Thursday, 12 February 2015

Die Cut Illusion

Hello crafters!  Today's card is actually a bit of an optical illusion. It isn't just two square die cuts that have been offset and over laid at all.  You will have to watch the video to see exactly how it is done (I'm not telling! LOL)

Buy from Joanna Sheen

 The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Morning Sue and everyone, this is lovely. So pretty and gorgeous flower
Still chilly, keep safe and warm.
Hugs all round.p

Vick said...

WOW Beautiful card Sue, i will be watching the video in a minute, love everything about it, hugs, V xxx
My YTChannel vixcrafts

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty love the colours.
Busy day today so will watch video later.
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

Angela Wade said...

Good Morning, Sue, Pam and everyone.
A very ornate looking card, but not two die cut squares........I'm intrigued , Sue.
Will definitely watch video later!

Hugs to all,

Angela in S. Wales Xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes will be watching the video in a little while when hubby gets up, I so look forward to your videos. I am loving the colours you have used today as well.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you the video is great, and the card is so pretty I must look out for the pearl corners. Take care all Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another great video, Sue, what a pretty card and clever use of the squares. Love your new little corner blingies, too, and of course the felt floral embellishment.

'P' in Wales

Norah - your jumpers sound terrific, you should post some pics! Perhaps Kirsten will change her mind when next winter comes. said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you the video is great, and the card is so pretty I must look out for the pearl corners. Take care all Kitty. Forgot to say good luck all for the lucky draw tomorrow

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. A wonderful card in a gorgeous colour. it is so pretty, and the way you have used the die cuts is so clever.
No news yet, I will let you all know as soon there is any :)
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care

redfox said...

Morning all, well you've done it again Sue! This is such a clever and useful way of using those square dies. I have this die set and I'm going to try this today. You must lie awake at night thinking up all these ideas, I don't know how you do it but I'm very glad you do!! Love to everyone Sarah

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. I'm intrigued by your description, can't wait to watch the video but I'll have to wait until after work. Sue xxx

tracy w said...

Hi sue
What a stunning card love watching your videos thankyou tracyw x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful x

JJ said...

Beautiful Sue,

Love the design and layout.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

auscrafts said...

watched the video clever use of the die ,lovely colours used

Pat said...

Morning Sue
How intriguing!
I can't work this out. I will settle down with a cup of coffee later and watch the video
Pat x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A very pretty, clever card. Thank you for sharing.
Have a great day everyone.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a very pretty card and a clever way to use your dies but then that is no great surprise when you are designing your cards. I wonder if you get any sleep as your mind must never rest LOL. Your videos are a great insperation to us crafters as you explain everything so beautifully and then you give us all the hints and tips to recreate your gorgeous cards. Must try and find some of those beautiful pearl corners and your stick pins are always lovely.
Still very cold outside so take care and wrap up warm everyone.
Best Wishes and Good Luck for tomorrow.
Denise T x

Anonymous said...

A lovely card and a clever way to use the dies to give a different look.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid the card is a bit fussy for me but I will still watch the video later for the techniques.

Anne (Northampton)

Unknown said...

Such a pretty card - enjoyed the video!

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, lovely delicate card, fab colours, and a great tip on using the die a different way, as always a great video, they are so useful for reference, I went back to one in 2013, as i remembered something you had done, that I wanted to do. Thank you for the inspiration. Have a good day. Bx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, Beautiful card love the colours, thanks for sharing, Junex (Cumbria)

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card today. Love the technique using the two square diecuts-fantastic results.


Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue

A beautiful card. I find this flower easy to do and it always looks as good as yours. A clever use of the square dies. Have you got a tutorial on how to tie a 'messy' bow please? Mine are just messy! Lol.


Unknown said...

another little stunner sue

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
You certainly make us look at our dies in different ways so that we get more out of them. You had me fooled with how you did today's card I thought you had just threaded the two together, how wrong was I? Lol. The new corner pearls are fabulous and I can't wait to get my hands on them. The flower, stick pins and colours you've used are gorgeous. Love today's video and card thanks fir sharing.
Hugs x
Heather T

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, This is very clever and definitely will try, not sure it will look as good as yours. Love the colour today.

