Thursday, 5 May 2016

Creating With Corners

Hi crafters!  If you need a quick card, pick up your corner dies and you can create a stunning project in no time!  You can build backgrounds, frames or just add a lovely accent to a die with your corners.  They are great for more than just corners!  Don't forget.

The finished dimensions are 7" x  7" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                           Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Lovely card Sue. Very striking.
June hope you enjoyed your craft club, another step to normal life.
NannaTina, glad your husband has made so much progress, 13 weeks is a long time for you both.
Daily hugs to all including our missing friends.

Jan.moogie said...

Wow wow wow what a stunner, looking forward to the video after work. Have a great day Sue, hugs xxxxxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card and love the colour you have used. Back home and back to normal well not really been up since 3.30
the time difference has played havoc with my body clock but just glad to be home.
Nancyd xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue. Good use of corner dies. Reminded me I haven't used mine for ages. JJxx

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x will watch video later

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, I love the effects you get with using your dies in this way. Yvonne xx said...

Morning Sue.
Another beautiful card Thank you, a great video too.
Take care all Kitty.

JAO said...

Smart card Sue.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a great way of crafting with corners .Love it!
Anne M xxx

Annie Stamps said...

Lovely card Sue. I love the placement of the die cuts. Will have a go at something similar today. Need to make a card for a friend who's going through a difficult time.

Annie P

Unknown said...

Beautiful card again SUE. Up early today, off on my holiday. Have a great day everybody
Hugs Sylvia xx

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
Another beautiful card today, it ever ceases to amaze me just how much can be done with your dies.
Have a great day

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card, Love Teal and White, and such a great effect with the corner dies. Will catch up with the video later. Have a lovely day. Bx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue. What a great idea. I would have never thought of using corners as the main die and design for a card, what a lovely idea. The pop of real is really fresh looking.
I think I need to make a note of these clean looking and easier cards as they get lost behind the 'bigger style' cards, so as ideas and designs don't come easy to me, the notes I make will make it so much easier when I'm standing in front of my craft table with a blank 8x8 card thinking where the heck do I go now ! So thank you for these lovely quick designs and inspiration.
Hope you have a lovely day Sue xx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Wonderful card, love the idea of using corners as the main part of the card.
Sending special wishes to "P" in Wales - sorry to hear about Miss Pushy, and CraftyJacq - healing hugs to your daughter. Sue XXX

Tina T said...

Morning Sue and crafters all,
Thank you for a lovely clean and simple card. Colour used is lovely and any colour can be used.
Love and crafty hugs
Tina T xxxx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
Another beautiful card that looks so lovely in the teal/milk colour way. Thank you for the great tutorial.x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue,

What a clever idea - I must remember to try using mr corner dies for more than just corners! I love the colour combo too :)

Laura K x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely card. Will watch video later.

auscrafts said...

Lovely card for today ,

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A really lovely card. You always come up with such imaginative ways to use your dies and I love the colour. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Linda Graham said...

Beautiful card Sue,love the colours, as said before your dies are so versatile and the video`s a great help,thank you,Linda x

Anonymous said...

Love the colours, really lovely combination.
The corners are really effective used this way especially the back ones, looks like a different die.

Karen Derbyshire said...

Love the colour combo, really nice.

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

Lovely card, lovely colours and a great way to use corners. Thanks Sue. Lovely inspiration.
D x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I live the look of todays video, I will watch it in a little while whilst I have my breakfast, looking forward to seeing it.

I thoroughly enjoyed going back to craft club yesterday, and they kept making me laugh, so it was oh giggle, oh giggle, oh giggle, but it was worth it. I was so tired when I got ho9me but a great step in the right direction as you say Pam, off to wound clinic today, not sure if I am going to have to have yet another course of antibiotics, had 3 already.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card, really lovely.


Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card and nice colour combination.
B xx

sparkle said...

Morning Sue. What a gorgeous card. Loving the videos getting lots of inspiration

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Stunning I'm loving it xxx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card. A long time since we saw corner dies or teal card very striking.

A Happercrafter6 said...

A striking card Sue.

Debra K. said...

Pretty card! Great way to use corner dies. Debra x

rosiejt said...

