Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Quilt Card

Hi there bloggers!  You have seen a similar card before, in fact, there is a tutorial at the top of my blog that shows this technique.  This card however, has been done using a slight adaptation to that technique and it also uses my New York Collection so the finished card will look slightly different.  If you are a visual learner, the video might be an easier way to come to grips with the quilting technique too.  I hope you enjoy it!

Buy from Joanna Sheen

 The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  7 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Lovely card, love the quilting. look forward to video later.
Hugs to everyone, take care in this icy weather

Unknown said...

A very different card from you today Sue. But lovely never the less
Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Kate's Cards said...

Very different. Not sure. xx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Love the quilted look, love the card and colours
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another card that needs "lots" of patience.
Like the colours, not too sure if I will be having a go at making similar, sorry!!!
Have a great day


Patricia xxx

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you beautiful card great video,
You have lots of patients. Take care all in this very cold weather. Kitty

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Great video and a beautiful card thankyou tracyw x

Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all

As a quilter in a previous life (before cards lol !) I love this, and there are so many designs that could be used. The lacy effect is really pretty, must give this a try

Muriel xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, I love video days and this one is such a lovely card to make using the quilting technique, will definitely have a go at this one.

Have a great Tuesday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy and please be careful on any ice and snow out there. hugs June Smith xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Love the quilted effect, looking forward to watching the video later. Hopefully when I've watched you demonstrate I might feel more able to give this a try. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Love this card. Looking forward to watching your video with a cup of tea after work.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Sue , not to my taste today , never the less a nice technique. JJx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Love the quilted effect on this card. Thanks for sharing.
Keep warm everyone!!

Linda Graham said...

Love this technique and the quilted look as its different, thank you Sue,Linda x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. I have a confession to make. I was looking through your you tube videos a couple of days ago and i came across this video and watched then made lol. I was so pleased with it i now have it hanging up in my craftroom so i will have to make another one. You could make it in many colours and patterns with just a little patience. Thank you for a great video with all your hints and tips. I forgot to say i think this is a beautiful card lol.
Take care everyone as its very cold, frosty and icey.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x
PS. Congrats on reaching 6500000 million viewings.

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Love the colours on this card will watch the video later xxx

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
Very good card, look forward to the video later, off to hospital with hubby today, starting the work up pre chemo.
Lots of ice around, stay safe everyone.
Gail Cx

Clare W said...

GM Sue - this is really effective - will watch video later - we are having new technology here today so if you dont hear from me for a couple of days you'll know why! Hopefully not but you never know - I am keeping everything crossed it all will work OK - I hate changing/upgrading but sometimes it just has to be done to keep up to date with things - but there is always hidden agro somewhere in the process previous experience tells me..... Keep safe n warm all
Clare W

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue thanks for the reminder of how to do this xx hazel

Anonymous said...

A very striking card, Sue!

PharmacyMichele said...

Beautiful card & a technique I'd like to try.


BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, this video is fantastic, showing the steps to making a beautiful quilted pattern. Love the Aqua and Teal combination with the white. Thank you, have a great day. Bx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
What an appropriate gift to styart the day - a beautiful beautiful quilt and something we all need at the moment just to keep us warm and cosy.
I am such a fan of trational quilts and this just shows off one of the patterns to a T. I love your colours for today and this has just had to go into my 'must do' file. I can see that when I try to do this it will be staying with me and not going anywhere.

Norah - thank you so much for making me smile yesterday. At least hubby remembered the day. I think it's just one of those things that men do - they can remember a date but not how many years. When my lovely other half was having his 40 bday he decided and declared to the world that he will be stopping counting years and had decided to become 29 for ever. On his next bday he said he was 29 and some months. Now this has gone on for years (he is actually coming up to 74 this Sept and still says 29+so many months.) The only problem is that when he has to complete any official form he really has to stop and think how old he really is.

Well it's a little warmer this morning - no heavy frost - so hopefully the weather forecasters got it wrong. Mr E has just returned with breakfast and says it's only -1.

To all in pain and suffering I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

TDQ Karen said...

Nice to see this technique again, I remember the original in mauves and lilacs I think. Such a lovely use of colour and texture xx

auscrafts said...

I like this style of card I remember the first one you made

Pat said...

Hi Sue
A different card which I like
Pat x

Maryann Laursen said...

