
Friday, 27 May 2016

Many Thanks

Hi bloggers!  Today's card has a bit of a stained glass look to it.  I started with a piece of black card and simply used gilding wax to create this look.  I started by adding Enchanted Gold wax with my finger and just adding it all over the card.  Next I added Golden Light, then Deep Red, then Summer Blue.  I rubbed the piece with some kitchen roll to polish it and help the colours meld into each other a bit.  I cut the Scattered Leaves Background out of black card, then nipped it in half and removed a bit of the centre to create a square rather than a rectangular background.  I glued it over the gilding wax background.  I added mounting foam to the back and attached it over a piece of coconut white card that I embossed with the Jacobean Floral embossing folder.  I stamped a sentiment and cut it out with the smaller oval from the Lauren die set.  I used the larger oval to cut a black oval to mat it.  I cut the tag from the Lauren die in white then nipped it in half and attached the ends to the oval and mounted it across the centre of the card.  The tag ends helped hide the seam from the background where I cut it in two.  I completed the card with a white pierced mat, a thin black mat and a final white mat layer.  The finished dimensions are 8" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                          Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Stunning card Sue, so pretty. I love the stained glass effect
    Pat have a great trip to London with your grandson, it will be brilliant.
    June, good to see you sounding so much happier, have a great weekend
    NannaTina, I hope you and Mick have a more stable weekend, you must be exhausted with all of the worry.
    Tracey, special thoughts for you and dad.
    Happy Friday everyone, hugs to our poorly and missing friends

  2. Dragonsnap2, Hinckley27 May 2016 at 06:04

    Lovely card. Thought of a stained glass window as soon as I saw it and before I'd read your description. Fabulous.
    D x

  3. Beautiful stained glass effect.

  4. Beautiful Sue. Like the stained glass effect . Have a nice weekend everyone, JJxx

  5. Love all the colours of the stained glass

  6. Morning Sue.
    A lovely vibrant card Thank you.
    Have a good weekend all.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  7. Hi Sue and crafters all,
    What a beautiful warm looking card to brighten a dull Friday in Hull.
    The gilding wax coloured background really shines when polished and love the filigree black overlay. No flowers or ribbons - just great.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Tina T xxxx

  8. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card, I love the stained glass effect it's so mesmerising. Yvonne xx

  9. Love this one, really colourful

  10. Hi Sue
    That's a great finish. Trouble is my guilding wax is so hard. I try adding a bit of thinners but it doesn't help. Love the card tho!
    Anne M xxx

  11. Morning Sue. Where has the week gone ? I've missed two cards through sheer exhaustion ! Wednesday's card was so delicate and pretty, not used my Happy Birthday die yet ! It really was the kind of card to top anyone's happy day. I had driven over the Moore's as it was my day to look after our now 7 mth old grand-daughter, and it's a long slow drive in awful motorway traffic on a notorious motorway. By the time I got back, I wasn't even sure of my name lol so fell into bed at 9pm and yesterday was the knock on effect from Wednesday and I felt awful - if only they had met, married and had Lottie at an earlier time in their lives, I'd be a darn sight younger and much healthier than I am now and not feel so 'knocked off kilter'after I've looked after her !
    So I've just had the pleasure of catching up with Wednesday and yesterday's beauties. It doesn't seem right to add a comment for the Wednesday gift. Yesterday's card screamed 'Hola' to me as it looks like Spanish lace cascading over the gorgeous Auqa sea. Today's card, I know you did a background of wax on a show a few months ago but can't remember which die you used (no surprise there) !! It's truly stunning.
    Hoping to feel a little more with it so to speak today, in the meantime Sue I send my usual hugs for a lovely day xxx

  12. Hello Sue and all
    Stunning effect with the gilding wax Sue, only have 3 but will give it a try (then decide I NEED more colours lol ) Love the stained glass look.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Muriel x

  13. Morning Sue, a beautiful card love the colours you have used.
    Nancyd xx

  14. I love the effect of gilding waxes but whenever I try them they never seem to 'blend' and end up 'blotchy '. Think I might be too heavy-handed. Have a great weekend everybody. Hope the sun comes out for us.
    Hugs Sylvia xx

  15. Hi Sue
    I love the stained glass effect, and the black frame is gorgeous. A beautiful card.
    B xx

  16. Good morning Sue. Stunning card, love the way you've used the different colour gilding waxes. Yes it looks like stained glass but it reminds me of the skies we sometimes get at this time of year, standing on the cliffs looking out to sea as the sun sets and watching all the different colours swirl together. That warm, calm feeling is just what I need today as lots going on at work and none of it good, so thank you for a wonderful start. Hugs to all. Sue XXX

