Sunday, 7 February 2016

For You

 Good Sunday morning all!  Here's another way in which to use the Intertwining Circle Striplet.  It makes a great Stained Glass feature on your cards.  I cut the striplet in white and glued a piece of acetate to the back of it.  From the back, I filled in areas with Cosmic Shimmer dries clear glue and added glitter to them, then tapped off the excess.  you need to start with your darkest colours first, then work towards the lighter ones, that way the glitter won't change colour if you put the lighter colour over the darker ones that were done first.  I used various shades of polished silk glitter for this in shades of gold, copper, bronze and silver.  I let it dry overnight then added it to the bottom of my card.  For the focal element, I cut the Grace die in white and added a ginger card backing to make a frame with the larger die.  I cut the smaller one just out of the card so it can be seen through the frame.  I stamped my sentiment and used the smallest die to give it a frame and mounted it on foam and placed it in the centre.  I also used the outermost die and embossed it into the backing of the card for a little extra detail.  Finally I cut two of the corners from the Elegant Lace Edger and added them to the sides of the frame as accents.  I completed the card with a pierced white mat, a thin ginger card mat and another white mat layer.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Beautiful card, so lovely.
Daily hugs to you, Sue, Melody Francis, Tracey and all who are sad or suffering . Big hugs to the blog family too.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. I do love this circle striplet. I must try it with glitter. Looks fab.

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
what a stunning card and stunning dies love the colours thank you tracyw x hope you are going stronger each day hope to see you on tv soon x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. I think this is a great guys card and you could just change the colours of the polished glitters to work in with the card you are making. Thinking of you all Sue.
Take care everone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x said...

Morning Sue.
A Lovely card Thank you, why does the striplet remind me of Chocolate?
It must be the colour's you have
Take care Kitty.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card I have this striplet on my wish list, trying to make cards in between visiting hubby in hospital
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina xxxx

Karen Derbyshire said...

Great card Sue, love the glitter technique.

Jan.moogie said...

Reminds me of the sixties with the colours and those intertwining circles can remember having a dress in very similar design and colours, showing my age here. Lovely card Sue, from a lovely lady. Thinking of you, hugs xxxxxxxxxx

DeCor said...

Really does look like a small piece of stained glass What a good w as y to use this strip let. Makes a beautiful card with lots of interest . Hope today is a good day for you A big Hug

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. A fabulous card, another which can be used for the chaps. I have not found a striplet I don't like and it's great to see the different ways you use them. Healing hugs to all in need. Sue XXX

Unknown said...

To My Very Special Dearest Friend Sue,
Today's Card Is Just "Truly Tremendous Fabulous"
Colours, And Outstanding Dies I Love The Way You Use The Circle Striplet Die
With Acetate And The Fabulous Polished Glitters.
Also Outstanding Focal Point, Sue Thank You So Very Much For
Sharing Such A Rich Opulent Elegant Card Every Day I Open Your Blog
You Inspire Me And I So Much Appreciate That.
Sue My Dearest Friend You Are In My Thoughts.
Warmest Wishes To Colin And Heather
Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes
Huge Hugs To Dearest Lancashire Steph x

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,love the colours of the glitters on this one.

Steph Cotterill said...

WOW ! Love it. You sure know how to change opinions Sue, this die I was unsure of when I first saw it, but the samples you have made with it has put this little devil on my list now. Whatever you need from this die it gives whether it be modern or retro, male or female cards, this die just keeps giving, I need it. Today's sample is clean and fresh looking even though shades of brown have been used it throws out the freshness of the coconut white, I love it.

You must still be living in the world of disbelief Sue, and trying to make sense of what's happened,I want you to know that you're in my heart and thoughts everyday.

Sending my usual hugs dear friend.
Lancashire Steph xx

Claudia - die Hobbystrickerin said...

*lol* Looks like swinging 60ties - easy listening and a little bit psychedelic... and so nice ! ! ! Claudy

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue

really beautiful card. x

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. Loving today's card, the design and colours make it suitable for males and females. A very useful and versatile die.x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Very retro! Love it. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue this reminds me of stain glass with the sun shining through, It's a really nice effect. Thinking of youx

JAO said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the circle dies.

Tina T said...

