Thursday, 26 May 2016

Configurations Card

Hello there my crafty friends!  Configuration cards are always so easy to do and the results are just so spectacular.  I just love the way the black pops against the aqua card, don't you?  I hope you can take a few minutes to watch the video.

The finished dimensions are 8" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                           Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Gorgeous card, very oo la la .
June good news to date.
NannaTina, what an awful worrying day for you, I'm sorry to hear Mick is so poorly, he was doing so well. I hope today he is better for you, and he must have been so frightened too.
Mary, you and your Mum are also going through the mill, hope you both feel better soon.
Lynda, it is always scary when they say that to you, I always thought that when they told me the same thing. Hope you don't wait too long for your appointment.
Hugs to all, especially Tracey and her dad, and all of our missing friends

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card & very striking. Yvonne xx

Anonymous said...

Dramatic card today Sue, the black certainly pops against the aqua. Very nice. JJxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and I love the design
I'm off to watch the video now
Hugs Debs cards xxx

TDQ Karen said...

Lovely, very striking

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card and the black and Aqua looks fantastic.
Nancyd xx

Tina T said...

Hi Sue and crafters all
This cards adds a smile on a dull slightly rainy day.
Love colourway and the adornment die does the rest.. Sentiment is universal.
Love and crafty hugs
Tina T xxxxx

hollyberry said...

Black and aqua are really striking together. Gorgeous card.

Jan.moogie said...

Gorgeous card Sue and I just adore this lacy die. Great video tutorial, thanks for sharing, hugs xxxxxxxxxx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
What a lovely bright card on a very cool, dull cloudy day here. You are right Sue, the black and aqua certainly do POP !!! and the Milford configuration die is perfect used this way. One I have to try.
hugs to all
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

A stunning card, love the colour combination too


June x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Love the technique of using the configuration die in this way and yes the black really pops against the aqua.
NannaTina - special thoughts to you, hope that you find Mick improved today. Hugs to all. Sue XXX

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, quite a dramatic card today Sue, the colours and shapes are fab. Love the way you have used the dies multiple times, stunning!

Thank you,

Pearl x said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card and great video, Thank you.
Take care and have fun Kitty.

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

Stunning, lacy, almost sexy!
D x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. So filigree, lacey and lovely. Will watch video later.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Sunset Bay said...

Another beautiful card Sue. I love your videos, so clear and concise. Thank you xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A very striking card. Love the die. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue xx hazel

Debra K. said...

Striking card today! Debra x

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely card, stunning colour combination.


Janice K said...

Good morning Sue.
I love the beautiful contrast in this card, the black showing off the amazing intricacy in the design of the configuration die-stunning!
I'll have to watch the video later as I have over slept due to crafting until 00.30!! X

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
What a striking card, so lacey and stunning colours, going to try and watch video before I take mum shopping
Mick has now left ICU and gone back to the rehab ward, still a bit confused but was talking and managed to drink and eat 2 tubs of ice cream, he was still on oxygen when I left last night but they said they where going to reduce it slowly, awaiting test results and then will decide what more tests maybe needed to find the cause but have said they may never find what caused this, some of the results that have come back have all been normal so he has the drs baffled, thank you to everyone for your kind words and wishes I am still smiling and taking each day as it comes and deal with what ever comes up
Happy crafting
Love and huge hugs to everyone
Love Tina xxxx

Kate's Cards said...

Very striking! xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, what an elegant and classy card, love the lacy effect from the configurations dies. Will catch up with the video later. Have a great day. Bx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Great card, love the design, for me I would need to change the colours.
Have a good day
Patricia xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue,

I love the intricate lacy effect of this card, it is truly beautiful and incredibly striking.

Laura K x

A Happercrafter6 said...

Good morning Sue. Love the colours and this die. As you say, configuration dies are really versatile.

dmjones said...

Wow, what a stunning card on this dull Thursday morning!! Off to watch the video now,

Doreen x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. What a very striking card, I wouldn't have thought of putting Aqua and black together, but it works really well.

Love Rosemarie x X

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Just stunning!...and so easy to do...


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. What a very striking card, I wouldn't have thought of putting Aqua and black together, but it works really well.

Love Rosemarie x X

Chris Curry said...

A great striking card Sue, love the colours you chose. Thank you. Xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, ooh this is a gorgeous card so very striking and I love the colours
KathyB x

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen Drew said...

