs to all, have a lovely day
Muriel x

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

Lovely card would work well with a number of colours.
D x

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue I love this card the dies and colouring are beautiful thank you
Love always June Horrocks xxxxx

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card, love the colour. Would work well with so many other colours.


Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, very fresh looking colours with the aqua & white. I love how you use different dies to make such beautiful cards. Yvonne xx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card the aqua card is stil my favourite at the moment.
Nancyd xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue,

A beautiful card, aqua is one of my absolute favourite colours and this card looks perfect with it :)

Laura K x

Debra K. said...

Wonderful card today Sue! Love the little sparkly cupcake and card colour combination. Debra x

DeCor said...

One of my favourite colour combos. Love the circle Happy Birthday die. It looked like raised lace at first glance. It is so clever to use outer edge of die. Makes for good card use. Really lifting you and yours up Nanna Tina.

DeCor said...

One of my favourite colour combos. Love the circle Happy Birthday die. It looked like raised lace at first glance. It is so clever to use outer edge of die. Makes for good card use. Really lifting you and yours up Nanna Tina.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the colours and of course the dies are amazing. I love the sparkly cupcake. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card
B xx

TDQ Karen said...

Lovely card, pretty and great colours

Chris Curry said...

This is a really lovely card and as it is in my granddaughter's favourite colour would be perfect for her. The centre is so sweet. Thank you. Xx

Bluefairy4U said...

Morning Sue, lovely card my favourite colours . You are so clever thinking up different ways with dies you have . I do have a couple of these dies already so will try with them. Thank you for your inspirations every day. Love Jo xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. What a beautiful give away card. It is so clean and fresh in the aqua and white. Plenty of room at my house for it.

Nana Tina , my thoughts are with you.

Love Rosemarie x X

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. What a beautiful give away card. It is so clean and fresh in the aqua and white. Plenty of room at my house for it.

Nana Tina , my thoughts are with you.

Love Rosemarie x X

Annie Stamps said...

Lovely card Sue. I love this colour scheme, it's so pretty. I don't use circular dies often on rectangular shaped cards. They look really lovely as a centre piece. I'm sure my circular dies from the Italian collection will work so I think I will try something similar today.

I'm making wedding cards for my sons and daughters to give to their sister on her wedding day in 9 days time... I still need a trial run on my make-up and hairstyle.

Annie P

Nananne said...

Such a sweet card and so pretty!
Anne xo

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, lovely card with so much detail I like the way you cut your dies in half and use them as a pretty edge and I like the birthday cake in the centre from the perspective range I have this die and didn't think to use it on another card thankyou for the idea
KathyB x

Unknown said...

Unusual layout, but it looks amazing - especially with those clean, crisp colours.

Karen Derbyshire said...

Love the aqua colour, pretty card.

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,oh what a pretty card ,so clean and fresh looking .Love the birthday circle die from the Perspective range .Gloria(Sidcup) xx

Kim Dibben said...

Love card Sue xx love the aqua colour scheme and the dorado Gemini due makes a lovely feature xx
Love Kim D

Kim Dibben said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim Dibben said...

Lovely card Sue xx love the aqua colour scheme and the dorado Gemini due makes a lovely feature xx
Love Kim D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - oh what a lovely touch of cuteness to this card. I have a cupcake die but have never thought to use it like this so it will come out of hibernation now! Love the way you have used your dies here and also the colour is one of my favourites. An all out winner! Thank you for a brilliant idea, best wishes

foxyg said...

Beautiful card. Gorgeous colour.

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
I love this card it's so cute with it's itsy bitsy cupcake.
:-) Lorna D

shabbycraftcabin said...

Good morning Sue, lovely card that could even be for the men with a change of colours. Take care, Ivy C x

jane said...

Hi Sue
Love this card , you've so much talent more dies to put on my bucket list.
Take care ,
Jane L

rosiejt said...

I really like the ways the Australian background can be used.

Unknown said...

Love this one....and the icing on the cake!

