Thursday, 23 October 2014

Double Die Cutting

Hi crafters!  Today's video really shows you how to get the most out of the Austrian border die!  You may not have thought that you could do this so it is a really good video to watch to give you more ideas for your dies.  I hope you enjoy it!  All for now, Sue x
Buy from Joanna Sheen


Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue and all the crafty crew!!

WOW really like this one I especially like the daisies!! really elegant

Pam, Sandra, hope you are both OK.
Have a a great day everyone and hugs for those who need xx

Cameeli xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, oh I love the colours on todays card it is one of my most favourite and not I had not thought of doing this, am going to watch the video in a minute whilst drinking my first cuppa of the day. Then I just might have to get out my craft stuff and have a go, well it is customary isn't it. hehehe!!!

Have a great day everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Marion Bull said...

What a very pretty card, the flowers are beautify! Happy day everyone
Marion B xx

Rosie said...

Love the card and will watch the video later. Off to the SECC shortly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, I do love the card and as I already have the dies will certainly be giving it 'a go'.
Regards, Evis M.

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous looking card today. Just going to watch the video now :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

Muriel said...

Hi Sue

Love aqua and white and this card is gorgeous. I have the Austrian border set but think the daisies must be next off the wish list,

Beautiful day here today and the first day of driving and wearing shoes since surgery 6 week ago, such a good lesson not to take simple things for granted, it was even exciting to go to the supermarket !

Have a great day,

Muriel x

Vick said...

Ooh what a lovely fresh looking card, its beautiful, not my colours but I can see it in other colours and it just works, hugs, Vick xx
My YTChannel vixcrafts

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
Love this card, will watch video later when I get a chance, busy day today.
Missing you Pam, hope all is well.
Gail C x

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, love the background with the dies and the iced snow. Great video with good tips. Bx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card will watch video later. Have a nice day everyone . JJ x

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

Stunning card today, love the design and that Aqua card is gorgeous.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx said...

Morning Sue.
Brilliant video like the reverse cutting of the border die, beautiful card, thank you. Have a good day all, take care Kitty.

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A beautiful card love the colour xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Looking forward to watching the video as this looks very interesting. I only have one Austrian die but the others are on my wish list.
Pam - hope that you are ok, miss you. Alimecca - hugs to Auntie, hope she is feeling better. Sue xxx

tracy w said...

Absolutely stunning sue
Great video Thank you tracyw x

Clai01 said...

Hello Sue
really love this card too6725, it looks fantastic, Thanks for the video. x

Linda Graham said...

Great card Sue, lovely colours,i have all the dies must give it a go, thank you, Linda x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I love today's card so much that I watched the video twice! Lol. Although I love that shape die you've used for the frame, I can't find anywhere that sells it so I have used other dies and it looks great. How clever to cut the edge off your border die it is so pretty done that way. I couldn't sleep last night so I've been watching your videos on YouTube you have some amazing tecniques on there.
Hugs x
Heather T

auscrafts said...

Love the card and will watch the video later

Val Jones said...

Beautiful card and colour Sue. The background looks like cobwebs in the snow.
Love Val in Spain x

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue and everyone, such a pretty, delicate card. Love the colours and the effects of using a border to make a card. X

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - love this - the background (clever), daisies and those lovely leaves - another fave - will watch video later - think I can feel another must try coming on!
Clare W

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card lovely crisp and fresh colours.

Will watch the video later.

Pam hope your ok take good care.

Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A very pretty card. I love the techniques you have used with the frame and the border dies. Thank you for sharing.
Hugs all round.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Today's gift is certainly a winner and I defy anyone not to like/love it if it came through their letterbox.
Your format and colours for today are just exquisite so gentle so gentle on the eyes. I shall certainly be trying to do this today.

Pam & Sandra - where are you. Am now worried. Hope you're both OK.
Wheelybad - so pleased that your new PA is a crafter. I can just see both of you round a table creating (in both senses of the word).lol.
Norah - do you still follow tradition at weddings by having a chimney sweep and presenting the bride and groom with a decorated rolling pin and wooden spoon?