Love Rosemarie xx

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Clever technique. Off to a local craft show today and hope to find your dies there... Could be an expensive day maybe!

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes. Had this sussed just by the picture, illusion ? Just two of the same dies just one placrd in a different direction, I do it with some of the dies I own ! OH HOW WRONG can one Wilsonette be lol... Watch and be fooled like me lol. Blooming clever Sue. Like other friends have said "when does your brain rest" ? Beautiful card Sue, Im not the first to mention this but are you considering bringing your stick pins to us in different variations in little boxes to make up, I think they help to put that little final touch to your cards, but I just know I wouldn't be able to feel the tiny weeney little pearls or beads to make stick pins (but I can dream)
Off for my MRI this afternoon, so had my last coffee at 6am and that's it (until they make me drink a full jug of vile gunk) to help show up my tummy !! Urgh revolting.
So I send you love n hugs for today, and good luck to our Wilsonettes for the draw tomorrow. Watch the numbers rise again for the day) !!!
Have a good day everyone.
Lancashire Steph xx

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card today and the colour is so nice. Now I haven't watched the video yet and I've looked closely at the card but don't know what you have done but as soon as my granddaughter gives me a few minutes I cant wait to see what you have done. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Heather x

Glennis F said...

Very pretty card and a very clever use of the dies

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Just gorgous, love this design, awesome!!!Thanks for the videotutorial!!

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love the card and colours.
love Jean Z xx

sonja_w said...

Lovely card, really enjoyed the video too and will certainly give the felt flowers a go too xx

carol edwards said...

Beautiful card Sue as always you never fail to please. The colours are lovely and I love your stick pins. Will watch the video shortly to see what magic you have done with the dies. X

Craftysusan said...

Can't wait to watch the tutorial, such a lovely card. Thank you Sue. x

Jan.moogie said...

Beautiful card and such gorgeous colours Sue. To top it all you have given us a video as well, my day is made. Off to watch the video just now. xx

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful as always, Sue, will have to catch up with the video later xx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,gorgeous colours.

Joan D said...

Beautiful card. The colours are so lush. Will watch video later x x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Absolutely amazing, beautiful colours, use of the Dies and a fantastic design.
Off to watch to see how you did it.
Have a wonderful day

Patricia xxx

karenlotty said...

My favourite colours and the card layout is lovely I'm really intrigued to see video so I'm off to watch now before I start work!

DeyaniraC said...

Good Morning Sue
Mrs. Pam Glad to see you back
Love, love, love, this card is very pretty.

The flowers is one thing I would like to try but I still practicing the paper flower and with one hand is very hard I got hurt and it is not very easy working or craft with one hand.

Sue Have a wonderful day
Ladies enjoy your day

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - beautiful card and one of my favourite colours too. I don't know how you manage to think up so many amazing ideas - the video explains it so well. Love the stick pins and flower too. Have a great day, best wishes

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue ... Happy crafting..x

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
You really know how to start my day. I couldn't ask for more than a visit to your lovely craft room and the most beautiful gift. I love everything about today's gift - the colour; the dies you have used (and here I really must say a big thank you for your tip of the day.)It's a wonderful way to create a square. I still haven't tried making flowers today's way so I think it may be time to have a play I would love to add another of your Gemini dies to my collection but just cannot make my mind up. So again you may just have done that for me. I have fallen in love with the new pearl corners and will definitely be on the hunt for them.

Mrs B - your new baby is really teasing us all but as Mum used to say 'babies will arrive when they are ready' so will try to be patient.
Steph - good luck with the MRI. today.

Well as I said yesterday I started having a tidy up in my craft drawers and did I throw loads away - did I heck!!! I did sort out a good few pieces of off cuts for one of my Knit and Natter friend's grandchildren but other than that well you can guess can't you.

It's my hairdresser day today and fortunately she comes to me so perhaps I can get a little crafting done before 12.00noon.

To all in pain or suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

hazel young said...

Love this colour Sue gorgeous card and flower xx hazel

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Lovely card and very clever.

