Sunday, 19 July 2015

Thinking Of You

 Good Sunday morning all!  I have an embossed channel card to share with you today.  I started by stamping my sentiment in the lower section of a piece of coconut white card and then cutting the coconut white card using the Lavish Swirls Diagonal outer cutting die in order to create the angled channel.  I cut another Lavish Swirls out of black card using both the inside decorative die and the outside cutting edge.   Next I cut an assortment of flowers out of several different colours.  I used the Cornflower, Delicate Daisy, Camellia and some Trailing Ivy.  I glued them to the two white pieces, slightly overlapping them.  I then embossed both pieces using the Pinpoint Checkerboard embossing folder to create texture.  I added mounting foam to the back of each section and added them to another piece of white card, leaving space for the Lavish Swirl Diagonal.  I glued it flat to the white card in the channel.  I used the side butterfly from the Magical Butterfly set, cutting two of them and gluing the body together.  I added glue to the edges of the wings and dusted them with Ebony Ice to embellish and glued the butterfly in the upper corner.  I added black and white mats to complete the card with White PVA glue dots added to the inside mat to frame the card.  The finished dimensions are 7" x  9" in size.

The winners of this week's Weekly Comment game are:

Lesley Cann!!!
Janice Robinson!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x

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Pam said...

Lovely card Sue, very colourful.
Congratulations to all winners.
Hugs to all.

hollyberry said...

Gorgeous card and different as well as looking pretty.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,

What a charming card, the colours are delightful. I love that diagonal swirl.
Hugs, Rose

Jan on the Fosse said...

Another unusual look today,s card I will certainly be trying it.
Thanks Jan

Jan.moogie said...

Funnily enough I have thought about doing this but never tried it, what an idiot as your card is stunning and looks like a piece of tapestry. Thanks for showing this technique Sue I will be having a go at this. Thanks for sharing. hugs xxx said...

Morning Sue.
What a brilliant idea Thank you.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Take care Kitty.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Pretty card today, love the colours. Congrats to the winners. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue and all. Very different cards today but very nice. Congrats. to winners. JJxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a really pretty card. The colour's are lovely, clean and fresh with that splash of black running through the centre make's all the flower's pop. Another great idea for my stash box. Congratulation's to all the comment winner's. Enjoy playing with your prize.
Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

rosiejt said...

That's really different, Sue.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. What a beautiful card, at first glance I thought the flowers had been inlaid until I read your description. A very effective design that I must try for myself. Congratulations to the winners. Have a lovely Sunday.x

Steph Cotterill said...

Sunday Smiles to you Sue.
This is something totally different to your 'usual' card so its taking some getting use to and Im having to scroll up and down on my phone for my brain to take it in, im going to be the only one Im sure to say this, but Im not sure, I have no doubt's there will be a few that feel totally opposite, but that's what crafting is all about - cant please everyone all of the time. Saying that, Im sure it would look so different in real life.

Well done to comment winners enjoy your gift.

Sending hugs to you Sue, Sam and Tina.
Lancashire Steph xx

P.S. Your quilted striplet looks gorgeous with the in fill technique and so much easier for my stupid little finger's to cope with !

JAO said...

Love this card Sue, very fresh. Congrats all winners.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. This is different and I like it. Must give the embossed die cuts a go. Raining here this morning thank goodness. The garden badly needs some water. Happy Sunday all.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful bright and sunny card today just what we need on a cold and dismal morning.
Congratulations to the lucky winners well done.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes

How I have missed u all, not being able to comment on ur gorgeous cards Sue has been has been an absolute nightmare...I’m Baaaaack!!!!! pop kettle on, lean back & I’ll convey to u wat we’ve had 2 endure.

My computer of 8+ yrs went down big time; computer guy came & took it away...Boo Hoo!! With it went my daily fix of ur blog Sue. I cannot use my IPad bcus no Ethernet connected to a comp. OooH!! Frustration!! Never mind I said, I can get Wi-Fi thru my outdated fone (anything older than 3 months is considered outdated)...Huh!! It took all of 17 mins just to bring up ur card the end I had to give up. He gave me bad news that comp’ was for the knackers yard so clubbed funds 2getha to get new comp’, came on 14th. Had 2 get to know it & load software DVD’s.

