
Sunday 11 January 2015

Thanks For Everything

Good Sunday morning all!  It's all about the border die for today's card offering.  Borders are just so versatile in what they can do and as you can see, I have used them here to create a pretty background.  The French Collection border has been cut in black and coconut white card, twice each colour.  I glued the black borders to white card strips and the white border have been set going in towards each other on black glitter card.  I attached each of the three strips to a larger black card and raised the centre strip slightly above the other two.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the tag from the Austrian Collection.  I cut a French tag in black to go underneath for a bit more detail to my focal element.  I added this piece in the centre of my card with mounting foam.  From my stash, I found some black rhinestones in a double strip roll so I added a strip of them t the top and bottom areas against the black borders.  I completed the card with a white border which I added Cosmic Shimmer white PVA glue dots to all the way around to frame my card.  A thin black mat layer then a final white mat completed the card.  The finished dimensions are 7 3/4" x 9" in size.

This week's winners of the Comment Game are:
Laura O'Connor!!!
Wheely Bad!!!
Natasha Cole!!!

For the extra qualifying post of Jan. 7th, the winners are:
Hazel Evans!!!
Yvonne Bennett!!!
Kathy Johnson!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Now this I really like as it is so simple but oh so effective. Thanks for sharing Sue.xx

  2. Just had a quick gander at yesterdays posts and so glad to see our dear Norah back and with a wee story to tell. Hugs to you and yours hun. xx

  3. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a lovely card, Sue I have some of those black rhinestones from the pound shop what a bargain. Take care all, congrats to all the winners.

  4. Hi sue
    Well do you not disappointed me this card it's stunning love the border die congratulations to the winners thankyou tracyw x

  5. Very ornate, Sue, with just the right touch of bling - always like black-and-white cards and this is a fab border.
    Didn't realise it was CHA time again - guess you're having a great time meeting up with your fellow crafting designer pals when you get a few moments away from all the hard work. Hope it's successful and fun, too.
    Norah, good to see you back and to share your stories. Panto sounds great.
    Well done to all the winners, esp
    Wheely Bad !!

    'P' in Wales

  6. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I adore todays card, it is another one that can be prepared in advance and then add the sentiment when needed, I love the elegance of it.

    Have a great Sunday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  7. Morning Sue, a delightful card and a great
    idea for all the border dies we have.
    Nancyd xx

  8. Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
    You Never Cease To Amaze Me Creating A Stunning Card With The French Border Die In My Favourite Colours Of Black And White, And If I'm Correct In The Centre Column You've Used Either Diamond Snow Or Iced Snow Which Looks Fabulous, Sue Thank You For Your Beautiful Card And Thank You For Sharing And Explaining The Techniques Of The Card So Well For Us, Your The Best.
    Sue Take Great Care
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    Hugs To All The Wonderful People Who Comment On Our Sue's Awesome Blog, I Hope Your All Keeping Well!
    Congratulations To The Weekly Comment Winners!

  9. Spectacular! A real confection. xx

  10. Good morning Sue
    Today's card is such a feminine pretty one and looks gorgeous. Like Kitty I too bought these rhinestone strips from the pound shop (I love a bargain lol,) but I've been cutting them to use individually ........ Until now. This card can be made in any colour and will always look fabulous because the dies do all the work for you.
    It was lovely to see you back Norah
    Congratulations to all the winners
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  11. Hi Sue. This is a lovely card, my screen is showing the top photos in black/white and and the bottom 2 in black/cream, which is just as beautiful : )
    Congratulations to all of the Comment Game winners : )
    Norah, so good to see you back : )
    Sending my daily hugs to everyone and I hope the winds haven't done too much damage where you live. Take care.

  12. Hi Sue great use of dies, so pretty and effective. Congratulations to winners x

  13. Great use of the border die which i have so we be using it , this way . Thanks for inspiration. Congrats to winners. JJxx

  14. Ecco of Sheffield11 January 2015 at 07:25

    morning Sue or is it Afternoon where you are at the moment.

    Today's gift is a study in monochrome and for me that just hits the spot. I love your French border and tag set and have to admit that although I've got this set as yet I still have to use it. You have now given me the perfect nudge to get on with it. I am just finding the middle panel of today's gift a little too busy for me but am hoping it grows on me.

