Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Orpan Cards

 Happy New Year's Eve!!  Following in the tradition of years past, every last day of the year I post my "orphan" cards.  This is the term that I give to the cards that I have made during the year that just didn't "sing" to me when they were finished!  For one reason or another, they just didn't work so I was never pleased enough with them to put them up on the blog.  In short, they need a loving home!  Someone that will care for them and not just bury them in a box!  Each year, I give away the lot to one person whose name is drawn from those that leave a comment on this post.  However, just so you know, I am still looking for one of these cards, so not sure if it will be complete lot yet or not.   So if you feel that you could give a loving home to these cards, just leave me a comment.  I will draw the winner and announce it on Friday's blog post (Jan. 2nd).  Have a safe and Happy New Year!  All for now, Sue x


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Jan.moogie said...

Give a card a home aw bless how could one not offer especially when they come from such great stock Sue. There are one or two in this lot that are little stunners and I for one would re-home them willingly. xx

New Creations said...

Good Morning Sue!
Happy last day of the year!
I think all are these gorgeous and beautiful creations,too nice to be orphaned. Love them all!
"I would be thrilled to give one of your Beautiful Cards a good home"
Whom ever is lucky to receive one I'm so pleased for you.

Anonymous said...

Do love your orphan day, Sue - all the cards are interesting and so different. Strangely, particularly like number 2 (although never took to that stamp set) - it has an almost oriental feel to it.
Thank you so much for all your hard work during 2014 and your ongoing generosity - it's been quite a year for you with all the launches and just so pleased that they were so successful - no surprise there!!

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Morning all. Would love to give your orphans a home Sue, thank- you for all your inspiration. Enjoy New Years eve everyone. jJx said...

Morning Sue.
Poor little cards I would give them a very loving home. Sue they are lovely. Thank you for all that you have done, all the work and inspiration. I hope you have a very happy and prosperous 2015. Take care Kitty.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
I Like Everyone Would Love To Give A Home To Your Awesome Cards, And The Cards Today Are Truly Stunning, I Love Them All! The One's Where You've Used Beautiful Vibrant Colours They All Have So Many Fabulous Techniques To Study You Are So Talented.
Sue Thank You So Very Much For Sharing Your Fabulous Cards Your Tips And Techniques, Videos In 2014 And I Hope You've Got So Much More For Us In 2015.
Sue My Dear Friend "HAPPY NEW YEAR" For 2015
Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Comment On Sue's Awesome Blog I'd Like To Wish You All

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

They may not sing to you Sue, but they do to me. I would love to give them a forever home. Xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
There are some very lovely cards amongst these poor little orphans and as they are all looking for a home, I would gladly offer them a loving place for them to live out their days! I am up early today as tv being delivered between 7 and 2 pm - it will be my luck it's 2pm! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy new year and hope that 2015 brings you success and happiness.
I also send the same good wishes to all fellow Wilsonettes especially Yorkielass, TOB, Myra,Steph,Norah,Maureen,,Tres,Janet,Cameeli,Pam,,Lynne m,Lindsay, Cheryl, and I apologise if I've missed people ( my brain is not awake yet!) love and hugs Alison xxx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. I always love seeing your "Orphan" cards and this years are as beautiful as usual. I love, love, love the 2 Thanks ones and the Ooops a daisy one (I'm sorry to say that I need to get this sentiment as I am so forgetful at sending cards on time!) in particular, but can honestly say that ALL of them are wonderful. My fingers are even more tightly crossed now, which makes it very hard to craft! Good Luck to all in the draw : ) Wishing you and all Wisonettes a very Happy New Year's Eve, whatever you do. Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, poor orphans they all
have there own special things and I
would gladly give them a home as I'm sure all your followers would.
Happy Hogmanay to all and all the best
in 2015'.
Nancyd xx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
These are all lovely cards, anyone would be proud to adopt them
Happy New Year
Pat x

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. What a privilege it would be to give one of your cards a home never mind a lot of them. I think these cards a really lovely. Have a great New Years eve and all the best for 2015. Hugs Heather x

Glennis F said...

I would be very proud to give these cards a home - I think they are all lovely

PharmacyMichele said...

Stunning selection of "orphan cards"! I would be thrilled to win them and they would decorate my craft room and provide much needed inspiration!

All the very best to you & your family in 2015.


Ecco of Sheffield said...

good morning Sue
How can you call your beautiful gifts 'orphans'? I only wish half of my creations were anywhere near your mark. I have just the perfect wall ready and waiting for your work's of art. I wouldn't be too envious if they went to one of my Wilsonette Sisters (just a little lol). All of them have their own beauty.

Norah - it just made my day when I saw your name yesterday. I know how much 'Aunty Jean' meant to you but now you know she is free of all pain and with Mum together again. My heart and prayers are with you always. Take your time and when you're ready we will have your wonderful remembrances again.
Sandra - I hope your week-end went well with your in-laws and that you didn't do too much.

It may be New Year's Eve but crafting needs to be done so that's what will happen in this house after breakfast of course.

To all under the weather for whatever reason I hope you feel better soon. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Marianna Hammer said...

Oh, these would be so welcome at my home!! I really love these, and I can't understand how they could be orphants.....

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes. DONT sing ?!!? : 0 well I hear a massive opera going on here today, they sure DO have the X - Factor and always my number one in the charts. Poor tone deaf cards, these beauties have a home somewhere amongst us and im sure one of us will hear the most beautiful choir sing when the postie knocks the door, so I wish you all luck.
If those were the one's with no voice Sue, wish my deaf cards looked that good, if I gave all the cards away I didnt like, id never be able to buy the cardstock I need to make more deaf cards ! Tina E and I have our own descriptive word for my deaf cards LOL.
So as we come to the end of another year and get ready for a new start, Id like to thank you for all your hard work, your generosity, support and friendship in 2014. Without you I wouldnt have found the true wonderful friends Ive made here, without them I wouldnt have found such wonderful crafters, those lovely friends that have inspired me and helped me along when my brain has turned into mush ! So I have an awful lot to thank you for Sue. So my New Years Eve wish for you is that 2015 continues to be kind to you, that your sucess doubles, and you remain happy and healthy, because if anyone deserves all that then YOU do, as you have bought an awful lot of happiness to many of us here.
To our dear friends that have struggled with health, pain, upset and sadness, my only wish for you is that 2015 starts to get and feel better for you. Its been a long and lonely year for some, but Particraft Wilsonettes will stay strong for you.
Have a good day whatever your plans are, and I cant wait to share 2015 with you all. Should you just be passing by to look at this wonderful collection, maybe 2015 will be the year you start to leave regular comments rather than just a quick peek, we look forward to MORE numbers here next year to show appreciation to a wonderful woman with a wonderful heart, so please help raise Particraft to numero ONE.
Love to all.
Lancashire Steph xxx

Anonymous said...

