Friday, 26 December 2014

Lots More Christmas!

Hello my crafty friends and Happy Boxing Day!  I hope I'm not hearing groans yet!  We are about halfway through the throngs of Christmas cards that I have left!  Phrew!!  You can always just imagine them with non Christmas stamps and dies! LOL    What style do you like the best so far?  Any clear favourites yet?  Please let me know as I would love to hear!    Remember, you can "pin" them and save them for next year too, if you like!  All for now, Sue x


Anonymous said...

Definitely no groans yet, absolutely loving all the cards this week you're spoling us. My favourite one today is the thurd one but they're all lovely. Anniekk x

Anonymous said...

Third not thurd lol, honestly predictatext is ridiculous sometimes x

Anonymous said...

Morning, Sue, no groans from me! Another very nice group of cards and, as you ask, favourite so far is the Christmas Blessings from the first day. Think a lot of us liked that one.
Hope everyone had a good day - managed to keep the calories somewhat in check and having a sprouty bubble-and-squeak today.
Anyone want some butter shortbreads???!!! Lots available.

'P' in Wales

'P' in Wales

Glennis F said...

My favourite today is the last one said...

Morning Sue.
No groans from me I love all of them, I especially like the red and white ones. Many thanks, I hope you have had a nice rest. Take care all Kitty.

Pam said...

Morning Sue, still thrilled with all of the Christmas cards, no groans from me, love them all but the white one with red ribbon like a parcel is my fav today. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas Day, happy Boxing Day.
Spoke to my brother yesterday, Robbie,s therapists at rehab have him taking steps with a kind of walker with their support. His left leg still isn't working yet but this is real progress. There is great hopes and progress for him xxx

Unknown said...

all just stunning again sue

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
The snowflake and the present ones are todays favourites for me.
Off to work shortly. . .boo hiss!
Have a great day.
Ang x

JAO said...

Lovely cards Sue, happy Boxing Day.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. You will not hear any groans from me you can keep them coming thick and fast. You are just giving me more ideas for next years cards. They are all beautiful but 1and 5 are my fave from this stunning collection. Hope you are having a few days off and doing a little relaxing with your family.
Happy Boxing Day Everyone.
Denise T x

Anonymous said...

Morning all. You're spoiling us again Sue. Last one is my favourite today. JJx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi sue
Happy boxing day everyone, no groans from me either not able to choose a favourite that's like asking who's your favourite child.
Have daughter and 2. Grandchildren today so lots of noisy fun.
Happy crafting
Love and hugs
Love Tina x x x x x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. No groans from me either, the more the merrier : ) Beautiful cards again today, the single snowflake and the tartan "parcel" are my favourites. I don't have a firm overall favourite at the moment, will try and chose at the end, the cute gingerbread one of day one will be on my list somewhere though : ) Have a great, (lazy?) Boxing day. Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Loving all the cards today - the first one is especially nice
Pat x

Steph Cotterill said...

Morning Sue and hi to all Wilsonette friends. Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, I kept a place in my heart for those friends here missing loved one's.
A very strange day here, our day hasn't been the same since our daughter left home, so homemade stilton and broccoli soup and homemade bread for lunch, the dog had the most Christmas spirit and got through her dog puzzle toy in under 5 minutes (will keep your dog puzzled and occupied for hour's) lol.
I must say that I just adore the tartan ribbon card Sue, it just looks so fresh but the computer's of the tartan give it that look of luxury and decadence.
I hope you managed to get all your prep done ready for February yesterday Sue so you can enjoy your day with your family today. Have a wonderful day Sue, the day you deserve. After my comment yesterday wishing for you all to have a good selection of Sue's dies, I had a lovely Welsh day lol die after die after die, I was so spoilt by Mr Lancashire, and can't wait to play with them.
Our daughter, new hubby and his parents are visiting for lunch today, so my playtime will have to be put on hold, but my fingers are getting restless, and itching to cut the plastic seal from the die packages !
Well, I will stop rabbiting, and send you all best wishes and love this boxing day.
Love you.
Lancashire Stephen xx

Steph Cotterill said...

