Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Recessed Squares

Hello bloggers!  If you are loving the Noble dies as much as I do, you should enjoy this video which shows you how to get the most versatility out of them.

Buy from Joanna Sheen

 The finished dimensions are 8" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Very elegant card Sue, just lovely and pretty colour
Dull today, hope you all have sunshine in your lives today

Unknown said...

Lovely design and colour Sue.
Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Lovely. Will watch video later.

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
lovely card as always and Thanks for the video, looking forward to watching it. x

Pat said...

Hi Sue
lovely card and a great cool colour, looking forward to watching the video
Pat x

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card, lovely colours xx

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
A work of art, truly stunning, will watch video later. Yvonne xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, of I am so looking forward to seeing the video later when hubby gets up, I love the sentiment on this card and am looking forward to having a play.

Enjoy Tuesday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card love the colours and the video thank you tracyw

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card and gorgeous colours.

Muriel said...

Hello Sue and all
love this card and such a surprise watching the video as it looks very blue on the blog on my tablet but is such a pretty lavender? on the video. The noble dies make great frames and look fabulous recessed too !!
I hope your week is going well
Muriel x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue and all. What detail! I love the colour. Thanks for the video. Big hug
Julie E

Jackie Meechan said...

Good morning Sue and all blogging friends. Love this colour of card. This card is gorgeous, very elegent looking and looks very easy to try. Will have to have a go.

Jackie Meechan said...

Good morning Sue and all blogging friends. Love this colour of card. This card is gorgeous, very elegent looking and looks very easy to try. Will have to have a go.

Jackie Meechan said...

Good morning Sue and all blogging friends. Love this colour of card. This card is gorgeous, very elegent looking and looks very easy to try. Will have to have a go.

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card, look forward to watching the video tonight. The Noble dies are at the top of my wish list. Sue xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, such a beautiful card, great use of the dies. The video as always shows great tips to get such fabulous effects as the embossed edge. The sentiment is an all time favourite of mine. have a lovely day. Bx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This is a very pretty card. I love the colour, the die combo and the lovely sentiment. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you so much, a beautiful card, and great video. Take care Kitty.

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous.Loving the colour and the dies.

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A lovely card Sue. I do like the noble dies I'll catch the video later xx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a gorgeous card and a beautiful colour.
Nancyd xx

Linda Graham said...

Beautiful card Sue,I have this die it`s so useful,also one of my favourite colours too, thank you, Linda x

JAO said...

Great card Sue, love the colours.

hettygarlick said...

A lovely card. Beautiful colour and a great idea.

Unknown said...

Wow sue....... Really elegant

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Lovely bluey lilac and great design.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue and all. Very nice card Sue, I also love the noble dies. Look forward to video later. JJxx

Anne said...

What a beautiful card, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, I have these dies and love them! Love Jean xxx

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card-love all the layers on it.


Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. A very pretty card in a lovely shade of blue. I look forward to watching the video this evening, as I love the shape and versatility of the Noble dies.x

Unknown said...

Just love this colour Sue - lovely card
Jean x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. Again I will be looking forward to watching the video later when I get back from work. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

auscrafts said...

Lovely design and colour

crossstitchmarg said...

Good Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card again today, I love these dies unfortunately I only have one so far so can't try this out yet.
Love the colours too.
Thanks for the inspiration you give us.


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. I love these dies. So many uses. Thanks as always for the video, so much easier to watch and leRn.

Love Rosemarie xx

Unknown said...

Very regal ...the noble dies rock my boat ....!
Stunning card Sue ...georgous colours perfect
Luv Rach :)

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue Beautiful card today and what a pretty colour. Haven't watched the video yet as rushing around to get ready for a day at Ascot races! Posh hat at the ready. Now if I win thousands I can buy all your dies Sue ( don't think there's much chance with my £2 bet do you!)
Take care
Love Diane G xxx

doreenmj said...

Those colours are lovely, a great card.

Doreen x

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a gorgeous
Card I love the colour and the design is wonderful xx

Debs A xxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This video is fabulous, I'm loving how you have made the aperture and the way we look 'into' the card, a great tip with the rectangle die-cut, and you couldn't even tell !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

hazel young said...