More great ideas here, thanks Sue. Especially like the 'thanks' cards. Happy New Year.

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue and happy New Year's Eve to everyone. Sue how could you not want these cards they are stunning I would be delighted to give them a home. I have just got a new craftroom and they would look wonderful on one of the empty shelves.
Take care and have a great New Years eve xxx

Debs A xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. It is lovely to see your orphen cards as there is some little treasures in the mix today. I am sure that everyone commenting on this blog would gladly give them a home forever and admire them everyday. Good Luck to who ever wins them. Wishing you Sue & your family a happy new years eve and everyone who comments on this blog Best Wishes for 2015.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Most of these are singing to me! I would very gladly give these orphans a loving home! I especially like the lilac and White one. Thank you for sharing your lovely cards with us this year and for the chance to win these beauties.
Have a good new years eve everyone. Don't drink too much! See you in 2015!

Ann said...

Hi Sue

I would be delighted to give your "Orphan" cards a good home they are lovely.

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

I too have cards like that, but no where near the standard of yours, my usually end up being recycled again.......these are stunning and would be very welcome to my home :o)

Happy New Year and looking forward to what 2015 brings from the Sue Wilson collections.

Jan x

Rosie said...

I would certainly give your orphan cards a loving home. I particularly like the fourth and sixth ones.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. The odd one or two I wouldn't have recognised as being your cards, but I would give any one of them house room. I think they are all lovely and I would be very proud if I had made them. SueL xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning sue and all the crafty crew!!
Are you kidding!! Anyone would not be in there right mind if they didn't want to take on these little beauties. It would be an honour!!

Well only 4 days for the due date of my Grand baby and I am so excited!!

Well take care and have a a great day everyone, I will be celebrating at midnight and raising a glass to all of you on the blog... Have a great 2015.

Cameeli xx

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue,

Can't understand how any of these ended up as orphans!...they're all so interesting and some are so colourful and cheery, especially No. 2...what's not to love about them, I'd give them a good home any day...


cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I love 'Orphan Day' and I've been looking forward to seeing what you had in store for us. You haven't dissapointed they are all singing to us. I would gladly give any one of them a home, I love the stamp you've used on number 8 and will being looking to buy that one.
Thank you for all your hard work and the inspiration you've given us, long may your success continue.
Happy New Year everyone
Hugs x
Heather T

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - you have very high standards indeed if these orphans are anything to go by - dont think anyone would want my orphans they are so awful!
Clare W

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I would so love to give these cards a loving home like others have said we wish or cards looked as good.
I have just put inserts into cards my Grandaughter is 5 tomorrow another Grandaughter is 7 on the 10th and step Grandaughter is 8 on the 13th and my sister is 50 on the 8th so a busy 2 weeks.
Today is a mixed feelings day as I have 2 birthdays but also remember 2 cousins who died while only in their 20s.
Wishing everyone a happy new year/hogmonay and a happy, healthy, crafty 2015.
Happy crafting
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x x

sonja_w said...

Hi Sue

Thank you so much for a wonderful year of sharing your stunning creations with us, for lots of inspiration, fab demos and lots of exciting new goodies. Most of all for putting a smile on my face every morning with your lovely blog. Your orphan cards are beautiful and I would love to give them a home. Hope that 2015 is a good one for you xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, wow, how could you not be pleased with all these beautiful cards! I love them all and if I was lucky enough to win them they would be lovingly cared for in my house. In fact the Minister's wife of the church I go to wants to start a craft group and she has asked me to help her, so these cards would be lovely inspiration for the group. Happy New Year to you and everyone on the Blog. Love Jean xxx

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Sue

This selection of cards are lovely and I would love to own them. Thank you for all your hard work during 2014 giving us so much inspiration . I look forward to seeing what you bring us in 2015.

Love Elaine x

Pam said...

Happy New Years Eve Sue and everyone. It would be.a privilege to be Momma to the orphan cards, as I am sure everyone would agree.
I look forward to all the new cards you will bring in 2015.
Hope everyone has a brilliant New Year too.

TDQ Karen said...

Looking at your definitition, I think all my cards could be classed as orphans. Even the ones that did not make it to the blog are works of art. Hope you have a wonderful New Year everyone

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Your cards are beautiful and like all orphans deserve a good home (my new craft room is finished and ready to help!). Thank you so much for all your hard work, blogging on a daily basis cannot be easy. You inspire so many people and provide a platform for many friendships to form.
Norah, it was lovely to hear from you, I'm very sorry about your special auntie. Saba, sending you and Val special thoughts and wishes.
To all my friends - because that's how I think of you - I wish a very happy, healthy, and crafty New Year. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue! I still think all these cards are gorgeous and I'd be only too happy to give them a loving home! They still all have their own unique charm. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year! xxxx :)

carol edwards said...

Good morning Sue and everyone, It would be lovely to start a New Year with all these lovely orphaned cards. Very generous of you Sue as always, your cards would be welcomed with opened arms. Good wishes to all for 2015 XXX

Unknown said...

How lovely. Poor little orphan cards. Xxxx

JAO said...

All great cards Sue, happy New Years eve.

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
I would love to give your orphan cards a good home! They are gorgeous - I love the thanks cards, so striking. Happy new year everyone! I've loved reading your blog during the year and I've loved reading the comments too! Best wishes for 2015! Anne O

DMJ said...

I would love to offer the orphan cards a home, Sue!!!! They look lovely, but I see what you mean; they just need something else??

Doreen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
These are beautiful I'd gladly give them a new home. Happy new year to everyone.
Beverley W

Rose in Chester said...

Good morning Sue,
Well, I'm with everyone in giving your orphans a well-deserved home. Yep, there are one or two in that bunch who don't sing loudly but that's because they're in exalted company.
Thank you for all the inspiration you've given us unstintingly EVERY day and wishing you a HAPPY, HEALTHY and SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR FULL OF JOY AND LAUGHTER.
That goes for all my fellow Wilsonettes.
Hugs, Rose

Aspiring crafter said...

