Thursday, 2 October 2014

Stacked Floral Ovals

Hello my crafty friends!  We are showing off the Innsbruck die today in our video feature.  It is a stunning die and really looks great done in stacked die cuts.  The video will show you how to achieve this look easily and without much effort, but with maximum Wow factor!

A quick reminder that Julia Watts has shows today on Create and Craft tv at 9am and 3pm with some brand new stamps.  They have a great dance theme to them, and they are just lovely!!  Don't forget to tune in to see her samples and demos.

Buy from Joanna Sheen

The finished dimensions are 7" x  8" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Beautiful card Sue, really lovely.
Lorraine, welcome to the blog family, I hope we can help make your stay in hospital easier for you with our moral support.
Not discharged from Clinic as Consultant concerned about swelling and colour of ankle but he is happy for me to start driving and plan return to work. He will see me again in 4 months to check, so a definite result I think.
Robbie went home on Tuesday from Rehab, he was so looking forward to his mom's home cooking. Now he starts his outpatient programme which will be hard work for him, but he is so determined. His accident was featured on the front page of the Boston Herald and he was very frank about his injuries, he is a brave lad.
Hugs to all and thank you for hugs from Leo and Skylar. Pat it was amazing to see Sarah had stood briefly for the first time in her life, what a brave little girl she is and I pray for her continued improvement. Xxx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!
Another beautiful card and the stacked die cuts is such an effective technique thanks for sharing!! Wow the daisy really pings out!!

Pam, so pleased that yo will be able to drive again and go to work hope it will be a phased return? Great news about Robbie too.

Have a great day everyone.

Cameeli xx

Patricia said...

Good. Morning Sue,
Once again another stunning card. Love the colours and the fantastic design.
Pam, glad you are at last getting to drive and think about getting back to work.
Good luck for Robbie's continued improvement. Being home will be the boost he needs to keep going with the hard work.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Eemeli said...

Beautiful. I think it has just the right amount of blue color (which is my
favorite one :) to go with that gorgeous "detailed" white. Very elegant
design. Uh, I think I need to put the kettle on and grab my morning
coffee before continuing this day. I'll also watch your video once my
coffee is ready.

Have a wonderful day and take care!


Muriel said...

Hello Sue

I must admit to peeking at the video earlier, I love this card, blue and white and it is the reason I bought the die, BUT still waiting to get the daisies off the wish list and into my craft room, they are so good for many different cards. Can sit at the desk for short periods now so will be card making again very very soon,

Muriel x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I am so loving the open daisies I must get this die set, I will watch the video after shopping.
Pam some good news about getting back behind the wheel, good news also about Robbie once he gets some of Mum's cooking he will come on on leaps and bounds hugs to you all x x x x
Norah I would love to try different knitting needles it is the holding of them with my thumbs as it is a problem with my basal joint on both which causes problems holding pens, knives etc I have no grip so I am usually just using my fingers for everything, I will get in touch about the needles thank you so much love and big huigs to you and your family x x x x
To all who are in or going into hospital I send love and big hugs for a speedy recovery x x x
Gentle hugs to Leo and Skylar 9 weeks how the time has flown by I would so love to be able to see pictures x x x x
Love and hugs to all the Wilsonettes hope you all have a lovely day
Happy crafting
Love Tina x x x x xx

Hazel said...

Stunning. And that blue is gorgeous. Just love it.

Pam so glad you have got the go ahead to drive, just take it easy, also great news about Robbie getting home.

Hazel xx

JAO said...

Beautiful, the blue lovely.

Breezes said...

What beautiful and striking colours - the card is stunning ! I am going to have a video fest and spend the morning watching all your videos again before we go back to the UK for the winter and I won't have internet for a few days !

Hugs, Rose xx

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Stunning card iam going to do this one for my mum and dads 50 th wedding anniversary card next year thankyou for the idea tracyw x

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue love the colours and dies xx hazel

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful, love the open feeling of this die and daisies are always a favourite, xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue I'm Having Problems With Leaving Comments I Don't Know Why But This Is My Third attempt So I'm Going To Be Very Short The Video Was Amazing And A Beautiful Card.
Sue Take Great Care
Love And Hugs From Sam x

Laura O said...

really pretty card Sue love the dies,Laura O

June Smith said...

I cannot believe it..... typed a long message and then it lost it because it said 2 people trying to post at the same time........... Lets try again.

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, a brilliant card today with the blue and white together, a match made in heaven, will certainly do this one hopefully later today.

Such terrific news today, not only for your driving ...take care... but also for Robbie going home, I would love to have seen the front page of the Boston Herald.

Have a great day everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is beautiful your dies are gorgeous and give such fantastic results. When I get in from work I have your video and Julia's shows to look forward to. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Unknown said...

sue, this is sooooo beautiful

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
It's now coming up as Anonymous for some stupid reason I'll have to check it all out it since I put my update on!
Love and Hugs from Sam x

hollyberry said...

Just so beautiful.

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Lovely card - especially the flowers
Pat x

Val Jones said...

