Saturday, 30 January 2016

Gilded Faux Leather

Hello crafters!  It is about time that I revisited an age old technique, faux leather.  However, this time there is a bit of a twist that I have put to it.  I hope you can check out the video to see it!

 The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam Hartlepool said...

Lovely card Sue. Perfect Male card.
Hope you were happy with the reception of your lovely collection, it's gorgeous.
Hugs Melody, Francism Travpcey and all

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, this is a beautiful card must check the video have seen SHEENA do the faux leather I know you both used to work together
wonder if it is the same.
Nancyd xx

Pam said...

Ong my fingers are not working, that is Francis and Tracey, oops

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, now that is what I call a really nice card, ideal for the man in your life, I will be watching the video in a minute as hubby is up early and is just cooking my breakfast.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Unknown said...

Really unusual card today

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Love the faux leather technique so I'm looking forward to watching your video to see how you do it. This would be perfect for those pesky mens cards.
Sorry, I haven't been able to keep up with all the comments this week but send hugs to all. Sue XXX

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
perfect male card, the gilding wax and embossing just make it pop. Enjoyed the video too,
have a lovely weekend
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Motning Sue. This is a beautiful card and a great one for the men. I learned how to do the faux leather technique by watching your video and i was really pleased with how it turned out so off to watch this new version. Just to say thanks for all of your hard work creating these gorgeous new dies and all of the beautiful cards you have shown over the past five days its just a shame that it has to come to an end. Congratulations Sue on another fantastic launch.
Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you for the video a brilliant technique and,
a great card.
Take care Kitty.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. This looks interesting and immediately screams masculine. I'm looking forward to watching the video when I get in tonight and could well solve the dilemma that I have over a design for my husband's birthday card. Great, thank you! X

Anonymous said...

Sorry that should read Morning Sue.
Denise T x

Anonymous said...

Clever technique, Sue, is it one of your inventions? Love the antiqued look of it, and of course the noble frame. Altogether a very masculine card.
Again a word of thanks for all your work in getting the release together and a few days of delights!
Haven't read comments so hope all is well in the Wilsonette world. Back to normality now!

'P' in Wales

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I love this technique and use it quite a lot for man cards, but will now try your new twist to it. I hope you have a peaceful weekend.

Love Rosemarie x x

JAO said...

Faux leather looks great.

Wacki Macky said...

Morning Sue, the card today is fabulous - and you're wonderful too!

Thank you for such a lovely montage a cards,

Love, Pearl x

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Fabulous card - look forward to watching your video later :-) Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Chris Curry said...

This card looks fantastic but I will have to check the video later. I'm in hospital,nothing major, but don't want to disturbed the other patients.. Xx

auscrafts said...

interesting technique ,I've done it a long time ago but never used embossing powder with it ,will have a go today

Loraine Jefferis said...

Morning Sue. Just watched the video it's brilliant and easy to follow. I love this card it looks like an old map. Just right for men's cards. But do it a different colour and you have a perfect feminine card as well. Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card Sue
Luv Rach:)

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Fabulous card and technique I have used it on a female card using pretty colours, great video thanks for sharing. You must have worked so hard on your launch I think it's your BEST ONE yet!
Hugs x
Heather T

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card and a technique I have yet to try. You make it look so easy
Pat x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
This is a great technique! Will use this for my sons birthday card! Great!
Anne M xxx

Anonymous said...

Great male card Sue very nice. JJxx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, I've seen you do this before it's a
fab technique!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

Jean Bullock said...

Very cool technique.

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue

Ideal for the masculine cards.


Karen Derbyshire said...

Lovely card Sue, and I enjoyed the video. What a way to end a fabulous week!

Jan on the Fosse said...

Morning Sue
Only yesterday I was thinking about the men's cards I have to make soon.This technique looks like the answer. Great.
Thank you once again for the die launch and all your hard work. Making the week special for card makers.

Annie Stamps said...

I love the vintage look of this card. The technique is brilliant for a male card.

I WILL get to grips with making male themed cards this year. It's on my to do list.

Annie P

Unknown said...