Just so you know Sue, i am pretty good with orphan cards and would give these beauties a loving home!!
Xxxx Ruth

Nanny Jo said...

Good morning, Sue! What an interesting bunch your orphans are! And it's heartening, in a way, that 'Our Sue' has moments, like the rest of us, when the card just doesn't sing! But they are all beautiful, Sue, and I'm sure that not one of us Wilsonettes would turn them away from the door! :) Happy New Year, everyone....see you all in 2015!!

lilian said...

Hi Sue & All, you say these don't sing to you, they play a beautiful melody to me, would love to give them a new home. Best Wishes. Lilian in Cornwall

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
Shame on you, there are some beautiful cards there! Fingers crossed, I would love them!
Gail Cx

Val Jones said...

A lovely array of cards Sue. i would be happy to give them a home and perhaps they'd like it out here in the sun!!!
Love Val in Spain x

Anonymous said...

These cards are so beautiful.I would be honoured to give them a home.Especially like the belated one.

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue,

Don't know why you are not keen on them. They are all lovely.

Happy New Year to you.

Love, Roz.x

Hellma said...

its great to see the cards you don't think are worthy, when so many others think their fab, craft would not be craft if we all liked the same.
Happy New Year.

Janette MacArthur said...

How I would love to give your cards a home! Keeping fingers tightly crossed!
A very happy New Year to all when it comes!
Janette x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Anyone would be very happy to receive these beauties. Happy New Year x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue. I don't know why these did not "sing" to you. They are a complete choir to me. I think they would love Ireland as a new home. I especially love the Kraft card ones!! Hugs from Ireland. Evelyn.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Am loving your selection of "orphan" cards, all beautiful in their own way and as inspiring as all of your other wonderful creations. Have a lovely New Year's Eve and hugs to all xxx

Chris Curry said...

I can perhaps understand why some of these cards did not "sing" to you Sue but all of them? Really? Take care, looking forward to your new shows with your new dies, hopefully. Xx

gwen70 said...

Orphan cards, I think not Sue I would love to give them a home, so many beautiful cards

Ann Topp said...

Such a lovely collection Sue. I would give them a loving foster home until the right recipients occasion came around. All your cards are lovely and made with such care and attention. Keep up the good work Sue you brighten up my mornings. Happy New Year to you and yours. Regards Ann.

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue you could say one persons disaster is another persons success . I am sue we would all be proud to have made these orphan cards, they have their own unique style and Grace. I would be proud to own them and would probably share with my good craft friend Jackie. Thank you for your wonderful blog this year and all your videos and inspiration, what a wonderful year you have had. Happy new year to you and all your family, let's hope it's a good one. Love Diane G xxxx
Happy new year everyone xxx

Unknown said...

Oh, Sue, how can you not love these cards, but don't worry, there is no problem finding a foster parent in a Wilsonette.
If you think these don't look right, you should see some of the ones in MY card box.
Janice W

granny p said...

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone and wishing you all only good times in 2015.
For every orphan there is a family waiting to adopt and my home would welcome any one of these and as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Bless you sue for you generosity throughout the year and may you go from strength to strength in the coming year.
Pearl x

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Poor little cards. They all gave something special about them even if they didn't turn out quite how you expected. There are lots of us who would give them a home.

Every good wish for 2015.

Joan D said...

Yes please! I'll give any Sue Wilson card a good home, would even frame some as they'd look so good on my craft room wall.
I have a box full of my unloved cards,and know exactly what you mean,as some of mine don't flow. If you follow the drift.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, my family always tease me for taking in waifs and strays, so I think these poor little orphan cards would be very much loved in my home. Strangely enough there is a space on my craft room wall that would be a perfect home for them. Nice and warm, they might hear the odd naughty word when I don't have a singing card, but they can put their fingers in their ears.

Happy, Healthy, and Peaceful New Year to everyone on Sue's blog, it is my lifeline x
Love Rosemarie xx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Im sure that any of us would offer a loving home. I think the 2 Thanks cards are fabulous.
Enjoy the last of 2014.
Ang x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,,
Well I would certainly give any one of those beauties a loving home.....!!!
Some maybe not quite your usual style but still beautiful.
I think we all make cards that are "really not us" it makes us get back on track.
Wishing you and yours A Very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year.
Hope 2015 brings you everything you wish for.

Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great collection of cards
Hope you have a lovely New Year.
Denise X

Rosie said...

What a lovely thing to do, Sue. I love that idea and they are all gorgeous cards too....

All the best to you and your family. Hope 2015 is good one for you all.....xxxxx

Carolyn B said...

I would love to adopt one of these orphan cards, it would have a good life with me!

Hope you and your family have a good New a Year

Carolyn B xxx

Yvonne said...

Wow these cards certainly sing to me. I could only aspire to be as talented as yourself.
Happy New Year and thank you for the opportunity xxx

Anonymous said...

We all make cards that just don't seem "right" - I usually end up taking mine apart and re-using bits. However, Sue, I would be very happy to give your "orphans" a home - they are beautiful.

Thank you for all your inspiration over the year.

Anne (Northampton)

June Horrocks said...

They make me sing sue beautiful I would like to thank you for all you have done for us happy new year sue may all your dreams come true I love being part of this family I'm 76 and it lights up my life happy new year to all my dear friends love June xxxxxxxx

Sandra Biggs said...

AAh poor things. I would give them a good home.
Thanks for all your hard work.

Unknown said...

love the thanks one
this would be welcome in my home

Debbie Tinks said...

There lovely cards ... I would love to give them a home ... Happy new year
To all... x its my Bitthday January 1st

fame01 said...

Hi Su
And all the crafty crew what a set of very different cards all so great and pretty love em,Thankyou so much for all you have shared and done for us in 2014 and i would like to wish you a very Happy New year for 2015 may you and your family be well and healthy looking forward to see what you have in store for us,All the very best to to all who visit this blog to,hugs Sarah xxxx

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW sue they´re all way too good to be orphans, that´s for sure, and I would definitely love any of these cards here that´s for sure. I just love your gorgeous work om these and your amazing ability to put it all together.
It´s been such a pleasure to follow your stunning work all this year, and I look sooo forward to see, what great inspiration you will breing us in the new year too soon.
Happy New Year to you and your family now Hope it´ll be a wonderful year ahead now to all of us.

