Tuesday, 23 December 2014

A Few More Christmas Cards!

Hello bloggers!  Christmas card extravaganza day two! LOL  Lots of different styles in today's post for you to peek at!  I hope something here will tickle your fancy, if so, please let me know!  The big day is almost here so I hope everyone is all ready, pressies wrapped, food bought and ready, you know all the other stuff that needs to be finished off too!  I hope you will be able to pop back by for tomorrow's selection!  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

So gorgeous, you are spoiling us Sue.
Last day at work today for almost 3 weeks.
Happy holidays everyone.
Hugs all round.

barbiepinkfairy said...

Love them I think bow one is gorgeous easily adapted for any occasion!

Up early to get jobs done before Tilly and her friend have me building playmobil and insist we go bowling!

Hope all are well and everything going to plan!

Love to all xxx

carol edwards said...

Beautiful cards Sue. Best wishes to everybody x

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
Wow what a lovely collection,thank you.I think at last I'm done. Have a wonderful time everyone,take care. Kitty.

Nanna Tina said...

Hi sue
Another stunning set of Christmas cards. I am on the wrapping now very slow with one hand, have new cast on for next 2 weeks but getting there.
Thank you for all messages on the arrival of Joshua
Happy crafting
Love and hugs
Love Tina x x x x x

Yorks butterfly said...

Thank you Sue for another lovely selection. Think the bow one is my favourite as it so simple. Looking forward to tomorrows selection.
Best wishes to everyone xx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,,
Another stunning collection, they ALL tickle my fancy.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful collection.
Nearly there!!
Spending the day with Son/DIL and boys at their house. DIL (a midwife)'working Night Shift Christmas Eve. I am doing most of the cooking. It will be all go tomorrow/Thursday before the transportation of everything.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
Wow! I love the Christmas Wishes with the bow. Simple yet elegant.
Just one more pressie to buy for hubbie and wrap. Food to buy today - then bring it on!!
Actually can't wait for the New Year, then I'll be off to see my daughter in Hong Kong and then on to Thailand!!!!
Enjoy your day.
Sheila x

Jan.moogie said...

Morning Sue and look at the beautiful array of cards for us today, stunning. Must say I am still a white on white kind of gal. Keep them coming. Hugs xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful cards again. I am a real sucker for the classic red/white so number four jumped out at me in particular. Any of these cards could be used all year round with just a tweek or two, they are lovely.
Pressies not all wrapped, food not bought but just about everything else done so hopefully by this time tomorrow it will be a different story! : )
Nora, we are all here for you.
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue,

Number 4 is my favourite. Definitely one for next year!

As a family we had our Christmas day on Sunday so it is all over for me and I can relax and catch up.

I have done this for 18 years to enable my four children the freedom to do whatever they want on Christmas day. They are not duty bound to have to fit us in with the in-lawa.


Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Sue nice collection again today , you must find it difficult to choose which ones to put on your blog. JJxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
"WOW" What a Stunning Collection of Christmas Cards I Love Each And Every One Of Them, There Is One That I'd Like More Information On So I'll E-mail After The Holiday Period.
Thank You For All The Beautiful Cards You've Been Bringing Us As Well As Your Awesome Dies In 2014 I've Loved The Videos, I've Been Watching The Ones With Yourself And Julia Going Through How To Use Creative Expression Products, They Are A Great Idea And I Do Hope That We See A Lot More Of These.
Sue Take Great Care
Have A Great Day
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Comment On Sue's Awesome Blog Have A Great Christmas All!

Maryann Laursen said...

More beautiful cards here Sue. And I love how you´ve used very unusual colors for them too, especially the pink one.

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Another great day of cards love looking at all your cards thankyou tracyw x

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue, thank you for sharing more of your beautiful cards. Hazel x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Another bunch of gorgeous cards for us to look at this morning, and some unusual colours for Christmas cards.
Belated congratulations to Nanna Tina on the birth of Joshua.
Hugs x
Heather T

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, another stunning collection today, so looking forward to these, love the white on white, reminds me of the crisp sunny mornings we are having here lately.

Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Caroljsmith said...

Sue what a selection of beautiful cards were getting don't know which one I like best still love white on white the best.

Vick said...

Whoo hoo its a card avalanche, love them all, keep them coming!! Hope you have a lovely day, Hugs, Vick xx
YTChannel vixcrafts

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Loving all the extra cards, today's favourite has to be the classic white with a hint of red.
Almost ready for the big day, just a little bit of wrapping left to do and as we don't like fruit cake I make a gluten free chocolate mousse cake for us but it can't be made until Christmas Eve. To anyone braving the shops today, take care. Sue xxx

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely selection of christmas cards especially the red/white one. Am about to set off for the supermarket mow to buy the fresh food then go into work for another 10hour day. As expected the hospital has been on "red alert" which means no beds!