Ok, that one sorted, but bfore comp’ crashed I was stunned when I took a folder out 2 label it & I noticed a lot of black mould climbing all over 2 of the, outer, walls down & into the carpet. So it all had 2 come out & I had to scrub with white vinegar then Surgical spirit, surveyor came 2 check if damp course had failed...still not sure but he said 2 remove small shrubs growing there & see if it makes a difference. I had 2 repaint areas but patchy so have 2 take everything out of craft room & repaint whole room. School term ends on Wed so guess what I’ll b doing in August, even comp’ has 2 come out as situated in other end of craft room.
I also broke the end bones of my middle & forefinger, typing is slow & methodical but that is a bit of a story.

Due to all this & just when I thought that I was holding up well, I had a relapse with my health couldn’t even go to a meal /evening out planned for 2 of our staff who were both getting individually married.

Good news is that with Lauren’s wee vet was testing the concentration & they were mildly pleased that the result was better that they thought, although she is far from being out of the woods at least she can have respite for a while, & the vet has also agreed that if we have her tests done just before we were due to go away to Cornwall in early August & her results are favourable then we can take the girls with us...cannot imagine a holiday without them.

Finally, Steve & I had decided to have a few days much needed break & stay in Scotland with our dearest friend, when we got back it turns out the professional dog sitters hadn’t stayed with the girls all day as they were paid to do, they had only stayed at night, & we came back to the dogs & the whole house smelling of wee...we found 14 patches of wee so had to hire a rug doctor to clean the whole house, they had also let the plants die & overfed the girls where we has to get them treating for loose bowels due to over eating. We have had professional dog sitters from this company before, when we have gone to Scotland & never had a single problem so needless to say we won’t be hiring them again as dogs, hot weather left alone all day does not mix well & is tantamount to neglect...I’m still fuming but they deny all charges (or that’s what they should be) but the neighbours have told us different. The girls still won’t leave my side & get frantic when I leave the house.

Well my friends at least I can honestly say that I am glad to be back....I sincerely apologise for my absence & I also apologise as I haven’t had the chance to read back over all the comments from the daily blog I have for those in need...I send huge (((((HUGS))))) & smiles, for those who have or have had something to celebrate in my absence...I send sincerest congratulations....& for all the names of lucky winners I have missed I also send heartiest Congratulations.

To dearest Sue, to my dear Friends & to all lovely Wilsonettes I send you love & Hugs & I wish you a good day....take care love Beth B x x x x x

ecco of sheffield said...

Morning Sue
Although today's gift has a very modern feel to it and I'm still sat in the old world I really do appreciate your technique of applying the flowers and ivy and then Ebossing the whole piece. I would never have thought of doing that Sue but I have filed it into my 'must try' file.
I can easily see teenagers and very modern miss really looking forward to receiving such a gift as this.

Well we managed to get a little rain during the night but not enough to even make marks on the garden. The outside table has a small puddle on it the only way I can tell it had rain.

Congratulations to this week's lucky winners.

Off to another local Brocante this morning fingers crossed we may find a bargain or two.

To all in pain and suffering I hope your day gets better.To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Nananne said...

Different but Pretty! Congratulations to the comment winners!
Hugs to all xo

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Another beautiful card today. I really thought you had stamped the flowers onto card. It's a lovely idea. The channel cards are lovely
Thank you for sharing. Hugs Heather.x

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, another different card from you today, love how you have embossed it all! Congratulations to all the winners. Love Jean xxx

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
lovely bright card today with a modern feel, always like chanel cards and the embossing is such a great idea.
Beth, you really have been through it, I hope all settles for you now and you have the August holiday you deserve after all that has happened.
Congratulations to the winners
Muriel x

Kate's Cards said...

Very pretty and cheerful!

auscrafts said...

Pretty card for today

Unknown said...

Nice bright and cheerful card sue!

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Well! What do I think of today's card? ........... I love it! You really come up with unusual ideas for us to try, who would have thought to emboss the whole piece, the colours are very springlike and cheer up a very dull day here.
Beth you certainly have been having a bad time lately hopefully things will get better I was fuming when I read about the treatment your poor dogs received sending you all a hug (((((((x))))))))
Congratulations to all the winners
Heather T

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I love how the flowers become part of the background. It is very summery and colourful. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue

What a lovely card and technique. Until I read the instructions I thought you had stamped the flowers. Great idwa to cut them out, attach them and then emboss the card.


BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, what a fabulous card and brilliant idea/technique to stick the die cuts down first, then emboss it. Have to try it. Love the colours with the bit of black. Congrats to the comment game winners. Have a great Sunday. Bx

Anne said...