  17. GM Sue. I love your gilding. Mine always looks splodgy

  18. Hi Sue
    A very effective way of using gilding waxes and I love the embossed background. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  19. Stunning. Looks like some of the skies we have had in the evenings recently

    Karen xx

  20. Lovely great way to use these gilding waxes, looks beautiful

  21. Hello Sue, this card is gorgeous, the background is just amazing, and the die is on my wish list. Have a great day all. Bx

  22. What a gorgeous effect. but like Anne and Sylvia, i am never successful with them because they are so hard and difficult to blend.
    I have more or less given up on them but may have another try today! Happy Ban holiday weekend everyone!
    Maggie B xx

  23. Lovely card, and how different the dies look when cut in black. Very dramatic x

  24. What a lovely effect with the gilding waxes Sue. Will give it a go.

  25. Morning Sue. WOW Those guilding waxes give such a beautiful effect when used like this. The card and colours are stunning. Could be for either male or female depending on what colours you choose. Have a great weekend everyone.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  26. stunning card looks like a stained glass window x xhazel

  27. Good morning Sue.
    A striking card with a very pretty background. I love the beautiful Jacobean Floral embossing folder.x

  28. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the colours and the dies are amazing. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  29. Beautiful card, really stunning.


  30. I love the stained glass effect of the center panel. How fabulous. I pinned of course. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765613348992/

  31. Stunning card today Sue,

    thank you,

    Pearl xx

  32. Morning Sue, this is such a lovely card I do like the way you have mixed the gilding waxes together it is really effective and using your die to cut it out in black really makes it stand out
    KathyB x

  33. Hey Sue,

    What a fantastic effect- I'll definitely have to try this :)

    Laura K x

  34. Hello Sue
    Love the Stained Glass colours!
    Another Embossing folder to investigate ! I have so many now!
    Love Marg

  35. Morning Sue,
    Wow a stunning card today, I love it. I was struggling to work out what die you used and duh stupid me should have read what you had used and did to make this card.
    I have a tendency to look at the photos first lol.
    A day off for me today, my Hubby is off work so we are off out for the day somewhere ( yet to be decided) might go to a National Trust property seeing we became members last weekend.
    My marathon quilting making is over. I spent 11 hours working on my sewing machine yesterday determined to finish them. Now they are waiting to be delivered to our great newphews on Sunday. I have sent them photos and they love them which is nice. Never made a memory quilt before and now have done 2. I used fabric from onsies their Nan bought them before she passed away.
    Well I'm babbling on.
    It will be nice to do some papercraft work for a change.
    Have a great day

  36. Wonderful card! What a great idea for gilding waxes. Make great men's cards. Debra x

  37. Hello!
    I am always impresd at your dies combination. And now you add beautiful ncolored background. It is perfect.


  38. Lovely use of gilding waxes. Definitely like this one.

  39. Hi Sue
    Just stunning, I don't have any gilding waxes but I did buy some gilding flakes the other day but have not had a chance to play, I have this background die as I won it in your launch so when I can add some more hours to the day I might get a chance to have a play.
    Mick had a better day managed to eat and drink, still has a drip but said he might not need it anymore now he's drinking, they have taken him oxygen off now so things are looking good at the moment I seem to have aged 20 years this week but we keep smiling and take each day as it comes, thank you all for your wishes I do try to read them when I can but phone is temperamental and clears half way through
    Happy crafting
    Love and huge hugs to you all
    Love Tina xxxxx

  40. Beutiful card, lovely effect with the gilding wax!
    Wish you a good weekend!

  41. Gorgeous card. The stained glass effect is fabulous. Will be trying it later.

  42. What a beauty today sue the guilding wax is beautiful and the dies also thank you sue
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  43. Hi Sue - this is such a brilliant card and I love the use of the black die over the gilding. The overall effect is really stunning. Sending best wishes

  44. Hi Sue
    What a wonderful effect the gilding wax has in this background. A technique I must teach my 10 year old grand daughter she loves using gilding wax.
    Heather R Oxfordshire

  45. Hi Sue,

    Lovely colourful background, and the colours are much more subtle and muted as you've used black card rather than white which could have been a bit garish, but this is just perfect...

    Nanna Tina - so glad to hear that Mick is making progress at last...


  46. Hi Sue. Couldn't believe this was gilding wax, great effect. SueL x

  47. Hi Sue. Fabulous card, I love the stained glass look to it :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

  48. Very pretty and different love it:0)

    Sandy (tort)

  49. Morning Sue, stunning card today, I love this stained glass effect. I was wondering if it would work with the gilding polishes, well there is one way to find out, I will try it (lol). I have everyone has a peaceful bank holiday weekend.

