Monday, 29 June 2015

Deer Family

  Hello bloggers! I just love this deer Family as I hope you will too!  I have given them a filigree look so they are bit more whimsical but they also work equally as well in a natural scene setting as I have done with the silhouette style card shown.   With the male, female and baby deer in this set, you can create all kinds of tranquil Christ,as scenes!  If you would like to be included in this particular drawing, just a quick comment is all that is needed to have your name entered.  Please, just a gentle reminder, when you leave your comment, if you could include either a surname, a nickname or some sort of funny way to distinguish you if your name is drawn .  I only have a single set of each set to giveaway and I wouldn't want anyone to be disappointed because their names were mixed up!  I will be back here at 12 noon for the next blog post!  All for now, 
Sue x 
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rolfi said...

Hi Sue,
the next elegant Christmas card made by you and the dies are great as ever.
I love the deers.
My poor wallet...
Rolf xxx

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, another fantastic card and die set.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Yes my poor bank balance too Sue!lovely trees. Anne Mx

Rosemarie said...

Hi Sue, these little deer are so cute and I love the way you have arranged them into a scene, beautiful. Back later.

Love Rosemarie xx (Fishlock)

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Love it !! Love it!! Love it !! a stunning card and stunning dies, I love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Nannieflash said...

Hi Sue, back again, oh what a brilliant idea I love how youve added the snow to the trees and those deer look just gorgeous in that scene. hugs Shirley (Coleford, Gloucestershire)xxxxx

Chris Curry said...

The deer are very cute, but I think I love the trees even more. A beautiful card Sue. Thank you.Xx

Yorks butterfly said...

Oh Sue this is lovely - a real winter scene and really cute dies. I wish I had your imagination

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely die set, you have surpassed yourself this year, they are all gorgeous. Love the card you have created with the trees and deer, stunning.
Going to visit a crafty friend now, so will catch up with the rest of the posts later.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
The Deer look so regal in that scene, love them
Regards, Audrey O'Brien, Wicklow, Ireland

Izzy said...

I love deer as a Christmas motif - these are right up my street and have gone top of the wish list!...gorgeous card too, perfect scene-setting...


Unknown said...

Hi Sue and all
this is a lovely winter scene, snow frosted fir trees and gorgeous deer. Love the sentiment too. My list is getting longer by the hour!
Blessings all - Deb C xx

Crafty Cruiser said...

The deer are so cute and the card is gorgeous.
Doreen R

Anonymous said...

Loved this one yesterday when it was used with one of the other dies gorgeous card made with it today xx love yvonne bennett xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue another lovely card love the deer Sophy n Gran

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
What a delightful winter scene, the deer family and the trees (which are still to come) just makes for a magical card. Deer are so useful all year round, especially since I live in Scotland and love to use them on a traditional Scottish card.
Lorna D

Anonymous said...

This addition to your 2015 collection is lovely.
The card is very regal looking.
Jeanne L xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Really love this winter scene and the noble dies making a wonderful frame again.
The Deer are gorgeous as are the snow covered trees....BEAUTIFUL!
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

These dear are so sweet and useful, lovely card.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee (i don't think anyone else will have this name)

Jan on the Fosse said...

Looking at the frosty look to the trees with you cute deer I,m wishing for a white Christmas


Unknown said...

Aww these deer are so cute, love them.

Kathy Baker said...

Hi Sue
This card is adorable and lovely and Christmassy where do you get your inspiration from

sued99 said...

Just gorgeous. Running out of superlatives.

Jess Watson said...

Hi again, the deer are gorgeous, so glad they are new on my wish list.
Jess x

rosiejt said...

I really like these, as well!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and lovely Wilsonettes,

This scene is stunning, I had my reservations about how I would use this set and now any have been blown out of the water. I knew that I merely had to witness some of your creations to understand your design concept. I love this card, I really like the thought of creating our own little winter wonderlands, the trees are very atmospheric.
Can I just say how lovely it is to read so many comments from around the globe, it really highlights just how popular you are Sue, you deserve the accolades!
Beth, wishing you luck with Lauren's results , hope all is well with your two babies.
Off to get ready for my day out.

Love and crafty hugs,


Princess Pixie! said...