LOL... Stephen ???!!! WHAT ?! I entered my comment on Mr Lancs new Fire thingy and it seem's to have predicted text lol so appologies for anything weird you cant understand (Im now on my phone) ! And as he just said " I either sort out how to turn the predictive text off OR you have the surgery) think I'll take the first option !
This is Lancashire STEPH signing out LOL xx

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
No groans from me either just oohs and ahhs and I agree with Nanna Tina it would be like choosing your favourite child so couldn't choose a favourite one. I have already pinned them so that I can make a start on my cards for charity ( I start in January because I make so many) so all these Christmas cards are a blessing for me. I love all the different styles you've given us, the parcel card is so cute.
That was good news about Robbie Pam long may he improve.
Hugs x
Heather T

Jan.moogie said...

That first card and last card really catch my eye and the parcel type with that fancy flower is stunning. Hope you had a great day yesterday and that today is even better. xxx

sonja_w said...

Lovely cards, I love the clean and simple look and my favourite is the snowflake ( third one down) but also love the tartan ribbon one. Have a fab day everyone xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue and everyone
I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday. Bit of an anticlimax on Boxing day though isn't it? Going out for a long walk today to burn off some calories!
My favourite card today is the red and White parcel style one. Love the ribbon and bow effect. Thanks for sharing Sue.
Pam...Great news about Robbie.
Have a great day.

Clai01 said...

Like the first one today Sue and I love the holly paper. x

Kate's Cards said...

I love the one with the star. Very simple and clean. Works for me!

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Absolutely NO GROANS from me, but I'm unable to supply you with a favourite as I like them all VERY much.
All I can say is that the wreath and the bells are the ones most used by me this year, from a stamping point of view.
Love the idea of a card in the shape of a parcel.
Keep 'em coming.
Hugs, Rose

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
You Will Never Ever Hear Any Moans From Me, I Love All The Cards Espcially The First Two As I've Got These Stamps So It Gives Me Lots Of Ideas, I Always Pin Your Cards And From All The Different Views That's Possibly Why I've Got Over 2,000 Pins In My Cards Folder.
Sue You Inspire Me Greatly If I Ever Get Stuck I Just Turn To My Pinterest Folder With Your Cards In Them. I've Also Got A Pinterest Folder For Your Awesome Videos Which I Love Watching Time And Time Again.
Sue Have I Hope You Had A Great Christmas Day And I Hope You Enjoy Boxing Day Also.
Sue Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Comment This Awesome Blog Have A Great Day!

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. No groans from me either, it's just lots of ideas to get started for next year!!! The "bells" card is my favourite today, but they are all lovely. My wonderful family gave me a selection of your new release dies so I can't wait to play. Have a great Boxing Day. Sue xxx

barbiepinkfairy said...

Morning Sue and friends! The bow is my favourite one! I intend to keep going with the Christmas cards - she says! In the hope that I am super organised next year!

Lounge looks like a bomb has hit!

Have had embosser out and played but not had too much time!

Love to all have a relaxing Boxing Day! Xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue Happy Boxing Day. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day Sue.
Now back to these beautiful card.
I love them all they they are all stunning and so elegant and classy.
I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for us in 2015.
I have been following your blog just over a year and I have learnt so much from you.
You are one talented lady. And I just
Wish I could come up with half the
Ideas that you come up with.
Take care xxx

Debs A xxx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. Wonderful cards again today, but I am still drawn to the one from the first day with the red and white bow.

Love Rosemarie xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes another stunning display of Christmas cards today, they are so inspirational, yes I know I keep saying it but they are.

I am going away for a week today so not sure if I can comment every day but I will try.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

New Creations said...

Absolutely stunning series of cards, love them all! Don't ask to choose any one, all are so gorgeous!
Hugs! Have a joyful Day!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

No groans from me, love Christmas cards. My faves would have to be when you use the poinsettia dies, love using mine x

Anonymous said...

