Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hi there my crafty friends!  I do hope that you aren't getting tired of the Christmas cards as giveaways, but I have extras of these from the demos so it just makes sense!  Today's card started with a piece of coconut white card that I embossed with the Holly Trellis embossing folder.  To the sides of it, I added wide strips of aqua card and cut two Star Sprays per side and glued them to the strips so that the tips were touching.  I nipped away the excess at the top and bottom, even with the card edge.  To create a bit of a feature, I cut thin strips of white card and added mounting foam to the backs and attached them on either side of the aqua pieces.  For the focal element, I cut the Peeking Snowflake die out of white card.  I cut away the top snowflake to make room for my dove.  I added an aqua backing to it and made a wide fame by using the cutting edges from the Lattice Snowflake with the Peeking snowflake.  I cut the Dove of Peace die twice.  I sprayed them adhesive and glittered them with Diamond Sprinkles.  I attached them at the bodies, leaving the wings free for the look of movement.  The base was then added with a paper pierced white mat, a thin aqua mat and another white mat.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  9 1/2" in size.  Leave me a comment if you would like to be included in the drawing to win this card.  I will post the winners name on Saturday's post.

Julia Watts has shows on Hochanda today at 11am, 2pm and 5 pm with Justrite stamps and some great prices too!  Don't forget to tune in to see some fabulous demos!   All for now, Sue x

                                                            Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Lovely card today, the dove is beautiful.
Tracey, hope all went well in Glasgow and that you are feeling a bit better today.
Melody, the news for Francis was tragic but he has a tremendous fighting spirit. He has little or no choice so he is right to choose what he wants. I send all my support and hope for you both. You need to take care of yourself too.
Hugs to all on the blog. We all need support in one way or another.

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, What pretty card, love the combination of the dies and the colour is one of my favourites

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, this is a gorgeous card love this colour would love to receive this as anyone would never tire of Christmas cards, have set to record Julia's shows looking forward to them.
Nancyd xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely Sue, very gentle colours. JJxx

Jan on the Fosse said...

Good Morning Sue

Such a pretty card so different in this lovely soft colour.

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, love your Christmas selections and your great festive dies give lots of options for special family and friend cards

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, another gorgeous card today, and no I never tire of seeing the Christmas cards, they are all so beautiful.

Watched Phill yesterday, great show and will catch Julia this afternoon as out at craft club this morning.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Jan.moogie said...

This is simply gorgeous Sue and I would love to give it a forever home, fingers crossed. Have a great day, hugs xx

Marjeta said...

Beautiful card. I especially like the floral dies along the edge.


Loraine Jefferis said...

I'm certainly not getting tired of your beautiful Christmas cards. I'm still making mine so they give me plenty of inspiration. This card is really lovely. I love everything about it. The colours and the dies go so well together. Best wishes Loraine xx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
Favourite aqua and white, love the embossing folder and the holly sprays. Never tire of your Christmas cards, they are beautiful.
Muriel x

JAO said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the colours, and dies used.

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
never too tired of seeing your stunning cards this one is stunning love the colours thank you tracyw x

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Gorgeous card, love the aqua it's good to get a less traditional Christmas colour. We will never tire of seeing your spectacular Christmas cards. Yvonne xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue.
What a pretty card, the colour palette is beautiful too, I'm so pleased that over the years were have got away from the 'traditional' Christmas colours although I still think there is something special about white/silver and white on white with a touch of gold, but pastel shades are just gorgeous.
At last all my ordered cards are complete not a halfway headache anywhere, so, Christmas cards, here's I come !! Although I have ordered a few festive A4 folders which are obviously needed asap but if I design and cut all I need then bag up, all I need to do is emboss then make it up when my folders arrive - yep, plan 😊
Am also wondering if I have the artistic skills to cutify mdf letters to spell out my gorgeous new grand-daughter's name for her nursery as you have given me the tools to make some beautiful flowers to add to it, then I could take it Sunday, can't think of a nicer way to spend my weekend making for that new precious little family member.
So I will send my love n hugs to you Sue, and also to Sam, thinking of you sweet lady.
Have a good day.
Lancashire Steph xx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. Please don't apologise for treating us to Christmas cards, we can never get enough inspiration! Today's cards is very pretty and in such a lovely colour too. The Star Spray die is very close to the top of my never ending wishlist.x

Anonymous said...

A lovely card for the giveaway, Sue, great design and unusual colour for a Christmas card. Don't have the star sprays but so pleased that the holly sprays are sitting there waiting for an outing! Feel that the year is slipping away and starting a minor panic - have a feeling that only 'specials' will be made, oh shame on me, and will have to use shop bought. Mr 'P' has been in and out of A&E many times and had three ops in 2015 (now OK) and that's my excuse!! (apart from the shocking mess which is my craft desk).
Melody - so very sorry for your heartbreaking news - if Francis can keep fighting it can only be a positive in every way and who knows?? Pam's right, you need to take care of yourself and try to keep strong.
Tracy, and all with problems, big hugs.

