Sunday, 23 November 2014

For A Special Friend

 Good Sunday morning all!  I have a really funny story to tell you about this card.  It was supposed to have been done as one of the videos for my second die release. I say "supposed to" because it never made it!  I filmed the videos the day after I returned to the UK last time and in my jet lagged haze, I began to weave the strip through the dies during the filming, no problem at first.  Once I reached halfway across, I could not work out how to do the other side, which is essentially the opposite of weaving through the dies in the first part.  My brain just would not or could not sort it out!  I just sat there and laughed at myself!  I have done these cards so many times that I usually can do them in my sleep, but I guess I needed more sleep for this one!  Long story short, we just couldn't salvage the video so it had to be abandoned!  Not to be beaten though, I did include a buckle style card in the videos that are starting next week!  You know what they say, you have to just get right back up on that horse! LOL   I did start with the background here, just embossing a piece of sort of tanzanite blue card (from my stash) with the Pinpoint Checkerboard embossing folder.  I cut the largest Vienna die in coconut white card and attached it to the centre of my background.  Next, I used the Salzburg die set and cut one large frame, and then I used the smaller frame from the Vienna set and cut four medium frames.  I cut a matching solid backing for each of them out of the same blue card.  I cut a long strip of white card and wove it through the dies with the two outer frames turned horizontally.  I taped them into place from the back and added mounting foam along the strip.  I added it atop the Vienna die in the centre to create the buckle style for the card.  I stamped my sentiment in black on white card then cut it out with the French Collection tag.  I used Shaded Lilac distress ink before removing it from the die.  I added my sentiment with foam mounting tape in the centre of the card.  I tied a messy bow out of seam binding and added it to the side with white tulle and a white crystal sparkler in the centre.  I made two matching stick pins to complete the bow.  I  completed the card with a white mat, a thin blue mat and a final white mat.  On the inner white mat, I used the Cosmic Shimmer white PVA glue to create dots all the way around to frame the card.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  9 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x


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Jean Bullock said...

This is glorious. The weaving adds even more interest to this beautiful card. I pinned it.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
wow wow wow
Do you think I like it?
simply stunning!
Nina x

Jan.moogie said...

Now this is a really in your face up you nose fantastic card Sue. Love the weaving and must have a go at it. Have a great day. xx

Muriel said...

Hi Sue

love the video story, the card looks so intricate but I will have to try some weaving, the Saltzberg dies are lovely for it, waiting for the video in this series

lovely Sunday to all, ours was extremely hot, mid 30s C just cooling now at 5 pm, off for a walk to get the sea breeze

Muriel x

Breezes said...

What a clever idea and how effective The end result is so stunning - I really love it !
xx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you for the funny story, and the beautiful card. I have tried this style many times, it is very popular. It is pouring with rain here, take care all Kitty

Clai01 said...

I would love to see all your stash Sue!
and I love the beads on the pins too, they always look really nice. x

June Smith said...

Good Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes on this very dark Sunday morning here in Kent. I can just imagine how you must have felt trying to do the video for this one when you were so tired with jetlag, these things happen sometimes where our minds go blank, mine does a lot and I don't have jetlag, he he!!!! Such a beautiful card and am looking forward to seeing the videos this week, although there are some out already (had a sneak peek - brilliant).

Have a great day everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Anonymous said...

Well, Sue, I laughed reading all about it but I should imagine it was pretty frustrating at the time. Lovely card, though, and fairly complicated weaving - 'like a circle in a spiral and a wheel within a wheel', to quote a song - no wonder you got mental block!

'P' in Wales

Unknown said...

Awesome card Sue. Love the story too good to you are alao human!

Glennis F said...

What an interesting card - I love the effect

Caroljsmith said...

What a work of art the weaving and the colours are great must try and attempt this weaving fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - dont think I have ever seen such a complex and ornate buckle card - love it - no wonder you had a few probs with little sleep! Another wet soggy day here today - urghhh - had enough of it now, especially at the weekend. Happy Sunday all
Clare W

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Love the card (and the story), the weaving is something I keep promising myself to try.
Muriel, I don't know where you live but right now I wish I was there. It's been raining most of the night here, and we don't have a sea breeze - we have knock you off your feet winds. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a funny story. I had a similar bad bout of jet lag once coming back. I woke in the night and needed to get up but could not work out for several minutes and a glass of water how to get across the bedroom to the door that I could clearly see! Frightening! At least you were able to laugh.

This card is perhaps a little more detailed layers and weaving than your norm maybe that was it . However it is very pretty I love the colour you have used.

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

auscrafts said...