Happy Boxing Day everyone...

The navy/white snowflake and the tartan bow cards are my favourites from today's offerings Sue...just love the simplicity - so different to my own over-egged


lilian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DMJ said...

Morning all; love all the ideas you give us, Sue, but do like the "parcel" one.

hope everyone had a good day yesterday, and enjoy this day,

Doreen x

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue. I haven't seen a card yet that I don't love. The simplicity of the parcel card is very effective.x

Anonymous said...

How can we chose a favourite when you present us with such a choice. Impossible!

Anne (Northampton)

gwen70 said...

Beautiful cards, keep them coming , love them all

Unknown said...

No groans from me Sue. My favourite is the 'parcel' one, what a cleaver idea, have a great day Edwina

Chris Curry said...

Good morning Sue. I didn't get chance to look at your blogg for Christmas eve and Christmas day until now, lovely cards. Love todays too, number two and number five are my favourites I think.Hope you had a great Christmas, mines been hectic but lovely with my family. Xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Happy Boxing Day everyone. Love every card today can't choose my favourite because they all are.
Hope Sue and all the Wilsonettes had a great Christmas.

Micky French said...

No moans from me Sue, they are all stunning.
I would like to try and save them on my Pintrest page ready for next year
Happy Boxing day everyone
Hugs Michelle xxxx

Anonymous said...

GM Sue and Happy Boxing Day all - I like the 1st and 3rd - had a good day yday - all went to plan - dinner made the plates - no major incidents or accidents - hubby has woken up this morning with the start of this horrendous cold I've had for the past 10 days - so we are both blowing and coughing - Have a great day all Wilsonettes
Clare W

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
Happy Boxing Day to everyone. Keep them coming! Got the family coming today.
Hugs Gail Cx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

All the cards are great, keep them coming Sue, I especially like the parcel one today - think quite a few of us like that one.

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. More beautiful cards today. Enjoy your day relaxing hopefully with your family. Hazel x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Not a groan to be heard here, a good few ooos! & aaas!!
Love them all but the Tartan Parcel obviously rings a wee bell in this Scottish house.
Had a fanatic day yesterday ate FAR too much.......!!!
Have a wonderful day

Patricia xxx

Marion said...

Hi Sue really like the first two but all are nice in there own way.
think i ate too much yesterday so having a quiet day today.

Jackie T said...

Hi Sue all these Christmas cards are gorgeous. I hope you had a brilliant time yesterday and that today is good as well. Hugs Jackie

Debbie Tinks said...

There all lovely Sue ... Have a nice boxing day ...x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
Gorgeous cards - no groans here!I love the first and last one - can always be slightly altered to change to another occasion. Might have a go today now there's a bit of spare time.
It was lovely yesterday to speak to my daughter having her Christmas in Queensland - beautiful weather, the beach and sitting outside having their lunch!!
Hoping you all had a lovely day and enjoying the holiday.
Sheila x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great collection of cards.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day as we did.
Denise X

Anonymous said...

hi Sue
No groans at all such a treat getting to see all these cards.
Hope you had a lovely day yesterday .
Audrey, Wicklow, Ireland

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
These cards are lovely. Keep them coming, no groans from us.
Evis M.

PharmacyMichele said...

Great cards-like the 3rd & 5th ones the best. I should have been working today but a very kind colleague offered to go instead of me-yeah!!! May go for a walk down to the beach later today. In-laws coming for lunch tomorrow so more present swapping.


Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
They are so beautiful but I like the first one the best, hope you are having a wonderful time with your family. I was telephone by C & C to talk on the show and of course mentioned your beautiful cards and blog

TOB said...

Morning, Hope everyone is happy and have recovered from yesterday. Had a lovely quiet day with Tony and Emma. Wow favourites I love them all but 3,4 &5 top my list. Hope you had a lovely Christmas day Sue Happy New Year to all. Hugs Theresaxx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
What a cracking selection this morning but I do have favourites, not 1 but 2.
The Holly wreath and the present, they are just delightful.
I have a Sue file on my computer that I save all your designs in, then I know exactly where to go.
Lorna D

Unknown said...