Barbara (C) said...

This card shows the versatility of the smaller Birthday Die so well and love the landscape style card too.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Beautiful card, love the delicate colours.

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have a lovely day.

Hugs Debs Cards xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Really like the way you have used the dies on this card and the colour you have used. The Dorado die is the most recent of my purchases and as yet not used to make a card I did a sample cut when it arrived. Grey day today so chores then playing!
Heather R Oxfordshire

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. A lovely card and such a cute cupcake. SueL x

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Love this - the Melbourne and the Birthday Circle dies work so well together and the Dorado edges set them off beautifully...


Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card. Love the dies and colour combo. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
Another stunning card today, it's gorgeous.
I'm back to quilt making today, almost finished though, then I can get back to card making for a while.
Enjoy your day.

Anne said...

Such a pretty card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the Wilsonettes,
This is a beautiful birthday card and in such a lovely shade of aqua, which against the soft coconut white card looks lovely. With the coconut white being what i would call a winter white as it has that touch of warmth to it that bright white card doesn't, it just softens down the aqua card so it's not too bright, making a lovely match.Have i any of these flower, not yet but i'm working on my list but you keep bringing out new ones and i can't keep up. I hope that you have a lovely day flower and thank you for today's piece of inspiration.
Oh Nanna Tina, i am so sorry that your lovely Mick has went back into icu, the terrors that must have been going through your mind flower i can't even hazzard a guess at, but i do hope that today you find him better, not as confused. Sending hugs down to you and him with love and prayers.
Tracy flower,how is your beloved dad? Sending hugs down to you as well flower for you both and i hope that he improves a bit for you as well.
Well i'm away into Stirling to meet my friend Di as she is going through the mill as well at the moment and could do with a friendly face and a listening ear. So i will wish you all a better day with hugs going to all who need them, want them or could just do with some.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue. My favourite colour combo too. Have a great day everybody
Hugs Sylvia xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very intricate, detailed and so pretty. I love the little cup birthday cupcake.

nattyboots said...

A very lovely card Sue , just right for that special occasion.
Take Care
Elaine H X

BenteS said...

A beautiful card, Sue!
Love that Dorado Gemini die, it is so pretty :))

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card, love the colours

Lisbeth said...

Morning Sue. A very pretty card for today's post. It would work equally well for a male card if you didn't use the Dorado die on the edges. I love the use of the edges of the Australian background die to make a ribbon effect. Thanks for the inspiration.


Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue on a dull day, this is so different style of card for you Sue, not sure I approve but its a very pretty birthday card in gorgeous colours. hugs Shirleyxx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
an absolutely beautiful birthday card. Aqua and white is a lovely colour combo, too.
Again, would have never thought of using the Australian background die in this way if it hadn't been for you doing so.
Hugs, Rose

Crafty Cruiser said...

Truly beautiful!
Doreen R

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card.

Anonymous said...

I have some of these dies but wouldn't have thought of using them in this way. Thank you again for showing how versatile the dies are, and of course for your inspiration.

Sandra 2461

Yorks butterfly said...

morning Sue, what a pretty card, and in a different colour would be a great card for our male friends. Whoever wins it will be very lucky.

Tressa said...

Lovely card. I keep thinking a particular combo might be my favourite but, when it comes down to it, the aqua/coconut white comes out top. This pretty card just confirms my view. Thank you.


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, I just love this card so pretty. love Jean Z xxxx

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Such a pretty card & fabulous combination of dies I love it!

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Such a pretty card & fabulous combination of dies I love it!

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Beautiful fresh card today sue x the aqua card is my favourite x you have such fantastic ideas for different ways to use your dies its amazing x thankyou for your inspiration x
Nannatina thinking of you and mick and all the wilsonettes x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, so pretty, who wouldn't want to receive this on their birthday
Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card today. Would love to display this on my mantlepiece. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Paula said...