Good morning to you all,
Yes another fabulous card, glitters look lovely behind the acetate, great card for anyone.
Sue you are such a talented lady!!!!!
Love and crafty hugs
Tina Thompson

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Love the glittery bit of this card on the circle die. Love that die.
Useful technique to use on other cards!
Anne M xxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a really lovely card to greet us on this dull winters morning here in Chatham, Kent. I love the stained glass effect and it goes so well on the card.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Debra K. said...

Wonderful card! The stained glass effect is really lovely. Debra x

TDQ Karen said...

Really like these intertwining circle dies, lovely card, I love the technique

Unknown said...

It's funny how a specific design can instantly make you think man's card. Whenever I see this striplet I think that. Then added with these colours even more so a man's card and I so struggle with men's cards and what to do. This is fast becoming a firm favourite. Lovely as ever.
Nicola x

rosiejt said...

Love the Intertwining Circle Striplet dies.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

That's so clever, very retro looking

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue, totally agree with Claudy! Nice one.
Sending hugs to you and all who need them.

'P' in Wales

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue .Wow what a clever idea. I must try polished silk glitter. This is another die for my wish list.Gloria (Sidcup) xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I agree with others this is very '60's' and gorgeous, I love the colours you've used.
Hugs x
Heather T

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
I love this card, I love the circle die set. I have used it many times over the last month.
Thanks for sharing

Jan on the Fosse said...

Hi Sue
Love love love this striplet die. I've already made cards with the three different coloured card behind, they look stunning.My next project is this stained glass effect
card. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas.

Unknown said...

Love the retro card

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, I really like the colours you have used in this one and the striplet die is one that works well for all sorts of cards.
Thanks for sharing,

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. I love the striplets, there is so much one can do with them.
B xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Fabulous card - love it. Stunning colour combo with the glitters. Hugs to all xxx

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

This is the card which started me off making experiments with the Intertwining Circles die and gave me a lot of fun doing it!


lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A great card, love the way you have used the striplet. I must say the the Grace die is so useful, I have used it so much.
You are in my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, what a beautiful stained glass effect the glitters make. Edwina

foxyg said...

I have this striplet, so made up for this post. Will try that later today.

Nanny Jo said...

A beautiful card, Sue.....and not a flower in sight! I love the glitter idea, I could get really messy doing this! :) Jo xx

Scottydog said...

As others have said very 60's! I used to have blue curtains in a similar design & it must be coming back into vogue as I saw some very similar in a shop recently in brown, So you are definitely in vogue with this striplet Sue! Like Steph I didn't think I needed this die but you are certainly changing my mind Sue! Thank you.
Thinking of you Sue.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. All the dies work so well together. I do love how you have used the glitter. Thinking of you Sue. Take care. Hugs Jackie

Marion said...

Hi sue love the stained glass effect ,i must try it.
you are still in my thoughts .
Marion H

Wendy L said...

The glittering looks great, beautiful card, xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
Have good day and I'm think of you.

Debs A xx
Debs Cards xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - this is a fabulous die and I love the way you have used the glitter, making a stunning card. Thinking of you and sending my best wishes

sonja_w said...

Love the stain glass window effect. The intervening circle striplet is currently top of my shopping list and I will definitly try this out as soon as I have it . Thanks for sharing xx

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
What a fantastic idea with the striplet and glitters x it has a great effect and the grace die looks really good its so versatile x sending hugs to you and your family xxx
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this strip let is my go to at the moment for men's cards. It is very versatile and does remind me of the 60s, showing my age now. Love it done with the glitter. Thinking of you every day, take one small step at a time.

Much love Rosemarie x x

Nannieflash said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful card love what you do with the stroller dies and this one is ideal for a man's card. Hugs Shirleyxxx

Unknown said...

I love the stained glass effect you have achieved on this card. It has given me an idea to do something similar. You are in my thoughts Sue. Have a great day everybody
Hugs Sylvia xx

Anne said...

This is gorgeous, Sue. The striplet looks so effective with the glitter.

Anne (Northampton)

lilian said...

Hi Sue, love the retro look of this card, will have to get that die. Lovely card.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

June Horrocks said...

A stunning card sue this die is just beautiful the stunning colours jus jump out brilliant !!!!
Just to let you know sue my friend has gone to Lourdes today l have sent a prayer to be left a the grotto. To comfort you and yours
Love June Horrocks xxxxxx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Beautiful card, think I've seen this demo'd and from the this collection the striplet was the first one I had to have as it was so different. Love the stained glass effect.

