Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Ebony and Ivory

Hello bloggers!  Today's video card uses the Gemini die called Cygnus and the Caribbean die called St. Kitts.  They look lovely together in one of my favourite colour combos of milk and black, don't they?

Don't forget to tune in tonight to Ideal World at 9pm for my launch of the POTD.  The shows will continue all through Wednesday between Ideal World and C & C for the various hours so check the schedule.    I hope you can tune in!
Buy from Joanna Sheen

 The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                 Follow my blog with Bloglovin


Pam said...

Beautiful card, lovely.
So looking forward to tonight's POTD Sue.
Have a great day everyone

Jan on the Fosse said...

Love today's card. Will be watching tonight so looking forward to it .

Unknown said...

What a stunner. Can't wait for tonight's pick of the day.
Big hug
Julie E

yvonne said...

Good morning Sue,
What a beautiful card I just love black & white. Yvonne xx

Pat said...

Hi Sue
What an elegant card
I am looking forward to watching you later
Pat x

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
A beautiful card and great video. Thank you I shall tune in and record tomorrows shows. Take care Kitty.

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

Gorgeous card. Cannot go wrong with Black & White/Ivory!

Have a great day and good luck with the shows this evening.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Angela Wade said...

Lovely card, Sue. Has an Art Deco look about it.
I have the St Kitts Die, but not this particular Gemini die.
I will try watching your shows tonight via the internet and some of tomorrow's. Sadly I won't be able to record any of them :-(

Happy 71st Birthday, Marg !! Hope you have a Fab Day !
Birthday Greetings to anyone else who may be celebrating today X

Best Wishes and hugs to you all, especially, Lynne M and 'dastardly doggie Divas', Marg, Mary (Blight), (Lanc's) Steph, Wheelybad, Norah, Pam, June (Smith), Nanna Tina and all who are unwell or suffering (((( ))))

Angela in sunny, Dubai Xx

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Wow!! a beautiful card (they always are) we are so lucky to see so many beauties.
Love the colour Combe and brilliant design.
Looking forward to the show, good luck.
Have a great day
Patricia xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. Fabulous card, love the ebony bling. I'll bet C&Cs viewing figures rise sharply at 9pm tonight, enjoy your shows - you know that we will! Sue xxx

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. Another stunning card. Hazel x

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, love black and white, so striking! Looking forward to seeing you on tv tonight. Love Jean xxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, now this is my kind of card, love black and white combination and the ebony ice looks stunning on here. Am also eagerly awaiting your shows, have been looking forward to them so much.

Happy Tuesday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xx

A Happercrafter6 said...

Very striking. Black and white always looks great.

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue and all I hope you are all well.
Sue this card is amazing I love the dies and the design are wonderful.
I will be watching at 9pm can't wait to see what you have for us
I'm off the watch the video now.
So take care xx

Debs A xxx

Anonymous said...

A very elegant card, Sue. I see the Camellia flower makes an appearance again!

Anne (Northampton)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Sue. Looking forward to tonight's show. Looks like another nice day, hope you all enjoy it. JJ xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This card is gorgeous! I love the border die against the black bling! The centre die is pretty too. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Caroljsmith said...

Wow what a stunning card sue.

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,love the milk and black together they give such an elegant look.

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Always a classic colour combo and love the design.
Good luck with the shows.
Ang x

Linda Graham said...

Lovely card Sue, very elegant,look forward to tonight, thank you, Linda x

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
'Ebony and Ivory go together in perfect harmony' and that's just what you have achieved.

The little bit of bling down the edges is just the finishing touch and makes today's gift just sparkle. I defy anyone not to want to receive such a gift as this at any time and not just for a special occasion. Today's gift has gone into my 'must do' file and will stay there forever.

I'm looking forward to your POTD and just hope that you don't sell out before I get to see everything.

It's a sorting wardrobes day today. Oh Goody hmmmmmmmmmm.

To all in pain and suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Pure class. Love it. Will be watching later.

rosiejt said...

They certainly do look lovely together!

Jane said...

Good morning Sue, A very elegant card today!try to watch the show tonight,hope the internet works from my hotel room in Germany.Take care Jane B.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Yet again I will have to wait until I get home this evening to watch you constructing your lovely card. SueL x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is stunning I love the colours and the dies are gorgeous. I hope the shows go well. I am hoping to watch some this afternoon. John has made an impressive amount of samples. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Jackie

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card-very classy. Can't wait to see you shows, will be recording them all to watch when hubby is away again.


Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all
beautiful classy card today, love the ebony and ivory
There are terrible cyclonic winds and flooding in Sydney Newcastle and the Hunter region here in New South Wales mainly just South of where I live, please keep safe everyone.
Muriel x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love the card I will be watching tonight. love Jean Z xxx

nattyboots said...

Wonderful work Sue, your card hits the spot .Fab .
Take Care
Elaine H X

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue, looking forward to tonight's shows xx hazel

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card love the dies and the bling down the sides of the card and on the flower. Lol lynne m x x

Eldest daughter has the task of looking after poochies today as stuck in bed with sickness and a heavy cold. Hoping to watch your shows though. Poochies brought lots of cut grass into the house yesterday it seemed as soon as I had used the hoover the little b's went out and got some more. I know the saying " bringing the outdoors in" but my two took it to extremes. At least the bulbs were left alone!!!.

Lol and hugs to all my crafty buddies. To those pain or need extra hugs from the divas x x x x

Joan D said...

A stunning card. Looks like parchment paper lace xxx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Love the card and am so looking forward to 9pm on Ideal World!
Thank you Angela for the birthday wishes ! Just looked and the church has the Union Jack flying for me lol!
Its the Queens (89th) birthday today too!
Take care
Love Marg

Unknown said...

Angela they certainly are dastardly doggie divas. I don't know if you remember a kiddies cartoon called wacky races. My two remind me of mutley the dog side kick of dick dastardly cuz of the way he used to mutter under his breathe and chuckle my two do that when I tell them off!!! Lol lynne m x x

Aspiring crafter said...

Adore this card Sue!
Looking forward to the POTD , sure it will be brilliant!

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue, an incredible, striking design that is so elegant. Love all the bling! I have to wait until tonight to watch the video but it will give me something to look forward to. Thank you for all the great inspiration.x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
WOW! Such an stunning elegant card today..I really must try and start to add black into my cards and the black sparkle just adds a touch of bling.
Muriel pleas stay safe with those winds down under, I have familyin Manly Sydney ( south of you) and don't know if it has the winds are there too. It is the first I've heard about it in your post.
Hugs to all who need them and may your days get brighter very soon.
Looking forward to your shows tonigh Sue....have fun.

Love and hugs
Sheila xx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue
Striking card. Really beautiful. Hope the shows go well. All recorded so I don't mind a thing.
Lots of love
Jo xx

Nananne said...

Beautifully Elegant Card!
Looking forward to your shows Sue!
Love and hugs to all xo

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Stunning card can't wait to tonight's POTD
Carol x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What an amazing card, it is a stunner. Loved the tutorial also.
Ginnie x

ellyscard creatief said...

Lovely card,beautiful dies

Gail said...

I just love it, your cards just get better and better. I don't know how you manage it?
Gail Cx

Izzy said...

Hi Sue,

Gorgeous card - love the bling!

Will be watching and recording all the shows tonight and tomorrow...good luck...


Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card again today. Love the black and white and the beautiful dies. Looking forward to your POTD shows :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Angela (UK) said...

Such a stunning card today Sue, just love it. Will be watching you later :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Lovely combination - will have to watch the video later. Thanks for the reminder about tonight.

Beverley W

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, Another beauty, love this card, can't wait to see POTD shows, needing some inspiration, and your new ideas! Thanks for sharing, love Junex (Cumbria)

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning all - Another beauty today Sue! Looking forward to tonight's show - recorder already set!

lilian said...

Hi Sue & Friends, beautiful card, love the colour combo.
Great to have shows on on the evening, so us working girls get to see the launch shows live, can't wait.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW this card is right up my street it's stunning. Loving the black and milk colours together, with just the hint of bling under your top mat. Another frilly, lacey effect on the card and the flower just finishes it off. Hubby got to work so i can get my housework done and some little jobs to finish then it show time for me. I will be sitting wait for the big reveal at 9pm with a cup of coffee to see what you have to tempt us crafters with lol. Good luck to you and john with all your shows.
It's looking like another beautiful day. Take care everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

karenlotty said...

Yay husband is on a late shift! The tv remote is mine all mine! Will record too for tips/hints etc Great card Just love the colour combo Missed out on the bling at AP so will be visiting JS

Jan.moogie said...

Another gorgeous card Sue and looks so easy to make. Will be watching tonight and after work in the morning. Have a great day. xxx

pinky said...

Wow pure elegance!

