Saturday, 21 February 2015

For A Special Friend

Good Morning all!  A beautiful New York collection card to get you in the mood for today's shows I hope!  The shows start at 9am this morning on C & C and I have a great new technique for the very first demo!  If you aren't in the UK, you can watch them online at  The times listed are for the live shows in the UK time zone though.  I started this card by cutting the outer die in the Times Square out of milk card. I cut the Union die out of the centre of it and used the smaller die to cut the centre out of it.   I matted the square on to Baby blue card and reinserted the Union Square back into it flush with the backing card.  I cut a second Union Square out of milk card and cut the inside square out of it as well.  I turned it to a diamond shape and added mounting foam to raise it over the square below. I stamped a sentiment and embossed it in gold.  Using the decorative frames from the Italian Collection, I cut a round frame for my sentiment.  I gave it a matching blue backing to the edge and recessed the sentiment into it.  The corners were then decorated with the centre of the Union Square die which I nipped into four pieces.  I added them in the corners with mounting foam.  I completed the card with a pierced paper edge on a milk coloured mat, then a thin Baby Blue card mat and a final milk mat.  The finished dimensions are 7" x 7" in size.

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card giveaway is:

Granny Sue!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


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Pam said...

Stunning card Sue. Looking forward to your shows on TV, it will make my weekend. Good luck but you won't need it though. Congrats to Granny Sue.
Hugs to all. said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a very pretty card. The recorder is set Congrats to grannySue. Take care Kitty.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Stunning! Love this one. Think I've worked out the teaser but not long to wait to find out for sure! Looking forward to your fab demos. Off to set the recorder.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, lovely soft card, all the best for your shows. I
know there will be many sell outs. Lol lynne m & fur babies x x x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Love the New York dies and looking forward to watching your shows. I've joined Bloglovin and love how all your cards are snapshotted on the page so it's easy to check back for favourites.
Congratulations to Granny Sue. Happy Saturday! Sue xxx

Muriel said...

Such a pretty card, the New York dies are so versatile, love the colours too.
I have an idea about the teaser but we will see
congratulations Granny Sue
Muriel x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE today's beautiful card.
Everything "done & dusted" so I have free time to watch the shows.

Patricia xxx

Linda28 said...

Hi Sue, be auto full card today, very pretty and love the colours together. Just getting ready for work so have set the recorder. Have a crafty week end everyone and congratulations to Granny Sue. Linda.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty card. Looking forward to the shows.

Jan.moogie said...

Gorgeous card Sue lovely colours. Cant watch the lives shows this morning so have to record them, have a great day. xx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Pretty card today. Recorder set, coffee and cakes ready - only 2 and a half hours to go

Pat x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Now this is why we need to see you demo, because I have these dies and didn't realise the corners came from the Union Square die. I love everything about today's card it's beautiful and right up my street. The colours are very pretty, although I very often make cards blue and white, I've never tried blue and cream.
Looking forward to your shows fingers crossed you'll get your demo's in.
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

love the colours,really elegat card

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue and Hi to all that visit this Saturday. Sue - lovin bloglovin and can highly reccommend it to those that have not yet joined, its so great having all Sue's cards together no more searching for that favourite card : )
Oooooo, stunning. The colour's look so bright and fresh, the lighter the card, the more it show's the beauty and elegance of your new die's its a beautiful start to our weekend.
Imagin all our little Wilsonette faces watching your every move today Sue, all those busy little fingers tapping away in hopes our emails are read out, our whooops of delight when we hear friends name, and the amount of " let Sue demo and shush" being screamed at the yapping presenter's lol - so have some really good show's today Sue and enjoy yourself, have that vision in your mind of Wilsonette World coming to a stand still whilst we do what we love doing which is watching your wonderful works of art come to life.
Who know's you may even get to eat pizza again : )
Congrats to Nanna enjoy your W. O. W
and to all that visit I send love n hugs.
Lancashire Steph xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Wow, this is a really stunning card, how gorgeous, it makes me think of those fantastic ceilings that you see in some old stately homes, or other grand buildings. The baby blue/milk card is beautiful....oooh, I just love everything about this card : ))
I hope you have fun today Sue and enjoy yourself at C&C. I am all ready to watch the shows, recorder set, family warned that I am not to be disturbed etc (maybe I should get one of those DO NOT DISTURB hotel signs to put on the door as a reminder: ))
CraftySuetoo, thank you for reminding me about Bloglovin : ) I finally remembered to click on the Bloglovin button at the bottom of todays card after reading your post. It is so easy, I was worried I may have to join Facebook (I am not a lover) but you don't have to. Once you have confirmed the email they send you get ALL OF SUE'S CARDS on one page, just keep scrolling and they keep appearing...wonderful, it is fantastic. I wish I had done it ages ago : ))
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Mrs B said...

Sorry I forgot to say Congratulations to GrannySue, enjoy your beautiful card : ) Take care

Caroljsmith said...

Wow sue lovely card today Carnt wait for your shows today.

Marion Bull said...