Love the weaving and know what you mean about jet lag I never get it going back to Aus but boy when I return to the UK it's a killer

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue and the Wilsonettes
Love the weaving and I have the EF and use it a lot, I too have mental blocks but don't fly so cannot blame jet lag.
Love and hugs to all
Love Tina x x x x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a fabulous card and love the story
behind the video gratifying to know you
have blank times too when your brain just
won't work.
Nancyd xx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Gorgeous card, so my style
Pat x

Anonymous said...

Sunday smiles to you Sue. Oh Muriel I have the perfect place for you to cool down - Lancashire UK... Dark, cold, misty and the odd drop of rain, a typical Autumn day, only problem I see is that we'd have to swap and you'd be so jet lagged you'd make this buckle card the Wilson way lol, I dont need jet lag to fuddle MY brain, its in a constant state of fuddlement ! ( if that's not a word, then it is now) lol.
The colour's you've used a beautiful and the concept so clever, but I think I'll watch the tutorial a few dozen times before I even think of attempting it lol.
Hope you had a better shift Barbie, but knowing Lancs on a Saturday night all I can hope for is that you stayed safe.

Another market Sunday. So it would be nice to make enough to treat myself to a new finishing touches die, I dont want to ask for too much, but it would be lovely to say I got my brand new die through blood sweat and tears, and tears and tears lol !
Im wishing for a better day to those that are not well or down in any way. And that the blog numbers come back up to what they were all last week !
Have a lovely day Sue, and to all our dear friends, stay warm and crafty today.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

Joan D said...

A beautiful card. The colours and textures are stunning. Xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Sue my favourite colours. Enjoyed video story reassuring to know its not just me who gets mental blocks at least you could blame jet lag JJx

Anonymous said...

Love the card ,Sue. I have the dies so could try it myself including the weave.

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card. I love buckle cards. I can see why you struggled with it, jet lag is horrid and takes longer to shake off the older you get, lol. This buckle card is a little more complicated than the previous cards you've posted. Beautiful though. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

JAO said...

Beautiful card Sue, the colours very elegant.

Anonymous said...

Stunning with such gorgeous colours x

Nanny Jo said...

Hi, Sue....I love your buckle cards, and this is a very intricate one! No wonder you fluffed it! The dies are gorgeous, and are on my wish list. Happy Sunday.... Jo xx

Ann Lauzon said...

morning Sue, gorgeous card makes me think of old time Victorian images. Got a chuckle out of your story...been there done that. LOL

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good Morning Sue, a delicious start to the day with this card!!
Loving the Salzburg set and the shaded lilac is always a favourite of mine.
Great story about the video....
Well have a perfect Sunday everyone.
Cameeli xx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

That looks incredibly intricate. When I have my clever brain on I will have a go. Till then I will enjoy looking at yours, it's very pretty.

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Stunning card glad you have show us this card I bet the video would have been great thankyou tracyw x

Marion Bull said...

Lovely card, looks very complicated and so far I haven't tried it but will now give weaving a go! Love your story Sue, happens to me too, even without jetlag! Happy Sunday everyone, its pouring with rain here so crafting all day to finish my Christmas cards!
Marion B xx

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love the buckle cards you make.Thank you for sharing the story it made me smile. Do take care of yourself. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Beautiful Sue. I've tried this technique before. I couldn't do it. No compute. Will watch the video with interest. Thanks for sharing. Big hug.
Julie E

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Had to laugh at your story but its nice to know you are human after all and you do get mind blanks just like the rest of use humble crafters LOL. This is a stunning card, loving the colours. I do try to make some of your buckle cards THE EASY ONES lol.
Have a lovely day.
Denise T x

Micky French said...

This card is stunning, I really would like to try one of these
Michelle xxxx

Rosie said...

What an amazing card!

Linda Graham said...

Love the buckle idea,you have had a busy week with your new dies Sue and we all have `blank`moments at some point, thank you Linda x

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue, good to know I am not the only one who gets mind blanks.
Your story made me laugh!
The card is beautiful !

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful card, funny story, can't imagine you not being able to figure put how to weave, that jetlag is a funny thing though x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
That was so funny I thought I was the only one that did things like that ( and I dont have jet lag to blame lol).
Today's card is fabulous I especially like the colour you've used. This is a special sort of buckle and took some working out. Those pins are gorgeous and compliment the card beautifully.
I was going to spend the day crafting yesterday but the sun came out and I ended up walking the length of Elan Valley ( VERY LONG WALK) lol but thoroughly enjoyable.
Hugs x
Heather T

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone. I am with you Sue on brain fog, it so happens and to often at times!!! Love this card and the colours are just beautiful and elegant. The dies are gorgeous too. Enjoy your day everyone x

Pam said...