My first thoughts were WOW!!!! Love the colours

Karen xx

Laura O said...

a beauty love the black on light blue ,Laura O

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Annie Stamps said...

Gorgeous card Sue. The black looks stunning over aqua.

I watched this video yesterday when my friend came to play. We get a lot of inspiration from your blog and love watching your videos.

Annie P

lilian said...

Hi Sue, this really is a wow card, would also be beautiful in navy and pink, I always use navy instead of black, just a personal thing with me.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue the more I see the Milford edge die the more I adore this lacy die. The amazing intricacy of this die sets it apart from all others . Thanks Sue .Gloria (Sidcup) xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue WOW !
Beautiful card ,i love this ! )

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - a great way to use the Milford die and the black is so striking against the aqua. I just love anything looking lacy and your video is so explicit. Sending best wishes

gwen70 said...

WOW WOW WOW, stunning card

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
just a stunning card - and I've got the Milford so can't wait to have a go with this design.
I'm thinking black/white with red accents.........
Hugs, Rose

Anne said...

These dies are so versatile, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue
A very dramatic card today.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Well it is a very wet start to the day here in Yorkshire
But looking at your delightful card has defiantly brightened my morning
It is again a stunner Sue
Not watched the video yet so I will look forward to that
Hugs to everyone that needs one
And love to those that are going through tough times
Theresa G xxx

marg said...

Hello Sue!
I need to watch the Video to see how you did this pretty striking card!
Love Marg

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a stunning card very dramatic looking with the black but it makes the die cut pop and shows the lacey look to the die. Thanks for another of your great videos they are so helpful.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue on a dry but very cloudy morning, this card is just stunning I love how youve used that die so many times to create such a wonderful design. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous card today, I hadn't realised how lacy the Mitford die is and this showcases it beautifully. The black and Aqua are a lovely combination although I know it's not to everyone's taste, reminds me of very posh expensive undies!!! Thank you for sharing
Love Diane G xxx
Nana Tina I hope Mick has improved again today, keep smiling xxxx
June the honey dressings seem to be working their magic xxx
Tina hope you got on ok at the eye hospital xxx
Tracey sending big hugs to you and dad xxxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. The black lace is so intricate and detailed. Really stands out. Thanks for your video. We are away again so will play catch up when home in two weeks.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, very lacy looking, it is a bit dark for me but a change of colour would suit me, maybe white instead of black.
Thank you for your inspiration, take care, Jess xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Fabulous card Sue, really dramatic. I do like the the Adornment Dies, and the Milford one is beautiful.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, this card is beautiful love lacy dies. love Jean Z xxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card today, will watch the video in a minute.

I hope things are improving for everyone, especially, NannaTina, Mick, Tracey, Tina and everyone else who is suffering or struggling.

It is 6 weeks tomorrow that I had my operation, and hopefully the infection has more or less gone, will update everyone on Tuesday after I have been to the clinic again

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Bejay said...

Morning Sue,
WOW...I love the way that something so easy to make can look so spectacular and the black on aqua just pops off the card.
Another winner :)
Bejay xx

Unknown said...

Really striking card today

June Horrocks said...

A stunning card sue I love it so beautiful and as you say easy to construct I'll take your word for it darling you are so clever xxxxxxxxx love always June horrocks xxxx

Unknown said...

Stunning card Sue as always.
Love Val in Spain x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Very striking card and as always a great video. Thank you for everything you do

Taking my grandson to London for the weekend so may not be able to pop in for the next couple of days. We had booked and paid for it all before Sarah's operation was cancelled so taking him for a wee treat to see the sights.

Hugs and best wishes everyone with special ones to Tracy and Nanna Tina

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Another beautiful card and a great idea.When are
you going to name one of your designs after one of our
English areas - I feel left out!!! Tracy Newman

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The black lace against the aqua is so wonderfully dramatic.
Thank you for the demo.
Véronique L

Suebak said...

Who would have thought an adornment die could, along with the contrasting colours, make such an impact. A stupendous card.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow very striking

Jean said...


Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I'm going to be the odd one out today and say that although I don't mind some black - this is too much for me! I love the card and it may not look as effective in other colours but I think I'd prefer it. Sorry but I like to be honest ! The die is beautiful and I love what you have done with it just not the colour for me!
My friend Norah may not be too keen either but I'm not certain of that!
Thank you Sue for everything you do. Love to you and all friends here especially those who are going through tough times just now!
Thinking of you all. Xxx

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue. I agree that the use of the configurations dies in this way does make an absolutely stunning card. I also agree that the use of black on cards can make the design pop, however in this case there is a bit too much black for me - sorry. It may look different in other colours though.


ursula said...

I love the way you use these configurations dies and create a whole new look, this one is stunning with the black on aqua...thanks for sharing Sue....luv Ursula xx

Paula said...

Stunning card Sue, and I can't wait to watch the video. I have this die so I will be making this card for sure! :)
Hugs to all in need of them today,
Paula x

crossstitchmarg said...

Hi Sue,
A stunning card today, dramatic colours.
I'm late today, I have been quilt making since 7 am and have just stopped for a break.
Happy crafting

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue, what a very striking effect with just eight die cuts. Must try this.

Nana Tina, I breathed a sigh of relief after reading your latest news.
Keeping my fingers crossed for Mick and hope things improve for him
Love and hugs to you both. xxxx


barbara macaskill said...

O M G ! ! ! ! How glorious is this one?!?!?! I am totally in love with the dramatic contrast of black and aqua!!! Simply scrumptious! TFS!

Sue MacFall said...

Lovely lacy looking card - love the black and blue colours together.
Many thanks,

Sue Mac

Jane Franklin said...

Although not a fan of too much black I think this is stunning. Luv jxxx

terrie said...

Great looking turned out really nice
well done Sue

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

I've really enjoyed the video tutorial as always it was brilliantly put together and very clear to follow, thank you Sue.
This is card certainly makes a great impact, i'm not sure about the black, I think it would look lovely in ginger and soft gold or periwinkle and navy but hay ho that's just my choice. The design is stunning, so yet again thank you for the wonderful inspiration.

Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

Barbara said...

Beautiful card!
I do not mind black and think it looks great against the aqua card but it is easy enough to change the colours to suit your taste.
Will keep the video to enjoy later.

KarinsArtScrap said...

Sue it's a beautiful card

gr karin van eijk

theresa w said...

Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Stunning card sue x I agree with diane when it reminds her of expensive undies ! Definately boutique xxx
Will read everyones news later as 'trouble at mill' as my nan used to say just know I'm thinking of you all and sending hugs x
Theresa w xxx

Tressa said...

Wow, what an interesting colour combination. Striking indeed. Again you have shown how much can be done with just one die to produce a great background.


karenlotty said...

OMG! What a stunning card

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Fabulous striking card, but a little too much black for me. Sorry.
Pat L, enjoy London.
June, fingers crossed for the clinic next week.
Nana Tina, hope Mick continues to improve.
Tracy, thinking of you and your dad.
Love to all
Maureen xxx

iReneM said...

This is lovely!

Aqua again (smile) - I love you Sue - though at first I wasn't
sure about using it with has grown on me and watching
Sue put it together I have decided I DO like it, lol
Would be lovely in gold and black too...and many other combo's

The Milford die is magnificent and I see I'm not
the only one who was reminded of sexy knickers tee hee


Crewe Trish said...

Hello Sue
This has to be one of my all time favourites definitely one to try.

Anonymous said...

Great card, Sue, don't have any of these dies but wondering if it would work with a chopped magnolia, carefuly played with and placed?!
Hugs to all our poorly / worried ones.
Pet friends - long story shorthand - feral mamma cat refused to go into trap for months (or so caring person on site said) she had kittens in garage but was seen in flagrante with local Tom last week, so was imperative to get her in for spaying as couldn't risk her having more kittens so soon. With a little subterfuge, she was trapped Tuesday and no option but to separate her from kittens. She's with me in a large hospital cage and she'll be spayed tomorrow and go back after convalescence - where she is royally fed and looked out for. Fell in love with babes in a nanosecond (sandy/white female, blobby ginger/black/white female, black/white male - sooo gorgeous - but being their surrogate mum would say that!!) Absolutely cannot justify keeping them, so they'll all be homed responsibly which is far better for them than living with our gang.

'P' in Wales said...

Very dramatic effect with the pastel blue and black! Lovely, Susan x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love using black card, but not sure on this one and may prefer in white but that aside love the card concept.

Suzzette Yandle said...

A stunning card! Love how the frame was made. Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all the pre-preparations you do to make your videos go so smoothly and look so effortless! ;.)