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Don't die of shock now. - I really love this card even though there is black! Truly stunning! Looking forward to the shows and good luck for them ( although you won't need it).
Lynne hope you get better soon. The dastardly divas are proper little tinkers aren't they?! I remember the Wacky Races and Muttley was one of my favourites.
Marg - a very happy birthday to you and how lovely to have the flags out specially for you! I'm sure the Queen won't mind you sharing them with you!
Love and hugs to all - have as good a day as possible. Love Alison xxx

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, love those borders, will be watching tonight and tomorrow

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

This is a stunning card. Just Devine.

Looking forward to the TV shows tonight and tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Marg, have a great day.

Love Helen. Xxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
It's a cracker!!!
Simply stunning in black and white.
Lorna D

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card, love the colour combo and great use of your wonderful dies. Love it.
Good luck with the shows, will have to watch on catch up as I'm out tomorrow.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card, ebony and ivory (there is a song about that) look great together, stunning card, certainly another one to try.
Looking forward to your shows, take care.
Off to watch the video to look and learn. Jess x

Unknown said...

Wonderful die - beautiful card

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful elegant card will watch video again later, looking forward to all the shows tonight and tomorrow. Just wanted to say that the CE smoothies are brilliant for inking through dies, I always messed up with cut and dry foam but not any more!
Happy birthday Marg and stay safe in those winds Muriel
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
I love the card. So pretty.
Looking forward to tonight's shows.
Evis M.

Chris Curry said...

Fabulous card Sue, stunning. Thank you.Xx

hettygarlick said...

Love this card. It's so elegant. I always think black/cream or black/white are so very classy. Will be watching the show tonight. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Elegance personified in this card, love from Jackie xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue brilliant card, really stylish. Crafty Regards Julie Kay xx

Glennis F said...

This one is stunning - I would love to recieve one like this

Kate's Cards said...


Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely pulchritudinous!!
I love hat Cygnus die, use it a lot.
Looking forward to the shows and wishing you the sell-out success that you had on your last ones.
Hugs, Rose

Marianne's Craftroom said...

How lovely, has given me an idea for a card thanks. Good luck woth the shows

sued99 said...

Gorgeous card. Looking forward to catching some of the POTD shows.

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, What a lovely card, enjoyed watching the video and just added another die to my ever growing wish list. Could really do with a large lottery win.

Good luck with the show tonight/tomorrow. Have already set video recorder

Unknown said...

wow Sue you've done it again! another stunning card

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Wow !! I truly love this card, the video is fabulous, the compilation is fabulous, and the finished card is stunning !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Unknown said...

To My Dear Friend Sue,
I Truly Love Today's Awesome Card And The Fantastic Informative Video, Like Yourself I Love It When You Use Black On A Card It Makes It Really "POP" Great Dies.
I'm So Looking Forwar To The Television Shows.
Take Care My Friend
Love And Hugs
From Sam
Hugs To All, And All At The Coffee Shop!

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Very elegant and classy in the white and black. Thanks for the video.

iReneM said...

A real stunner and so elegant.

Great video tut as always and I am looking forward to watching tonight's POTD. Good luck Sue :)


ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

Lovely card in black and white, but it would work so well for many occasions with a different colourway! Thanks for sharing, Susan x

Paula said...

That's my kind of card Sue! I love, love, love it. Love the colours and love the dies, especially as I have them so can make the card. :)

Paula x

doreenj said...

As some of the others have said, it would look good with all sorts of colours!!

Doreen x

Cazzie D said...

Morning Sue

A really elegant, gorgeous card today. Love the colour comb too.
Caz x

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue what a beauty I love it never seen a card of yours I didn't love. Thank you for sharing and also the vidio see you tonight sue so looking forward to it. Love to All xxxx

Sandra said...

Hi Sue & friends,
Wow Sue, a totally gorgeous card today, another batch of dies that work so well together, I think I might have to buy this Gemini die, the more I see you use it the more I want it! I am off to watch the video in a few minutes!
Thank you Sue for taking the time to create all of this inspiration, I hope that tonight you get rewarded for your hard work with huge amount of sales and let's hope we get a whole lot more blog members, I will go now and spread the word to as many places as I can!
I have everything crossed for you Sue xxx
Sending love and hugs to all
Sandra xxxxxxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue
I've just enjoyed watching the video of this card and it really is stunning. The black bling is gorgeous and I love the st kits die with the embossed section, very unusual. You are spoiling us. Must set the recorder for tonight as I have a feeling the remote will not be mine! Try and relax today as I think you will be busy the next couple of days! Take care love Diane G xxx

Muriel stay safe in those high winds and flooding and Sheila I hope your family are safe too xxx
Marg happy birthday, yes I'm sure the queen doesn't mind sharing with you so enjoy your flag waving and have a wonderful day xxx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Lovely card. I love this card, simple and elegant. Striking monochrome with a sparkle. Thanks for sharing.