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely brilliant!!!
You are very creative and generous.
Thank you.
Flower is brilliant, I can never get mine to stick.
Lorna D

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
What a brilliant idea to over and under lap these dies. Just love the card
Carol x

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
Like the lovely card, will watch video later.
Gail Cx

Marion said...

Hi Sue another clever way of using your dies ,it looks very pretty ,i like the card but not keen on the big bow.
Marion H

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
Just love the card. Will watch the video later.
Evis M.

gwen70 said...

Beautiful colours for a beautiful card, will have to watch video later

weefortune said...

Hi Sue Stunning card, will watch later Elaine x

Nananne said...

Wow! I love everything about this beautiful card! and superb Video! The clever trick with the squares and the gorgeous felt flower and stick pins and the colour combo , just wonderful!
I managed to order two shades of blue card from JS yesterday as she has it back in stock.
I had a glorious walk with the walking group yesterday but was so tired went off to bed at 8:30 , but it was worth it, must try to keep it up and get some fitness back.
Love and hugs to all xo

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. How intriguing. Can't wait to watch yur video later. Having new windows so will have to keep out of the way. Good excuse to sit and catch up on videos and recordings. SueL x

Marianne's Craftroom said...


Nananne said...

I meant to say to Norah , your knitting sounds wonderful and I'm sure the wee lad when he's here will be the " best dressed baby in town" I love to see a baby in hand knitted clothes it always makes them look so special, enjoy!

marg said...

Hello Sue
I too thought it was just a matter of laying one over the other..but seems not !
I will watch with interest later!
Love the colours!
Take care
Love Marg

DMJ said...

Love the colours, will watch the video later, off out now!!!

Doreen x

pinky said...

It looks amazing and I will be back to watch the video when I get home.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
"WOW" Youve Done It Once Again Am I Surprised No!!
Not At All The Video Was Fabulous Extremely Informative, I So Enjoy The Different Tips And Techniques Your Kind Enough To Share With Us.
I Love Today's Card And The Soft Delicate Colours, I So Loved How You Cut Your Die Twice And Turned It Into A Square By Snipping Here And There.
I Love The New Pearl Corners Another Great Product From Creative Expression.
I Love The Effect When You've Cut The Beautiful Lace Like Die, Making It Look Like A Petticoat At The End Of Your Card, Fabulous Felt Flower, And Such Beautiful Stick Pins.
This Card Is Just Stunning, Opulent, And Very Rich, I Just Love It.
Thank You For The Inspiration You Share Each Day I Truly Appreciate It, As I'm Sure Do All The Wilsonettes, Great Close Up Photography Shots For My Pinterest Folder!
Sue Take Great Care My Friend
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
To All The Wonderful Wilsonettes
I Really Hope Your Keeping Well, Huge Hugs To All If Not, It's Horrible When Your Feeling Unwell, But On This Blog We Are A Very Caring Family, Whom Share Our Ups And Downs And There's Lots Of Laughter Along The Way, So Please Please Stay With Us, Sue's Blog Is The Best, Please Leave A Little Comment, We Need Sue To Get Back To Number One Spot, She Deserves And Works Hard For.
"Steph I Hope All Goes Well Today With Your MRI
Take Great Care All
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Hi Sue

This one is a bit busy for me but could still use it for the inspiration with slightly fewer dies, so it still gets the thumbs up. As usual your colour combo is beautiful and would love to have access to all the beautiful hat pins and accessories that you have!!!

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, love the colours, the dies are gorgeous. I am waiting for news of my 8th grandchild being born, my daughter-in-law is being induced today so hope I have good news to report tomorrow. Love Jean xxx

TOB said...

Hi Sue and everyone,
Oh my what a beautiful card. Great idea for snipping the dies, love the felt flower and the stick pins.
Very informative video as always.
Hugs to all who need one.
Thinking of all who are unwell or those with loved ones not well.
Theresa xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue pretty card and great video
Denise X

ellyscard creatief said...

Very pretty card,I will watching the video in a minute.

cheryl brown said...

