Saturday, 25 October 2014

Tethered Hearts

Hi Bloggers!  This one was another special request so I thought I would oblige!  I started by cutting the Tethered Hearts Striplet twice out of white card and once out of peach card, all using the outside cutting edge.  I used the edge die alone to cut solid backing pieces, two out of peach and one out of black.  I glued all the pieces together to form three striplets.  On a background piece of white card, I added the two white striplets to the sides with mounting foam and the peach striplet to the centre, raised a bit higher with foam.  I used the ovals from the background to cut a white mat for my oval element, then made a faux mat out of black by tracing the outside shape of the die and hand cutting it.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the inside of the French Provence die.  I inked it lightly with Tattered Rose before removing it from my die.  I cut a tag from the Austrian set out of peach card to go behind it.  Using the Classic Rose die, I made a flower out of peach card, then added in Faux Quilled Leaves and a swirl to embellish it.  I finished the card with a mat of black, then a white paper pierced mat using my piercing ruler.  A thin black mat then a final white mat finished it off nicely.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4'' x 8'' in size.

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card giveaway is:

Lynda Brock!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.

I had some more great news yesterday.  I was nominated in the British Craft Awards for the best blog category (along with Julia Watts and Sam Poole too!)  I have included a link to the site on the right hand side of the blog is you would like to cast your vote, just click the link!    All for now, Sue x


Muriel said...

Hi Sue

I love the clever things you do with the striplets and the colours are so pretty.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes, I managed a good day out today and had breakfast at a local coffee shop with my card group, much more enjoyable than the supermarket lol !!

Have a good weekend all

Muriel x

Breezes said...

I really, really love this card ! The colours are subtle but pretty and it's a lovely way to use the striplet die. One of my favourites for sure !


tracy w said...

Hi sue
Another stunning card love the striplets and colour thankyou tracyw x

Marion Bull said...

Stunning card and beautiful colours! What a clever use of the striplet! Thank you
Happy day everyone - an extra hour's sleep tonight! Woo hoo!
Marion B xx said...

Morning Sue.
Lovely card Thank you congrats to Lynda. Have a good weekend all take care, Kitty

Vick said...

Oh WOW what a stunning card, I love everything about it and the colour combo but I think it would have been just as lovely without the extra flourishes and flower as your striplet dies Sue, are a beautiful statement in their own right but I love this, Stunning with a capital 'S'
hugs, Vick xx
My YTChannel vixcrafts

Anonymous said...

Good morning all. Lovely card sue it has convinced me I need this die thank- you. JJx

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - great card - lovn those leaves! Congrats to Lynda. As for Best blog - you bet this is - no contest for me anyway!Happy weekend all
Clare W

Mrs B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. How pretty, beautiful colours too : ) I love your striplets, you can do so much with them.
I can't get onto The British Craft Awards site to vote. It tells me that the page is not avaliabe! Will try again later.
Lynda - Congratulations: )
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,
Another Stunning, Beautiful Card, I Loved This Card When It was shown on Create and Craft.
I Love The Striplets as so much can be achieved with them, I Truly Love the mix of Colours you've used on this Card I would never think of putting Peach and White together "But" you've proven me "Wrong" yet again and by Adding The Black really makes it stand out.
Sue Thank You For Sharing Your Beautiful Cards.
I'm Busy making Cards at present I've got Five Birthday Cards to make, One For Leaving Her Job, One For New Home, Then I'm Still Working hard on my Christmas Cards as I send out so many and I send quite a few abroad so they are first in my pile of Cards to Do as Postage takes so long to get there Country (Mauritius) I make so many Christmas Cards what I call pretty much the same then I make quite a number of Special Ones For Special People and they take your time, I also make my own Envelopes, and I've just finished making my own Gift Tags which are in The Shape of a Bauble made from MDF Which I stamp an image on Decorative Paper either sie add a Bow and Ribbon, so at present I'm like a One Man Band Christmas Shop Creating my own items and I couldn't do any of it without your help.
Sue Thank You For Sharing Thank You For Keeping My Mojo Going Without You I'd Be Stuck!!!
Sue Take Great Care
Love and Hugs
From Sam xx
Hugs to All
Congratulations to The Wednesday Gift Card Winner.

auscrafts said...

stunning card .I know the colours are white and peach but on my screen it looks like a very pale blue and peach which looks beautiful

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Lovely card, can see this as a wedding or anniversary card.
Congratulations Lynda. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for showing this, Sue, looked great as a sample on the shows but even lovelier up close and personal! Inspired use of the striplet die and such pretty colours - and, of course, love the embellishment. Just gorgeous.
Well done to Lynda Brock - know you'll be thrilled. Jealous? Moi?
Well, yes actually. But would really love a chance to win today's beauty!
Have tried to vote but not having much success with the page, will have another attempt later.