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue, a beautiful selection of cards which I know will brighten the lucky winners day.x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
Well I must say I would quite happily give your "orphan cards" a good home. I would be pleased if I had created any of these and mastered some of the techniques you have used. I really like Numbers 2,8,9 and 10. The lucky Wilsonette who wins this "Wonder of Wilson Collection" will be over the moon, what a wonderful New Year Gift!
Thank you Sue for all the inspiration you have given us this year, for your generosity in sending out your cards and dies and especially for your Frienship and your wonderful Blog.
I would like to wish you, your Family and all your Wilsonettes a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Lesley S x

Leats said...

I'll give any card of yours a home anytime. I wish you all you wish for yourself in the coming New Year.


Suejimbel said...

Even your rejects are gorgeous Sue! Have a very Happy New Year and a prosperous 2015 x

sued99 said...

I would give them a loving home and definitely not keep them in a box. some of these cards are just gorgeous. Happy New Year and thank you for all your inspiration in the past year.

Marion said...

Hi Sue would be honoured to give your orphans a loving home.
All the Best for the new year and thank you for all the hard work you have done this year for us.
Marion H

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
I would be very happy to give your orphans a home.
Mine are nowhere near your orphan standard.
Especially love the one with the music background but not sure what is on the border, is it lace or maybe sticker borders? My eyesight not what it used to be. Thank you for all this years inspiration.

Paula said...

How could anyone not love these cards? Poor little orphans, with no proper, loving home! I have adopted homeless things before and would love to offer these cards a very loving home, and they would definitely NOT be hidden away in a box.
Happy New Year Sue, and everyone who comments on this blog.

Paula x

Linda28 said...

Hi Sue and all the gang, All the cards are stunning Sue and anyone would love to receive them, so good luck everyone. Would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and all my good wishes for good health to all the people who have suffered this year, I sincerely hope 2015 is a better one for you. I personally am looking forward to 2015, lots to celebrate, it will be my Golden wedding anniversary in February, my eldest granddaughters 21st and a very special event, I am to become a great grandmother in April, so excited. Love to all and thanks for all the inspiration and tutorials Sue, you have opened up a whole new world to me.Linda.X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue what stunning cards all great the standard you set yourself is so high just think of your fans that would call anyone of them a master work . A home is waiting here if l am that lucky,have a great new year and hope 2015 is as great for you as 2014 hugs linda and lily

Sparrow said...

Sue, I know some people twould be happy to produce cards to your "orphan" status. There were a couple of them that I thought were great and did not deserve to be in this group so I would be happy to give them a home. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - these cards all sing out loud for me and I would be only too pleased if any of my cards came out looking like one of these! You can be sure they will go to a very loving home whoever is lucky enough to win them.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to your blog - it is a part of my daily routine and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next year.

Sending very best wishes to you and all your followers for a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2015.

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Happy New Year!!!!
You are such a talented lady, even your 'not so good' are lovely, who wouldn't find a home for them??
Thank you for such a fabulous year with all your goodies and inspiration.
Lorna D

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
I wouldn't say these are "orphan Cards" just different to your normal ones...but still beautiful cards. I would think anyone would love to own these!
Just want to say a big thank you again Sue for all your hard work and inspiration and also your generosity. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog throughout 2014 long may it continue.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Giving a home to one of your cards would be bliss - I have a space on my craft room wall for one more. All your cards are different and still beautiful.
Have a wonderful new year Sue
Carol x

cheryl brown said...

What is not to like about your cards Sue? Even the 'orphans' are beautiful in their own right. Any of us Wilsonettes would be proud to receive these and we all hope we would be the lucky recipient this year.
Happy New Year to you Sue and your family. I wish you Peace, Love and good health and happiness

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Debbie Tinks, what a wonderful day to start your New Year.
And to all Wilsonettes, A very happy New Year too. may you all be blessed with good health and happiness in 2015.
Love & hugs
Cheryl xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, I love them all would be proud to give any of them a good home . love Jean Z xxx

TOB said...

Oh Sue I'd adopt these cards and give them a good home.
Happy New Year to you Sue and your family and to all Wilsonettes, may 2015 bring joy and happiness into everyones hearts and ease any sadness.
Hugs Theresa xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, your orphaned cards are lovely,wish I was half as good! Happy New Year xx Karen M

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all wilsonettes. Oh Sue I would never call these gorgeous cards orphans, they are created by a really fantastic person who has a humungous family of followers, each and every one of us would love them, I would be honoured to receive them and would definately find them a good home, who ever is lucky enough to win them I congratulate them.
I would like to wish everyone a very happy, safe and healthy new year 2015, it is amazing how this year has flown past.
For me I have been lucky enough to have a new granddaughter, she is adopted and has come to a wonderful couple, she has really put the icing on the cake for us. Hugs June Smith xxxx

Pat S Witney said...

hi Sue
These cards are really great what's not to love. I'd love to be the proud owner of even one of your creations. I'd like to thank you for all your kindness to use all throughout the year. You're always happy to have a chat to anyone who stops by your stand at Ally Pally, and your always happy to share your knowledge with us all. I wish you and all your family a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I hope that 2015 is another fantastic year for you.
I also wish all the Wilsonettes a harp new year as well. Crafty hugs to all in need of one today, I know that some will be celebrating without husbands partners etc.

Unknown said...

I feel I am just echoeing the masses - the vast majority of your orphan cards are fabulous and would have been worthy a post.

It is good to know that even the professionals sometimes feel that despite their best efforts the idea just didnt quite work how we wanted.

foxyg said...

Love these cards Sue. I would adore to win them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I would definitely cherish your "orphans".
Thank you for an inspirational 2014.
Looking forward to 2015.
Veronique L

barbiepinkfairy said...

Dear Sue and Wilsonettes best wishes for 2015 may it be kind to all.

These orphans could come to my house any day. A couple I wouldn't say are Wilson cards but a couple are stunners and definitely not orphans!

Sue, may your success and talent continue to grow and ensure my bank account is regularly depleted!

I don't particularly like New Year so a quiet one for me. My friends mum remains very sick on ICU at best a very long journey ahead but as I know patients often can surprise.
Norah, lovely to see your post yesterday so sorry you have suffered another bereavement, stay strong.
Cheryl may 2015 see your health improve and see you get back to full strength.
Saba, thinking of your Sister hope treatment is successful ditto to Gail's husband
Pam may this year be kinder
Steph, a lovely friend I have found in cyber world that is lovely in real life too.