At last I can get back online, don't know what was happening with my computer but message kept telling me Google had crashed and promptly threw my computer off.
What a clever way to create the optical illusion on your card. So pretty.
I've bought quite a few of the new striplets so will be playing today to make an engagement card for the daughter of 2 very dear friends of mine.
After that will be busy contacting all my relatives here and around the world with more details of our Downing (maiden name) Family Reunion this July. We have held them every 5 years since our big one in 2000 which was held in Birmingham where my family originates from. 2005 was in Minneapolis USA: 2010 in Melbourne Australia and this year's in Bristol.
Pete and I were elected to be the hosts which Pete was really looking forward to. It is now being held in his memory so it will be very bittersweet for me.
Still cold here in Cannington and NO fog that has plagued us for the last few days.
Stay safe and warm everyone and enjoy lashings of hugs coming your way from me to you.
Good luck with your MRI scan Steph

Cheryl xxx

Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all
how do you think of all the fabulous uses for your dies? This card is so pretty and good to see the basic circles as the sentiment frame. Love your velvet flowers and of course stick pins and messy bow
good luck tomorrow everyone
Muriel x

Anonymous said...

Morning sue great video and very clever technique thanks for sharing love the felt flower too gorgeous card love yvonne b xx

Chris Curry said...

Another beautiful card Sue and yet another idea for my dies. Thank you. Xx

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue this is a gorgeous card. I can't wait to see how it is made and today I can watch straight away as I am at home sick. Hugs Jackie

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue what a stunning card I adore the colours you have used and the dies are lovely and I like how you have done the Lacey edge. And the overall design is wonderful xxx

Debs A xxx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

A beautiful card! Will watch the video with my cup of coffee in a moment. Cannot wait.


Ivy xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Lovely card,very pretty. The illusion is so clever, such a great effect. The pearl corners are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Rose in Chester said...

OK I give up Sue, will HAVE to watch the video as I cannot for the life of me see how you've done it other than 2 squares offset etc.
Lovely card, lovely colours and GORGEOUS stick pins.
OK,off to watch the vid.
Hugs, Rose

Jane said...

Hi Sue,lovely card again and beautiful colour will have to watch the video hugs Jane B.

Paula said...

Such a beautiful card Sue, I can't wait to watch the video! I wish I knew how you come up with so many ideas for your cards, and all so different!

Paula x

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue Lovely colours. Just about to watch the video to see how it's made.
Love Val in Spain x

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Such a beautiful card today - lavender is one of my all time favourite colours. I'll be watching your video a little later as have to run a few errands first. Thank you for this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Wow, this card is stunning and in my favourite colours as well. I shall be watching the video later.

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh so very beautiful and such a clever way to make that illusion. I love the idea of it. Your videos are always so easy to follow as is todays and you always make things look so simple to do. I love this card and the colours too.
Thank you Sue.
Hugs to all in need of them and may your days soon get much brighter.

Love Sheila xx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue n all the crafty crew
love todays card such a clever idea really elegant ,hugs Sarah xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card today, I think I have sussed out what you have done, off to check the video to find out.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Crafty Cruiser said...

Really gorgeous card.

Annie Stamps said...

Very clever use the dies Sue:) Gorgeous card as always. x Annie P

Kate's Cards said...

Pretty colours. Xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card so pretty will watch video later.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

lindyloo12 said...

Lovely colours and a very pretty card.

rolfi said...

Hi Sue,
beautiful card and gorgeous colour...
very elegant...
Rolf xxx

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant video. You are such a clever lady, always coming up with innovative ways to get more from your dies and this tip was genius. I love everything about the card and your stick pins and felt flower are fabulous. Please consider doing a Sue Wilson Stick Pin Kit, maybe a pack with coordinating felt strips, or even a whole package, with matching card stock as well. Sorry, getting a bit carried away the idea of it all!!!

Sam and Steph, good luck today with the tests.

Cheryl, your family reunion sounds amazing, are they family you have found through research? So sorry Pete won't be there in person to share it with you, but he will be there in the thoughts and recollections of all your family from your earlier reunions and I hope that will bring you some comfort on the day.

Love and hugs for all


Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A beautiful card, great manipulation, beautiful die-cuts, and gorgeous, gorgeous, colours.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous no matter how you did it. Love these colours.