Hi Sue
This card made me do a big aahhh!!! It's delightful. Or should I say dielightful.
This scene depicts the complete opposite of the weather today. It is a hot one and set to get hotter. Too hot for me outside so better stay in and craft
Be back at 12
Crafty hugs

Steph Cotterill said...

Hello dear friend. I just have to have this deer little family join my dear family, along with the tree's, cant have a winter scene with deer and no tree's so guess I will need both sets of these dies - eventually ! Would make a good male card as they dont appreciate too much fuss, so these dies would be perfect, pretty but not femine ! You crafty men that visit, do you realise what pain's you are lol (in a nice way I suppose) lol dont suppose you can give us some pointer's of what you like in a 'man card' could you lol.
Have a good day Sue.
Hugs from
Lancashire Steph xxx

crossstitchmarg said...

Sue these dies are lovely,
My grandchildren will have fun making cards with me this year using these dies.

Maggie in Solihull

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Hi sue
These are just beautiful with their filigree backs and fit so well with your other dies.
Just love them.
See you later.
Janet x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. This card is stunning and what can you say about those deer's they are so cute. Love the way you have put them in to a scene card. Just gorgeous.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Anonymous said...

Stunning winter scene, Sue. Looking forward to finding out how you made the trees!

Jimmi Mac

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. The deer family are so cute. I love them.

Anonymous said...

Loving this regal family of deer Sue..another stunning card...thank you.
Val C x said...

Hi Sue.
This is a lovely winter wishes scene, lovely for a winter birthday. Thank you.
I don't think there is another Kitty on the blog. Take care Kitty.

Paula said...

Another beauty Sue! As I said about the previous card using the deer, they are lovely. I've thrown away my list of dies I need to buy, I want them all! But it will take a while, so I'm glad they've been released in plenty of time. :)
Paula x

Jane said...

Back again Sue, What a delightful winter scene , snow on the fir trees, and a gorgeous deer fam. Ordered the deer die yesterday at J.S. See you later.Jane B.

Joan from Newcastle said...

Hello again Sue

The Deer dies are a must have as they can make lots of cards, not only for Christmas. They look so detailed. I love the card you have made with the trees in the background (stunning)

Best wishes

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue,
Oh Sue, please, please, please will you do a video on this beauty as the scene is just so beautiful and with the snow on the trees and the differing layers coming out from each other adding yet another dimension to the card you can imagine yourself coming across this scene (it would probably need to be Canada as they are the only ones guaranteed snow of this magnitude). This card reminds me of the film "White Christmas"(one of my favourite films) where it was up in the hills and forrests and the lodge that the old army officer ran with his granddaughter. What a beautiful sight Sue, thank you flower
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. I love this little deer family and your stunning card. Hugs to all xxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Such a beautiful card, the deers are so cute but the trees are wonderful!!

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue,
What an absolutely beautiful card, and the deer dies compliment it so well. I'm with Norah, a video would be sublime, if you could manage it at some time.
Maureen xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

This card is just beautiful a peaceful Winter Scene not just for Christmas

I have several people with December and January Birthday's

The die set is just gorgeous I love the Deer Family this is on my Wish List

(which is growing longer) :-)

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, love the deer's the card is great. Sue Eyre

Marion Bull said...

I thought I wouldn't want any more Christmas animals. I was wrong! So beautiful!
Maggie B xx

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
These dies are my favourites of this launch, I have the deer and the trees. Because I haven't had the all clear from the hospital I've had my other half to cut them out for me and Wow! I can't wait to play with them they are even better in 'real life'. I love your winter scene on your card roll on Tuesday lol.
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

would never thought of cutting the deer in black but it works . Gloria (sicup) xx

barbiepinkfairy said...

These look great in silhouette!
They look fab with the trees.

Decisions decisions!

Unknown said...

GM Sue. What dear deer's! Love them. Just looking at your card makes we feel cooler and that is much needed but not as much as later this week. Heat wave forecast. Ugh! Bring on winter I say.

Kate's Cards said...

Oh dear! These are lovely?

JJ said...

These are Fabulous Sue, love how you have included the whole family, adore the design on these, deers always a favourite.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie Jacobs xxx

Anonymous said...

Stunning card Sue and gorgeous die set.
Sue James.

Unknown said...

So cute

TDQ Karen said...

I love the way you have used the beautiful deer as a silouette, just really versatile, lhs set is lovely

Marianna Hammer said...