    Norah - welcome home young lady. It's wonderful to have you back where you belong.
    Sandra - Thank you for your lovely comment re our Friday evening meal - I do all the cooking and backing and Mr E does all the clearing away and washing up so it's equal parts unless I'm particularly bad atanding or in more pain than usual then he steps in but I have to be in the kitchen with him because although he can cook he has to have what he calls 'his comfort blanket' there to ask questions of (I'm not sure whether that is a compliment or not - knowing him it probably is one of his comments with tongue in cheek).

    Congratulations Wheely Bad - I can just see you dancing around and around lol seeing your name this morning. I know you'll enjoy your gift.

    I hope that all of you who have had and still having horrible weather back in the UK are OK and not had too much damage caused.

    To all in pain or suffering for whatever reason I hope your days get better soon. To everyone please take care and stay safe.
    See you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  15. Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. Love the way you get the dies to work together and it works all the times. Could be made in many colour ways. You could make a couple of them without the sentiment and then you have a one ready just to add the sentiment when you need it, which i often do when i really like a card, which is nearly everyday lol. Congrats to all the comment winners. Hope you are having a great time at the CHA shows. Hoping you have some lovely pics from the shows and you will share some of them with your followers when the time is right and i am sure there will be some new craft items on your return to the uk. Sending big hugs to your mom, as i am sure she misses you when you are in the uk so i hope you both have some great times when your work is done on the shows. Take care all in this horrible weather.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  16. A beautiful card which looks so effective in black and white.

  17. Loving the way you overlap the dies to give a whole new look. Big hug
    Julie E

  18. Cameeli of Richmond11 January 2015 at 07:47

    Good morning Sue, a very striking card today and I really love the French collection border it just pings off the page....

    Norah Welcome home!!

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Have a good day everyone!!
    Cameeli xx

  19. Love the borders on this card. In fact I just love the potential the border dies have.

  20. Beautiful border card , like this particular one very much .
    Your borders are really versatile Sue.
    Congrats to winners,

  21. Beautiful card,the border is gorgeous.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  22. Good morning Sue and everyone. A very effective card which could be used for many occasions.
    Welcome back Norah, I've missed your stories, just take each day as it comes and know that we are here to listen if you need us.
    Congratulations to all the winners. Sue xxx

  23. Wow Sue, looks very intricate.

  24. Hi Sue,

    This is so eye-catching and I have all the ingredients so high time to re-visit my earlier purchases and bring them out to play!...lol

    Congrats to all the winners...


  25. Lovely card Sue... Have a nice Sunday...x

  26. Morning Sue
    I love this card and as I have the French borders I will be trying this later today. Thank you for the inspiration
    Pat x

  27. Stunning card-love the black & white look.

    Congrats to all the winners.


  28. Good morning Sue this is a gorgeous card. I have a few border dies I keep meaning to make a card like this - thank you for the inspiration. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

  29. Hello Sue
    I really like the Black border and the Rhinestones!
    Hope the CHA is full of lots of goodies!
    Love Marg

  30. Love the way you use border dies Sue, and you have given us more food for thought

  31. I love the French Border, Corner & Tag dies the cards using these dies are all stunning. I ordered these dies some time ago and can't wait to receive them and start using them.

  32. This is a really busy card but lovely
    congratulations to all the winners
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  33. Good morning Sue what a beautiful card.
    I have these dies so I'm going to have ago at this card.
    It shows that a border is not just for a border.
    Congratulations to all today's winners.
    Take care Sue xxx

    Debs A xxxx

  34. French elegance Sue. Lovely. Thank you Xx

  35. This has definitely mDe me look at using dies in more ways, thanks for some great inspiration. Fab card

  36. Hi Sue really like this card simple clean lines and no big bow ,i have a border die so will have ago .
    Marion h

  37. Hi Sue, a very intricate looking card, love the way you have used and embellished the die cuts. Congrats to all the comment game winners. Bx

  38. Morning Sue, beautiful card, this is another I can try as I have these dies! Congratulations to the winners. Love Jean xxx

  39. Hi Sue, Love the card and the colours . love Jean Z xx

  40. love this die set, so versitile.
    very pretty card

  41. Good morning Sue and everyone.
    A little busy for me but the borders are lovely.
    Hazel will be a happy girlie as will the others, Im sure.
    If you're at the CHA, enjoy!
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  42. Hi Sue.

