Saturday, 31 January 2015

You Mean The World To Me

Hi there my crafty friends!  I came across a piece of this wrinkly kraft paper recently so decided to make some flowers with it and do a card to use them on!  I pulled out a piece of tan card and stamped a swirl stamp all over it using a clear Perfect Medium pad.  Next I cut two Herald Squares in back and glued them to the card so that they slightly overlapped in the middle.  I cut an Oval Dainty frame in white and attached it over the overlapping Herald Square dies in the middle of the card.  I stamped my sentiment in black Archival ink and cut it out with the rectangle cutting edge from the Dainty Rectangular frame.  I inked it lightly with Antique Linen before removing it and added it with foam to the centre of the card.  I used the Camellia Complete petal die set to create the flowers out of the wrinkly kraft paper.  I lightly inked them with Black Soot distress ink before assembling them and added a black pearl to the centres.  I did a bit of matting in layering with white and black before adding my white paper pierced mat, a thin tan and black mat and a final white mat to complete the card.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x 9" in size.

  The winner of this weeks Wednesday card giveaway is:

Sandra Biggs!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the flowers. Congrats to Sandra, enjoy your card.
Another cold day, enjoy your weekend all, hugs all round

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue another stunning card when I first I sore it I weren't sure about the colour but the more I looked at it the more I liked it.
I love the design and I have these dies so I think I will be having ago at this one.
Take care

Debs A xxxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, a lovely card today, unusual colours but it grows on you the more you look at it, I love the technique with the 2 square dies making them look much longer.

Congratulations to Sandra, you will love your prize.

It is still very cold out today so wrap up warm if you do have to go out and be careful, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

Pat said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card today
I can see this as a masculine card - minus the flowers
Pat x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
I am not sure about the colours for me. However the overall design definitely is, I will take inspiration and use "my kind of colours"
Congratulations to Sandra.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

beautiful card sue, said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a lovely card. Take care all. Congrats to Sandra. Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Morning all. Lovely card Sue.Had a sneak peak at your new collection superb as usual. Can't wait to see you using them. JJx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Love how you use the squares to make a rectangle and the watermarked background is perfect for this card.
Congratulations Sandra on your win and belated birthday wishes to those who have celebrated in the last couple of days. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
Yes You've Guessed It I Love Your Card I Really Love The Colours, I Love How You've Cut Your Squares And Created A Rectangle.
I Love It When You Show Us Different Ways On How To Use Your Products.
I Love The Flowers, And The Adding Of Black To Your Card As I Always Think Black Makes A Card Pop!!
Sue Thank You So Very Much For Sharing Your Awesome Card.
Take Great Care
Have A Great Day
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Visit Our Sue's Awesome Blog This Blog Is The Best!
Congratulations To Sandra For Winning The Fabulous Wednesday Gift Card I'm Sure You'll Love It!
Take Care All
Hugs From Sam x

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone and congratulations to Sandra on winning this week's card. Today's card is a lovely design and will take inspiration from it for lots of colours. X

Anonymous said...

Do like kraft card, Sue, and love your wrinkled camellias. Another elongated square to great effect. Nice card!

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

A different colour combination which is striking. Like the design.

Carolyn B said...

Love this card Sue. I bought some wrinkly Kraft paper ages ago then didn't know what to do with I know! Thank you for the inspiration!
Carolyn Bx

JAO said...

Great card Sue, I'll look out for wrinkly type papers.

Aspiring crafter said...

Love those wrinkly flowers Sue , I know how they feel!!

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a masculine looking card without the flowers which we always need as they are difficult to make for i think and the colours are perfect for them. I have some of the kraft wrinkle paper so i will be having a try of this one, one female and one male. Have had a look at your new dies and they are stunning. I will be ordering the new gemini dies and the new striplets just for starters lol. Cant wait to see what you have being making with them.
Congrats to sandra on winning this weeks comment game.
Snowed through the night so its icey and cold again. Take care everyone. Wrap up warm and stay safe. Have a great weekend everyone.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. A great card today using your squares into rectangles trick : ) Lovely flowers, they are beautiful.
Congratulations to Sandra Biggs : )
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Unknown said...