Has to be a full crafting day as I've got two birthday cards to do and still loads of Seasonal cards.
Hope all under the weather feel better soon. To all take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,
I was half way through my comments and machine seems to lock so I have to turn of and start again.
Thank you for the Tremendous Video and The Awesome Card, I Love The Technique where you show us how to create The Frame, I always keep a note of the Video so I can refer back to it if necessary. TODAYS Card is Stunning I Love The Fabulous Warm Colours of The White and The Aqua just Fabulous I Love those wonderful Flowers I'm thrilled that I purchased them, I Love how you showed us how to create The Wonderful Background using The Awesome Iced Snow.
Sue Thank You For Sharing and the Tips and Techniques, I really appreciate all that you do.
Sue take great care
Love and Hugs
From Sam xxx
Hug to All

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this is a gorgeous card. As usual I will be watching the video when I get back from work it will be my treat. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely card, I think I need the Austrian border set now!!


Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card. Such a good idea.

Hazel said...

A beautiful, stunning card, gorgeous colours too. Hazel x

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful card and I love the colour, great idea xx

Anonymous said...

Very pretty card. And another technique video. Thanks Sue. They are so useful.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Once again another stunner. I love this beautiful card, all the details are wonderful.
Off to watch and learn.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card today such a pretty card and love the colour. Will watch the video a bit later on.
Pam missing you, hope you're ok. Muriel pleased you're able to be out and about and hope the driving goes well! CraftySue, thank you for your best wishes for my aunt. Sandra, hope you're ok too. Lynne and Lindsay , missing you both as well and hope you are both ok. Off to a reunion today of staff from school who've retired so that should be nice. Very civilised in a garden centre coffee shop - hope they're ready for us - there could be about 30 of us! It was a lovely staff room as we were all about the same age and had the same staff for years and years so were all really close friends. Quite unusual for a comp as there is usually quite a high turnover of staff. Hope everyone has a lovely day and sending love and hugs to all of my Wilsonette family. Love Alison xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgous card love the colour you've used.
Getting ready for Glasgow just. Can't wait.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I promise I am not a robot, do feel like one sometimes though.

Today's card is so pretty and I love the colours. One to try I think. Have a good day.

Love Rosemarie xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. A beautiful card. Love the softness of the colours' a very elegant looking card. Thanks for the video with all the tips on how to make this stunning creation. Have a great day.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue - beautiful card today! Yet another great way to use the border dies!
Many thanks

Karen Drew said...

Such a pretty card. Love the aqua colour it looks so fresh
Karen xx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Got both of this weeks videos waiting for me when I get home at the weekend. I'm on a craft retreat at moment so will give me something to look forward to when I get home. Lovely card again. SueL x

Annie said...

Morning Sue and all! Lovely card today, love the colour.
Hugs Annie x

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

The sentiment says it all, just amazing what a beautiful card.

Jane xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. What a beautiful card. I love how you have used the border as the background.
You have made it so easy to trim the edge from this border die, that is all down to your hard work when designing your dies. Thank you : )
Pam, I do hope that you are ok, really worried now that you haven't commented for 3 days.
Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

Joan D said...

Beautiful card. The textures and colours are stunning.will watch video later x x

Kazbomps said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful! Love the colour and the flowers. Karen x

hazel young said...

Stunning card love the colours xx hazel

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue -an absolutely beautiful card - am going to watch the video shortly to see how it's done. Love it. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue Another stunning card, I will have to watch the video later. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Glennis F said...

Gorgeous card - as always

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW Sue, this is soooooo gorgeous, and this is one, I sure wouldn´t mind to win in a wednesday card give away, that´s for sure. It´s absolutely stunning, and thanks sooo much for all the great videos, you always do for uds. They´re sooo great to learn from.

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
The design and colour combo are gorgeous, so crisp and clean. Will watch the video with a cuppa later but looks like you've used trimmed borders for the background. Clever!
Have a great day
Ang x

nattyboots said...

Just beautiful Sue , Will look at the video later
Take Care
Elaine H X

foxyg said...

Gorgeous card Sue.