    What a beautiful card and I have this die so will be making it today.
    Love Jane B

  43. GM Sue - tres chic! Happy Sunday all
    Clare W

  44. Hi Sue
    I love this border die. It's so pretty and lacy. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous card with us. Have fun at CHA.
    Have a good day everyone.

  45. Stunning card, can see this in so many colours for so many occasions.
    Congratulations to all winners.
    Welcome back Norah, lovely lady.
    Keep warm and safe everyone, Cameeli how is baby Mason doing?

  46. Very intricate, but works well in monochrome, love all the details Congratulations to all the winners xx

  47. Morning all,
    A very ornate card, and for the right occasion it would be perfect!
    Congratulations winners.
    Gail Cx

  48. Wow, I must try layering other borders to see how they come out. I wish I had more time to experiment. Congrats to all the winners.

  49. Hi Sue - what a great idea for border dies and I love black and white cards. Will be making a few of these I think. Congratulations to all the winners today. Best wishes

  50. When I looked at the card I thought how extravagant with all the rhinestones but then having read several comments about the pound shop I will let you off!!
    I do find the middle strip a bit fussy but the overall look is as stunning as ever.

    Anne (Northampton)

  51. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card!
    Your borders are brilliant, I simply adore them. I am currently using the new Scandinavian Border which is so versatile and gorgeous.
    Lorna D

  52. I think black & white cards are very effective and impressive!!!

    Doreen x

  53. Good morning Sue,
    "Thank you for Everything" ... you do for us!!
    Brilliant card love the concept. Feel the middle is a bit too fussy for me but that's ok we can cope with that. Great colour combo.
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Is there another "Hazel Evans" or will my sister be doing a "happy dance" round the house.
    Have a wonderful day

    Patricia xxx

  54. Morning Sue,
    Sorry, but this one is not for me, it's a bit too fussy, I think if the middle section wasn't there I would have liked it.
    Winners enjoy your prize.

  55. Stunning card sue love it like June says it can be made up and wait for a sentiment love to all June xxxxxx

  56. Hi Sue,
    Another stunning card. I love the French borders and corners set and have made some beautiful cards with them. I think I will be having a go at this one as I have a card to make for my cousin's birthday.
    Congratulations to the winners especially Wheely Bad.
    Norah, great to see you back and it sounds as though you had great fun at the panto and that it brought back very happy memories too.
    Well, the winds have died down somewhat so I managed to get some sleep last night thankfully - I'm hopeless if I don't get enough sleep, just feel like a zombie all day! Have a lovely day everyone and hope that anyone without electricity in Scotland manages to get it back quickly. Stay safe and warm everyone. Love Alison xxx

  57. Today's card is a little to fussy for my taste,I think its the middle section that over does it.

    Jane xx

  58. Beautiful Sue, that French border is so delicate and pretty
    congratulations to the winners

    Muriel x

  59. Hi sue,
    Very striking, that hint of black glitter card classy. thanks, Carol

  60. Hi Sue
    stunning card love how you have used the border die really effective.
    crafty hugs Helen Terry xxx

  61. Hi Sue,
    Love this card, it's very striking in black and white but I'm sure it would look just as good in other colour combinations. Congrats to all the lucky winners.
    Beverly W

  62. Lovely card! I do love the French border die and corner ( a real favourite) and used often.
    Thanks Brenda, Myra and Yorkielass June we are now back to normal and fortunately have had no snow yet, although the children are desperate for a snowy day And I have to admit I do love watching the snow falling , when it's dry and swirling ( quite magical ) !
    Congratulatios to the comment winners , enjoy your prizes!
    Great to see you back Norah , I do agree Glasgow humour and banter is the best! I do miss going to the Panto ,we used to go every year and loved all the hissing and booing etc, so glad you enjoyed it.
    Sue, do you have a show coming from CHA?
    Love and hugs to all xo

  63. Hi Sue
    I love this card. Aren't your border dies so versatile. This is just another way of using them. Black and White looks so stunning. Hope that the windy weather has treated you well. I know that you've had bad storms up in Scotland. Hugs to all in need of won today.

  64. Meant to say congratulations to all the blog winners.

  65. A very striking card with lots of intricate details.x

  66. I like this and it is a interesting concept.

  67. wow !

    This card is amazing! The strip dies sure make an effective stunning card altogether. Love it.


    Ivy L xx

  68. Lovely and lacy again!

    Congrats to all the winners!

  69. Hi Sue

    Pretty card simple but so elegant.