I too was fooled by the background, Sue! Yet another technique for us all to try. A beautiful card.

Anne (Northampton)

carol edwards said...

Pretty card Sue and a little different. Like how you have embossed after flowers. Congratulations to all winners x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card today. Congrats to all the winners.

Enjoy your Sunday, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue what a summery feel you have created. Embossing the flowers after sticking them on gives a wonderful effect love from Jackie xx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
A nice card but not for me, sorry. Congratulations to all the winners. Yvonne xx

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful. Forgotten how much I love the pinpoint folder. This s such a clever idea with the flowers too.

Congratulations to all the winners. X

Debra K. said...

Totally different style of card for you Sue. I love the technique of sticking the flowers on and embossing them, it looks brilliant! Debra x

Jane said...

Good morning Sue, great card today very much like summer. Like the idea of embossing after the flowers are on .Take care Jane B.

Carole Z said...

Lovely card Sue, love the textures from the embossing, hugs Carole Z X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I like this idea. What a change - very summery. Makes a really different statement and quick and easy.
Anne M xx

Princess Pixie! said...

Morning Sue
I absolutely love this card. I really had to examine it closely for quite a while as on first glance I thought it was stamped. The colours are so summery and think would bring a smile to anyone's face. Thinking Get Well cards. Fab!
Think this effect is gorgeous. Another technique to add to my 'technique to do' list. Mind you this one is a relatively quick and easy technique so I think this one will possibly go to the top of the list.
Thank you for sharing Sue. Forever grateful for your generosity.
Theresa, Deb C, Lorraine, Fluffy Cat and Maria - had a lovely day thanks and got to say really didn't have to do much at all. Boys toddled off to Tesco to pick up supplies. On their return I patiently observed the unloading of the bags. Gluten free burgers - tick. Gluten free sausages - tick. Chicken wings with gluten free marinade - tick. Pork steaks with gluten free marinade - tick. Not a single scrap of salad or veg in sight!!! Actually that's not quite true. There was corn on the cob but Jake forgot to cook it. Typical men! All meat cooked to perfection and tasted fab as I didn't have to cook it. As we had no 'side dishes' (we did have rolls for our burgers), the only thing to clear up were the bbq cooking utensils and knives forks and plates. Sister in law bought a weeks supply of Magnum ice creams for pud - result! What more could a girl ask for - apart from salad, coleslaw, maybe some potato salad oh and some laxatives - lol.
Cheryl - hope your fete was a success. Sun is one of the most important ingredients for these events as everything else seems to fall into place.
Beth - sorry to hear that things have been so unpleasant. Sending hugs x
Resting today. Although really didn't do much, need to make sure I pace myself so as not to end up fit for nothing.
Have a stress free Sunday everyone if you can.
Crafty hugs

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Well you've done it again. Think there is only one word to describe this card - 'stunning'. Once again you have shown the full versatility of the dies and love the embossing on the flowers to tie them into the design. Think this one makes my top three of all time...

Congrats to the winners

Jane Franklin said...

Thats such a fresh colour way just so summery. Thank you for my prize I won, really chuffed to be picked. Jxxx

Izzy said...

Hello Sue,

How clever! that embossed floral background - I shall be definitely trying this myself, thanks for the inspiration...

Congratulations to the Comment Game winners...


patwyn said...

Very pretty card, lovely colours. Like Yvonne, I thought the flowers were stamped.

Beth: hope things have settled down for you now.

Congrats to all the winners.

Pat xxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Really lovely! The flowers and the embossing look fantastic like this!
Must have a go at this. Thanks for the inspiration.
Lorna D

Unknown said...

Morning Sue..... unusual card looks a bit like cross stitch ... Neat...!
Luv Rach :)

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card, love the embossing folder

Chris Curry said...

A card with so many lovely things happening on it, but sticking the flowers and ivy on before using the embossing folder brings it all together perfectly. Thank you Sue. Xx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Well, Sue, this is so very different but I really like the idea.
Will certainly give it a go. We need to stretch ourselves now and again.
Have a great day
Patricia xxx

Anonymous said...

Would never have thought of embossing with stuck-on flowers but it works, Sue, and gives a very modern look. Like it a lot!
Well done to the comment winners.
Beth - you've had a bit of a tough time and the dogs too, apparently, but nice to see you back. Did you like Sue's card - the one thing you didn't mention!!