Beautiful card and lovely dies

sonja_w said...

Love this card, the deers are so cute and definitely can be used beyond Christmas. xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful scenic card, I love it. Deer may not be part of the Christmas story but they have become almost iconic and everyone loves them - including me!

Norah - White Christmas is one of my favourite films also and I love the scene on the train when they start singing 'Snow! Snow! Snow!' - so appropriate for this card :-)


Karen M said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card & like the deer very much
Thank you
Karen M

Margaret said...

These deer certainly look so good on your card. A really must have set of dies.
Margaret M

Caroljsmith said...

Those deers are so cute sue what a lovely card and I do like the black and white.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful traditional card, I love eveything about it.
Lesley S x

Erica said...

The card Sue is my kind of card I just love it and the dear are the most fabulous finish. OOps that is another die fallen into my shopping basket. Crazy Crafter

Unknown said...

To My Very Dear Friend Sue
What A Beautiful Card I Love The
Family Of Deer And The Beautiful
Traditional Card Just Love Those Fabulous
Fir Trees!
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant! Love how you've included the whole deer family - they are so cute. I think they are a must have along with the trees. The whole snowy scene is lovely and I'm in favour of a video if (&when!) you get time in your hectic schedule. Thanks again Sue,
Love and hugs to everyone, Alison xx

Jayem said...

Hi Sue

How beautiful but you make it very hard for us. How to narrow the choice down to a manageable purchase.

Keep creating.

Jan from NSW (Aus)

doreenmj said...

Love the idea of the 'family' of deers, and the card is great!!

Doreen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

I just LOVE these dies - they are sooooo cute and the 2 cards you have made with them are just awesome. Gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous again.

Sarah Roo from Australia.

magpie said...

These are gorgeous Sue x I love how you have done the deer's in black card and the background trees, frosted up, look stunning ! Beautiful card, even if it does make you want to go bbbbbrrrrrrrrr! lol! xx Love Karen xx

Unknown said...

Can think of loads of uses for these

Unknown said...

No....I...deer. were so clever...another stunner...!
Luv Rach :)
Rachel Macfarlane Yeovil

Unknown said...

No....I...deer. were so clever...another stunner...!
Luv Rach :)
Rachel Macfarlane Yeovil

Unknown said...

No....I...deer. were so clever...another stunner...!
Luv Rach :)
Rachel Macfarlane Yeovil

karenlotty said...

Out of all of the "deer" dies on the market these have got to be the best. I don't know why, I just love them

Yvonne H said...

Good morning Sue,
Love, love,love this card, I could see this with a tartan background, being from Scotland this will make a traditional card. Thank you Sue these deer dies & trees will be a must for me. Yvonne xx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card you've made for us. I love how you've made the card into a scene with the trees. Look forward to seeing the next post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love that you have included different sizes so that these can be grouped together or used singly. Brilliant as always.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

Beautiful winter scene, love these dies xx love Kim D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the Deer Family set. It makes a stunning winter scene with the trees.
Looking forward to the next reveal!
Veronique L

jean.phillips1 said...

Hi Sue, love this little family, and love those trees too! Beautiful card. Love Jean xxx

marg said...

Hello Sue
another Die that I NEED!!!
This is becoming my 'to buy' site... not the Sue Wilson Blog!
This is a beautiful card Sue!
Take car
Love Marg (Bristol)

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely winter's scene! You could weave a Winter's Tale around this beauty. White Christmas to a T . Has anyone ever told you that you are quite good at this Die Designing business! Lol. Not to mention card making!
What an inspiration you are!
Thank you once again.
Love Myra xxx
Should I be Myra P again just for the Launch period??

Lynda's craft's said...

Hello Sue & friends
I just love the deer family & your gorgeous card showcasing them.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Awww... Sue, I'm really in love with this deer family! Sure, I would like to be included in this particular drawing, thanks for the chance! Such a great release is this! Adorable! These three deers are so sweet, one more beautiful of the others!! All wonderful!
Your card is amazing, your talent is always stunning

Val W. oxon said...

Hi Sue,I love them all.x

Unknown said...

This is just so gorgeous, and so very cute. Love all the dies sue, thank you x

Pauline A said...

Oh! such little cuties Sue and the card is so pretty. Hugs xx Pauline A

greendragon said...