GM Sue. Love this one. Happy weekend all

Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all

Great card today for inspiration for male cards and to make in so many different colours. Those New York dies are so versatile. I have crinkle paper in a pretty pink but hadn't thought to use it in flowers
Congratulations Sandra on winning that amazing card,
Muriel x

Jan.moogie said...

Gorgeous card Sue and lovely flowers. Some where in my stash I have some of this wrinkly paper so I feel a flower making session coming on. Hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I love the colour and design of today's card. I'm using Kraft card quite a lot at the moment, particularly for men's cards and today's card has given me some more ideas. Thank you so much for all your tips they are so valuable. Congratulations Sandra on winning one of Sue's remarkable cards. Best wishes

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, great card, love the layout. It must be an omen that you posted this card today, as I found my krinkly kraft paper yesterday. Well done Sandra on winning the card. Have a good day all. Bx

Hazel said...

Sue, love your design, just not my colours but that can easily be chsnged. Have a good weekend. Hazel x

Kate's Cards said...

Love the faded flowers.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue,

Love the colour combo today, very stylish and funnily enough I came across some tan crinkly paper in my own stash just recently which I intend to try with the Classic Rose dies so liking your Camellia flowers very much...and there's that pretty Dainty Oval die again!


Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card again today. Love the flowers. Congrats to Sandra - enjoy :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

TDQ Karen said...

I had forgotten abut the crinkly paper, I have some lurking somewhere so will have a go at this lovely card. Cingratulations to Sandra

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue from a very white and very cold Burgundy.
Thank you for today's lovely gift for three reasons today one it's just the format for all those who don't like lots of frilly things; two it will fit the bill for those pesky men with a little tweeking and three I'm turning your sentiment back to you this morning. Oh and four for reminding me that I bought some of this wrinkly paper ages ago and haven't seen it in ages so will have to do a search.

Yesterday's trip to market was lovely. Not so many stalls but who can blame them when it was -2. The cafe was very slow but just beginning to come alive as we were leaving but we saw some of the regulars.
Now this is where all of you who just cannot take cake this early in the day has to close your eyes.
Our pastries were:- Mr E went all Religious on me and had a'Religeuse'. This is a ball of choux pastry filled with coffee cream with a smaller ball of choux pastry again filled with cream placed on top; the top ball has piped cream around it with a piece of choc to finish - it looks like a chapel when complete. I had a 'Paris Brest' which is choux pastry in the shape of a donut. It has a thin slice cut off the top the bottom piece is then piped with thick coffee cream and the thin sliced placed on top to finish it off it is sprinkled with almonds and icing sugar.

It's our last day here this time and so it's finish packing the car with bits and pieces as Mr E has been packing it since Thursday. Sorting out the house and making sure everything is OK for the rest of Winter. We got up this morning to snow covering everything and it's coming down in large flakes as I'm sat here. We have our fingers crossed that tomorrow will be OK getting up to Calais and then Monday sail to Dover and travel up to Sheffield.

Congratulations to Sandra for your Wednesday blog.

To all in pain and suffering I hope your days get better. To everyone please take care and see you tomorrow.
Janet x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Not one of my favourites, Im sorry to say but as others have said it may be the colour that's not singing to me today.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Unknown said...

Not my favourite but I do like the extendibility of the squares and the way you turn them into rectangles

TOB said...

Hi Sue, I love this colour combination its gorgeous. Love the dies used too.
congrats to Sandra.
Stay safe and warm.
Hugs Theresa xx

Chris Curry said...