Beautiful card Sue love the colours and sentiment xx hazel

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
What a stunning card! Love it, brilliant colour.
Gail Cx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Fabulous card! Your Nobke dies are my favourites of my favourites lol. I love how you change the shapes of your dies, since watching you I am much more experimental with my dies.
Hugs x
Heather T

Jane said...

Good morning Sue, What a gorgeous card again today ,love the colour and the video is great too !Do you have a secret drawer somewhere Sue where you can get you splendid ideas from ?? Amazing how you have so many ideas to use your dies to the fullest!Thank you for sharing .Take care Jane B.

Scottydog said...

Beautiful card, beautiful colour & beautiul dies. Think these are going on top of my wish list - long time to Christmas! Lol!

Lizzybea said...

Hi sue
I love the simple design effect of this card.

Aspiring crafter said...

Hi Sue, love the noble dies , they are on my wish list!
I will be watching the video this afternoon, the card is gorgeous!

Linda28 said...

Morning Sue, Lovely card and do like the recessed effect, I only have one of the noble dies at the moment but am hoping to add another! Now going to make a nice cup of tea and sit down to enjoy your video. Take care, Linda.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card and colours, will watch video when I get home as I have these dies. love Jean Z xxxx

marg said...

Hello Sue
Love the Noble Dies, they help with the piercing which I find is not as neat as yours!
This is a lovely card and beautiful colours!
Take care
Love Marg

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card. Love the Noble dies. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Fabulous card, love the noble dies, the piercing just makes it extra special!
Lorna D

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card as always...I have the noble rectangles but not the squares...maybe I can improvise! Thank you for the informative video, just love them...keep them coming.
Love Janet
from Wakefield

Pat S Witney said...

Love these dies and I love this card. Will be looking at the video when I come home from school.

Heather Treble said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card in such a pretty colour. I've used the noble square dies quite a bit but haven't tried a recessed design. Thanks for the video and showing us that you don't have to be confined to the shape of a die but can do more with them.
Heather Treble

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue such a pretty colour in your card and the detail of the dies really shows through love from Jackie xx

patwyn said...

Hi Sue,
I love everything about this card. Will watch video later.

Pat xxx

Princess Pixie! said...

Morning Sue
Love this card. The colour is beautifully soft and those noble dies get me every time. They have been promoted to the very top of my want/wish list.
Well I spent yesterday trying to catch up on all the posts I'd missed whilst being incapacitated for over a week. And the whole day. Haven't managed to view the videos yet. When I do get round to catching up on all the videos it will be as exciting, if not more exciting than watching your favourite box set all in one go.
It did make me chill and put my feet up and out of mischief. Have to be really careful not to overdo things otherwise I'll end up in bed for another week.
I have to say, as you are so popular Sue it is no easy task reading a whole weeks worth of comments. My brain cell felt positively overworked by the end of the day.

Janet I am so sorry to hear that you lost your sister in law. Sending you love.

June I'm sorry to hear that you lost your friend. Sending you love.

I hope that you, your family and your friends are able remember the happy times and smile a little during this terribly sad and difficult time. Sending you a both big hugs.
How fitting that you should win Wednesdays card Janet. Congratulations

Sandra - hope you are feeling better.

Theresa - hope your recovery is going well

Tracey - hope your head is ok. More to the point - is your clock working?

Lynne - hope Cully is up to her mischevious tricks soon- tail intact.

Wheely bad - hang in there hun.

If I have missed anyone I apologise but it's hard trying to remember everything. So lots of love to everyone.

Saba - thank you for welcoming me back. It is a relief to be back in the land of the out of bed and upright!!!

Still feeling fragile so I think my best plan of action is to find a comfortable spot, to park my backside and ignore all the mess and dust. One must prioritise and surely Sue's videos are so much more important.
Thank you so much Sue for all your beautiful cards. Particraft is proving invaluable to keep me out of mischief and avoiding the housework.
Try and have a lovely day everybody.
Crafty hugs

Anonymous said...