Deer always look great at Christmas and these are super.

Unknown said...

How elegant are those deer! Love the card you created! GORGEOUS!!!!
Hugs, Pattyb

Colleen said...

Stunning Christmas cards. The deer are adorable
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity

Unknown said...

Oh Sue , I love all your new dies but if i have to have a favourite it has to be this family of deer. I can see such a variety of ways to use them and with the beautiful trees-wow theyre amazing.
love val n spain x

Theresa said...

how did you get them solid silhouettes? i really like that. actualkly prefer it to filigree. love this card, hugs xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

I fell in love with these little cuties when we got a sneeky peek yesterday. I love the white on white with a splash of colour, very effective. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the deer or is it deers? I Love the card!

Sue L

Tres said...

Hi Sue. Well I am now running out of words to describe your amazing dies and cards !! GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS !! I just don't know what else to say. Your beautiful Christmas scene is fantastic !! I loved this beautiful little "Deer Family" when I first saw them yesterday. These are most definitely a "Must have" die set for me !! Along with those beautiful trees !! Basically I am just going to throw away my huge Christmas die set wish list and start saving to buy your entire Christmas Collection !! I have not told hubby the "good news" yet !! Wish me luck !!!!! Thank you so much for everything Sue. Wishing you lots of love and special hugs today from Tres x x x

Wishing everyone lots of love today from Tres x x x

Agnes (Scotland) said...

Gosh Sue this a a beautiful card as they all are.Just love them,

Agnes T

Lorraine Briel said...

Hi Sue,

These are such gorgeous dies and I just love them. Your cards are always meticulously fabulous. The techniques you have used are awesome!! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration that your are and for using your God-given talents to enrich the lives of fellow crafters.

Lorraine Briel

Annie Stamps said...

This set is beautiful for any kind of scenic art. Love it. xx Annie P

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
A www....what a gorgeous deer family!!!! I can't decide which set of dies is my favourite....they are all amazing!!!!

June Horrocks said...

The dears are so cute sue you have hot sme show stoppers this time hun love June horrocks xxxx

melody said...

Hi Sue, how lovely a little family of deers. Your card is also lovely s always. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

Maureen B. said...

Oh golly the first must have to add to this yearsdies Sue. The card is breathtaking for me it is so simple but just conveys the Christmas season for me. Thank you Maureen (MEM) B.

June Ballenger said...

Hi Sue

What an unusual die I love them. Set with the trees it looks very tranquil.

June x

Welsh Dors said...

This card really has the WOW factor. Wish I had your imagination, absolutely fabulous.

hettygarlick said...

What a lovely Wintry card (not that I like Winter!) The deer are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Aww I love the little deer family. Just wondering how you got the solid figure as they were cut out filigree when we see them yesterday. Anniekk xxx

Jan's Paper Flowers said...

Beautiful card and die set! Your creativity is amazing!

Pat said...

Hi Sue
These dies will be so useful, you are a very clever lady
Pat x

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
the trees look fantastic as do the family of deer, lovely snowy card and very festive. x

Debs cards said...

OMG Sue this stunning I love these reindeers and the tree.
Your design is wonderful xx

See you later

Debs A xx

craftynanna Jo said...

Hi Sue now arn't these riendeers lovely they make a gorgeous woodland scenery and a really true christmas card, hugs to all Johanna from Widnes

sandieann21 said...

Had to go to physio so missed the start of this one. Hope it still counts because it is so lovely.

sandieann21 said...

Had to go to physio so missed the start of this one. Hope it still counts because it is so lovely.

Meg Owen said...

I think these are the best Deer dies ever and I would love them.

Love and hugs

Unknown said...

Afternoon sue and crafty friends

Woweeees sue I really are making things hard for me to choose this year. If I had the ash I'd buy them all. However I do have a few favourites already.
I wonder tho what decisions will u come up with next year.
Card is smashing xx

Unknown said...

Oh this is soooo cute simply love it Sue.

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane Franklin said...

Nearly missed this, glad I didn't. Fab designs, thanks Sue. Just love following your blog. Jxxx

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

What a delightful card Sue. I do love those reindeers, they are so cute.

Another set on my wish list.

Happy Crafting

Love n hugs to everyone...

Dorothy Macdonald

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
I love that deer family, so cute. And the Noble die makes me think I'm looking at a scene on stage.
Hugs, Rose

mommaRN50 said...