Muriel said...

Hi Sue and everyone

Another amazing collection of cards today, the bow shouts out at me, so clean and classic.

Well, all done, now 6pm here so about to enjoy my last evening before the family arrives with my Christmas ritual, a glass of wine, all the Xmas lights on and watch Love Actually,

Have a Merry Christmas all

Muriel x

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Another lovely selection of cards I particularly like the bells xxx

Margaret said...

They are all beautiful but again today it is the last card that I really really love. It looks almost sepia just gorgeous.
Margaret M

Anonymous said...

Fancy tickled? I should say so, Sue. A veritable avalanche of Christmas cheer!! Hard to pick today, like them all but am leaning towards the last one - or perhaps .......

P' in Wales

Pam - feet up time after today!
Roz - what a lovely person you are. Too much angst sometimes at Christmas and you are one wise lady.

TDQ Karen said...

Just love the selection today. Did food shopping yesterday so just two days of work to go then can enjoy time with family and friends and some happy crafting time xx

ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue - checking in early today as we have a long drive ahead of us to get to see our family for Christmas! Lovely selection today, but my favourite is the black and white card,with a touch of gold - classy and simple. Merry Christmas to all, and a special thought and prayer for all of those affected by the crash in Glasgow yesterday and their families. Susan x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Fabulous! They all tickle my fancy, but especially the first one and the bow one. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Roz you are an extremely selfless person. Hats off to you.
Have a great day everyone. Hope it's not too stressful!

Micky French said...

Another stunning set of cards, I especially like the last 2
Hugs to all Michelle xxxx

Steph Cotterill said...

Hi Sue and all lovely Wilsonett friends.
Firstly I just want to say that my heart cries out to those caught up in the Glasgow accident yesterday, and to the family of the driver who may have been taken poorly at the wheel. R. I. P

The white and red shouts out to me as I just adore white cards with a pop of strong colour to throw the crispness out even more. They are all special in their own way and cater for most people's like's and dislike's.
I have been so lucky to be a psrt of this wonderful friendly caring blog this past year, its not many blogs where you feel the friendship and support both from the 'owner' and those that 'Participate' or have the generosity of gifts and giveaways. For ALL that Sue, I thank you for bringing so many of us together to share both laughter and tear's. My one wish for your blog in 2015 is that people who love to share your inspiration and generosity, share on a regular basis and let's get those number's up again !
So to you Sue I.wish you a happy and loving family Christmas. To all my friends a happy and healthy day. And to us ALL - continuing Particraft friendship.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
A good variety today ,i like them all however number Two keeps catching my eye ,my Brother would love that one im sure .

Take care
Elaine H X

Kate's Cards said...

A lovely selection!

Anonymous said...

Another set of inspirational cards. Thanks Sue.
Do you get a break from crafting over Christmas?!!

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
More fabulous cards for our delight this morning. I love the red and white one - it is very striking and I might just have to save that one for next year's card ( what a thought!) because I was out of action for a couple of days ,I am now behind with the preparations! Today it is hairdressers and meeting a friend for coffee and then housework and present wrapping when I get back. Thankfully, on the day itself, it is my sister's turn for lunch so at least I haven't got that to think about! Must dash, have to be at hairdressers for 8.30. Sending special Christmas love and hugs to everyone on this fabulous blog. Love Alison xxx

lilian said...

Hi Sue & All, a beautiful selection of cards today, love them all. Best Wishes. Lilian in Cornwall

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue what beautiful cards it's very hard to choose which ones my favourite but I think it's going to be the red and White one. Take care and merry Christmas and a happy new year xxxx

Debs A xxx

Clai01 said...

Love all the cards Sue although all very different designs, it's hard to choose my favourite, perhaps the last one ? umm then again .. ? ha x

Sue from Wiltshire said...

All the cards are lovely but I especially like the red now one. For me elegant and clean in its design.

JAO said...

Lovely cards Sue the bottom one is my favourite.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful cards love them . love Jean Z xxx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
What a lovely selection today. They are all nice but my favourite is the white one with the diagonal red ribbon and bow. This is something I will try
Pat x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. WOW what more can i say, they are all beautiful in there own right. Will put these in my box of stash for next years cards and change a few things on them and they could be made for loads of occasions. Hope you are all done for christmas and dont have do to loads of rushing around at the last minute and i hope you have a few days off over the festive period to spend with your family, friends and a big merry christmas to your lovely mom.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Aspiring crafter said...