GM Sue. This looks interesting. Will watch video later. Happy weekend.

A Happercrafter6 said...

Lovely card, Sue. Will watch video later.

Debra K. said...

Brilliant man card Sue! Love the embossing which really makes it look like old leather. I'll have to send my man out for some masking tape :D. Debra x

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for an inspirational video. Love it.

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue great card and video. Enjoyed watching techniques used in video, it's a good reminder to use old ideas with newer dies and products. A lovely week showcasing your new dies too, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Hope you manage a bit of a rest this weekend too.x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, I have sat here with a lovely cup of coffee and thoroughly enjoyed watching all the techniques on your video. This card is a great idea for a 'guy' card and the 'faux leather' technique is stunning, especially with the embossed area too, so realistic.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Great card & an interesting technique.


hollyberry said...

So beautiful and elegant but perfect for a male card as well.

Gloria Robey said...

Morning Sue ,I watched you do a similar technique on C/C years ago tearing up double sided tape .I still use it today. This "faux leather " technique is stunning .Gloria (Sidcup) xx

rosiejt said...

I do like the way you recess centre pieces.

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Great idea for a man's card off to see the video now.
Thanks for all the great ideas,
Heather Treble

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this is a wonderful card. I am looking forward to watching the video and finding out how it is done. Have a great weekend. Hugs Jackie

TDQ Karen said...

Great idea for a man's card particularly

sonja_w said...

Great technique, thanks for sharing x

Kathy Baker said...

Morning Sue, I like this card it will be very good for a male card which are always difficult to think of, I shall watch the video later when it's quiet.
Kathy B Tolleshunt Major x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Great card, as others have said just the ticket for a man.
Will watch the video later.

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Good to see the faux leather technique revisisted - I remember making several man cards when you first showed it to us a little while ago now and this is a brilliant update so will be getting the masking tape out over the weekend for a play...


Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue, oh I must go and watch your video it looks fabulous and I love your card that would be ideal for any man for sure. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

marg said...

Hello Sue!
Nice and relaxed today, the mad rush for comments is over for a while!lol
Wonderful Dies, thanks for all your work to design them!
I need to watch the Video later, and again take notes, this looks so interesting!
Take care
Love Marg

Anne said...

This looks a great technique for those awkward male cards, Sue. Will watch the video later.

Anne (Northampton)

Aspiring crafter said...

Intriguing to watch!

Jane Franklin said...

Hi Sue, this is perfect for a man's card and a lovely technique to try. More crafty time to try it brilliant! Best wishes to all jxxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Definitely different, but useful for those awkward cards.
Lorna D

Unknown said...

This looks amazing Sue, just off to watch the video.
Love Val in Spain x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Good morning Sue, wow I cannot wait to wait the video later! Card looks great, would make perfect card for the gents. Ivy Cottage xx

June Horrocks said...

Love this card sue perfect for a male posh card love it thank you xxxxx
June horrocksxxx with love

Unknown said...

Morning sue and crafters.

Ooooh this looks different. I don't think I've seen this technique. Will watch the video shortly.
Definitely a guy card this one tho I do like those colours.
Back to normal commenting today lol x

Love to all

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Great post this morning and as already commented on - perfect for the masculine members of the family and those awkward ones! Love the technique...

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
I've never tried this technique so am really looking forward to watching the video later after my chores are done for the day x the card looks fantastic and would be brilliant for the guys x thankyou sue x
Chris curry hope your resting after your op x
Sending hugs to all the poorly wilsonettes x
Wheelybad hope you enjoyed your meal x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Unknown said...

Ps forgot to wish
Wheelybad. Happy birthday for yesterday hope u had s lovely day chick! Xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Fabulous card for our Male members of family thankyou.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Unknown said...

Goodmorning sue,
Ideal card for the men, now this is a technique that I haven't got round to trying, might be giving it a go once iv watched the video later.

Hugs pat xx

Sandy (tort) said...

A great mans card!

Sandy (tort) said...

Very masculine texture - would look lovely on top of a box! Susan x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

Great technique to try, and as others have said a brilliant card for the men.