I don't know how you manage to come up with such an array of different cards every day Sue, but you certainly do.
Will enjoy watching the video later with a cup of coffee.
Love Val in Spain x

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue and everyone
A very grey day here today, so a good excuse to be in my craft room. This card is once again stunning Sue, just beautiful. Loving the blue, had a search trough my card stash which is vast, but I haven't got any near this colour, so I will have to try and find some to buy.
So pleased that you can drive once more Pam and that Robbie is home. I am sure you will both improve in leaps and bounds now.
Take care everyone and hugs to those who need them

Dawn Searle xxxxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue Wow another stunning card. I love the design of this. And I like these does this is the first time I've seen these but it's going ony wish list. I'm off to watch the video to see how you have are this one.
Take care Sue xx

Debs A xxx

auscrafts said...

Beautiful card Sue, really lovely I love the colours and dies

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - love this - it's another must try,lovely colour bow!
Clare W

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card in beautiful colours.
I am having a nasty flair up with very sore hands so simply sending hugs to all.Take care

Aspiring crafter said...

A beautiful card Sue, love the colours and those gorgeous flowers -on my wish list!
Pam , wishing Robbie all the very best and may his progress steadily continue xxx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card love the colours too. love Jean Z xx

Caroljsmith said...

Sue. What a stunning card yet again , loved it the first time round .

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Lovely card so pretty will watch the video later.

Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Sue, a bit of deja vu!! I liked this card with the flyaway bow so much that I saved it with the date (July 11th) when you first posted it. Now, though, a video! Thanks - will view later. Like it as much as the first time around!! Just lovely.

'P' in Wales

Lorraine - hi and welcome! Hope all goes well for you.
Pam - half-and-half news for you then, but great you can get back to driving. Just take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a wonderful card! I always love the layers to your card. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
What a way to start the day; coffee and you in your craft room just sets the tone.
A truly elegant and sumptuous gift today. It's also in my favourite colours and your new dies just make it perfect. I have just bought one of your Austrian dies so today's gift is just on time. Those beautiful new flowers are such a joy to work with and I'm so glad I went for them on your launch week.

Pam - so pleased you can now go back to driving. Not so sure about work but if you love your job I'm sure you're pleased. Fantastic news on the Robbie front. I bet there was a fantastic reception waiting for him and how pleased he was to be reunited with his little pooch. He has proved that he is not afraid of hard work and so this is another fantastic step for him.

We have sunshine here this morning but it's definitely chilly and Autumn is truly on it's way. The leaves are really turning now and are so so beautiful.
To all who are under the weather hope you feel better soon. To all take care and stay safe.
See you tomorrow.
Janet x

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, stunning card, love the blue, wish I had bought those flower dies! Will have to save my pennies! Love Jean xxx

Craftysusan said...

Stunning card Sue. Can't wait to watch the video later.

Chris Curry said...

Lovely card Sue, gorgeous colours. The jute bow does add something as you say. Thank you. Xx

karenlotty said...

Love the card the dies the colours Will hav to watch video later Just goes to show how topsy turvey I felt yesterday I plonked myself down with a cuppa laptop and headphones to enjoy your video and then realised that it was Wed not Thu

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - a beautiful card again, the colours are so striking. Looking forward to watching your video later. Best wishes

Glennis F said...

How stunning this card is, and the beautiful bow sets it off nicely

Unknown said...

Lovely card again Sue.

I do love the "Austrian Collection"

Crafty Granny said...

Gorgeous! Love everything about it. Hope you're having a good week sue!

Love Nicola x

vanessa said...

Morning Sue, another lovely card & the blue really makes this card stand out, the flower on the bow is really jumping
This card is stunning vanessa xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card today, I am so glad I got the daisies they are so versatile. Great. Video as well. Have a great day everyone.

Love Rosemarie xx

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card as always
these dies are gorgeous and love the
colours. On my way out again so will catch video when I get back
looking forward to it. Have set record for
Julia's shows.
Nancyd xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card today. Love the look of the stacked dies. Looking forward to watching your video later. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Beautiful card. The blue is striking, particularly the ribbon.Fab!
Have a great day.
Ang x

Marion said...

Hi Sue i like the dies you have used and like the card except the bow is too big for me ,it takes over the card .
Marion H said...

Really beautiful card Sue - love the blue and white colour scheme! Have a lovely day Susan x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh I do love the blue and white and todays creation is another stunner with a great informative video to go with it.
Pam good news about the driving and hope the swelling goes down soon...oh I am so pleased for Robbie going back home and doing so well...he is such a brave young man and so full of determination.
Hugs to all who need them and hope your days soon get brighter.

Love Sheila xx

Diane Green said...