See you later today.

Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card today Sue and the video was great, thank you for the demo.

The shapes and mono colour works so well with just a bit of bling from the black iced snow, great!

Craftihappiness to everyone and lots of love from Macky.

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Enjoyed watching the video.

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning dear Sue. Hope the filming is going to plan for you.
What a beautiful card you have given us, and there are exta sound effects too with the video lol if you listen real careful you can hear a dog barking way off in the distance somewhere. I did think it was a squeeky handle, but nope a dog (wonder if its Lynns little diva's) lol.
Have a lovely birthday Marg. Am SO looking forward to watching your show's Sue, im laid up on the sofa with a badly twisted ankle after managing to go out yesterday with Mr L and dog, at last its warm enough to go out although jacket and gloves still required ! But asI managed to get gracefully over a small stye my ankle twisted ! All was fine until 8pm when the pain hit like crazy, so here I am with an ice pack wrapped round my ankle! Happy days !
Hope everyone manages to enjoy the British sun today (it doesn't last long) !!!
Hugs to you Sue (listen out for the crafty pooch) lol.
Lancashire Steph xxx

CraftyJo said...

Lovely card Sue, will watch you later :)

sandieann21 said...

Love this. Can't wait for tonight

sandieann21 said...

Love this. Can't wait for tonight

Unknown said...

Beautiful card....so excited about the pick of the day....and all the demo's you no doubt have planned...knock 'em dead Sue....!
Luv Rach :)

Myra said...

Yes you have definitely done it again! Another gorgeous card and one I'd love to try! Love the black it really does make it pop!
I hope all goes well for tonight. I'm sure it will - it always has in the past and your dies are so different to all the others around! I'm not at all biased either! Lol!
I've been a wee bit naughty - had a look ahead and ordered a CE card bundle because I reckon that will sell out . The one with pink and blues in it!
Take care Sue, everything being recorded and will watch POTD Live! I'm making an exception because it's you!
Lots of love to everyone,
Myra xxx

Jill Liddle said...

Gorgeous card today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Hope you're well. Just sat and recorded all your Ideal World and C & C shows, can't wait to see all the samples you've made and the demonstrations you will show. You always blow me away with all the original ideas you have.
Good luck with all your shows and thank you for all the hard work you put into the preparation beforehand.
P.S. Today's card is another winner!
love & best wishes, Karen Brass x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Black and white are my favourite colours combo too. Stunning card and definitely be tuning in tonight to watch. Love, Ivy L xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card! The black and white is stunning.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, please don't get a shock when I say I love this one. I think you must be converting me to more and more black :-) The video is very clear but unlike Steph I didn't hear a dog. I'll have to watch it again and turn the volume up higher lol

All good wishes for you and John with your marathon on Ideal World and C & C. I will be watching live tonight but will have to play catch-up tomorrow.

Marg - Happy Birthday!
Lynne M & Steph - hope you both improve soon but what better excuse could you have to watch Sue all day without feeling guilty :-D

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, love this! Such a striking colour combination. St Kitts is one of the dies I bought at Ally Pally - I love the shape and design. The black iced jewels on black card is beautiful! Have already placed my order for tonight's POTD (to take advantage of free p&p!!) And will record all of the shows to watch again and again as usual!!!

Unknown said...

oops! hit 'publish' before I finished!! Have a great day everyone, hugs Karen x

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Just love ur card today. Great video too. Canny wait to see what u have on ur shows tonight. Have fun an sell out!!!
Love Tracy xx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely combination if dies. Love the colour combination as well.

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

This card is lovely, of course we will be watching over tonight and tomorrow, good luck,(though i know it's not need).

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Jean said...

Striking and beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. So sophisticated. I love black and white.Am now off to watch your video.
Hope you are enjoying this sunshine. Hugs. Jan. xx

Unknown said...

Thanks Alison at the moment my eyes are streaming. My favourite was mutley too. Poochies out in the garden with my daughter sunbathing!!! They do like laying on their backs flashing their stomachs the floozies. Lol lynne m :-)

Unknown said...

Great card design Sue, love the combination of dies.

Rosemarie said...