This makes me think of where I grew up in Wyoming! How did you cut out the solid deer?

Janette MacArthur said...

Hi Sue, I love this card and especially the reindeer! Yet another "must have"
Janette x

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Absolutely gorgeous card.
I love the cute deer and the trees, both definitely going on my wish list.
Have lost count of the dies I want! x

Breezes said...

A very cute family indeed ! What a lovely "I deer" !


Carole said...

Fabulous deer and what a truly majestic stag..great for the males!..........Carole Dixon

hollyberry said...

Love this set of dies. The stag looks so regal.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
These reindeer as so cute, a lovely addition to any Christmas card. They would be perfect for a panorama card too.
Many thanks .
Love Elaine (Cardington) xs

Olga said...

Mmm, would love to have a set of deer dies!
The card looks great!
Olga Ko

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the deer as a family. Your seem to have an elegance and reality others lack.

Luv AnnS from Birmingham

PharmacyMichele said...

Gorgeous card-perfect for a winter wedding.


gwen70 said...

Love this set of deer, works really well with the trees, gorgeous card

auscrafts said...

these are lovely dies love this set

Crafty Clare said...

Hi Sue, just so sweet another great card.
Hugs Clare from Tunbridge Wells.

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

More "not just Christmas". For winter birthdays, animal and wildlife lovers and, as mentioned before, man cards these dies woukd make up a lovely card. The card is lovely and makes a lovely wintery scene come to mind. Very pretty.

Hugs to everyone ,

T x

Cathie said...

Lovely die. Nice to see the versatility of either using it as a filigree or a silhouette. Stunning card scene.

Evis M said...

Hi Sue,
I just love the deer.
The card is very Christmassy.
Evis M.

Nana on the Hill said...

I just love these dies, they are definatly some of the best deer dies lve seen, & the card is beautiful.

Aspiring crafter said...

Love these little deers Sue!
The card is stunning are really giving us a treat,

Dawn Holben said...

I just love these little deers they are so cute.
Love the card, a beautiful winter Christmas scene.

Unknown said...

Oh, deary me, I must get this one, stunning card, stunning dies

KathR said...

Lurve, Lurve ,Lurve this little family of Deers, definitely on my wish list...
Kath Fae sunny D...

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue

What a wonderful card. So peaceful. The deer dies are adorable.

Love Helen xxx

Angela Wade said...

Good Afternoon, Sue and fellow Wilsonettes. Hope you're all seeing some sun today.
I loved these little Reindeer in preview, Sue, so will have to have these !!! The card you've made is simply stunning, so I'm going to need the trees too !!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all those celebrating their Birthday today, along with myself :-)

I'm playing catchup with all the Blog posts as I'm without my iPad. I WILL get there eventually. So many lovely cards and Dies to comment on, Sue.

Hugs and Best Wishes to you all,

Angela in sunny, S. Wales Xx

Rosie said...

Hi Sue
I think these are the best deer dies, i have seen. They go perfect with your card....just love them.....Rosie from Chorley....xxxx

Pam Hartlepool said...

Oh Sue, the deer family are so gorgeous. Love to see them on the cards, this is on my must have list which is now so long .....

Roisin said... these! The list gets longer and longer....

Linda Graham said...

Lovely scene card Sue, the family of deer are sweet, thank you, Linda x

nattyboots said...

Aww so cute are they, making a fantastic card Sue x
Elaine H X

Jan.moogie said...

Arent they gorgeous I want them............. Thanks for sharing Sue.xx

Muriel said...

Hi Sue
the reindeer are so beautiful as are the trees and with your noble frame show how well your dies work together . The decisions just got harder :-)

Muriel x

Scottydog said...

Love this, a good card for the grandchildren!

weefortune said...

Hi sue lovely set x (Elaine Fortune)

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely stunning winter scene, this one has the wow factor and a half. Love your little deer family. I am also intrigued as to how you got them to cut out without the filigree.

Love Saba

Nananne said...

Beautiful card! I love the reindeer but the snow scene really sets them off!

Unknown said...

Can only just see following surgery this morning, would love to win this die, stay safe healthy and happy, hugs june smith xxx

newbie85 said...

What a beautiful card! Your snow scene looks so real!!! Its very pretty, even though I am not a cold weather lover!!! Your deers really add to the scene, and the dies are great!