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card, love the colour and your border cuts too.
Donna Jones

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,
Love the colour and the delicacy of this card. X

Debbie Tinks said...

Love the colour of the card today Sue ... Lovely happy crafting ... X

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Such a beautiful elegant card love the aqua colour and thank you for the tip about turning the border die. Great video too and as always so informative.
Pam I do hope you are OK's so unlike you to be there anyone in touch with Pam that could let us know if she's okay?

Hugs to all in need of them and hope you're days get better.

Love Sheila xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - me again! Just wanted to say I have now watched your video and it's brilliant (as always) and very informative. Can't wait to make one of these cards now! Best wishes

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I love these dies but I really love the colours you have used. I'm off to watch the video now so take care xx

Debs A xx

JAO said...

Great card Sue, the background die, combined with the pale blue and white, looks like a frosty window. Will look at the video later.

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, another lovely idea, will watch video later

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue oh wow this card is beautiful and the double cutting is wonderful to give you the rounded edge. I would probably have chopped away at it with scissors and made a real mess!!! Just need to get that boarder die now!!! Thank you for sharing. Love Diane G xxx
Muriel take care with the driving, don't do too much too soon. Xxxx
Alison have a lovely lunch with your ex work friends. How lovely that you have stayed in touch. I worked with a lovely group of LSA 's and we still get together for a natter or lunch when we can. Xxxx

Marion said...

Beautiful card love the use of the border die.
Marion H

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, love this card, the colours are so soft and love the birder die! Love Jean xxx

Chris Curry said...

What a beautiful card, and so full of ideas and great techniques. I have the Austrian border and the daisies, which I have been using on a card this week for my daughter in law.They are awesome!! Thank you Sue. Xx

Carol Clarke said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card, love it and also the flowers they are exquisite
Carol x

julie laz said...

Hi sue, Love this one, love the colour,
Crafty hugs Julie xxx

cheryl brown said...

Fantastic card and techniques, will be sure to try when not rushed for time.
Sandra and Pam, hugs for you, not seen your comments for few days, hope all is ok in your worlds.
Hugs to all Cheryl xxx

hollyberry said...

So beautiful,all your cards are just amazing.

Jan.moogie said...

Love it, love it, love it, wow Sue this is so gorgeous and the colours are fantastic. One to try to make I think. Thanks for the video. xx

Jean Z said...

Hi, Sue Beautiful card will have ago at this technique. love Jean Z xxx

Crafty Granny said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful card, just how I like them! I have finally been able to get some iced snow from my craft shop and am looking forward to using it at the weekend!! Have a lovely one everyone. Hugs Nicola x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Gorgeous card, I just love this colour combination and the dies are so exquisite! This is an excellent way to use the die and I will definitely have a go. Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful ideas Sue.
Lorna D

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

Gorgeous card as usual. Cannot wait to watch the video as soon as possible.

Love and hugs,

Ivy L xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, super card, just love the colours, so clean together.

Pam and Samdra where are you? You have really got us all worried, hope all is well.

Today me and my sister are off to see The Jersey Boys at the Playhouse in Edinburgh, lunch at Julianos before. Should be a good day.

Will catch up with the video later. Take care everyone, Jess x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Oh this card is so beautiful and the tip about getting rid of the border is brilliant and VERY useful.
Cols are lovely, and you know what I think about the Austrian collection (stunning/elegant), the daisies are gorgeous.
Another card with the Sue Wilson elegance, thank you for sharing.
Hugs, Rose

Unknown said...

Hi Sue beautiful card in aqua and white. I have not got the Austrian border yet - must add it to my wish list

Kate's Cards said...

Love the crisp colours. A pretty card.

June Horrocks said...

A beautiful card sue love the colours thank you for sharing love to all June xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue and friends. I adore the aqua card its so delicate and soothing, the ice snow lifts its purity and delicacy even more. If I ever received a replica of this id spend all my day just watching the light bounce from the central background, its just one of those W.O.W cards I adore of your's (Wonder Of Wilson) for the newbies.
Your blog still wants to know if Im a robot which has only recently happened,but Im finding that with Kim's blog and other's all for the first time, so Im thinking is it changes that Blogger have made ?! Have you ladies had the same experiance ? I know CE always ask. In reply - more like the Tin Man let alone robot : ) !!!
I must try this with my French border die - wiggle it just a little bit (blast from the past there) I asked Sue some time ago about the Spellbinder Grand Frame,and its been 'put to bed' it was tired and needed a rest, so Heather, unless you can find it elswhere in cyber world Im not sure you will find it in 'craft world' forgive me if Im wrong.