Thank you for your inspiration, hope you have a good day and a restful weekend.

Sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very different like the look. love Jean Z xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue have done your faux leather a few times for male cards so will look forward to seeing the video later. Love from Jackie xx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, this card is amazing, have seen the technique before, but not tried it yet, so will watch the video, see how it is done, and give it a go. Thanks for the latest die range, they are just wonderful, so many new must haves. Have a great day. Bx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, ideal for men's cards too. Have seen you do this technique before & it is so therapeutic. Yvonne xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great male card, never tried this technique, will wat video later.
How sad that the comments have fallen now that the giveaway is finished.
Take care, Jess xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Just had to comment on the card, it's so beautiful and as others say perfect for a man card. I normally comment after watching the video but forgot it would be video Saturday and I'm dashing out to a charity crafting day so I hope you will excuse me if I watch it later.
Love Diane G xxxxx
Wheelybad happy birthday for yesterday xxxxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Looking forward to watching your video even though I think I have seen you do this before I need a reminder, thank you. Looks a great technique for male cards. SueL x

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card and just perfect for the men ,i will watch your video with my usual coffee later on.
I fully agree with Jess Watson above, it is so sad that some folks only comment when a free die or gift is on offer .
Have a lovely day
Elaine H X

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
Clever technique on how to make the leather look, and as others have said a good mans card.
I will have to try this when I get a few minutes to myself.
Have a lovely day

Welsh Dors said...

Hi Sue,
Always looking for something different for men's cards, this technique fits the bill. I really must get your DVD out, since I discovered utube I rarely watch my dvd's, seeing this reminded me that you have some fab techniques on yours.

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue,
I love this technique, it looks so realistic, great for man cards too!
I am off to watch the video.
Have a lovely weekend

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant video and superb card for the males in our lives. Thank you so much for all your hard work with your new die release and the chance to win . I have already bought 5 of them. LOL
Love Janet X
From Wakefield

iReneM said...

I haven't seen this technique before
and am very impressed.

I have often done the faux silk and now will
definitely be trying this for men's cards.

Super vid tut, as always Sue - loved watching you make this
fab card


Pat said...

Wow!!! You are one clever lady!!
Love it Sue.

Pat Plattxxx

dmj from kettering said...

Love the video, Sue, it makes a lovely card,

Doreen x

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what a great Video, and fabulous technique, one I am going to have a try at. Lovely card for the men in our lives. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Nananne said...

Wonderful male card! Great Video, I've never tried this technique , but it looks really interesting so might give it a go today , I don't have any male cards needed at the moment but best to try it while it's fresh on my mind, I do have the Tessa die which I Love!
Thank you again Sue for the past few days, I really enjoyed seeing your wonderful new collection.
Anne xo

sued99 said...

I haven't watched the video yet but this looks like a great technique to try.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - this card is so very masculine. I love this technique and after watching your video you have really got me in the mood to make this. I don't have any male birthdays coming up yet but am going to make a background piece to use in the future.
The embossing looks amazing. Thank you for yet another brilliant idea. Best wishes

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This is a fabulous card for the men in our lives. Thank you for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

lilysmum said...

Good morning Sue and all. I've seen this technique a few times now but not tried it yet....I really don't 'play' enough with my bad! Will watch the video later. Caring thoughts to all, have a good weekend hugs, Theresa x

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Love this technique and the addition of the gilding wax just gives it that little bit extra zing. Fabulous for men and boys.
Maureen xxx

Lorraine Freeman said...

Good morning, hoping I can keep up now the launch is over. It was wonderful to see all the new dies although I have no ideas which ones I will get as there are too many lovely ones. Good job Sue :)
I haven't tried any faux leather technique yet and do have a card to make for hubbies birthday on Monday so if he disappears for long enough over the weekend I may give it a go.
Wheely, I hope you had a wonderful start to your birthday celebrations and that they continue in the same vein.
Tracy, I hope you are recovering from chemo and don't feel too awful. Huggles.
Linda, Laine and Yvonne, I hope you are all doing ok.
Hubby decided to cuddle me last night alas he put his arm across my ribs so that has made me very uncomfortable and it feels a bit hard to breathe. I know it's just the costochondritis so nothing to worry about but it's not nice. It would be nice if he could show me some affection without ill effects.
Anyway time for another cuppa and then I need to find my heat gun which was tidied up before Christmas so I stand no chance of remembering where I put it.
Wishing good things to all xxx

Scottydog said...