'P' in Wales

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card I love the way you have done the background.
Have a lovely day
Debs A xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely unusal card. Sticking on the cut flowers then embossing is different and very effective. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

karenlotty said...

This is so so lovely Definitely a favourite with me At first I thought it was all paper pieced but the way you've described it sounds like the flower elements are stuck on top .... I love this embossing folder but mainly use it on male cards but it'll definitely get an airing for ladies cards too

June Horrocks said...

Morning sue love today's card it's beautiful love the colours and the flowers thank you sue love always June horrocks xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
What a brilliant unusual card....AMAZING! It just looks like a piece of tapestry.
BETH Sorry to hear about all your problems,hope things are getting better.
Congrats to all the lucky winners.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, Beautiful card, thanks for sharing,
Congratulations to comment winners!
I will be missing for two weeks my Daughter and Grandchildren are coming to stay
for a holiday and I don't get time for crafting. Really looking forward to spending time
with them. Back soon, love Junex (Cumbria)

Aspiring crafter said...

Love this card Sue and the way you have embossed everything .....I am going to try!!
Hope you are well , have a great day,

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue this is different. A really pretty card, i think it's great to use the flowers in this way. I will be having a go at this. Congratulations to the lucky winners

doreenmj said...

Never thought of embossing after sticking things to the card; must try it!!

This card is lovely and fresh looking,

Doreen x

marg said...

Hello Sue
This is different! I thought at first you had stamped then embossed !
Its a technique for me to try, then I will comment, I'm not sure if its for me!
Well done to the winners!
Take care
Love Marg

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Must admit not keen on the colour combo of this one. Congrats to the winners especially Kate, cullisocks x

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card-very pretty, I love the way you have embossed the flowers so they look embedded into the background.


Linda28 said...

Very pretty card, so different with the embossed flowers and love the flutterby! Linda.

hettygarlick said...

A very pretty and unusual card. Nice idea to emboss over the cut out flowers.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
What a clever idea, makes for a very unusual background, will be having a try at this. Love it.
Well done to the winners.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Love this card and I love the effect of this technique. SueL x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A lovely card, I would never have thought to do that !! gluing the flowers onto the paper before embossing, what a great effect.
Congratulations to the Winners.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

JJ said...

Gorgeous card Sue, very unusual for you but I like it.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I really like this! At first I thought you had stamped the leaves and the flowers and was wondering if I'd missed seeing the stamps! Then I read the instructions and read you'd stuck them on! I really do like the pinpoint check embossing folder too - I'd forgotten that I had this!
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
Beth, you've certainly had a traumatic time haven't you?! I'm pleased that Lauren seems to be on the mend and it will be lovely if you can take the girls with you on holiday. I was really upset (& angry) when I heard about the dog sitters treatment of your poor babies. It's bad enough that they would be missing you, but to then be treated like that is despicable, I don't blame you for not using the company again. I once couldn't get Scamp into our usual cattery ( which is more like a luxury hotel than a cattery!) and took her to one that had been recommended. It looked very clean and the owners said the right things. I gave them a plug in stress relief for cats to use which they said they would do. Scamp is such a sensitive cat and stresses so much that the vet had told us to use this. Anyway when we got back from holiday 4 weeks later, they hadn't used it and Scamp looked really miserable. When we got her home I looked at her tummy and she'd licked all her fur off it, poor thing. She never left my side for three weeks after that! Needless to say she will never go into that cattery again! Anyway, I do hope that your " babies" are ok now and are over their trauma. Give them a big cuddle from me! Hope you manage to get some time in the school holidays to chill out and relax too!
Sending love and hugs to everyone, hope you are all as well as possible, Alison xxxx

Denise said...

Hi Sue

What a fantastic card. I would never have thought of doing that with the flowers.

You are so generous with your ideas Sue.

Denise (mini)

nannapat said...

Beautiful textural effect on your card Sue. I too thought the flowers were stamped until I read all of your post. Congrats to the winners. Pat x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - this card is so different and I love the way you have embossed everything after it has been stuck together. I like the way you have used the diagonal die and the butterfly is absolutely gorgeous. I have reluctantly not bought the butterfly dies as I already have a few, but after seeing this card I must have this one now! Congratulations to the very lucky winners today. Best wishes

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
A beautiful summery card, love the way that you have embossed the main area of the card.Congrats to the winners.
Thanks for the inspiration,
Heather Treble

Unknown said...