Another lovely card! Can't wait for today's shows although I will have to watch some recordings and you will have probably sold out! At least that will please the bank manager! lol
Marion B xx

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue wow what a beautiful card I love how you have used the dies the colour and the design are wonderful xx

Debs A xxx

Mac Mable said...

I am running out of adjectives to describe your stunning cards. Again the colour combination and those dies are just gorgeous x Looking forward to the shows today.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Very elegant card love the colours.
Congratulations to granny sue on winning the card.
Happy crafting
Live and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Very elegant card love the colours.
Congratulations to granny sue on winning the card.
Happy crafting
Live and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue.WOW WOW WOW I lthink you can tell that i love this card. I love everything about it, as you know the New York collection is one of my favourite sets as us can mix & match to your hearts content, the colours are beautiful as well as the layout, rich, opulent and classy. I can't sing its praises enough. I think i know what your tease was yesterday and i will be ready and waiting to click the buy button if i am right lol. Congrats to GrannySue. I am sure she will treasure it forever.
Good Luck with all your shows. We just hope that you get all your demos in.
Takecare everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, Sue, like those little clipped corner decs.
Guess you're already in the studio so see you at nine!
Well done to Granny Sue.

'P' in Wales

Hellma said...

What a stunning card. Looking forward to the shows.

Unknown said...

Lovely card - so soft and pretty!

Unknown said...

Absolutely stunnding Sue, good luck with your shows today, looking forward to them. Will have to set the sky box to record as grandaughter is coming later on. Edwina

barbiepinkfairy said...

This is really pretty. Looking forward to the shows Sue!

Have joined bloglovin you were in my in box when I awoke!

Congratulations to Granny Sue.

Ironing saved to do whilst watching - multitasking xxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, oh so looking forward to your shows today, and I see your new product is the stick pins, I so love doing them and I think they add pure delight to any card, your on to a winner there. As you are with todays card, I love it and am going to try it.

I'll be watching the shows on my PC as hubby hogs the TV for his sport on a Saturday morning, but I have got them taped as well.

Have a great Saturday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Micky French said...

Lovely card Sue
I am looking forward to your shows this weekend, I will watching and recording
Congratulations GrannySue
Hugs Michelle xxxx

Nananne said...

Glorious Card! It has an old fashioned elegance and grandure about it , Love Love Love it!
Sue, I Hope you enjoy today's shows as much as we all will, can't wait to find out what you are teasing us with?
Congratulations Nanny Sue on winning the Wednesday card, I'm sure you'll treasure it !
Love and Hugs to all xo

Jane said...

Good morning Sue,what a stunning and elegant card absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations to the lucky winner. See you on c&c today Sue can't wait for the news!?! Take care Jane B xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card-such detail & delicate colours. I'll be recording all your shows-am off out to a craft show in Leigh today & it's housework day on a Sunday.


MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Yes, a beautiful card indeed and as Mrs B says, reminiscent of ornate plasterwork on the ceiling of a grand home.
Will catch your first show at least then off to see my chum John at Daisys.
Enjoy your shows.
Ang x

marg said...

Good Morning Sue
Nearly 9 ..cup of Tea ready!
Love the card today Sue!
Well done Granny Sue!
Take Care
Love Marg

iReneM said...

Absolutely stunning!!
Such a wonderful,delicate design and lovely colour

I am recording the shows as I will be at my DD's celebrating her birthday with her and family.
A nice treat for me to sit and watch when I return home tomorrow :)


hollyberry said...

Such a beautiful,gorgeous card.Congratulations to the card winner.Looking forward to your shows over the weekend,so nice that it has only been a couple of weeks since we saw you on our screens.

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone, gorgeous card today looks like pure lace. The colours are beautiful too.
Looking forward to your shows this weekend. Congratulations to granny Sue x

Glennis F said...

Lovely card, Sue. It looks quite elaborate with all the layers

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Beautiful card looking forward to the shows today xxx

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Love this card. The recorder is set and I am waiting your first show cup of tea on hand.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Very Dear Friend,
First I would Like To Say "I've Joined Bloglovin" Which Is Extremely Brilliant So Very Useful, I Love The Fact You Can See Our Sue's Fabulous Creations All In One Place.
I'm So Looking Forward To Watching You On Create And Craft This Morning I'm Can't Wait To See The Fabulous Tips And Techniques You Share With Us.
I'm Loving The New Pins And Beads That Are On The Show, I Just Hope I Can Buy From Elsewhere As I Mentioed I Don't Shop On Create And Craft I Know Many Do But Not Me!
There Is Some Great Products On The Shows I Know You'll Have A Great Weekend.
Take Great Care My Dear Friend
Love And Hugs As Always
From Sam xxx
To All The Wonderful Wilsonettes,
Congratulations To Granny Sue For Winning The Wednesday Gift Card I'm Sure You'll Treasure It.
To All That's Feeling Unwell I'm Sending Huge Hugs, To You All.
Steph I Hope The Market Goes Well Was It This Sunday.
Take Great Care My Dear Friends
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Another beautiful card - can't wait for your shows today and looking outside the sky is as black as night so I will be watching all day
Carol x

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card today. Love the dies and colours. So looking forward to another weekend of your shows, am ready to watch and recording aswell ;-) Congrats to the weekly card winner - enjoy. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is gorgeous with lovely colours and great use of the dies. Will have to record the shows and catch up later. Hope they go well, looking forward to the techniques. Congrats to GrannySue. Bx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
Today's gift is very elegant and I can envisage it on the wall of a very 'posh' Edwardian salon. Your colours really suit your wonderful dies. I have your Times Square and am hoping that today I might be able to add another square to my collection so it's fingers crossed.
The recorder is set for all your programes today and tomorrow so I will not miss one moment of the week-end. I know you'll have sell outs but hopefully not before I can purchase. (that sounds really selfish sorry).