A very different style from what you normally share, men still very beautiful and just my colors too,

Anonymous said...

Crikey, Sue, do admire your patience and dedication!! It's a lovely card and especially like the pretty diecuts for the sentiment. Afraid I'm another one who hasn't got the attention span to do this!! It's one of those where everything is going swimmingly, and then you make a big booboo near the end (oh dear, how many times....?) However, a very clear and instructive video - thank you.

'P' in Wales

Gail C - hope the treatment goes well, always an anxious time.
Norah - never know whether to laugh or cry at your stories sometimes (often do both). Hope you had a good anniversary day despite everything!

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone. A lovely card in lovely colours and such a great technique. Good to have a reminder of how to do things, will enjoy video later. X

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, I remember the first quilted card you made because I had a go at it myself, love this one too! Thanks for another great video. Love Jean xxx

Janice K said...

A gorgeous card in lovely colours. I've tried this technique following your tutorial on the blog and was very pleased with the result. I hope to watch your video later in the day.x

JAO said...

Lovely quilt looking card Sue.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love the quilting . love Jean Z xxx

Aspiring crafter said...

This card really does look like a quilt Sue!
Look forward to watching video a bit later on today,

Unknown said...

love this patchwork card

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what a beautiful card I love the quilted effect. I remember you once doing one very similar in lilacs a couple of years ago. I will be having ago at this one too.
Off to watch the video now so take care in this icy weather.

Debs A xxx

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & Friends,
I remember this card when you originally did it a year or two ago, loved it then, love it now! There are so many different layouts you could do and you could "embellish " it in different ways too? I will watch video later.
It is absolutely freezing this morning, even inside the house! So please go careful out there today ladies!
We had to take Bella to the vets last night to have her stitches removed (she was spayed 12 days ago), the night previous to that she slept in our room and was licking and biting what I thought was her claws, no apparently not, the little minx had removed her own stitches! On the bright side the Vet said she had done a very neat job, luckily she hadn't damaged the wound at all, good job she waited until they were 'ready' to come out! There was no way on earth that sh was keeping that collar on!
Crafty hugs to all,
Sandra xxxx

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

This is stunning. Looks fabulous.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Jane said...

Good morning Sue

A gorgeous card and love the colours
Will watch the video later.
Take care Jane B

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Great looking card and technique. Looking forward to watching the video later. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

marg said...

Morning Sue
Love this technique will watch later
Take care
Love Marg

karenlotty said...

Love this technique but never tried it So I'm looking forward to watching video later

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue

SHARICA said...

Very Patchwork Looking .. Like it :)

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Very pretty and on trend with quilting so popular.

DMJ said...

I am a visual crafter so do enjoy these videos; love the colours!!!

Doreen x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
You are such a talented lady indeed, you continuously give us varied inspiration.
So thank you for sharing.
Lorna D

Chris Curry said...

Love this card Sue, and you make it look easy. I have a friend who quilts and this would be perfect for her.Thank you.Xx

Carole Z said...

love this effect Sue, gorgeous card - nice fresh colours too, hugs Carole Z X

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue and all, have never tried this technique before but will certainly give it a go! Love the quilting effect and the colours are beautiful
Janette x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A very pretty card. Love the colours you have used.
Have a great day.
Ang x

hollyberry said...

Always have loved the quilting look you have done in cards.This one is beautiful.

cheryl brown said...

Fabulous technique along the lines of a 'jigsaw' card, with a beautifully turned out card. Have some sewing bee friends who would love this card.
Very dull today in Cannington, cold also, so making time for a decluttering clear out whilst staying warm inside. Sheds and Greenhouse can wait until spring!
Hugs to all
Cheryl xxx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a great card I tried this years
ago when you showed it but I found we very difficult we didn't use dies
I don't think so it didn't fit right
but will have a go again.
Nancyd xx

Debbie Tinks said...

Nice card Sue .... Have a nice day crafting ...x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. I loved the one you shared a couple of years ago and this one is just as beautiful as the blue/teal are gorgeous together. I have been trying to decide which type of card to make today and now I know, just need to decide on the colours now : )
Norah, at least Campbell remembered your anniversary yesterday, even if he was a year out, that has to be a step in the right direction, doesn't it : )
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
This is a lovely technique, must give this a go, maybe with red and pink. Needs a bit of patience but quite a quick card to put together I think. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Another amazing card - love it
Carol x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - what a great card especially for quilters. Would love to give this a try and the video is such a help. Thank you for another brilliant idea. Best wishes

Marion said...