'P' in Wales

Usual hugs to Pam.

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & friends,
Those Striplets are so versatile, there are endless combinations that you can make with them, wether it's borders, backgrounds or focal points! So looking forward to the next release, as you have put so much thought into what we need as crafters, hugs Sue x
Lynda, I couldn't be more happy for you, I know you will cherish your gift from Sue, hugs to you xx
Pat, have a lovely weekend away, enjoy your shopping xx
Pam, I hope ŷou are ok, sending you big warm squidgey hugs, please come back xxxx
Cameeli, I hope you manage to have a great weekend, hugs to you and Mari xxx
Warm hugs to all my lovely Wilsonette family,
Sandra xx

Rosie said...

Really delighted to see you feature this card a I bought the striplet die on Thursday at the SECC. Great!

Joan D said...

Fabulous card. The striplets are so versatile. Find them very useful .xx

hollyberry said...

Love todays card.The striplets are so versatile.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Cannot use the award site yet but will be trying later..
Today's gift is really something special. This is a die I as yet have not in my collection but I can assure you it's on the list.
Your colours for today remind of the 30s era and today's format is so inspirational. Thank you to whoever requested this gift.

Big congratulations to Lynda. - I can just see and hear you from here jumping up and down with excitement.
Norah - I'm with you all the way re 'I want'. I was always told 'I want never gets' and my two were brought up the same way.

Well my lovely Wilsonette Sisters yesterday's market trip was a trip of two halves! The market was lovely and quite busy given the time of year and the coffee was wonderful with all the usual gamers and gossipers etc. The only downside was the Pastry shop was closed for their Annual Holidays so No Pastries this week. Ah well I suppose it's good for the waistline (or what waistline?) They will be back in business next Friday so will just have to wait. There are other shops but we love this particular one.

Going to try and get a little papercrafting done this morning. To all who are under the weather hope you feel better soon. To all take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Sue from Wiltshire said...

You create some very special and intricate looking cards but because of the dyes they are mostly quite simple to do.
What a clever idea the design of this card is, really pretty.

Linda Graham said...

Lovely card Sue, another die i have but not used yet,great colours together too,thank you,Linda x

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone, such a beautiful card and how to get the most out of a single die. Already voted at the British Craft site.
Congratulations to Lynda on winning a card.x

Eemeli said...

Love the design but for some reason the black seems to be a bit too black (lol)
to my taste on this creation. Maybe grayish or dark brown would fit better.
Once again those die-cut flowers are absolutely stunning!


Jane said...

Looks a romantic them today could pass for valentines with a little red in it.

Jane xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue Beautiful card today, one I had spotted in your show and had thought I might try , so thank you for sharing it with us. Must confess the striplet dies fell into my basket when you were on TV the other day! How did that happen!!! Well the family party went well last night with everyone enjoying hog roast skittles and a quiz so hopefully a catch up day today. Have a good weekend everyone. Congratulations to Lynne on winning the card. Love Diane G xxx

Unknown said...

am going to have a go at this one stunning

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Very pretty card. The rose is divine. Congratulations on your nomination.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue, a stunning card using one of my favour dies. I have made so many cards etc. with this beautiful die, you don't need much more as the die does all the work. Congrats to Lynda she will be over the moon with her win.

Hazel x

hazel young said...

Beautiful card love the colours. already vote Sue best of luck xx hazel

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely csrd & interesting colours, not ones i'd have thought of putting together but they look great.


Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I love the colours you have used. And I have all your striplets as you can make great cards with them. The design of this one is wonderful.

Take care

Debs A

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!

Great card today, really like the heart striplet, its so versatile and great for backgrounds and features... suitable for any romantic occasion.

Congratulations Lynda Brock enjoy!!

Sue Huge Congratulations on your nomination for British Craft Awards. NEWS FLASH!! "THIS IS THE BEST BLOG".

Pam I really hope that you are ok? you are missed sending you a hug...
Sandra keep strong Lucy will be ok. hugs to you and the family..

Enjoy the weekend whatever you are doing, I am about to fly up the A3 to an air museum.

Cameeli xx

TDQ Karen said...

Very different, love the way the patterns have formed. Congratulations to Lynda xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, very beautiful. I use this striplet die a lot. I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend.