Hi sue
Beautiful card today, I love the blue you have used. I haven't got these dies but I am sure I can try the technique with some of the ones I have got. I saw the flowers on offer on a website the other day but didn't buy them as I was looking for something else! Silly me. I came back to bed this morning with a cup of tea after the early station run to watch your video so I'd better get up for the second time now and start the day!! Car passed it's MOT yesterday but need new tires soon so better not spend on craft stuff!!! Have a great day. Love Diane G xxxxx ps Sue I love your outfit today what pretty colours! Xxx

Pam great news about you and Robbie but take care with the driving xxxx
Annie sorry to hear of your family bereavement my thoughts are with you xxx
Jackie W your tooth sounds really painful. I had my wisdom teeth out many years ago as did my husband and he took arnica tablets (from the chemist) for a week before his op and a week after and his bruising was really reduced. His mum was a nurse at a private hospital and it was something they suggested for face lifts! Might be worth doing so you don't look like you've been in a boxing match! Good luck anyway xx
Sheila hope your daughter is safe in Hong Kong - you must miss her xx
Cheryl good luck with your op tomorrow xxxx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card today real pretty, hugs sarah xx

Jayne S said...

Lovely card, great colours and huge bow. Love it all.

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Beautiful. A very sophisticated look. Video was great. Thank you for sharing.

DMJ said...

Another project to try!!! Must get more hours in the day!!!

Doreen x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card, love the stacked dies and the large bow is stunning!
Lorna D

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Lovely lovely card, fabulous dies and lovw the blue

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Love this beautiful card, it would good it lots of different colours , but I particular love the blue you have used.
Ginnie x

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, such a gorgeous blue

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Stunning card, but not the bow. Have succumbed and ordered the daisies, so looking forward to them arriving.
Will watch the video later.

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & friends,
I love today's card and I am lucky enough to have this die so I will go have a play, I don't have the daisy flower die, but I will substiute with a faux quilled flower instead.
So I will grab my muesli, watch your video, then go and have a play, thanks Sue xxx
I want to send my dear friend Sue (mrs B) a big gentle hug today as she is in a lot of pain and can't make our 'play date' at Pats house in Witney, so I am also sorry that I won't get the chance to come and craft amongst your 'drawers' Pat, haha xx
Julie Laz I hope you are well and feeling better than last week. Xxx
Pam, I am so pleased that you get to go back to driving, fantastic news as it means you have your independence back, take it easy though! Fab news about Robbie too, once he gets back in his own environment he will come on in leaps and bounds, proper wholesome home cooking and his own bed! I am genuinely thrilled as when you think back a few months, getting to this point seemed so uncertain, it gives me faith that things to go right sometimes xxxx
Maureen, thank you so much for your lovely message and your thoughts, it made my day, congratulations on your fantastic news, I hope you got all your cards made! Please keep in touch xxx
Hazel, I loved your Blog, your cards and baskets were brilliant, you are ferry talented! We live in the same housing that you used to live in, but it doesn't stop my daughter leaving her room looking like we have been burgled! I hope you can make it to Ally Pally, would be lovely to met up! Xxx
My blog should be updated today. ( fingers crossed) as I tried to schedule a post, I am not very 'tech savvy' I'm afraid, thank goodness that my girls are like computer genius's, they are often saying ",um, what have you done now"! It's good practise for problem solving for their GCSE's.
Norah, time is the only thing that will make it easier to accept the lids of your dear mum, I lost my dad very suddenly a couple of years ago, he was only 59, I was completely and utterly devastated to say the least, to start with I just dealt with it by just pretending he just wasn't there when I called, gradually as the years have passed I have got used to the idea, it just feels strange when we go yo my mums house, even now! ( we live about 140 miles from my parents), but as tine has gone on it had become a lot easier to accept and talk about, although there's not a day goes by that I on't think about him at some point. I know words are of little comfort to you bit I just wanted yo reassure you that it does get easiet, my arms are stretched wide for the biggest hug!
Anyway I must go, big hugs to all of you lovely ladies,
Sandra xxxxx

Lacelady said...

Great card Sue, love the blue, love the dies, and love the super sideways bow with flower embellishment!

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, looking to forward to watching the video.

June Horrocks said...

beautiful card sue very elegent thank you love to all June xxxx

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue...
Happy crafting ..x

Maryann Laursen said...

Sooooooo beautifulcard here again today Sue. I just love the blue color, and everything here is just awesome and so beautiful as ever.

Kate's Cards said...

This die works so well with a bold design!

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Another Sue masterpiece i am loving all of your ideas , Thank you Sue
Elaine H X

