Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Fancy Flower Frame

Hi crafters!  Today's card is a really girly one, great for those of you that love your flowers!  It may look like it took forever, but it really didn't (and was surprisngly relaxing to do!).

 The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  7 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                  Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Lovely card Sue. Love the frilly look.
Hugs to Melody and Francis, hope Francis is getting stronger, Tracey, hope you are feeling stronger to.
Hugs to all who need them.

Unknown said...

A really pretty card Sue I love it. So dainty

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card I think this is the one John showed on his Hochanda show.
Nancyd xx

Karen Derbyshire said...

Love all the little flowers. Will have a go at making one similar.

Jan.moogie said...

Now thats pretty, so looking forward to watching the video after work. Have a great day Sue, hugs xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
I just loved this card when I saw it on You tube and just had to make it and was sooooo happy with the result. One of my favourite cards that I have made so far. Your instructions make it so easy even though it looks complicated.
Back to Christmas cards for me, nearly finished just a couple of very special ones left to make.
Muriel x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty girlie card
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x

TDQ Karen said...

Wow,this is a lovely card. So pretty and feminine x

Loraine Jefferis said...

I loved this card when I saw it on hochanda. I'm so pleased you've done a video for it. It's such a beautiful card so different. I adore it.Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

Anonymous said...

Very pretty card Sue. I have this die and love it. JJxx

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card and great video. Thank you so much. Take care Kitty.

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
what a stunning card love the colours and the flowers around the card will watch the video later with a cup of tea thanks tracyw

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes - wow I remember seeing this on Jonathon Lockwood's Hochanda show, I don't have this die and wished now I had bought it. Will watch the video later, I have to go to the hospital for more tests today as they have found an aortic aneurism which needs urgent surgery so at the moment that is all I can concentrate on.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely stunning card, very feminine & the colours are just perfect. Yvonne xx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful girlie card.
All the best June,not surprised it is all you can concentrate on. Hope the surgery goes well.

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue
What a sweet, lovely, dainty card I just think it is so gorgeous.

A Happercrafter6 said...

So pretty Sue, but not sure I'd have the patience to place all the flowers.

JJ said...

Hi Sue,

Saw this one on one of John's shows, loved it then love it now, so gorgeous and pretty.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. A very pretty card but like Jan I don't think I have the patience to do all those flowers.
June - I hope everything goes well for you, sending special prayers. Hugs to all. Sue XXX

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A beautiful card Sue.
The flowers are lovely.
I love using flowers in this way and keep a stash of them already completed for when I need them xxx

Aspiring crafter said...

Very sweet card Sue, love the little flowers,

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous girly card. The flowers give a frilly look to the frame. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Flower power! Like it. Will watch video later.

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Lovely card as always.

Well ladies this week has been ok but my scalp is so tender and hair is beginning to fall out. This is the hardest bit for me but I keep telling myself it's only hair it'll come back. But then my other wee voice pips up but u know how long I take to grow right??? AGES!! Lol
Anyway I do have a cracking wig but I can't put it on cause my heads sore just now bloomin nuisance.

My picc line is going In this morning. I'm nervous but I just think cmon girl it's the last day of needle prodding once this is in it will be easier.

Laine thanks for asking about me. I've only had one bad week so I'm quite thankful I'll have to mention the sickness tho see if I can get stronger counter action meds to help as it wasn't pleasant. Next week it all starts again on tues second round of fec chemo :-(

Tx cowgirl sorry ur going thru this hard time I know how he's feeling but things do get better x

Love to all xx

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty, lovely for a girly girl friend
Pat x

Unknown said...

Aww June.
Hope u get it sorted soon and everything goes ok x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Wow! What a stunning card I love this die you've thought of everything when you designed this set. As always I enjoyed the video and thank you for the tip about resizing the frames.
Sending hugs to Tracy and June X
Hugs x
Heather T

BenteS said...

Pretty card!
Love those little flowers :))
Thanks for the video!

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. What a wonderful design! Love the beautiful floral border and look forward to watching the video when I get in from work tonight.x

Kathy Baker said...