Love the cards Sue , and the pink one, strangely for me , ( at least it's pink , I think!) is the one I like the best!
Just some food prep for tomorrow and Christmas Eve when the family arrive and think I am organised.
Hope you have a great Christmas Sue and best wishes to all for a joyful day,

Eemeli said...

Hi Sue. Another stunning set of gorgeous Christmas cards. You are definitely
spoiling us with these. I think the bow one could be easily used/adapted for
different occasions.

Have a wonderful day and Happy Holidays from Finland!!


Nanny Jo said...

Another delicious selection of cards, Sue! Today I will wrap the presents and decorate the tree, then I'm all done! Happy Christmas to everyone! Jo xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes! sorry not to have commented for so long, life is frantic at the moment, so much going on in our community and around. But I had a lovely crafting day yesterday and made five very special cards (using Sue's festive dies, of course, and the Holly Swirls EF. Sue, I love the multi Christmas card postings, I will be saving them up for next year's Autumn Fayre at our Church - next year I am resolved to make at least one Christmas card a week! Have a lovely Christmas and a wonderful (crafty) New Year, everyone, especially the lovely Sue.
Blessings, Judy M

cheryl brown said...

You are certainly spoiling us with such a wonderful array of cards, all equally gorgeous. I hope you enjoy your Christmas Sue, after all the hard work you have put into giving us the pleasure of your creations, artistic qualities and videos day after day. Many, many thanks for that and for the presents you give us when we are lucky to be a winner on the weekly draws, Wednesday give-aways and Blog candy draws. You are definitely the best and kindest Blogger of all. No. 1 Supreme.
Nanna Tina, warm congratulations to you and your family for the safe arrival of Joshua. What a lovely Christmas you will have.
I have to get my card stock out and do some cards as I have received more than I have sent. Can't understand that as my Christmas list is the same every year, barring unfortunately a couple of losses each year.
Looking forward to tomorrow when daughter Fiona will be coming over, she has TOLD me, she is cooking this year and I have to put my feet up. Son Robin and granddaughter Tiegan are coming for Christmas tea as he has new a partner and they will be having dinner with her family. Mum & Dad will be arriving Christmas Day as will grandson Joshua and partner Lucy, who have recently told me that next May I can expect the arrival of my 1st great-grandchild. I'm not old enough!!! I'm only 62! lol
We will be taking my soul's other keeper, Pete, some flowers and having (well the men) a drop or two of whiskey to celebrate his life. Our 2nd Christmas without him.
Daughter no.1 Giorgina will be hard at work cooking for the residents of the Residential and Nursing Home where she works so we won't see her until after Christmas is all over. This will be the third Christmas we have not had her with us due to the chef going on maternity leave again.
Comfort hugs to all under the weather, stay safe and warm and enjoy your Christmas wherever you may be and with whomever you will be celebrating it with.
Hugs Cheryl xxx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful set today Sue - love the simplicity of No. 4...stunning...


Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning selection.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, fabulous selection again, but I think the red and white gets my vote, if I had to, but the are all amazing.

I hope all members of this blog have a Peaceful, Happy and Healthy Christmas, and we can all look forward to the New Year bringing us what we need. I do post every day and although I do not comment on other than Sue's amazing cards, I do read everyone's posts, so the above message is for all of you with my love.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Another exhibition of beautiful art by SUE WILSON (yes you fully deserve your name in large letters and highlighted too). Have to say that today number one is my choice as I've used this stamp on my cards for my overseas friends.
Looking forward to tomorrows gifts.

It's my last Knit and Natter afternoon today until after the festive season and it's a 'bring your own' papercraft with some festive refreshments. I'm not sure just how much crafting is going to get done but it will be a good afternoon away from all the rush of things. Just what I need.

I am sending hugs and wishes to all friends here who haven't been seen for a little while. I hope you're all OK and that we'll see you back in the New Year.

To all who are in pain and under the weather for whatever reason I hope you'll feel better soon. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A lovely festive feast of cards. Thank you.
Shopping today as at work tomorrow. What joy lol!
Have a great day.
Ang x

C A W said...

There I go again, gasping at the breakfast table! I thought the first card up gorgeous, then I saw number 3, then decided that they are all too lovely to choose a favourite. Just remembered to take the turkey out of freezer! Instructions say 58 hrs defrost.... so this household won't have eaten before the Queens speech.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A wonderful selection the red and white is my favourite.
My thoughts and prayers go to the families of the people who lost their lives in the disaster in Glasgow, so sad.

gwen70 said...

Beautiful cards yet again Sue, 1 4 5, being my faves

Chris Curry said...

Gorgeous cards Sue. My favourite has to be the first one, and the fourth, and the fifth. Oh well!!! Have a great Christmas, looking forward to next year with your treats. x

Unknown said...

oh so beautiful sue

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous
lots of ideas for next year.
ancyd xx

DMJ said...