'P' in Wales

A Happercrafter6 said...

Lovely selection of dies today.
Northampton said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card thank you take care Kitty.

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card , thank you
Pat x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
A stunning card, love the colours, use of Dies and brilliant design.
Have a good day
Patricia xxx

lilian said...

Hi Sue, get tired of your beautiful cards NEVER NEVER, you are so kind taking time out of you your busy day to show us them.
Today's card is beautiful, love the colour.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card, love the colours

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, your Christmas cards are an inspiration, so keep them coming. Love this one, it is really beautiful with the white and aqua, and a little bit of bling. Very tactile. Have a great day. Bx

Unknown said...

Once again a beautiful card today. Aqua and white are my favourite colour combo. Have a great day everybody
Hugs Sylvia xx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I love seeing your Christmas cards, I have been in my 'bit' box and cutting and embossing everything big enough keep doing lay outs but not stuck much down yet
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Hi Sue
I love everything about this card from the colour to the way you have used the star sprays. Just gorgeous xxx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card today. The delicate colour and the dove of peace make it stand out from the rest. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Very lovely! A wet day ahead so will be in my craft room.

Unknown said...

Morning due and crafty crew.

Oh I love this one. I have the star spray an love using it. Not only is it useful for Xmas but normal cards too lol.

Melody. I was thinking of u yesterday and when I read ur post I got upset. U poor thing and what ur family must be goin thru sounds horrendous.
However I love Francis's spirit of going down with a fight and if he can prove them wrong go for it boy!!!
I'm 41 and I'd do the same in his position fight with all ur might.

My fertility appt went well yesterday so I start my injections and treatment on Friday. It takes 4 weeks in all to prep my body remove eggs and then they have advised to just get them mixed into embryos as I will be over the m&s age of 43 by the time I get all clear and will then have to pay for treatment to get them inserted back in!!
So they said rather than just freezing the eggs. Just go a bit further and get them ready! Lol
More cost effective for us in the long run.
So anyways something to look forward to at the end of all my treatment.
Pain has calmed down a bit this morning more manageable. :-)
Thanks all again for everyone's support xxx

Unknown said...

That was meant to be nhs not m&s lol x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

No I'm not sick of Christmas cards especially ones as beautiful as this. Yesterday was a gorgeous card too, sorry I was unable to comment yesterday.

Have a great day

Linda xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

How could you think that we could tire of you posting Christmas or any other cards of your choice and with the possibility to win them what can you have been thinking???? :)

I particularly love this card and the colour you chose to use. It's really lovely. 57 days to go and counting! LOL!

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Linda28 said...

Sue, the inspiration you give to us is amazing and I never tire of seeing your cards and watching your video tutorials, I only started making cards last year and cannot believe how much better my cards have become ( with the help of yourself, John, Julia ans of course Phil). It's my Birthday today, so having a day off and guess what? I'm spending it in my craft room. Hugs to all, Linda.

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. I will never tire of seeing your cards, Christmas or otherwise - but as I'm lacking inspiration for my Christmas cards at the moment bring on as many as you want! Love the aqua and white combo and the star sprays are lovely.
Tracy - I'm pleased your op went well but please don't try to rush your recovery.
Melody - I'm so sorry that you and Francis have received this terrible news but it sounds as though his fighting spirit is back. Whatever the future holds know that we are all sending you both our special wishes and prayers. Sue XXX

crossstitchmarg said...

Morning Sue,
This card is beautiful, I love all of your cards so never tire of seeing any of them.
I must admit I have not used all of the Christmas dies I have of yours yet, I seem to be using the snowflake border set mostly because it's gorgeous.
Today I am hoping to have a craft day at home, unless I have visitors that is.
Takes me longer to make cards now with the problems with my hands, but your dies make it such a pleasure, and crafting is good therapy for my hands according to my Doctor and Physiotherapist.
Enjoy your day

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card & I'm sure no-one is tiring of seeing Christmas cards, especially yours. I'm only just starting to make mine-late as always!


Unknown said...

Good morning Sue,
Really lovely card and christmas inspiration is never wasted!
You know we love it!
Good luck to all out there in the daily trials life sends us - and take care.
Love is something we all share.
John has inspred me to decopatch a small piece of furniture for my hallway so that is this weekends project - I hope.
Life is marching on and Christmas is around the corner. It's a really busy time for me as all the family birthdays fall around christmas time - aggghhh. Busy busy..................
Lots of crafty hugs everyone.
Anne M xx

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the design and the dove is beautiful. No one could get tired of your Christmas cards. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue

Such an elegant and pretty card.


hazel young said...

Stunning card love the colours Sue xx hazel

Debra K. said...

Beautiful card today Sue! Lovely colour combination and the card design is wonderful. The sparkly dove looks so pretty. Debra x

foxyg said...