Feeling pretty rubbish today sore all over think I'm coming down with the cold/flu. A day for getting warm in bed and watching some Sue Wilson videos on you tube and get lots of inspiration when I'm feeling better.

Paula said...

Such a pretty color for today's card Sue; I love the felt flower and was so happy that you showed us how to make it.

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
This is lovely Sue, and your video explains everything so clearly.
Cheryl, family reunion sounds fab but as you say will be bittersweet for you.
Steph, good luck for MRI.
Some of our friends are still missing, thinking of you.
Have as good a day as you can ladies, whatever you are doing.
Love xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. Very delicate and pretty in my favourite colours. I love it. Thanks for the video.

Tandy said...

Hi Sue
Love the colours you have used and the video was so helpful I don't know how you think of all these different ways to use the dies but so glad you do. Will be looking for the pearl corners. Stepping hope all goes well with your scan. Love and hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue,
Such pretty colours and very cleverly created,
love from Jackie xx

Mac Mable said...

How clever are you? Love the colours of this card, so creative with clever techniques x

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & friends,
Such a pretty, girly, Lacy card, I can't wait to watch the video so I can have a go at recreating your masterpiece,
We 'three Graces' (thank you Norah) ! Had a lovely craft day yesterday, I have no idea where the time goes when we are together xxxx
Steph, I hope all goes well today, hugs xxxx
Theresa, pop over to the 'coffee shop' please, huge hugs
Pat, keep calling until you have that appointment! Xxxxx
Sue, hope you get your message very soon! Xxx
Janet, thank you for letting me show your cards for the last two days, you had some amazing comments!
Theresa's turn today, such a gorgeous project, thank you for allowing me to share it xxxx
Have a truly lovely day everyone,
Good luck for tomorrow!
Hugs to all
Sandra xxxxxxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Gorgeous card, and great video, such a clever idea cutting the die cuts, just brilliant.
Loving the new pretty bling corners, will have to look for them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card again today. The colours are very pretty. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Maureen B. said...

A very beautiful card and the lavender colour is my favourite. I think maybe you demoed. the technique before but will now check on the video. So cold today am going to set about using your new dies I received yesterday. They look lovely especially the Noble ones and the delicate fronds which I am sure will be so useful. Happy days Maureen

Scottydog said...

Well you have done it again - such clever techniques Sue. Wish my brain worked like yours Lol! Thanks for video otherwise would never have guessed!

June Ballenger said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card and beautiful colours. I will be watching the video later.

June x

Maxine T said...

Great video Sue, what a great idea in using our dies to create a different look. Maxine at

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonettes
A really pretty card I adore those pins today they take this from the very beautiful to the elegantly beautiful.
Margaret corgi owner

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Don't usually watch the video until later but decided I would watch it earlier today as had a busy day yesterday!
What a great video! Another Super Sue idea! It just looks so beautiful and I love the colours , flower and pins. This one I shall definitely try. Thank you so much Sue. x
Anne - glad you got some of the card you wanted and after you recover from yesterday's walk there will be no stopping you now! I need to walk more.
Cheryl - what a lovely family reunion! I hope the arrangements go well and that you have a truly memorable time.
Steph - hope today is not too bad! Yuk - as you say! Thinking of you.x
Love to everyone,
Myra xxx

barbara macaskill said...

GORGEOUS! I am in love with your intertwined squares! Must give this a try! Thank you for always inspiring me to think outside the box!

utilitygirl said...

Beautiful card again Sue
Do so love those felt flowers.

Unknown said...

Lovely card and great use of the dies, love the felt flowers


ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, you caught me out good and proper. I always look and try to work out how it's been made, and instantly thought well it's two of the !!!, wrong, and I love it when I am wrong as it just grounds my thinking that famous sentence" I know" is how it starts. Thank you Sue for such a beautiful card and the ability for us to accomplish it too. X Ros

Anonymous said...

Love the videos Sue. Thank you for the time and effort you put into them. It's like having a personal tutorial. Clever use of the dies adding even more options for our cards and lovely colour combination. Kindest regards Judith ( Moran ) x

Barbara W said...

Hi Sue

What a pretty and beautiful card today. Really love the colours as well as the inspiration of cutting into dies and making other shapes.