    Congrats to all the winners

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  70. Morning Sue
    Another stunning card - will have to go to the pound shop and find the rhinestones
    Carol x

  71. Morning Sue. I like this as I have the french border. This looks complicated but isnt. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to the winners. Hugs Heather.x

  72. Hi Sue love the black and white card.
    Denise X

  73. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card. This is stunning. The border dies are fantastic. Love it. Thank you.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  74. Morning Sue, stunning card today, I have these dies but never thought of using them like this, thank you for giving me another idea for them.

    Congratulations all today's winners, you will enjoy your gifts.

    Sandra, had a wee peek at your blog yesterday your cards are absolutely stunning, such a talented lady.

    Take care everyone, it's cold out there,
    Jess x

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. I'm not sure about this one At first glance that middle strip was making my eyes go funny! But closer up it looks a lot better So I'd really like to see it in "the flesh" Love the concept and colours

  77. Lovely Card Sue!

    I love how you've used the dies and the black and white is so stunning.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

    Oops... I forgot to say Congratulations to the winners.

  78. Love the card sue, congratulations to all winners
    Crafty hugs Julie xxx

  79. Amazing idea Sue, where do you get them from. i love it.
    Congrats to all the lucky winners.
    Love Val in Spain x

  80. Hi Sue,
    Hope you are having a wonderful time at the CHA, hope we get to hear about it when you get back.
    Today's card has a lovely Lacey look to it. I am not sure about the Middle section, will have to have another look at it, but having said that, I really do like this card.
    Congratulations to each and every one of the comment winners.
    Wheely Bad, especially pleased for you.
    Love and hugs

  81. Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
    What a striking card this is, it's so very effective.
    Congratulations to all the winners, especially Wheely Bad, you'll be doing a hop, skip and a jump!!!
    Keep warm everyone and look after yourselves xx.

  82. Like the use I'd the borders but finding the centre piece a little too fussy (for me anyway) xx big congrats to Hazel she will be well chuffed xx GailT xx

  83. Hello Sue and all

    I think mono is always so striking. It is good to see how a border die can be used in a different way and the effects you can get by how you place them. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to the winners.

    Best wishes

  84. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very elegant and delicate looking in black & white. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  85. Good Sunday Morning Sue & Friends,
    Well Sue today's card is a little bit 'oh la la' for some reason that die reminds me of petticoat lace, it's just so pretty. Sue are you exhibiting at CHA or visiting? Either way have fun, I would love to go. Hugs xx
    Jess (Watson) thank you for stopping by my blog, I am glad you liked my cards, I hope to see you stop by again soon, I am trying to blog everyday! Xxx
    Janet, that sounds the same in our house, although since becoming disabled Paul has had to do a lot more in the kitchen and he has picked it up really, the family loves his Roast Potatoes, although I gave to say 'he did learn from the master' haha ! How many weeks are you staying this visit? It's funny that he calls you his 'security blanket' that's exactly what I call Paul when we leave the house, I get so anxious, he calms me down, that's why. Hugs xxx
    Norah, oh my goodness I am over the moon that you are back, your first story of the year had my smiling, thank you my lovely friend. I look forward to your daily stories about life! Welcome home xxxxxxxxx
    Well I saw some pictures on fb yesterday from Spellbinders and there was a new die cutting machine in one of the pictures, I commented and asked what it was and was told that it's called 'platinum' and to watch this space! So keep your eyes out, it looked like it had fold down flaps on either side and a thicker plate.
    Congratulations comment game winners, Wheely I bet
    you are jumping for you, enjoy your gifts xxx
    Well the Sunday chores are calling, I must go and see what they are all up to,
    Crafty hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  86. A great use of the border dies, love black and white

    Congrats to the very lucky winners


  87. Hi Sue. Hope you have had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Today's card is very
    beautiful -- as always -- and I really like the use of those die-cut pieces.
    Symmetry tickles my engineering mind, lol.

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners!


  88. Good afternoon, Sue. Late commenting as I wasn't getting the picture of your card up. Again it's a stunning use of your wonderful dies. Now I don't know if you have got another Hazel Evans or it is myself, if I have won again, then I thank you, if not then congratualions to the other Hazel Evans and of course all the other winners.

    Hazel x

  89. Morning Sue, todays card is very different. Not sure its my cup of tea but great use of the dies. Kind regards Joanne K x

  90. This is gorgeous. I have a ton of border dies and never know quite what to use them for other than borders! Thanks for the inspiration Sue.