Stunning card Sue. Love it.

Laura O said...

love the holly sprays great card,Laura O

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I NEVER get tired of seeing your Christmas cards so keep them coming. Beautiful colours in today's card I love the traditional colours but I also love using unusual colours it makes your card stand out from the rest. I've recently bought the star spray and love it it's very pretty as the sparkly dove is.
Hugs x
Heather T

Kathy Baker said...

Morning Sue I love this card it is so peaceful
Kathy x

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Lovely clean and simple card today, gorgeous colours too - and we need all the inspiration you can give us at this busy card-making time of year so bring them on! love to win this...


Jane Franklin said...

Love the card and tire of your xmas cards never. They are so lovely and inspiring. Off to craft class this morning so have a good day everyone. Luv jxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, I never tire of your Christmas cards.
This one is gorgeous a lovely combination of dies and embossing folders.
Good luck everyone.

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, today's card is beautiful - so simple with beautiful colours!

Anonymous said...

All I can is its so beautiful!!

Sandy (tort)

Barbara Gosden said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, love the colours and how the wings are in flight.
B xx

Kath said...

A beautiful car and such lovely delicate colour too.
Kath x

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. The colours are lovely. Elegant
Many thanks for all your inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW Another beautiful christmas card. The colours are gorgeous clean and fresh looking. The star spray really lifts the sides of the card with the glittered dove finishing it off. I dont think any of your followers are getting bored with the christmas giveaway cards. Keep them coming.
Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

sandieann21 said...

Never could get tired of any of your cards, Sue. This is a lovely example. What a great week we are having. Phill yesterday and Julia today. Hopefully you again very very soon. I think, along with John, the four of you should have your own channel everyday all day!

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I can never have enough of all of your Christmas cards. This one is lovely and seems quite fragile and simple.
Melody and Francis, so sorry to hear your tragic news. But at the end it is Francis' decision and if he wants to fight then go for it and who knows what might happen. He has nothing to lose but maybe everything to gain. You must stay strong for him, by looking after yourself. Love, hugs and prayers to both of you xx
Tracy, pleased things went well for you yesterday although I did get a bit of a shock as I hadn't realised m&s were now selling fertility treatment lol!!! Lots of love Alison xx
Sending love and hugs to each and everyone of you, have a good day love Alison xx

Wendy L said...

This is gorgeous, loving the Holly Trellis. Just catching up on Phills show from yesterday, will catch Julia later, xx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,with gorgeous colours

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card Sue.Lovely colors

Anonymous said...

Wow!, stunning card, i love the colours and design from Lianne Morrison

karenlotty said...

Stunning and so what that it's Christmas I love to see everything that you do And anyone of them could be adapted for other occasions too

Chris Curry said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Lovely colours and a great way of using the sprays too. Thank you.Xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Love your gorgeous card today. I will never tire of seeing your beautiful Christmas creations :-) Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. I don't think anyone could ever get fed up looking at your beautiful cards. I particularly love this one with the dove and the colour combo, a nice change from the traditional reds and green etc.

Melody, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong x x

Love Rosemarie xx

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a great card I love it. The
Colours and the design are wonderful.
I have these dies and I have made a card and similar to this one I will send you a picture of it later.

Debs A xxx

Unknown said...

Just so pretty and your dove die is the nicest image of a dove I've seen! Beautiful!
Big hug
Julie E

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
So lovely and peaceful is todays card, i love it ! .
Elaine H X

JosieB said...

Morning Sue,
Love the card and the colours, all your cards are so beautiful.
Best wishes
JosieB (Nana Josie)

TOB said...

Hi Sue, Simply gorgeous card, love the colours.
Melody so sorry that Francis had such awful news. Stay strong.
Hugs to all
Theresa xx

BenteS said...

So beautiful and lovely colors.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Rosie said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card today.....L Rosie xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - how can any of us tire of your Christmas cards - they are all so beautiful and each one so different and today's is no exception. Just love the colour and the dies you have used. The design can easily be adapted too for birthday cards. Phil's shows were so good, as are John's, and I'm looking forward to watching Julia today. Can't wait to see you back on our screens too. How lucky we are to have Hochanda! Best wishes

Unknown said...


gwen70 said...

Absolutely stunning, don't mind how many Christmas cards you show us Sue, simply love seeing them

Olga said...

Beautiful card! Love the dies and dimension! Olga Ko

KarinsArtScrap said...

wowwwwwww stunning card love it Sue
Gr Karin

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue, what a beautiful card, simple design with stunning effects. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Morning from a Sunny place today,

Have set the recorder for the shows and looking forward to the demos. Lovely card and I dont think we can have too many Christmas cards as I know that I need "ideas" for the season to come.

Happy days Pen x

Barbara W said...

Good morning Sue

Wow what a beautiful card. Really love the aqua colour and the star sprays you have used are stunning.