Congratulations to this week's give away. You are one very lucky lady.
I've logged onto Bloglovin and it's wonderful to see all your art all together making it so easy to refer back when needed.

Have to go now and get the necessary shopping done and fingers crossed I can see your shows at lunchtime. I'll say good luck and hope you're presenter has some sense to let you craft. After all that's what we want to see.

To all in pain or suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card - as ever! Looking forward to the shows and have recorder set too. I know what the tease is and looking forward to seeing it although hopefully it will be on offer from somewhere else too.
Congratulations to Granny Sue - enjoy your card. Mine has pride of place in my craft Room!
Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all.Love Alison xx
Ps have joined Bloglovin too.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, This card is spectacular, it is right it is like a very ornate ceiling. Just love the colours. Will be watching the shows today.

Love Rosemarie xx

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, recorder set, have already ordered the gorgeous card

Jane said...

Today's card looks quite regal very nice

Jane xx

Craftysusan said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Looking forward to your shows today. I too have set my recorder. Have a great day and congratulations to Granny Sue. x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow this is a really beautiful card x

Chris Curry said...

Beautiful card Sue.So many ways to use the dies. I'm getting ready now for your shows. So exciting. I bet it will be a sell out early !! I got the Scandinavian dies last time and love these too. Thank you.Xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - a great card yet again and I love the New York collection so am quite excited about your shows this weekend, especially the first one! Have a lovely day - we all will!! Best wishes

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Another lovely card to try. I will be watching and recording the shows this weekend.
Evis M.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A stunning card, love it all, love the New York sets. Really looking forward to the shows and seeing your wonderful demos and samples.
Well done to Granny Sue.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
BEAUTIFUL card. Have to go to get ready to watch your first show - don't want to miss anything...............
Enjoy your day.
Hugs, Roser

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. It's going to be a good day today as I see I have won your Wednesday giveaway. My details will be emailed to you. Thank you soooo much. I have to go out shortly so have all your shows set to record so it will be a Sue Wilson evening for me and perhaps a small glass of something to celebrate my win! Can't wait to see your new technique. SueL x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue ... In position for your shows today, recorder et . Love this card Sue the words fail me stunning just doesn't do it justice. Crafty regards Julie Kayxxx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
Such a stunningly beautiful card today everything is just so perfect with it.
The sun is out we have a lovely sunny day and you are on C&C what more could we wish for!
Hope all goes well have a great day, so looking forward to the shows, thank you for all you do.
Margaret corgi owner

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely card that I have the dies for...looking forward to the shows, got the recorder all set. Congrats to Grannysue.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
Wow what a stunner! absolutely love it and the colours, it looks fantastic! x
So pleased to see you on TV again as always. x

Joanne K said...

Morning Sue, Sat waiting for the first show to start. Looking forward to seeing all your inspiration. Love today's card, its really beautiful. Kind regards Joanne K x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The New York collection is beautiful.
I am looking forward to watching all your demos!
Veronique L

Unknown said...

Sky box to record, can't wait for new techniques. Got loads of housework to catch up with having been laid low with virus for 2 weeks so can't watch live :-(

Marion said...

Hi beautiful card ,love every thing about it.just going to sit and watch the show.
Marion H

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love the New York collection, I see you've been snipping again!! So glad you did, who would have thought that's how the corners were made. Love the card, so soft and gentle done in baby blue.

Only a few mins to the start of your first show today, so must go, good luck Sue.

Congratulations Granny Sue.
Love and hugs

Ps. Sue, Started following you on Bloglovin and it is a really good way to check out all your previous cards in one go.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Another beauty. Have already ordered some of the New York collection to go with my ever expanding Sue Wilson range. Love them all and it makes it very difficult to choose. Very much follow the less is more ethic, but this one is lovely.

Cazzie D said...

Morning Sue. Gorgeous card. Just waiting for you to come on TV. What a good weekend it will be.
Caz x

Sandy (tort) said...

A really stunning card,I look forward to your show:0)

karenlotty said...

lovely and all made with my favourite square dies Off to watch shows (as well as recording them!)

auscrafts said...

lovely card ,very pretty

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, the baby blue is so pretty with the white.
LOVING the stick pins!!!!!
Lorna D

Unknown said...

Hi Sue pretty card. Just watching your first programme of the day on C and C with your lovely stick pins
Denise X

June Horrocks said...