Lol Barbara W

Maryann Laursen said...

It is absolutely gorgeous Sue and such a brilliant idea.

Littlelamb said...

Another lovely card. Watched the video. Very clever. Must get some square dies. Like the flowers as well. All in my favourite colour. Cast on my wrist is purple and when I went back to have it X-ray yesterday the lady said I was all co-ordinated as was wearing purple jumper. Was glad I could have that colour.

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue
Love the card, I don't have your die,but i have a different square one so I hope you don't mind if I use that to make a card. Ithink the sample you showed in the lilac colour is more striking than the pale bue you used in the demo.

Margaret xxx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love this card, video great again.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, love the card and will watch video when I get home from work. Love the little bead corners and of course the stick pins! Hugs, Karen x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
What a fabulous card love the lilac and Lacey effect and the lovely flowers. Today's video is wonderful love how you cut your dies(eek) to make the different shapes , so informative . Thanks Sue, hugs xxx

Crafty hugs to everyone,
Jean D xxxx

Nana on the Hill said...

Lovely card, l`m keeping the video for tonight, when my other half is watching his favourite soap.

Wendy from Scotland said...

Lovely card and one of my favourite colours. everything about this card is gorgeous. xx

Helen Bell said...

Another lovely card once again.

Love the videos showing all your tips and techniques.

Love Helen

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty card and lovely colours. I am looking forward to watching the video later. I love the pearl corners and like others I will be looking out for them.

Steph, I hope all went well with the MRI.


Unknown said...

Excellent video Sue and a lovely card.
Happy Days

Jean said...

Just gorgeous and I love the colors and cluster!

Jill Liddle said...

Using one of my fave colours with the lilac card here. Absolutely stunning.

Cherie said...

Beautiful card Sue, I love the colour, this has given me idea for making my mums mothers day card, she loves lilac.x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Very clever use of the die and how easy is the felt flower and the finished result is a beautiful card yet again.

Jean Bullock said...

Beautiful card - I love the lacy look you achieved. Very clever to cut off and replace the corners like that. I pinned.

Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue
You've done it again, super card! Do love that purple and coconut card.
Zena X

craftynanna said...

A truly beautiful card, stick pins and lovely flower, i love making these flowers ever since i saw your demo Sue, the video is brilliant how you show us how to make another way of using our dies, hugs to all Johanna

terrie said...

It's such a pretty card and I love to watch you on how you use those die to make your card...your so creative and thanks for sharing your ideas
Well done Sue

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
What an adorable card!!!! I just love what you did with those two Lacey clever!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card & love everything about it...
Love the colours & the dies are so pretty, delicate & lacy & together with your lovely stickpins & felt bow looks so elegant....

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card. Love the dies and colours. Looking forward to watching the video a little later. Hope you're having a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Swiftycrafter said...

Have just watched the video, beautiful card and love how the flower was made.
Lynne x

lion_tamer said...

Beautiful card Sue you never disappoint us x

lion_tamer said...

Beautiful card Sue you never disappoint us x

Unknown said...

So clever Sue! You must not sleep at night thinking up all of these great ideas. Lovely card, I'm not sure if I like the lavender or blue one better. I'm going to try making the felt flower, I've been wondering how it was made and am so glad you showed us another one off your wonderful tricks. Thanks again, Gail

Denise Bryant said...

lovely card with a gorgeous die!

Craftetter said...

Love this card and the colours are lovely.
Hugs Elaine xx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and very clever illusion - had me fooled, I thought the same as Steph!!
Steph hope your MRI went well.
Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

patwyn said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card and one of my favourite colour ways. Will watch video later to learn how you made it.

Pat xxx

Karen Drew said...

Lovely card. My favourite colour too.
Going to watch video after dinner. Love to see how this is done
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Just beautiful. I love the colours too. A gorgeous card
Thank you


sandieann21 said...

Very pretty, Sue.

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card love the
blue and white.
Nancyd xx said...

Lilac and white - very chic! Will have to watch the video tomorrow, as I'm off to Tai Chi! Susan x

Glenharon said...

