Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Interlocking Gate Fold

Hi crafters!  Today's video card is a bit of a different card for me, but a really interesting one to do.  The New York Collection works absolutely perfectly for this sort of gatefold card too!

Buy from Joanna Sheen

The finished dimensions are 6" x  6" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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Pam said...

Gorgeous card Sue, hope you have a wonderful cruise holiday. The rest will do you good.
Very frosty this morning, I'm off out to de-ice the car before work.
Hugs all round

Unknown said...

Wow! Very dramatic and a contrast to yesterday. I am so totally awake now! ROFL!

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

yvonne said...

Good morning Sue what a stunning card, enjoy your holiday a well deserved one.
Yvonne xx

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a beautiful dramatic card.
Have a great holiday. Take care Kitty.

Denise Bryant said...

Very striking card! Love the red/black/white combo!

Denise Bryant said...

Very striking card! Love the red/black/white combo!

tracy w said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card and a great design must try this one out thank you tracyw x

CraftySuetoo said...

Hi Sue. A very dramatic card today, love the black & red combo. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
This looks interesting and my go to size as well. Will watch the video later.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

The positive/negative effect and contrast with red make for a really effective card.

Unknown said...

WOW!! Sue, the card is amazing!!! How did you get so much onto a 6x6 card??
Have a great holiday! Jo xx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this is brilliant, love the concept of the pieces interlocking. Very dramatic colours, but a favourite combination of mine. Great video showing the construction steps, will give it a try, hopefully will get my glue in the right places. Have a lovely day. Bx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Very dramatic! I love the interlocking technique you have used. Thank you for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a very dramatic card today
not one of my favourites maybe in a different colourway but I like the
concept. Have a great holiday Sue
you deserve it.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. This is lovely and as you say something different which looks good fun to attempt. Might have a go at this technique. Thanks for educating us with another fab video. Happy resting!

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

This is fabulous, looks very intricate so will have to watch the video later lol!

Have a great day.

Love & hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh my - a wake-up card, very bright and well, very bright! Clever construction technique, Sue, and not half as difficult as it looks at first glance. Can see it in lots of colourways. Not too sure about the slider band but can leave it off.
Thanks for the very clear video - now, what can go wrong in attempting this lol?

'P' in Wales

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card & great instructions on the video. I feel confident enough to try this now, thanks.


TDQ Karen said...

Very striking xx

Anonymous said...

Will have to watch the video later - this card looks intriguing. Not sure about the flower but love the dramatic colours.

Anne (Northampton)

JAO said...

Great card Sue, love square cards.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
A very striking card stunning colour combo.
Happy crafting
Live and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
A stunning card, I love the concept.
Off to watch and learn, might have a go later.
Red not one of my chosen colours, however there are plenty others to choose from.
Have a fantastic day

Patricia xxx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Love this dramatic card
Pat x

Felicie said...

A very gorgeoous card.I love the olour combo.

Unknown said...

another stunning card sue I will watch the dvd later. It is beautiful

Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all
Can't wait to watch the video when I get home to see how you did his Sue. Fabulous card.
Muriel x

Karen M said...

Morning Sue,
What a clever card,thank you for showing us how
To do it
Karen M

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. Are you on a cruise? We loved the one we went on and we want to do it again. Have a fantastic time. Hugs Jackie

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, just watched the video, thank you for another different card today. I love this technique, will have to try it. Love Jean xxx

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Thank you for showing us this clever concept and the card is stunning both inside and out. Very informative video with clear instructions Really liked the sliding band, a clever touch to keep it from popping open.

Love and hugs to all


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, love this card and the colour combo. You make it look so easy, but will have a go -what possibly could go wrong!

Love Rosemarie x

Carole Z said...

Super card Sue, will catch the video later, hugs Carole Z X

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Nice colours and love the Die but will watch the Video later!
Have you started your cruise?
Take care
Love Marg

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, Gosh this is different and quite dramatic, but very effective.
Enjoy your holiday!!