This is such a pretty card Sue, and in lovely colours too! :) There is absolutely nothing anyone could dislike on this card.
Hugs to all in need of them today,
Paula x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card today but alas I don't have any of those dies apart from the little strips from the Australian background!!!
Am watching Chelsea flower show this week and was hoping Chris Beardshaws garden for Great Ormond Street Hospital would win best in show but didn't, maybe it will win the public vote.

Hugs and best wishes everyone with special hugs to Nanna Tina and Tracy

Unknown said...

Simply stunning Sue and I would just love to win it.
Love Val in Spain x

Laura O said...

another great card love the birthday die ,Laura O

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

Such a pretty and delicate card, the 'icing' on top of the cupcake finishes it off superbly!


June x

ursula said...

A real beauty today Sue, love the colours and the technique....thank you.....luv Ursula xxxx

Jen K. said...

Beautiful card. Jen K.

Jen K. said...

Beautiful card. Jen K.

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card Sue.

marlene said...

Another gorgeous card. Keep them coming.

dmjones said...

What a lovely card, one that anyone would be pleased to receive!!

Doreen x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Wow what a beautiful card you have given us to drool over
I love it it would look lovely on my fireplace lol
Good luck everyone
Hugs to all that need one
Theresa G xx

Nana on the Hill said...

What a cute card, love the colour. Who ever wins it will be very lucky.

Leanne said...

Beautiful card !!

Unknown said...

Very different, makes you smile!

Kate's Cards said...

Cute card and love the aqua! xxx

rolfi said...

Hi Sue,
have been in holidays and missed all your last posts. I have to read them from time to time now.
Your card today is wonderful again. I love the colours very much.
Rolf xxx

Suebak said...

Sweet card!

Susan x

Cathie said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the colour and the aqua and white looks terrific. The birthday die looks wonderful. Would love to own this beauty.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

I love this beautiful Aqua card. Sue your designs are so inspiring I look into your blog every day and your inspiration just goes on and on and on. What would I do without you?

Hope you're having a good day, take care, Love Brenda XXX

Mary Blight said...

Hi Sue & All The Wilsonettes!
I hope you are all well & enjoying lovely weather, wherever you live? It is a lovely day, here in Pembrokeshire, but there is a chill in the air! BRRR!
I hope that everyone with a celebration has a wonderful time & those going through bad times, I hope things will improve for you soon!
I am SO sorry that I haven't been on here for a few weeks but I can FINALLY say that I've had my operation to remove bladder stones! It has taken almost two years & has been cancelled three times!
Also, another reason why I've not been here is because my Mum has also been (& STILL IS!) very poorly! She has been diagnosed with Emphysema, but we (& a lot of other people) are more convinced that she has an Overactive Thyroid, as she has every symptom of this but only three symptoms of Emphysema! She has had blood tests, which have come back clear but we are hoping that she can have another test done. Unfortunately, we will have to have this done privately (APPARENTLY)!
Sue, the card you have posted today is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I think the Aqua & White looks so clean & classy! I also like the way you've done the sides, they look so pretty! I would love to be the recipient of such a beautiful creation!
I hope that everyone has a good week & looks after themselves!
Take care!
Best Wishes,
Mary XXX

lilian said...

Hi Sue, very beautiful card for your gift for us, love the aqua colour.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall said...

Great card, and actually I really like it as a simple square card, just using the middle bit! Susan x

barbara macaskill said...

LOVE this beautiful card!! The Birthday Circle Die is quite eye catching and that little cupcake is just darling!! LOVELOVELOVE!!! TFS!

terrie said...

Very nice card and I like the color....well done Sue

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the card and my fav colours too.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue!
The pastel colours are so pretty and that little cupcake is just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the card, it is so pretty!
Thank you for sharing.
Véronique L

Darlene from SK said...

Such a beautiful card! Love the Colors and the pretty dies you used. Simple but elegant!

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card. I love the birthday circle and the cute little cupcake! Thank you for sharing.
Thinking of you NannaTina.

gailgale said...

Great card!!!

Sue MacFall said...