To My Very Dear Wonderful Friend Sue
I Love This Mornings Card It Reminds Me Of A Flower Garden
You've Used A Selection Of Tremendous Dies And Starting
With "The Beautiful Checkerboard Embossing Folder" I Just
Love "The Lavish Swirls Diagnal Die" It Looks So Very Beautiful
I Just Love "The Magical Butterfly"
Sue My Wonderful Friend
Thank You So Very Much For Sharing
I For One So Much Appreciate It.
Take Great Care
Warmest Wishes To Your Wonderful Mom And Colin
Love And Hugs To Yourself
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes "Congratulations To This Weeks Comment Gift Winners Enjoy"
"A Huge Hug To The Lovely Lancashire Steph Take Great Care xxx"

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
When I first looked at this card I thought it was stamped and coloured. But what a lovely idea. I wouldn't have thought of doing that so thanks for the inspiration. Mind you, you inspire us every day with your beautiful cards. Congratulations to all the comment winners.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card really like the channel idea would be great for male card with a geometric die. Pretty flowers and embossing another great idea thankyoux

Congrats to the winners

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Lovely card so summery . love Jean Z xxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, quite a different card from you this morning. Love the flowers glued on and then embossed, this kind of card is good for posting, will have to try something similar.
Thank you for your never ending inspiration.
Congratulations to today's winners, enjoy your goodies ladies.
Take care, Jess xx

Pauline A said...

Morning Sue, Wow, how you've caught a lot of us out this morning with your card. I must be more than half asleep as I thought that the background was a piece of floral card that you had embossed. (It's the eyes, you know!) But I thought; surely Sue wouldn't have shown us such a simple card as that, and you most definitely, hadn't. I like your channel cards and the pin-point background gives it so much texture. Will be giving this one a try. Thanks for your inspiration Sue. Hugs xx Pauline A

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card! It's just so different. The effect is lovely . It almost looks as if you have designed your own patterned card. By embossing at the end everything becomes as one, as it were! I think it's lovely and yet another new technique . It's simple but very effective.
Thanks Sue,
Congratulations to today's winners. Enjoy your prizes.
Cheryl - hope the Sale went well yesterday!
Janet - hope you get some more rain soon! I think there is some spare in Scotland!
Lots of love , Myra xxx

Rosemary Stickland said...

Something very different today, but very fresh and pretty!
Rosemary xx

Jayne S said...

A beautiful card today Sue, quite different but I love it, especially the way you have embossed the whole design.

nattyboots said...

What a lovely style of card so unusual , i love it .
Elaine H X

shabbycraftcabin said...

A very pretty card with the pastel colours very different indeed. Will try this out, thank you for the gorgeous inspirations. Love, Ivy xx

julie laz said...

Hi sue, nice card, crafty hugs Julie laz xxx

Unknown said...

Hi sue.
Very nice card. Have to say tho never thought about embossing the whole thing after embellishing with flowers. Looks a bit strange to me but unique all the same. Might try it just to see how it looks. I bet it looks different when u see it rather than on a photo xz
Love to all xx

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue xx hazel

Unknown said...

Lovely. Esp the butterfly.
Big hug
Julie E.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous and very different card. I love the brightness and colourful colours used they go together very well . Would never have thought of trying this.

Saba said...

Hello Sue,
Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, my day just ran away. Loved the card you made, the sentiment die is a stunner. Liked the fact you used the end of a jelly roll pen as a ball tool!!
Today's card is absolutely amazing. Love the effect you have achieved by layering and embossing. Definitely one to try.

Annoyingly I won't be able to,watch you on C&C. They have recently moved to a new satellite and are now only transmitting using a UK beam which means they have lost all their mainland European viewers. I have sent an e mail to them but as of yet had no real response.

Congratulations to today's lucky ladies and to Doreen yesterday.

Love and hugs for all
Saba xxx

nzillingworth said...


Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
Well I think that you fooled everyone this morning including me I thought you had embossed patterned card or stamped and coloured ! Its beautiful sue and the clean fresh effect will definately appeal to my daughter who's birthdays coming soon x thankyou sue for your inspiration x
Beth you poor thing they say it never rains it pours and it certainly sounds like you have had a drenching xsending you a big hug xxx
Yvonne so glad you had a good bbq x my hubby and son are just the same they think of all the meat and forget the salad !
Congratulations to all the winners x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

Anonymous said...