Good evening Sue and fellow wilsonettes,
i loved this card when i seen it on Youtube Sue as it is such a small thing to do yet makes such a difference and makes yet another kind of card altogether. The white with the lilac and the spiky chrysanthemum with the beautiful hat pins just finishes it off lovely. Thank you Sue for bringing a beauty like this to our eyes and minds and giving us the inspiration and the permission not to feel guilty to cut them up to make new ideas come to fruition.
I went upto my friends last night because she has been wanting to learn to knit for long enough and although she has been shown in the past and it has been ripped out and down because she hadn't done it right she asked me if i could teach her. She can only knit and purl at the moment. So armed with a 99p how to knit set up i goes. She can now cast on by the knitting way but that doesn't matter the now as i will teach her a better way once she gets the hang of it. So casting on, ribbing, increasing, making buttonholes, and normal knitting she acheived no problem and has a big beeming smile on her face at doing it. I have left her to knit to the decreasing part of the mitten when i will tell her how to decrease and cast off. It is so nice to see someone look so chuffed to bits at something i just take for granted because i have always been able to do it. Her daughter has put in her request to her for an aran cardigan with Goofy on the back of it just like mine. I told her that might be a tad in the future but who knows if she will be seriously bitten by the knitting bug as she still has the sewing up to do and she can't sew either. She has always if the button or hem came down on something thrown it away instead of a needle and thread, awh well her throwing away days are gone and the lassies are going to be taught how to sew as well. I can see me having a wee crafts club on a Wednesday night with Ann, her daughters and one of their friends and not one knows how to even start with a needle and thread. What are they teaching kids in at the school these days?
Anyway that was my good deed done for the week but it was nice to see someones face light up with such excitement at what they had done by themselves as i never touched it once.
Have a lovely night Angels and see you in the morning,
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

liz spooner said...

Absolutewly stunning Sue.xx

Clai01 said...

Hi Sue
I love the pins too as well as the card, looks lovely. x

ang said...

Lovely card angxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue. Such a pretty card today, love the colour you have used and those beautiful pearl corners. Thank you for the video, the square tip is really useful so thank you for sharing. I do like the videos, they explain some of the things we just can't get our heads around so well.
Hope you have a lovely evening. Take care love Diane G xxx
Jackie hope you get better soon, can't believe you are still suffering xxx
Steph, hope your MRI scan was ok xxx

Unknown said...

Super card and I love that new top!

Lynda's craft's said...

good evening Sue & Wilsonetts
What a stunning card you have created Sue it's gorgeous,with such pretty colours it's so clever how you nip & tuck the die's.Wonderful.
love & HUG'S Lynda Brock xx

Steph hope all went well today at hospital
gentle Hug's Lynda xx

Sam good Luck for your hospital visit tomorrow Hug's Lynda xx

Hug's Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Myra P,Maria A,Sheila G,Hazel,Patricia, Lynne M,Tina E,Weelybad,Norah,Steph,Sam S,Saba,TOB Theresa, Jean D,Gail C, & all wilsonettes
Lynda xx

Cazzie D said...

Evening Sue. How clever. Lovely card. Enjoyed the video. Caz x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Great video and a lovely card, good luck to all the wilsonettes for tomorrow and thank you Sue for your generosity and inspiration
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Theresa said...

lovely card. great optical illusion and flower, hugs xx said...

Love this beautiful card! Love the optical illusion technique. I haven't cut up my die cuts much but I think I will give it a try and see what I come up with. Loved the video! Thanks for sharing!

Anouk said...

like all you can do with the dies

Brenda said...

Hi Sue, Great video as always. Thank you so much, you always bring us the best.
Beautiful card love the colour and the felt/ribbon embellishment is gorgeous.
Take care, love Brenda xxx

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

A really beautiful card, will watch another time as I've looked and had a couple of ideas on what you done. Such a pretty colour too.

A little brighter again today though not much energy still, my PA and I had a game of scrabble and it's the most energetic thing I've done all week! Billy was so well behaved today, no attention seeking, no jumping up... I think after 5 months he's finally used to the idea that for 5 hours a week (between the PA and the cleaner) he isn't my sole focus- rich coming from a dog that otherwise sleeps all day!