Morning Sue, lovely card I do love all the little flowers very delicate looking
Kathy x

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is very pretty, beautiful layout and soft colours. Will have to catch up with the video later. Have a good day. Bx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, such a very pretty card love it. love Jean Z xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, what a beautiful famine card today. So pretty I know a very girly girl who would love this.

Love Rosemarie x x

crossstitchmarg said...

Hi sue,
Another beautiful card, it's so gorgeous, thankfully I have the dies to make this card.
Unfortunately I have to wait to do it still trying to finish Christmas stuff.
Have a great day

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card, I love the little flowers on the frame.
B xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue wow what a stunning card I just love everything about it and the design is wonderful xx

Debs A xxx

marg said...

Hello Sue
What a pretty card, and thanks for the Video, I enjoyed it so much!

June,and Tracy, wishing both of you lots of love and hugs!
Take care
Love Marg

auscrafts said...

lovely card I think I saw this on one of Johns shows

hazel young said...

Wow Sue stunning card love the flowers xx hazel

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Perfect card for a girl of any age and looks like fun to do...


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow this is so gorgeous I love it

Patricia Howarth said...

Oh Wow Sue !! This card is so pretty.
Off to watch your video now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Paula said...

A stunning card Sue! So girly, so dainty and so pretty. :) I love it all, what else is there to say?
Paula x

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Gosh i wonder how long it took for you to do all those sweet little flowers?
Lovely card and thanks for the video ,i will watch later,
Take Care
Elaine H X

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Yes, it does look as if it took forever but the result is SO worth it. I love this card, it has already brightened up yet another grey and damp day.
Hugs, Rose

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Very pretty, feminine card today. Going to watch video now.
Tracy keep strong xx
June hope things go well at hospital xx
Melody and Francis daily hugs xx
Love and hugs to all, Alison xx

gwen70 said...

This card Has the WOW factor Sue, simply beautiful, looks like it took forever

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW I think this card is wonderful. I love everything about it. Its so girly and pretty. The colours are gorgeous. Thanks for another great video.
Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

PharmacyMichele said...

What a gorgeous card, so pretty & delicate.


Chris Curry said...

Beautiful card Sue, very delicate looking. Thank you.Xx

Anne said...

So pretty, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Unknown said...

Morning Sue. Oh thank you I could not work out how to make a rectangle frame fit some of your dies . So simple when you know how.Love the card it is so pretty. Tracy & June Love and hugs to you both.xx Gloria (sidcup)xx

Elsie Smith said...

Hi Sue. Another beautiful card xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. I love today's beautiful card. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - love this card and I always put flowers on cards - can't watch the video at the moment as I'm on my way out, but can't wait to get home to see your video. Thank you for yet another flowery idea - best wishes

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue,

Beautiful card, will watch video later on.
Gurt big ((((hugs)))) to all in discomfort, pain or loss.
Healing thoughts to Tracy, Melody and Francis, and June Smith too. I hope they can sort you out at the hospital without taking too long.

love & hugs
Cheryl xxx

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely gorgeous card, I love the flowers around the frame they are so pretty. I saw this one on John's recent Hochanda shows and thought how beautiful it was.
Thanks for all the great inspiration, off to see the video.
Heather Treble

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue.
Gorgeous card, I have this die but not used as yet been too busy with Christmas cards. Thanks for the video great tip about the frame.
Have a good day.

Marion said...

Hi Sue what a pretty card so delicate looking.
enjoyed the video and the tip about cutting the frame down .
Marion H

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, just watched the video and you are
amazing!!! So delicate and girly :)
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what a fantastic card, really pretty and just right for so many occasions.
Brilliant video - you always make everything seem so easy.

iReneM said...

I love to see flowers on cards
and this one is so pretty


hettygarlick said...

So dainty and pretty!

dmj from kettering said...

What a lovely card, like the idea of using little flowers to frame it!!

Doreen x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, very pretty delicate card, would suit a lot of occasions.
Will watch video later. Take care, Jess xx

Scottydog said...

A lovely delicate, frilly, feminine card today, thank Sue. I saw John do this card on Hochanda & have put dies on my Christmas list, so fingers crossed!
Hope June Smith & Tracy both get on OK at hospital, thinking of you both, also melody & Francis & missing Molly's chatter!