Morning Sue and all, lovely card today, loved your video mishap story, glad to see it's not just me.
Steph hope market goes well for you.
Keep well and warm everyone, hugs all round.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card the buckle ides is so clever must give this a try when the new video's are out.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. Gorgeous card using the dies in this way, I don't need jet lag to have a fuddled brain, it can be like that often. Have a relaxing day. Hazel x

Val Jones said...

Beautiful Sue. Love the weaving and the background colour is stunning.
Love Val in Spain x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - hard to imagine you getting in a muddle with your weaving but boy have you made up for it with this card! It looks amazing and very intricate. Thank you for brightening up a very wet and murky Sunday morning with your funny story. Best wishes

Patricia said...

Good. morning Sue,
WOW!! today's card is absolutely stunning. I really like doing Buckle Style Cards
Had to laugh, I knew exactly where you were coming from with the Jet Lag. It is a bit frightening if a rather funny feeling.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW Sue this is gorgeous, so good to see, that you found out to make it right eventually ha ha ha. I know too well, how the brain can suddenly switch of like that, and don´t worry, it just happens to all of us now and then, and we can see, you got on the horse again and got this beauty here finished, and it looks fabulous.

Clarissa said...

Beautiful card and beautiful colours.
Clarissa. X

DeyaniraC said...

Good Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes Wow. I could not take my eyes of this card all the layers make this card spectacular. Thatwas a funny. I am in Texas and the time different are 6 hours (London)right now is 2:17 am. I do believe that you need some rest.
Ladies have a Bless Sunday

DMJ said...

It is amazing how the brain can "turn off" for no apparent reason!!!!!! Lovely card, as usual, Sue, it was worth the wait,

Doreen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

Always love your buckle cards and they go down a treat with recipients when I make one for them....jet lag isn't nice is it....

btw, I think you must have gone back to the Vienna set for the smallest frames?...I have Salzburg and only recognize the second largest frame as being from that set...

Anyway, great card and love the colour scheme


hollyberry said...

Love your story,glad that you could laugh at yourself when it all went wrong but that is you.A lovely card and a shame that it make the videos.

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Very creative!! You are such a clever lady indeed, the weaving is so effective and it's nice to know that sometimes things don't go right!
Lorna D

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card and colour today.I can just imagine you sitting there blank and not knowing what to do nexy. It hhappens to me without the jet lag. Lol!!! But it has turned out beautiful in the end. Hugs Hearher. X

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, lovely card and colours . love Jean Z xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love the card and the story!
Veronique L

Saba said...

What a beautiful card. I have never tried a Buckle card but having seen this one I am going to give it a go. Still on with Christmas cards though (let it snow) so it might be a while until I have time to try it.

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, you had me laughing about your jetlag and not being able to figure out how to weave through the buckles, I get like that myself without the jetlag! Just as well we can laugh about it! Love Jean xxx

Unknown said...

one of my favourites sue

Ecco of Sheffield said...

Morning Sue
Today's gift is just glorious and what a way to start a very very wet and damp Sunday morning. Thank you for making me smile while reading your story. I have to admit to being hopeless when it comes to your fabulous buckle cards. It takes me ages to get it right and I mean ages. I have even resorted to cheating and making it look like a buckle without the weaving so it's quite nice to know that you can sometimes get just a teeny teeny mind block.

Steph - hope you have a really good day at market but please wrap up very very warm - you know your little fingers need to be kept comfy and
Sandra - hope you're OK and not in too much pain. If the girls are footying then you know the drill. Hope they win.
Norah - hoping that you and yours are well and not getting too wet or cold up in your beautiful part of the world.

Had a real panic on Friday evening when I received an email saying that Nephew was coming across from Holland on his Santa trip to Sheffield this week. So had to buy presents for him to take back with him. Fortunately I have made their St Nicholas Day pressies (5th Dec)as they really go big on this day. Everything closes at lunchtime and the Elves visit every home to leave small pressies. The tradition is that the presents are preferably hand made - made at home- they are hidden around the house; and a poem made up by the present giver about the receiver. This is usually based on something that they've done during the year.) I also send Great Nephew his bday gift/card as his bday is 7th Jan.So have now to make his card double quick.
So everything's back to normal then!!

To all who are under the weather for whatever reason hope you feel better soon. To all take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for giving us a chuckle on this miserable grey day! The card has turned out beautifully in the end. Love the colour. Thanks for sharing.
Good luck Pam.
Hugs all.

cheryl brown said...