Would love to win this my fingers are crossed!!

Lol Barbara W

cheryl brown said...

Morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,

At this time of the year, I can ever get enough of your Christmas cards Sue, keep 'em coming! Your inspirational techniques are every crafter's fix.
Today's card is no exception, so pretty without being overwhelmed with too many elements. I love the simplicity of the dove, to me that epitomises Christmas peace and goodwill to all men.

Tracy, how very brave, strong and optimistic you are looking forward to your future. Well done girl, I knew you had it in you. And we are all here helping you along the way.

Melody & Francis, another quote for you especially Francis...

The difference between the possible and impossible is merely a measure of man's determination. (Captain James Thain)

I applaud your decision, I am sending healing thoughts and prayers, and willing you to succeed to prove them wrong. I do so hate the doctors who say 'nothing else can be done' when we have miracles around us each and every day. They do not know everything and whilst sometimes they give us false hopes, your determination is shining like a beacon. The road will be tough at times and you may stumble occasionally but fight on with every fibre of your being. It is your life and your choice that matters, not theirs. You are one very brave man and I salute you, sir. God bless you.

Love & hugs to all in pain, discomfort or loss today and every day.
Cheryl xxx

Elsie Smith said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card, love the colours.xx

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
A really beautiful card. Who could ever tire of your amazing creations? I love the star spray, it's on my wishlist. The dove is lovely and sits beautifully in the frame.
Thanks for sharing your amazing inspiration,
Heather Treble

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Lovely Card Sue!

I love the colour theme and the dies you've used.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This is really pretty, I love it !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful, so serene! The colours are wonderful Christmas colours and the Dove looks amazing in the centre frame.
Lorna D

Beryl said...

Stunning card Sue.

Anne said...

A really beautiful card today, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

sued99 said...

That's really pretty.

Scottydog said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful, yet delicate card. That Aqua colour is so soothing, just right for the combination with the dove. Still enjoying your Christmas inspiration. Would just love to win this card.
Melody my heart goes out to you & your family, but what a fighting spirit Francis has got - good on him! Just you take care as it is always worse for those having to watch their loved ones suffer, you feel so helpless. Just keep making those roast dinners!!
Tracy pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better. Onwards & upwards!

Kate's Cards said...

So, so pretty.

Tressa said...

Like many like many before me, I can never get enough inspiration for Christmas cards even if it means adapting designs in such a way I can use the limited number of dies I possess. The use of Aqua is great producing a beautiful card that would grace any mantle shelf. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful card. Regards, Vicki Collins

weefortune said...

GM Sue another beautiful card hugs x

Karen W said...

Wow this is so soft and elegant, I love this!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and all the inspiration you give us.

Paula said...

Now that is definitely my kind of card! I love everything about it. But I had to laugh when I got to the bottom of your post Sue, when you wrote 'if you would like to be included in the drawing for this card'! Like? We would love to be included!!! :)
Paula x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a stunning Christmas card. Beautiful and delicate looking. I love the colours and your bird of peace die.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card very elegant, I love the aqua with white, stunning.
We can never get enough to of your cards, they can be adapted for several birthdays,,anniversarys, etc.,
Thank you for all your inspiration, take care, Jess xxx

Jayne S said...

Lovely card with beautiful colour combination

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love this card and colours so beautiful. love Jean Z xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

A Beautiful card so serene and a lovely Peace Dove

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.
Another beautiful card. The colours are so pretty.
Evis M.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card, such a soft, peaceful colour.

Best wishes,

Susan McG xx

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,
love this pastel colour very much... the card is wonderful.
How can you think that anyone has enough of your christmas cards? NEVER!
Rolf xxx

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Such a beautiful card today. Love the colours. Everything really. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Heather.x

dmjones said...

What a wonderful card, love it!!!

Doreen x

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card, and like everyone else, I would love the chance to own it.
Margaret xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card again today and such a lovely colour. We could never get bored of your Christmas cards Sue. Sending love and hugs to you and your mum
Take care Diane G xxxx

Melody what awful news but Frances is a fighter so we are all behind him. Take care of yourself too xxxx

Tracey you are another strong lady, good luck with your treatment. Well I know M&S sell lots of things and good quality but this is a new one on me!? I love your sense of humour, it will keep you going to see the bright side of life xxxx

Nana on the Hill said...

Great card Sue, l for one am gratefull for your Christmas inspiration, l can't be the only one still making surely!

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
I could never tire of your cards sue christmas or everyday x they are all beautiful sue x I love todays card but don't have the sprays yet but have the holly so may try it with those , or the snowflake border x see what you do sue putting all these ideas in my head you truly are an inpiration so thankyou again sue x
Tracy glad you corrected your mistake it did make me chuckle x I didn't know they had an age limit at m&s xlol x so pleased it went ok though sending you a big hug x
Melody what a day you had ! So glad francis has a good fight in him and we are all behind you all x
Cheryl you have such a fantastic way with words xxx
Yvonne missed you loads and glad your absence wasn't due to your health x I completely understand about technology I need to make an appointment if I want to use the laptop !
Beth hope your getting some rest x
Wheely bad sending you hugs too x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a gorgeous looking card I love the colours the side panels are a great accent to the design of the card the sprays are lovely and stand out the dove and the oval gives a great 3D look all good!!!!!!!!!
Nubiene xx

Hazel said...