Sandy (tort) said...

Wow this one took a lot of patience to do. But well worth the time. Its beautiful!

Sandy (tort)

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Wow a very springlike card, very delicate and pretty.
Just what we need to cheer us up on this snowy frosty day. x

Unknown said...

I would think this card was very therapeutic to make!



Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a really pretty card. I saw it on Hochanda with John and wondered if you would show it on her. I love it!
Got my dies out and ready to play.
Anne M xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue such a pretty and delicate card love from Jackie xx

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful feminine card this morning - simply gorgeous!
Janette x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A very pretty card today. However, I am not sure I would have the patience to put all those flowers in place!
I will try and have a go though!
Lesley S x
I have received my prize from your recent die release for which I thank you again. I can't wait to use them!

shabbycraftcabin said...

I'm a 'flower' girl this card is for me :-) hugs, Ivy xx

TonyR said...

loving all the new dies!!! genius!!
am I correct in spotting some new sentiments, Sue? Is there a new stamp set due out too [please!!]
tony xxxx

Princess Pixie! said...

Morning Sue
Oh my goodness - this is such a beautiful card. I absolutely love it. Haven't watched the video yet but want to know how long it took to stick all those tiny flowers on he frame. As you know I adore anything and everything Sue Wilson but I think I have got to say that this has got to be one of my favourite cards that you have ever done. Went all gushy when I saw it. Got to get this die. FATHER CHRISTMAS - I promise I'll be good from now on if you bring me this die on Christmas morning x
Got a bit of a task ahead today - MIL's next appointment for her stents has come through and it is 2 days before Christmas. This is not really good timing because of my sis and bruv in law's work commitments and my boys being away it is going to be impossible, So on the menu today is phone calls to try and move the appointment - hoping it will be a straightforward job but these things rarely are x
TRACY - I feel for you hun - not been through it myself but one of my best friends had breast cancer 7 years ago and she said the worst part was losing her hair. She
decided to embrace her baldness which caused great hilarity when we went out and people started looking at her so she extended a very loud invitation for them to stroke her head! You are fantastic and the way you are dealing with this chapter of your life is admirable. Hang in there lovely lady - loads of love x
JUNE - thinking of you - sending you a hug x
JAN - I think you are mad wishing to meet Laine and me (Thelma and Louise). I would fear for your safety and more so your sanity. Laine and I have not had the opportunity to meet and I do not know when that will happen but I am sure you will hear all about it - it's bound to make the headlines nationally if not internationally x
SABA - ok so we have now established that your dancing is not a talent which you should rely on but I am sure you are good at something x
Maria - George's Birthday is not until the 16th December. We are having a bit of a surprise gathering for him on the evening of Sunday 13th. Family and friends coming round and he has no idea - he will be in his element as he is by his own admission a bit of a tart and he loves being the centre of attention. Then on 20th Jake is taking him to Amsterdam - I know - should I be worried? Lol! My theory is what goes on in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam - I think that's best don't you. They will be away form the Sunday until Christmas Eve evening. A few friends had asked if I was bothered that they were going away that close to Christmas but I've got to be honest I am really looking forward to a quiet house which will be the calm before the force 10 storm which descends on the household over the festive season x
LAINE - I'm intrigued - when you say the handle for your platinum is challenging what do you mean? Does it argue with you??!! A die addiction is acceptable - I can think of much worse addictions which you would obviously not be so open and vocal about! I must follow in your footsteps and put to good use the texture paste which is sitting abandoned in my stash. I used it once when I first got it and loved it but when ones craft stash is large enough to equip a craft shop one forgets about things until someone reminds you or you come across it whilst searching for something else. Like you - don't drink, don't smoke and non existent social life. To an outsider that may sound like we are the saddest individuals in existence but actually I am happy with my lot. As has been pointed out before - we are kindred spirits and so alike. Our love of Yankee candles being the last piece of the puzzle. And for the record there is nothing wrong with dogs - I just don't appreciate your implication that I resemble one - lol x
Oh my word - got to split my comment again - sorry Sue!!!

Princess Pixie! said...