Like everyone else Im concerned about our Pam,then I thought, is it near the anniversary and with all she's gone through, she maybe feeling low, but if anyone is in contact please tell her we miss her so much, thanks.

If I could have one wish today it would be to give everyone a day without pain and/or sorrow.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & friends,
Gorgeous card today Sue, the best colour combination in my opinion and love the dies you have used too, I will watch video in a few mins, hugs as you prepare to fly back home xxx
Sorry ladies for worrying you, I was exhausted yesterday, we had a very busy weekend with the 'in laws' being here, then hospital Monday with Lucy, and an amazing crafting day with my lovely friends Pat & Sue on Tuesday, for some odd reason my stupid hip has taken to dislocating at any given time which is getting me down a little, Lucy's hospital visit was a little frustrating too, they apparently can do no more for the double vision, the have given her some exercises as last resort, the only other option is to have an 'occlusive' lens in one eye,so that she only gas the use of one eye, I hardly think that is a solution for a 14 year old girl! So all in all I am a little wiped out.
Pam I hope you are well, hurry back you are missed greatly, hugs xxx
Cameeli, Janet, Jess and everyone else so sorry to worry you and thanks so much for caring xxxxx
Enjoy your craft day Janet, would love to see your creations x
Well I am off to watch the video now!
Lynda, should be sending your envelope today hopefully, thank you again!
Crafty hugs to each and everyone of you angels,
Sandra xxx

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonette Angels,
What a beautiful delicate card you have done today with beautiful colours making up the final masterpiece. I love the paleness of the blue and against the white it really does work. A card that would look lovely shining down from anyone's mantlepiece. thank you Sue for another WOW that is well deserving of it's wow status.
Alison, i am sorry that your beloved Aunt is going through a rough patch again. Some people come into our lives and we are the fortunate ones to have known them as they are so special, and i knew that Auntie was one of them with the sunshine that comes radiating off you when you speak about her. Sending hugs, thoughts and prayers to your very special lady. Have a lovely lunch out today with all your old "school" friends and remember to walk, not run and keep the voices down. LOL.
Muriel, i am so happy for you getting back your independence, but it must have been bad that you find going to the supermarket exciting. I wish you many happy hours in your wee car. I hope that your foot is now feeling better and more like itself after it's op.
No Janet, as trying to find a chimney sweep is hard but i always give a rolling pin to a new bride and a good heavy frying pan just because if their multi uses and in saying that i leave the usage up to your own imagination, like battering ..... meat to tenderize it( you thought i was going to be bad and tenderize the new groom, but i wasn't honestly with my wee halo slipping further and further).
Tres, sorry you have been having a hard time again and i hope your hubby had a lovely day yesterday for his birthday. October is a bad month for birthday's for me as well.
Welcome Janine to the Wilsonettes, i am glad that you have started back crafting as it is a wonderful stress releaser, time filler and builder of skills and confidence. Glad to see that you are not letting the stroke beat you and crafting is a great therapy for exercising various parts that went on strike with the stroke. I hope you find many happy hours again back crafting and come and meet all the lovely people in here that are just waiting to be friends.
Tina flower, i don't know how but i missed our birthday. I hope that you had a lovely day and got some lovely things. Isn't it lovely to be 21 again with years of experience.
Dawn, oh how i just wanted to cry when i read your post yesterday about your friend, such a young woman with the vibrancy knocked out of her by a terrible disease. sending you lovely friend gentle healing hugs with a wee prayer that she gets a transplant soon.
I think we are going to have to do a round up with Shep the sheepdog to gather in all our strays and stragglers as we have been abandoned by our two latest members Pam who the top of the morning is not the same and Sandra who went to the eye clinic with the wee lass and hasn't been seen since. Please come home ladies, Lynne, Lindsay, Pam, Sandra and all other friends you have disappeared without a trace. The searchers are out with their torches looking for you all, but sending hugs to you and take care, come back soon. I think while the search party is out i will get them to find my hills today as they have done a disappearance act on me as well. i am typing this with my eyes shut trying to keep them open and they are refusing to cooperate. I can see that it is going to be one of those days that i am going to be making friends with my settee all day, s i will wish you all have a lovely day with the sun shining from within if it can't shine outside, with hugs to all my Angels where ever you are.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful, elegant card, love the colour, design and the gorgeous daisies. Thanks for the video too i look forward to crafting along with you when life gets back to normal.
Pam hope you'll be back with us soon and Muriel glad you've been able to get about even if it was only the supermarket.
Hugs and best wishes to everyone