Good morning sue the card is stunning I love it thank you lovely to have you in my home Al weekend love to you dear sue congrats to the winner xxxxxx June horrocks xxxx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card, recording the shows today and look forward to watching later. I've also started following you on blog loving
Congratulations Granny Sue
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Fab card - good luck with the shows, not that you'll need it. Recorder set so am looking forward to a great day.
Beverley W

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
Well done Granny Sue,
Another brilliant card! Good luck for all your shows this weekend. Not that you will need it.
Gail Cx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, So beautiful and very pretty , also love the colour . love Jean Z xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, watching you on TV as I write this and I see I guessed correct about the stick pins yesterday! Beautiful card, looking forward to the demo.

Love Jean xxx

julie laz said...

Hi sue, loving the card today, fab show sue, got what I need only one more thing I need and that Is the open daisy, and it's not on the show :( then my sue wilson collection is full yaaa crafty hugs Julie xxxx

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful and elelgant card Sue.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful elegant card.
Nancy's xx

foxyg said...

Beautiful card Sue. The baby blue is gorgeous.

sonja_w said...

Just watched the 9am show, absolutely love the paper grouting technique you showed. Looking forward to the show at 12, so glad I have the day off today xx

Swiftycrafter said...

Gorgeous card Sue love the colours, looking forward to the shows.
Lynne x

Paula said...

Brilliant card Sue! I think I need to go shopping..... again!
Loved the show this morning, especially the stick pins and the beads to go with them. :)

Paula x

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sue on a stunning show. Loved the new technique and all the beads.
Congrats to Granny Sue too.
Big hug
Julie e

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue.
I'm actually watching you doing your paper grouting technique. The effect is so luxurious. I think I might invest in these. It's taken me ages to type this out as I didn't want to miss anything.
Loved watching the show... ive recorded every show over the weekend so I don't miss anything. Your cup did certainly over flow.
Enjoy your weekend.
Congratulations to our winner
Lots of love
Jo xx

cheryl brown said...

Such a stunning card Sue, its fantastic.Great play with the dies.
AND oh my goodness, the stick pins! Gorgeous!!! We've all been trying to guess what your surprize could be and now we know. How delightful to get a collection up.
I have started to follow using your BLOGLOVIN link. I must say it was so easy to do and what struck me was the beauty of having all your cards in one place. I can now refer to past ones that I forget to print off and there they are!!! I don't need to trawl through all my emails anymore looking for the 'How to make' info.
Well done Sue.
Enjoy your shows, I'm sure there are going to be lots of sell-outs. You deserve every bit of success for all the hard work it must take to get to the finished product.
Gurt (((((((hugs))))))) to everyone and congratulations to Granny Sue for winning the Wednesday draw. A work of art to treasure.

Cheryl xxx

Yorks butterfly said...

What a lovely card. Your ideas with the dies are so imaginative. Just watched your show on C & C - Fantastic..Looking forward to the next one.

Jess Wafson said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, love the colours you have used. Just watched your first show, love the stick pins.
Congratulations to grannysue, you lucky lady.
Some housework, then ready for your next show if you have anything left!
Take care everyone, Jess x

camelot67 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynda's craft's said...

Good morning Su & Wilsonettes,
Just watched your first show Sue brilliant loved all the Samples they are all stunning like today's card it's so elegant.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

I have joined Bloglovin amazing you can see all Sue's cards when ever you want inspiration,all in one place.
Hope more Wilsonettes join too get our Sue at no one blog spot where she deserves too be please join Hug's Lynda xx

Congratulations Granny Sue on winning Wednesday's card.

Hug's to Sandra,Margaret Corgi owner,Myra,Maria,Steph,Sheila,Hazel, TOB Theresa,Tina E,Patricia,Wheely Bad,Norah,Jean D Gail C,Tandy Pam,Tres Cheryl,Saba,& all Wilsonettes
((((Hug's )))))) Lynda xx

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

I held off from leaving my comment earlier because I was too busy watching you on C&C! I loved the show and was so pleased to learn that my guess about your surprise item was the stick pins. Yay! Needless to say they fell into my basket and I'm really looking forward to having a play. Todays card is just beautiful (as always) for which Thank You. Congratulations to "Granny Sue" and Sue I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Val Jones said...

Beautiful Sue. Loved the new tecnique this morning and the stick pins are fabulous.
Will be glued to your shows this weekend.
Love Val in Spain x

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card today Sue ... Love the colours ...
Have a nice weekend ...x

Maggie C said...