Haven't yet watched the video but the card is very striking.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design and the dies are amazing. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, this card is really nice it's amazing what you can do with a corner die I never give it a thought to use them in this way, very clever
Kathy B x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Beautiful card Sue love the way you have done the corners
Not watched the video yet a treat to look forward to later
Have a wonderful day everyone be happy
Hugs to all that need one
Theresa G xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card made with some gorgeous coloured card stock. What a great way to use your corner dies. Must give this a try.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Beautiful card to day, great colours and the clever corners. Definitely NEED the Hamilton die, that frame sets off the whole card. Thanks for the video too, is so easy when you can see what to do.
Have a great day, hugs to all
Muriel x

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful I'm off to watch the video now
Have a lovely day

Debs Cards xxxl

shabbycraftcabin said...

Lovely card and truly inspirational, Ivy C x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, what a great idea, I don't know how you keep coming up with them. Very striking card. I have not got these dies but could use another set I am sure.

Love Rosemarie x x

Karen Drew said...

Such a clever way of using corners. Love the teal colour. Beautiful

Karen xx

Aspiring crafter said...

Gorgeous Sue and love the colour!

Jane Franklin said...

Loving the teal card and corners a striking combination. Luv jxxx

lilian said...

Hi Sue, wow really different today, really love it.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

nattyboots said...

Beautiful card Sue, so clever, i will watch the video later ,all alone with my coffee Ahhh bliss .
Take Care
Elaine H X

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue what a lovely card .Great way to use the corner die. Gloria (Sidcup ) xx

hollyberry said...

Really clever way of using the corner dies. Thank you for the idea.

Chris Curry said...

Clean lines and bright colours make this. Very smart card Sue. Love it. Don't have this corner die but may have to get it !! Thank you. Xx

marg said...

Hello Sue
Quick today Altenew on C.Craft I love their stamps etc!
I would never had thought that little Square, could make such a beautiful card!
Beautiful Sue!
Take care
Love Marg

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card. Really clever use of the corner dies. Love the colours.
Love and hugs to all, Alison xx

karenlotty said...

Stunning effect I may not have this particular corner die but will take a second look at the ones I have said...

I love corner dies and stamps - they are so versatile. Love that teal colour too! Susan x

Sue MacFall said...

Very clever, Sue, love the effect.
Many thanks,
Sue Mac

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Stunning card - I love everything about it :-) Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Scottydog said...

Ooh like this, certainly have some of your dies I can try this with. Thank you Sue! You are such a clever lady - wish my brain worked like yours! Lol!

Karen M said...

Morning Sue,
Thank you for the push to get my corner die's out this card is stunning,
best wishes
Karen M

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Beautiful card and in my favourite colours! As usual I enjoyed the video thank for sharing your ideas. I've only just noticed that I didn't comment on yesterday's post .......... Sorry! It was equally as beautiful as today's card.
Hugs x
Heather T

Lisbeth said...

Morning Sue. Lovely card, very imaginative and so nice to see the reappearance of the teal card.


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow what great use of corner dies, given me food for thought

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I must try and use my corner dies more, lovely card and colours
Thank you Pam, we still have a very long road ahead as he cannot do anything for himself and has no coordination so hoping the rehab can do more physio to get his muscles back and get stronger so we can carry on the care at home
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina xxxx

Rosemary Stickland said...

A really striking card using the teal colour. Love
what you have done with the corner die.
Rosemary xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what a clever use of the corner dies and how effective. This card has inspired me to get my teal card out again - your videos are so helpful. Best wishes

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue on yet another bright sunny morning. Wow I love what youve done with the corner dies and that colour choice is gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Wendy L said...

Lovely way to use the dies Sue, xxxx

Tressa said...

I wonder how many of us have bought corner dies because we liked them but have never used actually used them because we lacked inspiration. Well this video show beautifully how a lovely card can be made where the corner die takes centre stage. Thanks as always for the ideas.


June Horrocks said...

Wow sue would never have thought of that I don't use my corners enough the lie in my box of treasures l must have a go at this one thank you sue love always
June Horrocks xxxxxxxx

gwen70 said...

Wow Sue this is a wonderful card, love it

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue and a great use of dies x xhazel

Anne said...

Must get my corner dies out! What a beautiful card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

iReneM said...

A lovely card :)

Super design using the corner dies.

Great vid tut as ever, Sue


Elsie Smith said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card, brilliant idea.xx

Alison Thorne said...

Just what I needed - a fairly quick card. Got a birthday for a male coming up, so thought it would be nice in a rusty/brown orientation. Thank you xx

Nicky said...