Like this technique Sue, I hadn't seen it before & I thought it was gilding flakes, so was surprised to see it was gilding wax. Thank you for the inspiration as this will make a lovely men's card.

ursula said...

An absolute amazing technique Sue, have tried the one Sheena Douglass did, but that takes time, this is so much easier, will certainly give it a try as have several male birthdays coming up....brilliant, thank you so much.....this card is outstanding....luv Ursula xx

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
A very interesting card just right for a man's card. I will certainly watch the video later on today when I get the time.
Evis M.

Dragonsnap2, Hinckley said...

You make that look so easy Sue. I havw quite a few men's birthdays coming up so I'm definitely going to give it a go. Lovely card.
D x

Crafty Cruiser said...

This faux leather technique is great and the card is just perfect for men.
Doreen R

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card for a men.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card and great technique, thanks for the video Sue.

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Fantastic !!!!!

Crafty hugs Pen x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow, this is stunning! Fab vintage card, thanks for the videotutorial!

sharon said...

Sue this card would be perfect for a man.
sharon :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

Not seen this technique before, it really does look fab. Thanks for another great video.

Lorraine I know what you mean cuddles sometimes mean pain, and I love cuddles as well. I hope you manage to get your hubby's card done x

Laine I hope your ok x

Yvonne I hope your ok too x

Wheelybad I hope you had a lovely birthday x

Linda xx

Gillyflower said...

An amazing technique Sue - and would be suitable for a man card - which I always find more difficult to do! Problem is I do like pretty, pretty! Gilly R of Cornwall xxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. I had seen Sheena demonstate this technique on the tv but did not see her make a card. It was a cover for a note book. Maybe I will try it one day.

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue, I have tried the faux leather technique before but then never knew what to do with the finished article. This card proves that you can make a card with it and it looks fab. Thanks for sharing.


rolfi said...

Good afternoon,Sue,
what a wonderful technique!
I´ll keep your description and will try it for sure.
Rolf xxx

sandieann21 said...

I don't have to post for you today then! See you in a bit. Have raided your craft room. Only joking!xx

sandieann21 said...

This looks so real! Would love to see it in real life. xx

Sassy said...

Hello Sue! I enjoyed your video this morning and really love this technique. I see many possibilities, including lots of masculine cards, from using this technique. I also appreciate that you created a card using the less ornate parts of your chosen dies. It's a great reminder that your dies have many ways to use them. Thank you.
Sandra Smith

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
it's a stunner of a card - I LOVE that faux leather. Have got a card to do for a male and this is just the ticket. But in no way does it exclude our sisters! I'd love to receive something like that, teamed with black...............
Hugs, Rose

Wendy L said...

Oooh interesting, xx

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I love this technique . You are right you haven't shown it for quite a while. I used it with the children and we made " old leather bound books" . They loved it ! I need to do that again!
I will watch the video for the twist! There is always something new to learn!
Thank you for the las few days. Now it's time to assess the possibilities! I've got at least four top favourites and they are all quite different!
Hope you have a lovely restful weekend!
Love to all xxxx

Chantal said...

Great technique. Beautiful card.
Hugs, Chantal S

Beryl said...

Beautiful card. Love the technique.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the video...I have two guy birthday cards I have to get made and this leather technique is perfect.

My string flowers die set and embossing folder came in the mail yesterday and I love them. I had a near disaster, however...I usually use my old smaller machine with a magnetic plate to die cut--no taping required, but for some reason I decided to use my Grand Caliber--no magnetic plate--and I didn't think to tape down my dies. When I ran the plates through, two of the string dies moved and overlapped one another...OMG, I about had a heart attack. Did I ruin my brand new dies? Well, I ran them through again on the magnetic plate machine and they cut okay...I was so relieved. Anyway, the string flowers are beautiful. I didn't realize I don't have the raspberry plate for my Grand Caliber, so I'm out today in search of one. If I don't find one, I can order one on line...I just don't want to wait for it. LOL I really want to use my embossing folder for one of the guy cards I need.