Hello Sue. What a beautiful card. Loved the first show and the 'surprise' was indeed surprising! What good value all those beads and pins and what lovely results to be achieved. Looking forward to seeing more of you later during the day. Hope it goes really well - of course it will! xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card, it has the look of being iced. Saw you this morning on c&c, very good as usual. At last stick pins been trying for ages to buy the basic components. Thank you for bringing a kit to us.
Zena xx

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & Friends,
What a beautiful card, so pretty, I wouldn't have thought of putting those colours together, but they look stunning together! I have to say how much easier it is to view Sue's Blog through BLOGLOVIN, you don't only see today's card but loads of others too! It also so easy for you all to SHARE Sues blog to get her back up to number 1 Blog!
Simply .....
Follow Sues blog on BLOGLOVIN
When you are on today's post you can 'Share' it on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest by simply clicking SHARE and signing into whichever one you use,
(I Shared if on FB & Pinterest yesterday)
The good thing about 'sharing ' the whole post rather than just 'pinning' is that Sue's blog' whole post comes up and 1,000's of people can click 'follow' and Sue's blog will zooming back up to number 1 !
It's so easy to do and the world of Bloglovin has so much more craft content, recipes, Home Decor etc,
Anyway Sue's TV show was absolutely brilliant, I So want those Stick Pins......does anybody want to by a child...I have four , various designs, all house trained!
Going at good prices!
Love & hugs
Sandra xxxxxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card. I love your square dies. Missed your first show but will be watching the others. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great day everyone. Congratulations to Granny Sue.

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies,
This card is fabulous and your show this morning was certainly a winner.
Sending another e-mail in when you're on at 12, but did I hear Steph's name being the first one read out in the 9 am show??
I joined Bloglovin on your opening page and it's great. So easy to see all your cards at a glance.
I'll be listening for all the Wilsonette names in the next show, good luck ladies.
Stay well xxx

Maureen Killen said...

Oops, forgot to say congratulations to GrannySue, enjoy. x

Jackie Meechan said...

Morning Sue gorgeous card. Love the colours you make me think of colours I wouldn't normally put together.

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Fabulous card. And great show this mornin.
My how the cup of chance was overflowing!! Lol
Enjoy the rest of your day x

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Such a beautiful card Sue
Julie x

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. Good luck with the shows.
Looking forward to them. x

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the fabulous Wilsonettes,
This is such a pretty card Sue and really shows up it's beauty in the milk coloured card against the baby blue which is scrumptious looking. I am just starting to play with my New York collection and starting to find out some of its joys. Love the card Sue as it shows everything off beautifully, thank you. Hope you have a great weekend at C&C that is if you last that long as us Wilsonettes know exactly what happens in your shows, they go like that German shampoo, wheeee and vroom right out the door faster than a F1 car gets of it's starting blocks. Have a wonderful time dear friend.
Well as you can see the bad penny is back after Thursday funeral,
car escapades, and bringing on the migraine from hell and so tired. Had to laugh at the Honda Assist lassie who after me telling her where i was stuck namely at the funeral palour doors telling me to get out the car and walk to safety. Well it is just me or how more safe could i get than at the funeral palour? I have a seriously warped sense of humour that definitely comes from my parents as both had mad senses of humour that anyone not knowing them would be thinking all sorts and to be honest i couldn't tell you who was the worst offender for it, mum or dad as both were level pegging on that score. Yesterday i was just so weak after the day before's escapades that i slept nearly all day, had a drink and slept again. This not having the strength to do things, normal everyday things i am finding really hard to deal with but i'm back not fitting fit but better than i was.
Well done Granny Sue on winning this weeks WOW. Just wait until it arrives as i was so excited when i won my one and it looks down on me from the top of my bookcase in the diningroom at me crafting and making a muck up, but it gives me the inspiration to go on and keep trying.
Thanks Mrs B for the bloglovein info as i didn't want to sign up either to a thingy website. I go on face book rarely because i am not into telling everyone that i am up, i have moved off my chair, etc. For keeping in contact with people you haven't seen in a long time or meeting up with old friends to have a conversation with them in private messaging it is great and that i use now and again but not all the time like some people seem to do to announce to everyone that they have sneezed, not me.
IreneM, a very happy birthday to your darling daughter. I hope you have a great day with her.
Well i am away to try and get on as i have loads of bags of clothes just waiting to go to the women's refuge and the charity shop so i will say bye for the now and have my basket overflowing here of hugs of every size and shape just waiting to be shared. Have a great Sue day everyone,
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Despite my best efforts missed the 9am Show live but it is recorded so will watch later. Definitely a Do not disturb sign needed for the noon show!
Today's card is a really gorgeous one! Just love the colours and I've pinned it!
Also joined Bloglovin as I understand this will be beneficial to you as well as us! So it's nice to give you something back. First benefit I noticed today was that my email regarding your new pot came through just after 6 30 am. Previously these emails didn't come to me until after 11am. In fact I usually by- passed them but this is a great system! I don't do Facebook either - just signed up for email but then it's easy to pin .
Hope the Show went well! Will be ready and waiting for the next one!
Congratulations Nanna Sue!
Hope thei pins sell out!
Lots of love
Myra xx

Myra said...

Oops! Clearly should be new post not pot! I've got you cooking next! Xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very intricate and delicate looking. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

DMJ said...

love the sow and this card is lovely too!!

Doreen x

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Lovely card. So elegant and great colours. Thanks for sharing.

I'm looking forward to your shows, I hope you enjoy them.

Best wishes

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

What a delicate card, love it.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Wendy from Scotland said...

Very pretty card love the colours. Have signed up for bloglovin also.
Wendy xx

Anonymous said...

Caught the second half of the first show today. Love the paper grouting technique and will have to give a go. I have a stash of beads I use for my lace bobbins so will have go at the stick pins as well.
Lovely card today, Sue.