Hi Sue,
I love the patchwork effect.
Thank you for the demo.
Véronique L

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue - yet another great video - love the use of the corners!

Norma said...

What a cooL ide for a lovely but simple card to make - and quite quickly too.

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Lovely card clever use of corners I must confess I have a few corner dies that I have barely used but following your inspiration & coaxing I will use them in this way rather than just for the occasional corner

Lynne L said...

Good morning Sue Lovely card clever use of corners I must confess I have a few corner dies that I have barely used but following your inspiration & coaxing I will use them in this way rather than just for the occasional corner

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
It's amazing what you can do with corner dies, love the overall effect.
Will watch the video later.

Bejay said...

Hi, Sue,
I have to agree with Lydia, it really IS amazing what you can do with corner dies! This is a beautiful card and very effective. I love the colour combination you chose to make it. I'm off to watch the video now.
Bejay xx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely. Will look forward to watching your video later. SueL x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

Gorgeous card, love the teal coloured card and those dies


June x

BenteS said...

A very pretty card, and a great video.
Thank you!

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love this card as always. love Jean Z xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, I keep forgetting to use my dies in different ways but will have to go through them and look properly so thank you.
Love Jan x x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Such a lovely card with so few ingredients - I shall use my corners that way, too - there's just not enough hours in the day to play all I want to play with those dies of yours....... I suppose I shouldn't buy as many but hey, where would be the fun in that??
Teal and white is always a winner for me, colour-wise. (I think I'll try red and ??)
Hugs, Rose

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Pretty and elegant with lovely colours. Thanks for your video.

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Thanks for the inspiration.
Going to get my corner dies out today and have a go at this.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a great card and clear video. I love teal and white and I have several corner dies that get used occasionally - I think I will be using them more often now.


Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue. Enjoyed watching the video.

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
What a great idea and what a lovely card! I learn so much from this blog! It never ceases to amaze me how you come up with new ideas nearly every day! I guess that is one of the reasons you have so many loyal followers!
I think I will make up a few central " panels" as these would be handy to have in several colours!
Thank you!
June - so pleased you enjoyed your craft class yesterday and had some fun! That's lovely!
Love to all, Myra xxx

Nana on the Hill said...

Hi Sue, what a lovely card, such a good use of corner dies, and lovely colour. Xx

Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
This card has to be my favourite card of the week. I forget that I have some of your corners but not anymore.

CraftyJo said...

Very pretty, love the colours too.

Yorks butterfly said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card and a lovely sentiment as well . A great way to use the corner dies.

Paula said...

I love playing with corners, they look good on a white on white card too. :) Not that I am trying to teach my grandmother to suck eggs!!! I'm going to make myself a cup of tea so I can watch the video in comfort, as is my want! :)
Hugs to everyone in need of them today,
Paula x

Jean said...

This is just gorgeous!

Leanne said...


julie laz said...

Hi sue, how beautiful is this, you give us lots of tip's. You should do tip of the week, that would be great, I no you do a lot for us as it is but you no lots of tips sue, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

DeCor said...

Really love this card today. Like the way colour shows off the details of the dies. Colour is awesome.

DeCor said...

Really love this card today. Like the way colour shows off the details of the dies. Colour is awesome.

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful, but simple card. Don't think I have any corner dies, but I will be looking through my stash, just in case.
Margaret xx

terrie said...

Very pretty card....those corner dies turned the card to be awesome...well done Sue

Unknown said...

Really stunning

Crafty Cruiser said...

Stunning card
Doreen R

Stamps and Paper said...

Beautiful card Sue


Laura O said...

another stunner must use all the corners I have borders are no problem but I tend to forget the corners ,Laura O

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty card and great video on how to use those corner dies

P in Wales so sorry to hear about your cat you will miss her
Tracy I'm sure your looking forward to your wee holiday in Pitlochry hope the weather stays good for you

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Kate's Cards said...


KarinsArtScrap said...

it's beautiful and elegant Sue

gr karin van eijk

barbara macaskill said...

Gorgeous, elegant and timeless! TFS!

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Another cardlovely today, thank you.
June, glad you enjoyed yesterday, a laugh a day keeps the doctor away!!! Hope you don't need more antibiotics.
Pat L, thinking of Sarah.
love to all
Maureen xx

Unknown said...