PharmacyMichele said...

Love this card, it's brilliant. This striplet die is turning into my all time favourite one.


hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue love the border design and colours xx hazel

Unknown said...

Hi sue.

I love the look of the striplet part it does look retro. You've shown us loads to do with that particular one and the more I see it the more i want it.
I'm fast becoming addicted to just buying the dies rather than using them. I know it's silly I'll get round to using them eventually.
I don't think hubby realises just how many I have! Lol

Yvonne g. Sorry your going through a gloomy time the now. Things will perk up again. I do hope your friend Marjorie is ok. It's not till they're in hospital you realise how frail people are.

Laine. Hope u had a fab time at strictly show and enjoyed looking at all the talent!! And no I wasn't referring to the dancing! Lol

Wheely. Hope ur nana is alright xx

Love to all xxx

Tressa said...

I fell in love with polished silk glitter when Julia introduced it in one of her workshops and you have used it to perfection here. As others have mentioned the colours used make this an ideal card for men. I love it!


Sandy (tort) said...

Pretty card.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. This is my favourites triplet as it can be used to make either male or female cards. I haven't glittered it though but the effect is stunning so when I have a spare few hours...........

Narrowboat girl

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, I agree with all the comments above
this is gorgeous!!! It would look fab in any colour!!!
Still thinking of you!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

Had trouble leaving a comment this morning.
Another beautiful card. Love the glitter effect.
D x

BenteS said...

Wonderful card!
Awesome way to use the striplet, gives such a great effect :)

gwen70 said...

stunning card, love it

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card, love the colors and glittereffect.

Nananne said...

Fabulous card! I think you had this one on showing the dies and I wondered how you got the stained glass effect , I didn't realise it was glitter , I love the effect, great die so useful.
Anne xo

Karen M said...

Hi Sue
This is a little different,I really like it thanks for the idea,
Best wishes
Karen M

Chris Curry said...

I love this die and it looks great with the glitter. A lovely card Sue, thank you. Xx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
The Grace Die again so lovely and useful!
I haven't tried glitter with my Striplet yet!
Love the card and the colours, had curtains in Green in Striplet pattern in the '60's.
Take care
Love Marg

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. What a coincidence, I bought both this striplet and your Grace die only yesterday. Thank you for showing this lovely card. SueL x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, lovely card sue. love Jean Z xxx

Anonymous said...

Really nice card Sue, the ginger card goes really well with glitters used.

Loraine Jefferis said...

There's something about this card that I love. It reminds me of the sixties. The colours you've used just work beautifully together. Hope you are keeping ok. Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

nattyboots said...

A lovely card Sue.
Take Care
Elaine H X

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
have to have this striplet, so fabulous with the glitter and versatile. So retro and great for men's cards
Muriel x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Fabulous card, definitely reminds me of the 60's , would be great for a man's card. Yvonne xx

Jayne S said...

Lovely card, Sue. I love your striplet dies they have so many uses.

TOB said...

Hi Sue, love this striplet, gorgeous colours suitable for everyone. Hugs Theresa xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card, love how you have used the striplet by glittering from the back.
An other gem of an idea from you. Take care everyone, Jess xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Wow, I love this look very retro but with glitter. This striplet is on my list now.
Beverley W

Stamps and Paper said...

Beautiful card Sue and just love how you've used your striplets and the glittering is so pretty


Beryl said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the glittering.

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue, love the card and the glittering on the striplet die is fab. I feel inspired again.


Stella Munn said...

I do like this - a good one for the men in our lives perhaps? The glittering is very clever. x

Pat said...

Hi Sue,
I wasn't too sure about that striplet before, but after seeing todays card I think I want to add it to my stash. :) It has given me a few ideas. :) Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue, this striplet is one of my favourites and the stained glass window you have created is super, love from Jackie xx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue, hope you're alright. Lovely Art Deco card. Take care, Ivy C x

Jayem said...

Hi Sue

I love the Intertwining Circles die... I think, along with the Greek Island Background, it heads the list of my favourites.

Jan from NSW (Aus)

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
It's another gorgeous card, I love the stained glass background and the intertwining circles striplet is one of my favourites.
Good for males and teenagers, too.
Hugs, Rose

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

Love the Grace die and the striplet looks great glittered from the back. I do love this technique, it looks stunning.