A lovely card Sue, and even though it has flowers on it could be given to a man. Thank you.Xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
It's so clever how you can change a square into a rectangle with it looking as if it's supposed to be a rectangle. I don't have Kraft paper but I do have some glassine paper that I could use instead of Kraft paper. To me, today's card could be for the men in our lives. I've picked the dies 'I need' from your next launch and can't wait until I have them.
Hugs x
Heather T

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes. Congrats to Sandra for joining the W.O.W Wednesday Club (Wonder Of Wilson) its amazing to own such a work of art. Enjoy.
Kraft is not my thing, but just the right thing for those awful awkward male cards.
Love the style of today's card.

Janet I really hope the weather doesn't put paid to your journey home, both your's and Mr E's pastries sound delightful, can I replace the coffee cream with fresh please, then Id be in heaven : )
If you dont feel too good today Im sending you all love.
If you are making your way back soon, get those thermals on as boy oh boy its bitter here.
Sending love and hugs to all.
Lancashire Steph xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, funnily enough I came across some of that paper in my stash the other day and was thinking about using it for flowers, I have had it for years! Love the card! Love Jean xxx

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
You have done it again Sue. What a lovelycard this is.
Thanks to all who have congrats me on winning the giveaway. I am so excited. I am like a child at Christmas.
Take care everyone.

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, do love that die really must get it, congrats to Sandra

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Not sure about the colour on this one but the design is superb and the flowers very pretty. It would be good for a man with out the flowers.
Have a good day.

PharmacyMichele said...

Love the card & the colour combination.

Congrats to the winner.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue love the colour combo-see you are back on tv 7th/8th Feb with a weekender it seems ages since your followers saw you.
think I have guessed what the teaser is going to be- so keep watching the blog all you crafters.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I love the flowers. Like lots of others I have some of this paper, so will be getting it out.

Love Rosemarie xx

Marianna Hammer said...

A lovely card. With these colors it can even be used as a men's card.

Unknown said...

This one strikes me as more for the male in one's life (which I don't have) but no reason why I couldn't change the colour scheme for a more feminine one.

congrats to the winner, as usual, I am so envious.

ellyscard creatief said...

Wow,this is gorgeous.Love the colors

Unknown said...

Unlike some, I really do like this colour scheme. Reminds me of a vintage sepia picture.
Snowing very heavy here in Fort William now, guess the dog and I are going to look like snowmen in a few minutes, once I finish this coffee.
Cheers all, stay warm
Janice W

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
What a delight to have a completely different colour! Flowers are gorgeous! I will be recreating this one.
Lorna D

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the colours and the flowers. love Jean Z xx

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
I really like the Kraft card it can be so useful for male or female!
Your card today is beautiful with the flowers!
Take care
Love Marg

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, this card would do for men but without the flowers, men's cards are so hard to do.

Take care everyone, Jess x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Love the layout, but not sure about the colours. I do agree that it could be useful for those pesky males though without the flowers. Do love the flowers.
Congratulations to Sandra - I bet you are so excited, I know I was!
Janet, those cakes sound delicious, but I'm with Steph in that I'd have to substitute the coffee cream for fresh cream! I love drinking coffee, but for some reason I can't stand anything flavoured with it! I'm only strange!!!
More snow over here during the night. Hope everyone stays safe and warm. If going out wrap up well. Love and hugs to all especially those in pain, I'll or feeling down. Love Alisonxxxx

Paula said...

Lovely card Sue, but not my colour scheme, I have to say. But that's my problem, not yours!!

Paula x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the way you have disguised the overlapped squares. The colour scheme is unusual but works well.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Unknown said...

Hi Sue I like the kraft card with black and white. I have resisted the Camelia dies so far but might have to add them to my wish list.
Denise X

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Stunning card love the colours you have used.
Congratulations Sandra

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. I love kraft card and you have made such a lovely card with it. SueL x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue although I'm not fussed on Kraft card this is still a beautifully designed card and would be fabulous in a different colour. Congratulations to Sandra enjoy Sue's Wednes card.
Hugs to all who need them and keep warm in this bitterly cold weather.

Love Sheila xx

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Thank you for today's card. Although not being a lover of Kraft card I too think this design would suit many of my favourite colours. Congratulations to today's winner and Sue, from a very cold and snowy South Yorkshire, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Stay warm!
Margaret A.