Oh so gorgeous, Sue, pleased to see this as the pierced nobles are at this moment in the post - but, now think the other set is needed too!! Love it and thank you for the video. Particularly like this as an 'innie' version rather than an 'outie'.

Steph - Happy Anniversary! So, what did you get??

'P' in Wales

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card - love everything about it. The colour is delicious! I'm going to make another coffee and then I'll sit and watch the video which I'm sure will be excellent ( as usual).
Diane have a great day at Ascot. Sending love and hugs to everyone especially those feeling down, poorly or having treatment. Have as good a day as possible everyone, love Alison xx

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

All the Nobles are a must-have and I love the pierced edges...they really set off the framing on this card...


karenlotty said...

Will watch later Yay! I have one set of the Squares and will definitely get the other set when pennies allow!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Sue
Another beautiful card today and in such a pretty colour, I love your Noble dies, especially the Squares but I do not have any yet. However, they are on my list!!!!!
The video is great!
Lesley S x

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card, love it all, will watch video later

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful, love it xXx
Claire xXx

Chris Curry said...

I have these noble dies and they do work perfectly together. I love using them and this card is gorgeous Sue. Thank you.Xx

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Wow what a surprise, your beautiful card is actually lavender!
It's such a gorgeous shade of blue on your blog.
The Noble dies are so versatile. x

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good morning Sue, I have a set of noble dies and I love
them they are so elegant!!! Just watched the video you
are one clever lady!!! Thankyou for sharing all your
hints and tips!!! Hope you're having a great time in
Florida!!! We certainly did! Oh the memories:) Sat here
grinning like a Cheshire cat!!! I digress Thankyou for
sharing!!! Have a good one!!!
Loopy Lyndaxxx

sonja_w said...

Thanks for the video, I have the classic noble dies, I think I need to add the ornate ones to my collection pretty soon. The card is beautiful x

Rosemary Stickland said...

Love the soft blue of this morning's card.
Rosemary xx

Marion said...

Hi Sue beautiful card and my favourite colour too.
love how you use the dies in way's Id never think of.
Marion H

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue
Beautiful card for us today, love the Nobel dies
they are so versatile. Will watch video later,
Take care everyone, Jess x

Swiftycrafter said...

Will watch the video later, but have a set of the noble dies, so perhaps a little playtime is in order later.
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what an elegant card. I don't have any noble dies but after seeing this card today I am going to order them now. They are stunning. Am going to watch your video now to see how it's done. Best wishes

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, a very pretty colour. Will watch the video later.

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card. Love the colours. Enjoyed watching the video.

Anonymous said...

That blue card is stunning and the card is gorgeous. Don't have time to watch the video now but will be back later.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, Beautiful card, Love my Noble dies, I will be trying this one,
enjoyed the video thanks for sharing, love Junex (Cumbria)

cheryl brown said...

Good morning Sue and ladies,

A stunning video and equally stunning card.
I have recently bought the Noble ornate rectangles so will be seeing what I can create with them on the same lines as your square card.

For everybody who learnt of my ongoing saga regarding complete refurbishment of my shower room and the 'chanty raslers' builders ( Norah's quaint term for them), and my diagnosis of breast cancer that put everything on hold for a few months last year and early this year, today is the day the fitters come out and lay the new flooring. YAY!!!! A gorgeous room at last. I will be posting photos of said room on my Blog later on.

Happy Anniversary Steph and OH, have a lovely day. What was your long awaited surprize?

For everyone under the weather, I hope your day will be kind to you.
Love & hugs to all
Cheryl xxxx

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
I love this card especially as I have the dies already.
Take care,
Evis M.

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. What a gorgeous card. These Noble dies are great for so many different cards. I will have to have a video catch up session as I missed last weeks. Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care xx

Gail said...

Another fab card Sue with a truly lovely sentiment xx GailT xx

pinky said...