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonette Angels,
Today's card and video are both beautiful and informative. I love the cobalt blue card against the milk tops. I always think that the Innsbruck die reminds me off Art Deco in design. Thank you Sue for another WOW card and i can actually do this card...whoopee. Have a great day flower and see you tomorrow.
Great news Pam about the driving, but have they done an MRI on your ankle to see what is causing the swelling & bruising. I bet Mary will be happy to make her boys' favourite meal for him just so glad she has him back home. But she will need to take off her mother head and put on her carer head when it comes to making sure he does all his exercises now that he is back home for his own good. I know that he is doing well and determined but we all get down sometimes and feel sorry for ourselves and that is when young Robbie will need his mum's iron determination to see him walk again.
Pat L, oh i bet there was tears streaming down mum and dad's face at seeing their little girl stand for the first time. WELL DONE SARAH, you are a wee champion wee lass and you are doing so very well. I know it was only 15secs Pat, but that is the start off a long road to being like all her friends. Fantastic news, i am so pleased for her and all of you.
Sorry Tina, i can be a bit stupid at times at understanding these things and the fact that i am a Scottish knitter(i hold one needle under my arm) i forget that a lot of people actually hold needles in their hands the whole time, but i will glad send down the needles if it would even help a little in being gentler on your poor hands and allowing you to carry on.
Frances, i can help with yesterdays little problem flower anytime just message me although i don't have the filigree set yet i do have the poinsettia and the mosaic poinsettia.
Lorraine (Eastwood) welcome to the wonderful world of Wilsonettes. Sorry that you are in the hospital as it can be bad at the best of times knowing how long you are going to be in for but it must be horrendous when it is an unknown quantity. I hope you enjoy coming and reading as some of us could write for Scotland(England, Ireland or Wales) and others just write a little, either way we are very happy that you have joined our happy gang of the most wonderful people in the world.
Angela(Wade) have a lovely few days SA, i hope that you have a refreshing break away although the heat in both destinations would be far hotter than i could be in.
Jackie, your crafting might take your mind off your sore face with the tooth and you will have created some beauty to pass on to others along the way. Sorry your tooth is gowping like it is and i hope that your appointment is sooner rather than later as there is nothing worse than a sore mouth.
Diane(Maitland) glad that you have had your cast finally off although i thought it was so you could get around better on earth rather than on the moon and if they were doing that they might have given you the matching set. I know that this will probably be for the next few weeks but i am glad that you are able to get around better, just don't do whatever it was that landed you into this situation again as a matching set looks nice but a bit tiring humphing around with you. Take care flower.

Glenharon said...

Had Rory at the Adolescent Psychiatrist yesterday as he has been awful low since being bullied last year and with things that have happened since. Mr m was supposed to come to the meeting along with Miss M but she couldn't get the time off and he didn't care as it is Rory that needs to sort himself out. Apart from anything else, he is part of the reason Rory is going through a tough patch but as usual nothing is ever because of Campbell. So me and the wee fella went in on our own again much to the disbelief of the psychiatrist as he has never in 40 years never had a father not turning up. He was a temp until they got a replacement who has come in the shape of a handsome young doctor by the name of Ruaidhri(gaelic Rory) which posed good fun yesterday trying to get the right one to speak at the right time. Any way this young man is going to see him for 10 sessions for talk therapy to see if they can find a way for Rory to deal with his different issues calmly instead of just immediately slapping him with a pile of anti depressants, which to me is a much better idea, so we will see how it goes.
From a beautiful Glenochil and Ochil hills i wish you all a very good day and hugs to all my Wilsonette Angels, thank you girls as i really do thank you for all your kindnesses,
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, I concur with everyone else, this card is really lovely and colours are perfect. These flower dies must go to the top of my Wish List as the layered effect is so amazing. Hoping to see you at Colemans on Saturday.
X Ros

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, great card today, will watch video later as I am off to the hairdressers to see if she can work miracles with my hair!
Take care everyone, Jess x

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Lovely, striking card. X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.
Love the card and the colours. Bought the open daisies to go with the closed ones yesterday. Best wishes, Evis McCarthy.

Unknown said...

Morning everyone what a beautiful card I shall look forward to watching the video when I come back home later today. 😃 said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you A brilliant video and pretty card. I have tried three times today to send a comment and there is something wrong, I do not understand computers at all. To all Wilsonettes have a good day, take care all Kitty.

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This is my third attempt to leave a comment. I had the same problem as previous ladies. I too typed my message out but couldn't post it. So here is the abridged version.....
Beautiful card.
Pam, good news all round.

Sparrow said...

A classy blue and white card - lovely.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue.
I thought I'd missed this card as I was on Joanna Sheen s website looking at your dies. So I've actually watched the video there. I love the colours you have used. The design looks stunning. Thanks as usual for sharing.
Lots of love
Jo xx

lindyloo12 said...

Wow, another really beautiful card, I wish I was half as clever as you Sue.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, this is such an elegant card I love the die and flowers. Beryl xx

Anonymous said...

Very pretty card.

Take care


SHARICA said...