SHARICA said...

Love this card and Colour ways :) Fab .. xx said...

Great video tutorial as usual, and I love the soft colours that you have used. That background almost reminds me of cobwebs - could be great for halloween in black and orange too! Thanks for sharing, Susan x

Unknown said...

Good morning from a very dull and damp Blackpool.
I really like the colours in this card it's so fresh. I seem to be having problems with my comments. I've noticed this having more frequently but I post everyday unless I've mentioned being away but they aren't always publishing. Strange. I've started checking as yesterday's isn't showing and I left my comment around 7.30 ish. Anyway not to worry. Today's card looks so fresh. I also love the frame die but they are impossible to find now. Maybe they could be a new range for you Sue on one of your future releases.
Hope you all stay as well as possible and warm.
Lots of love
Jo xx

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, great effect on this beatiful card. I really like the soft blue with the glitter. I have both of the flowers and love them in any combination. Thank you
X Ros

Unknown said...

Sue this is such a stunning card, love the colour, love the background - simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Lovely card.

Take care


camelot67 said...

Good morning Sue,

Another beautiful card today for which thank you. Will watch the video later but in the meantime hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue - I haven't watched the video yet but this card is simply gorgeous - the aqua is a beautiful colour and I think I need it so I can try to copy your design.
Have been reading the comments and like many others I am concerned about you Pam. I hope all is okay. I also am missing news of how Robbie is getting on.
It is amazing how much of a family everyone becomes and reading everyones thoughts and concerns and troubles puts your own very much in perspective.
Must go now as I have to pick my menu for the Lady Dog Walkers Christmas meal (husband is most upset he can't come - I tell him the clue is in the title). Hope every one of you has a good day. Take care all Helen K xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very pretty and delicate in lovely blue and white.

greendragon said...

Gorgeous colours, love those dies!

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
love the cad today stunning ,hugs sarah xx

nzillingworth said...


Caroline said...

What a cleverly designed border die. I sometimes have great difficulty glueing delicate dies. And so versatile with the easy edge removal. I love the Iced Snow. If only I had started viewing the blog earlier. Thank you so much Sue.

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Really gorgeous !! I'm off to watch the video now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Janet k said...

What a gorgeous card, love the colours and dies, I've tried this morning to see if I can get the grand nestabilies die and can't find it anywhere, any idea where I can get this please, kind regards Janet k x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Fantastic. A fabulous card. I love the background effect with the Austrian border die and I love the colour combination too. The flowers are next on my list to buy - they are gorgeous. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
I haven't watched the video as yet as it's a bit chaotic here this morning . I love the colours and have just got the die so looking forward to seeing exactly what you have done. The daisies are gorgeous.
Pam - thinking of you. You have had so much to deal with in the last year. Sending love to you. x

Sandra - so pleased to see you back with us. Sorry the medics were not more helpful. I guess sometimes things are not so easy to fix but this is hard in one so young. Hard for Mum and Dad too. x
Norah - do you still have a Show of Presents before weddings in Scotland? We did in my day but that was a very long time ago! Just wondered if it still happened today. It was so much work and very tiring for Mum of the bride.
Muriel - so pleased you have got your freedom to roam back! Enjoy.
Dawn - so sorry to hear about your friend will add my prayer to the others for a transplant donor to be found very soon.
Alison - hope you have a lovely time meeting up with your friends for coffee.
Brenda - so sorry you not feeling so well. Hope you are a bit better today. Sending hugs to you. x
Anne - thinking of you too. Hope your husband Iain is still making good progress. Take care.
Love to all, particularly if you are suffering pain or just feeling alone.
Myra xx

Dawn Holben said...