Beautiful intricate card.
Loved the story, I have many cards like that when no matter how hard you try, it just won't go.
It was great to see so many new names last week, hope they all stay on the best blog out.
hugs Cheryl xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Always love your buckle cards and this one is lovely. Loved your jet lag story - I can get mental blocks I and it haven't even got that excuse! I was once trying to teach my Year 11 (15/16 year old) how to do iris folding. For the life of me, I just couldn't figure out which piece went where. In the end I abandoned that and did tea bag folding instead! I sat for ages myself trying to figure it out and then realised I hadn't put the pattern sheet down, I was just trying to use the aperture alone!! Needless to see the kids thought it was hilarious! We did eventually get to complete the designs and they did really well bless them.
Norah, just to tell you, we had a fabulous time up in Portpatrick,lovely hotel, great food , lovely people and lovely weather! Come home and it's been miserable since then. Sending love and hugs to everyone especially those who are down or unwell. Love Alison

Anonymous said...

Another technique I must try, Sue.
A stunning card.

Anne (Northampton)

AnneRD said...

A very intricate design Sue, this will need a bit of practice with copy paper before I attempt it with the special stash! Lovely colourways too. Anne.

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue, though in your defence, it's also the most complex buckle card I've ever seen. Don't think I'll be attempting this one myself lol!

Hugs Alice xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, What a beautiful card. I had to smile at your story, my brain is like that all to often nowadays, without the benefit of jet lag!!! This buckle card looks so complicated, I will have to sit and study it for a while. I don't know how you keep coming up with such beautiful ideas.

Love Rosemarie xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Today's card is amazing & love the story about the video.

Looking like we're going to have a dry & pleasant day here is Southport just like yesterday. Feel like I should be gardening but can't as the craft fair is next Sunday & I still need to make more cards.


gwen70 said...

Stunning Sue

Pauline A said...

Morning Sue, Can't wait for your videos although I will be unable to use the computer for the next few weeks but will play catch up. Had to laugh at your video story. A beautiful card and I adore your weaving technique. Must practise this one as mine always turn out messy. Hugs xx Pauline A

Chris Curry said...

Not sure I have the nerve to try this Sue but the result is lovely. I love that embossing folder, so versatile, and am pleased to say I have it. Thank you. Xx

Rosie said...

Good Morning Sue......what a funny story and amazing what jet lag can do to a person.
Your card is gorgeous and i do love that weaving, must try it some

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A delightful card to brighten a dull morning. The buckle does look quite tricksy so there's your excuse lol!
Have a great day.
Ang x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Beautiful card and love your weaving technique. The colour is so pretty too. Ooooh that jetlag can be a terrible thing it used to take me days to get over it but your story but a smile on my face.

Hugs to all who need them and my you feel better and brighter very soon.

Love Sheila xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue we all get those odd moments where our memory goes blank!!!
Lovely card. Thanks for sharing
Denise X

Marion said...

Hi Sue beautiful card .i have to agree with Rosemarie my brain is like that all the time.never tried doing a buckle card,it looks so intricate.
Marion H

rolfi said...

Hi Sue,
the card is very nice. It´s kind of a trellis work. I would have liked to see the video or a part of it... I guess that was really funny.
Jet lag is more and more a problem for me. Last time coming back from holidays I had problems for a whole week...
have a nice sunday
Rolf xxx

Kate's Cards said...

Love the story, I know all about moments like that! However, the card is lovely! xx

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
A very intricate buckle card, love it and the story. I've got to the age where this sort of thing happens on a regular basis.
Looking forward to seeing the videos.

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, now you can understand our predicament at times. I bet you had total recall when you least expected it. The card is really lovely and I am sure one we would all like to make ( one day) make the best of a wet cold Sunday everyone.
X Ros

barbiepinkfairy said...

Hi Sue, lovely card and love the colours too.

You sound like me after a night shift when brain doesn't quite function sometimes can't get my words out at all! Glad to know you're human too!!

Good luck to Steph have an amazing market with sales galore so you can treat yourself to some dies.

Shift last night complete opposite! The nature of A and E but guess what we were bored!! Never happy!!!!

Well love to all have a lovely Sunday, XXX

Nananne said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your story Sue and can well relate to it , but I must be the only person that buckle cards don't appeal to, I don't understand why as I admire the work that goes into them, they just don't rest easy with my eyes.
I have been having quite a few sneaky peaks at your new Videos and they are Wonderful and really do whet the appetite for some of the new dies!
Love and Hugs to all xo

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. This is a really beautiful buckle card, I'm not surprised that you couldn't do it when you were jet lagged! I think it is amazing how our bodies will stop us completely to make us rest when we try to push them too far.
I received my Trailing Ivy and Eternal Rings dies yesterday, they are gorgeous and cut beautifully. Guess what I am doing today :))
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Crisco said...

Wow - not sure I could make this card, drunk or sober !! What a fantastic card.

karenlotty said...

Hee hee! I have moments that that and call them (no offence to anyone) Senior Moments or Blonde Moments! I'm having Tropical Moments too Ladies of a certain age will know what I'm talking about! I love the buckle card, colours, everything I'll look forward to seeing the demo

Marianna Hammer said...