To My Wonderful Special Friend Sue,
Sorry This Is Late And Very Short I Loved The Video And The Dies That You
I Love Today's Tremendous Card...
Wonderful Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
Love From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes
Hugs To Lancashire Steph.
I'm Having Problems With My Computer..... Blooming Thing!!!!

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Great Card, lovely dies and a great idea for how to use them. I think it would be a good batch make. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so elegant. Love how you have used the corner dies.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, lovely shapes and colours

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, lovely effective way to use corners. Great card.
Love Val in Spain x

Janet Wilson said...

Great card, the corners really make it

Anonymous said...

So beautiful...and I love the colors you used....very dynamic. Jan D., Florida, USA

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafters.

Smashing card and a good reminder to use up the corners that we wouldn't normally use. Well I know I don't maybe because I forget they are there or I'm using something else lol xx

Love to all xx

Anonymous said...

Great symmetrical card, Sue, love the use of the corners and teal is always a winner.
Thanks as usual for the video.
Tracy - holiday must be coming up soon, make the most of it and relax!

'P' in Wales

Thanks so much for Pushy messages everyone, really appreciated. Awful without her!

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love, Love, Love this one symmetrical is right up my street- just gorgeous!!!

Jess Watson said...

Hi sue, love this card, the teal colour is gorgeous.
Take care, Jess xxx

ursula said...

Wow, so simple yet so beautiful, just love the colours together....thanks Sue...luv Ursula xx

hettygarlick said...

Very smart card and I love that colour.

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Hi Sue and your amazing Wilsonettes. Beautiful, easy card today...thank you! I love Myra's idea to make up several of the central "panels" in different colors to have on hand. Thanks Myra!

Sleep well everyone!

Hugs to all! ❌⭕️❌⭕️

liz spooner said...

Another beautiful card today Sue, it never ceases to amaze me just how much can be done with your dies and how creative you are.xx

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Very pretty card sue and another ingenious idea sue x I love the teal card its beautiful x am saving your videos for another sue fest hopefully at the weekend x been busy working and spring cleaning ! Oh what joy ! Thankyou sue for your daily inspiration , I appreciate everything you do x
'P' so so sorry to hear about pushy x sending you a big hug x I love all the fantastic names for your four paws xxx
Laine oh how I wish I could remember how to knit so I could make you a nice warm scarf to keep the draft out xxx Hope yvonnes ok x sending you both hugs x
Wheely bad hope you have recovered from your visit to the inlaws xxx
Tracy not long now till your break x I bet you can't wait x
Sending hugs to all the wilsonettes x
Theresa w xxx

Theresa said...

very clever use of corners. great colour combo too. i got my die today. thank you soooooooo much, hugs xx

magpie said...

Hi Sue, wow, amazing! Love the Teal it's such a beautiful colour and the amazing use of corners that make this card complete x Stunning! Great video as always too x
"Thank you Sue" xx Sending love and hugs to you and your family x Sending love and hugs to all Wilsonettes in need xx Love Karen xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Some great dies used in this card,stunning.

gailgale said...

Hi Sue,
This card shows of the dies very well.

Betty McAlister said...

Such a beautiful card using those corner dies which are often hardly touched. Will take another look at those I have Sue. Thanks. X

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous card, the corners are beautiful. What a fabulous colour too, really stands out. Thank you for sharing
Love Diane G xxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sue
Lovely card what a brilliant idea useing corner dies
I will be using mine mor often now, thank you for the inspiration Sue.
Sorry I'v been missing for few days haven't been well.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Hi TRACY not long now for your holiday enjoy &
BETH hope you ok missing
Wheelybad hope your Migrain is better love & Hug's& cuddles for Billy xx
HUG'S for everyone xxx

nzillingworth said...


Eunice said...

It is truly amazing that this card was created mostly by using corners!!! Love your ideas Sue!!!

Sandy H said...

Lovely card. Great idea to make the most of corner dies.
Take care everyone.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
I love Teal and White together, and this card Really works using these colours, It is so beautiful ,
What a clever way to use our corner dies, thank you for inspiring us and making us look at our dies in different ways.
Take care, Love Brenda XXX

Wacki Macky said...

Love the colours of this card Sue, great dies make great shapes!

Thank you!

Pearl xx

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is gorgeous and I love the whole design and the colurs.
It is just so pretty.

Unknown said...

this is a beautiful designed card and lovely colour choice


Su said...

Stunning, clean and simple - cant beat this colourway!