Hi Sue what a stunning card ,you make it look so easy.but i think i would find it quite a challenge.
Marion H

June Horrocks said...

This is a lovely card sue the quilters out there will love it too I will watch the vidio later with a coffee thank you sue love to all June horrocks xxxxxxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
I don't think I would have the patience to do this, it's a beautiful effect, and lovely colours. Will watch the video later.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card and great video, I have the Times Square die so will definitely try this

Hugs and best wishes everyone

Evis M said...

Hi Sue.
A pretty card.
Evis M.

Joanne K said...

Morning Sue, great card. I have previously done something similar when you first showcased this idea. Great effect. Kind regards Joanne K x

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
What a striking card it stands out so much ,hugs Sarah xx

Paula said...

A gorgeous card Sue, looking forward to seeing the video later. well done, it's just my sort of card, I'm off to do some Pinning!

Paula x

nzillingworth said...


Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh you must have the patience of a saint! Unfortunately I don't but it's a beautiful card and I love the colours followed by a great video.
Hugs to all who need them and I hope your days get better very soon. Keep warm everone.

Love Sheila xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

You're on a roll with all these different quilting techniques!...will definitely be giving this one a try especially as you've shown on the video how to lay out the design first before glueing it all together, very helpful, thank you...


Unknown said...

Hi Sue like the quilted look but not sure I would have the patience
Denise X

Unknown said...

Ooh, super card. I am a quilter, so all my friends would like this one. Got up to snow again this morning, but only an inch, so I'm hoping it will go soon.

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. A lovely card today. I really like the idea of patchwork you could do lots of colors and use up your scrap card. Will watch video after babysitting. Thanks again Sue. Hugs Heather x

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card, I remember it from a couple of years ago. Still a bit too fiddley for me, will watch video later. Take care everyone, Jess x

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies,
I love the quilted design of this.
Ecco - George is 75 this year and we are so excited as we will get free TV licence, whoopee (I mainly only watch the news and C&C!)
Sandra - Bella could get a job at the vets as a stitch taker-outer!! Glad she's ok).
Have as good a day as you can ladies, and keep safe and warm. xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
It's an absolutely beautiful card, one I shall be doing at some time for my friend (might even be a Xmas card for her - in gold, red and green as contrasts). Such a good idea to lay it out beforehand - in fact, for me the ONLY way to do it.
You are a clever lady, thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Rose

Paula said...

Nice card, when I first saw it I thought it would be harder than it really is. I may give this one a try. Thank you Sue.

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
This is a beautiful card and a stunning technique.
Love Sam

Wendy from Scotland said...

lovely,pretty and unusual design. Love it xx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Love the technique looking forward to watching the video.

Take care,

Ivy L xx

camelot67 said...

Good morning Sue,

Once again you're mixing it up a little - I love the colours you've used but I don't think I'll be giving this one a go. Thanks for sharing and for the fab video and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Really like this card and the quilted look of it. I tried quilting once a few years ago and got so frustrated because I could never get things to match up properly, so I might have more success with this!love the colours you have used too.
Feeling a bit rough today, I only have cold but it has gone onto my chest which is always difficult for me as I have asthma. Still at least it has broken as for well over a week it has just been loitering!! Still I'm much better off by far than some of the lovely people on this blog. Sandra, glad Bella is ok. We had a border collie who did exactly the same and also a cat - I think the stitches become tight as the wound heals and is uncomfortable for them.
Hope everyone has a good day. Love to each and every one of you, Alison xxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Thanks for the video.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I love this card and the technique. Great video as usual. I remember when you first demonstrated this (I checked my files and it was nearly 3 years ago!) as I made several cards with different colours and styles. I used a smaller die then so only had to cut it in half and yes, it can be a bit fiddly but fun to do with a lovely effect. Thanks for reminding me, I think it is time I re-visited but with some of the newer dies.

Hope everyone is keeping warm and safe.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue.
I don't know how or why but im sure I've watched this same video before. I enjoyed it then and I've enjoyed it again. Really effective. Like the blues you have used too.
One to remember for remember for anyone who sews.
Keep warm and enjoy your day
Lots of love
Jo xx

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

Such a great technique. Lovely colours and simple design which people would not know. I think this card would be suitable for any occasion or gender. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue this is a gorgeous card. Thank you for the video it was brilliant. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

CraftyJo said...