    Love Rosemarie x X

  50. This technique is so effective, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  51. Morning Sue another fabulous idea for a card .Thank you for your inspiration . Gloria(Sidcup) xx

  52. Love this card Aue, really effective, embossing folder is gorgeous

  53. A great effect Sue love from Jackie xx

  54. Rose in Chester27 May 2016 at 08:45

    Hi Sue,
    it's GORGEOUS. Fabulous background, and then teamed with the Black - fantastic colour combo.
    Hugs, Rose

  55. Morning Sue, this is great, I have some gilding wax so am going to give this a try. I would also be a great for children to make.Wendyx

  56. Good Morning Sue on a dull drizzly day. I love the bright background and the card design is stunning. love it, hugs Shirleyxxxx

  57. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, love the stained glass effect on this one, the gilding polish is fantastic stuff.

    Tina it is good News about Mick, a step in the right direction.

    To everyone else who is suffering or having problems I send my heartfelt good wishes.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  58. Morning Sue,
    Stunning background, love it.

  59. Hi Sue
    Very pretty card, love the colourful background. x

  60. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful striking card today, the gilding wax background is so lovely. Simple yet so effective. Thank you for sharing
    Love Diane G xxx

    Nana Tina good to hear things are looking up again, sending you a hug xxx
    Maggie your quilts sound amazing, what a lovely idea for keepsakes that will be treasured xxx

  61. Just love that background effect!

  62. Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful and have a lovely day

    Debs Cards xxx

  63. What a great idea with the gilding waxes Sue, love it. I might be tempted to put a piece of acitate between the gilding wax masterpiece and the front die cut. Thank you. Xx

  64. Hi Sue, Lovely card . love Jean Z xxx

  65. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. I love the background using the wax for the stained glass look.

  66. Wow this is gorgeous, it really does look like stained glass.

  67. Absolutely gorgeous card Sue. Love rich colours of gilding wax.

    Annie P


  68. Hi Sue,
    I love the effect of the gilding waxes.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Véronique L

  69. Morning Sue

    This is such a stunning effect. Love the gilding was colours too


    June x

  70. Good morning Sue,
    a beautiful card again...
    I love using gilding wax or gilding flakes on black card.
    Rolf xxx

  71. What an amazing effect, Sue!!! I shall DEFINITELY give this a go! Jo xx

  72. I think this card is inspired. Wondering, did you use shiny black card?

    Susan x

  73. Good morning Sue & everyone
    Wow I love this card it's Gorgeous. The background is amazing
    A clever way to use Guilding wax thank you Sue for your brilliant idears. Must try this technique.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx.

    TRACY sending you & your Dad some Healing Hug's missing you my friend take care love Lynda xx

    Nanna TIna pleased Mike is hopfully on the right road to recovery ((((Hug's))) for you both.xx

    Wheelybad BIG HUG'S & BIG CUDDLES FOR Billy xx

    BETH missing you hope your ok BIG HUG'S xx

    MOLLY hope you & your family are ok missing you xx

  74. It really does look like stained glass - beautiful, thank you Sue.
    Sue Mac

  75. This is a very lovely card Sue, I can see a trip to the shops coming on, I have none of the gilding waxes. Oh dear, more moans from the bank manager! :)
    Hugs to all in need of them today,
    Paula x

  76. Hi sue, what a beautiful card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

  77. OMG!!! Sue, this is just stunning and such an easy effect to achieve! I'm ashamed to admit that I still don't have a single pot of gilding wax in my stash...I really need to do something about that before too long don't I, then I might even be able to attempt to produce a beautiful card like this one.
    Well, after three days of being on my hands and knees weeding the front garden, I think I'm done!! I know it needs to be raked to make it neat but when the sweat began trickling down my forehead and plopping onto the inside of my glasses I decided it was time to stop lol. At least now it's going to be a LOT easier to keep tidy, I hope. I managed to weed round most of the seedlings that are popping up all over the place (one of the reasons I was on my hands and knees) and I'm hoping that the plants I've got in there will spread and eventually cover the entire garden to choke any weeds that dare to think of growing. I have to admit that it's not a big garden so I'm a little ashamed that it took so long...now it's on to the back!! I've already laid a new granite chipping path, which was inspected yesterday by a delightful slo-worm, and the marginal plants are ordered for the new water feature. I'm cheating and am having artificial grass in one area. It looks so fantastic these days I was really surprised when I got the samples. Who knows...I may even get it down in time to actually sit outside this summer haha!
    Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend everyone...I'm either going to spend it flat on my back or actually in the craft room for a change.
    Bejay xx