Marion said...

Hi sue I must be the only one who do's not like kraft card .i like the die you have used.
Marion H

DMJ said...

I'm not over keen on kraft card either, but this is a beautiful card!!

Doreen x

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Not so card on the colour but the design is beautiful.
Love Val in Spain x

June Horrocks said...

Love the card sue and the colours thank you love to all. June horrocks xxxx

Wacki Macky said...

Stunning card today Sue, love the colours and shapes, must try it out. Craftihappiness to all and love from Macky.

SHARICA said...

Another lovely card .. xx

nannapat said...

Beautiful card Sue - those flowers are lovely and the design is gorgeous. Pat x

Paula said...

very nice card in the neutral tones Sue. I am amazed at the size of the card, I like the larger cards, but here in the US that is huge. I would make that size for sure, but not many would. Maybe I should move to the UK? Congrats to the card winner this week.

utilitygirl said...

Great card Sue - unusual colour but works very well and love those flowers too.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card love the crinkley flowers cute.

Hugs to all and congrats to Sandra

Annx without an "e"

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love the card and the flowers are gorgeous, so glad I have the camellia dies
Congratulations to Sandra
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue What a pretty card today and a great use of craft card. So many people seem to have this wrinkly paper in their stash it must have been the thing to have a few years ago! (Bit like skelliton leaves!) . Love the way the double square makes the rectangle. Have a great day. Love Diane G xxx
Sandra congratulations on winning the card xxx
Paula we pay extra postage sending the large 8x8 cards but for special people it's worth it xxx
The weather forecasters keep tempting us with a snowflake down South but nothing yet. Not a fan of snow but it does look pretty. Seen the pictures on the news of dreadful conditions up the country so stay safe everyone xxx

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,love the wrinkly paper flowers.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Great card. I love to use kraft card, it's so versatile. Your flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations to Sandra.
Keep warm everyone.

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
1st congrats to the winner ,love the cards and just love the crinkle flowers ,hugs Sarah xxx

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
This would be a really good card for a male. I get in a rut with colours and hardly ever use Kraft card, except for gingerbread men! Looks very smart with black.
Congratulations to Sandra!
Alison - my husband loves coffee but not anything coffee flavoured. Not even coffee cake or chocolates! I love them so never make coffee cake or I'd have to eat it all! x
Janet - I thought your pastry sounded divine, to stay with the religieuse theme! Safe journey home to Sheffield - do
hope the weather and roads are kind to you! x
Quite a few missing friends - we miss you! Do come back soon.
Lots of love,
Myra xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
very elegant indeed. I LOVE Kraft card and black together.........
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Rose

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies,
Love the design of the card and with different embellishments would make a good male card. The flowers are gorgeous though in the crinkle paper.
Paula - I only do large cards for family and friends where I don't have to use the post. Otherwise they get smaller cards!
Alison - I drink loads of weak coffee but don't like coffee flavoured cake or chocolates.
Janet - safe journey home - I'll be glad when you get back because then we won't be tortured with the descriptions of your cakes!!!
Everyone stay safe and warm and have as good a day as you can.
Sue - still waiting to find out your
surprise - have resisted temptation to find out xx

Maureen Killen said...

Oops, forgot to congratulate Sandra onn winning Wednesday card - enjoy xx

JJ said...

Hi Sue,

Wonderful creation, love the swirl pattern on the background. Unusual colour combination but it works.

Congratulations to Sandra.

Love & hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Maryann Laursen said...

Another wonderful card creation here again Sue, and this one is just as perfect for a male as a woman, I think.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

Lovely card, great for the guys with the colour combination.

Take care and keep warm,

Ivy L xx

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Congratulations to Sandra.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Sweet little flowers but not sure about the colour.. I like the way you have taken two squares to make a large rectangle and hidden the join. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Love how you turn square dies into rectangles. It's something that you've shown us before, but I never seem to do. Thanks for reminding us. Love these dies and the flowers you have made. Enjoy your card Sandra. We've had some snow in Oxfordshire, but the rain is washing it all away. Keep warm and crafty hugs to all who need one today.