Another superb selection, Sue, can's decide on favourites today!!!!

Doreen x

karenlotty said...

Love them all especially the bow one which I've seen you do something similar to and inspired me to make Birthday cards with So so easy to adapt for lots of occasions

Nananne said...

All gorgeous cards! but my favourite is number 5 I think it looks Lush! I never tire of admiring your cards Sue they are all truly wonderful works of art.
So glad you got your machine fixed Myra , just hate being without one, couldn't cope with what our mothers put up with, I remember my mum loved her glass wash board and she even used it after she got a washing mashine!
Congratulations Nana Tina on the safe arrival of your new little great grandson, most wonderful Christmas present!
Steph you really have a gift with words, I'm sure we all feel the same but find it quite difficult at times to express in words how we feel, so can I just say I totally agree with all your sentiments , thank you.xo ( you deserve a good rest after all your hard work for the market)
Love and Hugs to all xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - Wow so hard to choose today as they are all fab and all so different, but I particularly like the first card and also the elegance and the simplicity of the second card too. Thank you so much for all your brilliant ideas, best wishes

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful selection, Sue.

Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing what you have for us in the New Year.

Anne (Northampton)

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue love them all again today, they are all so different. Deliveries to make today so catching up with a couple of Aunties and Uncles. Got another batch of mince pies to make, my friend loved hers and said she will order two dozen next year as she doesn't think they will last til Christmas Day ! Bit of wrapping to finish and turkey to pick up tomorrow and cake still to ice then done! Have a great day. Love Diane G xxxx

June Horrocks said...

Hi sue love the cards today thank you they are beautiful. I love the blog it's like a family of lovely people steph is a great lady love her words. I would like to wish you sure and all our family s happy Christmas with love June xxx

Pinky said...

Hi Sue

Even thought they're all made and sent I now feel inspired to make some more (particularly like the second one).....perhaps the baking can wait???

Vicki x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
This is so delightful!!
Another set of wonderful cards.
Again I have a favourite, the second one with the beautiful embossing! I think this could easily be adapted for any occasion.
Lorna D

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful selection again. The bottom one is my fave as I love poinsettias

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

Beautiful again, hope next year brings us as many as these along with the inspiration. Love the elegance of the green card and think it has to be one of my all time favourites of this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Another great selection- but I think the red and white one does it most for me.
Beverley W

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
What a fantastic collection of cards Sue. They are all gorgeous so I don't have a favourite today. Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf.

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful cards once again - the one with the bow is my favourite . However I like them all. Thank you so much Sue for another year of glorious cards. I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.
To all friends on the blog! I'm up to my eyes today like everyone else so will just say have a safe day especially if travelling!
Have a lovely Christmas - just in case you go away and have no Internet connection!
Thanks to all for friendship , fun and sharing and caring in 2014.
Norah - miss you! I do pray you will have the best Christmas you can in the circumstances. Thinking of you. x
Thinking of all who have lost someone really special this year.
Love Myra xx

nannapat said...

All of these are fabulous Sue but my favourite is the bow! It looks absolutely gorgeous. Pat x

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
They are all exquisite - you do spoil us
Carol x

rolfi said...

Good morning Sue,
I like them all... but the black/grey one with pink doesn´t fit well together for me...

a very merry Christmas to you and all the blog readers
Rolf xxx

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - like them all but love the gold one! well the fresh shop is done, turkey is in the fridge - just some cleaning to do and then the festivities can commence - my cold has turned into a chesty cough but that's 100% better than a few days ago so I'll take it - appetite has returned thank goodness - hope you are nearly ready for X-mas also and not working too hard - ha!
Clare W

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I would be thrilled to receive any of these cards. They are all just so beautiful.
Best wishes, Evis M.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue all these cards are gorgeous. You are right it is not long to go now. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Happy Christmas Sue. I am now ready.

Wow wish my cards looked like these. Have a good day. Hugs. Jan. x

Susi Mortimer said...

Sue you are spoiling us. What a lovely selection of cards yesterday and today. Hope you have a lovely Christmas Sue and everyone else as well. Happy Christmas. Susi x

Claire said...

Beautiful cards as always.

Take care


Fiona in Maine said...

Hello from Maine. A lovely collection of cards. I'm sorry I haven't been consistent with my responses for a while but I do read these blogs daily! I wish everyone a healthy and happy Christmas with friends and family, and may 2015 be a great year! I'm off to South Carolina to be with my two younger sons and their families. It's too bad my other son can't be with us, but I was able to see him when I was home a couple if weeks ago. Happy christmas everyone.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, what a great today, love all the cards but the last two are my favourites, especially the bow one.
Well most of the shopping done just hubby's to wrap have to wait till he goes out to do this.