2 more sleeps til the show, will be writing my shopping list tomorrow

Steph, hope all is well with your MRI, hugs and crossed fingers xxx

Big hugs to everyone, plenty extra if they're needed.

T xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card today Sue, great shapes and colours, craftihappiness to all and love from Macky.

Lesley said...

Great card. Love the colours. Must try using my dies in different ways.

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
Love your card.

Love and hugs to everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card and I have these dies so I will have a go. I love the video's I find it so much easier watching you demonstrate rather than reading how its done.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Tina said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card, fab video. Loved the double frame image, very clever.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Very clever idea, thanks for the video showing how you did it...I tried doing this over/under arrangement once with some Spellbinders fancy squares but it didn't work because the shapes bow as you've said...but now I know the answer to that problem!...


Anonymous said...

A very clever way of using the square dies, beautiful card Sue, thank you.
Marlene O xx

Laura O said...

stunning card ,love the flower,Laura O

Adena said...

Lovely card as usual Sue. The new Teal Caliber would co-ordinate lovely with your craft room. xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! This card today is just gorgeous !! I love everything about it. You have used a lovely colour combination to. The Herald Square dies look fab !! The Carina dies are very pretty to. Fab video Sue with lots of helpful tips. I thought what you did with the Herald Square Dies was very clever !! Thank you for a great video Sue and a gorgeous card. Sorry I did not comment for two days but I have been unwell again. All I can say is that your cards are beautiful and I loved them all. Thank you.
Sending you lots of love and hugs Sue from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love and hugs to all the Wonderful Wilsonettes today from Tres x x x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I love the colour theme and the way you've used the dies is a clever idea (not surprising really because you always have clever and inspiring ideas).

Thanks for another fab video!

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Unknown said...

what a very pretty card Sue. best wishes Elaine Ann

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card today. Love the colour scheme. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

WOW soooooo lovely.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Unknown said...

Good night Sue.
Had to check in before bed.
The colours you have used are gorgeous.
Clever clever clever lady. I do love your videos. Thanks for sharing.
Sleep well.
Lots of love
Jo xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I love the way you have used the frame in such an ingenious way.
The pearl corners look great
Thank you for the demo.
Veronique L

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and everyone
What a great video and a beautiful card
I love the corner pearls and I would never have thought of doing that with the squares very very effective
I need to look at my dies and do just what you have done play with the cut shapes
Take care everyone
Theresa xx

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone!
Fabulous card. I love the die's and how you make them look like they do. Fab colour combo and the flower with those nice stick pins,fabulous!

Steph-hope you feeling ok after the hospital?
Sam- thinking of you today,hugs.

It's been a long day so I'm sending warm hugs to all Wilsonette's!
Take care Many Hugs Maria x

Txcowgirl said...

Love the way you snipped the die to use it in a way we probably wouldn't have thought of, very pretty. The little felt flower was just adorable, will have to try this.
I have a question, I've noticed how you always use double sided tape in making your cards, and wondered if there was a reason you specifically use this method? Do any of you card makers on here use other methods? I ask because in the US ATG guns are the preferred method with most scrapbookers. Card making is becoming more popular here now, but we scrapbooked more in the beginning. So, I wondered if we should really not use the tape guns in favor of the tape? Just wanting opinions.

Sandy H said...

Gorgeous card. So pleased you did a video of this one. I love your stick pins.

Darlene from SK said...

Great technique and grat video!

nzillingworth said...


Unknown said...

Hi Sue and morning everyone...enjoyed watching this video and the unique style of putting the pieces together...would never have thought of doing this so thank you for the tip and the inspiration...Have a good day Beth x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Better late than never lol!
A beautiful card in my favourite colours.
Best wishes.
Ang x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, lovely card today, I've got a few cards I need to catch up on and this one would be lovely in different colours, crafty hugs Julie xxx

Dawn Holben said...

Fabulous card, it's beautiful and a very clever trick with the square die.
I think I will need to cut quite a few before I get it right lol.
Thank you for another wonderful

Janice K said...

A very clever and beautiful card. Thank you for the great tutorial.x

Unknown said...

Just beautiful!

hazel said...