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely card today, I love the colour combination, not one I would normally choose, I am more of a pink person, but having said that it looks so good, I might have to come out of my comfort zone and try it. So glad you have used the Times Square again, need all the inspiration I can get for this one before your new babies come along. The "deliberate mistake" had me confused for a moment LOL !! Not long to wait now, two more sleeps as my grandson would say.

Janet, have a safe journey tomorrow. Have you checked out the new payment system for the Dartford Crossing? We didn't know about it when we came home in Dec and were very confused.
Love and hugs

Ps. Just tried to verify my robot letters again and pictures of food appeared once more, this time instead of a pizza a steak! Please tell me I am not the only one having this bizarre experience.

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
I love the flowers but not sure about the colours.
Take care,
Evis M.

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Great card. I'm not a huge fan of brown but I think this mix is good, the black and white seem to pick it up. Lovely flowers. Thanks for sharing.

Congrats Sandra

Best wishes

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
Not sure about today's card as I'm not a big fan of lots of black in a card, tend to use it for matting more than anything else. However, love the wrinkly kraft paper, it makes beautiful flowers. Can see them inked in other colours making unusual flowers. The wrinkly kraft paper is so unusual and something I've never seen before. x

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, hope you are having a good weekend. Lovely card. Kind regards Joanne K x

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love it.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Unknown said...

A great card using some old paper, love the layout

congratulations to the lucky winner


patwyn said...

Hi Sue
I really like the colours on this card and the flowers are gorgeous. Like some others I wouldn't normally choose this colourway as I am more of a pastel girl, but may try kraft card now.
Congratulations to Sandra.
Take care everyone in this cold weather.
Pat xx

nzillingworth said...


Hellma said...

Love this card Sue can,t wait for the next round of dies, kind of already had a sneek.

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue love the colours. congratulatons to Sandra. xx hazel

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card again today. I really like this. The colours are great. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

karenlotty said...

Gorgeous card Not just the die cuts but all of the intricate layers I.e. knowing what colours to use and how wide to make each border

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card love the flowers and the colour.
Nancyd xx

Sandra said...

Good afternoon, Sue & friends,
A very different card today Sue, I love how you have changed the square into a rectangle, genius!
I have some 'glassine' paper somewhere that looks similar to what you have used, it was a Tim Holtz think I think!
I got excited when I saw congratulations Sandra, but never mind!
I do congratulate you Sandra Biggs, I know you will treasure your card! Xxxx
Janet, you drive home carefully, typical that it snows as you have to make that long journey, your goodbye pastry sounded heavenly as always, it's just got going to be the same back in Yorkshire ! Mind you I think you could even make bread pudding sound divine!
Happy packing, hugs xxxxx
Cameeli, where are you! I am worried! Hope all is well xxx
Not long until launch day Sue, I can't wait to see your fabulous sample cards showing how best to use your new dies! Exciting week for us all next week!
Crafty hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx

Gail said...

Love what you have done with the herald die and the composition of the card but not a lover of the colour combo - looks a little dull to me but just my opinion - but could be done in your choice of colours so not a problem xx GailT xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...


Zena Mc said...

Hi Sue and All
Not sure about the colour but I think it probably looks good in the flesh.
Great trechniques.
Zena x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, absolutely love the flower and the die-cuts, just not too happy with the colours. I like the overall design though and agree with others it would make a good male card.

Congratulations Sandra B on being the Wednesday Winner, lucky lady :-)

A dry, bright and sunny day but the wind is so cold and strong it would blow your socks off. Glad I am back indoors now and will turn the heating up shortly.

Ita said...

Love the card,looking forward to your new Die release ,
Congrats Sandra on your win

Barbara said...

Lovely card Sue1
I have the dainty frame and it is so pretty.
Congratulations to Sandra!!!

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue ... Have a nice weekend ..x

barbara macaskill said...