So sad about the accident in Glasgow yesterday my thoughts go out to all involved.

Take care everyone when out and about
Jess x

Paula said...

Oh my! I love them all, but the red and white one really catches my eye! Maybe it's the simplicity of it, maybe because I love white, I don't know, I just love it.

Paula x

hotpotato said...

More stunning cards Sue. I would just like to wish you and your hubby a very Happy Christmas. I do follow your blog everyday and am so looking forward to doing the same in 2015. Also looking forward to visiting you at Ally Pally in April as I missed Septembers show.

Janina xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Cards Sue!

They are all lovely but my favourite one is the red and white one, I love how you've put the border at an angle rather than just horizontal or vertical.

Have a Joyous and Merry Christmas!

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
More super cards. You have made so many lovely samples you must show them all!
Veronique L

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful selection of cards today thank you so much for all the inspiration you give us everyday. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and all good wishes for 2015
Norah thinking of you
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Susan Battensby said...

Hi Sue
The card with the red band and bow is my favourite from today's cards. This would be great for a batch make and so pretty too.

Rosie said...

Love them all Sue....
Just in case i do not get the chance to come on the blog tomorrow, than i would like to take this opportunity to wish You All A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.....xxxx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, all the Christmas cards are lovely. My favourites are the first and last. I still have loads to do including wrapping presents.

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous cards!! My favourite is the Christmas Wishes with the Filigree bow going at an angle.

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful collection.

hollyberry said...

Another five beautiful cards.

Paula said...

enjoying looking at all the Christmas cards all in one place.

TOB said...

Thank you Sue for another batch of beautiful cards. Thank you for your inspiration and your dedication to this blog.Thank you for your designer talent that has given us your dies and your beautiful composition of cards.
Thank you to all on this blog who helped me through such a dark place, to my special friends I have made here.
To all those who have been unwell have suffered loss or who are feeling down my love to you at this very special time of year.
I have been blubbering like an idiot as my daughter Emma wrote a beautiful poem for me and hubby. She will be leaving us sometime in the new year to find her own place in life and we couldn't have asked for a better loving daughter.
With love to you all, wishing you health and happiness love Theresa xx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, what a treat! I'm having a few moments to myself after having to get up at 7:30 to await the plumber (leaky radiator). They gave me a time of...wait for it...morning! That could mean any time between 7:30 and 12:00. So I was up before the sun and had my sponge cake in the oven by 8:00 (my great niece doesn't like Christmas cake). Now the rad is fixed and the cake is cooked I can look at your wonderful cards. It's always really difficult to chose a favourite as all your cards are works of art, but if I were pushed to chose it would have to be the last two of today's batch :). As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue, I've enjoyed today's selection of cards, love all the embossed details. I'm having withdrawal symptoms as my craft table has had to be cleared ready to return to a dining table for the 25th (I much prefer it as a craft table!!).x

Unknown said...

Ooh, Sue, they are all delicious, but my fav. is the one with the diagonal red ribbon and bow.

Got all my food now, made the mince pies and sausage rolls, so now all I have to do is prepare veggies, I got them fresh this morning. A little bit of tidying up and I will be done!

Meg Owen said...

Beautiful cards again Sue. The lace ones remind me of Victorian Valentine cards, I have a few in my collection so ill try making my own after the festivities have died down.

My daughter in kent has just received notice that she has to leave the house she rents by Feb as the owner is selling it. Great timing - it has spoiled Christmas for the family.

Warm hugs from a wet, windy and miserable Yorkshire Dale.


Jill Liddle said...

Again love them all, but number 4 and 5 are my favourites today.

uneasyjune said...

Love them all but Joy to the world has got be my favorite

Merry Christmas everyone

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

What a lovely selection.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Fabulous Christms cards, really classy and stilish! The first is my preferred
Marry Christmas!

Lynn Dalby said...

Hello Sue and all

They are all so lovely, I would have been delighted to have received any of these but the white on white is stunning.

Thanks for sharing

Best wishes

camelot67 said...

Hi Sue,

Love them all! Thanks for sharing these and hope you are enjoying the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely cards Sue .. Have a lovely christmas and a happy new year... x

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Thank you Sue, Another day of beautiful cards, looking forward to tomorrow.

TOB, I felt for you when I read your message, my son left earlier in the year and I still hate it. It's a real empty nest syndrome. Don't you wish you could just turn back time.

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Maxie. t said...

Another great group of Chr isn't as cards, love them all.
MerryChristmas Sue. Maxine T

Cazzie D said...

Fab cards Sue. Than you. Caz x

barbara macaskill said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW~ LOVE these! The first one is my favorite from today's gorgeous offerings! TFS!