Debs cards said...

Morning sue what a beautiful card I love the colours you have used and the design is wonderful off to watch and learn now xxx

Debs A xxx

Aspiring crafter said...

Going to watch this video patr and have a go Sue!
Thanks for the inspiration, have fun!!

Eemeli said...

Oh, I want these dies! That flower is absolutely stunning and gorgeous
and beautiful and pretty and everything, lol.


Janice K said...

Good morning Sue, a striking design today and a great, alternative way of using our dies.x

DMJ said...

A dramatic card, Sue, and as you say, unusual for you,

Doreen x

Glennis F said...

Looks very intricate! - lovely though!

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, I have made this one as soon as I bought the New York dies it's very clever and looks stunning in real life! Junex (Cumbria)

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. A very interesting card and I will look forward to watching your video. Very busy day today so will probably be watching in the early hours again! SueL x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Very clever!...and nowhere near as difficult as it looks at first glance...love the colour combo and that cigar band really finishes it off beautifully...

Pat L....you've made FIVE bags already!...Wow, that was quick, glad you found the instructions easy to follow and thank you for your feedback...


JosieB said...

This card looks complicated but could be fun to do,look forward to watching video several times perhaps.
Best wishes

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Very dramatic and very different. I'm not sure of the colours for me but everyone is different but will give it a try. Thank you. Hugs Heather x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A very different card today, not your usual style, looks very intricate to make, will watch the video later and learn how you made it.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
What a beautiful and fantastic way to start a day. I have looked at this card on various sites and thought how wonderful it looks but never thought that it might just be hiding a surprise. Your colours today are very bold and just enhance the format of today's gift. I shall be trying my take as I have a gift to make for a dear friend who will just love the idea of this gift. It has also been filed into my K&N file for my crafty friends to do. It should be a very interesting afternoon when I ask them to make it and I wonder who will be the first to put the glue on the wrong side or glue all round instead of just half way.

Steph - hope you're a little more settled this morning and getting organised. Just remember one step at a time. Hugs.
Sandra - hope you're now recovering from your very busy weekend.
Norah - I'm missing you young lady. Hope all is well.

I'm off now for a cup of coffee and then to get everything ready for Knit & Natter this afternoon as it's my turn (it seems to come round very quickly)to demo and I'm always afraid of forgetting something or of not having cut as many pieces that I should have. Why do we put ourselves in these places which raise our BPs.

To all in pain or suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. It's very cold and slippy this morning. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Craftysusan said...

Great card Sue and lovely to see a different style of card with a tutorial. Can't wait to watch it tonight. Just wish I had a bit more time to craft. You are so lucky doing a job which is so creative. Thank you again for all the inspiration. I made 3 anniversary cards on the weekend using your dies and by copying your designs. I'm sure you wouldn't mind as you are so generous with your ideas. Take care. xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card again today. Love the bold colours and this collection of dies. Looking forward to watching the video later after work. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, such a different style of card today and so beautiful! Must have a go at this one!
Enjoy your holiday
Janette x

karenlotty said...

Very different style and I like it But will have to watch video later

Unknown said...

Love the whole card tutorial;)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant card... at first glance I thought this is a tricky one to do, but was surprised after watching the video how easy it was. I am out all day today visiting my grandchildren but I will be having a go tonight when I get back.
Have a great holiday Sue.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant card... at first glance I thought this is a tricky one to do, but was surprised after watching the video how easy it was. I am out all day today visiting my grandchildren but I will be having a go tonight when I get back.
Have a great holiday Sue.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - another great use of the New York dies, one of my favourites, although I'm not a lover of red I can see this in other colours. Will watch the video later. Have a great time,

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Clever card today

Chris Curry said...

A clever and intricate looking card Sue, very pretty. Hope I am brave enough to try it one day. LOL, Thank you.Xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, been watching the video whilst eating my breakfast as well as writing down the measurements etc. such a change from your usual cards and I love it, brilliant, can we see more of these please.