Lovely colours, Sue. The aqua is so cool and summery looking.
Many thanks,
Sue Mac

Anonymous said...

Oooh what a yummy card, Sue! Lovely colours, great design and could do with a cup cake
right now.......... shame about the diet.
Nanna Tina - could feel your panic (been there too), hope things improve soon for Mick - a frightening time.
Mary Blight - what a long wait, you must be so relieved, now just to get your mother better soon also.
And June, nearly there - hope things go well at clinic. Also all others with problems.
Tracy - thinking of you .... sending hugs.
Laine - have 3 wee babies to hand rear, so gorgeous - you'd love them, but perhaps not Brodie and Darcey!

'P' in Wales

KarinsArtScrap said...

so elegant and very beautiful card love that little cupcake.

gr karin van eijk

Meg Owen said...

Beautiful card Sue, lovely colour.

So sorry to hear of Mick's relapse Nana Tina, you are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs

Rosemary Stickland said...

Gorgeous card.
Rosemary xx

pippajb said...

Beautiful card,nice to see the Birthday circle in fact action.

Luna-Blue Warminster

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Simply gorgeous giveaway this week. Would be a joy to receive or give. Just lovely....

lindagrady said...

Love your Wednesday give-away card; thanks for generously offering this each week. I love the color scheme you used this time and the layout of the card.

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue xx hazel

Jean said...

Just a lovely card!!

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Lovely Card. Great dies, I especially like the Dorado die. I love the little cupcake and colour. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Another stunning card today.
Love to all,
Maureen xxx

Pauline A said...

Lovely colours Sue and I love the little cup cake in the centre. It would make a lovely gift along with 6 actual birthday cupcakes. Naturally you would make 12 and keep 6 for yourself. Xxx Pauline A

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful, fresh looking card in a lovely combination of aqua and white. Very clever mixing of the dies and the cupcake looks good enough to eat :-)

Nanna Tina - I hope the news was better today, you are both in my thoughts.
Pat L - I'm with you on Chris Beardshaw's garden.
Lynda - Cardiology Unit AND the dentist in one day! Hope it all went well.
'P' - three babies! A real labour of love albeit an enjoyable one but I don't envy you the night time feeds :-) I won't ask what happened to mum but will you be keeping them?
Laine - you asked about our houseguest. His name is Pippin (back story too long to go into). He is about a year old, a grey tabby with not a speck of white, a rusty coloured nose and the biggest most beautiful amber eyes ever. I have to give the CPL a bit longer to see if anyone decides to report him but after that he will be off to the vet. Maybe then my girls will like him as much as we do.


Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm in a bit of a rush again today! Not in too big a rush that I can't stop and admire your lovely card!
Thank you once again. It's very pretty and the cupcake is very cute as well as being non- fattening!
Love to all Myra xx

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
lovely card I have a mental block about making any card that isn't square maybe this will change my mind. Went to my 5 year old granddaughters tiger party at school this morning organised mayhem comes to mind, had great fun.

Lyn H said...

Such lovely colours - they go so well together! So fresh!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love the cup cake.
Beverley W

Lesley said...

Pretty card love the aqua colour.

Unknown said...

I need this card in my life! The wording in a round is genius and so pretty in that fab colour. Xxx excellent Sue!!

Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card. I am really loving the perspective dies. So versatile. Look forward to many more to come. Could you consider a friend word die to add to the other stand alone words. Maybe you already have x
Having a bit of an off day really tired so going to make this short but sweet.
Hope everyone is OK.
Happy thoughts and hugs to you all
Crafty hugs

Nanny Jo said...

The perspective dies are really great, Sue. Today's card is so pretty.Jo x

liz spooner said...

Love this dorado die, it was one of the first new ones I bought.xx

Unknown said...

very pretty, lovely card


Berina RGA said...

Such a pleasant and lovely card!! Love the cupcake center!
Moxie Craftie

Theresa said...

very sweet card. refreshing colours, hugs xx

Unknown said...

Oh what a beautiful card. Lovely summery colours too.

craftynanna said...