It's a stunning card. But it would have been fun to see the video :) Have a lovely Sunday

Debbie Tinks said...

Stunning card Sue ...
Have a nice Sunday..x

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a stunning card I love it. It's amazing how you keep coming up with all these beautiful cards. I must say you have used my favourite dies. Take care Sue xxx

Debs A xxx

June Horrocks said...

The card is stunning sue so beautiful thank you so much love June xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning card. I love it!
Doreen R

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The weaving on this buckle card really makes a statement and draws your eye into the sentiment- stunning.
Beverley W

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
What a beautiful card, I would have to have a working brain to manage this card.
Gail Cx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card really striking!! I haven't made a buckle card for quite a while...guess I will be giving this one a try.Loved the video story, glad you could laugh about it.
Love Janet x
from Wakefield

Craftysusan said...

Hi Sue. Great story and good to know I am not the only one who gets a mental block on things at times. Lovely card. Would love it if you would include a tutorial on making stick pins some day as yours always match the colours in your card and are so pretty.

TOB said...

That would definitely be a video to see Sue,I bet it was hilarious.
I love this card. It looks so complicated but is beautiful.
I have been looking at Johns blog to see what he does with your dies too.
Hugs to all Theresa xx

sonja_w said...

Gorgeous and reassuring to hear that it's not just me who has these occasional crafting blanks when trying to recreate something. I have previously done. Looking forward to see the videos.. As I have these dies I will challenge myself to try out a buckle card x

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Wow stunning card, love the colours and I love this type of buckle card
Carol x

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue love today's card. The colour is one of my favourites, haven't tried a buckle card yet but must have a go. Liked the jet lag story it made me smile. Hugs to all in need today. Steph hope the market goes well for you today and you manage to buy your dies. Sophy n Gran

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, what a lovely intricate card, all your buckle cards are gorgeous, but have not had the courage to try one yet. Will try give it a go though when I have more time off from work to concentrate. Love the story about the video filming. Have a great day all. Bx

Jayne S said...

Lovely result from your complicated weaving. Glad you were able to laugh.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card using this technique. Great colours too. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

Hellma said...

This is a special card, I love it.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, beautiful. Very ornate, did try a buckle card once, then gave up, maybe have to give it another go.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
WOW What an intricate card this looks - I can't imagine ever trying something like this - no wonder you were in such a muddle with jet lag as well. I'm dreading the jet lag in January - off to see daughter in Hong Kong and then to Thailand (can't wait for some sunshine)!
Well crafting day today as miserable and wet outside! Might even try a simple buckle card.
Happy crafting everyone.
Sheila x

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
Today I am writing this from a wet and miserable Seaford in East Sussex as we are spending the weekend with family.
I think this card is absolutely stunning and in one of my favourite colours, too!
I loved your story about this card but as it looks like it needs a rather detailed description I am not surprised you had a mental block!!!
I am looking forward to seeing your new videos.
Lesley S x

ElizabethS said...

Hi Sue, I am not surprised you got confused with it. It looks complicated from this end!!! The card is very pretty though and I love the colours.
ElizabethS x

shabbycraftcabin said...

This card is incredible. So amazingly clever and beautiful. I must try it :-)

Lots of love,

Ivy L xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Stunning Card Sue!

I love how you've weaved the dies, it so effective and looks beautiful. The colours you've used are lovely and I can imagine just how different this would in different colours.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Unknown said...

Lovely card,I will check back for the video tutorial later as would be one I would love to try.

nattyboots said...

Aww Sue your card is just gorgeous ,but your little story shouts at me that you need to get some me time ,{ please try }
to get some rest away from crafting if only for half an hour a day ,
Just you take care we don't want you poorly { do you hear me ??? }

Elaine H X

Lacelady said...

Wow Sue, we haven't had a buckle card for ages, and then you produce this double buckle! Super!

Anna said...

Hi Sue, Your card is gorgeous, love the colour, and those beautiful die cuts!!! just love them, take care of yourself and give yourself a good rest, thanks for sharing.

Yorks butterfly said...

Morning Sue, what's beautiful card. Have never made a buckle card, so can't wait for the video to have a try. You really are very talented and a inspire so many people, thank you
xx Wendy

ellyscard creatief said...


fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Such a very pretty card today i had to laugh at the story hugs Sarah xx

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Stunning card, I can see why having jet lag would hinder the weaving....
Amanda xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. What a pretty card. The colours are just lovely. I must have a go at the weaving, it is just so nice.
Evis M.

Jill Liddle said...

Beautiful colours in the card today.

hotpotato said...

Glad I m not the only one who have those brain dead moments!

Swiftycrafter said...

Looks a very intricate card this one,but I love it just the same.
Lynne x

Gail said...