Beth T said...

Thank you for sharing such wonderful cards.
Your creativity is amazing!

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Gorgeous selection.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

sandieann21 said...

I particularly like no 2 and no 4. Merry Christmas, Sue. Hope you get to relax with family and friends.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I love the simple elegance of the card with the red and white bow.

Love Elaine x

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, another lovely selection box today. I like them all but have to say numbers one and four are my favourites.

Presents all wrapped, craft room tidied (I'd almost forgotten the colour of the floor lol) so now going out for the milk and veggies then later on I will be doing the rounds just like Santa which means tomorrow I can relax and enjoy myself with the Christmas Eve tradition of a jigsaw puzzle.

The sun is shining beautifully on Norah's hills and I hope some will find its way into her heart to lift her spirits.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, another wonderful cornucopia of beautiful and stylish cards. Thank you for sharing them and for the never ending inspiration. Bx

sued99 said...

Another treat today. Love the red and white card with the bow.

Unknown said...

Another beautiful selection, just love the first and last cards, but all are beautiful


Heather Harrison said...

Hi Sue. Love the bow card and the rich dark one above it. So many different styles. Just got work tonight. Veg shopping tomorrow morning and thats it. Making my own crackers so I'll enjoy that and fudge making. Then a rest..... I hope. Hugs Heather.x

terrie said...

Very nice cards...it is so nice to see so many style of your cards.
Well done sue

utilitygirl said...

All lovely card Sue - all very different but I'd hate to chose a favourite.

SHARICA said...

Love them all especially the last one xxxxx Merry Christmas .. xx

Jean said...

Such delicate and gorgeous cards! Wow!

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Thank you for another fabulous selection and your inspiration, hard work, generosity and kindness. Love them all but think number one edges it, I'm a sucker for white on white.

Heartfelt condolences to all involved in the tragic events in Glasgow.

All presents wrapped and delivered, fresh food bought today, just the tidying and small jobs to do then I'll be sorted. To all in this blog family Happy Holidays and all best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2015. Sue enjoy your family time, festive, warm hugs to you and your Mom.

Steph you have a way with words and agree with your comments, take it easy and enjoy some you time.
Pam enjoy your break and spoil yourself, gentle hugs to you and Robbie.
Norah missing you and sending you warm love and hugs.
To our missing Wilsonettes come home soon, warm wishes and hugs.
Hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Maureen K, Myra P, Lynda B, Alomecca, Wheelybad and Billy, Cameeli, TOB, Heather T, Maria A, Cheryl and all Wilsonettes.
Take care.
Hugs June xx

Nana on the Hill said...

What a lovely selection, and in case l don't get time to post before the big day, Merry Christmas everyone.

Gail said...

Hi Sue,
Brilliant selection of cards except the pink one is not for me.
Merry Christmas and thinking of you all this Christmas time.
Gail Cx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
another set of wonderful cards. My favourite is the red and white with the bow. Simple, classic elegance. Love it.
I'm meeting friends to exchange gifts very soon, so until tomorrow
stay well and warm
lots of love
Jo xx

Unknown said...

Yet again absolutely beautiful cards Sue. I have quite a lot of the dies that you have used and the bell stamp. Crafty Regards
Julie Kay xxx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue,

Spoilt for choice. They are all beautiful, I have all the products used think I will try out these techniques .

Thank you.


Ivy L xx

Gail said...

Lots of lovely creations to view - thankyou xx all the shopping done now but no wrapping done yet!!! work tomorrow morning but and then off until Monday - so some wrapping tonight and then tomorrow afternoon and make the Christmas gravy tomorrow too and then out with friends tomorrow evening for a meal - a tradition that we have had for more years than I would like to think xx hope you are all organised and ready for the big day xx GailT xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Love the second days cards, stunning as always.

They are all so different but all equally beautiful & can't wait for tomorrows to arrive in my mail box.

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Maureen Killen said...

Good afternoon Sue, and all the ladies.
I'm afraid I can't pick a winner, they are all lovely. Well, maybe the white and red just pushes ahead!!
Alimecca - bet you look gorgeous after your trip to the hairdressers.
Yorkielass - you are so organised, hopefully this time tomorrow so will I be!
Barbiepinkfairy, hope you got the jobs done before playing with the playmobil.
Nanna Tina - I know what you're going through, I had two broken arms at the same time - moral of the story, don't run for a bus!!!
Condolences to all involved in the Glasgow tragedy, can't believe another Christmas in that lovely city blighted by tragedy, RIP.
Love to all who are poorly, receiving treatment, lonely or depressed xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Another beautiful collection, I will pin them all so that I have more inspiration for next year.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous cards again today. Particularly like the first one - but all stunning. Finished work now for 2 weeks, yay! So looking forward to Christmas. Hugs xx

Scottygirl said...