Love the colours xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
What a beautiful card! I need to go back and check but I thought I'd seen this one before but as I love blue and white it may have been one very similar. It just looks so elegant and as you say - the dies do all the work - after a clever lady has thought of the dies and the design ! Hope you are well Sue. Thank you so much for all the beautiful card ideas you give to us. x
Diane - sorry! I can be a bit slow! I am so glad you are ok .take care . x
Pam - really pleased you have been given the green light to drive again. Really good news. Slow and steady wins the race - remember! Not talking about breaking the speed limit either! Great news about Robbie too. What an inspiration he is and will be to others in a similar situation. So pleased he has gone home to Mum's cooking! his parents must be thrilled.
Sending love to you both.
Norah - I am the only person that I know of living here who sticks one knitting needle under an arm. Hadn't realised it was purely a Scottish thing! As you know I'm an exiled Scot and it was Mum who taught me to knit. She had a struggle - you see I'm left handed into the bargain . Mum was right handed and she said I ought to learn to knit right handed so that I would have problems following a pattern! Wise lady! Had to teach myself to crochet by watching my Auntie Jean and if I get stuck I hold it up to the mirror! Do hope this Psychiatrist with the same name as Rory will really be able to help him. It is always good to start off liking the person! Lots of love to you both.xx
Pat L - great news! Again something to build on each day. Sending Love to you too.
I seem to be rambling this morning. I think I've missed something out but will go before you all shout at me! Haha!
Love to everyone on this Blog of Blogs!!
Myra xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and a big hello to our Wilsonettes.
Kind of good news Pam, just take the driving steady (so many idiots on the road these days) like the rest of your recovery, baby steps or baby miles ! Such heart warming news about Robbie (bet there will be lots of people that miss him there) but delighted his fab progress and determination has sent him home. Bet Margaret and George are thrilled. Send our love. Sending very gentle hugs to Mrs B today. Also to all our friends not so good today.
Colbalt blue has been added to my list along with the gold and silver card.
Its another beautiful card today, thank you for adding beauty and happiness to my day as not only is it another Thursday which still hurts, Im still not feeling well, and woke earlier with a red hot, angry itchy rash, which tells me im having an allergic reaction to my new treatment so Im waiting to hear from crohns nurse to see what happens now with regard to my injection Im due to give tomorrow (that wont happen I dare say) !! Hohum such is life.
On that note, I'll wish a wonderful sunny day to you Sue and to my lovely friends.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

Myra P said...

Me again!
Oops - should have said - so that I wouldn't have problems following a pattern. X
Love Myra

Maggie said...

Hello Sue. This is a fabulous card and such a lovely colour. Was a bit worried about that bow hanging off the side, but I then thought about replacing it with a few more flowers and a perfect card was made. Thank you for your amazing dies and ideas. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Fiona in Maine said...

Good morning from Maine everyone. Another lovely card! The video is also fun to watch- and yes it's not yet 6 am here! My wish list for dies is getting longer and longer! Keep we everyone.

Julsb said...

Good morning beautiful card. Love the colours and the gorgeous ribbon just finishes it off.

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. Very elegant and dramatic with the large bow. Lovely colours the blue and white.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue, thank you for another brilliant video tutorial, it's all so clear and easy to follow, congratulate your camera operator because the quality of the pictures and the shots are just FAB. This card as you said would definitely please any recipient, I would feel very special receiving such a beautiful card!
Take care, love Brenda xxx

Norah, Rory is really blessed having such a caring and strong mum, you really are his strength and know just how to get the best out of AND for him, keep strong honey pie.
Pleased they are not going to give him antidepressants, because what do they do! surely it's better to talk things through rather than suppress them with antidepressants. I'm sure this way will him and he will be so much stronger for taking this route.
Sending you both love, hugs and prayers.

Pam, so pleased the consultant said you can get out and drive again also return to work, you take it steady. Brilliant news about Robbie, you should all be so proud of him, what a strong determined young man he is.

Mrs B (Sue) So sorry you're in a lot of pain and can't make the play date with 'the girls'

Annie said...

Very lovely card, Sue, so stately with the several blue/white frames, love it!
Hugs Annie x

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for this wonderful video. This is an absolutely gorgeous card! I love it.
Thanks for the reminder that Julia is on. I didn't know. I love Julia :) going to watch the first show on the internet now :)

Unknown said...

Just beautiful


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card - love the stacked die cuts. Very pretty. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

nannapat said...

Love the blue and white theme, it's such a gorgeous shade of blue. Very pretty flowers and the die is beautiful. Pat x

Gail said...

Another stunning card xx GailT xx

Gail said...

Another stunning card xx GailT xx

sandieann21 said...

Very regal in style.

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This is a gorgeous card, very spring-like in colours, love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Gail said...

Good afternoon all,
Well this is my second time here today and for some reason it would not let me leave my comment earlier this morning.
Another beautiful card Sue, love it even with the bow, and great news Pam being able to get back behind the wheel.
Gail C x

Cazzie D said...

Afternoon Sue. A very pretty catd today but I have to confess I find the blue too overbearing for my taste. Sorry. Caz x

CraftyJo said...

This is a very dramatic card but I find the huge bow just too distracting (and just how do you mail it when it hangs off the edge of the card like that I wonder?). I like the bit of twine and think that would have been fine on its own - if you really *had* to put a 'bow' of some sort ;)

I shall go hide behind my sofa now expecting to be shot-down for daring to dislike bows LOL

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and great video as well, love the delicate daisies and the Innsbruck die.
Pam great that you can drive again and think of returning to work and such wonderful news about Robbie
Norah glad Rory getting some helpful therapy rather than antidepressants
Hugs and best wishes to everyone

Jean Bullock said...

Once again, a beautiful card. Beautiful layers and those daises are so pretty. I pinned.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue,

I love this card, and I literally just bought this die yesterday!! Cannot wait to receive it to try out.


Ivy ling x

Dianeandchipps said...

Hello Sue. I just love this card. I am sure I said once that I preferred pastel cards but you just get me mixed up. The blue is a fantastic colour and really makes the card stand out.