Gorgeous card - I would have struggled with the intricacy of these buckles -jet lag or no jet lag xx GailT xx

Janice K said...

Fabulous card Sue. Next time you travel back from the States treat yourself to a day off to recover! :) x

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

When I looked at this card the first thing I said was WOW!

Such a lovely card. X

nzillingworth said...


Paula said...

beautiful, love these dies.

Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue,
Love this card.So intricate, love the weaving.Will wait for video,then have a go.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Susi x

Laura O said...

fab card ,love the buckle style.Jet lag can kill you ,leave you sleepy for good 3 days .Laura O

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I loved your story about jet lag. I think mine would have been blamed on age LOL. I think this card is beautiful and as I have the dies I will certainly give it a go. Beryl xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a lovely card, good luck with the jet lag......I just hate it! lol Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Not suprised you couldn't get the weaving right the day after flying back from USA. It takes me a week before I can even remember my name. Do you think it affects some people more than others? Card turned out lovely in the end though. SueL x

Sandra said...

Good Sunday Morning Sue & blog friends,
Wow that card really is a work of art! The recipient will think it has taken a month to create, in my case that may be a reality, Sue I love when you add a personal story to your blog, I find it heartwarming having a little insight in 'Sue's' world, it was just like the old days! Thank you so much for sharing, it really made me smile x My morphine tablets can sometimes have the jet lag effect, (in my head I have done some amazing things) ! Xxx
Sophie & Lucy are going to Wembley with their football team today to see England Ladies football team take on Germany, very exciting! I wish those lady footballers were treated as 'national treasures' like the men are, I think it is ridiculous that the ladies only get £20,000 a year, the mens team get more than that a day, plus the ladies have to work normal jobs all week,
To me this gives a really poor message to young lady players, it's a case of 'you are not worthy because you are female'! There are some players equal to Rooney etc! Anyway rant over!
Janet, the did have football yesterday, they player end one of the worst teams in their league, who's motto seems to be 'win at all cost'! Our girls are at a bit of a disadvantage as they have been taught to play 'fairly' so they are totally unprepared foe the aggresive play of this other team, both girls have come home with bruises! I have seen a short film about the St Nicholas Day celebrations, it looked lovely, they really seem to go for traditional on this celebration, it was a joy to watch, I love the thought of the gift all being handmade, the poem is such a personal touch too! My husband does a thing for our children's 'main' Christmas present, he hands them a piece of carc with a clue on that takes them to the first location where there will be another clue and so the treasure hunt begins, just a little family tradition! Thanks for sharing the insight into that special day Janet, you had better go and get on, hugs xxxxx
Steph, good luck for today, I so hope you have a successful day so they maybe you can buy some of Sue's new collection, I have everything crossed! Hugs x
Well I am going to make myself sit and make some Christmas cards today, I haven't made any so far! Drop by and see if I managed on my blog x
Big squidgey Sunday hugs to all,
Sandra xxx
Ps. Good luck to you all for tomorrow xxx

Paula said...

So beautiful, but I'm sure it's past my capabilities! You're so clever Sue,

Paula x

Roisin said...

Good morning Sue....this is a really stunning card. Must have a go at the weaving!!
Have a good day!

Di said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, must try the weaving, great techniques. Great dies.
Di x

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue, this is a super card - I might have a go but would need to be a locked room so as not to be disturbed while I figured it out.
Love to everyone.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunner today. I just love your buckle cards Sue. Mind you this one looks purple and cream on my screen. Jet lag is like, when you go upstairs for something, get to the top and think, what on earth did I come up here for. You go down stairs at might not even remember for the whole day. Our minds are funny aren't they. Wow Mrs B you've got you goodies already, my that was quick. Hope the girls have a fantastic day at Wembley Sandra, mind you they are going to get wet me thinks, looking at the rain outside of my kitchen/diner. Had a lovely day yesterday at Sobell House Craft fair at Radley College yesterday. Mind you the Tom Tom took us round the long way didn't it. thanks again to Paul for taking us. He's a star.

CraftyJo said...

I shouldn't laugh but it's so reassuring that even *you* have these blank moments when you just can't figure something out! Great card though :)

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Beautiful colours and dies you have used.

Nana on the Hill said...

This is such an effective technique, one l aspire too but havent yet had the nerve to try, so l forone shall be keenly watching your video!

sandieann21 said...

This has got to be one of my favourite cards ever.

nannapat said...

It may not have made the video but I'm so grateful we got to see it - it is absolutely stunning. What a lovely wedding card it would make. Pat x

hazel young said...