Another wonderful card Sue.

Melody I admire Francis attitude, go for it and prove to them what you can achieve.
Tracy, glad you aren't so sore. Good luck with you egg retrieval .
Hazel xxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Lovely Christmas card and like everyone else I'd love to give it a home. Cut a batch of your sentiment tree yesterday along with a batch of mats and layers so all ready to put together this weekend and that should be my Christmas cards all made
Happy birthday to Linda28
Caring hugs to all who need them but especially to Tracy and Melody

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue.

Beautiful card and lovely delicate colouring. I love the effect of the side panels with the Star sprays and a pretty focal element. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,

A gorgeously beautiful christmas card :-)

I havent had time yet to make any christmas cards as i got married a month ago ! I made all our invites & now thank you's. We're off on honeymoon next week to Iceland, so would love to win one of your christmas cards, to start me off with mine once we get home !!

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

I love it. The dies are great and I love the coloring.

-Kathy in Raleigh

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...Jan D., Florida, USA

Lisbeth said...

Another lovely card Sue, but I must admit my eyes were drawn to the holly trellis embossing folder - I love it


Meg Owen said...

Beautiful shade of Aqua Sue, the card is so pretty.

Love and hugs

Lorraine Freeman said...

I would so love to win this card, stunning colour, beautiful star spray (yes on my wish list), and glitter too. STUNNING :)
Melody, oh wow what a special man Francis is, I wish him every success in his endeavours and my heart goes out to you all xxx
Lancashire Steph, I am sure you will do a fab job of embellishing the mdf letters and that they will be very well received.
Tracey S , so glad the appointment went well yesterday and I hope it all goes smoothly. Today you are under orders to rest and recover! Take care my dear.
Happy Birthday Linda28, have a great day crafting away.
Julia congratulations on your marriage, have a fab honeymoon.
Keep safe everyone, I wish you all good things

Bejay said...

Hi, Sue,
What a wonderful card to give away, Sue. I remember watching you make it and I loved the way you made it look like the dove was flying free. Whoever wins this card will be thrilled when it arrives :).

Melody, I so wish I could meet you and Francis. He is definitely determined to get the figure up isn't he. Well done to him for being able to eat his roast dinner. I think if anyone can do it, he can. He has the most important thing in the world to beat this...determination and the strongest will to live ever. Please give him a gentle hug from me. xx

Bejay xx

gailgale said...

Another beautiful card.
I have enjoyed so much all the cards this Christmas.
Thank you

Helen Bell said...

Hello Sue

Simply gorgeous. It's so delicate, I love the colours too.

Love Helen xxx

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
Love your card ! The color you picked with the dove is so awesome.
Thank you

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Good morning Sue! I love the color of this beautiful Christmas card and I will never tire of seeing them in all their gorgeousness.
Melody, I'm so sorry to hear that the doctor did not have good news but I love that Francis has decided to fight the fight. The doctors don't always have all the right answers and I applaud Francis' decision! I will constantly keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Tracy, you have so much to look forward to at the end of your current journey - focus on the future and keep up that beautiful positive attidude!

Have a beautiful day everyone!

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card. Love the dove and the colour! Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Karen M said...

Hi Sue,
A very lovely card,never get fed up with Christmas cards glad of the ideas,
Thank you,
Now in Australia for holiday & see grandchildren so will be hit & miss with replying
Best wishes
Karen M

Lesley said...

Great card and lovely colours. I never get fed up with your cards for whatever occasion they are made.

Jean said...

Stunning card! Gorgeous color!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!
DJay xx

Anonymous said...

Really like the star sprays Sue they are beautiful love from Jackie xx

CraftyJo said...

Love the colours and everything else :)

DeedeeW said...

So beautiful and as I already have all the dies and the embossing folder I can get going and try it out myself. Thank you so much for sharing your craft skills with us.

Rach83 said...

This is just stunning, Sue. I love the side panels and the colours. Great composition too.

Rachel x

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Love this card and everything about it, it is stunning.

Must make out my list for some dies.

Love n hugs from Dorothy Macdonald of Baldock

JennyH said...

This is gorgeous Sue, the colour combo is so fresh and light and I love the beautiful dove.

barbara macaskill said...

HELP!!! I need my eyes put back into my head!! This card is magnificent!! I love the colors, the layout of it and that bird is divine!!!! Would love to have this winging it's way to me! Thanks for the chance to!

lovestamping said...