Anne (Northampton)

Kate's Cards said...

I love the 3D shaped corner pieces! Will miss the shows today as it's my 28th wedding anniversary. xx

Ruth Kidd said...

Hi SUe, what a great 9am show with Nigel. Love the stick pins, and I hope that other retailers will have them in smaller packs.
The grouting technique is great - I can see why it was worth getting up in the middle of the night to try that out!
Have a good day everyone and enjoy the rest of the shows.
Ruth x

Claire said...

Beautiful card. Looking forward to all the shows this weekend.

Take care


Aspiring crafter said...

So delicate Sue, like Wedgewood pottery !!
Looking forward to watching your noon time show,

sued99 said...

So pretty! Enjoyed the first show with a great demo. Just waiting for the second now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue such a pretty card using the baby blue and the dies give such lovely edges and corners. Enjoyed the show this morning so I hope you enjoy the rest if the weekend. No doubt a lot more tips to pick up, love from Jackie xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

I absolutely love this card, it's got a lovely elegance about it and the colours are beautiful.

Loving your shows on C&C as always.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Paula said...

Hello all. Well I missed the first show due to the time difference here in the states, but the next Sue show is on at 7 AM my time, I am getting ready now. I will watch the first presentation later today. Can't wait.

nzillingworth said...


SHARICA said...

Love this card sue .. Tis Lush .. xx

Angela Allen said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card. Enjoyed the first show and looking forward to the others. Loved the background you did with the texture paste.
Love Angela x

CraftyJo said...


sandieann21 said...

Love, love, love it. Have spent up!

sandieann21 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scottydog said...

Another beautiful card! Watched the first show & loved the grouting method so another thing to try- thank you.

DeCor said...

Love this card Sue. Am watching all your shows today. Shouldn't as have been ill in bed most of the week and should be catching up as first day I feel normal, but your demos are too good to miss. Have ordered the New York collection and that beautiful pin collection. Oh thank you for taking so much time to find it all for us! You are terrrific. Have wonderful shows today. Sell out!!

hazel said...

I Absolutely Love this card it's Stunning.
Take care
Hazel G XX

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue I'm playing catch up today as I have lots of jobs to catch up with today so I've just watched 9 o clock show. Nigel was brilliant and it looked like you were having fun too. Love the surprise and the new embossing folders. Enjoy your day and I hope you have lots of sell outs. Take care love Diane G xxx
Congratulations to nanna Sue on winning the card xxx
Congratulations Kate on your wedding anniversary xxx

Steph Cotterill said...

Oh WOW Izzie. Just adored your fab little handbags. You rock girl.
Thanks for 2 wonderful show's.Sue.
Lancashire Steph xx

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
beautiful card as ever and the shows today where great.
I loved the idea with the butterfly you showed us.
Thanks for that

shabbycraftcabin said...

Lovely card. Great shows earlier and so pleased you brought the stick pins kit to us, bought it!! Looking forward to the 6pm show. Hugs, Ivy L xx

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Stunning cards today and yesterday. Just watched your midday show, got it recorded too, hoping we'll be back by 6 as we both got eye tests this afternoon at 4:30pm so maybe not the day for a splitting headache! Was made better by buying the multibuy with the border and tags and the background on its own, thank you flexi, thank you renewal voucher :-)

No comment yesterday as Mr W and I popped out to pick up my new printer and when we got home I fell asleep, waking up just to eat tea then back to sleep again! Clearly not used to all the fresh air!

Congratulations Granny Sue, enjoy your card!

Hugs to everyone, have a lovely weekend xxx

T x

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Stunning cards today and yesterday. Just watched your midday show, got it recorded too, hoping we'll be back by 6 as we both got eye tests this afternoon at 4:30pm so maybe not the day for a splitting headache! Was made better by buying the multibuy with the border and tags and the background on its own, thank you flexi, thank you renewal voucher :-)

No comment yesterday as Mr W and I popped out to pick up my new printer and when we got home I fell asleep, waking up just to eat tea then back to sleep again! Clearly not used to all the fresh air!

Congratulations Granny Sue, enjoy your card!

Hugs to everyone, have a lovely weekend xxx

T x

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Stunning cards today and yesterday. Just watched your midday show, got it recorded too, hoping we'll be back by 6 as we both got eye tests this afternoon at 4:30pm so maybe not the day for a splitting headache! Was made better by buying the multibuy with the border and tags and the background on its own, thank you flexi, thank you renewal voucher :-)

No comment yesterday as Mr W and I popped out to pick up my new printer and when we got home I fell asleep, waking up just to eat tea then back to sleep again! Clearly not used to all the fresh air!

Congratulations Granny Sue, enjoy your card!

Hugs to everyone, have a lovely weekend xxx

T x

Karen H said...

Love the soft colours of this card. Watched the show this morning and the versatility of the New York dies is outstanding. So glad I taped the show to watch again to see how you cut in to all the die-cuts to alter the shapes.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty card but just a touch busy for me. Maybe I am just jealous as I don't have these dies - yet lol!