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous live deer family

Patricia said...

Fantastic card Sue,
Love this card, well I have loved them all.
Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
The deers are gorgeous, another winner
Love Jan x x

ursula said...

Love Christmas cards with deer and here is the perfect set, your card is simple with a lovely finishing touch....luv Ursula xx

Littlelamb said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the deer and the trees.

Jean said...

SImply amazing cards!

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
They are so cute love the card
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina G x x x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
They are so cute love the card
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina G x x x

Nanny Jo said...

I love the deer family! The card is so pretty, too. Jo (N Ireland) xx

Julies Crafty Creations said...

What a cute deer family, great die and another fabulous card Sue
Hugs Julie x

Cinders61 said...

I have a single deer from Spellbinders but the family is perfect. Gillian x

Unknown said...

I am a lover of deers at Christmas and this set is just great as is the card.

brenda said...

A lovely family of Deer, makes a gorgeous traditional card especially as you have combined them with the trees. Another beautiful card.Brenda E x

Barbara W said...

Hi Sue

I loved this die collection yesterday.............and love it more today. I love the background you have used.

Looking forward to more!

Lol Barbara W

Janice E Brummett said...

Gorgeous card. Love the trees and the deer. Would love to watch a video of how to create this card--please, please.

Anonymous said...

Oooh do like deer! Great that they can be cut in silhouette, too. Nice card, Sue, looking forward to seeing the trees.

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue These are gorgeous little deer. The card is beautiful too.

Anonymous said...

I adore this deer collection now that I have seen them cut, this this is a must have.
Eve x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and your crafty crew
These deers are very cute not your usual die I like them and the card you have designed with them
I am enjoying your new die release and your inspiration using them
Good luck to all in the draw
Theresa G

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
First time I have blogged
Such a beautiful card the deer are so delightful I only wish & hope my cards turn out have as nice as yours then I will be over the moon I always save them on my computer for future references I love them so serene Muriel x

Swiftycrafter said...

How very sweet this little family is.
Lynne x

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card love the deer dies.

Hugs to all:-)

Tina Eldridge XX

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Absolutely love the deer. Card is lovely.

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
Another fantastic die set the deer dies are fabulous and so is the card.
crafty hugs
Helen Terry

Heidi MT said...

I love those deers so much, that is definitely a die I have to get my hands on.
Hugs, Heidi

Suzzette Yandle said...

This card looks so tranquil. The deer family is so sweet. Lots of techniques used on this card. Would really like a video on this card. How did you do the trees?

gingernuts said...

Hi Sue. Love the deer family. We had Munkjak Deer in my daughters garden last week.
beautiful card, love to win. Mavis xx

Maggie said...

Now I think I do have a favourite this die is so cute and I adore the filigree element on them loving your card too Sue.

MaggieH CapricornCrafts

Unknown said...

Sue this card is beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

Another lovely card, Sue. The dies would, as you say, be very versatile.

Jeanette T x

Barbara said...

Definitely a must have set of dies along with the trees. They all complement each other and make a beautiful card.

Unknown said...

A very elegant card. Definitely one of the season's must have dies

Janice K said...

A stunning card and lovely family of deers.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love it love it love it. Simple in black and white but oh so effective.

Elaine Greenwood said...

Very nice card and the deer dies are awesome. I like the filigree touch.


Beth said...

Hi Sue
Aww ... what a nice scene!
Beth in Munich

carol edwards said...

Such a lovely scene of all the family out for a walk I the snow. Really cute x

Rosemary Stickland said...

Such a sweet scene!
Rosemary xx

Lynda Mellor aka Loopy Lynda said...

Good afternoon Sue, well I'm back from work!!!
Topper!!!Just having a cup of Joe and going through
the blog!!! Wowzas!!! Love,Love,Love your dies!!!
Well I'll just have to keep going to work so I can
keep buying your dies:)
Loopy Lynda xxx

Kathy Krug said...

Lovely scene.

Lorena H. said...

What a gorgeous card! This die set is do versitile, I love them.

Anonymous said...

I love the deer and they make a lovely family group. Another die set to add to my list of wants. This is a beautiful scene.
Val M

Karen K said...

Good afternoon Sue
These rain deer are very well designed. Very classy.
Karen in Telford x

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