Happy Boxing Day sue and crafty crew.
I had a lovely day yesterday but it was a little sad too as my stepmom had only passed away 4 weeks ago. So my dad was upset and I hate it when he's upset. :-( however I got lots of craft goodies to keep me well occupied till next year lol and yes quite a few of ur new dies appeared from Santa lol.
Off now to Glasgow for the sales as my next passion is my lush store for lots of nice smelly goodies. Again courtesy of mr Santa via gift card lol.
Anyways hope u all have a nice day of leftovers an another day goes by.
Love Tracy from killie XX

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good Morning Sue,and all the crafty crew!!

Never any groans here I am always delighted to see all your wonderful creations loving the tartan parcel and snowflake.

Happy boxing day everyone and take care if you are out and about in the sales or travelling, we are in for significant changes today!!

Enjoy the festivities today.
Cameeli xx

marg said...

Hello Sue
Love all the cards but the Tartan one is outstanding!
Have a lovely day Sue
Take care
Love Marg

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely cards, love them all. Happy Boxing Day to all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - hope everybody had a great day yesterday. Must cut down on food intake today though!! Just lovely to see yet more cards Sue and my favourites are the 1st, 3rd and 5th and I will definitely be pinning these. Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Love today's cards especially the blue single snowflake one.
Beverley W

Paula said...

I could look at Christmas cards all year, so no complaints here.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Firstly can I say I would never ever groan at any of your cards lol.
I do have favourites. I love bling and Bows and flowers. I also love the effects you get through gilding. I have really like the couple of vintage cards you shared this year although I'm struggling to do them myself. It's the paper tearing and edge curling I struggle with. Mine look ready for the bin so tend to give up.
I like all of the cards you have shared today but believe it or not the one that stands out for me today is probably the simplest, which it the final one, the present. It looks so effective. One to remember for next year for definite. Saying that it could easily be substituted as a quick birthday card.
Well time to go. I want to watch last night's Downton Abbey. I recorded it incase I fell asleep watching it as I often do.
Hope you and all the Wilsonettes have a lovely day. I'm hoping to have another quiet one.
Lots of love
Jo xx

Paula said...

Another gorgeous selection Sue, I would have to say numbers 3 and 5 are favourites today, couldn't choose just one I'm afraid. :( I so admire your talent for making so many different cards with no two even similar. How I wish I could do that!

Paula x

Val Jones said...

Hi Sue. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day.
Really difficult to choose a favourite as they are all so lovely.
Love val in Spain x

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue what a great Boxing day treat. I love them all, but today I do have a favourite, and that is the one with the huge tartan bow. Have a fab day. Bx

karenlotty said...

All 5 cards are lovely The snowflake and present card are my favourites Actually I "pinched" the present idea for a couple of cards I made this year after you showcased it on C&C Great news re Robbie Long may it continue Take care all Off out dancing later Need to burn off the extra calories!

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Wow another great selection xx I love the bell stamp one for my wish list xx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hey guys n gals. Now here is dedication for you from our wonderful mama Sue. Only spent yesterday working on February samples to showcase our new Sue dies !!! BUT... Thank goodness, our wonderful leader has stepped away from the metal, card and ribbon to spend n overdue Christmas with the family. So have the BEST day ever Sue and make those memories.
Love you.
L.S xx

nattyboots said...

No moans and groans from me Sue , you keep them coming girl,They are all safely pinned on my Pinterest file under your name and ready for next year when i will be needing ideas.

Hope you are resting and being spoiled .

Take Care
Elaine H X

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, more lovely cards. The first and fourth are my favourites and the last one looks like the front of a box of expensive choccies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
No groaning from me they are all inspiring so keep them coming!
Veronique L

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, what treats you are giving us just now, who would want to choose a favourite when they are are all so beautiful. I really like the tartan ribbon one, so clean and simple.
Take care everyone, Jess x

PS Pam great news about Robbie!