Norah, I have no intention of breaking my left foot, lol. But I had no intention of breaking the right one!!!! Just need to be a bit more mobile. I start physio on Monday so that should help.

Best wishes and huge hugs to everyone who needs one. Love from Diane xxx

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue, love the card today. Added more items to my wishlist, some will hae to drop of the bottom soon it is so long.

Craftihappiness to everyome and love from Pearl.

Nanny Jo said...

Another stunner, Sue!!! It's so beautiful! And I just received my card in the post from last week....Oh, my! It's fabulous! I can't believe I actually own a Sue Wilson original!! Thank you, Sue. Jo xxxx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
such a beautiful card - everything about it is stunning. Colours, dies (boy am I glad I've got these) and the bow.
Elegance personified a la Sue Wilson.
Hugs, Rose

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for another wonderful Video full of tips and techniques which i am going to try out as this card really is beautiful and i do love the colours
Take care
Hazel G XX

barbiepinkfairy said...

Fantastic colour combo. Really striking!

Norah, hope Rory is helped by this new doc.

Steph, take it easy.

Cheryl, good luck for surgery tomorrow.

Love to all xxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunner today. Love the tiered look, will have to give this a go. I don't have this die, but as the saving goes Sandra, I know a lady who does. Will have to have a play next week. I'm so glad you can now drive your car Pam and return to work, I hope these two things are taken in small steps as you don't want to over use your leg. Good news about Robbie as well, he'll come on leaps and bounds now, once he is at home. Hugs to Lancs Steph and Norah, we also have a sunny day after a coldish start.
Gentle hugs to Mrs B and I hope your joints get better soon. Missing you and Sandra already, but hope you are better for next week. Pete is glossing the bedroom door at the moment, just the ceiling to do before we can start to do the papering. Just that to paint then I can start moving furniture, clothes and draws back where they belong.

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card Sue. Love the die!
Jimi Mac

spoole said...

Hi Sue,
The colours on this card are gorgeous and really like the layering, but not a lover of the big bow I'm afraid.
Kind regards,

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card.
Enjoying watching Julia today and the creative expressions kits a great.

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! WOW !! WOW !! This card is just as stunning as yesterday's card Sue !! I just really love everything about it. The colours look so great together. More dies to add to my long wish list again. Your Salzburg dies look fantastic on this card today. The Daisy Dies look fab to. I can't wait for my Birthday in October as I have left my wish list lying around just like Steph does as a big, big hint !! Thank you for sharing such a gorgeous card with us today Sue. It really is so striking and stunning.
Wishing you lots of love Sue from Tres x x x

Wishing all the Wilsonettes lots of love today from Tres x x x

Tres said...

Sorry Sue, I meant the Innsbruck die !! I still "need" them all though !! Love Tres x x x

terrie said...

Very pretty card and I liked the center of it with that die.
Well done Sue
Thanks for the video

camelot67 said...

Good afternoon Sue,

There's only one word to describe today's card and that's stunning! I love it! Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the blue, so effective.
Regards Audrey O'Brien, Wicklow Town, Ireland

Theresa said...

this is beautiful Sue. one of your signature cards, hugs xx

Maureen Killen said...

Good afternoon Sue, and all the ladies.
This is fabulous Sue, I love everything about itand the video is so explanatory. I think I must type the same thing every day, but it's true!!
Pam, fab news about you and Robbie.
Cheryl, good luck for tomorrow.
Norah, I knit with needle under left armpit (I'm right handed).
Lorraine - hello.
Sandra, pleased I didn't bore you to tears.
Love to all, hope you are all as well as you can be in mind and body.
Love to you Sue xx

Caron28 said...

Hello Sue. A truly stunning card and a gorgeous colour. xx

SusanP, Kent said...

Beautiful. Can't wait to see the video. The blue is a lovely rich shade. Did I count 7 layers - plus flowers and die cut? Wow!

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Another WOW Sue. Love this card, soooooo pretty. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

JJ said...

Stunning Sue, love this die and the colour combo you have used is beautiful.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, another stunner today! I love the colours and the die is great, another for my wish list lol. How unusual to have the bow in that position...I like it! Of course, I'm in love with the daisy dies, they just look so good whatever colour you use them with. As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Measha06 said...

Fab card love the layers. How do you keep them so square and even? Is it just by eye all the time or by meqsurement?

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Tried leaving message this morning but no joy so just a quick post to say that today's video and card are both fabulous. I love the colour and the dies you've used they are so pretty.
Norah so pleased Rory is getting help other than tablets it makes a difference when you like the therapist, sending you and Rory a great big hug.
Sending hugs to Yorkielass, Linda and all who need them
Hugs x
Heather T

Jane said...


Jane xx

julie laz said...

Beautiful sue, just beautiful. Crafty hugs Julie xxxx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

The colours are fab and I love the daisy die.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Dawn Holben said...

Wow this is a very beautiful card and I thought it was going to be a very fiddly card to do but the demo makes it look so simple but very detailed.

Nananne said...