Lovely card. Like lots of other Wilsonettes I wasn't going to put the striplet die near the top of my list.... Until now!

Love Helen xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Fabulous card love it.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Sue MacFall said...

Great card and use of glittering.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Sue Mac

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
I love the card and the colours used on it.
I used to use glitter a lot when I first started crafting and look foreword
to doing so again.
Regards to all,
Evis M.

rolfi said...

Good Sunday morning Sue,
stunning card...
Love the Intertwining Circle Striplet and make a Happy Easter-card in yellow-lightgreen with it. So great to have this die. I have to try this with glitter. It looks fabulous.
Rolf xxx

Bejay said...

Hi, Sue,
The circles striplet is ideal for using the stained glass method on isn't it. I love the colours you chose for the glitter, very effective.
Sending love and hugs to you and your family.
Bejay x

Glenharon said...

Dearest Sue and the wilsonettes,
NOw why can't i get my favourite style of top made up with these colours as i am more than partial to the varying shades of cinnimon going through to brown shades but of course brown isn't the in colour at the moment. Ah well never mind i will justt need to enjoy your card instead and use that imagination of mine that runs wild at times. Your card is beautiful Sue with the metallics so neatly into their spaces and the top die looking like a "quaich" (a Scots drinking cup normal for whisky and used at wedding ceremonies or given as a christening gift or 18/21 gift to a man or baby boy). Sorry Sue as it's very few times you don't get one of my little gems of imagination or memories but i bet that a few of our Scottish Wilsonettes will see it now that i have pointed it out. Thank you for todays inspired piece of WOW as you set the brain clanking into operation once more. Take care dear friend and sending you hugs and my prayers.
Well folks we have a right miserable day here at Glenochil and the rotten weather has pinched my lovely hills once more so i hope that wherever you are today you are having a more pleasant day weather wise. I received my prize yesterday and had a wee shot of cutting them out before i got called yet once more by O.H. who thinks he has the flu when all he has is a bad cold which is all baby Harry's fault so O.H. says, poor bairn. I'll tell you i'm awful glad he didn't have a bell beside his bed becuase i would have lost the bell right down his throat. My little legs are painful today with all the climbing yesterday, thank goodness i don't have any more stairs or flights than just the one as the legs would have given up the ghost long before they did.
Sending hugs to all my Wilsonette friends who could do with a hug or just want one to know that someone is thinking of them.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village)

sandieann21 said...

How weird. Just about to use this die for my nieces' cards. Two birthdays this week. Very pretty.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. I do love the look of your 'stain glass' window effect but have not tried it yet. Your circles dies to me is so retro 60's looking.

Kate's Cards said...

Love it.

dmj from kettering said...

I agree, that striplit die is soooo 60's!!!!

Doreen x

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

I love the stained glass look, and as someone else said, it reminds me of chocolate, even drinking chocolate. haha!

Better keep my mind on making cards !

I must try using polished glitter, does normal glitter work too??

I haven't really heard of polished glitter, can anyone enlighten me??

Love and hugs to you Sue from Dorothy of Baldock

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card today, the glitter panel is gorgeous, such lovely colours. Take care my lovely lady.
Love Diane G xxxx

Catwoman - Amersham, Bucks said...

Love the card but can't get my head round the glitter/stained glass technique. Any chance of a video or is there one I've missed maybe?

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I remember this gorgeous card from the die launch back in November. I loved it then and still love it now. The stained glass technique is so easy but so very effective. Since you first showed it to us with the Italian collection (I think it was that one) I have used it with several striplets and other dies. All it requires is patience but it is so worth it.

Thinking of you and your family and hoping that you are managing to come to terms with your loss.


CraftyJo said...

Love it!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Well this was the card that made me buy the circle striplet and I have been waiting for you to tell us how you made it, in the mean time I have made lots of cards using this die and I love it. Will try it now with the polished silk glitters that I bought awhile ago and haven't used!! So thank you Sue for today's beautiful card

Sending you caring hugs

Catwoman - Amersham, Bucks said...

Found the answer!!

fluffycat said...

Catwoman - glad you found it, I was just coming back to tell you where it was!


Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

I love today's card, Love the colours you have used,
you have reminded me I need to get some polished glitter.

Hope you're getting through this very difficult time,
my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Take care, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

Gillyflower said...

This is a beautiful card Sue - I bought this mini striplet die for doing male cards - which I find so difficult to do - because I like doing pretty, pretty! I also have (and love) the Grace die. Thank you again for the inspiration! Take care, you are in my thoughts - love Gilly R xxx

Paula said...

This is a pretty card Sue, I even like the colours! Thanks for the inspiration you give us so generously. :)
Paula x

Unknown said...

Hi sue,
Lovely card, really do like this die.

Hugs pat xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful the colors you used on the striplet....the design really pops as a result. Again, great ideas for guy cards. Jan D., Florida, USA

Craftetter said...

Stunning card Sue - hope all is going well. Love the use of glitters in this card. Thinking of you and your family.
Hugs Elaine xx

Wacki Macky said...

Beautiful card today Sue, the striplets are amazing.

Thank you

Lots of love and craftihappiness everyone,

Pearl x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The acetate and glitter gives a great effect.
Thank you for sharing.
Thinking of you and your family at this sad time.
Veronique L

ursula said...

I do like this striplet die, have done something similar using it, but this is another idea with the acetate and glitter too....a really super card, thanks Sue....luv Ursula xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

I think this is a great idea. Personally I am not a fan of the Intertwining Circle Striplet (I appreciate we all have different tastes )but I love the technique and will try it with another die. I really like the colouring. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful earthy colours on this stunning card and the die has a great stained glass window effect.

Lorraine Freeman said...

Fantastic card Sue with not a thing to criticize :)
Sending some hugs around as they are needed so much.
Wishing good things to all xxx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
The Intertwineing Circles Striplet is a definite for my collection. Love the colours you have used.
Margaret xx

Yorks butterfly said...

Afternoon Sue, lovely card. Really like the stained glass effect and the circle striplet is another of my favourite dies.

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Stunning card today, I love that striplet.
Maureen xxx

Unknown said...

Good afternoon dearest Sue and the lovely Wilsonettes,

There's so much to love about today's card, everything from the composition...I adore a channel the rich and autumnal with just a hint of retro the dies which are simply scrumptious....I will most definitely be purchasing the circular striplet just as soon as my purse strings untangle themselves again:-) I really should try the stained glass technique as I have some polished silk glitters gathering dust in my craftroom, whilst they're not in these beautifully rich colours, more pastel shades, I think the finished product would still work well. Thanks for even more fabulous ideasxxxxx
I'm afraid life has taken a cruel twist for me the past few days, we were all set to be Strictlyfied yesterday when we got a phone call from my brother saying that he couldn't take us:-( You see, my Step mother had called him saying that my Dad had had a series of strokes a few weeks ago and a heart attack on Friday and that he probably wouldn't last the night. He didn't want anyone to know but she took the decision to tell us anyway since things were very bleak. My brother had to drive down to Liverpool from Stirlingshire overnight to see him and now I am just waiting for the call to say that he has passed away. The strokes have left him paralysed down one side and unable to swallow or breathe on his own so the doctors want to withdraw treatment....he has untreatable lymphoma as well....he's only 69 which is relatively young nowadays, life can be so cruel.
I don't want to put a downer on the blog, especially after such a traumatic week for Sue, who is still in my thoughts and prayers, but some people may wonder why I hadn't gone to Strictly after all. I can now appreciate the special kind of heartache involved with losing a parent and empathise with you Sue at such a dreadful time. I hope that our prayers have given you the strength to cope and that your memories will be of some comfort to you in time, as I hope that mine will be but at the moment I am in a daze.
I will try my best to continue to comment, it may prove a comfort and distraction for me, but I just wanted to explain the reason behind any absence on my part in the coming days/weeks.
Sending cuddles to all my good buddies, I won't name names just now but you know who you arexxxxx and special hugs to anyone going through sad times, ill health, bereavements etcxxxxx

Love and crafty hugs


lilysmum said...

Good afternoon Sue, I don't think there's anything else I can say about this lovely card as it's already been said :-)) hoping you are holding up OK, hugs, Theresa x

Anonymous said...

Laine - so sorry to read about your father, seems he has been having a really tough time of late. Yes, life can be so cruel.
You'll have another Gleb day for sure. Sending hugs. And to you partner-in-crime Yvonne too.