I do hope your resting and enjoying your holiday.

Have a great Tuesday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Definitely different for you, but still a beauty!!
Your right no need for expensive dies, just create a void!
Lorna D

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the fabulous wilsonettes,
Wasn't quite into this card until i seen it getting made and it is most striking indeed Sue. What most took me by surprise is that it is a "real" card!!! What are you trying to do to us Sue, giving us heart attacks. Thank you Sue for a very striking card that i think i will make a version of for my daughters FIL 50th birthday.
What a day we are having at Glenochil, the snow is coming down and forgetting to stop and his lordship has banned me from going out to meet my friend. The woman across the road has those solar panels on her roof, well i don't think they will be working today some how as i can't see them nor my lovely hills because of the white out. If anyone is out and about today see if you can order me up some energy as i feel like a duracell that is all pooped out, i wouldn't even have the energy to light a 2 watt bulb.
Janet flower, have a lovely day at your k&n and try and stop worrying as it doesn't do your blood pressure any good at all. You have cut all you need and triple checked it so you have nothing to worry about, just enjoy yourself. I'm crocheting lego bricks at the moment to make a blanket for the wee fella coming. I have royal blue, red, yellow, orange so far but need to find a bright green as well and then surely teeny can't tell me it is a girls blanket? Have a great day flower and all the rest of my Wilsonette angels, i send hugs of all shapes and sizes to both on blog and not at the moment, i am hoping that you can find yourselves able to come back soon.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Nananne said...

Stunning card! Interesting and different, I love the Madison square die and use it every chance I get!
Thanks Myra! I completely forgot to comment yesterday , too much going on! anyway good to hear you are having a lovely holiday and great weather , ( hope it lasts, as really that's what we go for ) pity we'll just miss one another as it would have been fun to meet up.
Look forward to some exciting colour ways after you've seen the Nothern Lights , Sue! Have a wonderful time xo
Love and Hugs to all xo

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This is a lovely card, I have never made one of these, will away to watch video now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

nzillingworth said...


gwen70 said...

Very dramatic card today Sue, love it. Have a wonderful relaxing holiday you deserve it

cheryl brown said...

Loving the colour combo and totally different from all your other cards.
Gorgeous card
Enjoy your cruise and come back refreshed.
Comfort blanket (((hugs))) to all who are in pain and suffering, I hope you day is kinder to you
Hugs Cheryl xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very interesting card love it . love Jean Z xxx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card with very dramatic colours.

iReneM said...

A really stunning design and you make it look so easy, Sue, LOL
Great video as always.
Enjoy your holiday :)


nattyboots said...

Love,love love it !
Enjoy your Hols Sue .
Take Care
Elaine H X

Jane said...

Good morning Sue,different but still a beautiful card. I don't want to make some of you jealous!! but we are enjoying 25-27 decrees at the moment!far too warm for early March. However not complaining.Take care Jane B.

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Wow what a statement card today. Looks complicated but will watch the video later. x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, what an intriguing card, will watch video later. Hope you enjoy your holiday.
We have snow here this morning as Norah says, watch out ladies if you are out and about and it is snowing where you are. Take care Jess x

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Love the card but I would use different colours as I am not a fan of red and black. I will certainly watch the video later on today.
Take care,
Evis M.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Very striking card, and so different for you! I really do like it and will have a go. Hope you are enjoying your holiday. Norah, if you do go out, please be careful - we don't want you falling over. We have snow today, but only a light covering thankfully not like you. Just off to see my aunt now as she's got a nasty chest infection but the antibiotics she's been given are making her sick and she's not eating - not really what she needs in her condition. Sending love and hugs to everyone. Stay safe and warm, love Alison xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
What a stunner of a card, it's dramatic and right up my street! I shall HAVE TO try that one.
Enjoy your fjords........
Hugs, Rose

ellyscard creatief said...