WOW I love this card, it is so pretty and I really like the aqua colour.
Have just watched the video and you make it look so easy with clear instructions which is why I always like your demos.
I must get the flower die as I only have the open petal one.

CraftyJo said...

Looks lovely, I've pinned it so I can watch it later :)

Heather Harrison said...

Hi Sue. Love the card. Will watch the video later. Thank you for all the ideas you give us. Hugs Heather x

weefortune said...

Hi Sue, sorry I have noted posted for a little while, I have been away on Holiday to Sharm in Egypt, it was delightful but back to the lovely Scottish Weather although there is no place like home, hope you and your are well. Hugs Elaine x

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Another fantastic and informative video, thank you Sue for taking the time to make them, it's lovely to watch you without any interruptions.
A gorgeous card, love the way you have used the border die, so clever.
The daisy flowers are my favourite at the moment and they seem to go onto all of my cards.

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
This card is absolutely lovely and a great video showing exactly how to achieve it. The idea for embossing the frame is inspired. Thank you Sue.
Dawn, praying for your friend (and you).
Alimecca-Alison, have a great time at your reunion and don't all try to talk at once!!
Sandra, sorry hospital visit didn't go so well and that your hip is giving you so much trouble. I'll be in touch in a day or two.
Janet, hope you manage to finish your b cards. I've done all my c cards except for the "holy" ones and I'm stuck for ideas at the moment. I may do pergamano.
Pam, I do hope you are ok and that you'll soon be back with us.
Love to everyone and I hope that you all have as good a day as you can.

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
I am really behind with my comments.
Thank you so much for this tutorial, and the wonderfully designed card made in it.
I received my one day wonder dies yesterday, and can't wait to create with them.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Angela Wade said...

Good morning, Sue and fellow Wilsonettes.
I love everything about this card, it's another one of my absolute favourites!! I must admit, I have quite a few Lol. Will check out the video later :-)
Muriel - glad you're able to get out and about now, take care x

Sandra - sorry to hear that there's nothing more can be done to help your daughter's eyesight. It's so sad that she has this debilitating condition.
Hugs to you all ((( ))) x

Alison - enjoy your reunion :-)
Anne, hope your husband is continuing to recover well from his heart surgery x

Hugs to our Pam and Robbie, Lynne M and "fur babies" and all our missing Wilsonette friends and also to all those in pain or feeling sad (((( ))))

Angela in wet and grey S. Wales Xx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love today's card, will watch later.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

ellyscard creatief said...

Absolut stunning card.
Gr Elly

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said....

Beautiful card today. Love the color. Those flowers are gorgeous.

Cathie said...

This is certainly a Wow card. Love the colours you have chosen and the way you double cut with the dies. Great idea for using the border another way. Thanks so much for sharing and the video was great as usual.

Jaccards said...

Brilliant video and stunning card today - love how easy you make it look!!? Maybe need the label dies now, not sure is my bank account will take another hit;)

suejimbel said...

LOVE those flowers, Sue!

terrie said...

Thank you for showing us how to use these die more than one way...
Such a beautiful card...
Well done Sue

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card and a wonderful video. I love the colours and I am going to have a try at this card.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Just beautiful!!!
Sheila x

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, yet another stunning card for us today! Every time I see the daisies I get to love them more and more...they have now found their way to the top of my die wish list...both sets :). The pale blue card with the white would usually bee quite a 'cold' card but somehow I just find this one quite restful :). As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Unknown said...

Lovely card.

Meg Owen said...

Your new dies have resulted in some amazing cards and this is another one.
I do love the flower dies - oh dear another item for my wants list - it's just getting longer and longer.

Another day with no Pam - do hope all is ok with her.