Lovely card and my favourite colours. Must check out the holly trellis.
Thanks for sharing

June Horrocks said...

Never never never get tired of anything you do sue love today's card it's stunning thank you love xxxxxx June horrocks xxxxxx

Suzzette Yandle said...

Lovely card. Great color combination. Sue, you are so creative to show movement on your cards. Awesome!

ursula said...

Oh yes I do like this card, the subtle colour background, it is lovely with the dove too...luv Ursula xxxx

Wacki Macky said...

Fab card today Sue, thank you

Pearl x

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a gorgeous and beautiful card x I love the icy blue and white colour palette. The dies you've used are fab must save up for some more

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to add my name - Katie-Louise sweetlove

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card, love seeing the Christmas creations.

Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue & friends
Gorgeous card today I never get tired of your lovely Christmas cards,the more inspiration the better thank you.
Wednesday giveaway card is so pretty I love the colour so soft looking Background. Love it all.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Melody my heart goes out too you & Francis what determination he has & stay positive.
I'm sending you both positive thoughts & prayers. Xxx

Tracy im glad all went well yesterday & your feeling a little better today but just rest for the next couple of days
Take care love Lynda xx

Sam S hope your opperation went well sending healing Hug's take care .Xxx

Sending big Hug's for all my friends & everyone xxx

Anonymous said...

A beautiful card, love the colour and dies. No we never tire of your cards Sue.x

hotpotato said...

Wow Sue, really stunning card. x

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Again beautiful. Love the soft colours and way the card has been designed with the two inset borders.

lindagrady said...

I love seeing Christmas cards and make them through out the year, so I'm not rushed in December. This card is just gorgeous; love the dainty white flowers on the sides and the sweet dove, too.

Berina RGA said...

Wow!! This is absolutely stunning!! Love it!! Beautiful colors.. The spray die cut is gorgeous!!
Moxie Craftie

Unknown said...

I am never tired of Christmas cards because I have yet to obtain one. I also love Christmas.

Agnes (Scotland) said...

What a beautiful cardSue - just love the colour
Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

Bluefairy4U said...

Beautiful card my favourite colours I've just bought your star trellis how fortunate I love your Christmas cards please don't stop just yet I'm doing a ribbon card must have watched your technique dozens of times now on Utube lol one in blue and one in lilac thanks for all your lovely videos xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, post as many Christmas cards as you like as long as they are all as beautiful as this one :-) I love the Dove and your tip for cutting two and leaving the wings of one to fly free works so well.

Linda28 - Happy Birthday! Hope you have enjoyed your day crafting.

Melody - I am lost for words so can I please just echo what Cheryl said as she has said it so well.

Tracy - glad yesterday was ok but please take it easy now.


Cathie said...

Hi Sue, what an absolutely gorgeous card today. The colour is fantastic. I so like Christmas cards that are non-traditional colours. This card is so feminine and very soft looking. Would love to win this stunner. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.

DeeDee7770 said...

Lovely and elegant card which I would love to receive. So pretty the embossing, colours and the focal point of the peace dove in the oval with snow flakes. Absolutely beautiful. Pick me, pick me pic me lol

liz spooner said...

Hi Sue, these colours are just so gorgeous, and the dove die is just so wonderful. Best wishes.xx

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! stunning card Sue and love the colours. Not sure we'll get tired of Christmas keep them coming! Good luck everybody for the winning of this beautiful card xx Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your mom and family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are in need of some. Francis you keep fighting! x Tracy, you too and so glad that they're helping you xx "Happy birthday Linda! Hope you've had a great day! xx Love Karen xx

Karen Drew said...

Absolutely beautiful card. The colour is gorgeous
Karen xx

Dawn Holben said...

Oh wow sue this is absolutely gorgeous, I love the panels down the sides
as it really does make the dove stand out beautiful.
I have to make one of those difficult cards this year for a friend that lost her husband a few months ago and I think this would be perfect. It is beautiful and a tranquil festive card and I really would love to give it a home.

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
What a stunningly beautiful card today. You pull them out of the hat like a Magician and his Rabbits!!!!
Love and prayers to all the fighters on the blog.
Maureen xxx

terrie said...

Oh my this is so those border on each side of the card....tfs
Well done Sue

Barbara said...

Absolutely gorgeous Sue!!!!!!
I love everything about it and would love to win it.

Barbara (C) said...

Another stunning card as usual. Love the Holly sprays

MRS DUCK said...

Good evening Sue and everyone
Love the subtle elegance and the embossing looks so crisp.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful card, loving the colours as well x

shabbycraftcabin said...

This is another elegant card. Would love to win it. Love, Ivy xx

Nananne said...

Gorgeous card! I love the aqua and white it's so fresh looking and just a little bit different which makes it stand out.
Hugs to all xo

Unknown said...

I just love this card. The colour aqua is one of my favorites and if I am not mistaken one of yours too. Thank you Dorothy.