Great card ,love the flowers.

patwyn said...

Morning Sue,
Very striking card today, will watch video later.

Pat xxx

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes. Firstly I want to send my heartfelt sympathy to Sheila (Ginger) Thinking of you during this most awful time in your life.

Well Sue, what a change for you to make a card like this. Your tutorial is so very informative and helpful, but you know me, cag handed, crafting numpty and one brain cell, doesn't bode well, would you like my list of stupid mistakes I could make with this lol although it would make a really good blooper you tube video ' How not to make an interlocking gatefold card' by Stupid Steph lol.
Its fab Sue, and imagin all the colour combo's you could use, lush. Im going to have a bash at this, it will be totally hilarious.
Hope you are getting organised for your 'work free holiday' when you arrive at any of your check in's your luggage and 'person' will be frisked for paper and pen and confiscated, so any idea's you have will have to be stored in your grey matter lol.
Have a wonderful time Sue.
Sending love to Sam and all our friends that dont feel so good today, my basket of hugs is full for you to take as many as you need.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A bold colour combo today but that fits the drama of the card. Will have a peek at the video later with a coffee.
Have a great day.
Ang x

ros hodgkins said...

Hi Sue, I love this type of card, they look so much more difficult than they are. Using three colours is new but amazing. X Ros

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card , but watching video will have to wait! It's a real card? Wow! You do need a holiday! Lol!
Sheila - so very sorry! Sending love and sympathy to your self and Nikki. Will be thinking of you both., as well as other family members. xx
Love to all,
Myra xx

Kate's Cards said...

Very striking!

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue,

Wow what a striking card! Love it and cannot wait to watch video after work.
Love, Ivy L xx

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,
my first thought it must be complicated... but as I watched your video it is quick and easy to make and so effective.
Thank you so much
Rolf x

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue and all the ladies.
What a striking card this is. I'm not keen on the colours, but they are easily changed and the idea is fab.
Enjoy your holiday Sue and come back refreshed and full of vigour.
Alimecca - Alison, sorry to read about your aunt. She has enough to cope with as it is.
I hope everyone else is as well as they can be and not suffering.

Paula said...

What a wonderful card! It's so striking to look at and such an unusual design too. I'm off to make a cuppa and watch the video now. :)

Paula x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the card but not the colours, sorry.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue love the colours and movement of it xx hazel

Unknown said...

Oh, Wow, can't wait to look at the video for this one -- where on earth do you get your ideas from?

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes,
Gorgeous card Sue will watch video later.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

I had some very sad news Sheila Ginger's Husband sadly passed away on Sunday morning She asked me to let you all know. Tomorrow will be very hard for her as she has too tell Nikki her daughter, as she loved her Daddy so much, Sheila's Aunt & Uncle are going with her.Sending her my love & Heartfelt sympathy.

Love & Hug's to all my Wilsonette friends Lynda xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Very Dramatic Card. The colour combination is very striking and the construction is brilliant. Looking at the card I expected it to be very complex. Thank you for sharing this technique.

Best wishes

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Enjoy your wonderful Cruise rest and relax should be the order of the day.

Not sure about this card think its the colour mix.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

June Horrocks said...

The card is stunning sue tried it and failed I'm afraid but I will try again. Have a wonderful time soon be Jill's birthday won't it xxx have s great time sue llove to all June horrocks xxxxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue What a beautiful card today Sue, it looks complicated until you see the video (and a 'proper' card too!) . Love the colour combo and the band to keep it closed, such a good idea. Thank you for sharing. Have a fab holiday love Diane G xxx
Sheila Ginger oh my poor love, sending you my sympathy and a big hug for you and Nikki. My thoughts are with you both xxx
Norah, Jess and Alison I wish I could send you some sunshine to melt all your snow and give you a bit of warmth but it's a bit thin on the ground down south this morning. Xxx
Jane B where do you live to have such sunny weather? Xxx

Maureen Killen said...