So much depth again. These cards must look absolutely stunning in real life Sue.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Not too sure about the colour on the pictures nonetheless it's a love card. Take care, Ivy xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!
Gosh I can't wait to get home to watch the video another awesome creation with a perfect sentiment!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Have a lovely day everyone!!
Cameeli xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
This card is Gorgeous with a capital G but I'm a committed fan of the Noble dies, both square and rectangles. I wish I could make more of those deep cards but Royal Mail puts a stop to that because of expense (people don't want to pay the postage).
Great video, explaining the whole process so well and making it look easy.
Must experiment by using the square die with the Austrians, perhaps border/corner etc.........
Hugs, Rose

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Stunning card, in beautiful blue, fantastic design, love it.
As always I am off to watch & learn
Have a great day
Patricia xxx

Nannieflash said...

Good Morning Sue, what a beautiful sentiment, Ive been looking for one this morning for a friend, shes going to look after my dog when I go to the hospital this afternoon and that one of yours would have been ideal. Stunning card and a brilliant tutorial. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Nannieflash said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue. What a beautiful card and I know for certain many of us can relate to the sentiment used. Its through Particraft that so many butterflies have come together, so thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

The colour used is breath takingly gorgeous so much so the last card you showed us using this shade of mauve meant I had to buy some lol.
I have just one of the noble dies, but its on 'the list' so if its not one I receive today, its a set I will definatly get, which means I will actually own one complete set at last. P my lovely in Wales, not opened our gifts yet, whereas 36 years ago I kinda took priority lol food and a four legged animal have taken 1st and 2nd place, but hey ho Im not worried lol, and thank you for your best wishes for our anniversary : )
Welcome home Yvonne, hope life is looking easier for you now, so enjoy the catch up, enjoy the video's but keep a damp cool sponge near by for your frazzeled but very happy and content brain lol.
To those 'butterflies' that are struggling may happiness and health soon return.
To our dearest butterfly of all, hope you are still finding time to make memories inbetween work.
Lancashire Steph xxx

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful use of dies, love the card.

Glennis F said...

fabulous card Sue, a great die to use

June Horrocks said...

Stunning card sue beautiful colour thank you for vidio love always June horrocks xxx

Paula said...

That's an amazing card Sue, I love it. I'm off to make the usual cuppa so I can sit down and watch the video quietly. :)

Paula x

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
This card is so beautiful. The design of the card looking in, makes such a change from the pyramid type (if you know what I mean), and I had forgotten all about this sort of design. We do get stuck in a rut if not shaken now and again!!
Happy Anniversary Steph.
Janet and June, I hope you are feeling brighter today.
Cheryl, does this mean that you'll be able to have a shower at last? lol
Lynne M, I hope Cully is on the up and up.
Love to all who are under the weather.
Maureen xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi lovely. Gemini - Carina. Canadian background (my choice after an email from JS on the last day of her reduced prices) I reached for my craft account card and was told it would be an anniversary gift so put it away, I have such good taste lol and Sue's Finishing Touches - Splendid Swirls : ) Happy days. Although Im not allowed to play today as we are going on a road trip to Lytham on the coast (hoping my finger's hold up to the coastal breeze, if not I'll be the only one looking a complete muppet wearing gloves on the beech !!! Thank you again for your best wishes xxx

L. S.

Crafty Cruiser said...

I love the Noble dies - they make such gorgeous cards and this one is no exception, it's beautiful!
Doreen R

Kate's Cards said...

Such a pretty card and I love the colour.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Pretty colours and I can see why your Noble die is such a favourite. Thanks for the video.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Another beautiful card. A great way to use the die's for a different look instead of using them for frame's. Thank's for another great video keep them coming.
Take care everyone and hoping you all have a great day.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

nattyboots said...

Yet another stunning card Sue ,will watch the video later.
Elaine H X

Unknown said...

Lovely clean and fresh looking card today Sue, could be made more masculine with different colours. Edwina

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card love the dies and such pretty blue gorgeous.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Very nice.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the dies, love the colour.

Much love,

Shirley T.

nannapat said...

Beautiful card Sue, the design and colour are just gorgeous. Pat x

redfox said...

Stunning card Sue, and I love the noble dies so later on I'm going to enjoy watching the video and then give it a go. Love to everyone, Sarah

Helen Bell said...