Well, sorry to run your post today.

Jan D., Florida, USA

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

OOoohhhh now this is absolutely gorgeous, I shall be copying this. When I saw the title I thought I knew what you were going to do but I was wrong. This is a different Faux leather technique to the one I have seen, this one looks so much easier, quicker and cleaner. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

I have not seen the faux leather technique before so will watch the video later. It's a very unusual card today.

Helen xxx

TOB said...

Hi Sue, love this technique a must for mens cards.
Hugs Theresa xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

wow looks fabulous and so real, gorgeous card Sue
Gr Karin

Anonymous said...

I've never tried this technique. But will now. Myra from Florida

BenteS said...

This technique is fabulous, have to give it a try :))
Thanks for the video!
The card is really great!

Glenharon said...

Good afternoon Sue and the Wilsonettes,
What a great male card Sue and one that still has that something for us crafters to get our teeth into. I have never tried the faux leather technique before but maybe this is the year for trying new things so you never know this just might be on the cards, no pun intended there Sue.
Thank you Sue for todays piece inspiration have a good weekend,
love and crafty hugs
Norah (glenochil Village)

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous man card. I haven't used this technique for ages, must have another play, especially as you've changed some of it. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
This looks amazing!!! I'll have to watch the video now to discover all about this technique!!!! Great for men!!!!

Elsie Smith said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card, great technique must give it a try.xx

Stamps and Paper said...

Great technique and it really does look like leather...lovely card


Tres said...

Hi Sue. This is a lovely faux leather technique. I love your card and fab video too !!! A great card to make for a man. The guilding waxes just bought your beautiful die design to life !!! Wonderful Sue. I really must try this tecnique. I love the frames you are making to. I have started playing with both of your Pierced Square Dies sets lately to create varying frames in different colours for the man cards I have been making. They finish a card to perfection !! No more measuring to have to do, its great !!! Thank you for another Wonderful card Sue. Lots of love from Tres x x x

Lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I love the updated version of this technique, it makes a great card and as you so rightly say, it is perfect for the men in our lives.

Wheely Bad - I must apologise, yesterday I was in a bit of a rush when I left my first comment and typed Yvonne's name instead of yours! Not sure where my head was at the time but I wish you a very Happy belated Birthday. Long may the celebrations continue :-)

Helen Bell - sorry I missed you altogether so belated Happy Birthday greetings to you also.

Can anyone explain why Sue's follower numbers have dropped so dramatically? Surely not all of them have decided to leave at once and it makes nonsense of her generous blog giveaways.


Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Wow this is a great technique. I have never seen it done like this before, so much easier than using glycerine.
Definitely going to use this technique for Valentines cards this year, thank you so much for the inspiration. x

Karen Drew said...

What a fab technique. Am going to give this a go. Will make a great base for a dreaded mans card!!!
Have loved seeing your samples for your die release and looking forward to seeing what else you do with them
Have a few "earmarked" to buy when I go to a craft show on Thursday
Karen xx

terrie said...

Wow what a wonderful the texture that you creative....just awesome Sue
well done and tfs

SusanP, Kent said...

So like real leather! Going straight to the video now to study this technique closely.

CraftyJo said...

Going to have to wait to watch how this is done - it looks lovely. Just preparing for 20 people to come to my house tonight for a Pot-Luck supper, I've even had to dust!!!

Eunice said...

What a wonderful card Sue, any male would be delighted to receive it!!!

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue can't watch the video just now but will as soon as I have some me time.

Thanks for all the new dies and the cards you have made.

Meg Owen

Suzzette Yandle said...

Yes, the men in my family would like to receive a card like this showing this nice leather technique. Thanks for sharing and also your splendid video.