Hello again Sue,
I'd like to pass on my condolences to Sheila Ginger on the very sad news. May he Rest In Peace. +

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
One of my favourite things to do when making cards is to try and make different style ones. Today you've given me another brilliant idea for me to try. It will look good in what ever colour you make it whether you want it dramatic as you have done or in pastels. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Hugs x
Heather T

Hazel said...

A very different card, I am not a great lover of the colour combo, but as I alwsys say you csnt please us all, all of the time. The design is great.

Sheila ( Ginger) my heart goes out to you and Nikki at your loss. (((((( hugs)))))) .

Hazel x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Very striking in red, white and black with the intricate die cuts. Thanks for the video.

Saba said...

Hello again Sue,

Just wanted to come back and send my very deepest sympathy to Ginger - Sheila and to Nikki.
I am so very sorry.
You are in my thoughts and also in my prayers.


craftynanna said...

Great card Sue and a very informative video, i will TRY and do my best, lol
Deepest condolences to Sheila Ginger and Nikki on your very sad loss, take care, hugs Johanna.
To others ill or in pain big hugs Johanna xx

Алексровер Анна said...

Wow, Sue! Really creative card! Love wonderful dies and contrast colors! Great video, thank you!!!!

Maryann Laursen said...

A very fun card and pretty cool too.

jane stillman said...

A fabulous and very dramatic card m- love it! Have a brilliant time away xx

Dawn Holben said...

Wow what a beautiful and very different card for today.
Very interesting and will definitely have a go at this one.
And also another wonderful video.

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue


Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Helen Bell said...

Hi Sue and everyone

A very dramatic style of card. It would be nice in more pastel shades too I think.

Love Helen xxx

Littlelamb said...

Wow very dramatic. Love it. Have card in all those colours. Won't attempt to make it whilst still got this plaster cast on but once it is off I have so many different cards of yours I want to make plus Izzy's bags. I will be so busy. My condolences to Sheila and Nikki at this sad time. Know how you will be feeling from pats experience. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura O said...

great card ,love the interlocking ,Laura O

TOB said...

Hi Sue, lovely card very intricate. Great video.

Condolences to Sheila (Ginger) and Nikki you are in my prayers.
Steph take it easy.
Sam hope you feel better.

Hugs to all Theresa xxx

Jill Liddle said...

Love, love love This card and a technique I must try.

Wendy from Scotland said...

Love this card. I am always on the look-out for different concept cards so will be trying this one.
Wendy xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue lovely card and great video
Denise X

redfox said...

What a clever card! Love it. Would like to try this in white and blue. Hope you're having a lovely holiday Sue. Love Sarah

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, This is such a Beautiful card. I really like the color combination, just like all of your other Beautiful cards, very pleasing to the eye. Love to watch your videos too. Thanks for sharing your talents. �� Dee Snyder

Debbie Tinks said...

Nice card Sue ... X happy crafting..

terrie said...

It is for sure a different color combination...
Great looking card..
Thanks for the video.

Jan said...

Great card & tut will have to have a go of this xx Jan

CraftyJo said...

Looks very complicated! Will watch the video to see if I'm right ;)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow! What a gorgous optical illusion!
Love it and your camelia flower is adorable!!!

Lunasdatter said...

Great tut .. and I have to try it .. thanks ..

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card and it opens too! Thank you for the great video and I can craft along with you as I have these dies. Have a great non-working holiday
My deepest sympathy to Sheila and Nikki, can only imagine what you must be going through. I will be thinking of you both.
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Unknown said...

I love the concept of this card. The interlocking idea is brilliant! I'm not sure about the red and black, it's not my favorite, nor is the sides being different colors. But ideas to make it my way are flooding my mind. Love the video showing us exactly how you achieved this technique, you are so wonderful for sharing your gift. Gail

Unknown said...

Well this is different, different but still lovely, thanks for sharing this technique with us.
Happy Days

DeyaniraC said...