Part 2 again!!! LORRAINE FREEMAN - hope you are ok. Sending you a gentle huggle. I am so glad to have you fighting my corner - nice to know that someone realises that I am not the fiend that Laine would have everyone believe I am x
MYRA - you are pleased with your Platinum by the sounds of things. Which machine did you use before?
FLUFFYCAT - I am very normal - well that's what I tell myself every day!! I am so pleased of your admission of your mistake - it takes a big person to admit that they are wrong x
MELODY - I am presuming Molly is still without internet as she hasn't commented - give her our love. Thinking of you and Francis and sending you lots of love x
WHEELYBAD - how you doing hun?
Must go - porridge then phone calls. Have a good day and a happy 1st December to one and all.
Crafty hugs

Rosemary Stickland said...

Lovely card Sue, and I enjoyed watching the demo.
Rosemary xx

June Horrocks said...

Hope all goes well June love and prayers xx

Beryl said...

Gorgeous card Sue.

June Horrocks said...

Oh sue it's beautiful those tiny flowers !!!!!
Love you June Horrocks xxxcx

Theresa said...

it is a very girly cutesy card, hugs xx

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Jayne S said...

Wow, this card is so very pretty, your video shows how easy it is to make. This die is on my wish list.

Nana on the Hill said...

This really is a girlie card, so dainty.

Nannieflash said...

Hi Sue, its a reasonably lovely day today and what a stunning card I image all those flowers took time to attach to the frame, its a stunning card. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Tami Grant said...

This is a beautiful card Sue. It looks like you spent so much time on it! I like be flowers so this is defending nicely a card I need to try.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. It is very girlie with all those pretty flowers. Thanks for the video.

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Morning OH I do love all those little flowers. Beautiful

Crafty hugs Pen x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Ohhhhh such a gorgeous card and this die arrived yesterday but not had time to play yet. Cant wait!!!

Much love,

Shirley T.

sued99 said...

This is so gorgeous. Just my kind of card. Going to watch the video now. X

sharon said...

Beautiful card Sue, I have this die I just need to find the time to use it.
sharon :)

Debra K. said...

Absolutely gorgeous! This is definitely a favourite card for me. Beautifully feminine and gentle looking. I've got this die but wasn't sure how I'd use it so you've given me great inspiration today. Love it! Debra x

Lisbeth said...

Hi Sue, I saw this card on TV with John. It really is very pretty. Love it


Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Looking at this card makes me think of a wedding cake. I can just see a model of the bride and groom standing in the centre of the card, replacing the sentiment.
Margaret xxx

Bejay said...

WOW!!! Sue, I LOVE IT!!!
Sorry for the caps but I think this card is just too beautiful for words and guess which die has now risen to the top of my Sue Wilson wish list...yep, I really do need this delicate garden die set lol.
The colours are so delicate and I love the dedication of gluing each and every little flower around the frame, initially to hide the join, it's a stroke of genius.
Thanks so much for sharing with us all, Sue.
Bejay xx

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other commenter....made me think of a beautifully decorated cake....so pretty. You really think of things that help the crafter--like the cluster of flowers in the die set. Great to be able to cut many flowers in one pass. Great time saver and I agree with you that cards like this can be very relaxing to make. Just love it. Jan D., Florida, USA

Pam B said...

Hi Sue

What a beautiful delicate card, absolutely gorgeous

Happy Crafting everyone

Love Pam B

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Good morning! Oh Sue, I absolutely love this card...I am addicted to paper flowers and as Bejay said, this die set is now at the top of my wish list. It is gorgeous!!! Thank you for the great video...you always make everything look so easy.

I'm working really hard to finish my batch Christmas cards (100) so I can begin the special family cards. The batch cards started out being quick and easy and then I got the Festive Collection Winter Trees dies and had to reconfigure so that I could add trees with Iced Snow to the card. I love the card but it is no longer quick and easy.

June, sending good thoughts your way.
Tracy, I hope it gets easier for you. You are an extraordinary woman!
Yvonne, I'm sure that when the new Thelma and Louise finally meet it will be an international event. Maybe you could go on tour and then I could finally meet you. Oh, what fun that would be!
Melody, I hope Francis is doing better.
Molly, I miss your lovely posts. I hope you're having fun playing with all the new dies you got for your birthday.
Huge hugs to all.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Nananne said...