Always Learning said...

Hi Sue. I never get tired of seeing your lovely designs. They are so inspiring. I love your Christmas collection of dies. Karen x

Always Learning said...

Hi Sue. I never get tired of seeing your lovely designs. They are so inspiring. I love your Christmas collection of dies. Karen x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
No never get tired of Christmas cards especially when there as gorgeous as the cards you make.

nannapat said...

I could see your Christmas designs 24/7 and not get tired of them. Love this design and the colour is so pretty. Pat x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Never get tired of seeing your wonderful creations whatever time of year!
Lovely card today so delicate.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Unknown said...

Good evening Sue and the lovely Wilsonettes,

Fed up with your Christmas cards?Are you joking? You can never have too much of a good thing, especially when the results are spectacular and flawless. I'm a lucky bunny as I have both the main dies but sadly not the lovely EF-I can switch it for another quite easily though, that the beauty of your designs, they are so adaptable. I'm loving the soft blue tones of this particular card, I'm very much favouring blues and red for my own festive cards this year rather than traditional green/gold/red combinations, I prefer a softer, more contemporary look. Who wouldn't be cock a hoop at winning this little beauty, it would grace my craftroom throughout the seasons and I don't care if you have to take your cards and decorations down before Twelfth Night! Good luck girls, fingers and toes crossed!
No card making for me today, treated myself to a caci facial, designed to give you the face and complexion of a twenty five year old....well, maybe not, more like a respectable 40 something:-) it has been dark all day and has constantly poured down since yesterday, autumn/winter is upon us:-( Still, things could be worse, it could be January and we wouldn't have Christmas to look forward too....just the impending credit card bills!
Steph, what a lovely idea decorating MDF for your granddaughters bedroom- I have a card stand/easel in MDF to decorate for my Sue type Christmas card and I am a little scared to waste it, so good luck with your brave attempt, I'm sure it will be a triumph!
Linda, hope you had a productive afternoon crafting, I can't think of a better way to spend a birthday.
Tracy, your fertility treatment sounds so exciting and gives you a marvellous goal to achieve after your treatment...just a tad confused though, I'm 43 and M&S haven't denied me access to their facilities yet....maybe that caci has made me look 25 again:-)
Yvonne my love, how wonderful that you haven't had a relapse, though I think that I would rather have my right arm cut off than lose access to the internet and Sues blog, however did you cope? Well, it's over now , and I for one am glad to have you back, now I don't feel like the battiest broad on the blog:-)
Melody, my heart breaks for you and Francis, I was so rooting for you both and I feel your disappointment. How heartening that Francis has decided to take back control of his illness, you are both so brave and with this determination it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he proved the sceptical doctors wrong. Try and look after yourself too though, you need to keep your strength up for the battle ahead. Hugs to you and your lovely family, especially Molly who must be dreadfully worried for you both, try and get her to come back to the blog, even though she gets plenty at home we would love to give her some comfort and support if she wants itxxxxx

Love and crafty hugs


Theresa said...

great card and i think i have all the elements to recreate. would look fab in dark blue too and also in black with a hint of me going now, hugs xx
ps i have emailed you a few days back but got no reply. i wonder in which spam folder it has finished lol!

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Really love this card, the colour, dies and sentiment, all lovely.
Di B. x

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Meant to cross out sentiment, sorry.

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A beautiful card using these gorgeous dies, the dove is my favourite.

Angela Wade said...

Lovely card, Sue. Sorry I've missed posting comments this past week.
I don't where the time's gone, it's flown by !!
Our 5 month old grandson is loving his time in Dubai.
He was fascinated with the Dolphins, (which he loved) and Seals show on Saturday afternoon and the Dubai Dancing Fountains this evening.
He's travelled on the Metro, (train) twice and had a few dips in the swimming pool too!!
All this along with older brother Thomas, Grandma, and Mam and Dad too, of course. With Grandad joining in at the weekend :-)

Between going out and about with the family and the time difference, plus for some reason, a very slow internet in the apartment - it never used to be bad - I haven't dropped by.

Hugs and Best Wishes to you, Sue and all the Wilsonettes.
Sorry the weather's so wet and miserable for all of you back in the UK.

Hugs, Angela in Dubai Xx

Val.S said...

Another lovely card,so nice to see a softer colour!Hugs,Val.S

Brenda said...

Hello Sue.
What a stunning card, I would love to be the proud keeper of this beautiful creation.
Love and hugs , Brenda xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
All your cards are beautiful.
I would love to win one.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the colours of this card. Thank you for sharing.

Much love,

Shirley T.

Princess Pixie! said...