To all Wilsonettes you are all unique and special May we continue to support each other through the ups and downs of 2015. If I had one wish for 2015 it would be that finally we made true advances in the treatment of cancer and really made in roads in to showing it who is boss. I would say that there will be only a hand full on here who have not been affected by this insidious and clever disease that loves to catch us unawares and leaves devastation in its wake.
Love to you all and I look forward to sharing 2015 with you xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sue - I would willingly give these (in fact any of your cards) a home. I am the lucky owner of one via the C&C card pick at the end of one of your shows (also signed by Dawn Bibby) and I am sure it would like some company on the shelf!

Thank you Sue for all your inspiration during the year and very best wishes for 2015.

Nananne said...

I would certainly love to have these cards as there are some wonderful elements and techniques used that I could learn from, we all have cards that don't sing to us from time to time when trying out different ideas , but that's when we learn and discover and get excited over new styles and designs, ( I think it's called being creative Lol! ) anyway I love number four and ten in particular !
Norah , it was lovely to hear from you, you have had such a sad year. I hope 2015 is going to be full of new beginnings and lots of happiness for you and your family xo.
Saba thinking of you and your sister and sending best wishes.
Cameeli I can almost feel your excitement!
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! To you Sue and all your family , and thank you again for all your generousity .
Also special thoughts to Myra P , Yorkielass June, Maureen K, Cheryl Alimecca nana Tina ! Diane, Mrs B, Pam and all the others whose kind wishes meant so much earlier this year "All the Best for 2015"
Love and Hugs to all xo

hazel young said...

Stunning cards Sue love them all. Have a great new year xx hazel

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue all of these cards are gorgeous and I would love to give them a happy home. I would like to wish you and everyone else a very happy 2015. Here's to a whole new year full of hope. Hugs Jackie

karenlotty said...

Third time lucky! Would love to welcome the orphans into my warm and living home Happy New Year everyone

nattyboots said...

OMGoodness Sue
Someone is going to be very happy to have these beautiful orphan cards .
I don't know if you have heard this saying Sue .......
One mans trash
Is another mans treasure ?

Well i would certainly treasure your cards if i was lucky to win .

Your cards are always beautiful , thank you for all you do to inspire me on your blog .

Take care and may i wish you a very Happy New Year.
Elaine H X

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

How could one not have a go at giving one of your cards a home. Even if they may not sing to you they will always have some elements of inspiration to us mere mortals that need a starting point. Keep up the good work and thanks once again for all the samples throughout the year.

Hazel said...

Sue. These little orphans would be welcome in many a home that's for sure. A good New Year to you Sue and I hope 2015 brings you all your wishes.

To everyone here one Sues blog I also wish you a Good 2015, for those of you that have faced sadness and Ill health this year I hope next year will bring better health and happiness.

Hazel xx

Mollyd3736 said...


I would love your cards, they all look amazing to me and would inspire me I am sure.

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Morning Sue, All of these cards are lovely and they certainly deserve a home and not kept in a box
Happy new year
Julie x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I would be more than pleased to give one of your orphan cards a home. A happy and peaceful New Year to all.
Best Wishes,
Evis M.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, how can anyone not love an orphan, I'm
sure all of us would willingly give them all a loving home!
I hope 2015 will be a great year for you all, take care everyone Jess x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue!

Wow wow wow!!! How I would love to give these gorgeous cards a precious loving home they so deserved. I really love them! I'm just stunned.

All the very best for a healthy 2015.


Ivy xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
I would be delighted to offer a home to each and every one of these beautiful cards.
Thank you for all your inspiration, help and advice. I would like to wish you a very Healthy and Happy New Year.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
I will be honest. I like them all but there is one which is not my style. Guess which one is it...
I´ll tell you: numer ONE is not so beautiful. But that´s okay everybody has a different meaning...
All the others are great as ever.
Have a fabulous New Year´s Eve party
Rolf xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I would love to own just one of your cards let alone a whole bunch, they are just gorgeous.

I wish you a very happy new year.
Lots of love
Jeannie Newton

Paula said...

I would like to be a champion of the underdog; take these lovely cards and give them the honor they deserve. Happy New Year 2015 to all.

CraftyJen said...

Hi Sue

Happy New Year

I would love to give these 'orphans' a home they are lovely.


Kate's Cards said...

Isn't it funny how we reject some cards. I can't see why we do this to are selves and in your case they are all singing to me!
Happy new year Sue.

dlough said...

Happy New Year!!!!
I can't believe any of your cards would be orphan cards. Your card are a great inspiration to all that look at them. You have a great talent, keep inspiring us thru 2015.


Unknown said...

Morning Sue. Wow, these are going to make a lucky Crafter so very happy.Here's hoping.
Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration in 2014. So looking forward to 2015!! More cards, more inspiration.
Sending you very best wishes for A very Happy, Healthy and Crafting New Year. Hugs. Jan. xxx

Helen Terry said...

Hi sue wow these beautiful orphan cards will get a good home,all the best happy New year crafty hugs Helen Terry xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Wow Sue, I would be happy to give a home to any of them, and over the moon to be given the chance to give them all a home. Can't think why you didn't like these, they are all gorgeous.

Unknown said...

PS, forgot to say Happy New Year to you Sue, and all the Wilsonettes.

Claire said...

Beautiful cards.

Happy New Year.

Take care


Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

I think it is very good of you to show cards that you are not happy with for one reason or another. Personally, I think they all have something special about them.

I love the orphan day idea, I would be delighted to give them a home as I am sure may others would. I know this is going to be more work for you but could I suggest that the love be shared by having lots of lucky winners.

Thank you for all the sharing this year and may I wish everyone a very happy 2015.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to everyone. I just love visiting this blog every day, the cards give so much wonderful inspiration. Here's to a crafty 2015! xxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, all the cards are beautiful and I would really love to win one of them. Some I think are stunning, especially the third and the last card.

Lesley said...

I think the cards are great and best wishes to the person who is the lucky winner. I am sure they will go to a good home.

jre71105 said...

I love your orphans as I do everything you share. The cool thing is even for those who don't get to give them a happy home we can case them and still enjoy your creativity. Thanks for sharing Sue.