KarinsArtScrap said...

it's gorgeous love all the different glitter paper, great design Sue
Gr Karin

Suebak said...

Just love the intertwining circle striplet die. Must purchase - I appear to be going through a circles and bubbles phase - as you do!

Susan x

Eunice said...

This card is such a great idea, I love the striplet and how you treated it with the different colors. Such a great way to make the striplet pop!!!!

A Happercrafter6 said...

Wow Sue. Another idea for the striplet which I am finding so useful.

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I love the colours of the glitter, its stunning. That striplet die is fastly becoming one of the most popular ones.

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, third time lucky I hope been trying since 6 o'clock this morning but my connection keeps disappearing. This is a beautiful card and this striplet is one of my favourites.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful Sue, The striplet looks amazing.
Love Val x

Jean said...

Love this!

terrie said...

Something different but it turned out really the color combo....tfs
well done Sue

gailgale said...

Great card!
I really like that new Grace die.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous striplet die love the colours you have used and they do remind me of chocolate too. Then maybe because I'm trying to be good and lose some weight after putting on over xmas.
Hugs and thinking of everyone who needs itCraftyJacq

Karen Drew said...

Oh dear sue, what have you done !!!! I thought I would have a go at this technique. I used this striplet die. I now have glitter everywhere!!!! All over the desk, all over me and even the dog is shimmering !!!! I love the effect though. The card is stunning. Hopefully mine will look ok when it is put together. Lol
Karen xx

Janet Wilson said...

Love the stained glass glitter technique

Unknown said...

Awww Lorraine. I'm sorry to hear ur dad isn't great. I'm thinking of u pet as always xx

liz spooner said...

Love the technique but not too sure about the retro circles.xx

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
Once again a real winner of a card! I love this technique and it looks lovely with this striplet.
Love the colours too.
Sending you love and hugs!
Myra xxx

Unknown said...


Chaffinch said...

Can use the striplet colourway/design to make a nice mans card.

Elsie Smith said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card. Love this technique and the colours that you have used xxx

Pam B said...

What a beautiful creation Sue, really lovely and very classy

Hugs Pam

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card & love the Intertwining Circle Striplet Die which looks very retro & amazing with being glittered in those lovely rich colours.
Pretty & delicate sentiment plaque & I think the Grace dies are so elegant.
Stunning as always Sue..

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx (Norwich)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

I really love this striplet, the cards you have made with it are so lovely. Sending love and hugs to you and your family.

Yvonne really sorry your having a bad time, big hugs for you and poor Marjorie x

Laine I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, life can be so cruel. Big hugs to you lovely lady x

Thoughts and prayers are with everyone having a rough time right now x

Linda xx

Theresa said...

this just confirms that i need that striplet. love the way you have filled it in. it would make a great male card, hugs xx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi a Sue
Lovely lovely card today.

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

I love it! This is exactly why I want the circles striplet... For colour, glitter, pearlescants, mica... Aaaaah! I think its very 60's, a bit Mary Quant even. The whole card is very pretty and very achievable.

Sending you the biggest hugs Sue, and to all your family. Nothing I say will take away the sense of loss I know, just know I'm thinking of you all XXX

Tracy, lol I buy a lot of dies (and other stuff) I haven't used yet! I think of it as having incentive value. Thanks for asking about Nanna, I hope you're OK too, hugs XXX

Laine, life is so unfair sometimes. To know that the next call could be *that* call... Thinking of you, your Dad and all your family at such a sad time. Reaching out to give you a big comforting hug xxx

Molly, Melody and family, hugs xxx

My Nanna today informed me she's a "tough old bird" (proper Suffolker, my Nan) apparently having fluid drained from her lungs won't be holding her back for long. She intends to be home in a couple of days and driving again not long after. Her husband is a fair few years younger so I know he'll be able to keep an eye and not let her rush things.

Sending hugs to everybody, My thoughts with everyone having a tough or sad time, extra special hugs to you XXX

T x

Berina RGA said...

Beautiful card!! Love the bottom panel!!The circles striplet is awesome!! Sending you hugs!
Moxie Craftie

Corrine's Paper Crafts said...