Very pretty card! Anne xo

barbara macaskill said...

This is magnificent!! I absolutely adore the flower frame idea!! I do believe that I am going to have to make a similar card!! Thanks for the inspiration!

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
What a wonderful card, I can see many uses for this floral frame. Thanks for all your great ideas.
Lorna D

Kate's Cards said...

Very pretty and as you say girlie. xx

CraftyJo said...

Looks incredibly fiddly! I'll have to watch and see how you did it ;)

Anonymous said...

Pretty card, Sue, though a trifle flower overload for me - sorry! Frame gorgeous, inner beautiful, but think better apart perhaps. As ever, thank you for the video.
Got my lattice window yesterday and spent HOURS making a card (yes, I'm one of the guilty ones re craft area bombsite - takes me soooo long to find anything.) Anyway, the striplet was so easy to cut and made the basis of a great wedding card - so pleased to have it and of course want today's dies too! Am toying with someone's suggested idea of popping a bridal couple in the centre, sounds good.
June and Tracy - hope today went OK. Tracy, my cousin used the cold cap to prevent hair loss but lost it anyway, and then it grew back so different and she was thrilled - so you never know!
Hugs to all who need one.

'P' in Wales

ursula said...

Such a beautiful girlie card, I just love the way you glitter your sentiment, it just makes the centre 'pop'....thank you for the video tutorial....luv Ursula xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love this card and I have the dies so I can craft along with you, thank you for sharing

June, hope all goes well with your tests and you get the surgery you need soon
Tracy thinking of you and all you are going through, stay strong

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue and a labour of love. Would definitely make this for a family member or close friend, someone who will appreciate all the work that went into it.

KarinsArtScrap said...

so beautiful Sue.
Gr Karin

terrie said...

Wow, so many little flowers on the cards....the card is very lovely....
well done

Cathie said...

Gorgeous card. Just loved watching the video to see how you made this. Thanks so much for sharing.

Suzzette Yandle said...

Beautiful card today, all soft and sweet. Great video. Thank you. Please do more of this type of card. I love the "girly" type so much.

Crafty Cruiser said...

Oh so pretty. Looks like a lot of work!
Doreen R

DeeDee7770 said...

Wow, what a fabulous card! Those tiny flowers are so dainty, they make a lovely frame. This is a really detailed card...I wish today was Wednesday, someone (me) should win this card! Absolutely gorgeous card Sue!

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue,
Another of your stunning creations, love it.
Patricia xxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & friends
Wow a stunning masterpiece I love love love it. It's so pretty the little flowers are Gorgeous.
I haven't had a chance to watch video yet but defently will soon.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Tracy I hope today went ok for you lovely lady stay strong your always in my thoughts sending you Big Hug's love Lynda xxxx

JUNE hope all went well with your tests today hope you haven't got long to wait for your operation. Sending Hug's & thinking of you xx

Melody & Francis sending you both lots of Hug's xx Molly hope your back commenting soon miss you xx

TOB Theresa hope your shoulder is feeling better Hug's coming your way xx

Big Hug's for all friends & Hug's for everyone xx

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all your crafty crew
Oh my I am in love with today's card. Wish it was my anniversary so you could send it to me. Lol
Sue it is a fabulous card florals right up my street
Thank you for your inspiration. Need to get this die collection
Hugs to those that need one
Theresa G x

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, the card today is fab and the little bitty flowers look great as a frame.

Thank you,

Lots of love and craftihappiness everyone,

pearl x

Txcowgirl said...

This is so very sweet with all the little flowers, but I'll have to watch the video later. I need another marathon video session soon, as I have gotten behind again. What I really need is to get in my craft room and organize it. One of the online craft sites was offering a choice of a free online class, and I chose "Get Organized | Scrapbook Storage Solutions", I need a serious intervention at this point.

June and Tracy, prayers said for you both. Please get well soon, and get back to having fun crafting. We are all blessed to have the world of making somethng, creating. Some never discover this joy.

To all you sweet Wilsonites, God bless.

Stella Munn said...