Good morning Sue and everyone

Beautiful card today. Crisp clean and elegant. Just lovely.

Such calming colours too.

Will enjoy the video later.

Live Helen xxx

CraftyJo said...

Gorgeous card, I look forward to watching the video when I get a few minutes :)

Unknown said...

Hiya sue.
Goody gum drops I've got these dies better get them out an work along with u on the video!! Lol

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! another absolutely stunning card and love the noble dies....plus the rectangles which are so pretty. Thank you Sue for another amazing video which shows just how simple it is to do and yet gives you that beautiful elegant look. Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your family an to all our wilsonettes who are in need. xx Love Karen xx ps, Happy anniversary Steph! Have a great day and hope your bulky present is what you've dreamed of xx Thinking of you Janet and also to June in losing your friend x Alimecca, glad you had a wonderful time in London x Lyn, hope Cully is getting there and feels a bit better xx thinking of you Norah, Wheely bad and Sheila and all our missing Wilsonettes xx

Meg Owen said...

This is such a lovely card Sue.
Can't watch the video yet but looking forward to doing so soon.

Hi Yvonne G, Sue's messages take a lot of catching up with if you miss a few days, but at least reading them will keep you rooted to your chair for an hour or three!! Get well soon.xxx

Love and hugs for Cully, hope the nasty medicine is making you better xxx

Hugs to all

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, such a fresh card and colour, beautiful design.
Di B, x

familygits said...

Hi sue,
been waiting a long time for these instructions, could i ask for the sizes of the card you used please, would be a great help.
keep the great cards coming.


fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card in my favourite colour. The dies are so detailed they really don't need any other adornment. Nice and clear video. Feeling happy as the postman has just been with my camellia dies. So many different sizes - I love the teeny weeny ones - and I am looking forward to playing this afternoon :-)

Steph - Happy Anniversary to you and Mr L. What lovely presents you received. Enjoy your day at Lytham and I hope the sun shines for you both.


Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all.

Wow such a stunning card and lovely colours. I love all the Noble dies. This is another card that I think with a few tweeks would make a great male card. Thank you for sharing.

Best wishes.

Jill Liddle said...

Not normally a blue type person, but I do love the embossing on this card today.

mommaRN50 said...

I love the card. Blue is my favorite color. I have to get the Noble dies. The wish list is getting very long! LOL

sandieann21 said...

Love the noble dies. Great card

sandieann21 said...

Love the noble dies. Great card

sandieann21 said...

Love the noble dies. Great card

Unknown said...

To My Very Dear Friend Sue,
What A Fantastic Video As Always Your Videos Are Always
So Informative And Packed With Helpful Tips And Techniques, Which I
For One Just Love As I Keep Records Of Any New Tips You Share With
U.S. And The Date And Which Video, Like The Messy Bow, The Piercing
Around The Page And So Very Many More.
Take Great Care My Dear Friend I Hope Your Mom And Colin Are Both Well Also
Love And Hugs To You All
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All Wilsonettes, Congratulations To Lancashire Steph On Her And Her Husband
Wedding Anniversary Have A GREAT DAY

Jean said...

Simply beautiful!

Sandra said...

Good afternoon Sue & friends,
Well I am just about back to near normal, I was eventually diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone it is excruciatingly painful, I have felt like a huge part of my life has been missing not being part of the daily events both on Sue's amazing blog and over at the cafe (my blog) ! Thank goodness for blog scheduling! So what have I missed?? I have had a quick flivk back through Sue's gorgeous cards, wow,wow,wow, Sue you have been a very busy girl!
Today's card is particularly stunning, partly due to the colour and the fabulous Noble dies, I am going to have my 'prescribed siesta' and watch the video, thank you Sue for raking the time to make your amazing videos to inspire us, I am hugely grateful xx
Love & hugs to all,
Happy Anniversary Steph & Andy, enjoy your day!
Sandra xxxxx

Suzzette Yandle said...

Love the depth of this card. No one does the recessed technique better than you Sue. You have inspired me to work with my apertures more and do a recessed card. Thanks ever so much for the video. Wishing you and all the Wilsonettes a great week.

melody said...