Stunning card! And a wonderful video, this set of dies is on my wish list for when I go to the Hobbycraft show in Glasgow later this month along with some others lol! I never got time to comment yesterday as we were journeying home and had unpacking and shopping to put away , but loved the red and white card , really gorgeous!
So glad to hear you can start to drive again Pam , but as others have said just take it easy, also great news about Robbie being able to go home.
Norah , I really feel for you having to go it alone but Rory is very lucky to have such an excellent mum and in the end his dad is the one missing out, it sounds as though the new doctor has the right approach and I hope it works out well as Rory sounds like a wonderful wee person xoxo
I notice June Yorkielass hasn't been commenting, I hope you are ok, I have tried to read back comments to catch up but may have missed something.
I would like to thank Diane, Maureen Killen, Steph, Brenda Lello, Fluffycat ( those 6years will just fly by! My other half can't walk very far so a cruise was perfect for him) Norah, Myra P, Lynda, Magpie, Pam, Nanna Tina( you've a wee way to go yet! ) Crafty Suetoo, Mrs B ( hope your joint pain has eased a bit ) Sandra, and Sheila-Ginger your kind wishes mean so much and help make our day even more special!
Love and Hugs to all xo especially those feeling down or poorly xo

Kathy Krug said...

Love how you placed the sentiment coming out of the oval and the fabulous bow gives it such a nice balance.

Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes gorgeous card again I'm lucky enough to have the Innsbruck die & the daisies die so will try this card it so classy .i love the colour's used.defently a Wow factor. Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Cheryl B good luck for your operation tomorrow gentle Hugs Lynda xx

Lorraine welcome to this lovely blog,sorry you are in hospital sending gentle Hugs Lynda xx

Pat L,so pleased Sarah stood for the first time she is an amazing little girl you must all be so proud of her. Sending gentle Hugs to you all Lynda xx

Mrs B ( Sue ) sorry your in so much pain today hope you feel better soon gentle Hugs Lynda xx

Sheila you must be missing your daughter hope she stays safe in Hong Kong. Hugs Lynda xx

Diane ( & chips ) I'm pleased you have got your cast off,& now got a moon boot, must be nice to be able to take it off for showers & bed time but baby moon steps. Hugs Lynda xx

Pam good news for you & Robbie but take care with driving hugs to you both Lynda xx

Norah glad Rory is not having antidepressant's & pleased he has a nice doctor looking after him sending him Big Hugs & Big Hugs to his lovely mummy xxLynda xx

Special Hugs to Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Yorkilass ,Lindsay ,Hazel,Tina E & Clair,Tres,Tandy,Pat S,Mrs B,Lynne M Tilly & Cully,Maureen K,Pauline A,Brenda L,Jean D,Gail C,Nanna Tina,Wheely Bad
,TOB Theresa,Myra P,Janet Ecco,Julie Laz,Cameeli,Lanc Steph,Ita,Meg Leo & Skyla,Helen K
Texcowgirl .Love Lynda xx

Love & Hugs to all that need or what some see you tomorrow Lynda xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
A stunning card and great video.
Best wishes to all
Vanessa x

Txcowgirl said...

Oh my, what a beautiful card! Not only one of my favorite colors, but the flowers are stunning.
GUESS WHAT?! My JS order arrived this morning! Hip-hip hooray! Goody, goody, so excited! Even more so when seeing your card Sue. Two things in my order were the daisy sets. Even better these were on special, so I added them to my order, and I see from this card how lovely they can be. Now I need to finish organizing my craft room, so I will have room to play.
Yesterday was unable to post, but the poinsettias are scrumptious. I don't think I've ever seen prettier die-cut ones.
Welcome Lorraine, hope you're better soon.
Pam, take care of your ankle and get it completely well.
I pray for everyone having health, or any other issue to be well and be blessed. We all have much to be thankful for, even as this world seems to be such a mess.

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone! Well you have done it again Sue,managed to put together a fabulous card.Can't think where your idea's coming from but they are very appreciated by us all.Thank you amazing lady.
Welcome Lorraine to the Wilsonettes. Pam-great news about Robbie,he must be soo happy to be back home.Still long way to go but being surrounded with people and things you knew and of course mums cooking will hopefully help him along his way to recovery.Good news for you too,just drive carefully you haven't done it for a while :-)
Cheryl-wish you good luck for tomorrow,hope you be alright.
Mrs B- gentle hugs,hope you feeling better soon. Norah-Hugs to you and Rory.Glad he will have someone to help him hopefully without meds. I never had and been on antidepressants for years(first for bullying,red hair,and later because for the stupid pain) He sound such a lovely boy and you are a wonderful mother.
Steph-take it easy and I wish you a speedy recovery,hugs. Ros Hodgins- I will be at the Colman's on Saturday,maybe we see each other ? Lynne M+tilly and cully,hugs to you,wheelybad,Janet Sandra,June,Leo+Skylar,Pam+Robbie,Norah+Rory,ToB,Steph,Brenda,Sam,CraftyNanna,to everyone and our Sue

Take care and Hugs
Maria x

TOB said...