So, so pretty. Going to make this for my friend's 60th in a couple of weeks. Thanks Sue xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

I think this is such a beautiful delicate looking Card. I think it would be great for a young girls Birthday, it's so pretty. I'm sure she would be delighted. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

This is what I would class as a 'pretty' card. It has a very lacy feel and think it would span the ages.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card. Very feminine

Lorraine Freeman said...

Sue, such a pretty card today, it does look time consuming but I know your die cuts lots in one go. Brilliant :)
Txcowgirl, your granddaughters sound very talented.
Laine, I am doing what I can online but need to go to some of the less expensive stores to fill some baskets.
Maria, yes I do remember Supergranny but don't think I will be emulating her any time soon.
Jan, no I didn't sleep well. I was sore and achy which I hoped would be gone but no. In fact this afternoon I had really awful stabbing pains so I returned to bed with a hot water bottle. The sharp pains have gone but it's still very sore and achy.
June, no wonder you are so preoccupied. I hope it's all sorted very soon and that it's not a painful process.
So sorry to hear your head is so sore Tracy, huggles. Also it's bound to be upsetting when your hair falls out, more huggles. I hope the picc line went in ok and that chemo is kinder to you this time.
I think I had better split this one!

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty and girly card that anyone would love to receive. This die has been on the top of my list since I first saw it so hopefully it won't be too long before it is in my possession.

June S - I hope the test went well today and you get your surgery very soon.

Tracy - did the picc line go in ok? It will be a relief for you knowing that you won't be stabbed every time you go back in.


Lorraine Freeman said...

Yvonne, I hope you managed to rearrange MIL's appointments.
Btw we don't talk about what happened in Amsterdam ( that's a take on a quote not me being snarky :) )
I don't have the witty style of yourself and Laine, but can I become the third triplet? I don't drink (because of my meds), I don't smoke and what's a social life ? I too have enough craft items to stock a store but goodness knows where anything is when I need it! And yet I still have an insatiable need for more craft items. I love crafting and I would be heartbroken if I was no longer able to create. Thanks for the Huggles.
My thoughts remain with Melody and Francis and I miss Molly xxx
So hoping this soreness eases soon then I can try and forget about it for a while and just deal with it when I get the results. I can't sit to craft at the moment so that's very frustrating.
Lovely hubby is cooking a roast which I am sure he would rather not be doing as his foot is still very sore.
Wishing good things to all xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
This is a really pretty card and you have so much patience! I've got this frame and cut a few flowers out to adorn boxes if made and that was more than enough for me!!! Lol. Thank you for sharing
Love Diane G xxxx

lilysmum said...

Good evening Sue and all. What a pretty delicate card today, a little dainty for me sorry but one I would happily try to recreate and give to someone with a more feminine side than me. That said tho, I would be more than happy to receive such a beautiful creation knowing how much goes into making these stunning cards.
Hugs and best wishes to all, Theresa. X

liz spooner said...

Hi Sue absolutely love this card, this was one of the first dies in the new range that I purchased.xx

lilian said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty card, very girly. I have this die and I love it , I use it whole and chopped as it makes lovely corners.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so pretty.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
Such a beautiful card today. It really is gorgeous.
Love to all, especially those who are suffering and are in pain.
Maureen xxx

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

What a pretty card! I must admit the first thing I thouht was that I'd take ages. Must watch later to see how you did it.

June Smith, thinking of you. That must've been quite a shock. Hope surgery is very soon as waiting is the worst part. Sending many hugs x

Tracy, I hope the discomfort on your scalp can be eased, and that they can find an anti sickness med that works. At least the line will be in and save you from more discomfort, sending many hugs x

Lorraine Freeman hope you feel better soon, many hugs x

Melody, hope Francis is getting stronger, sending many hugs to the both of you and to Molly x

Yvonne, I'm ok, just had a bad time with fatigue, migraines and my neck playing up. Hoping I'm owed some awake time so I can get some of this C******** lark sorted. Sending many hugs x

I've not had the chance to catch up on comments, I'm sorry about that, still building up to being able to look at a screen for extended periods. Sending big hugs to everyone, I got plenty extra should they be needed.