Hi sue, great card today an the colour makes it look so very elegant Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and great video as always, love the sentiment on this one

Happy anniversary Steph and hubby, you'll love the Canadian background so much you won't be able to stop using it

Hugs and best wishes everyone

JJ said...

Beautiful Sue, gorgeous design

Love & hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.
Beautiful card!Love the colour.On
holiday at the mo but will have a go
when back home.

Sandra- look after yourself
Yvonne- take care
Beth-hope you are ok
ToB- thinking of you
How's Cully doing Lynne M, is she getting
better ?

Happy Anniversary to Steph and OH.

Hugs to all who need one, Maria x

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, must have a go at this one. Gorgeous colour and lovely pattern.

As always thank you for all the inspiration you give us.

Hugs to everyone. Dorothy Macdonald

ursula said...

What a beautiful colour blue, this card is just so stunning....thank you Sue....luv Ursula xx

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
A bit late today but I wanted to watch the video first! The card looked quite complicated but as you say the dies and your brain did all the work! Thanks so much for the clear video instructions. This card is a real beauty and such a pretty colour. I only have the square dies in this set but well I'm weakening! It doesn't take much you know!
Congratulations Steph on your Anniversary.
Maria - hope you are having a lovely time. Be good, young lady!!
Love to all,
Myra xxx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card. But how nice it would be to see a card made using only one set of dies, but using more of the pieces. That way it wouldn't be too expensive. It takes time to build up a collection of dies, and I must admit that I get frustrated when I see a card that I like the look of, but find it impossible to create it due to a lack of dies.Still enjoy watching your tutorials though.

Margaret xxx

Anonymous said...

Theresa says
Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
I love my noble dies and love everything you do with them x beautiful colours too x thankyou sue again for your inspiration xxx I have been saving your videos up to watch tomorrow. Hubby and kids have been fantastic looking after me but tomorrow they are all at work so video time for me it will stop me overdoing it too ! As one of my stamps say 'worry not, the world can wait, stay in bed, recuperate' x
Take care everyone x
Theresa w xxx

barbara macaskill said...

Another stunner! LOVE the sentiment! TFS!

barbara macaskill said...

Another stunner! LOVE the sentiment! TFS!

Wacki Macky said...

Beautiful card today, the colours are superb.

Lots of love and craftihappiness to everyone.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Hi Sue

The illusion of simplicity creates a stunning card in a wonderful colour. Just beautiful. Like you think the noble dies are some of my absolute favourites of all the collections.

Karen M said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card,love the colour you have used,
Best wishes
Karen M

Unknown said...

Hi Sue & everyone
great video Sue, beautiful dies, beautiful colour, beautiful card! Love the way you used the outer dies to emboss with piercing dots around the edges.
Happy Anniversary Steph, hope you've had a great day.
Lynne, hope Cully's tail is on the mend.
Janet & June, my thoughts are with you both.
Sandra, sorry to hear you've not been well, good to see you back on the blog.
Love and blessings to all - Deb C xx

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, love it in both blue and lilac. Enjoyed watching the video very much, your recessed aperture is definitely one idea I must try. The Pierced Noble squares are rapidly climbing up my wish list. Thank you for your daily inspiration.

Love and hugs for all
Saba xxxx

Karen Drew said...

Absolutely stunning. My favourite colour and a beautiful sentiment which is so true
Karen xx

Glenharon said...

Good evening Sue and the Wilsonettes,
This is a beautiful card Sue and like a lot of others i have a stunning pale blue version on my screen but i get to see it's true beauty from the video. When i first looked at it it looked like you had embossed the bottom section or put all the cut away bits down and taken away the main die cut. It's funny how your eyes can play tricks with your brain like. I really do like your noble dies and although i have the first 4, need to save for the next ones as needed to invest in a new cutting machine although it is not one of those TODO ones as that is way out of my league but i managed to get the Big shot Plus quite reasonable and it cuts out all my special dies which is more to the point at ease instead of me having to have Rockie Marseano's muscles.
Just to let all my wilsonette angels know that my daughter Kirsten gave birth this morning to a baby boy called Harry John Fox, weight 6lbs 9.5oz by emergency caesarian because of complications but both her and the wee lad are doing fine.
Love and crafty hugs to all both on blog and not at the moment,
Norah (Glenochil)

Unknown said...

pretty, pretty, love the colors and the dies.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Just watched your video, you make it look so easy. I do love these dies and I am using them a lot at the moment. SueL x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Finally got around to watching the video - love it.