I shall look forward to watching the video - it looks very complicated! - when the stupid Flash Player stops crashing all the time!!! Grrr.....computers eh!

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone!
I love this card and thank you sooo much for the video tutorial,it is a must for me as reading instructions just are goobelygoo :-) The colour you have used is gorgeous and also as someone said for c.mas card in red,green and gold it would look lovely.
Gail-hope all goes well,Hug.
Alison- wish you better, take care if going out,Hug.
ToB-Really hope your pain easing some soon. My hands are suffering when it's cold and with fibromyalgia I have some rough days but I can still go swimming and that's nice in the warm water.

Norah,Pam,Wheelybad,ToB,Janet,Lynda,Sandra,June,Steph,Brenda,Cheryl,Sam,CraftyNanna,Saba, and to all my'friends'on this lovely blog, keep warm and many Hugs
Maria x

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Sorry I'm late today Im sorting out my craft room (could be a long time lol). I love the patchwork look and it's something I must try. I will look at the video later have to get back to sorting.
Hugs x
Heather T

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card love this quilting. Looks great. Love the colours used.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue and all the other Wilsonettes
I love the card today I have seen this demoed before but now to have a video to watch whenever you want is great
I think I may have a go at this card it looks great
Well I hope that all of the Wilsonetts are well and safe indoors keeping warm
Take Care All
Theresa xx

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a great technique. Will give it a go!

nannapat said...

Completely different to your normal style Sue. Very clever technique and I love the colours. Thank you for the video. Pat x

Rach83 said...

Amazing! Looking forward to watching the video. I love the embossing and also the colours you've used.

Rachel x

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
This idea really appeals to me as it could be adapted in so many ways and colours. Even children could cope with this if the cutting was done for them. I love the colours you have used and it is just a bit different. I remember seeing something similar before but a long time ago!
Thanks for making me think!
Heather - all the very best with the tidying! Just done that. It took longer than I intended but was worth it! Keep going!
Norah - I'm in a tidy up mode just now and today it's the cupboard under the stairs! Now that made me think of you! No saying what I may find later today.
Gail - hope all goes well for you today!
Alison - get well soon!
Love to all , especially those missing just now or ill or sad .
Love Myra P xxx

Pat S Witney said...

Another stunning card, but I think I'll need to see the video to get to grips with how it's made.

Jill Liddle said...

Nice to see a totally different look on the card today. A great card for people that don't like "too fussy" cards.

terrie said...

Wow, so many pieces and when you put them together you made it so easy...
Your card turned out lovely especially with the teal combo color.
Well done Sue

barbiepinkfairy said...

Effective pattern layout. As ever I don't like Teal colours. What is it with me as it's so popular with everyone else?

Snow forecast heaviest at 2 am just as leaving work - nightmare will take emergency boots and stuff in case I end up abandoning the car and walk instead!

Stay safe xxx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Hi Sue, another brilliant video and I like the quilt effect on this card it really effective...
It is so lovely and a great colour scheme too...

Have a good crafternoon!! LOL...
Cameeli xx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Great idea and tutorial, Sue! The card is gorgous!

barbara macaskill said...

WOW! This is a true stunner! LOVE the look of this technique and will have to attempt it myself! Thanks for sharing!

dragonswing said...

Love it, love it, love it!!! I haven't seen this one before. I think the technique is truly amazing. Gotta try it. Thanks!

Bejay said...

OMG!! I'm deffo going to have to watch the video to see how to make one of these wonderful cards. It's truly a work of art, Sue. The colours are cheerful as well. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few friends who quilt so this will be extremely useful although I will have to make sure my friend Jan does not have the same thought as she follows this blog as well!

Anne (Northampton)

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Very clever and pretty card love it.

Video is great.

Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. I love this technique. I have made several cards using your tutorial, but will still be watching your video later when I get home. SueL x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
What A Beautiful Card And A Fantastic And Very Informative Video You Explain Everything So Very Well And Clear.
I Love The Colourway You Have Chosen, I Can Remember The Previous Quilt Card, Your Extremley Talented I Love The Die You Have Used.
Sue Thank You For Sharing I Loved The Fabulous Video, I Just Wish I Could Get Into Your Brain Occasionally To Pinch A Few Ideas, You Inspire Me Daily And I Truly Appreciate That, Thanks For The Photography Shots For My Pinterest Folder.
Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To "All The Wonderful People That Comment On Our Sue's Awesome Blog" I Hope Your All Keeping Well Hugs From Sam xxx

TOB said...