Beautiful card Sue and such a lovely colour, hugs to all Johanna

craftynanna said...

Beautiful card Sue and such a lovely colour, hugs to all Johanna

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

What a delightful card, and love the cupcake in the centre.

I would love to receive this card from anyone, love the colour combination too.

Love n hugs from Dorothy of Baldock. xxoo

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

I really look forward to your Wednesday giveaway simply because you save some of your most stunning, innovative designs to give to one lucky recipient, how lucky are we to have a mentor who is so gifted and generous. This weeks card is characteristically gorgeous and I am lucky enough to own all of the dies used:-), so guess what I'll be doing this between the French Open tennis.....
What's not to love? The dorado die provides a lovely border and the addition of part of the Australian background is a great touch. The central elements are the star, I love the happy birthday perspective die with it's cute little cupcake all glittered and scrumptious. The cool aqua reminds me of Icecream oddly enough, and really suits the theme of the card though it would work equally well with many other shades. It may be a week since my birthday Sue but I won't hold it against you if you decide to gift me this stunning card, better late than never so they say!:-)
It has been another sunny, though coolish, day here in Stirling and I made the most of it by venturing out for a much needed caci facial. It really puts a spring back in my step afterwards, I may not look like Angelina Jolie.....Rachel doesn't perform miracles!...but I leave feeling like a superstar which is half the battle.
Nana Tina, how dreadful for you, poor Mick is really on a roller coaster at the minute with just as many ups as well as downs. It must be emotionally draining for you both. I hope that he was feeling brighter today, thinking of you both.
June, slowly but surely, you'll get there in the end.
P, I am well jealous, raising three little fluff balls would be a dream and a privilege but your right, I don't think Darcey and Brodie would appreciate the addition to our family unit:-( I daren't ask what happened to their mother.....
Frances, Pippen is a lovely name and he sound absolutely adorable....I have a huge soft spot for tabbys and have always had one......I hope your little ladies warm to him eventually though they do say that cats simply tolerate each other, I prefer to believe that they grow to love one another as family:-)
Mary, you've certainly been through the wars lately, I do hope that you are feeling much improved after your operation. Your mum appears to be having an equally difficult time, either condition is a real challenge to treat, I hope that you get to the bottom of her diagnosis soonxxx
Yvonne, you've had so many ups and downs lately honey that I really feel for you....I do worry about your state of mind after watching so much daytime tv though, there's only so much of Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women that any one person can tolerate before they morph into the typical guest, a tattooed social and morally bankrupt misfit with poor dental hygiene, be careful, be very
Hugs to Beth, Rebecca, Pam, pat, Linda, Lynda, Wheely bad, Maria, Theresa, Lorraine, Tracy and anyone suffering or simply in need a a cuddlexxxx

Crafty hugs


Sherry said...

soooo pretty!!

Narrowboat girl said...

Hi Sue. I love the way your eye is drawn to that cupcake in the centre & such a lovely colour too

Wings said...

Hi Sue
Finally got a signal! Loved your card today as every day ,lovely colour & must
Invest in the Australian dies,
Best wishes
Karen M

nzillingworth said...


sandieann21 said...

A late visit. I love the card xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous card today, who doesn't like a sparkly cup cake! Perfect for someone celebrating with afternoon tea. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx

Nana Tina what an awful time you've had, poor you and Mick, what a worry for you. I hope he turns the corner again and makes a good improvement xxx
Tracey sending hugs to you and your dad xxx
Tina I hope you got on ok at the eye hospital xxx
June fingers crossed for good news next week. Xxx
Myra, still cooking in the dark, I'm finding the wine helps enormously!! Xxx

iReneM said...