June Ballenger said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card I love the colour.

June x

Lesley said...

Enjoyed this card more after watching the video. Another clever idea which I saw on your DVD a long time ago.

barbara macaskill said...

Can't wait to sit down and watch this video! I absolutely adore the look of leather and your card is spectacular!! TFS!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Lovely to see an older technique up dated, thank you. I hope you are having a celebratory weekend after your successful launch just a shame that the comment numbers have fallen away

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Jackie S * said...

good to see some of the old techniques especially with an update
jackie - Highlands x

Anonymous said...

P.S. Just wanted to tell you I found a raspberry spacer plate (no sale--grin) and came right home to try out my new Sue Wilson embossing folder...I love it. I used 80# cardstock, but am going to experiment with 100# and 110# just to see which I like best. I love that your folders are larger...I'll be adding more to my collection. (smiles)

Jan D., Florida, USA

lilian said...

Hi Sue, great card perfect for men, I remember you doing this years ago, so am looking forward to seeing this version.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Dawn Holben said...

Sue this is a gorgeous card, you must be a mind reader as I have been racking my brains as to what to do for the male cards that I need and even contemplated buying them.
Thank you so much for the fab video I am off now to go found the masking tape
and give this a go as I love the finished look.

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue! It really looks like leather.
I think Sheena Douglas uses water and glycerine in her technique.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and brilliant technique especially for masculine cards. I've seen you do the faux leather before, but haven't got round to trying it myself yet. Really like it embossed - gives it a real vintage look.
Love and hugs to all especially Melody, Francis and Tracy, love Alison xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a great technique. Thank you for the demo.
Veronique L

Glennis F said...

wonderful result - it is so effective

Jean said...

Such fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi sue
Wow, this is certainly a stunning g card & love the Faux leather look which is definitely a card for the Men.
Very manly colours & love the old crackled look which is so realistic & very old.
Beautiful as always & just going to watch your video to see how you have created this amazing design.

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx (Norwich)

Lynda's craft's said...

Hello Sue & everyone
I love this card I haven't tried this technique yet so will look a video later. The card is gorgeous great for the men.
I have just got home from the winter crafting show at Sandown park very goog day.
Sue hope your resting over the weekend after all your hard work this week Thank you so much for your generosity.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock.

FLUFFYCAT that's what happens every time after a die launch has finished the numbers just drop.

Wheelybad are you still celebrating did leave a message yesterday hope you had a lovely day. Hug's & cuddles for Billy xxxx

Tracy ((((((Hug's))))))) how you doing hope your weekend is ok xx

((((( Hug's))))) for Melody Francis & Molly xxxx

Hope all friends are ok & Wilsonlettes Hug's

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

I love this technique and after seeing you do this the first time I've made several cards for males using masking tape etc

Your new dies, not surprisingly, are wonderful......


June x

liz spooner said...

This is a lovely technique Sue I will deffinately try this.xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Lovely masculine card Sue!

I like the faux leather technique but never tried it myself.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Unknown said...

That's exactly what happens when there is a die giveaway. It's very sad. I'm sure sue knows who her regulars are.
Makes me a little annoyed for sue as it only takes a minute or two to leave a lovely comment. If they can do it for a die giveaway for a whole week why not everyday???
Anyway ranting over sue but everyone's thinking it!!

Love to all xx

Debs cards said...

Evening Sue what a beautiful card and I love the effect of the leather look

Debs A xxx
Debs cards

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
love the technique and the video, yes great for male cards and covering notebooks. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
This looks interesting - I'll have to watch the video later though.
Beverley W

Theresa said...

that is just an awesome card. and what a fab technique. i really need to borrow this, hugs xx

fluffycat said...

Lynda's crafts - hi, thank you but I was not referring to the number of comments on each post, I know the numbers always drop after a give-away grrr! I was meaning the number of blog followers shown on the right hand side of the blog. Last week there were nearly 5,500 but today there are only 4,776. I'm puzzled but as I don't have a blog I don't understand all the ins and outs of running one and hoped that someone could enlighten me.