Love Rosemarie xx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue - I love tho card and how clever you are in using your dies.
Janet you made me laugh about the pastry shop being closed and your waistline - my mother keeps telling me she would like a puncture in her spare tyre!! At nearly 91 I tell her not to worry too much.
There are lots of missing names at the moment and I hope everyone is just busy doing other things and not in a dark place or in pain. To those suffering I wish you well and send lots of hugs and prayers. Have a good weekend all
Off to walk my dog shortly Take care all Helen K xx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Amazing what you can do with the striplets dies, love this card, even though it shows pale blue and peach on my screen. May try this one later.
I have cast my votes.
Have a good day.

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is stunning it is a fantastic way to use the striplet die. Congratulations to the winner. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

Sorry me again I forgot to say congrats to Lynda you lucky lady (said through gritted teeth only joking) Helen K

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card and thanks for showing us another way to use these dies. I have already voted for you Sue, I am sure you will win! Love Jean xxx

Chris Curry said...

A lovely, delicate, feminine card Sue. Thank you. My sister and I are off to see Julia demonstrating today, really looking forward to it. Take care. XX

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Today's card is so pretty it's blue and peach on my screen not white and peach. I love your striplet dies there's so many ways to use them. I've already voted (I wonder who I voted for? Now let me see hmmmm!) lol. I'm so pleased that Sam and Julia have been nominated as well.
Congratulations Lynda I bet your over the moon.
Hugs x
Heather T

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Very pretty card love the colours. love Jean Z xxxx

gwen70 said...

Love this card Sue, adore your ideas

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue

What a fantastic card using the striplets - a must to try - beautiful colours
Carol x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, and when I think they can not get any better,
Look what you give us,
Crafty hugs Julie xx

Lesley said...

Beautiful card using the strip lets. Love the colours as well. have a good weekend.

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Just love this card . I liked it when I saw it on C&C but now I can have a good look at it I think it is wonderful. The die will have to go on my Xmas list xxx

Jan.moogie said...

Some of my favourite dies and don't they make a beautiful stunning card Sue? Lovely and instructions as well woo hoo .xx

Debbie Tinks said...

Nice card Sue ... Have a nice weekend ..x. happy crafting...

barbiepinkfairy said...

Really love this one.

In middle of horrendous storm, thunder and lightning for last 12 hours with torrential rain! Great for sunbathing not!

Hope weather better in UK xxx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card love how you have used the striplet die.

Congratulations to Lynda

Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, at first I thought today's card was very complicated but now I don't think so, just very clever cutting. It is really lovely, and will have a try at this one. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that the sunshine lasts all weekend.
X Ros

Glennis F said...

looks beautiful! - congrats on your nomination - well done

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a stunner. Loving the colours but replace the peach for red and you have a beautiful valentines card. Thanks for showing us different ways to use your striplet dies. Congrats to lynda on her win.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card think this striplet needs to go on my Christmas list. Managed to make two C cards with the snowflake lattice EF and the Noel die in white and silver yesterday yeah!!
Congratulations to Lynda
Hugs and best wishes to everyone

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card today. I have this striplet so its great to see another design made with it. Congrats on your nomination its well deserved. Heading over there now. Congrats to Lynda. Hugs Heather.x

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, beautiful card again today Sue, love it.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

I really love this card and I have the dies, I will try and replica it :-)


Ivy L xx

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Card is gorgeous!!!
I love this striplet, and use it all the time it is fantastic for wedding and anniversary cards. I have never thought to use it like this but will from now on.
Thank you Sue you continue to inspire with all your creative ideas and I'm always surprised at the unique features you add to your dies. Thursday's video with the edge die was amazing the fact that you can trim that edge off by turning it and popping it back thro, GENIUS!!!!!!
I have voted and I hope that you win, your blog is a life line to so many.
Lorna D

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, gorgeous card, I have this striplet die but never thought about doing this with it, thank you for all your inspiration
Congratulations Lynda, you are one lucky lady, winning Sue's card.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - such a clever card. I love the striplet dies. Have made my vote and there can be no doubt that your blog is the best of the best! Have a lovely weekend. Best wishes

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, this card certainly has the wow factor. love the colour combination. Congrats to Lynda on winning the card, and good luck with the awards. have a lovely Saturday everyone. Bx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunner today. I just love the striplet dies. I've borrow one to use, you can do so much with them, might have a look at the others today. I can feel a die shopping spree coming on later today.
Congratulations to Lynda on winning your card.
Hugs to Pam, hope you are ok. Hugs to all in need of one today

June Horrocks said...