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & lovely blog friends,
Well what a year!
Your Orphan cards, poor things , not matching up to your exacting standards! I think that any of us would gladly give them a loving home, they would be used for inspiration. To look close up at the different techniques you have and products and the effect the products give, so there is a lot to be gained from winning the chance of adopting thus poor little beauties!
My dearest friend Sue, wow what a year for you, you have launched your various die ranges and they have all been a resounding success, you have given us another 365 days of amazing inspiration both with your products and others! I would personally like to thank you for the 'kick in the pants' at the start of the year to get my head back in the right place, I was in a very dark place and your email surprised me , made me sit and think about Life, it set me back in the mind to pick up my crafting tools and start creating. Thank you for that x the other thing I would like to show my gratitude for is the gift of friendship not only the wonderful friendship with the ladies on the blog, who is look forward to catching up with on a daily basis, it's strange how we become so close to people that you haven't actually met, I love hearing about their day and I miss them when they aren't around, the greatest gift this year has been Pat (Witney) & Sue (mrs B), who would have thought the three strangers meeting one day for coffee, with only one thing in common (Particraft)!, would form the most amazing friendship, I love these ladies like they have been in my life for years, they have given me something to look forward to every week, for many years I gave been totally house bound and as a result I was terrified to leave the house without Paul, the trust up have for these two ladies is such that I can leave the house with eirther of them without going into a full scale panic attack! You too gave bought more to my life than you will ever know, so I want to thank you Sue (W), it was you that bought us together. I am looking forward to seeing what amazing gifts you bring us in 2015, I know already that they will be a 100% success!
Sue I wish you another year of health, wealth and happiness, no one deserves it mire than you xxxx
To each and everyone of you wonderful friends, thank you for your good wishes, love, kindness and support in 2014, I look forward to lots more of it in 2015, I wish each and everyone of you everything you wish yourselves and lots more! I would also like 2015 to be the year that I get to meet a lot more of you xxxx
Good Health and Huge crafty hugs to all,
Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Happy New Year! would love to give these cards a home, just what I need to decorate my new craft room! Good Luck everyone, love, Judy M

Marty F said...

Maybe they didn't sing to you, but I'm hearing the music! Would love to give a "good home" to these beautiful orphans. Happy New Year!

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Wishing you a happy new year!!
I think these cards are lovely and I would happily give them a loving home!!!........have to wait and see who the lucky recipient is.......!!!!

Jane said...

Orphans?! I love them all. If I made New Years Resolutions it would be to try and make cards that are as stunning as yours. I haven't commented before but I look daily for inspiration.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, I wish my orphan cards were this good. Thank you for all the inspiration in 2014, and I hope that 2015 continues with more to entice us and prompt us to keep crafting. Happy New Year to you and your family and everyone out there. May your year be filled with joy. Bx

Barbara W said...

Hi Sue

If these are orphan cards then l guess there will be a very long queue to give any one of them a loving home! Me included!!

I love them all and the make lovely music to me.

Have a lovely New Year Eve whatever you do.

lol Barbara W☺

Heather C said...

Sorry that they don't 'sing' for you, but they certainly do for me!

Anonymous said...

I would love to give your beautiful orphans a loving home, they all seem quite beautiful to me. Thank you so much for all your hard work and inspiration in 2014, and I wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year.
Hugs Eve xx

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
Good home offered to orphan cards!!!
Your rejects are another woman's must haves.
Alimecca - hope you are not still waiting for your TV, late deliveries are always my luck too, and we only live 1 - 2 miles from the Fenwick, John Lewis, etc warehouses!!
Sue, this is a wonderful blog, everyone does care about the people on it and even if we do not mention them every day, they are in our thoughts.
I wish you and all the friends, and their families the very best of health, happiness and peace in 2015 xx
Thank you

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hello Sue and everyone
What a lovely collection of orphans who would not show them love and care I ask myself, they are all different, but they do have a common bond, they are all made by you and that just makes them extra special.

Congratulation Sue on a wonderful year with all you have achieved wishing you continued success and health in the coming new year, that wish is extended to those that you love too.

Happy New year wishes to everyone for a magical 2015.

Margaret corgi owner

p.s. Norah wonderful to see your comment, take comfort in the knowledge that your auntie is now free from pain and at peace now.
Special thoughts just for you xx

Lynne said...

Of all the people posting blogs for their cards yours are the most inspirational.i really look forward to opening your emails to see your new creations. Your cards are beautiful and l love that you share your gift with us willing to learn crafters.many thanks and a wonderful new year.x

Unknown said...

Wishing you a lovely new years eve. May today past in the way you want it to.
what a fab name for cards you're unsure of. I usually file mine under B for bin. It's so hard trying to make something that looks wonderful in your head but in reality it's not what you are expecting lol.
I'm still planning to start 2015 off creatively. .. I'm hoping to start a rota as I'm useless with time management.
Here's hoping for a happy and as healthier a year as possible for everyone.
Lots of love
Jo xx

Brenda said...

Hello Sue, Who ever wins these orphan cards - you can be assured they will be adored for what they are - beautiful cards created by our lovely Sue W. Thank you for giving each and every one of us a chance.

Wishing you and yours a very very happy New Year. I hope 2015 will be as successful as last year and you continue to go from strength to strength.

An enormous THANK YOU for all the beautiful cards you have showcased this last year, and I, as I'm sure everyone else is waiting to see what delights you have in store for 2015.

Love and Best Wishes, Brenda xxx

Sending everyone My BEST WISHES for the New Year, Keep crafting, Love and Prayers Brenda x

Anouk said...

Sue, I think there are some beautys among those cards. Enjoy this eve

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I love all of your orphans and would happily re-home each and every one of them. They may not be up to your own high standard but they would teach the lucky recipient lots of different techniques. Should that person be me (everything crossed lol) then I would share them with my friend dianeandchipps and we could become foster mums together. They certainly wouldn't live in a box but would be proudly on display.

Thank you for an amazing year with all your gorgeous new dies and the daily inspiration, we are so lucky to be part of the Wilsonette family.

Happy Hogmanay to all and I wish each and every one of you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Crafty New Year when it comes.

Unknown said...

Dear Sue
I have not been able to comment for the last two months as I was nursing my husband. Sadly he passed away just before Christmas. It will be a while till I am back with you but I wanted to wish you and all Wilsonettes a very happy New Year.
Love Jan x x

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Oh who wouldent' want the orphans, i was lucky enough to win them the year before last.
Thanks for being so generous and what a year you have had, with all those fantastic launch projects.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

hazel said...