Karen M said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant mans card,like the technique,
Thank you
Karen M

Unknown said...

Lovely to see the faux leather here again, we always tend to forget these techniques in favour of new ones x

Laura O said...

lovely card ,would make a great background for male cards ,Laura O

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

Back to normality with a bump, but what better way to end such a fantastic week than with a video demo:-) I love learning new techniques particularly when I'm being shown something that can be achieved quickly but with maximum wow factor. I've seen Sheena Douglass demo a leather look technique but have never tried it out for be honest, I felt that it was a bit of a faff.....whereas your technique achieves similar results with far less hassle:-) I concur, this distressed style lends itself particularly well to male orientated cards....I myself don't pay much attention to gender rules, I encourage the men in my life to embrace their feminine side by recieving cards with flowers, stick pins and glitter with open arms, this is because I find that if you have put time and effort into creating something specifically for them they will complain about it at their own peril:-)
Tracy, Francis et al, I too find it such a shame that the comments drop off after the end of a launch, part of me wonders if they are intimidated and afraid to join in but the cynic in me says that they comment because of the prize involved. All I can say is that they are missing out on a lovely experience, this community is such a kind, friendly, welcoming place and I for one appreciate the chance to let Sue know how valued and treasured she is by her loyal followers. She puts so much effort in on our behalf and it takes minutes to acknowledge her hard work and talent.
Slight change of plan today, was meant to go out but decided against it when the weather veered from rain to sleet to snow to sunshine and back again.. Gave myself a kick up the bum and had a good old search for my crafty mojo which has been AWOL since early December, found it eventually underneath a pile of card and Christmas dies on my desk:-) Had a half hearted tidy before creating another mess playing with some masks and texture paste. Brodie was on hand to assist if the need required but I managed to keep him at a safe distance for once. Trouble is never far away though, I left it to dry on a chest of drawers in my bedroom but Brodies curiosity had gotten the better of him, as soon as I'd cleaned up and went downstairs to watch Sues video for today he sneaked back for a closer look....yes, you guessed it, he left his own distinct mark on each piece and trailed the red and black paste across my bedroom carpet:-( I love him dearly but at times......
Wishing a lovely weekend to all my blog besties including Yvonne, hope you're feeling better honey, Beth, miss you, Lorraine, Jan, Linda, I'm fine sweetie, hope you're well too, Rebecca, Theresa, Maria,melody, Wheely Bad and Tracy, is it your last chemo next week?
Take carexxxxx

Love and crafty hugs


Unknown said...

Hi Lorraine.
No I've one more after next tues. 1st match is my last one. My birthday week no less but hey at least no more chemo. Radiotherapy after that but at least it won't be so bad.
Thanks for asking. I hope ur keeping a bit better urself xxx

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Have not seen this technique before, so something new to try when I have a bit time. I do love the card, I agree it could be for the guys. Always looking for new ideas for the men in my life.

Thanks Sue.

Love and hugs to everyone from Dorothy, of Baldock.

Nanny Jo said...

Lovely masculine card, Sue! And well worth watching the video...I love the faux leather look! Jo x

Rosemary Stickland said...

Great card for a man. Shall enjoy watching the video.
Rosemary xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Oh wow this looks so cool,the cards great.Thanks for sharing it on video.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
As you say this look would be great for men. It's so hard to do cards for nen, so any assistance was gratefully received.
I hope your giving yourself a big pat on the back after your great launch.
I look forward to seeing another cards you will be making with your new dies.

Littlelamb said...

Like this technique when you did it before so must watch the new one. Been out all day so no chance of watching rhe video. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a clever technique ( just watched the video ) it's one I must try. As you said it's a great guy card.
Another big thankyou for the past week of being spoilt with all the cards ( absolutely fantastic )
Marlene O xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Such a great card and ideal for men. I will definitely give it a go

Nicola x

nzillingworth said...


Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the card. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T.

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Faux leather, fantastic! This looks A-Mazing, really effective. I did buy some glycerine to do it the "Sheena way" but hey, if there's an easier way I'm all for it. My "stuff to try when..." list is getting bigger, I think when I do go & papercraft I might never come out of the room! Have a relaxing time, you deserve it after this week!