Afternoon Sue, Sorry late today. I love the ebony and ivory look. Good luck for all your shows, will be watching.

Love Rosemarie xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Absolutely love this card.

mommaRN50 said...

Very lovely. It would be so appropriate for any number of occasions

craftynanna said...

Good Afternoon Sue, this card is stunning especially with the bling down the sides, have watched the video and its great thank you for the inspiration you inspire us with each day,
Happy Birthday Marg hope you have a great day,
Steph and Sam, i hope you are getting a little better each day,
Hugs to all Johanna

Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes
Gorgeous card I love the Gemini die's & I brought this one at AP so must give this ago.
Looking forward to the first show tonight Sue.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Marg Happy birthday enjoy your day.

Thinking of you TOB Theresa hope your ok sending you Hug's.xx

Norah I hope your ok missing you.sending Hug's xx

Good to see you comment Sheila your always in my thoughts sending Hug's for you & Nikki xx

Hug's Sandra Margaret Myra Maria Maureen Shaila, Sam Saba Mrs B Pat Hazel Patrica TIna E Wheelybad Norah Jean D Steph Cameeli Brenda L Brenda Littlelamb Diane & all the wilsonettes hug's Lynda xx

Maggie C said...

Hello Sue. Hope you're all geared up and ready to go. Lots of nourishment to get you through the next day and a half! Lovely card and one that would be a challenge but so satisfying to do. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card!!!
So excited for your programme tonight.....!!!!!

steph loveday said...

Oh I love black and white and that border die is beautiful
I have set reminder for 9pm

Barbara said...

fabulous card Sue and thoroughly enjoyed the video.
Looking forward to tonight and hope you have lots of sell outs!!!!

ann caves said...

Hi Sue
favourite combo black and white just love love love it..Hope everyone will be watching tonights POTD the dies are just fabulous. Hugs

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Love it, I brought some fabric in those colours a little while ago! Looking forward to tonight, will be ready at 9 to join you then John at 11pm on idea world.

I originally posted on the mobile site but it managed to eat my comment again. Posting on desktop view now. Tired today so will be brief as a second lot of typing wasn't planned.

Happy birthday Marg xxx

Steph, hope your ankle feels better soon xxx

Thinking of those in those storms in Australia. Muriel I hope it stays clear if you and is all over asap xxx

Lynne, Billy loves being Belly up, if the sun is out its his default position in the middle of the garden. He sends wags and woofs to the divas X

Im going for a sneak preview of tonights goodies now, hugs to everyone, lots extra for those who need them,

T x

Unknown said...

another stunner sue.....beautiful

Suzzette Yandle said...

Such a pretty card today. Thanks for the video. That Cygnus border die is lovely - gotta have it!

Joan from Newcastle said...

Just watched your Ebony & Ivory video Sue. It was so informative and the finished card is lovely. Love the dies that you used.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Black and white the classic combo, but with these dies just classy and elegant. Looking forward to all your shows and what you bring us!!!

Unknown said...

Lol and hugs to Billy from the girls. Lynne m x x x

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Just watched the video and you make it seem so easy. I love the card and the colour too. Also the little bit of décor too

Have a great evening all you crafters out there.

Enjoy POTD tonight

Many thanks Dorothy xx

Maureen Killen said...

Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
I just love this, it's really beautiful and shows your dies off to perfection.
I'm away to get ready for a heavy date tonight at 9 pm lol!!!!!
Maureen xx

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! "Thank you" as always for the wonderful video! Oh wow! What a beautiful and elegant masterpiece. Love the Cygnus and the St. Kitts dies, they're beautiful together. The ebony ice is luscious.....love the sparkle it gives and the black and cream card go so well together. I've no doubt there will be a spending frenzy for your dies Sue and it couldn't have happened to a nicer lady than you xx Love and hugs to you Sue and everyone xx take care xx Love Karen xx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, what a gorgeous card. Love the colour combo, so effective. Good luck with the shows, I bet they will be amazingly succesful. Bx

Anonymous said...

LOVE this card, Sue, and that you match it!! Not often you wear black.
Late today and this is first chance to watch video - so, stunning card altogether. Thank you, such a good video.
Hope POTD is viewable on Freeview otherwise it'll be catch up tomorrow. Hope they are good shows for you, Sue - know they will be for us!! Feel a little temptation coming on without even seeing the shows lol!

'P' in Wales

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Stunning card so beautiful.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

liz spooner said...

Beautiful and elegant thank you for sharing. xx

Lesley said...