To all who are unwell - If wishes could make you well you'd be better already.
Love and hugs

Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue.
wow what a lovely card. Have the daisies and leaves. will try it. Got my french collection, but the stamps were forgot from my parcel. Well have a good day everyone. Susi x

Anonymous said...

What a week of beautiful cards. Love this one too - the colours are just right. Another one on my to do list. Linda S

Eemeli said...

The outcome looks fabulous! Gotta watch the video Hope you have had
a lovely day, sorry I am a bit late today with my comment.


Lynda's craft's said...

Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes,Gorgeous card again I love the colours so pretty, the video was very helpful & the technique with the border die brilliant thank you. I have tried to find the spellbinders die you have used for the frame with no luck.. Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Sandra I'm so sorry the doctor couldn't help Lucy's eye problem give her a Hug from me, also sorry your having trouble with your hip take care my lovely
Love & Hugs Lynda xx

Anne hope your husband is still improving & feeling a lot better Hugs for you both Lynda xx

Muriel pleased your able to get out & about now but take care hugs Lynda xx

Dawn your friend is still in my thoughts & prayers,hope she hasn't got a long Waite for a transplant Hugs Lynda xx

Pam missing you hope your ok Hugs to you & Robbie Lynda xx

Welcome to all the new Wilsonetts

Hugs to Lynne M & fur babies,Margaret corgi owner,
Jean D,Hazel,Wheely Bad,Sheila G,& all my Willsonette friends Love & Hugs Lynda xx

Cdteach said...

I don't have that border die but I'm going to play with some borders that I do have and see what happens.
Thanks once again for the inspiration.


Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW, WOW, WOW !! What a fab video, and what a gorgeous card !! I love the way you have used the Austrian Border dies. How clever !! I would never have thought of that !! I love the grand dies you have used but they seem impossible to get hold of now. Such a shame. I love the Aqua colour card stock and it is one of my favourite colours to use. The ice snow glitter, I just could not do without and I really love your fab faux quilled leaves and beautiful new Daisy Dies. This card is just Sooo beautiful Sue and another definite must for my "to do" list. Thank you so much for sharing it with us today, it is stunning.
Sending you lots of love today Sue, love from Tres x x x

Pam, I am missing you loads. It is not the same without you at the top of the blog comments. I hope you are ok. Sending you and Robbie lots of love from Tres x x x

Lynne M and Lindsey, I am missing you both loads to. I hope you are both ok. Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

To all the Wonderful Wilsonette's, sending everyone lots of love today love from Tres x x x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

The colour theme is really pretty and the card is full of lots of loveliness.

Thanks for another great, inspirational video.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

hotpotato said...

stunning card Sue.

Laura O said...

great card love the dies can't wait till they arrive ordered them all ,Laura O

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

This could become my new favourite!! Comes close to the Wednesday give away. Love the colours and the new dies I have will be just the ticket to try this one.

jane said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card again how do you do it all the time.
I am going to have a go when my dies arrive from C&C

Have a great day

Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Late for me today Sue, didn't want to comment until had seen video - and such a good one, thank you. Been using your frame method and, as you say, easy-easy!! Would love those label dies, though, just have plain rectangles and circles - okay, but could do with the extra these bring. Altogether a lovely card, and lots of extra tips.

'P' in Wales

Julie Laz -like your new picture - how are the dogs?
Missing Pam - hugs, whatever is happening.
All of our missing people, and now Tina E - for so long part of our lives and now not around any more. I remember Sue saying how upsetting it was for friends of long standing to just disappear from the blog and many of us feel that as well. Come back please or send a message!!!!

craftynanna said...

evening sue, wow oh wow what a belter this card is, i have the blue card but no daisy die thats next on my list, birthday in early dec, so i will get them then, they are beautiful, i have the striplet so thats ok and i will have to think of another way to do a frame, its a shame they don't do them anymore, sue you will have to take this in hand lol, yes i am a bit perplexed about the robot thing too, regards to all J

Gail said...

"Gorgeous card and luvin the colour combo - fab xx GailT xx

Gail said...

"Gorgeous card and luvin the colour combo - fab xx GailT xx

nancyd said...