Hi Sue
I don't know why these cards didn't sing to you as they are all beautiful Sue. I would love to give all these cards a loving home they would take pride of place in my glass unit in my sitting room.Best of luck to everyone
Have a Happy New Year Sue when it arrives
Take care
Hazel G XX

Jean said...

Each of your cards are so detailed!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue, I have love and enjoy visiting your blog every day, I don't always leave a comment as I feel I can't add anything else to what has already been said. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for 2015.
Gilly C

Carol said...

Hi Sue,
Now I am sure you will have had Many Comments to get a card and I am no different I would Love to give a Home to your "Orphan" as will many of us but they are all stunning and any one would be more than Happy to get one of them .
Happy New Year to you and Keep on Inspiring Us you are Brilliant xx

Mary Blight said...

Hi Sue & All The Wilsonettes! Hope you all had a Happy, Peaceful Christmas, with everything you wished for? I had a good Christmas at home with my Mum! I live at home with my Mum, as I am in a wheelchair & need quite a lot of personal care! Christmas is a sad time for me & Mum, as my Dad died on 29th December, 2011. I missed him more than ever this year, as I have had a very bad year, health-wise & he was always very supportive. Unfortunately, my poor Mum has to cope on her own, now & I can see that it is getting very hard for her! I am hoping to have an operation in January, which will be the last one for a VERY long time! Sue, the cards you've posted today are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I would be so thrilled to give any of these 'orphans' a home! You are such an inspirational lady! Keep up your good work! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL A Healthy, Happy New Year! If you are going out tonight, I hope you all stay safe! Looking forward to speaking to you all, next year! Love, Mary XXX

hollyberry said...

Who wouldn't love to give the cards a loving home,any cards of yours are beautiful.

Craftychris said...

ooh I would love to give a home to an orphan card! They are gorgeous! I hope I win but good luck everyone! xxx

DebbieLeigh said...

Hello Sue, if only!!!. I would love to re-home your "orphan" cards. I would have them framed and on display in my craft room and use for inspiration.
Stunners all of them.
Happy 2015 to everyonex
Hugs Debbie Smith

JJ said...

Hi Sue, What a beautiful array of cards, far too nice to be orphaned, I would be well pleased with them all!

Have a Happy New Year, I am looking forward to everything you bring to us in 2015.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, a lovely collection of cards. Have a lovely New Year. Take care Joanne K x

Cathie said...

Sue, your orphan cards are lovely. I think they would love their new Mom here in Canada with me. I would take care of them and proudly display them to all as great works of art from the fabulous Sue Wilson. What an honour it would be to have some of your works. Thanks so much for all the hard work this year and the wonderful videos. I have come such a long way in my card making thanks to you. Have a wonderful New Year and look forward to seeing more beautiful creations in 2015.

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
I could look at your cards all day. Picking one is nearly impossible each one has a unique
Thank you Dorothy

syy said...

They may not sing to you Sue but they certainly do to me. I think they are all great.


Maxine T said...

Orphan or. Not, I would be honoured to give them a good home so my orphans would not be alone (lol) really Sue they are not that bad they need new eyes to look at them.
Maxine T

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, I've always had a soft spot for waifs and strays and have to say that these are just too beautiful to be abandoned. I would be honoured to adopt your orphans and give them a good and loving home. As always, thanks for sharing them with us. x

Sioux P said...

You do yourself a great injustice Sue, I am sure a lot of us would be very happy if we had made any of them. Thank you for all the inspiration this past year and looking forward to the next one.
Happy New Year to you and yours.

Craftysusan said...

Can't understand why these lovely cards didn't "sing" to you Sue, I think they are all beautiful and I would happily give one a loving home. Hope you have a great new year. xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hiya Jane. So great to see your first comment, its so lovely for Sue to see new names here, its shows just how much we admire such a wonderful generous friend as Sue is to us ALL. We really hope you enjoy making friends here, and to see you comment daily would be wonderful. Welcome to the friendliest craft blog. Join us for 2015 and see just what lovely friends can be made here. Welcome and Happy New Year.
Lancashire Steph xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Thinking of you Jan Craven. Our hearts and thoughts go with you as you start another year.
Love and hugs.
LS xx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sue - hope we get to see more of your inspiration in 2015. I think many of us aspire to your style of cards - even when you class them as 'orpan'! Wishing you and everyone who follows Particraft - happy crafting times to come.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Sue - hope we get to see more of your inspiration in 2015. I think many of us aspire to your style of cards - even when you class them as 'orpan'! Wishing you and everyone who follows Particraft - happy crafting times to come.

yorkshiresue said...

Hi Sue
I don't know how you can call these orphan cards as they are all stunning and I would lovingly put them on my mantlepiece along with any 60th birthday cards I get on Saturday.
All the cards you make are works of art
Hugs Sue xxx

Muriel said...

Happy New Year Everyone. I hope that 2015 holds all you could hope for.
It is 1 am here and I have had a lovely evening with beautiful friends and family, watched the local Forster fireworks at 9 pm then the Sydney spectacular on TV at midnight. Ready for 2015 and would love to start it by adopting the beautiful orphan cards, I can already see the person and occasion for a couple of them without even trying.
Muriel x

Nana on the Hill said...

Well if these are orphans they are certainly beautiful orphans, and Will find a loving home if they come to live with me.

Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue,
How could you call them orphans, they are all so gorgeous, my fav is the Oop's a daisy one.
"Oh if only they could flutter their wings and fly to me. I have a loving home just waiting" and a wall to display them, after I share a few with my best friend.

I wish you Sue and your Family a very Happy New Year.
Also to all on the blog I wish a Happy New Year to you all.
Susi x

JeanyR said...

Hi Sue,

I would give these cards new home in a heartbeat, they are lovely and would take pride of place in my home.

Have a great New Year.
Love and Hugs

Anonymous said...