Such a pretty card! Have a wonderful weekend!

CraftyJo said...

I like the colour scheme you've chosen for this lovely card.

terrie said...

Even though it has flowers and ribbon this would go good for a masculin card...
Very nice card Sue

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Hi Sue, gorgous card!

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
A really unusual colour scheme today but I actually quite like it!!! Striking card!

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Very striking card. Love it xx

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Very smart, for those who don't suit flowers or feminine colours this would be ideal. I love the brown paper flowers. Might see if parcel paper works! Another square x2 as well. I must try this!
Looking forward to seeing what you show us next week. (Excited face!!!)

Janet Ecco, safe journey home. Snow in Ipswich today that is laying at the minute so snow anywhere is possible! I hope the journey is not made difficult by the weather. I'll miss your pastry descriptions!

Congratulations Sandra Bigg on your prize... have that frame ready!

Not feeling too crafty today, think the cold and snow has put my brain in hibernation mode. Sure if I get in there and start trimming up the fabric for Billy's bed I'll start feeling it a little more!

Stay warm and safe. Be careful if it's icy. Hugs ro everyone, take what you need!

T x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue,
Windy, but bright in little Jersey today, too cold to go
outside, so better to make cards instead!
I love today's card and how you have made the rectangle frame out of a square die, very original !
Also the crinkly craft paper for the flowers looks
great. And..... i just love the dainty oval die, reminds me of that musical instrument, a Lyre.
Thank you for all your wonderful cards, so inspirational.
Love and blessings,
Jersey Pauline X

Gail said...

Hi Sue,
I'm not so keen on this one, not sure why. Maybe the colour.
Gail Cx

Dawn Holben said...

Another stunning and very elegant card.
I love the frames you get from using two square dies gives, thank you for sharing that with us.
And the flowers are lovely too.

cheryl brown said...

Not a fan of the Kraft card, but with embellishments for the men in our lives, can see endless possibilities, especially for handymen.
Safe travelling Janet, wishing you Godspeed.
Congratulations Sandra on winning the Wednesday card, a very happy recipient I am sure.
Now the wind has died down here in Somerset, I was amazed not to see more damage other than pots and bins blown over. we've had some brilliant sunshine this afternoon but wouldn't have liked to be out in it, it is a very bitter cold.
Stay warm and safe folks, don't venture out unless you have too.
Cheryl xxx

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue your card is gorgeous the flowers are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs Jackie

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A gorgeous card, especially the wrinkly kraft card, I must get mine out and make some flowers as these are fabulous.
I have just spent the day watching John demo your fabulous CE goodies at High Legh Garden Centre near Knutsford, and have had the best day ever !!!!
Lots of love from Patricia xx said...

Mmmm - not sure today Sue - maybe it's the colours? Lovely sentiment though, thanks for sharing and well done to the Wednesday winner! Susan x

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, I'm into homemade flowers right now so I love the ones you made out of kraft paper for this card. The stamping on the background is really interesting as well...another new thing for me to try...and I love the font on the sentiment. Unusual colours but I have to say they grow on you. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Karen Drew said...

Love the card. Can see this in so many colour variations
Karen xx

Adena said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card and loving the colour combo. I love the paper pricking you do on the mat sadly although I've tried I struggle to do it so neatly.
take care

ang said...

Gorgeous card love the colour combo angxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Beverley W

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone!
I like this card, great for a mens card just change the flowers maybe or not.Why can't they have flowers to or a butterfly or two. the flowers are really nice in that colour.
Janet-I love coffee flavoured cakes :-) Oh they sounded real yummy . Take care going back home, do you have winter tyres ?
Wheelybad-hope your day got better and Billy will have his new bed soon, hugs
Saba- just ignore the, I'm not a robot, and publish your comment as normal. it's usually work here and on other sites,hug.
Take care if going out in the snow and ice, we had some hail stones and then rain again,so grey outside and heating and lights on early in the day. To all Wilsonette's keep warm and plenty of Hugs Maria x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry but not a fan of today's card mainly because I'm not keen on Kraft card and paper , it does make a lovely flower though . Thanks Sue, hugs xxx