Enjoyed your first two shows, the texture paste demo was inspired. So many lovely samples too, I look forward to seeing them appear on the blog.

Izzy - I loved your handbags and the butterfly, you are a very talented lady.

Kate's cards - Happy Anniversary, hope you have a lovely day.

Granny Sue - Congratulations on being the Wednesday Winner and enjoy your celebratory glass of something later.

Off now to join Bloglovin.

Unknown said...

Afternoon Sue, Beautiful card, going to try this one too. Enjoying your shows. Congrats to Granny Sue. Recorder set for both days. Joined Bloglovin too, its great! Bye for now, Junex (Cumbria)

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Haven't seen the first show as yet but the second was really inspiring.
Izzy - hope you will read this - your bags are gorgeous .
They were just so different and make us think of other ways to use our dies. Thank you!
I loved the butterfly too! Ingenious !
The beads are gorgeous and it is very hard to find teardrop shapes in different colours. Just loved the opaque ones. Might be an idea for two or three ladies to join forces for that set.
Looking forward to the next show! I did send an email but I think if they read mine out I'd collapse with the shock of it! Sue, your card samples were gorgeous!
Love to all,
Myra xxxx

Angela Wade said...

Hi, Sue and fellow Wilsonettes.
I've watched and recorded the two shows so far. Will have to resort to the Internet for the 6pm show, which I can't record :-(
Are the beads your surprise, Sue ?

Love todays card !!! These are the two NY Squares I already have, so must give this a go ! Loved seeing you demo yesterday's gorgeous card on the first show !

Congratulations to Granny Sue on winning Sue's card :- )

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and the rest of Sue's shows, everyone.

Hugs to all, especially those who're unwell / in pain.

Angela in partially sunny S. Wales Xx
(lots of rain forecast for tomorrow :-( :-( )

Angela Wade said...

Hi, Myra, I emailed in to Sue's last shows, but never got read out. I've emailed into other shows on C&C without success too. Wish I knew the secret !!

Izzy, I thought your bags were amazingly stunning too !!

Angela in S. Wales Xx

Dorothy of Baldock, GB said...

Good afternoon Sue and to everyone else ......

what a delightful card....looking forward to seeing your shows on tv all my chores done early! Have a lovely Saturday everyone xx

hotpotato said...

Hi Sue, saw your 9am show wasn't going to buy anything.....that idea went out of the window within 15 minutes. I've now on order the New York collection with Madison die in and two lots of the cardstock....ooops. x

JJ said...

Sue this is so stunning, love the design and those colours are divine. So, so pretty. Great shows as always, love all the demos.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie j xxx

Helen Bell said...

Good afternoon Sue and everyone

Yet another beautiful card. Just lovely!

Loved the shows too. it's always good to watch you Sue and learn something new. You are very talented.

Love Helen xxx

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and everyone
What a beautiful card if I was I any doubt about buying these dies it has just been blown away I will be getting these but not from C&C I will shop at on Monday
Morning and will create something with them Monday afternoon. They are gorgeous
Have a brill show later today and tomorrow will be watching and recording.
Take Care everyone
Theresa x

barbara macaskill said...

Congratulations Granny Sue!! enjoy your beautiful card!
LOVE this one too! So pretty and elegant! TFS!

Barbara said...

Beautiful card!
Just getting ready to sit back and watch your shows that I have recorded today. Can skip through all the usual presenter waffle and get right on to the demos and card samples.

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous card, Sue, love the sweet colours and the use of your gorgous diecuts!

Anonymous said...

Theresa w says
Beautiful card again sue the colours are stunning . Watching all your shows this weekend but don't tell the bank manager !!! Already bought the gorgeous pins and card packs and after seeing your wonderful grouting technique may have to invest in the pastes . Thankyou again sue for your inspiration wish you were on tv everyday xxx
Theresa w

Beryl said...

A beautiful card Sue. Congrats to Granny Sue

Unknown said...

Wow, Sue, what a day for being spoilt. First this lovely card, then hat pins, paper grouting, beautiful demo's and still a few programmes to go.
Does your creative mind never stop?
Janice W said...

Very pretty card - sadly I missed your early shows, but have the others on record. Looking forward to seeing all those lovely demos!! Susan x

terrie said...

Great looking card and very turned out super nice...
Well done Sue

Congrats to the winner Granny Sue

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Very beautiful card today and yesterday's was stunning.

Really enjoying your showa today and looking forward to 6pm.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

TOB said...

Beautiful card, congrats to granny Sue.
Hugs to all Theresa xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Some beautiful cards on the shows today and I did buy the pins plus two more dies,will have to sit on my hands while the 6 o'clock show is on.

Bejay said...

Hi Sue,
What a pretty card today :). As always, the die cuts are crisp and clean and the delicate colours really set off the designs so well. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so pretty and my favourite colour blue.

Really enjoyed the Shows today I have ordered the Dies Set they are just gorgeous.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

tandy said...

HI Sue
A stunning card looking forward to your shows. Love and hugs to all.

redfox said...

I know I keep saying it but this is simply stunning!! I'm really going to have a go at creating this one. Loving the shows as I knew I would. Lots of love Sarah

Karen Drew said...