Evening Sue
Beautiful, gorgeous and delightful. Love this colour - it is so soft. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be able to view your blog again. I did not realise how much I had missed it. In my eagerness to comment yesterday I mistakenly typed holly striplet when I was well aware that you had used the rose striplet. Still does not mean that the card was any less fabulous.
I see that John will be playing with your dies tomorrow on Hochanda. I will look forward to being inspired.
Hope you are well and not missing the English weather too much x
Melody - this harrowing journey which has been forced upon you is so uncertain and my heart goes out to you. I am sending you love and want you to know that we are all with you in spirit x
Rebecca - big warm fat hugs for you - so sorry to read about Mo x
Beth B - Happy Belated Birthday lovely. I hope your crafty stash increased somewhat in honour of the occasion. Sounds like you have been 'poorly bad' (another of my nanas sayings)! Hope you are feeling brighter and your doctor gets to the bottom of your 'shrunken exit'! Seriously - hope it is all sorted soon. Sending love x
Lorraine Freeman - how's your bunting? Glitter - the bane of my life. It just gets everywhere doesn't it? x
SP - Your comment a couple of days ago was so apt. Your words are echoed by so many of us. This blog is such a wonderful form of therapy for many. Sending you and 'your girl' a big warm hug x
Lorraine - you may not feel like the battiest broad on the blog but you are without doubt completely loopy. If your furry four legged friends were human I do believe that social services would have been involved a long time ago. My boys were not angels when they were little but got to say compared to Brodie they were positively angelic!! Personally - I blame the parents x
Julia H - Congratulations x
Wheely Bad - beige socks I'm so jealous. Lol. You have been a busy girl - no wonder you are knackered. What you said about this blog is so spot on. It is just like having chats with close friends. I have been tearing my hair out for the past week when I was unable to 'chat' x
Tracy - I am so pleased that your surgery went well. You must be exhausted having to go to another appointment the very next day. I am not surprised you were upset. Emotions are one of those annoying things that we are unable to control. You are doing so well and remaining so positive and should feel proud of yourself. Hang in there girl. I am disappointed that our local M&S does not seem to be as well stocked as yours x
Theresa W - thank you for thinking of me - glad to say I am ok x
Linda 28 - Happy Birthday x
Jake has been like an excited puppy over the last few weeks. He has decided that we are going to have some friends round for a few fireworks on 7th November. The few friends has now evolved into a guest list of about 60 and the few fireworks involves large, not from the supermarket, industrial super duper strength, very big, loud pyrotechnic devices which quite frankly could be used to launch any small child to the moon. The rotary club has nothing on us!! I think we may need to inform NASA of the impending event.
Ok - off to bed now.
Lots of love to everyone
Nite nite
Crafty hugs

Eunice said...

The colors in this card are very soft, thanks for the great ideas Sue.

Myra said...

So sorry very late! Beautiful card.
Melody - I'm so very sorry you got bad news but well done Francis for putting up a fight! No Doctor likes to have to give that sort of news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Thank you, Sue.
Love Myra xxx

DeCor said...

Sue It is great to have your Christmas ćards! 😀 All too soon it will be here and gone Besides today's card is gorgeous Not only is it a wonderfull use of combination of the dies but in this colour its also very calm and peaceful Thank you for not getting bored giving us Christmas cards They really make me feel Christmasy@!! It's my favourite time of the year went Christmas shopping with friends yesterday We try to go every year during half term to get stocking suffers. ..A very fruitful day. All the best to all.

Melody said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card ad always. Take care Melody xxx

Thank you everyone thank you all so much xxx

MODO said...

What a lovely card-we should have Christmas all year round. Once again thank you for all your wonderful ideas.
Regards from sunny Australia (sorry)


Sherry said...

beautiful card!! love the dove. thanks for a chance to win!!

JJ said...

Stunning card Sue, love the design and the colour is gorgeous

Love &Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue

Apologies for the late comment I had quite a busy day on my birdie & yesterday was snail pace attic clear out day with Mr B. What a fabulous card for my birthday Sue I just love everythin about it & if I wanted to do a really special card then this would be it, I would try to make it slightly different though so not exact to yours, sadly though I don't have the Ivy EF as my hat popped out dies & stamps this time, hopefully next time it will be chosen...there cant be that many left, surely; LOL
Thank you for sharing such an exquisite card with us today Sue, cannot wait to put this into practise.

Take care & love 'n'(((HUGS)))to you Sue, your family & all lovely Wilsonettes
Beth B x x x

Littlelamb said...

Very late with my comnent. Busy day. Beautiful card and don't mind how many Christmas cards you show us.

Unknown said...

A very elegant card


Jean Bullock said...

Beautiful card. I love your cards and never tire of seeing them. I pinned.

America said...

I LOVE YOUR Christmas cards and cant get enough! Beautiful use of color here for yet another mega-stunner!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Love this card as it's so beautiful & that blue & white colour combo is so pretty.
Loving the Dove Of Peace as it looks stunning & beautiful.
Love every design element of this one, beautiful as always.

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx

julie laz said...

Hi sue, Omgoodness I want them all,
That's my Christmas list done crafty hugs
Julie laz xxx