Just one word wow !!!!! Thank you sue love to all congrats to the lucky winner love June xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Love your striplet dies have the first two but the others are on the list, love how you've used them on this card and the colours you've used too. Thanks Sue, hugs xxx
Congratulations to Lynda!!!!

Crafty hugs to yorkielass, & L, Lynda and all wilsonettes have a good weekend.
Jean D

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
You just never stop amazing me with your wonderful creations!!! Todays card is just amazingly the colours and especially how you have used the striplet die...brilliant.

Congratulations to Lynda on winning Sue's stunning lucky lady!
Pam you're being so truly hope you are okay.
Hugs to all the other ladies who need a hug and I hope your days get better and brighter very soon

Love Sheila xx

Val Jones said...

This looks lovely and what beautiful colours you've used.

Have a good weekend.
Love Val in Spain x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
I loved this card on your show so much I've bought the two triplets - can't wait to get going with them.
There is another card I would love to see - so will have to email a request!
Well done to Lynda on winning the Wednesday card - It's beautiful - enjoy!
Sheila x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great design for the striplets dies.
Denise X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Absolutely gorgeous. This is a stunning card - I love it. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
I have this strip let die and I use it all the time. It makes fabulous cards. Love the tulle and the leaves. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to the card winner.
Pam, I hope you are ok. Have been missing you at the top!
Hugs all round.

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous yet again love the use of the dies.

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I love how you've used the Striplet Die and what a gorgeous rose embellishment, I love it!

Have a lovely weekend.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

nattyboots said...

Oh so pretty and Scrumptious ,i just love your striplet dies ,
Elaine H X

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Great card love the colours ,hugs Sarah xx

Julsb said...

Beautiful card lovely for a wedding or anniversary.

Kate's Cards said...

Very ornate.

Brakkers said...

Oh Sue! You are so clever. I am sure most folk would look at the hearts die but never imagine such a beautiful card. How DO you do it? Mind you I don't know how you manage to make such beautiful cards each day, and more some days not even counting all you do for the shows.

Anne from Leighton Buzzard

Brenda said...

Hello Sue, beautiful card love the colours.
Your Striplet dies are so versatile I really love all of them.
Congratulations Lynda B you have won a really gorgeous card.
Have a good weekend Sue and everyone.
Love Brenda xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and Wilsonettes. Many congrats to Lynda B on your Wednesday card. My red and white C card is twinking away on my lovely fire place, and although we 'dont do' C until a week before the 25th its got a warm welcome from Mr L too. He knows that Particraft, Sue and the Wilsonettes make me happy, and that makes him happy too bless him. So, onto today's beautiful card. I only have one striplet die, but it would look so lovely done this way. I visited a Wilsonette blog a few weeks ago and her striplet cards were delightful and opened my eyes and diverted my stale brain from my usual size cards, so thanks to you both for such lovely idea's xx
Market day tomorrow, so I shall take my Pointsetta gift out of its package, make numerous cuts in different C colour's and stick them together while Im there, I shall even (wait for it....) guild, yes guild some card and die cut some pointsetta flowers from it, how about that for bravery ? Me, and guilding flakes in the same room !!! Your fault Sue after guilded roses the other week !
So its getting to hibernation time, my fingers etc wont survive if I spend too much time out doors now, apart from hospital appointments and market once a month, thats me in now until Spring/Summer arrives, so depending how much of my fingers have feeling, I hope I can spend a little more time crafting ! Sorry Turkish weather not so good Barbie, was about to say you are in the right place, but apart from scenery, maybe not (hope you packed the craft you hoped to pack hon) !
I will now send my love and hugs to all that are struggling today, and hope we see 'our Pam' home soon, so worried about her.
Try and have a good Saturday.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, oh dear, I fear I am in the minority again. This card is just too busy for me. I love the individual elements but not altogether!

Congratulations Lynda on being the Wednesday Winner, you have won a beautiful card.

Very wet, dull and windy here so when the washing is finished I think I will put Sue on the TV to brighten up my day as I try to get on with some Christmas cards.

Gail said...

So different and liking it xx the flower is gorgeous - I aspire to make roses as good as this xx GailT xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.
What a lovely card. I don't have this striplet but I do have another one that I can use. Can't wait to give it a try.
Evis M.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
This beautiful card is just right to cheer me up on this cold day. But I dare say I'll soon get warm as I'm whizzing through my house hoovering/dusting LOL before treating myself and disappearing into my craft room, for some more "playtime".
Only too pleased to be able to vote for you - done!
Hugs, Rose

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
Well two out of two posts have stayed where they are supposed to so lets hope whatever the problem was has gone never to return!