Hello Sue
Wow Very pretty card.

Unknown said...

Very dramatic


Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card. Love red and black together.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, certainly a striking card. I love the design but am struggling to cope with the colours so if I were to attempt something similar it would have to be in toning rather than contrasting colours.

Alison - extra hugs for your Aunt, let's hope they find the right antibiotics soon.

Sheila Ginger - my heartfelt sympathies for you and Nikki at this awful time. You are both in my thoughts.

pinky said...

Oh wow, I need to watch this video, gorgeous card.

Gail said...

Hi Sue,
I'm not so sure about this card, I will watch the video later.
Gail Cx

barbara macaskill said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My heart is so full of joy after seeing this card that I think it might burst!! GORGEOUS!!!! TFS!

barbiepinkfairy said...

A really striking card must give it a go along with the handbags!

Thoughts are with Sheila and Nikki - one day at a time xxx

sandieann21 said...

Would make this bug in different colours.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous. This is so different. Love it.

scottydog said...

Love the concept of this card, not to mention the colours. Another one to try just need to find a few spare hours to craft!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue.
This is another fab way to use the gorgeous new York collection.
I love this set. The colours are so dramatic too. Just adds to the wow factor.
must start the tea.
Lots of love
Jo xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue.
This is another fab way to use the gorgeous new York collection.
I love this set. The colours are so dramatic too. Just adds to the wow factor.
must start the tea.
Lots of love
Jo xx

DeCor said...

Hi Sue,
It is a great card and such a good video to follow. Am going to try to make it at the weekend. Thank you again. Have a great break!

Anonymous said...

Sheila (Ginger)
So very sad to read Lynda's message and to hear you have lost your husband, and know how hard it will be for Nikki, too.
What can we do but be here for you? Be sure sympathy and loving thoughts are winging their way to you from the Wilsonettes all over the UK. Keep strong.

'P' in Wales

Rosemarie said...

To Shelia(Ginger) I just wanted to add my sympathy and let you know we are all thinking of you at this very sad time. Love also to your daughter, be strong for each other.

Love Rosemarie x

mommaRN50 said...

This is a departure for you but a beautiful one. I have got to get the NY dies and try is APAP. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with us!

Jan.moogie said...

Wow Sue you made a card and what a stunner it is. No ordinary card for you eh! has to be special and wow. Have a great holiday. Hugs xx

AnnetteM said...

Looking forward to watching the video and trying this, as I love my New York dies. I was a bit dubious at first, as the colour combination doesn't appeal to me in this style, but I shall try putting my own twist on it and I am sure it will look great, as do all your designs Sue.
You just make it look so easy!!

Linda28 said...

Very striking card today, looks difficult, but will be watching the video later, warm hugs to all.

Heartfelt thoughts to Sheila and family.x

liz spooner said...

Hi Sue loving the colours and totally different from all your other cards, have a good rest. xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Quite a different card today very striking xx

Sheila, sending you and Nikki heartfelt sympathy xxx

Hugs to all
Jean D xxx

Theresa said...

what a super idea! this is a great one for any occasion. i will be borrowing it, hugs xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Another Fab Card Sue!

I like the colour combination, but to be honest I'm just not too sure if this is my style of card (sorry!)

Enjoy yourself while you are away!

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Anonymous said...

Great card Sue, thank you for sharing.

Craftihappiness to all and love from Macky.

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, stunning card and fab video. Kind regards Joanne K x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I'd really like to send my condolences to Sheila Ginger and Nikki ( and rest of family too) on your tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you hugs Alison x

Margaret corgi owner said...

Wow what a beautiful and rich looking card, not you usual kind of card, you do so love to surprise and amaze us!
Margaret corgi owner

Margaret corgi owner said...

To Sheila
So very sorry to hear you very sad news both you and Nikki are in my thoughts and prayers, we are all here for you.
Love and comforting hugs for you both.
Margaret corgi owner

Margaret corgi owner said...
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Margaret corgi owner said...
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Margaret corgi owner said...
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Brenda said...