So very sorry to hear of your bereavement - thinking of you and hope you keep strong and come back soon.


yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Your orphans are a real treat, they are all gorgeous, one lucky Wilsonette will be singing when the postie brings them to their new home. Thank you for your inspiration, hard work and generosity in 2014 and thank you for bringing together some wonderful true friends, Particraft is the NUMBER ONE BLOG, long may it continue.
Sue wishing you and your family A Happy Healthy New Year and hope that all you wish for comes true.
To our missing Wilsonettes, missing you and wishing you well for 2015, come home soon.
Jan Craven good to see you pop by today, you are in my thoughts, gentle hugs.
Mary Blight hope your operation in January goes well, gentle hugs.
Steph ditto to your words, special lady.
Hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Maureen K, Myra P, Alimecca, Sandra, Tres,, Pam and Robbie, Wheelybad and Billy, Janet Echo, Saba, Tandy, Heather T, Maria A and all Wilsonettes.
Wishing you all A Happy Healthy New Year.
Take care.
Hugs June xxx

SusanLily said...

Dear Sue, Your cards are lovely, sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. Cards are not just for Christmas, birthdays or any special occasion, the extra special ones just say hello. I would gladly give these extra special cards a loving home.
A Happy New Year.
From Susan Lily x

camelot67 said...

Hi Sue,

I know I for one would love to be able to make such great cards and some of them are certainly "singing" out to me. Can I just take a quick moment to thank you for all the wonderful work you have produced this past year. I've been following your blog since about day one (although it was a while before I started to comment) and can honestly say I have not missed a day! I've loved being a part of your amazing "journey" and am really looking forward to 2015 and all that it holds. So "Thank You"! and I send you my very best wishes for a truly wonderful New Year.
Margaret A.

Tricia said...

They certainly "sing" to me Sue! I can't believe that you don't just love them. My charity "George Thomas Hospice" could definitely make some much needed funds from the sale of these lovely cards - and they certainly wouldn't "be buried in a box". Happy New Year to you and yours and continued success in 2015. x

Unknown said...

These cards would have a nice home in Minnesota and would be so loved and cherished. Thank you

terrie said...

These cards did turned out very nice...I for sure would make a lovely place in my home for one of your cards.
I want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and looking forward in seeing more of your talent in card making in 2015.

hotpotato said...

Yes please Sue, I can give the cards a good home where they would be on display in my craft room. Happy New year to you. xx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, these cards are far too nice to be orphans. A loving home awaits them here with me where they will provide joy and inspiration all year round. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Anonymous said...

What a lovely collection of orphans they are! I know they'll find a loving home somewhere. Thank you so much for sharing all your creations with us throughout the year. And what a year it has been for you. Congratulations on all the well deserved success you've had with your wonderful die collections and I wish you the same for the coming year - I can't wait to see what's coming next. So here's to 2015 and all the great things it may hold for you. Anniekk x

Jill Liddle said...

There should be no orphaned cards in the world and I am more than willing to give them a good home. They are all stunners today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue how can you not be happy with these they are fantastic, if only mine were this good !! I could give these a home on display in my craft room for inspiration. Happy new year xx

CraftyJo said...

Gotta say Sue that I like *most* of them ;) I wonder if it's a shortage of bows??? Happy New Year :)

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Well I think your orphan cards are lovely, some are not you usual style but they sing to me.
Wishing you health and happiness for the 2015.

Meg Owen said...

Hello sue,
I love your orphans - and as for them not singing well I think Gareth Malone would be proud to have them in a choir.
Just starting to sort my cards made last year - some of these can't even hum never mind sing!!!Ha ha.
Mary Blight you and your mum are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope your surgery is successful.
To all the ladies who supported me when my sister was ill and when she passed away and all who sent love and prayers for baby Leo born 3 months early just four days after my sister passed away - you are all loved and appreciated more than you can know.
My love and blessings to you all - may 2015 be a good year for you.
Whenever anyone of you needs a friendly word to help you through just stop by Sues blog and we'll be there for you.

Sue, thank you for all the cards you make to inspire us nobody makes cards like you. Love and hugs to you and your family.
Happy New Year to one and all.


Denise said...

Hi Sue

These "orphan" cards are lovely and there's on who wins them would be very lucky indeed.

Thank you for sharing your work throughout the year and the insperation you give to me and all you followers.

Have a happy and healthy 2015.

Denise (mini) x

Dee said...

Well, your orphan cars put mine to shame! I would be honoured to give them a home. Thankyou for all your inspiration in 2014 - and heres to health and craftiness in 2015.
Dee xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue and crafty crew.
What beutifully crafted cards sue. Anyone would be proud to give them a home. I personally would have my friend frame them up for me to look at an keep them safe an for all to see.
Thank u for all ur hard work on the blog. The inspiration tips and guidance for us all is second to none. Along with ur success of ur amazing die collections. Hope there is more to come next year too.
Health and happiness to u sue and all on the blog.
I for one hope to have a better year next year as I've had a few passing a and tough times but looking on here I realise I'm not alone with these things as u all have been through it too.

Jean Bullock said...

Oh, don't bother with a draw, dear. Just send them to me. I have already made a space for them. Happy New Year.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
I would be more than happy to become a foster mum to your beautiful orphans, wish my cards looked as good as these. Thank you again for all your daily inspiration and for your amazing dies, you're simply the best!
Norah so sorry to hear of the loss of your Auntie Jean and I send love and hugs to help you through Saturday
Hugs and a very happy New Year to everyone on this wonderful blog

Jan Epps said...

Hi Sue
These cards are lovely and I would love to give them a home. Thank you for all your inspiration and sharing techniques with us every day. Often dies or embossing folders need to be showcased to see the true potential. Happy New Year

Saba said...

Hi Sue
What a wonderful collection, I can't understand them not singing to you because there is a veritable orchestra going on for me. And, as for putting them in a box, you must be joking, they would take pride of place on any Wilsonettes wall, I know they would on mine.
Thank you for a wonderful year of beautiful cards to fill us with inspiration. So looking forward to seeing what you have in store for 2015.

Thank you to all the lovely ladies who wished my sister Valerie Happy Birthday, Prayers, Hugs and thoughts, I really appreciate it, what a special family you are.

Jan, so sorry for you, its never an easy time to loose a loved one, but at Christmas it must be especially hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Debbie, happy birthday tomorrow,

and to our lovely Sue, and all her Wilsonettes, Happy New Year and may
2015 be filled with love, hope and happiness.


Maggie said...

Hello Sue. First, many wishes for a happy, healthy and creative year ahead to you and all you love. We have had a wonderful 2014 with so much inspiration from you and so much love from the members of your blog. Aren't we the lucky ones? These are all fabulous cards and deserve a home and to be cherished - here will do nicely!! Thank you so much for all you do, hugs, Maggie xx (better without a bow)

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