  78. Wow - I like this a lot and wouldn't have thought that just gilding wax on black card would be so vibrant. Thanks for sharing, Susan x

  79. Hello Sue,
    A most effective card! It really does remind me of a stained glass window! Thank you for the lovely close up shots - they are brilliant!
    Have a lovely weekend Sue!
    Nanna Tina - Hope you have a good weekend with no more blips!
    Tracy - miss you.
    Love to all, Myra xxx


  80. Hi Sue, glorious card, very regal looking
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  81. What a stunning background Sue, simple if you know how, but beautiful.....thanks for sharing, a really lovely card in the end....luv Ursula xx

  82. HI SUE

  83. Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious! LOVE this gorgeous creation! Definitely getting the gilding waxes out this weekend! Thanks for the colorful inspiration!

  84. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    I love the waxed background sue its really effective xbeautiful card x
    Theresa w

  85. Wonderful!!!
    Great, great card!!!


  86. What a stunning card, Sue, love it!!!!

    Doreen x

  87. Good afternoon SUe and the Wilsonettes,
    this is a lovely patterned card Sue between the embossing folder background and the scattered leaves die which is so lovely. Thank you Sue for bringing a different card to us today. I won't tell you all when i started this post but afternoon was just starting so i will go and leave you all with hugs,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil Village)

  88. Hi Sue and all your crafty crea ow what a fantastic background it is like you say a stained glass window look
    I adore it
    Not to take away from the finished card it is a beauty
    Hugs to all that may need one
    Take care and spend time with those you love
    Theresa G xx

  89. Just love the stained glass window effect Sue.
    Love Val in Spain x

  90. Hello Sue.

    Stunning, I love this Card. I thought it was Gilding Flakes when I first saw it and was struck by the colour. This is one I will have to copy. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  91. Hi Sue, ok I know there is a lot of black but the beautiful gilded background more than makes up for it and I like it a lot. I will definitely be trying this technique but maybe using a different colour :-)

    Lynda - a coronary angiogram is uncomfortable but not painful and will give the doctors a full picture of what may be going on. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your appointment.
    Bejay - time to relax now and just enjoy your garden.

    Our weather has taken a turn for the worse today with low cloud, some rain and a lot cooler temperatures. Hoping that it brightens up and everyone has a sunny Bank Holiday week-end.


  92. Really like this card, Sue, love the chopped background die with the gilding wax shining through, altogether a stunner! Surely can try a version with bits I have.
    Fluffycat, Pippin such a nice name - hope he gets to stay with you. Have called mumcat Floozie (thanks for that!) back from op and has had early supper - gobbled down - with another to come later. (Ask your vet - special £5 neuter and chip scheme
    via RSPCA/CP, includes strays.)
    Well wishes to Tracy's Dad, Nanna Tina's Mick, Lynda, June, Wheely, Yvonne + 2 Lorraines, and anyone else under the weather - talkng of which, just had a downpour with thunder & lightning but not very frightening!
    Hugs and good weekend to all.

    'P' in Wales

  93. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Beautiful card. Love the gilding flakes, the colour
    is stunning. Thank you for everything you do.

    Sending the warmest hugs to all who are going through
    some tough times lately and I wish everything will be
    all right. Thinking of you all.

    Had a nice day but as we have no kitchen for a while
    it will be a take out tonight and perfect too as it is
    my B.day. Thank you for cards and wishes I got in
    the cafe' this morning.
    Happy Birthday Wendy ! Hope you had a wonderful day.

    Hugs to all Wilsonette's and my good friends,
    Maria x

  94. Stunning card Sue, I love the dramatic colours, hugs Johanna

  95. Stunning card Sue, I love the dramatic colours, hugs Johanna

  96. What a fabulous technique Sue. Your card is gorgeous, and now I'm headed to my craft room to attempt it...no time for our tea and chat today. Have a lovely day!

  97. it's a beautiful card Sue

    gr karin van eijk

  98. Hi Sue I love the stained glass effect on today's card it's gorgeous!

  99. Hi Sue
    I like how you have done the background on this card.
    Margaret xxx

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Hi Sue,
    I like this one,very nice for lots of different people ,
    Thank you
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  102. Hello Sue,
    Great technique for a man card.
    Maria, Happy Birthday.
    Tina, a spot of good news.
    Tracey, hope all is o.k.
    love to all
    Maureen xxx

  103. Stunning card Sue, so pretty. And just love all the colours.xx

  104. Love this card. Did not have any gilding wax so made a version using gilding flakes. Really liked the way it turned out.