These are absolutely stunning, Sue. I'd like to know what you used for the last card shown on this list....or if you can direct me to where I can find the list of supplies. I'd really like to make that one...It's the Ecru one with the Merry Christmas Wishes and poinsettia on it....Thank you and Merry Christmas.

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue love them xx hazel

Maria said...

WoW Sue you are really spoiling us with showcasing all your wonderful work.Love them all but if having a favourite I think it has to be the one with the little red bow.Clean and simple.Merry Christmas Sue and to your family !
Well ladies it's time.Everything that can be,is prepped for tomorrow and the hover is put away for a day or two,so now I can enjoy this evening with a film and pizza before getting into all the cooking and celebrating tomorrow so to all,thanks to Sue,
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy,healthier,crafting New Year!

Norah,Lynne M,Lindsay and everyone else thats missing Take care and hope to see you all back 2015 !!

Take care Wilsonette's and Warm

Hugs Maria x

Jean Bullock said...

I love all these cards. My very favorites are the first and the last in the post but they are all gorgeous. Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year.

Sandra said...

Good afternoon Sue and friends,
Another gorgeous selection of treats, I love the first one again but many of the others too! I will email for technique.
Sue, to you and all of your wonderful family I wish a very merry Christmas and another hugely successful year 2015, thanks for all you have done for us. Despite any numbers or rankings Sue this is the number 1 blog, hugs xxxxxxxx
Norah, hearing from you tomorrow would be the icing on the Christmas cake, I pray you are well xxxxx
To ALL of the other members of this amazingly friendly blog, I wish you the very merriest of christmas's and the very happiest New year!
Huge hugs to all,
Sandra xxxxxxx

Chrisspi said...

Stylish as always Sue. Every one a winner. Thank you for sharing with us.

Lesley said...

What a lovely set of cards today. My favourite is the last one. Well I am now ready for Xmas. It is just me and hubby as saw the family last weekend and it is the in laws turn for xmas with them this year.

Glennis F said...

All are beautiful - especially the one with the bow

Jan said...

Gorgeous cards!
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year xx Jan

Dawn Holben said...

Wow another set of stunning cards.
If I had to pick a favourite it would be the first and last one.
But I love them all.
Thank you so much

Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes,
Sue Amazing selection of gorgeous cards,I also love the White & red with the bow just has the edge fo me but all lovely & can be adapted to any occasions. Thank you so very much Sue for all your hard work generosity technices videos Wednesday giveaways comment game & blog candy. You do so much for your Wilsonettes this the No1 blog for me.
Wishing you Sue and your family a brilliant Chrismas & another amazing 2015. Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Condolences to all who lost loved one's in the Glasgow lorry crash today RIP
Lynne M,Norah,Lindsay Sheila G missing you all hopeing you have a good Christmas as you can & hope we see you in 2015 Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

Big Hugs Sandra,Margaret corgi owner, Yorkielass June,Wheelybad, Steph,Tina E,Jean D,Maria A,Myra P,Tres,Tandy,TOB Theresa, Gail C,Cameeli ,Pam,
And all Wilsonettes. Love Lynda xx

CraftyJo said...

Oooh, more gorgeousness :)

Carole Z said...

More gorgeous cards Sue, I especially love the red and white one with the bow, hugs Carole Z X

Laura O said...

great selection ,like all these cards ,Laura O

Barbara said...

Beautiful cards, the third one is my favourite just love the pale green.
Shopping all done Marks and Spencers was a nightmare, couldn't believe how busy it was.
Still got the wrapping to do but mostly organised now.

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Your Joy to the World and Merry Christmas with your Bow die really took my eye they are simply Gorgeous Sue
And your other two cards are very Beautiful..
Take care
Hazel G XX

nzillingworth said...


ohjay said...

another delightful collection of cards, if I had to choose one it would be the Christmas with the red and white bow, but all are gorgeous xx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue and everyone

Such a wonderful and beautiful collection of cards each one is fantastic.

To our Scottish friends may I say you have been in my thoughts and my prayers go to those involved in the dreadful and tragic accident in Glasgow.

Sue may I thank you most sincerely for all your wonderful inspiration and kindness you give so freely to us all, your generosity is overwhelming.

May I wish you and those that you love a magical Christmas and a happy and peaceful new year.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.

Margaret corgi owner

Theresa said...

lovely again. pressies wrapped?! are you kidding? that's my job tomorrow , hugs xx

Swiftycrafter said...

Another wonderful selection Sue.
Lynne x

Anonymous said...