A gorgeous card

Lovely Aqua again :) such a soft, fresh
and calming colour


Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & everyone
WowGorgeous card sue & for the giveaway too I would defiantly love to win it.
Thank you for the chance.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

PAM FLUFFYCAT & Thank you for your concerns.I have to have a coronary Angeogram
just got to waite for a appointment The Dr did say if I got any worst to ring 999 that I didn want to hear.xx

Tracy I hope your ok & taking care of yourself as you have done so well.
Now with the worry of your Dad it must be so hard for you my Dear friend love Lynda x

Wheelybad sending Big Hug's cuddles for Billy xx
Hug's for everyone xxxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I love the card and the aqua is such a pretty colour.

Best Wishes
Elaine Ann

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue, like the cupcake....looks good enough to eat !!! Anne x

Eunice said...

This card is amazing!!! Love the aqua color and the die combinations that you used. Where do you get all your wonderful ideas!!!!!!

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

I love aqua and white and I love the way you used the die as a background for the birthday cake die. A very special card indeed. Hope all is well with you Sue, big hugs from Billy and I xxx

Lynda, I'm sorry I've missed so much, you poor thing. It must be a really scary time. If you get worried because you feel bad I'm sure the doctors and hospitals would rather you call 999. It's what they're there for. It's not nice when they say such things (I know) but don't ever take the chance. Sending you big hugs and Billy sends you extra doggy kisses and cuddles xxx I'll try to check in more xxx

Nanna Tina, big hugs for you and Mick, thinking of you and I hope things improve xxx

Tina T, thinking of you, big hugs xxx

Yvonne, big hugs in solidarity (!) xxx

Laine, Big hugs, hope you're OK xxx

Tracy, big hugs for you and your dad xxx

June, I got everything crossed for you too for next week. Big hugs xxx

Mary B I hope once you re over from your operation you can get back to everything you enjoy doing, big hugs xxx

Fluffycat and P, you're doing lovely things being surrogate to babies and landlady to a lost feline. Wishing you and your charges all the best and big hugs xxx

Norah, you're good to listen to a friend in need, I hope her troubles can be eased and sending you big hugs xxx

Not much to report. Highs and lows. Managed to go out for tea with my dad, stepmum and youngest sister on Sunday. Very nasty migraine started Monday afternoon till this morning, very tired apart from that. Pressure building again but today I kinda feel that don't have it as bad as some. Another deadline in my/our lap when Mr brought home an application for a different job. He's had enough. It's been a long time coming.

I will try be back soon as I can. Hoping everyone gets a little sunshine in their lives and a little ink on their fingers, big hugs to all and extra for those in need,

T x

Littlelamb said...

Gorgeous card today Sue. Love the colour. Thank you for sharing.

Karene Millar from Australia said...

What a pretty card! Love the soft colour

DeeDee7770 said...

Such a beautiful card Sue. I love the recessed focal point. Any one would love to receive such a gorgeous card!

Janice E Brummett said...

Very pretty card again today. Didn't think I would like the Happy Birthday die, but after I've seen it used--I really do. Have to add it to my wish list.

Sandy H said...

Pretty card. The aqua is a lovely colour.
Take care everyone.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a very impressive card for the give-away, aqua and white is fast becoming a favourite colour combo of mine. Love the centre with the little cupcake. Take care. Bx

Alison Thorne said...

Another gorgeous card - love this colour combination x

Jane Franklin said...

Love the card and the colour is great. Luv jxxx

Dawn Holben said...

WOW Sue this is one gorgeous card and i would love to give it a home as would all of your fans.
I love the happy birthday die used with the melbourne die and have still to get the dorado die.
Also you have used my favourite australian die, i am loving using this a lot latley.
Really love this one and the beautiful colour too.

Carole said...

Lovely card Sue, it would be amazing to win one of your cards.

Jean Bullock said...

Gosh the layers are lovely. What a gorgeous card. I pinned.

Unknown said...

I haven't managed to sign in much this week so taking the opportunity to do a catch up before I into the day properly. This is such a lovely card. Saved to my favourites that when I get the new craft room organised I can check out all the lovely posts I'm not able to use at the moment. This move is just talking too long but it will happen eventually - I hope! Thanks for another super Giveaway and congrats to the lucky winner.