Lynn (delphinoid) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & friends,
I am afraid I would struggle to pick favourites, although I like the first card ( that you could make into any occasion ), the tartan bow and the Cas snowflake card! Trouble is Sue, you never really make a card that anyone dislikes, I loves seeing the combinations of dies you have used!
I am off internet shopping with my Christmas 'money' today, all of it is going on dies! Hugs xxxx
To all of our Wilsonette family, have a relaxing Boxing Day, huge hugs,
Sandra xxxx

Susi Mortimer said...

No groans yet!! They are lovely cards. Couldn't look in yesterday, but have now. These are also gorgeous cards. Have a nice day everyone. Susi x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful selection of a cards Sue!

They are all lovely but my favourites are the snowflake one and the last one.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day yesterday and you enjoy Boxing Day today.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
No groans from me loving all your Christmas cards but especially like snowflake, if you're designing new dies for next Christmas please please please can I have a snowflake!!
Hope to play with my new dies this afternoon once I've cleared away all the debris from yesterday
Hugs and best wishes everyone

TDQ Karen said...

Loving all your cards, especially the snowflake xxxxx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

Oh wowsey again! Stunning collection again. I love all your cards and my favourites are your high low techniques and cards with paper and ribbons roses.
I am happy with everything you so kindly show and share share with us.

All the very best wishes to you and family,

Ivy L xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue. How can we tire of these gorgeous cards, no moans from me.The first card today is my favorite so far. Hope every one has a great day. We are having a family bash. All 17 of us. Lots of laughter and good food. A Christmas hug. Jan. xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, and Happy Boxing day to everyone. My favourite of todays group is the first beauty with the holly backing paper and embossing folder. I don't really have any favourite 'style' of yours, it could be simple and stunning or elaborate and stunning!! I can't explain what really catches the eye I just kow when I see it :o). Off to play with my new dies - yum yum!! Hugs, Karen x

Claire said...

Beautiful cards.

Take care


nancyd said...

Morning Sue, no groans at all loving
all the idea's I think my favourite
so far is the one with the diagonal
red stripe and the bow very simple but
striking. Happy Boxing Day everyone.
Pam so glad Robbie is getting better every
Nancyd xx

Muriel said...

Hi Sue and all

Definitely no groans here, I love the bells stamp and the wreath, will have to try to do some stamping next year.
Lovely boxing day to all

Muriel x

Suebak said...

Morning Sue,

Happy Boxing Day. For me, the present card is a clear winner!


hazel young said...

Beautiful cards Sue Happy boxing Day xx hazel

C A W said...

Really enjoying this bonanza of cards. Its so hard to pick a favourite when they are so varied. Particularly drawn to the tartan ribbon today. Now I need to catch up with the last two days comments. Hope everyone has a relaxing boxing day.

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love the gold wreath and the present!, more bring it on.

Happy boxing day.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Anonymous said...

Happy boxing Day, Sue and all your fans! Picking one favourite is impossible, I love them all...every day I think, oh today's are all my favourites. Then next day....more fab designs. Keep them coming, you can't have too much Christmas! Hope you're having a wonderful time, Sue. Love to all, Judy M

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Happy Boxing Day. My favourite card today is the first one, it's really fabulous! I love the sowflake stamp

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

ooops... I lost the "n"...:
snowflake stamp

julie laz said...

Hi sue, merry Christmas everyone , love all the cards crafty hugs Julie xxx

Laura O said...

no groans from me either ,love all these fantastic cards ,love the last one in this selection simple but really effective ,Laura O

CraftyJo said...

All lovely, tfs :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
I agree with everyone it's so difficult to pick favorites , but from today's i do like the tartan ribbon one perhaps a tiny bit more than the others, but it is only a tiny bit ,lol . Really Sue your dedication is overwhelming and we are all so very grateful , but I hope you are going to have some celebration and relaxation time with your family today and perhaps for a couple of days too!!!! Really enjoying all your Christmas designs not at all bored seeing more, keeping them all for next year , even may start and make a few .
Sending Christmas hugs to everyone , hope your all not feeling to stuffed after all your Christmas goodies,
Love to everyone
Jean D xxx

Pam , great news on Robbie I'm sure he will go from strength to strength in 2015 , hugs xxx

barbara macaskill said...