  91. Hi Sue,
    Hope it's nice and warm and sunny where you are. It's dull and windy here.
    Well that's the weather summary over. Lol!
    I like today's card but I don't love it. Sorry I hate saying that - I think the centre panel is too busy for me. However I very rarely don't love your cards so maybe todays confession is ok?
    Last night I cut out out lots of your lovely butterflies - they really cut like a dream. I also cut out the borders and corners you used in today's card.
    All ready now to construct a masterpiece! Ha ha!
    Sunday is a busy day so must go.
    Norah- lovely to see you back. Take care!
    Love to all,
    Many congratulations to today's winners, Wheely really pleased for you!
    Myra xx

  92. Beautiful card Sue, love this boarder die.

    Congratulations to all the winners

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  93. Hi Sue

    Very lacey looking card, lovely.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  94. Hi Sue, love black and white cards. Congratulations to all the winners.

  95. Fantastic card today Sue, thank You! Love Macky

  96. Good afternoon Sue and the Wonderful Wilsonettes,
    WOW Sue, this is literally a stunning card that just sparkles and twinkles at you. The rhinestones just put it up in to the elegance bracket and that anyone should be honoured to receive as this is more of a gift than just a card, but there again all your cards we think are more gifts than any other that you can buy. Thank you for bringing such beauty to us yet again Sue and making so many people happy.
    Oh i was fair cheered up today when i seen the lovely Wheely Bads name along with Hazel amongst the other ladies. I know that you will probably be so excited from seeing your name and it will do you the world of good Wheely, have fun when your prize arrives.
    I know you are all missing my weather reports from my beloved Ochil Hills so i will tell you that they look like they have all had icing sugar shook on them and they have been a tad heavy handed, but as long as it stays up on them as a blanket it is fine by me as i don't like the soggy slushy blankets that cover our ground from time to time, although it would be nice for it to have a blanket of white on the grassy hills and playing places for the children to play old fashioned things like snowball fights and building snowmen and sledging as was the games of a lot of our youth. The children seem to be allergic to going outside for the strange stuff called fresh air nowadays.
    My lovely son came home on Friday with the wee side table that he made while at Alva Academy and it is beautiful. He hasn't got one rough bit on it because he has sanded it so well and he has made tongue and groove joints instead of glue. The only part that is screwed is the top to the bottom frame. One really impressed mum here that finally thinks that one of her children will fall into the land of hand crafting at least with the same skill that I, mum, dad and papa had for eye to detail and finish. Ok i will stop blawing my boys' trumpet, but one very proud mum.
    Oh how nice it is to be back feeling a bit more myself and being able to post on our beautiful friends blog again. Thank you my Angels for all your kindness this past wee while as it has kept me just above the sinking point. You are a wonderful bunch of happiness and thoughtfulness. Sending you all crafty hugs and love and thanks just for being yourselves.
    Norah (Glenochil)

  97. Ooops sorry i forgot,
    Well done to all todays winners and i know you will enjoy your prize when it arrives,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)


  98. Hi Sue
    That card is lovely, I'm going to try it in teal and white or Ivory or coconut, not sure yet. Lol. Really enjoying your cards.
    Love Zena. X

  99. Sunday smiles to you Sue. When is a border not a border ? When its designed and added as a background by our Sue.. Would never ever had thought about using it like that, but that's no great suprise really I suppose !
    Well done to each and everyone of you loyal ladies that deserve seeing your name as winners today. Enjoy your gift when it arrives.
    Sending love to our friends not upto blogging today, hope tomorrow is a better day. Lynn M - missing your doggie tails and you, please come home soon. TOB hope all is ok ?
    Sending love to all that stop and leave comments today.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  100. Hi Sue,
    Sorry to say but I agree with a few other ladies this card is a bit to fussy for me too , I also think I would make it without the centre panel for me . Sorry Sue, hugs Jean D xx
    Congrats to all winners , and crafty hugs to everyone enjoy your Sunday,
    Jean D

  101. Hi Sue so much detail in this card I love the border die Beryl xx

  102. Hi Sue,
    What a gorgeous card, Love everything about it.
    Thank you for the inspiration.
    Hugs, Rose

  103. Hi Sue,
    Love the card. I will certainly give it a try.
    Evis M.

  104. Your card is very elegant looking.
    It has a smokey color to it...
    Well done Sue
    Your off to a good start with your cards for 2015.