Beautiful card Sue. I love this colour combination and frequently use it myself
Corrine X

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
What a stunning card today. it has been cold and wet here today and this is to me very warm
Hope you are being supported throughout this sad time
Hugs to you and anyone else who needs one
Theresa xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !!! Another fantastic card !!! This is another card that I would really love to have a go at making Sue, just like yesterday's card !!! I just cannot wait until pay day when I am hoping to buy the Grace set of dies that I have wanted since I very first saw them. (They have now reached the top of my list.) I also love the intertwining circles Striplet as I just love the wonderful pattern of it. As you have done Sue, I think it is a great die to use with glitters or even using your infill technique where you fill in the die patterns with different colours of the same die pieces. ( Which I really love to do as I find it very calming and therapeutic.) Some fantastic patterns and colour combinations can be created making a different card every time using the exact same dies !!! I do love to get great value from my dies. I love your Elegant lace edger dies to. Basically I love all your dies Sue. (Sorry I hope I got the name right.) Well I really hope I can make something similar to both yesterdays and today's cards Sue. I have both male and female Birthdays coming up
soon. Thank you for sharing another beautiful card today Sue. I am thinking of you everyday. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Tres x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Well I told you that I didn't like this striplet but somehow it sort of grows on me. Liked it when you did the gradation with the glitters too!

Di said...

Hi Sue,
I love this striplet and it has made a very stunning card, you are so clever. Love the dies Di B. xand the colouring.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
I love this card Sue and I will now just have to get the circle die
asap. Love how you put different colours in it.
Sending you special hugs and hope you are ok.

Yvonne- so sorry to hear of your friend and that you are
not feeling so good. Please take care, hugs x
Lorraine- Sending you hugs, so sorry to hear about your dad.
Take care x
Wheelybad- like your Nanna :-) Hope she be ok x
Tracy- hope you are fine and have some nice time crafting
when you can, hugs x
My thoughts are with Saba, Melody and to anyone else who
have lost a loved one or to anyone who are ill or in
hospital I wish you better. Also hope that our missing
friends are soon coming back. We miss you!

Warm hugs to all ,be careful if going out in this wind
we seem to have tonight, Maria x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I too like the retro look, also loving the circle die, which I promised myself to use more, I also love the ginger card you've used
Thankyou for sharing
Marlene O xx

Laura O said...

love this striplet die ,Laura O

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Hi Sue and the amazing Wilsonettes! Sue, this card is beautiful and I can't wait to try this glitter on acetate technique!!! Sending comforting hugs your way.

Yvonne, I know it's so hard to see someone you love losing a battle. Hugs!
Laine, my heart goes out to you. Your dad is such a young man and I know your heart is breaking.
Wheely Bad, it sounds like your Nanna is on the "road" to recovery. Sounds like she'll be driving before long. Hugs.
Norah, stay safe in the bad weather. Men make the worst sneeze and they think they're dying lol. Good luck with that.
Tracy, I,too have many more dies than I have actually used. At least I know they're there if I need them.

Have to go now, the Super Bowl is about to begin!
Hugs to all and pleasant dreams

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
Lovely card today. This die is so versatile and I really like the colours you have used.
Thinking of you.
Lesley S x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

What a good idea!!! Love it.

Thinking of you Sue.

Much Love,

Shirley T.

nzillingworth said...


Sandy H said...

Gorgeous card. Love the way you've used the Intertwining Circles die, so reminds me of the '60's. Must give this a try.
Take care everyone.

Meg Owen said...

Love the striplet Sue, it's ideal for a masculine card.

xxx said...

I really do like that striplet die - it reminds me so much of a 60s design, and every time you use it, it's like a different die! Thanks so much, Susan x

Unknown said...

Love this, a great way to use this striplet, it seems to be a natural way to use it.

lorraine (classylady) said...

Oh Sue this is a brilliant card.Like others I see the swinging sixties in it, I also think it has a look of Art Deco. Colours are great. Thinking of you and your Daughter and family. Take care Sue

Lorraine - Scotland

barbara macaskill said...

Beautiful card!! LOVE the crispness of it!! TFS!

julie laz said...

This is fabulous and looks so much fun, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

jennywren said...

Hi Sue
Another wonderful card its amazing what can be achieved with a striplet die

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Missedthis post - must have been dashing off to work>
Love this striplet it is so useful - however which way you use it.
Love it!
Anne M xxx