Amazing card Sue love everything about it xx hazel

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous Sue. So much work has gone into it. I've actually been making the ovals for my Christmas makes. I love the colours you have used and im always in awe of your stunning stick pins. Well the sun has just come out in Blackpool so enjoy your day Wilsonettes.
Lots of love
Jo xx

SHARICA said...

Another lovely card .. xx

Marty F said...

All I can say is...WOW!
Love your weaving technique - beautiful! Thanks for sharing :-)

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love your buckle cards and this one is very intricate so it's no wonder you had a senior moment!! Having a play with my new dies and stamps today
Hugs and best wishes everyone

Fiona in Maine said...

How fabulous this card looks! I haven't tried a buckle card yet, but it's on my to try list.

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, a very beautiful card. Kind regards Joanne K x said...

Well, the friend you made this for must be very special if the making even made you lose your way! Hope you have a great Sunday, and that the sun is shining with you too!! Susan x

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said....

Beautiful card but looks complicated. I look forward to seeing the video on this one for sure.

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

What a stunning looking card and embossing folder sets off the weave effect. Love it.

Dawn Holben said...

An absolutely stunning card, I love it and all the fine detail of the individual dies.
It's not surprising you had a blank moment trying to do the buckle.
I think the same thing is going to happen to those of us who are going to try this.
I think I will wait for the video though. lol

Unknown said...

This is stunning. I love how you layered all those dies.

yorkshiresue said...

Hi Sue I'm so sorry this card didn't make it to video as it's such a stunningly beautiful one.
I adore the colours you've chosen and everything about it
I love the little story that goes with it
Hugs Sue xxx

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Oh, it's so gorgous! Love the intricate design, the colours and the embossed background

JJ said...

WOW! Stunning Sue, how intricate this looks, I must have a go myself lol! This makes for a very interesting card that you have to look deeply into to see how it has been put together, very clever lol!

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Cathie said...

What a great story to share with us all as we have those moments as well. Just love the card and will have to try it out. It is so effective.

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful fancy card today!! Looks like it would have taken ages!!!
Love Sam xxx

Su said...

Ha ha, love the tale of your confusion and so happy to hear that it doesn't just happen to me! Anyhow the card was worth the wait, it's beautiful!

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
absolutely beautiful but not easy, even WITH your instructions (well, I think so anyhow).
Another stunner for this Sunday.
Hugs, Rose

SusanP, Kent said...

So pretty. Love the embossed background on this colour. Shame about the video, but your story made me smile. So embarrassing when the mind goes blank like that!

Wacki Macky said...

Wow! Great card Sue, I can see how you got confused, especially being jet ;aggedm, I'd get confused without that. The colours and shapes are fab, must get the new die sets. Craftihappiness to you all and love from Pearl.

Darlene from SK said...

Wow what a beautiful card. Love how all the dies work so wonderfully together.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Just what I need to brighten up this horrible very wet & dull sunday morning here on the north Norfolk coast...

Love this Beautiful card so pretty & feminine & the colours are lovely & it looks so complicated, but the end result is perfect & stunning.
Definitely having a go at this style.

Thank you for sharing all your wonderful creations with us crafters. Crafty Hugs
Haze x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
Firstly I'm Thrilled To See On Yesterday's Blog You Got Over 200 Comments Long May It Continue, As No One Deserves It More.
I Love Today's Awesome Card I Can't For One Minute Think You'd Forget How To Achieve Something, That's The Sort Of Thing I Constantly Do, I Love The Cards Where You Weave The Buckle Cards.
They Look So Stunning And The Fabulous Embossing Folder Really Stands Proud.
I Love The Colours You've Chosen For Today's Card So Fresh And Clean.
Sue Thank You For Sharing, Thank You For a Great Breakdown So We Can Acheive If Nessercary, Thank You For Great Photography Shots.
Sue Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Follow This Fabulous Blog.
Sandra: What A Wonderful Story Re: The Treasure Hunt On Christmas Morning I Think It's A Fabulous Idea, Your Children Must Love It, Myself And My Husband Have Never Had Children We Just Spoil Our Dogs, But Your Story Made Me Smile.

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love your buckle' cards, and this one is no exception, looking forward to Tuesday video day.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good afternoon Sue and everyone
A really stunning card today love the colours and especially love those beautiful pins.

Sorry lots of people are having poor weather today, we are having the most beautiful sunshine here in the Lake District. Thank goodness as our little grandson is singing with the school choir today when they switch the town Christmas lights on.

enjoy the rest of you week end everyone.

Margaret corgi owner

Barbara said...

Beautiful and intricate card but I couldn't ever attempt it without a step by step video.

terrie said...

Great looking card....I'm glad that you got back on your horse and did a beautiful card...
Well done Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another fabulous creation yet again great colour combo and the blue shows of the pinpoint embossing folder

Beth T said...