Love this card it is so elegant. I also enjoyed the video and am now looking forward to tonight's show.

nzillingworth said...


Unknown said...

Hi Sue beautiful card and great video
Denise x

Saba said...

Beautiful card and a great video. Sorry I haven't commented for the last couple of days, I have been so busy visiting family. I have also spent some time with my amazing sister Val and she is now starting to recover from her surgery.
Looking forward to tonight's show.
Love and hugs for all

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue, I think this card looks super and suitable for many occasions.

Hope you are keeping safe down there in Australia Muriel and that the storms and flooding pass you by.

Poor Lynne, hope a couple of days in bed will have you feeling better.

Had a hot and sunny busy day here organising the garden furniture and bringing cushions out of storage. It was great to sit out for a while in the sun with a choc ice.(Sorry Muriel)

Take care all.
Love and hugs

Linda28 said...

Stunning card, love the colour combination and the ebony ice. Sky all set to record both shows tonight:) Hugs to all, Linda

Theresa said...

this is just elegant and my favourite combo too. hope the shows go very well, hugs xx

Karen Drew said...

Looks so classy
Looking forward to the shows. all ready to record so I can follow them later on.
Karen xx

barbara macaskill said...

Black and White are a combination that I will never tire of! Always classy and timeless! TFS!

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! This card is stunning !! I love the beautiful Caribean dies you have used for the central element. They are very pretty !! I love the Cygnus Gemini Die you have used to make the borders to !! I think they look great with the black glitter. The black and white colour combo makes this card very striking, and the dies make it very beautiful. Fab flower and leaves finish this card to perfection. A very Elegant, stunning card today with a fab video to. Thank you so much for sharing Sue.
I am waiting for your shows to start soon on TV. I cannot wait !! I have already put my order in so I can sit back and relax and watch. Good luck for your shows tonight but I know you will be great as always Sue !! Lots of love and special hugs from Tres x x x

Lots of love to everyone this evening love from Tres x x x

Craftysusan said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card and I do like the black and milk card together, very elegant. Looking forward to upcoming shows, hope you enjoy doing them as much as I enjoy watching them. x

Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue
This card is really lovely. This one I will be adapting for my use.
Zena xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I love everything about this card and I like the milk coloured card with the black.

Thanks for another fab video!

Happy Crafting!!! X X X

cheryl brown said...

Oh my, Sue, what a gorgeous card today. loving loving loving it.
hugs to all
Cheryl xxx

Gail said...

This is simply elegant - no more no less - just simply elegant xx GailT xx

Unknown said...

Really stylish card sue,watching your launch show and the others are set to record.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue
Sorry late today, not been an easy day, we have been to a friends funeral. He was a friend of my OH and leaves a young wife and two daughters. At least he is out of pain now.

Today's card is beautiful, these dies are so fine and elegant- just love it all.

Best wishes with your shows.
Love Brenda xxx

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Unknown said...

Love monochrome cards, they always look elegant.
Enjoyed the show tonight.
Janice W

nannapat said...

Stunning card Sue, I just love those dies. Pat x

Unknown said...

Great card , just watched your show, just wonderful


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love today's card.
Just finished watching the POTD shows. What great samples from both you and John. Can't wait for tomorrow's shows.
Veronique L

Littlelamb said...

Just watched your show. I really enjoyed it. Lovely card today.

Di said...

Hi Sue,
stunning card, great videp
Di B. x

Eunice said...

Absolutely stunning color combination!!

Jean Bullock said...

Elegant and stunning. Love it and pinned it of course. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765607815374/

Sandy H said...

Really striking card in black and white. Would look good in other colours too. I'll catch up with the video later as I've just watched my recordings of tonight's shows.
Take care everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Didn't have time to watch the video till this morning,enjoyed it very much and love the card to.

Craftycatty said...

This would make a lov3ely wedding invitation.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous catd Sue love the dies used.

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Not sure you will see this post but I only just watched this video because I was away when you posted it. I love the ebony ice it holds such dear memories for me, I bought it in Haverfordwest when I went to see you demo. The video was, as usual, easy to follow and the card was so pretty thanks for sharing
Hugs x
Heather T

auscrafts said...

not had time to watch any of the video but the card is lovely

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Wow, another stunning card & I love monochrome colours as they look so elegant & sophisticated.

Love the combination of the borders,central focal element & the flower which make for a very
gorgeous card.

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx

America said...

Sooo Striking in Black and White! Wonderful Sparkle and great use of the border dies. Lovely Flower too! Another WOW design!

melody said...
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