Love the colours and the card looks so elegant. OH off out in a while so I am all set to watch all 3 shows one after the other.
Karen xx

Dawn Holben said...

Another stunningly beautiful card today. You are really spoiling us.
I love the colours they are so pretty.

craftynanna said...

Absolutely stunning card Sue it really is beautiful, well done granny Sue on winning a WOW card, hope you had a great day on C an C Sue its all recorded and your Bloglovin site is fantastic all your cards to choose from, hugs Johanna

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Oh my days, what a stunning beautiful delicate card...

I want all the New York Collection dies now !!!

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

pinky said...

Beautiful card. Loving all the layers and the pretty little corners just finish it off.

Cherie said...

Gorgeous card again Sue. Been watching all day in craft room as been using my new scandinavian dies and beaded fanfare embossing folder for a family birthday and my mums mothers day card. Great show, see you again tomorrow! Xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful card. Looking forward to all the shows tomorrow. I have recorded them all for today. Thank you for all your inspiration.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card, enjoyed the shows today, look forward to tomorrow, must try the "paper grouting". Regards, Carol

Anouk said...

love the card, beautiful blue. Can't wait to receive my dies

Littlelamb said...

Sorry to be late today but have watched all three shows. Enjoyed them all and today's card is stunning. Loved the Rose embossing folder today and the grouting technique. The EB will be next on my list. Have subscribed to Bloglovin.

Theresa said...

very ornate. lovely mix of dies, hugs xx

liz spooner said...

This card is even better in the flesh Sue.xx

lilian said...

Hi Sue & Friends, love the blue and cream, very lacey. Watched two shows have videod all. Love the stick pins will have to save my pennies.
Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwalll

Jackie T said...

Hi sue this is a gorgeous card I do love your new dies. Your shows were amazing today. I can't wait until tomorrow. Hugs Jackie

AnneRD said...

Love today's card Sue, and the shows today were great. Looking forward to tomorrow's shows too. Anne x

AliJ said...

Stunning card.loved all the shows today.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue ,
A beautiful and very elegant card . Watched your early show your stickpin bundle looks great , and loved the grouting technique and of course all your beautiful dies. Have to catch up with the other shows tomorrow. Hope you have a great weekend and are not too tired at the end of them. hugs Sue xxx

Crafty hugs to all and congrats to Granny Sue
Jean D xxx

patwyn said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card as always. I was unable to watch your shows today but recorded them and am going to catch up now. I am looking forward to seeing the stick pins - must admit I didn't guess your surprise. Not very observant am I ? Lol. Another busy day tomorrow so will be recording shows again.

Pat xxx

Di said...

Hi Sue,
A really beautiful card, just stunning.
Di B x

Anonymous said...

Love the card today Sue the new York die sets are fab, craftihappiness to all and lots of love from Macky.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Beautiful card love all of the dies you have used.
Enjoyed today's shows, was chuffed to hear my email read out, I really did mean it, you are truly inspirational.
Love Brenda xxx

DeyaniraC said...

Hello Sue
Another master piece.
I hope you have a great working weekend.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone!
Gorgeous card ,love all the dies and the colour and stickpins are lovely too. Hope you had a good day at c+c!
Joined Bloglovin. Fabulous place to be able to see all your cards in one place and to get inspirations! Come on everyone, make sure you join too so we can get Sue back to nr 1 !

Congrats to GrannySue winning the Wow card on Wednesday!

Warm Hugs to all my friends on this wonderful blog Maria x

Janice K said...

A stunning card, love the intricacy of these dies.x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
Another beautiful card today. I have had to record the weekend Shows so will have to catch up next week,
Love Lesley S x

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
Better late than never with my comments.

Love the card, the blue is a beautiful shade and all the dies work so well together.

Love and hugs

Anna said...

Hi Sue, You do the most beautiful cards, I love them all, your technique's and style is just gorgeous. Cheers Anna.

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous details with all these layers! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Typing this on Sunday as internet down all day yesterday! frustrating...

Love this card showcasing how the New Yorkers work so well together and didn't I see it on air yesterday too?...still can't make up my mind which of the two sets I need first though...decisions,

Congrats to Granny Sue...


Anonymous said...

Morning sue another lovely card it's one of my friends birthday this month so guess what card she is going to receive xx hope its as good as yours xx love yvonne b xx

Maria said...

Morning Sue and everyone! Beautiful card sue and so love your die's and the colours you used today is very pretty. Will watch your show in a minute and looking forward to see your cards, hope they give you the time to demo. and not just selling because it's you we will see!
And friends join Sue's bloglovin where you can see all her fantastic cards with just a click on a button !
Congratulations to all the winners, littlelamb,lucky girl :-)
Good Luck Steph at the market but wrap up warm it's cold out.

Hugs to everyone on Sue's fab. blog have a nice Sunday Maria x

Yorks butterfly said...

Lovely card Sue. Having a great day watching you on C & C. I hope you will show all the cards featured on the shows on you blog
Wendy x

Unknown said...

Great card the colour is just beautiful and love the design


Laura O said...

so so so pretty ,love all the layers ,Laura O

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