Awesome card--love the colors and weaving--I'm afraid I would have trouble weaving both sides! lol! but I'm willing to try it!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a gorgeous card. I will look forward to your video on how to do this.

deniseann said...

Hi Sue, Its worth the wait, a lovely card, just glad I was able to get into your blog today I have a hell of a game with it, Long running script!!!

Maureen Killen said...

Hi Sue, and all the ladies.
I love everything about this card, and having laughed at your jet lag story, I'm just going to have to read the instructions again to see if I can manage to make one!!
Everyone, have a lovely day from a sunny Newcastle xx

Unknown said...

This is the most stunning card! I love the weaving of the dies. Thanks for the inspiration!
Gini Williams Cagle

Jessica Strider said...

Wow, that's an amazing card. I've never considered weaving die cuts, but it's such a cool idea!

Bejay said...

Hi Sue. I'm so glad that once the jetlag wore off you managed to finish the card. It's beautifully unique. As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue beautiful card today and what pretty colours. Must give this technique a try sometime soon! Funny to hear about your error! Perhaps you should post it as a blooper! Next time don't film when you are still jet lagged! At least you have excelled yourself in the end. Take care love Diane G xxxx
Wedding went very well yesterday and it was lovely to catch up with family we hadn't seen for ages. Pleased to say cakes were a success and worth all the hard work! Xxx

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue,
Amazing ! Love how you interlocked the the cut of the dies its beautiful and unique !
Love Dorothy

Maureen B. said...

A great card Sue intricate and possible when wide awake eh! This card really demonstrates how well we can interchange our sets with each other. I really like it and will have a go but please can we see a video before attempting it! Have a good day Sue sincerely Maureen

Anja v K@@rten said...

Genius and Beautiful!!!!! Creatieve groetjes, Anja

barbara macaskill said...

Even Wonder Woman needs to admit defeat once in a while! LOL This is a gorgeous card and I love the weaving!! I have not weaved on a card yet but after seeing this one I think it is time to give it a go!! TFS!

Cazzie D said...

Evening Sue. What a gorgeous card. It looks so intricate and impressive. We all have those moments where or brains just cease and that's without the jetlag!
Caz x

Karen Drew said...

Gorgeous colours and gorgeous card.
glad I am not the only one who gets crafters block, know what i want to do but can't think of how to do it. Times I have to walk away and come back to it while i work it out!! Welcome to myworld. Lol!

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

A lovely buckle card , love the lavender colour theme .
I loved the video story it's nice to know that you have off says too lol even if it is due to jet lag . Looking forward to next video series and the demos of the new dies . Thanks Sue hugs xxx

Crafty hugs to Yorkielass and L , Lynda and all wilsonettes

Jean Dxxxx

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sue. How elaborate and beautiful. Had a chuckle about your filming as I have had the experience of trying to show someone something that I have done so many times in the past and just got stuck in getting it done when I needed to do it. Can feel foolish but I just chalk it up, in my case, as either chemo-brain or a senior moment. It is a gorgeous card and your explanation will be just fine for us to try and duplicate. Thanks for sharing.

SandytheRed said...

This card is very intricate, looks so complicated. I'll have to watch the video a few more times to get it. Love Sandy xx

Kathy Krug said...

This card is do intricate and pretty. Funny how our brain refused to cooperate when we put it in overload.

Anonymous said...

I love the buckle card and would love to make one but I don't do large cards and don't think it would look good on a A2 size card too crowed. Could you tell me what were the curly bits you used behind the floral arrangement it added to it on your card of Nov. 19 the Gemini Collection Lyra die .
Yvonne Nicholson

Dianeandchipps said...

Hello Sue, what a very complicated looking card - it is no wonder you got a bit muddled when you were recording it, lol. After a closer look though it doesn't look too complicated but I think I would have to be very patient to try this one.
This card is gorgeous and I really love the checkerboard embossing folder. Definitely a knockout card. Well done Sue. Love and hugs, Diane xxxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, what a beautiful and intricate card, love the fact it is lilac as well.
Thank you for sharing the story about the video, it made me chuckle but as you will see from the comments above 'you are not alone!'.
Steph - hope the market went well.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, love the story & thank you for sharing, beautiful card, I specially like the elongated shape. Marlene xx

Rach83 said...

What a fab story to go with your amazing card! The detail in this one is just awesome. I love the embossing too.

Rachel x

Robin said...

I have only done a 3 buckle weave not a 5/6 one. Looks good.

TDQ Karen said...

Just brilliant, love your story, never tried anything quite this complex but it looks great xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, Just put it down to jetlag or your mind going a blank, but such a shame that the video was cancelled though, as this is stunning.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

janet said...

I do like that. I wonder what other dies would work -haven't got mostof those. I like the idea a lot.
Janet in Kent

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