Fab card. My JS order arrived today, hooray. I have quite a few things of Sues now and that daisy die is beautiful. I have been working on some new projects lately but have been feeling poorly, discovered this morning I have a chest infection and an infection in both ears, seeing as I wear 2 hearing aides I'm now almost deaf as I can't wear them for a while.
Pam take it easy, fab news about Robbie.
Steph hope you are feeling better soon, you know where I am.
Maria Alder you mentioned a few weeks ago about finding you on face book but I've looked and can't find you, there are so many on there.(Lol)
Norah hope time will heal.
To everyone and I mean everyone, big hugs and I am thinking of you all.
Love Theresa x

Karen Drew said...

The colours of todays card are stunning. I really NEED those flower dies!!
Karen xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful colour combo - those daisies are very eye catching too!! Mmmmm me thinks I gotta get 'em!!! Karen xx

craftynanna said...

evening sue and all wilsonettes, such a really WOW card it is lovely and a gorgeous colour, my next purchase will be the daisy dies and the grand vinery.
it is amazing reading all your tales it shows your not the only one suffering and others have just as many worries but then to read how people come out the other side is heartening,
thank you sue for your daily inspiration, regards to all J

CraftySuetoo said...

Hello Sue and everyone. Love the card, can't wait to watch the video, the blue is a favourite colour.
Late posting today as I left for work at 7am and have just got home, but I couldn't not have a little look at today's card! I'll have to read everyone's comments tomorrow though because my brain is now mush. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and all, late post from me today. Lovely card and I am off to watch the video x

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, loving the bow to the side and the die cuts too.
Donna Jones

weefortune said...

Stunning card Sue, Elaine x

janet said...

Nice clean lines to this card -looks lovely and fresh.
Hugs Janet in Kent

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...

Love the design and the blue and white colors. That bow and video is wonderful.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Late again - sorry! Gorgeous card today, love the colour. Been such a lovely day today up here, so went for a lovely long walk but then asleep when we got back! Thrown me out of kilter for rest of day!
Pam great to hear you will be able to drive and really good news about Robbie too. Just booked a week away ( next week) to Scotland. We are going to be based just outside of Oban so we can go across to Mull. Hubbie wants to see Golden Eagle and Ptarmigan and various other birds! I will guarantee that the weather will change for the worse next week. I have Never been anywhere in Scotland in good weather !! It can be lovely when we set off from home and as soon as we cross the border at Berwick it starts to rain! All I can say is batten down the hatches Norah and everyone else in Scotland! It is such a beautiful country but just once I would like to see it without rain trickling down my face! I do tell a lie though - we did have one fine day in Glencoe about 10!years ago but even then I ended up soaking wet because the dog panicked as we were crossing a river and pulled me in! I did get some funny looks walking back down to the car park, past the American tourists and the piper! Love to all, Alison xxx
Ps in case I forget tomorrow, happy anniversary to Anne and hubbie. Xxx

Anonymous said...

Belinda Raven said...

Hi Sue, loved the video and today's card. I too had problems leaving a comment yesterday. I only had my phone on me and I tried 3 times to leave a comment but none of them got 'published'.

Hugs, Belinda. X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Thank you for the demo.
I love the oval die and the daisies.
Veronique L

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue,me again just watch video such good instructions,I will have a go at this card tomorrow it's gorgeous,thank you for showing new ways of using your dies. Sue you looked lovely today in your craft room. I loved your top & so slim too.See you tomorrow love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, another late one from me. I had a quick peek earlier but waited until I had watched the video to comment. A beautiful card and the blue is stunning. I normally love your bows but for posting I think I would go with more flowers instead.

Norah - Thank you for the kind offer, I'll see how I get on if I have the chance to play over the week-end. I'll message soon anyway.

For everyone that is feeling poorly I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Cakes & scones made and packed up for tomorrow's knit & natter so now I can go to bed. Goodnight everyone.

Ita said...

Hi Sue and everyone,stunning card,stunning Bow,love the colour.
Thanks for a great video,

Anonymous said...

Hi sue. I am loving that blue card must get my hands on some of it. The card is stunning. Got the complete daisies but not the open ones so will have to order them as they look beautiful on this card. Will have to try the stacking technique.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Sandy H said...

Lovely card. The Innsbruck die is so pretty. The complete daisies are on my wish list - they look so good with the open ones, which I chose because they look so delicate.
Haven't been able to keep up with comments for a few days, just odd bits here and there. Pam, the news about Robbie going home is fantastic. Good wishes to him. Cheryl, my thoughts are with you for Friday,

Darlene from SK said...

Another very pretty card, Sue!

AnneRD said...

The blue works so well with this lovely die Sue. Great tutorial. Anne x

Jan.moogie said...

No idea what happened to my comments for this gorgeous card Sue must have had finger trouble and pressed the wrong button. have watched the video and have decided to have a go on my next day off. Just dont know when that will be. hey ho xx

Anonymous said...

Better late than never. Gorgeous card Sue, absolutely gotta try this one. CaroleH xx

Helen Terry said...

Hi sue
lovely card , these oval dies are fabulous.
crafty hugs
Helen xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

gorgeous card love it.


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Unknown said...

Great card, love the daisy die