Fingers crossed I will see you all tomorrow, have a lovely evening,

T x

Myra said...

Hello Sue,
I have to confess I have been out today so haven't seen the video as yet but hopefully later!
I love the card. The little flowers are really pretty. The whole thing is so feminine!
Yvonne- I have had two GC machines. The teal one still works but moans a lot! I mean that - it really makes a moaning sound! I am really pleased with the Platinum machine. Sue's lovely die - Christmas Tree words cut cleanly and completely first time. Embossing is better too and having clear plates allows you to peek underneath to see if the die has cut without disturbing the plates.
By the way - Saba is very good at - - It's a secret!!!
Love to all Myra xxx

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful and very pretty card.....and yes it does look like it took you ages!!! Off to watch the video now.....thank you!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
A very pretty card,will have to watch the video tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Evening Sue, I saw this card on Johns show last week and loved it, I love the way you include lots of flowers the same size to make die cutting quicker and easier for us all. I will have to try and have a go,at something similar soon.

Maria said...

Evening Sue and everyone,
such a pretty card, so many little flowers. Gorgeous die
and I know someone who won this and she will like it too.

Tracy- hope you be okay.After my sister-in-law had cancer
her hair came back thicker and nicer then ever so you never knew x
June S-sorry to hear what you going through, will be thinking of you.
Lorraine F- wish you better and wheelybad -hope your tiredness gets
better soon. Melody- thinking of you and hope Molly will be back soon.
Yvonne- hope you managed to change your MIL appointment.Amsterdam!
Oh yes be very,very afraid. No honestly, they will have a great time
and you get some peaceful days before the festivities begin. what time
do you want us all :-)
Lorraine- hope you are okay and Brodie is behaving.
Happy anniversary to one of my great friends today and to many more !

hugs to all, Maria x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Very pretty card not got this die but seeing it used makes a big difference and now I want it, great video as well.

Tracy and June hope all went well at the hospital x
Lorraine F hope your feeling better soon

Linda xx

Unknown said...

Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

Today was another one of those Wowzers moments, not many things render me speechless but this beautiful card certainly did. I haven't had time to watch the video as yet, been rather busy, but I will set aside some quality time with you soon, I promise:-)
There are two things I love on a card, flowers and butterflies, so I am thrilled with this new die- I'm feeling a little crazed at the minute with all my last minute Christmas card making, but I think I might have bought this die, I just can't be sure off the top of my head...is it little wonder I end up buying multiples of everything?
It does look rather time consuming but I quite like to be methodical when I'm creating...you have to be when cross stitching....it makes the end result all the more satisfying I feel. I'll definitely be giving this a try after the festive season...if I haven't been sectioned following nervous exhaustion:-)
It's been raining cats and dogs again so I bowed to the pressure to complete more festive cards as a distraction. I've now got an over developed right arm due to all the frantic turning of my stiff Platinum handle- it's a great machine though, glad I invested in it.
Darcey and Brodie thought they'd join me just for a nosey of course, they're bored because of the inclement weather, I scared them off with the noise from my heat gun though!
My pal Gill is popping by for another Sue master class tomorrow, we're going to listen to Christmas tunes and attempt to recreate a Sue original with varying success no doubt, I'm looking forward to it just hope I get something done this time....gossiping took priority last time I'm afraid:-)
Saba, you had me in stitches with your oh so accurate diagnosis- I looked up the definition of oniomania and nearly wet myself, it's freaky how you know me so well. I have now told my family that I have a recognised psychiatric disorder that impels me to spend indiscriminately...I also told them that there is no cure and that they had to accept my disability as an integral part of my personality, it was met with mixed responses I have to say, but I feel vindicated and reassured that my 200+ shoe collection etc etc is not my fault:-)
Whilst you may not be a talented dancer, you are certainly a talented shopper, and that is significantly more important in my book.
Linda, Brodie is a cat and he's free to a good home if you are interested- you'd have to get rid of your dogs of course because he's rather territorial and I would fear for their safety, but on the plus side he's a very capable crafter and likes to go for walks so I don't think you'd miss them much:-)
June, I hope your hospital appointment went well and that your operation will be scheduled soon, big hugsxxxx
Tracy, I just want to give you a big hug honey, you're really meeting the challenges of your treatment head on. I'm fortunate enough not to have any personal experience of chemo and it's side effects but I can appreciate that every day must be a battle both physically and emotionally. Is there anything that can ease the tenderness on your scalp so that you can use your wig? I've heard of peoples hair growing back even better and thicker than before but just take one step at a time for now otherwise we can overwhelm ourselves with the enormity of a situation, take carexxxx
Think I'd better split this just in case girls, sorry Sue for being a gobby bore:-)

Anonymous said...