Such a beautiful card with one of my favourite dies which is so very versatile it can be used so may different ways with such a stunning effect, love it.

Many congratulations Lynda something for you to treasure and I know you will.

Take care everyone in the awful weather that for some is here and which is forecast too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone
Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi Sue - congratulations on your nomination, very well deserved! Susan x

nzillingworth said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I have voted for you.
I am so glad you have described how you made today's card. It looked intriguing on TV.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Such a clever card, congrats to the winner.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. A very delicate and romantic look with the hearts. Congratulations to the lucky card winner.

Unknown said...

This is gorgeous Sue. Really like this.
Hope you have a fab weekend one and all
lots of love
Jo xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Wow your card is stunning. I love how you have used the die and the colours are lovely. Congrats to the weekly card winner, and congrats to you too Sue on another nomination - that's fab! I'm off to vote now... Have a lovely day and hugs to all xxx

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and the Wilsonettes,
This is a lovely card Sue with all the dimension to it. The peach coloured card is a pretty soft colour but might have to change the black. I know you love adding black where you can but i am coming around on certain cards i would definitely agree needs that black to show off the rest of the card, but not into the black on this one for me. I need to get my mind going on what other people like and out of my nice comfortable space. Hope you have a great weekend Sue and thank you for all you do. I will be voting you can rest assure yourself of that. Go SUE Go and knock then dead at the awards.
Lynda, i am fair chuffed that another beautiful angel has won this weeks card. I know that you will be over the moon when it comes, so enjoy dear lady.
Wheely, you know how they say that some owners get like their dogs, well it just goes to show that you and Billy are well matched. Take it easy flower, hugs.
Pat S Witney, i hope that you had a lovely day yesterday out with your friends at Bournemouth. I like going to the seaside what ever the weather as i love seeing the moods that the waters takes on over the different seasons. Mum and Dad used to take us to Arbroath(where you get the smokies from) to the seaside and we loved it. The sands were always so clean and you could have a great day out with a picnic costing very little but what a memory it leaves behind.
Myra, when i got married people asked me for my list, i didn't have one and never made one. I was brought up to be grateful for what i had, that everything costs money and it didn't matter what the cost it was the thought that counted and that what i did. It might explain the 5 carriage clocks, 5 sets of 3 pyrex dishes, 5 sets of cutlery, 5 dinner sets, and the 5 sets of pots and pans, but it didn't matter as someone had thought enough of me to buy them for me and i was very grateful for that. I am still working my way through the different things almost 24 years later. Who says presents can't last you a lifetime. One old lady bought me a porcelain red rose which i still have in my display cabinet which was to symbolise the love that we had which i thought was a lovely thought. So i have been so very fortunate over the years in having met and knew so many very special people. As for children well mine were 14 before any the two of them had a phone and it was a wee cheap one on pay as you go so you have to top it up. Rory very rarely uses his even when he is out it normally stays in the house, Kirsten however at 22 now has an iphone but was on pay as you go up to 17 and then she paid for it herself on a contract that i took out for her but it was a minimal one so that she couldn't go daft but it is like attached permanently to her right hand and fingers. I think the kids of today are going to end up with repetitive strain injury just with all the texting that they do, as they seem incapable of holding a) a conversation normally and b) to type the proper words as i am still trying to decypher the messages that get sent to me. Lastly my two were brought up that a) i want doesn't get and even b) please may i have perhaps still didn't get depending on what it was. Kirsten has everything organised to the past penny because of her upbringing and Rory is the same so thank goodness i did something right. It might have been hard on them at the time seeing all their friends with everything but they have found out just at what cost that brings, and not a good one either.
end of part one

Glenharon said...

Part 2
Going up to the cemetery today to see my daddy as he has been gone 7 years now so it is his turn to get the flowers in their vases. We have brightness but the skies are awful black across the hills so not looking like it is going to be a nice day but i hope that where ever you are that if the sun is not shining outside that it can radiate out from inside. Sending hugs to Pam, Lyndsay, Lynne and all my Angels that need or could do with a hugs. I hope that all not clever the now are feeling better soon and more upto par. I wont be in until late tomorrow as i am going to the SECC show in my scooter with my WOW badges again, so if you see a wee fat dumpy in a scooter with a smile on her face the size of the clyde tunnel it's me say hello. I don't think there is any one as daft as me that wears a badge in their bun so you will notice Norah the Numpty. Have a great weekend everyone,
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil

Maxine T said...