Oh my!! The Bells of Christmas is one of the most gorgeous cards I have ever seen!! Absolutely stunning!!! That doesn't mean that the rest of the cards are not absolutely spectacular but the Bells card speaks to my heart! Thank you for sharing all of the "extra" cards with me! I could never get enough of your beautiful cards! TFS!

Lynda's craft's said...

Happy boxing day Sue & Wilsonetts friends
No moans keep them coming,I'm puting the all in my pinserest folder for future inspiration No favourite love them all but I do like the one with the tartan ribbon.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas day & Santa made your day. Sue have a good day with your family
Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx
Pam pleased too here of Robbie's progress Hugs Lynda xx
Sending love & Hugs to all my friends have a lovely day what ever your doing Love Lynda xx

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Happy Boxing Day
Hope you are having a lovely relaxing day
have you any snow yet we have my doggies are loving playing in it as are us
All these cards are very beautiful but have to say the first one is my fav it's stunning
Take care
Hazel G XX

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cards, way too hard to chose ! They are all fab. Hope you have had a good Xmas c

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

No groans from me either. The more I see the more I learn. They are all lovely. I really like the blue with the snowflake for its simplicity but the tartan ribbon with a bow is stunning. Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes

camelot67 said...

Happy Boxing Day Sue!

Do hope you had a great Christmas Day. I have to say I love all of today's cards (and well done you for even contuing your blog over the festive holiday) but I will go for card No.1. Just stunning!

Enjoy the rest of your day
Margaret A.

auscrafts said...

love the style of the third one down and the last

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
No groans from me either. I just love all of your Christmas cards. However, I'm really liking the bells. Hugs to all today and a happy Boxing Day.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love the cards especially the first one. Love Jean Z xx

Margaret R said...

Hi Sue

Thanks for the email welcoming me to your blog.
Love watching you tutorials, they are always so clear and easy to follow. As yetwe don't have any of your dies. The largest cards I make along with Dawn, my daughter, are 5x7 with the occasional A5. Perhaps you could let us know how big your dies are.

Dawn had some Cosmic Shimmer Ultra thick embossing Crystals, Do you have any videos where you use these?

Margaret xxx

Jean Bullock said...

No complaints from me! I love the cards! I was happy to see the wreath again. And the card that looks like a present is delightful. Keep 'em coming! I will pin them later today.

terrie said...

No need to groan your cards are so nice to look at...I like the dfferent style that you have made.
Well done Sue

Theresa said...

love the last 3 but my fave is the black and cream snowflake one, hugs xx

sandieann21 said...

Lovely, especially no. 2

rolfi said...

Hello Sue,
the 1st and the 4th cards are my favourites..

hotpotato said...

beautiful cards Sue. Hope you had a lovely Christmas. x

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, you've really been spoiling us over Christmas with all the beautiful cards. They are all winners in my eyes. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us, especially over the holiday period. x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I hope you had a lovely day yesterday & that goes for everyone else too. No groans from me either on seeing these lovely cards. I think my favourite today I'd the snowflake one, but they are all super.
Pam, great news about Robbie. Will have to hit the shops tomorrow unfortunately as our tv has developed a fault so will have to go and buy another one! We are watching everything with a red/ brown diagonal stripe across the screen which is extremely annoying. Still I suppose now is quite a good time for it to go as there will be some good deals in the sales! Just don't fancy all the crowds in Newcastle though and with a grumpy husband! Still I'm lucky that's all I have to moan about. Sending love and hugs to each and every one of you. Love Alison xxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. You know I like all of your cards, but the 3rd and 5th ones look simple but stunning. SueL x

Barbara said...