  105. oooooh. i'd love to see that in real life. it must be so sparkly. love that central square, hugs xx

  106. Beautiful card!
    Great new use for our gilding waxes and seems really straightforward to make.

  107. Lovely card today Sue. I saw you do this on TV and I love the way it pops against the white background. I know that yesterday I had said that the card was too black and that todays card has a lot of black in it, but I think that I like this one as the black is not the main bit of the design. Does this make sense?


  108. Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    The visual effect of gilding wax is stunning and undeniable but I'm afraid that despite having many of them I have have yet to use them on a project.....you see, I have long manicured nails and find it a challenge getting the wax on my finger to apply properly......which is a real shame because I always love the finished result, it looks so rich and opulent. It never ceases to amaze me how you so casually cut into your beautiful die cuts, I don't have the guts or the vision to do this without your instructions. I love the Jacobean EF, it's gorgeous and one that I am pleased to say I own. All in all it's a beautiful card Sue, simple yet effective and highly suitable to the male of the species. Thanks for the design inspiration.xxx
    Apologies for missing yesterday's Cardmaking treat, I had a late hospital appointment and felt so exhausted in the evening that it completely slipped my mind to write a post, promise to try harder in future:-)
    Had another busy day, ventured out to have a manicure and do a bit of shopping so now my fridge is bursting and most importantly, my nails are suitably glittered. Feeling a little jaded but didn't want to miss another opportunity to tell our Sue just how truly fabulous I think she is:-) weather has taken a turn for the worse, damp and drizzly and much colder, I went out dressed for warmer weather and immediately regretted it. Where is this heatwave the weathermen keep promising us?
    Maria, happy birthday again honey, hope you have had a fabulous day despite the absence of a functioning kitchen. I always like a take away on my birthday, it beats cooking any day:-)xxx
    Nana Tina, great that Mick is improving again and managing to eat, it must all be such a strain for you, I really empathise with your situation....my mum spent months visiting me in various hospitals and it really took a lot out of her emotionally and physically....I hope that you can find some me time to relax and unwind. Wishing you and Mick wellxxxx
    P, I love the name Floozie, it's so appropriate given the circumstances. Such a shame that you have to find adoptive homes for your little fluff balls, I don't know that I could be so sensible:-)
    Frances, has Pippin had the snip because it may help him integrate with your girls better if he did, the CP are really good at helping with strays who need neutering and given a chip.....xxx
    Yvonne, hope you enjoyed your afternoon of wanton debauchery and mischief with your friend and that you're not suffering due to your exertionsxxx
    Concerned hugs to our missing buddies including Beth, Rebecca, Tracy, Wheely bad, Linda, Lorraine and anyone else in need or sufferingxxx
    Hugs to Pam, jan, Lynda, Theresa , deb C and all my blog buddiesxxx

    Crafty hugs


  109. Hello Sue
    I am not sure about this card maybe it will grow on me. Hope everyone has had a good day, happy birthday Maria I hope you enjoyed your take away.

  110. Wonderful card. What a great look the gilding wax makes. Love the scattered leaves. Have a good weekend.

  111. Wonderful card. What a great look the gilding wax makes. Love the scattered leaves. Have a good weekend.

  112. Wow. This card is gorgeous. Just love it. Must try with my Guilding polishes to see if I get the same effect. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  113. fab card ,love the black against the gilding wax,Laura O

  114. Love this one Sue, my sort of card, simple but dramatic !! Love Anne x

  115. Gorgeous card Sue, love the guilding wax. Sure does look like guilding flakes!!!

  116. What a wonderful card....I like multi color background...well done Sue....tfs

  117. Greetings Sue & WW,
    Wow, wow, wow & a whole bunch more! This card really speaks to me, I love everything about it!
    I'm missing you all and think of many of you often. Still hope to one day catch up and check in regularly, in the meantime, sending some Colorado sunshine your way (although it's not been as plentiful of late, you are welcome to any of it you want :) warm hugs ladies! Rebecca in Colorado
    ps can't get over how much I love this card!

  118. stunning card, this design really stands out


  119. Wow wow wow what a stunning card Sue thanks for sharing. hugs xxxxxxxx

  120. Stunning card and the background is stunning too! Love it loads, Ivy . X

  121. Hi Sue,
    Wow and double wow - what a fab background simply stunning.
    Beverley W

  122. Deb E Isle of Wight28 May 2016 at 15:48


  123. Hi Sue,
    I'm sure this looks better in real life.

    Love and more hugs to you Nana Tina and Mick. Hope things keep improving.

    Love and hugs