Another set of stunning cards, I would just like to say a very big thank you to you Sue, for all the time & effort you put into creating all these cards, giving us ideas to work from, it is also great being part of this wonderful blog which I so look forward to reading daily. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas
Marlene O xx

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Stunningly gorgeous.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes.
Fab bow card and I have to know which background dies are used on 2 & 4. Thanks for sharing.
Big hug
Julie E

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
Not been by for a few days
No one told me what I was missing
Well what a wonderful selection of beautiful cards they are stunning
Hope you are ready for Christmas and you get some level gifts
Take Care.
Theresa x

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

I'm late in again, I love the bells on the white at first glance but I think they're all wonderful.

Thoughts with the people of Glasgow, especially those that lost family. An absolute tragedy again for the people of the city and Scotland as a whole. I hope they know the whole UK really is united in their support for them.

Another tiring day. Wrapped a pile of gifts last night/ this morning for my brother to take to various family for me. He helped me get the last of them done. Tomorrow I wrap for Mr Ws family and my PA. Friday I do the grandparents and brothers, Saturday / Sunday I do the last of them as visits/ visitors are spaced out. After its a couple of days rest before providing 'evidence of spending' on certain things for some paperwork I was given an extension til the 12 on. Hoping after that I can have a good rest.

Sue, I want to say thank you for hosting this wonderful blog and to all you Wilsonettes who have offered words of support, advice or comfort to me since I joined in the summer. Most of my social life is this blog and when I'm struggling to do those daily essentials and I can't come on I really miss it. I send Christmas hugs to all of you, and hope those of you with pain, ill health or struggling with the world in general can will feel it less and are able to enjoy themselves. Thoughts to those who can't visit too. Norah, I'll be thinking of you too.

Planning to be earlier tomorrow!


T x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Another day of your wonderful craft designs , thanks Sue xxx. I am lucky as I've not had to do any food shopping , just presents as we are at daughters for Christmas Day and sister in laws boxing day .So just a few pressies to wrap then all ready .

Thoughts and prayers to all the families who have lost loved ones in Glasgow such a tradegy .

Christmas hugs and fondest wishes to everyone hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas which carryies on into 2015 .

Jean D xxxx

Saba said...

Hi Sue,
Bit late today, it's been hectic, thought I was all organised but not the case.
Thank you for another lovely selection of beautiful cards. The last one really appeals to me and I loved the red and white one too,
Must tell you about my latest mishap. I was busy writing the last of my special cards today, having assembled them a couple of days ago, when suddenly the whole thing fell apart. I had been using a different double sided tape from my usual and obviously it wasn't a permanent one. Not too much of a problem, I re- stuck them with a better quality tape, but unfortunately I have already sent a few of them out so some of my closest friends will be having a laugh on me in the next few days. Moral of the story, only use good quality products in future.
Christmas hugs

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
must be going crazy - I could have SWORN I left a comment, but can't find it............
Just to reiterate: I love all the cards, but the second one is a stunner for a male - wouldn't have used pink as the base but have a sneaky suspicion that this could be the photo.
Love the background on the first blog, so beautiful.
Hugs, Rose

Sue said...

Wow, five beautiful cards, and all so different. Love them all. Merry Christmas Sue.

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards Sue so elegant just lovely.....
Lots of love
Jeannie newton

Unknown said...

Hi sue. Numbers 1,3 & 4 are my favourites. Beautiful. Xx

Di said...

Hi Sue
Love the cards, beautiful.

Di B x

Jackie Meechan said...

All so different but ohh so gorgeous

Vick said...

Beautiful xx

Marianna Hammer said...

Goodness, these are lovely!

Cathie said...

Am enjoying all the cards you haven't shown and love the red and white one. It is so clean and simple.

yorkshiresue said...

Hi Sue
Yet another set of stunning cards, my favourite of these has to be the first one, joy to the world
Hugs Sue xxx

Carol from La Crosse said...

Your red and white bow card is is eye-catching. Love the deep red on this card. I am going to buy the bow die.... a MUST have!!!

Thanks SO MUCH for sharing!!

Helen Terry said...

Wow these cutting dies are amazing and so intricate gorgeous cards I just need to decide which dies to buy ,but I need all of them lol xxx. Crafty hugs Helen Terry xxx

Roisin said...

They are all beautiful Sue. Stunning!!

Blue Rose said...

I love Joy to the World, so gorgeous, so elegant. They are all amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue

Greetings from Aussie Land

I have stumbled across your blog and love the red and white bow card, can you tell me the names of the dies that you used, was it the regular sized bow dies or the itty bitty ones?
Plus what is the name of the holly embossing folder? which company?

If you could email me at angie.morgan@ozemail.com.au I would be very grateful

thanks Sue

Many thanks