Beautiful cards Sue even if they are more Christmas ones!!!
I think it is unanimous that the last card the parcel one got the most likes, they are all gorgeous but that one is so pretty.
I got lots of craft goodies including six of your new dies and two A4 embossing folders. I am also a big Justrite fan and got stamps and dies from them too.
I cant wait to try out my CutNBoss as I had been finding it really painful using the GC and now need to get used to the new sandwich layers for the new machine.
Hope you got something nice for Christmas Sue as you must be difficult to buy for as you will have everything you need for crafting! Do you like perfume, jewellery or clothes for Christmas?

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, no moans from me either, can't pick a favourite as I love all of them, however, the parcel and Christmas bells are at the top. Your dedication is overwhelming and we all appreciate you so much, hope that you are relaxing and enjoying some family time today.
Happy Boxing Day to everyone.
Pam great news about Robbie, long may it continue, gentle hugs.
Steph you made me smile today.
Take care.
Hugs t everyone, June xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I hope everyone had a lovely time yesterday. It would seem that die sales have gone through the roof! I like all of today's cards but the last 'parcel' card just has the edge. Since day one the red & white diagonal card with the bow is still the runaway winner for me.

Jill Liddle said...

Again a truely stunning collection of cards. Today I love #2 #3 and #4 the best.

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Slip of the finger killed the comment I'd worked on for 45 minutes so in brief-

Love all the cards but I like snowflakes best! Can't believe you were crafting yesterday! Appreciate your hard work and saving up for February.

Hope you are all having a good boxing day. I fell asleep straight after blogging last night and slept most of today. Also fell off the toilet... ego was the thing most seriously injured and can thank my experience of playing sports for knowing how to fall safely! Have gifts to wrap for tomorrow's, Sunday's and Monday's visitors need to get started asap!

Tomorrow I shall pay more attention to how many times I hit the "back" key!

Many and plenty of hugs to everyone. Stay warm and find time to craft if you can!

T x

Maria said...

Happy Boxing day Sue and everyone
Yup you have done it once again,showcasing your fabulous makes. My favourites if having to choose is nr.1 and nr.5 they are gorgeous. Feeling very envy over you all with your new dies :-) but still hope you have many hours good playing!
Pam- very good news of Robbie, hugs.
Clare-oh dear,hope you feeling better soon as you will have to take care of hubby ,if he is like any other man uj,uj,uj.

Had a lovely walk on a frosty morning and now pm. it's pouring down....what's with this weather ?

Have a good evening everyone !

Warm Hugs Maria x

Aspiring crafter said...

It's so hard to choose a favourite Sue, they are all so lovely!
Hope you and everyone had a good Christmas,

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Hope you've had a lovely boxing Day...

Loving todays cards, all absolutely beautiful & especially love the first one, stunning.

Thank you for taking the time to post all your amazing creations.

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Swiftycrafter said...

All the cards are great Sue, although I particularly like the second and third ones.
Lynne x

Margaret said...

You have wowed me yet again. Such beautiful cards , such attention to detail and yet you make it look so easy on your videos. loved the stamp on the first 2 one coloured one plain interesting.
Margaret M

jean.phillips1 said...

Good evening Sue, just loving all the cards, they are all brilliant! Hope you have had a good Boxing Day. Love Jean xxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Another group of beautiful cards, I love them all but the first one is my favourite of this batch.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Dawn Holben said...

I am loving them all and definitely not getting fed up with them yet. I do have a few favourites that I am definitely going to have a try at.
Thank you

tandy said...

Hi Sue
Love all the card and no groans. Sorry I haven't been around but we are all ill we even missed our grandsons 18th. Pam wonderful news about Robbie. Hope everyone had a good Christmas. We are going away tomorrow so see you all when we get back. Love and hugs to all.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue and everyone
No complaints from me yet another chapter of fabulous cards and wonderful ideas I love them all, thank you so much.
Margaret corgi owner

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue, thank you for another batch of lovely cards.
If I want to make cards inspired by yours I would have to start today as I have saved so many into my files.

So very pleased to hear positive news of Robbies progress Pam. I hope he continues to do well in 2015 too.
Love and hugs.