Knife card today, something different, nice colours.
Maxine T

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and concerned Wilsonettes. Thanks to a lovely Wilsonette I have been in email contact with 'our 6am Pam'

With Pam's permission I am leaving you with this message.
Pam is struggling with the time of year, as I wondered, Pam is approaching Tim's anniversary and we all know what a dreadful shock that was to Pam. Pam is also more exhausted than she thought possible returning to work after being away for so long. She is low, and if anyone can understand that, we can, she has been through so much, so she is taking some time out for herself, to rest, sleep and basically remember how Tim loved the season.
Pam sends her love and thanks us all for our concern and will be back when she feels capable.

Thank you Sue for allowing your blog to take peoples feelings into consideration. I appreciate that some ladies can feel 'lonely' when entering such a caring blog and so many individual names are mentioned, but as we all know, we all care, try to support those that are not well or are down, but names do escape us 'of a certain age' but we care genuinally for all that enter this amazing blog, both regular ladies and those ladies that have just found you.
This is why you also deserve the blog award in our opinion - both for your incredible talant and allowing us to show WE CARE.

Lancashire Steph xx

fluffycat said...

Excuse me Sue but I want to say thank you to Steph for letting us know about Pam. Anniversaries are always hard, especially the first ones, and I am sure we all understand to some extent how Pam is feeling. Our best wishes and hugs go to her at this time.

Sheila - Ginger said...

Many thanks Steph for letting us know how Pam is and my thoughts and prayers go out to her at this sad time of the year. After returning to work it's bound to take it out of her too so plenty of rest will hopefully soon bring our dear friend back to us. Take care Pam.

Steph I can't agree with you more for what you have said about Sue and her wonderful blog and 'yes' I think Sue deserves the award more than any other.
Thanks again Steph.

Love and hugs to each and evryone of you.
Sheila xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, lovely card and great news about your nomination you truly deserve it.

JJ said...

Stunning card Sue, love the design/ layout on this one.
Good Luck with the awards.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Maureen Killen said...

Good afternoon Sue, and all the ladies.
This is very beautiful Sue, and I have the dies - yay!
I've had a lovely morning, been to a 100th birthday party for an honorary aunt (through marriage) and she was in good form. Got to say that the Queen's card was just slightly better than mine ha ha.
Lancashire Steph - please give Pam my fondest love, best wishes and hugs. xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
May I just first of all say thank you to Steph!
Thank you for your lovely post about Pam and the Blog. I too thought Pam's absence from the blog had to do with the time of year. We all so appreciate seeing Pam' s name first every morning and she keeps up to date with birthdays etc. thank you Pam for all you do, take some time out - we all want what is best for you. Thinking of you at this difficult time xx
Thank you Steph! xx
Love Myra

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi Sue, this is truly a stunning card love all the layering and the rose looks so real. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue,

What a pretty card this is, love the peach card against the black and white. Such a beautiful colour combo.
Love the way you've used the striplets to make a gorgeous background. Adore your rose embellishment.

Thank you for your inspirational cards and blog and all the hard work that goes into doing them.

Love and best wishes from katie-Louise sweetlove xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card! This striplet was the first striplet die I bought. I couldn't see the point of them until you showed their wonderful versatility. I now use this die more than most! Especially for a simple flat card for posting it is invaluable. I like it- did you guess! Voting done and dusted - no contest really! Would just like to say Wilsonettes are not biased at all - loyal yes - biased - of course not!
Lynda - Congratulations - thrilled for you! Enjoy your lovely card.
Norah - Pyrex casseroles seemed to be popular as wedding gifts and I too got several sets. We then went to buy our "cooker" as they were called back then - yes you've guessed - free gift with cooker - another set of Pyrex casseroles. However I also got four barometers! Still on the first one.
Janet - how dare they close your pastry shop just when you needed it! Two next week?
Must go, but just sending love to those who are missing just now.
Special hugs to Pam and Anne and Ian and Lindsay and Lynne.
Love Myra

terrie said...

beautiful card it turned out really nice...great color combo.
Congrats on being nominating and good luck...

barbara macaskill said...