Love this quilting card. I made a card the first time you did this technique and it was lovely.
Stay warm gentle hugs Theresa xx

Saba said...

Hi Sue.

Adore today's card and your video was absolutely brilliant, such clear explanations, especially laying all the pieces out beforehand. Had a look back at your Quilting Tutorial as well and was so inspired that I had a go today at trying to replicate the card. It worked beautifully and I now have a finished card for my friends birthday - she is a quilter and will love this card, so thank you once again for sharing this technique. I have made a couple of Quilts but would never have thought of using the patterns to make a card. I am now full of ideas, Tumbling Blocks for a Baby Card, Log Cabin as a background, the possibilities are endless, you have inspired me!!

Gail, hope the pre-chemo hospital visit went well. It's a worrying time for you, sending you gentle hugs.

Sam, hope you hospital visit has helped and you will be getting the treatment you need to get well again.

Alison, hope your chest infection is not affecting your Asthma too badly.

Love and hugs for all.

pinky said...

You have the patience of an angel putting this together. Results are stunning.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Love this effect. Saw a previous sample with the same effect in purples - though a different style but think the effect is stunning.

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

It is truly amazing. Love the colors need to purchase that embossing folder just love it.
Thanks Sue!

Unknown said...

Should have remembered this card for my cousin's birthday since she is an avid quilter. Perhaps I will make one and put it aside for next year, (but then I would need to remember I had made it!) I love this look
Janice W

Barbara said...

I have to admit I wasn't too keen on my first glance at this card but after watching the video I really like it!!! You can change the colours to suit and the video explains it so simply that even I could follow it.
Absolutely freezing up here in Carnwath(South Lanarkshire)my Bichon Ben has his woolly jumper on but really needs some wellies as he is covered in snow bobbles!

Barbara said...

I have to admit I wasn't too keen on my first glance at this card but after watching the video I really like it!!! You can change the colours to suit and the video explains it so simply that even I could follow it.
Absolutely freezing up here in Carnwath(South Lanarkshire)my Bichon Ben has his woolly jumper on but really needs some wellies as he is covered in snow bobbles!

Gail said...

Fab card - fab technique - fab colour combo - FaB xx GailT xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card today Sue, great techniques, craftihappiness to everyone and love from Mscky.

Dawn Holben said...

Absolutely beautiful and a great technique to get the most of the die, which I am pleased to say I have just ordered.
enjoyed the video as it's always great to se a demo.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Love this effect truly looks like a patchwork quilt

Glenharon said...

Good morning to Sue and my Wilsonettes friends,
Well Sue i was waiting see the actual colours that you chose to us today as i have the dark jade and paler mint sort of green in some of my photo's and navy blue and sky in others which looks lovely also. I thought you had miscounted when you gave the amount for each colour as i had it double but it is because you were a clever when you were designing them and made the centre square so that it could cut into quarters. I think this could be for the terrors of a lady crafters lot called....men. I think it would be lovely done in the colours of their football teams or just their favourite as not all men are football supports. I know blaspheming like that at this time in the morning, but my beloved daddy couldn't stand the sport and felt like me in giving them all a ball so they didn't fight over the one. Because Campbell likes the blue Glasgow side he watches football if his team, a major cup final or play off for one of those so called important matches. After seeing the disgusting way that some men play, they are worse than children and talk about ham acting, well it is no wonder some go into acting for real as they are half roads there on the field. These are the people that are suppose to show the children and lead by example.
Thank you everyone for our wishes yesterday, for the first time in decades my hubby remembered to get a card HIMSELF and a wee bunch of flowers. Kirsten normally gets these for him and he gives her the money back as he had forgotten but this year it was Kirsten that forgot and asked what they were for. He stayed in long enough to have his dinner and then was going to Kirstens' for just a couple of hours at the most......three and a half hours later he came back.
The young man that came yesterday for to price up mum's windows gave me a good price but needs Campbell there to discuss things so that i don't mishear or misread anything that he says which does actually annoy me a bit as yes i would and have discussed it with him, but it is not him that is paying the money out for them, it's mum (through me). Having said that he was very pleasant and was in and out only working out roughly what they would be no more than from the sizes that he could see for himself in under 15 minutes. I read up on the company, some people are saying steer clear, others saying how fantastic they were and how pleased with the job. Can anyone recommend a good window company where they got good service and a good price as although i was really happy with the laddie, the website reviews are really knocking me for six.
NO Janet, he 29 with 44 years of experience. It is usually 21 with years of experience, but i take it Mr E preferred being 29, it must have been a better age for him, but it's quite funny that he can't actually remember himself how old he actually is.
Oh Sandra, i have heard of DIY stitch removal by certain two legged people who shall remain nameless as she is no longer here, but never a four legged having a go at it. Can i just say well done Bella on the clean and careful job that you did, but not to be advised wee 4 legs. See, it's that independent spirit that you promote in your house Sandra, that even the cat is using it's initiative.
It's normally me that starts something off, but it was our Sue with the spirograph. It was so nice seeing just how many had the hours of fun with it. Good old fashion games that kept you amused on a cold, yucky day when mum wouldn't let you out in because you were already choke it fue with the cold, bronchitis or whooping cough like was in the case of us but all we wanted was to be able to go outside to play.
Having to cut it down as i had over done it again on blogger so sending hugs to all my Angels both on blog and not at the moment( i hope that you are able to come back soon),
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil Village)