Love to all

Tres said...

Hi Sue. More beautiful Christmas cards today !! I love them all !! If I had to choose a favourite one it would be the glittered snowflake background with the White embossed snowflake on to blue card in the centre. I really love this one. Thank you for sharing more great cards with us today. Sending Lots of love to you Sue from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

Heather Harrison said...

Definitely not fed up yet. I was wondering had you made any with the bough die. I have it and made a card you did ages ago when it was first released but I haven't seen any since. Love the cards today. Hope your having a lovely time. Hugs Heather x

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry I'm rather late again but there were 11 of us for lunch today and I now just need to sit down for a little while before bed. If I don't do that - I don't sleep! Silly!
We would never ever be fed up with your beautiful, inspirational cards. Love the one with the bells and the one that looks like a gift.
I got one of your Gemini dies for Christmas from a crafting friend. I haven't had time to look at it properly - maybe Monday! My husband bought me a new iPad as mine was the original iPad and was rather slow! Really pleased with this one. Only expected a satsuma as I had had a new kitchen. Lol
Do hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas - my brother and his wife and girls have had to book into a Hotel half way home because of snow!
Stay warm everyone, and night night!
Pam - great news about Robbie. Do hope you are feeling a bit better. x
Norah - lots of love x
Love to all,
Myra xx

Anonymous said...

Love them all Sue.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
My favourite from today's fab selection is card No.1 but as I may have said before they are all beautiful and each one has its own special something. How do you manage to produce so many wonderful and different cards? I can't help but be in awe of you.

Have a happy, healthy and successful 2015.

Mary Mac x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love them all. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Anonymous said...

No groans from me Sue, still enjoying the cards, love the first one today, will have great pleasure in looking at them all again to decide my fav. Marlene O xx

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
They are all beautiful and unique but I love the card with the bells and wreath.
Thank you

Sandy H said...

Haven't been able to get online for a few days so I've just been looking through all the lovely Christmas cards you've shown. From today's bunch of delights my favourite is the tartan ribbon. So simple yet so effective.
Hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas. I'm looking forward to choosing which dies to buy with the vouchers I've received.
Take care everyone.

Di said...

Hi Sue.
Another lovely batch, we are so spoilt for choice, I'll have to go back through the cards and have another look.
Di B x

Gail said...

All gorgeous cards but particularly luv the tartan present xx GailT xx

SHARICA said...


SHARICA said...

Ooh forgot to say card number 1 is my fave :)

nzillingworth said...


Unknown said...

Love these cards

I think some of my fav throughout the year has been all white, so elegant and very versatile


hollyberry said...

Amazing cards as always,love them all.

Yorkie girl said...

Loving all these cards Sue they are stunning
But how are we supposed to choose a favorite from all these stunning examples
I can't do it. They are all beautiful
So they are all going to have to be my favourites.
Love Theresa xx

Marianna Hammer said...

I love all of these cards :)

luv2craft said...

I love love love all your cards. But I can't seem to find where to buy the folders or dies any help would help.

Cathie said...

Well, it is Boxing Day here in Canada and no better card than the one with the tartan bow.

Carol from La Crosse said...

I really do love all your cards and can't pick any favorite. Of this group, I like the white and gold cards the best. The card that looks like a gift package is also ADORABLE!!!

Thanks for sharing!!

yorkshiresue said...

Hi Sue
Another set of cards from which I can't pick a favourite as they are all wonderful
Hugs Sue xxx

Helen Terry said...

Hi sue beautifully made cards I love the card that looks like a present lovely bow and embossing. Crafty hugs Helen Terry xxx

Blue Rose said...

Gorgeous cards, amazingly gorgeous. You always do a great job.

Janice E Brummett said...

Beautiful cards today. My choice today is the first one, but they are all beautiful!

Wacki Macky said...

Another crop of fantastic cards Sue, love them all. Craftihappiness to everyone and love from Pearl.

Conniecrafter said...

wow they are all wonderful!