This card is so lovely, great effect embossing the flowers as well.
Many congratulations to the winners.

Evis M said...

Hi Sue,
I thought the flowers were stamped on and I was really surprised to find that they were die cuts. This is a 'must do' technique.
The card is really lovely.
Evis M.

Unknown said...

A very different idea, but I love the look. Must try this
Janice W

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a very interesting and pretty card today
Ginnie x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,

What a clever idea sticking to flowers on and then embossing. I like the result. Must try this out.

Congratulations to all of the winners.

Hope Everyone is having a good Sunday.

Take care love Brenda XXX

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
Well, I can't do cross stitch any more, but I reckon you've filled the gap. What a brilliant idea!!!
Congratulations to Culliesocks and the other two winners,
Love Maureen xx

Laura O said...

love the way you embosssed the flowers into the paper ,great card ,Laura O

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely and unusual card today Sue, so flat for posting.

Congratulations to the blog winners.

Craftihappiness and lots of love from Pearl.

Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue
You've done it again, this card is so different and it's great. It's flat but it isn't at the same time.
I certainly don't think I'd ever com up with this idea. Well done.Zena xxx

sandieann21 said...

What an interesting way of using my favourite pinpoint embossing folder.

sandieann21 said...

What an interesting way of using my favourite pinpoint embossing folder.

CraftyJo said...

A very different, very interesting card :)

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Definitely a different card for you Sue, but I do like it. The Striplet channel is very effective.

Well done to all the winners.

Have a lovely Crafty Sunday everyone.

Love n hugs ...Dorothy Macdonald

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Love this embossing folder. Would never have thought to put the flowers
on before embossing, it is so pretty. Love to see different styles from you.
Wonder if it would be possible to get some of the more popular embossing
folders in a smaller size for those of us who don't have an A4 embossing
machine i.e. 5 x 7 which goes through the Cuttlebug. x

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
Well this is certainly a different card for you Sue but yet again I think it is beautiful. You really are making us think out of the box aren't you! Love the affect you get from embossing the flowers flat, it looks like posh background paper. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
Beth you poor thing you have had a time of it xxx
Yvonne what a wonderful time, you were spoilt and yes it's only me that thinks of veg or salad too! Xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, what a very pretty and clever card. As others, at first I too thought it had been stamped. I don't have all the dies you have used but I am definitely going to give this a go using those that I have.

Yvonne - glad the BBQ went well, sorry you missed out on the salad though :)
Beth - you have certainly been through the mill but things can surely only get better. Pleased Lauren seems to be improving a little.

Congratulations to the comment game winners, enjoy your prizes. I will be using mine on the card I have to make this afternoon :D


Paula said...

What an unusual card! I also thought it had been stamped, I'm so in awe of your stamping abilities that I dismissed all thoughts of me being able to make a card with stamping on, so I was really pleased when I read you had used dies. :)
Congratulations to the winners :)
Paula x

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone
Had to look not once but twice how you made this
sweet card and it look great being embossed after
the flowers are put down.Very nice indeed.

Men + meat = meat, not salad :-) Same here and oh bread. Glad
you had a good bbq Yvonne .
Oh dear Beth, you have had it tough for a while and your poor
four legged friends, Hope you all be ok in the end.
Cheryl- hope you had a good day at the fete'

To all Wisonette's and friends have a nice Sunday,
hugs Maria x

Scottydog said...

Well what a difference to your usual cards Sue, delicate and fresh looking and another technique to try!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Something really different today and I love it and will definitely be trying this out. Congratulations to the three lucky ladies today, enjoy your prize

Hugs and best wishes everyone

crossstitchmarg said...

Hi Sue,
A lovely card today,
Congratulations to all the winners
Hope you are have a good day

Unknown said...

Pretty card today, have the lattice diagonal, not this one, but would make a similar shape card!

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
I love the way your mind is always busy working out new techniques to show us. I have to admit that I would NEVER have thought of gluing down the die cut flowers and ivy and then embossing them. What a fantastic background it's made. I'm having to force myself to sit here and finish typing before I rush off and try it out lol.
Congratulations to the weekly winners. x

Carole said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely love this card, like many others I also thought you'd stamped the flowers, must try this technique very soon.
Congrats to all the winners 🌸
CaroleB xx

Crafty Cruiser said...

A very unusual but lovely card. The butterfly used here is my favourite of all the butterflies I have. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Doreen R

Molly said...