Theresa said...

this is brill. watched you doing this on telly some time ago, hugs xx

Unknown said...

Lovely card and colours are great


ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

I love using your quilted card technique - it always looks so pretty and people love receiving them. Thanks for the refresher, Susan x

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes,
Gorgeous card I loved it the first time you showed it & still love it. I'm glad you made the video for as it wouldn't have sunk it the grey matter with written instuctions so thank you Sue.
Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

Gail hope hospital went well for the pre- chemo treatment today.
Gentle Hug's Lynda xx

Alison hope your chest infection clears up soon Gentle Hug's Lynda xx

Sam hope your hospital visit went well Hug's Lynda xx

Theresa TOB hope you haven't been in too much pain with your shoulder today Gentle Hug's Lynda xx

Sandra Margaret corgi owner Sheila G Myra P Maria A Jean D Steph TIna E Hazel Patrica Wheelybad Norah Lynne M Tandy Sam S Gail C TOB Theresa Yorkilass & all my friends Big Hug's Lynda xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
A lovely twin to match the original great in both colourways , one I am definately going to try . Thanks Sue, hugs xxx.
Crafty hugs to Yorkielass. & L , Lynda and all wilsonettes hugs Jean D xxx

Tina said...

Hi Sue

What a very clever card, I watched the video on your listing at the top of your blog, but I am looking forward to watching the video today when the house falls quiet later tonight.

Sam Smithard, Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely message

Norah, So sorry it's late but Happy Anniversary for yesterday.X

Steph, please give Andy belated birthday wishes XX

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Lesley said...

Have just watched the video of this lovely card. You make it look so easy.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

As a quilter, I love this card. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Brenda said...

Hi Sue, love the colours you have do used on this gorgeous card. Thank you for the video (can I say - brilliant as always) it helped my poor brain to work this one out.
Take care, Love Brenda xxx

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
I love the colours and textures of this card really beautiful.
crafty hugs Helen Terry xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Thank you for the demo. As I do patchwork with fabric I love the idea of paper patchwork!
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Di said...

Hi Sue,
A really lovely card, love the tone on tone. Overall beautiful look.
Di B x

Sandy H said...

Lovely card, lovely colours.
Take care everyone.

Unknown said...


I enjoyed this video - could see this making a great background for a masculine card. Very nice indeed

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Really enjoyed your video and showing us this technique which i know you have shown us before i forgot it. So thankful for showing this again
Take care
Hazel G XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty card today & the quilting technique looks amazing.
Love the colours you have chosen which blend perfectly together..

Just going to watch the video for this one while I'm snug & warm in my craft room..

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Karen Drew said...

I enjoyed watching the video. Have seen a few " quilted cards" Your tutorial is so easy to follow. May have to give it a go
Karen xx

Jean Bullock said...

Oh, I remember the tutorial. I love this card. I am very fond of quilting. It's beautiful. I pinned. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765606565580/