Lesley said...

Stunning card but am not a fan of black but perhaps this card may be the exception as it looked better on the video.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Beautiful Card, as you say the black card really does pop. Yet another great Idea. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
wow this is a stunner. Really love the colour combo and it's something a bit different. This is such a striking card, gorgeous.
Love Deb C xx

liz spooner said...

Absolutely stunning Sue. Love this.xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I love the design of this card and the die is so pretty but I'm in the minority again when I say there is just too much black for me. I would certainly try it in different colours though.

'P' - the babies sound absolutely delighful. So glad it was nothing worse than mum being a floozie that necessitated you becoming a foster mum. Fingers crossed you can find them all good homes.


shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue, wow a really striking card, love it :-) Ivy C x

BenteS said...

All that black makes your card look very dramatic!
Absolutely striking ;)

Lynne L said...

Hi Sue I love the Milford die & the central circle a very pretty design but I think there's a bit too much black for me

Lynne L said...

Hi Sue I love the Milford die & the central circle a very pretty design but I think there's a bit too much black for me

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue this is a stunning card is just amazing what one die can do. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Theresa said...

stunning card. that black and aqua go sooooooo well together, hugs xx

Berina RGA said...

Wow!! Such a gorgeous card!! Love the black elegant die cuts!
Moxie Craftie

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Catching up on this weeks blogs and all the cards are absolutely gorgeous and thank you for today's video.

Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
Oh my goodness what an eye poppingly stunning card. Just beautiful. The contrast of the black and aqua is so striking.
I do have a few of your configurations but with ongoing brain fog my imagination is broken. When you share your wonderful gift with us it is truly inspiring x
Lazy day (again) today as I am still feeling like a deflated balloon.
My tiredness was made worse by a period of excitement verging on hysteria. My mum had given me some money to treat myself to something nice to cheer me up. Well obviously the decision of what to buy was easy - Sue's dies. My predicament was which ones to choose. I ordered the pierced noble circles and the stitched lattice frames and they arrived today - hence my frenzied elation. I tell you something Sue - with you around I know that Anne Summers will not be getting my business. Your goods thrill me more than anything I could purchase from the much overrated range from A S x
LAINE - I do believe that you and I could give any Jeremy Kyle guest a run for their money. You would be ideal but I promise I could be that supportive friend who sits in the audience. Despite my morals being questionable I look like an angel x
LYNDA - sending you a hug x
WHEELY BAD - hugs to you my friend x
NANNA TINA - it is hard to keep smiling sometimes but you are battling on and I salute you. Make sure you take good care of yourself. Lots of love x
JUNE - gosh 6 weeks - fingers crossed the infection is gone and you are well on the way to feeling like your old self. Big hugs x
PAT - have a lovely time in London x
TRACY - fair point. I live in Croydon - that's a fab name for a die don't you think?
P - oh my word you have got your hands full x
Taken me a while to do my comment and didn't realise what time it is. No wonder my eyes keep closing.
Sending Happy thoughts to everyone x
Crafty hugs

P.S. Just to reiterate Sue - I would like a friend die added to the perspectives range a collection which includes a die called Croydon and seeing as I am your favourite a die called Yvonne would be a lovely gesture - thanks x

nzillingworth said...


Di said...

Hi Sue,
Stunning, gorgeous, awesome - a very lovely card, looks like French lace on underwear. Must get this die, it is so pretty. The colours are beautiful.
Di B. x

Dawn Holben said...

Now i must admit i love the layout and design of this card and the goegeous detail
of the die but although i am starting to really like black on cards for me
i am not sure of the black on this but that is just boring old me.

Littlelamb said...

Lovely card but as others have said sorry bit too much black for me. Would have to be a different colour.

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Unknown said...

Interesting card today Sue, very dramatic, been using a bit more black on my cards lately for a change. Anne x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, what a beautiful card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Unknown said...

Wow very Petty... the colour combo is quite striking! I love all your die. I used to buy a lot of spellbinders dies but now your my new favorite. your dies are so versatile. Have you noticed that now spellbinders is copying your style they now make dies with the shadow pieces and all the pretty extras. Mary Katherine

Unknown said...

Very dramatic, but I love it


nannapat said...

Love it, stunning card Sue. I def need that die. Pat x

Eunice said...

Such an eye-catching card, the black really draws your eye in.