Hello Sue an everyone I think your card looks really cool an I think all the flowers look really pretty. Thank you Molly oxoxox

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Such an Interesting card....and so beautiful!!

Littlelamb said...

Love this card Sue. Brilliant idea. Must try it.

Jean said...

Wonderful card!

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Sue and fabulous Wilsonettes!

Well, what a surprise I got with this cheeky little number-initially I thought that you had embossed patterned paper...a crazy notion I know!, then I thought that the flowers had been stamped and coloured...slightly more challenging!, but no, you have introduced us to a totally new concept and I think the results are!! I disagree with those who are unsure about the design and colours, I think that they are a perfect compliment and I will definitely be trying this out with all of your ingredients, which I am fortunate enough to have in my stash.
Beth, I am soooo relieved to hear from you, I have been really concerned about you and Lauren and had feared the worst so I am glad that you are okay...ish! I am livid at the treatment of your precious babies, how dare they take your money and abandon your little ones, I wish people like that could be held accountable for their neglect after you have put your trust in their service. You have really been through the wars you poor soul, I thought bad things came in threes but you had to go and injure your fingers as well! Just know that you have been much missed and I hope that your upcoming holiday can include your little ladies.
Alison, I am also disgusted to hear about your little baby too-it is so hard to know if you can trust that people are going to treat our babies with the same care and attention we would. I have only put my two in the chattery once before for this same reason, we were moving and getting a lot of work done but they were very clingy when they came home even though they had each other for company. I won't be doing it again.
Yvonne, I am glad to hear that you could put your feet up and enjoy, like you though, I would miss they salad more than all that meat...why do men have such tunnel vision:-)
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend everyone!

Love and crafty hugs,


Unknown said...

Good Sunday afternoon Sue and crafty ladies
What a pretty and unusual card you have for us today. Thank you Sue for yet another technique that achieves amazing results that we can add to our crafty arsenal. At first I thought you had cut all the flowers out and inlaid them all and thought crikey, that'll take some work but phew, sticking them on is far more in my grasp thank goodness. Love the dramatic butterfly too! So pleased to see you'll on C&C albeit briefly. Saba, would you be able to watch C&C online?

Congratulations to all the winners, you lucky ladies!

Elizabeth, wow you really have been through the wars, I know I'm not the only one who noticed your were AWOL and missed reading your comments - it's good to have you back and also hear the good new about Lauren. It's just appauling the way your dogs were looked after (or should I say Not looked after). I hope you really enjoy your break in Cornwall, you sound like you deserve a good time and the dogs do too.
Yvonne G, glad to hear you had a lovely time at your BBQ but hope you still get spoilt on Tuesday.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone
Love & blessings - Deb C xx

mommaRN50 said...

I like the butterfly and the channel inset. The colors work well together. This not one of my favorites. I like your fancier cards better

magpie said...

Hellooooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Wow, what a stunningly pretty card this is. I love the flowers, ivy leaves and butterfly and what a lovely channel card of the striplet die. The loveliest of all is how you have embossed the whole card so that everything is raised, giving it a textural feel and look too. Love it! Love the colours too. You always always come up with these gorgeous surprises so a big, big "thank you Sue" xx Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your mom and your family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are in need xx Eeeee Beth, you've certainly gone through the mill haven't you? My friends dog who she left in a kennel so she could go on holiday, hasn't left her side since she came back....Congratulations Culliesocks, Lesley and Janice! Wonderful! Enjoy your prizes! Congratulations too Doreen on winning the Wednesday giveaway! Fantastic! Do the whoop whoop me you will be! xx Hope you're okay Norah? xxxx Take care everyone xx love Karen xx

Meg Owen said...

So different but really lovely card Sue. I thought at first that your flowers were stamped not die cut, that's a brilliant idea. The colours are bright and cheery, perhaps Beth should have a card like this to cheer her up. Hope life gets better soon Beth. Also pleased to hear Lauren is doing ok. Dare'n't leave my little doggy as he has just got us trained - yes you read right.
Love to all today.

ursula said...

A lovely idea Sue....luv Ursula xx

Eunice said...

Another very interestingly gorgeous card, Sue! said...

Pretty card today - clever technique. Congrats to this weeks comment game winners too, Susan x

Lesley said...

Another great card. I really like anything with butterflies on. You do come up with great new techniques.

Berina RGA said...