Congratulations Lynda! Enjoy your beautiful card!
This card is absolutely gorgeous!! I would gladly trade my left arm for the Tethered Heart Die! I cannot wait for you to be readily available in the US! I see all of your gorgeous dies and can't touch them! That is like baking me a big chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing and setting it in front of me then telling me I can only look at it! ARGH!!
SOON my dreams will come true I hope!!
Back to the post though. Love this card and the three tethered hearts together are eye catching and beautiful! You have a wonderful eye for design and I am so glad I found this blog! TFS and see you next post!

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, hope you are having a good weekend. Gorgeous card today. Kind regards Joanne K x

constant crafter said...

Wow wow wow, this is stunning, love the colour scheme looks sooo expensive.
I'm going to use this design for all of my nieces wedding stationery, plus table decorations, name plates, napkin rings etc etc etc.

Huge thank you for all your hard work and inspiration these dies are more than amazing.

Thanks again love and hugs Pat

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi Sue
Having been missing for days here I am twice in one day!I really want to echo all that Steph has said about this blog, it is quite unique not only do we learn so much from you and your crafting techniques but you allow us to reach out to each other and I for one have made some treasured friends who offer their help in times of need so freely, where else is this found? You more than any other truly deserve to win this award and any other available too if only for your wonderful caring and sharing nature.
With sincere and heartfelt thanks.
Margaret corgi owner

Many thanks Steph for the update about Pam bless her.

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
superb card yet again.
Love the colour choice and design too.
Congrats to winner of your card give away.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Barbara said...

Very pretty card and unusual colour to use but it works.
Congratulations to Linda on winning a card, you will treasure it!!!
Was on Splitcoaststampers and they are looking for shops in the USA to get your dies Sue. I have told them to come to the blog for a look.

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue Sue & Wilsonettes, WOWSA IM STILL ON CLOUD 9 doing the woop woop dance I can't believe I have one the Wednesday WOW card I have a frame already & waiting thank you all for your congratulations
Today's card is amazing Sue I love the Striplet dies so will try this over the weekend maybe in different colour.i have voted Sue congratulations on your nomination.
Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Thank you Steph for letting us know about our No 1 Pam
Thinking of you Pam at this difficult time for you sending you my love & Gentle Hugs you are in my prayers,please take care lovely lady Lynda xx

Maureen glad you enjoyed your honorary aunt's 100th birthday such a wonderful age sending her a Big Hug Lynda xx

Sending love & hugs to Lynne M & June Yorkilass hope your both ok love Lynda xx

Big Hugs to Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Jean D,Hazel,Sheila G, & all Wilsonettes friends sending you all love & Hugs I have plenty Lynda xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, This is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
Congratulations to Lynda, enjoy your really beautiful card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue...WOW!!! I absolutely adore it :). First look says it is a very difficult card to make but once you take a second look, you realise that, as long as you have the right dies, anyone can come up with a reasonably beautiful copy.
Congratulations to Lynda for being this week's winner and well done, Sue for being in the have my vote :). As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Unknown said...

What a lovely card, Sue. This ticks all the boxes for me.
I can only echo other comments today, you do deserve the best blog award, not only do you give us lovely cards and inspiration each day, you allow a caring community to exist as well.
With that in mind, Steph, thanks for the words on Pam, and if you are looking Pam, we are all here behind you, it can be very hard and you have had a **** year.
Norah, enjoy the show at SEC. I was there on Thurs, great!!
Janice W

Lacelady said...

Love the card Sue, and would vote for you in a heartbeat, but it's only open to UK residents.

Karen Drew said...

A really nice way to use the striplet dies.Such a lovely card. I have been using those laves today. They look so lovely
Karen xx

Aspiring crafter said...

Great card Sue and my vote is ni!

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Have Voted for you in the crafts awards in several categories.
This card would really suit a Wedding -Anniversary or a special Occasion it really is a stunning and very Elegant card
Take care
Hazel G XX
PS Congrats to the winner

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Love the striplet dies and the card is fabulous.i have already cast my vote and I wonder who for lol! I will be amazed if you don't win!
Steph, thank you for taking the time to contact Pam and for letting us all know how she is. You are a lovely lady. I had a feeling that this might be the reason for her absence and my thoughts and prayers are with you Pam. Take all the time you need, but remember that we are all here for you if you need us. . Sending love and hugs to everyone and enjoy your extra hour in bed tomorrow morning. Love Alison xxx

janet said...

Such a pretty card-love the soft colours. It is amazing how versatile the striplets are.
Hugs Janet in Kent

alimecca said...

Hi just me again, forgot to say congratulations to Lynda, enjoy your lovely prize. Love Alison xxx

Tina said...