  105. Hi Sue

    A card with one of my favourite die sets, so nothing I don't like! I'm a lover of bling too! While I adore the shaped dies and background dies you can't beat borders- or striplets for tgat matter for versatility, stacked as the main feature, frames, borders, ribbons, even quilling them like the spellbinders flowers- this set both the border and the corners do a sterling job if you don't have many/ any flower dies. This one reminds me a bit of 1920's art deco too. Definitely on the shortlist for my first card of 2015 (good thing the first three to four months of the year are littered with birthdays but come next month I'll have probably seen another 25 I have to do!

    What a nice surprise to be picked out and even lovelier is the kind wishes I've had. I couldn't dance too much as I'd just had some lunch and I'd had a certain four legged friend on my lap. I shall pop a couple of (careful) celebratory wheelies when I go back to printing off my 'evidence'! Just as lovely was to see Norah's name while I did a quick catch up of Saturday just now. It's lovely to have you back Norah! And to read of what a talented carpenter you have! An eye for detail and the drive to get things right are highly prized attributes in such crafts. Mr W gets so annoyed inside at the young people at the college he works at not wanting too/ being bothered about putting in the effort to learn to do things properly. I have a little jewellery box one of my brothers made me at high school. I love it dearly so I appreciate a little of how you feel. Your story of the panto was great. I loved the Krankies- still do, still find them funny! Seriously though I'm so glad you're back with us as I love to hear about your hills. Hugs to you and Rory xxx

    Late congratulations to Maria Alder for winning yesterday and congratulations to everyone elso who won today.

    I hope everyone in the area hit worst by the weather is ok, that if they lost electricity they were reconnected quickly. By the way, what heroes those guys and gals are that do that job! Often up pole when it's still very windy, the dangers are a risk assessment gold mine! The way they respond to weather damage all over the country is amazing and a good number go overseas to help after weather or other natural disasters. I think they are pretty unsung and if anyone deserves a slap on the back they do.

    Sue, I hope CHA is as amazing as it sounds! If you are there... enjoy!

    I must go, football is nearly over and this evidence won't do itself! It'd help if they'd told me from the off to keep track, keep reciepts etc I shall be making suggestions to them about this as it's so hard to have to chase stuff back. I've had a nice couple hours break so on we go.

    Hugs to all Wilsonettes, especially if you need one. Happy Sunday and happy crafting


    T x

  106. Lovely card Sue, very elegant in black and white.
    Lovely to see you back NORAH with all your lovely stories. the panto sounded amazing and I am a big John Barrowman fan!!!
    congratulations to all the lucky winners today!

  107. Lovely card Sue, very elegant in black and white.
    Lovely to see you back NORAH with all your lovely stories. the panto sounded amazing and I am a big John Barrowman fan!!!
    congratulations to all the lucky winners today!

  108. Hi Sue loving the black and white today and the beautiful French boarder, one of my favourites. I must take a trip to the pound shop to look for these rhinestones , they look great. Just got home after my husbands company's Christmas bash in Bournemouth last night - they hold it January so we have something to look forward to. Had a lovely blow along the seafront before we returned home this morning. Hope everyone suffering from the bad weather is ok and hope you have power again soon. Take care love Diane G xxx
    Congratulations to the comment winners , Wheelybad bad well done. How exciting for you all xxx
    Norah lovely to have you back xxxx

  109. Hi Sue
    Love todays card very pretty & the monochrome colours are very striking.
    Just goes to show how very versatile border strips can be for making many different designs in our card making & numerous crafting projects...

    Beautiful & stunning card as always.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze xx

  110. Lovely card.....I love this border, it's one of my favourites. X

  111. Hi Sue, hmm, I'm not too sure about today's offering. Much as I like the French collection I'm sorry to say this is a little too busy for me.

    Congratulations to all of the comment game winners, enjoy your prizes.

    Norah - good to see you back yesterday and today. Don't forget to message me when you are up to it.