Such a pretty card!! Love it!! Congratulations to the winners

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue,just got back from Manchester so I'm
late!!! Fabulous card just love it!!!
Congrats to winners!!!
Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lynda xxx

terrie said...

Such a very summerie card...I love the technique and the soft color
well done Sue...

Congrats to the winners....

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue
What a lovely fresh looking summery card.
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
Margaret corgi owner

Val W. said...

Hi Sue, something new learned today, another technique.A very pretty card, thank you for sharing. x

barbara macaskill said...

So pretty!! LOVE that butterfly!!! Congratulations to the three lucky winners!! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Congratulations to the comments winners. I love this card today, so unusual from your usual style.

Best wishes
Joan from Newcastle

Unknown said...

I like this card it is out of your norm and fun.

Suzzette Yandle said...

Interesting technique to glue individual elements onto a card layer and then embossed this layer. I must try this technique. Looking forward to your visit to Create and Craft.

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card and fab technique.
crafty hugs
Helen Terry

liz spooner said...

Hi Sue this is such an unusual card for you, but sure to cheer the recipient up.xx

Unknown said...

Pretty card Sue cannot wait to c u on C&C seems an age. crafty Regards Julie Kayxxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good evening Sue and everyone
Nice card and pretty colours.
Best wishes.
Ang x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I love how effective this card is and you've shown me a different technique.

Thove Kramer said...

Lovely card Sue, hugs Thove

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sue & Friends
Ow Sue what a stunning card so different it's magical
the flowers look like yu have stamped them I must try this technique.Thank you for sharing
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Beth what an awfull time you have had.i was worried that Lauren had taken a turn for the worst
So pleased she hasn't & she is ok. How can these so called pet lovers take your money
& treat your girls like that it's disgraceful. We had a similar thing happen a few years ago we asked a lady
that worked in our local pet shop she advertised for looking After pets in there own home.
We found out they had party's & never took the dogs for a walk,now we always take them with us on holiday.
Beth hope you feeling better now.sending you Hug's & cuddles for your babies xx

TOB Theresa sending healing Hug's.xx

Deb C loveing your cards on Pinterest Hug's.xx

Congratulations to all the winners

Big Hug's to my friends love Lynda xx

Theresa said...

such a great idea. i love it. so simple but looks ace , hugs xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. Today's card is beautiful !! I really love it all !! Lovely colours and dies used. Great technique you have used to. I love the idea of embossing all the flowers and leaves together. I think this is very pretty channel card Sue. I love the cute little butterfly too !! Thankyou Sue for sharing this lovely card today. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Tres x x x

Congratulations to all of today's lucky winners love from Tres x x x

Sending all the Wonderful Wilsonettes lots of love from Tres x x x

melody said...

Hi Sue, what a Great technique I will definitely give this one a try, love the flower dies an the embossing folder congratulations to the comment winner. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a very different look. I must try it.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Dawn Holben said...

A different but gorgeous card today, it looks like the flowers were stamped onto the card.
love the butterfly too.
Another technique for me to try.

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Another gorgeous plate and another new technique to try, Love the look of the card and the diagonal die.
Di B. xx

Sandy H said...

Lovely modern card, such a clever idea with the embossing folder. Definitely on the 'must try' list.
Congratulations to the comment winners. Good wishes to Beth, things can only get better.
Take care everyone.

momsapples1967 said...

New at this card making although I've had supplies for some time! I love the technique in Sunday's posting where you embossed the whole thing together! I must find that folder! thanks also for how you have your cards identified, making it so easy to find an inspiration! You are very talented! Keep it up! Sharon

A Happercrafter6 said...

Very different, but love the techniques especially gluing flowers then embossing.

Sparrow said...

I am playing catch up with your A4 and 8x8 embossing folders, as I got my A4 machine this weekend. The pinpoints folder is the first A4 one I have bought and the first 8x8 is the straight lines that go round the square (I have forgotten the name). Looking forward to them arriving.

Rainey's Craft Room said...

I must try this technique, embossing after sticking elements to the card base, never done this before it's very effective.

Karen Drew said...

Love this card. Have tried this technique using just shapes but not flowers. Going to have a go next
Congratulations to the winners
Karen xx

SHARICA said...

Lovely card

Gail said...

A very different car and I thought the Ivy had been stamped - love the overall effect and a technique I will definitely be trying xx GailT xx

Unknown said...

I like this card, different to your usual style but great fun card