Hi Sue and lovely blog friends

Love the colours used for this card, it is stunning. Love the rose.

Cooo Weeee Pam, I hope that you are ok, and will return to us wilsonettes very soon. big hugs to you and Robbie XX

Lynda, how lucky are you to win a WOW card, a lovely card for a lovely lady. X

Steph, Margeret, Hazel, Norah & Rory Lynda and June Big hugs to you all XX

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

Anne O said...

Hi Sue,
So pleased to see this card on your blog. I spotted it on C&C, but it seemed they never showed it for long enough. Now I've been able to look at length. I have a wedding card to do soon, and I think I'll be taking some inspiration from this card. I hope you don't mind! Best wishes Anne O

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, quite elegant.

Craftihappiness to everyone and love from Pearl.

Theresa said...

interesting way of using striplet. lovely choice of colours.
voting done hugsxx

Darlene from SK said...

Another lovely card made with striplet dies.

craftynanna said...

evening sue, this is a super card and i have this tethered hearts die so i am quite chuffed, the colour looks a bit strange on my laptop but i bet its gorgeous when done, i to am having problems voting so will try later, congrats lynda winning the lovely card, and thank you sue, regards to all J

Jean Bullock said...

Oh, I love this card! That striplet die is awesome. I pinned of course.

Patricia said...

Good evening Sue,
Love, love, love this stunning card using my favourite "Striplet" Die.

Patricia xxx

sandieann21 said...

Just bought this die last week. How lovely. had a great afternoon watching Julia demo today as well.

Janice K said...

A beautiful card, love the shade of peach and that gorgeous rose.x

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, love this card. I now have all the striplet dies (just bought the latest two) but this one is my favourite. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

nannapat said...

Just beautiful Sue. Pat x

Craftysusan said...

Very inventive card and so lovely. Congratulations to Lynda for winning Wednesday's competition.

Carole Z said...

A beautiful card Sue, love the colours, subtle & elegant, hugs Carole Z x

Maureen B. said...

Congrats Sue and your colleagues for your nominations. Sorry today's card doesn't do it for me. The first time ever. Think it's a bit cluttered compared to your usual cards. I love the die, colour and the embellishments but somehow...!!! Forgive me and now I will go and vote! Thanks Sue for all your very hard work every day. Hugs Maureen

SHARICA said...

Fab Card .. xx

GeeBee88 said...

Hi Sue, great card and so pretty! Gx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Love these hearts, they look great on this card and congrats on the nomination

Gail said...

Good evening to you Sue and fellow crafters,
I have to say a big thank you to Steph for updating us about the lovely Pam . I do so miss her first blog in the mornings.
Thinking of you Pam, come back when you feel stronger.
Now the card I love it, such a great idea for the striplet. And the colour is brilliant.
Happy Weekend to you all Gail Cx

magpie said...

Helloooooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Oooooo the Striplet die is gorgeous Sue and I really love the colours that you have used. How could I not....but I can't remember seeing this die.....must have been one of my many senior moments...! Gorgeous all the same Sue xx "Thank you" for your inspiration. Sending love and hugs to you and your family xx Sending love and hugs to our Wilsonettes who are in need xx Congratulations Lynda on winning the Wednesday card giveaway! Wonderful! It will be even more stunning in real life! Take care everyone xx Love Karen xx

ang said...

Wow so gorgeous, love the use of the striplets die angxx

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Oh I love this card and I have the die too. Off to vote.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

AnneRD said...

A lovely card, I too have the dies so will try out this design. Anne x

Sandy H said...

A beautiful card today. I bought this striplet from JS and it arrived yesterday just in time for me to make a card for my husband for our anniversary next week. I'll change the colour, the embellishment and the sentiment. Thanks for the inspiration, Sue.
Well done Lynda on your win.
Steph thanks for letting us know about Pam. She is in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care everyone.

Unknown said...

Definately like the effect of using multiple cuts of the same die

Rosie said...

I really love this card and the colours too.

Marianna Hammer said...

The striplet dies are just so lovely. I will have to buy one of them at least. At the moment I have 3 more packages under way from Joanna Sheen, so perhaps I better wait until payday...? hehehe

Unknown said...

I should think you were nominated as your blog is so inspirational and your talents know no bounds

Congratulations on your nomination and fingers crossed you will win

Today's card is great


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue adore the heart striplet card. Best wishes
Annie B Irchester,

Shazza said...

oh my goodness this is fabulous x

DeyaniraC said...

Hello Sue
Lovely card. Perfect.
Thank you
Have blissful day

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