Beverley W

Jan.moogie said...

Just watched the video and WOW wow wow its amazing. Have got to have a go at making this card Sue thanks for sharing. Hugs xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, wow what a fantastic card, in some pics the cut out bits actually look like they are sitting proud of the design. Great optical illusion. Lol lynne m x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Deb, sadly at the moment Cully's tail isn't improving but I'm staying hopeful. Lol lynne m x x

Unknown said...

Hi Maria, at moment Cully's tail isn't improving but I'm staying hopeful. Lol lynne m x x

Unknown said...

Hi Meg, still poorly but I'm staying hopeful. Lol lynne m x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Karen, not at the moment, she keeps trying to bite her tail. I'm hopeful still, lol lynne m x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Maureen, still poorly, I'm still staying hopeful. Lol lynne m x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Yvonne, thanks for your good wishes, lol lynne m x x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I like the Dies you've use and I love the colour.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

liz spooner said...

Love this card Sue and love this colour scheme, so pretty.xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Loving that blue

Dawn Holben said...

I love the card and the colour, both are absolutely beautiful.
I also love the detail on the noble dies they look so delicate.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card as always, you are a true inspiration to us crafters. Love all your videos so keep up the good work Sue. I have re-created lots of your ideas so a big Thank You. Love Patricia Board from Dorset xx

Theresa said...

lovely, floaty and light like a summer sky, hugs xx

Laura O said...

fab card ,couldn't make a bad card with these dies,Laura O

Hazel said...

Sue, another stunning card, just love everything about it. Late on here today, it has been a long first day back doing the school runs. Hazel x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue And all your crafty crew
Beautiful card today Sue and a wonderful video tutorial
And my all time favourite colour bliss.
Got some of these dies guess I need to go shopping. Lol
Take care Sue and everyone
Theresa x

Barbara said...

Beautiful card Sue and fabulous video, I definitely need those dies!

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Brilliant video (as always). Beautiful card, Love blue, this card would work so well for everyone. Thank you for the inspiration .

Your cards keep getting better and better.

Take care, Brenda xxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening & Wilsonettes
Gorgeous card Sue love love love it favourite colour favourite die's brilliant video.
Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Steph hope you had a lovely da Happy anniversary to you & Andy hug's Lynda xx

Hug's to all my friendsxxxx

craftynanna said...

A late Hello from me, such a splendid card i will really try my best with this but somehow double recessed cards really cause me problems, so i must try harder, lol. late hugs to all Johanna

craftynanna said...

PS Sorry Sue the video was brilliant, and Steph and Andy a Happy Anniversary, Johanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the Noble dies.
Thank you for the demo.
Veronique L

Littlelamb said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Love the colours

Eunice said...

I really do enjoy the noble square dies, thank you for the great card today Sue.

Sandy H said...

Such a pretty card, lovely colour. Off to watch the video.
Hope you and your hubby had a very Happy Anniversary, Steph. Congratulations on the arrival of your new grandson, Norah.
Take care everyone.

Angela Wade said...

Lovely card, Sue. Blue and White always looks nice.

Hugs to all,
Angela in S. Wales Xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
I missed this one! How lovely is this one. Well done Sue.
Anne x

Kathy Baker said...

Hi Sue
Love this card I also like the noble dies and the colours go really well I do love blue

nzillingworth said...


Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful card just going to watch your demo,Thanks.
crafty hugs
Helen Terry

Unknown said...

Just love this card and this noble die,I bought it at Ally Pally and have made so many cards with it, it is my fav at the moment


Vick said...

Oh Sue, i truly love this how elegant and ornate this card is, thank you for sharing it with us xx HUgs, V xx
My YTChannel vixcrafts