'Hello Sue,
WOW I love this card, Thank you for another brilliant video. You always make four cards look so easy, but it makes me want to have a go!
Thank you, lol Brenda xxx

Lesley said...

Have just watched the video to watch you making this stunning card. Love the colours.

Tres said...

Hi Sue. What a fab video today, and an even more amazing card !! It is so lovely and just so different !! It looks very complicated and clever Sue and you showed us step by step and explained it all so clearly, so thank you very much for making it all so much easier to understand than it looks !! A great colour combination, and fantastic dies you have used to. I really love the New York collection. It really has become a favourite "go to set." I love the wrap around the card and those fab Camelia Dies that you used. I really want / need these flower dies. I have your Faux Quilled Leaves and I use them a lot. They are fab.
Thank you Sue for all that you do. Sending much love and big hugs today love from Tres x x x

Lots of love to all the Wonderful Wilsonettes from Tres x x x

Gail said...

Love the concept of this card - not my favourite colour combo but can be adapted to suit xx GailT xx

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. Thank you for the video which was very Inspirational
Take care
Hazel G XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the card. The demo is so clear that I am sure I could make one too. Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. I know i am very late with my comment today but i have just got out of bed after suffering with my back. It just didn't want to work this morning but then i should be used to it after 15years of having back trouble but never mind my troubles as there is always someone worse off than yourself. Today card is stunning, love the striking colours and so different from your usual cards. Thank you for a very informative video as you explain everything perfectly. Have a great holiday to recharge your batteries and i am sure you will have loads of new ideas ready for your return.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Tina said...

Hi Sue

A card that could be used for many occasions, Invites etc.

Have a fantastic and well earned break. I can't believe you are going away with no computer, you will be gnawing at your knuckles by the time you get home, I know I would. Have a FAB time Sue.

Steph, I will be thinking of you XX

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Suzzette Yandle said...

Your bright card has a look of "yin and yang" to me. Interesting way to "weave" the pieces back together. You are so clever!

Di said...

Hi Sue,
What a great card, great techniques too. Love it.
Di B x

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for another wonderful video. This one is a different card, very interesting with a card that can open, and the dies are gorgeous, so are the colors :)

Sandra said...

Hi Sue,
Super late today, great, brightly coloured card today, clear concise instructions too, thank you! Hope you arg ready to relax! Hugs xxx
Sheila and Nikki, I can't imagine the pain you must be feeling, you have my very deepest sympathy. Especially for you Sheila as you have to find the strength to explain to Nikki.
Sending you the hugest hug
Sandra xxxxxx

Angela Wade said...

Hi, Sue saw you demo this card on one of your Weekender shows. Will have to give it a go, but in a different colourway ( not a fan of red and black ). I now have all the New York Dies :- )
Enjoy your break.

Hugs to everyone,

Angela in S. Wales Xx

Unknown said...

To Sue
I Know You Won't Mind Me Coming Back To The Blog
The Video Is Fantastic, The Technique Brilliant
Thank You For Sharing.
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx

To Sheila And Your Family I Would Just Like To Say How Much I'm Thinking Of You At This Incredibly Sad Time, I Can't Imagine The Pain You Must Be Going Through.
Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx

SHARICA said...

very striking card .. xx

patwyn said...

I really like this card, Sue. I am rubbish at stamping, don't know why but just cannot master it. So I doubt I shall be trying this any time soon! Lol.

Condolences to Sheila, Nicki and family. My thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Steph, hope all goes well for you in hospital and you make loads of flowers!

Pat, hope you are recovering well after your op.
Pat xxx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What a cool card!! I can't wait to go and watch the video :). As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card & love the colours you have used, very striking & would be suitable for many occasions.
Just going to watch the video to see how you have created this beautiful card.

Crafty Hugs
Haze T xx

Darlene from SK said...

Love the colors of this card...so vibrant!