  112. Great use of this beautiful die, I will be giving this one a try.

  113. Hi Sue
    Very striking card with the French border and the sentiment is sent back to you, thank you for everything you do
    Congratulations to all the comment game winners, enjoy your prizes
    Norah lovely to have you back have so missed hearing about your hills and hugs to Rory for his achievement in making his side table I'm sure you're very proud
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  114. Lovely edges, very versatile

  115. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes
    Gorgeous card I love your use of the French border die, this one is so pretty. I must try useing my borders in different ways.
    Hope your enjoying CHA Suelove & Hugs Lynda xx

    Congratulations to all the comment game winner's especially Hazel & Wheely Bad enjoy your prizes
    Hugs Lynda xx

    Good to see you yesterday NORAH welcome home.
    Love Lynda xx

    Big Hug's toSandra,Margaret corgi owner,Maria A,Myra P,Wheelybad Hazel,Jean D,Yorkilass,Lynne M,Steph Norah,Sheila G,Saba,TinaE,Tandy,Tres,Pam Lindsay,Cameeli Patricia & all Wilsonettes Love Lynda xx

  116. Hi Sue,

    Stunning. Thank you.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  117. Hi Sue,
    A very effective use of the French border die making a beautiful card.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Veronique L

  118. Beautiful card Sue love monochrome
    Lynne x

  119. Although I love to see what you do with the border dies this card is a little to fussy for me. Very unusual for me not to like any one of your cards.

  120. Good evening Sue and everyone
    A truly beautiful card showing one of the most beautiful border dies to it's full potential, I would have never thought of using it in this way.

    Norah so wonderful to have you home darling lady and pleased you are feeling more your self, you have been missed so much.

    Well Cameeli your little price charming is almost a week old, I hope Mason is doing well.

    Take care everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

  121. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card!!!

  122. Hi Sue

    A lovely frilly feminine card today, a lot of cutting but a lovely effect.

    Norah, lovely to read your news. We took the family and Anthea & Jake to a pantomime after Christmas. It was Cinderella with Brian Conley & Gok Wan,what a fabulous day out that was too. I think that was just what you needed. XX

    Congratulations to the winners Especially to Hazel & Wheely Bad!!!

    Kind regards to all :-)

    Tina XX

  123. perfect colour combo. looks very light and airy. lovely, hugs xx

  124. Now I see why my sister told me to check out your site. Your cards are beautiful and look so complicated. Thanks for sharing.

  125. This is a gorgeous border die Sue it has made a beautiful and feminine card used this way, all the best Edwina

  126. Hello Sue, Really like this card, very ornate and love the bling. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners, especially Wheelybad and Hazel, enjoy ladies.
    Norah welcome home special lady, great to have you back, your pantomime tale made me smile and you must be sooo proud of Rory and his perfect side table, what a talented young man, hugs to you both.
    Hugs to all Wisonettes, here and missing.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. a great card love the gem stones ,another great addition ,Laura O

  129. Hello Sue, Beautiful card. lI love the French border, it really does stand out all on its own, it's beautiful.
    Congratulations to all of today's winners so pleased for all of you.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx

    Dear Norah, it is so lovely to see you back. You should be proud of your wee soldier, his carpentry skills sound fantastic. Well done Rory LOL.

  130. You have made me look at borders in a whole new way!! I didn't used to like them but now I LOVE them!

  131. Hi Sue. Today's card is very pretty and lacey. The French border dies create a very unique background. I really love this effect. I do not yet have these dies. Another "must have" die set !! Just beautiful !! I love your black and white monochrome colour combo. I could imagine this card looking just as lovely in other colours to.
    Thank you for sharing it. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Tres x x x

    Congratulations to all of today's lucky winners love from Tres x x x

    To all the Wonderful Wilsonettes sending everyone lots of love and hugs today from Tres x x x

  132. Good evening Sue,

    Whilst I'm normally a great fan of black/white cards sadly, I don't think this one's for me. Congratulations to all of today's winners and Sue, I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening (what's left of it!)
    Margaret A.

  133. Hi Sue,
    Lovely, lovely card.
    Di B x

  134. HI SUE

  135. Striking card. One of my favourite borders used to great effect. Such an intricate central panel.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.
    Well done to Rory for completing the side table and making your mum so proud. Keep blowing your trumpet, Norah.
    Take care everyone.

  136. The border die is lovely Sue, a striking card. Anne x

  137. Just love this border. So pretty.
    Sheila x

  138. Lovely card. Must start thinking outside the box when using border dies
    Karen xx

  139. Hi Sue
    WOW i love what you have done with the dies really stunning work sue
    Take care
    Hazel G XX