Re follower numbers, Google have re set the counters so if you DON'T use a Google account to follow Sue your "follow" is no longer counted. Julia mentioned it on her blog (inky finger zone) earlier this week with a better explaination than I can give. I also find it disappointing numbers rise & fall over release times because of all the work Sue puts in all year round. I hope there are people who even if they can't comment every day just do it when they can, to show their appreciation. I know we're not all essay writers lol... & I apologise when I do go on (a bit like today).

Chris Curry, sending you get well soon wishes & extra hugs. Hope you feel better & get home soon as possible x

Tracy, we'll all count down to 1st week of March with you, hope you're feeling ok, hugs x

Crafty Jo, you made me giggle today about your dusting in preparation for guests... I made Mr W hoover the living room while I wiped the kitchen counters for the same reason today. I don't have guests often! Hope you had a good time, hugs x

Jan D, I remember the excitement embossing with my first A4 embossing folder, those crafty firsts are special. I hope your cardstock experiments went well! Hugs x

Helen Bell, hope yesterday was a special day for you, birthday hugs x

Myra, I loved your story about doing the leather look books with your children at the school. I do miss being around children but I can confirm Billy can be just as challenging! Hugs x

Laine, Brodies antics got me thinking of how you can make your fortune to buy all the dies you want. I think a childrens book called "Laines Crafty Cat" would be a huge hit! Either that or design your own range of background papers with his help... lots of glittery cat paws, colour co ordinated! Sorry, too much sugar today! Hugs x

Thank you & lots of hugs to Theresa W, Tracy, Lorraine F, Linda N, Fluffycat Frances, Lynda & everyone who wished me happy birthday yesterday. I had a lovely day both days. My (step)dad spent the afternoon here. It was lovely to spend time with him & Mr W (as much as I love everyone else). We have a lot in common for two people who aren't related by blood & a special bond as he got me started playing guitar & bass when I was a young girl, he got bad with psoritic arthritis about the same time my condition starting seriously interfering with my life plus we both used to be in bands, we like technical & engineering stuff, we both find a lot of things interesting. I will see him next Saturday when we go for a meal with the rest of that side of my family. Had a sleep after tea hence the comment now. I see my other dad, my stepmum & 2 of my sisters tomorrow tea time. I will try & comment tomorrow but feel pretty tired so if I don't, I'm ok, don't worry about me. Just need to save my spoon! ; -)

Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy day tomorrow. Sending hugs to all of you. I have plenty extra if you need more hugs for any reason,

T xxx

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Well I have never seen that leather technique before and it s defiantly one I am going to give a go
Wonderful card Sue very inspirational my friend
Hugs to those that need one
Theresa G xx

Jayem said...

Hi Sue

This is a great technique and so easy to do. I tried a similar card with the dies I have and I am very happy with how it turned out.

Jan from NSW (Aus)

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Thank you so much for that fantastic tutorial Sue. I love the faux leather technique and can't wait to try it. It was a long but good day and I just got home so I'll catch up with the comments tomorrow.

Sandy H said...

Lovely card and a great video. Ideas for male cards are such a help and this technique looks fun to do.
Take care everyone.

hazel young said...

fabulous male card love the effect x xhazel

Anonymous said...

what a great technique. I have a project to do and will use this to complete it. Thank tyou for sharing . love yvonne bennett xxk

Anonymous said...

This looks great. Thank you for another interesting technique. Ruth G Stockton

Janet Wilson said...

Love the faux leather look, need to try this myself.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue really enjoyed the DVD, it reminded me of this lovely technique that I had forgotton, many thanks Edwina

jennywren said...

Hi Sue
Loving the faux leather look, will have to try this one.

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card.
Di B. x

Txcowgirl said...

Oh my, I must run out and get some masking tape. This is a Texan's dream technique, it looks just like our gorgeous tooled leather saddles. As a horse owner, where western riding is King, this look will be super popular. Can't wait to try it.

Vie carter said...

Wonderful technique, lovely card