Very pretty card Sue, love the little flowers, I do agree with some comments about being able to cut out lots all in one pass, thank you
Marlene O xx

Unknown said...

Hi again honeys!
Yvonne, my old mucker! You poor deluded soul, letting your precious cargo go unsupervised to Amsterdam is a recipe for disaster, I fear that rather than it being a time of restful contemplation for you, it will in actual fact be fraught with anxiety- it will come as little surprise to learn that I was a tear away at their age and I dread to think about all the mischief I would have wreaked in such a 'liberal' environment, but hey, I'm sure you have raised them in such a way that sex and drugs will be the last thing on their minds:-)
Can you imagine the havoc we would create if we were ever to meet? You are so right, we are kindred spirits but maybe for the safety of the nation as a whole we should keep a respectable distance, is the world really ready for such an explosive union?....besides, my tag stops me from going out of the area for the foreseeable:-)
Hope you managed to get your MiL hospital appointment sorted out, she's so lucky to have such a caring DiL, it must be a comfort to her.
Lorraine F, oh my dear, asking to form a trio with me and Louise is a proposition that you may not have thought through fully- whilst I can vouch for my own trustworthiness and good character the same reassurances cannot be given for my partner, she is a loose cannon and needs to be dealt with with kid gloves, volatile and unpredictable is not the word, are you truly prepared for such a task?
Sorry to hear that you are struggling after your biopsy, hope you improve soonxxx
Maria, like I said to Linda, Brodie presents a number of challenges on a day to day basis, on the surface he appears to be soft, fluffy and adorable, but underneath this lies a monster! Just ask Darcey who is the frequent focus of naughtiness, if you have a plentiful supply of smoothies and don't mind your best efforts at Cardmaking being interfered with on a daily basis then I would be prepared to offer him to a good, tolerant home:-)
Hugs to all my blog buddies including Beth, Rebecca, jan, deb C, Wheely Bad, melody, Molly , Theresa and all need a big cuddlexxx

Crafty hugs and goodnight,


Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Really really pretty card sue x I love it so much x when I eventually get my christmas cards finished I will definately be having a go at making one similar x thankyou sue for your inspiration x
Still trying to catch up on comments my cold turned into flu but have been thinking of all the lovely wilsonettes and sending all a big hug x
Take carr everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

What are really pretty girly card you have shown us today,
I think this would be gorgeous for a newborn baby girl or for a christening.card.
It would certainly be a beautiful keepsake.

Hope you had a good day, good night sweet dreams, love Brenda XXX

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Exquisite is the word that comes to mind. Such a pretty card.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

nannapat said...

Love this gorgeously pretty card. Pat x

Eunice said...

This definitely is a very girly card!!! So pretty!

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Stunning card, so beautiful, love the 'girly' look and the little flowers are gorgeous, fantastic die.
Di B. x

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card Sue. Haven't had time to watch the video yet.

Melody said...

Hi sue, gorgeous card I seen John showing this card off on one off his shows its lovely. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx
He ain't that great Pam but still trying. Thanks for asking xxx

Sandy H said...

Really pretty card. I don't have the delicate garden die and I'm not sure if I'd have the patience for adding all those tiny flowers, but it does look lovely.
Take care everyone.

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue, I have this die set and use it all the time, making the small flowers is so easy as all on one die


Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card love the flower idea around the card and the colors.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card & love all the gorgeous flowers around the edge which frames the central focal element perfectly & really draws the eye in.
Love the pretty peach & white together which makes this beautiful creation perfect for ladies of all age groups.
Just off to watch the video to see which dies I need to buy for this card......

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx (Norwich)