Congrats to Sandra xx
Crafty hugs to everyone,
Jean D xxxx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card today !! I know there are lots of different opinions about the colour combo you have used but personally I really like it !! I love how you have put two of the square dies together to make a rectangular shape. It is a lovely idea and looks great. The Dainty oval frame looks so pretty. I love the sentiment you have used and the Wrinkle paper Camellia flowers are just gorgeous !! I think the way you have matted and layered todays card with the Kraft, White and Black has really given it the perfect finish. I love your pierced edges to. Thank you for sharing this lovely card that I think could equally be used for a man or a woman.
Sending you lots of love and gentle hugs today Sue. Take care love Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone today love Tres x x x

Tres said...

Sorry I forgot to say Congratulations to Sandra for winning the Wednesday giveaway card. I am sure you will love it !! Lots of love from Tres x x x

Laura O said...

fab card ,love the flowers and the stamped background ,[always forget to just use perfect medium to give a watermarked effect ]Laura O

pinky said...

Love the colour combo of this one Sue, very striking.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening sue and everyone
A very pretty card the flowers look lovely, not my colours but I can already see it in lavender!

Congratulations to Sandra something for you to treasure.

Safe journey home Janet do take care. Those farewell pastries sound divine, especially the coffee cream, I do so love coffee, I am sure I have gained a pound just reading about them!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, not long to wait until we see your fabulous samples Sue.

Take care
Margaret corgi owner

Janice K said...

A beautiful card and great wrinkly flowers.x

Theresa said...

i love everything about this card. lovely colour palette. very natural and rustic. that swirl in background is on one of the stamp sets i received this week Sue. the flowers look so sweet especially with that hint of black soot, it makes them pop. hugs xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Good evening Sue & Wilsonettes.
I love this card & colour's thank you for showing how to turn the square die into a rectangle I have the Times Squars die so will try this one.The flowers are lovely.
Soooo looking forward to Monday for your new die's launch Sue it's been agony not peeking at a certain web site but I'm waiting for you too show case them as it should be they are your babies.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Congratulations Sandra on winning a Sue original enjoy hug's Lynda xx

Janet safe journey home & weather isn't too bad. Your last pastry sounded delicious. Hug's Lynda xx

Saba just by pass the robot thing just press publish,I do all the time & works fine Hug's Lynda xx

Hug's & love Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Sheila G,Myra P Maria A,Hazel,Patricia,Steph,Cameeli,Lynne M,Saba,Wheelybad & Billy,Tina E,Tres,Sam S,Brenda L,TOBTheresa,Yorkilass Pam,Norah,Jean D, Gail C,
& all on the blog Hug's too you all xxx

Anonymous said...

I like this card very much - love the colours.

Anne (Northampton)

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
I am also not a great lover of Kraft Card but I do like your card today so I plan to try it again.
The combination of Kraft card, white and black is growing on me!!
Lesley S x

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all the Wilsonetts
Another lovely card Sue looks quite elegant
Hope you are well Sue and I am looking forward to your new dies they look lush
Take Care Sue and everyone

Jean Bullock said...

Excellent card. I pinned of course.

Denise Bryant said...

Love the swirl design background and that gorgeous, detailed oval frame die! Beautiful card!

Sandy H said...

Lovely card, as always. Love the craft paper flowers.
Take care everyone.

Carole Z said...

I love this Sue, the black and brown look beautiful together and the design is stunning, hugs Carole Z X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card & the colours are nice & different.
This could easily be a card for the girls & boys alike as would really work for both I think..
Love the design layout & the subtle background stamping..

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card & the colours are nice & different.
This could easily be a card for the girls & boys alike as would really work for both I think..
Love the design layout & the subtle background stamping..

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely card, love the colour of the card. Congrats. to the winner.
Di B x

Paul Chambers said...

You make stunning cards with these dies