Hi Sue, absolutely gorgeous and I
love the blue very elegant.
Nancyd xx

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Thank you for yet another brilliant video, thank you for taking the time to show us how to create this lovely frame. The card is stunning, when I first saw it I thought you'd used one of your background dies, not a border die, WOW you are so inspirational Sue.
Take care, love Brenda xxx

Sandra, hope Lucy is coping after the disappointing response from the hospital. She is so young to have to live with this problem. Sorry about your hip, hope it gets sorted out soon.
Myra, thank you, had a rough night, and feel really grotty, so not planning to do very much at all today ...........I started this comment before lunchtime, had lunch - sat down for a few minutes......... Three hours later ........ oh well there's always tomorrow!!!

Norah, love reading your comments, today's really made me smile, hubby gets worried when I take the rolling pin from the draw.

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Sue, the sentiment to this card was thought of just for you! Thank you so much for the wonderful videos that you take the time to do. The card is gorgeous and what a lovely effect from embossing the dies first and then removing two to make the frame. Love the colour and I can honestly say those Delicate daisies are gorgeous. What a great way of using the border as a background by turning it around so it cuts off the edge! Brilliant! "Thank you Sue". Also a beautiful card for whoever is the winner of the Wednesday card giveaway! As always! xx Sending love and hugs to you and your family Sue xx Also sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are in need xx Take care everybody xx Love Karen xx

Maria said...

Evening Sue And all the Wilsonette's
Lovely card Sue.Still doing catch-up,have recorded so many of your programs and like going back.

Sorry Sandra to hear about Lucy and yourself,give each other a hug from me.
Pam hope you ok? like the others saying it's not the same when you not at the top. Hugs to you and Robbie. Not feeling right at the moment but know I'm not alone so to everyone in pain or not feeling alright at the moment,take care all of you.
Norah-hug to you and Rory.Wheelybad,LynneM,ToB,and our little ones.To all wilsonette friends,tomorrow is a new day

Hugs Maria x

Jane Franklin said...

I just love the delicate colour and style. Thank you. Luv jax

Craftysusan said...

Beautiful card Sue and I actually have all the dies to be able to make this card. Thank you for showing us a very inventive way to use your die as a background and for all the inspiration you provide.

sandieann21 said...

It just gets better and better!

Theresa said...

beautiful, tranquil, serene and then it catches the light and glints! hugs xx

Maureen B. said...

Sue I reckon the sentiment on this card is made just for you. the card is amazing and the video makes it all so clear. Lets hope my very amateur skills can come someway to making something which may or may not(most probable!) bear some resemblance to the super card you have shown us today. Thank you as always and please keep on motivating us with your enthusiasm and creativity, what would we do without you? Many hugs Maureen

Tina said...

Hi Sue, and lovely blog friends

I Really love the frame on the card , and such a pretty colour combo.

Pam, I hope you are OK and Robbie too. Big hugs to you both. I hope work hasn't wiped you out too much X

Thank you all so much for my Birthday wishes, you are all very special ladies, Big Big Hugs XX

I would just like to say, that if any ladies spoke so thoughtfully on my blog like they do on Sue's you are all so very welcome, and they do!.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

Janice K said...

Stunning card, great colours, delicate lacy details and lots of lovely glitter.x

Anonymous said...

Yet another beautiful card Sue. Very elegant and classy.
Jimi Mac

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

I just love the aqua and how you've used the die must try this technique with one of my other dies and of course the daises are beautiful. Thanks Sue, hugsxxx

Crafty hugs to yorkielass & L , Lynda and all the lovely wilsonettes .

Still no Pam ? hope you are ok xx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

So very very pretty. Looking forward to viewing video as have the Austrian dyes.

sued99 said...

This is a gorgeous card. Haven't watched the video yet but will catch up tomorrow.

nannapat said...

Thanks for another brilliant video Sue. Gorgeous card as ever and lovely colour. Pat x

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue
Here I go trying to leave a comment one of these days it will work!
A really elegant card with the wow factor I do so love the daisies.
Take care everyone
Margaret corgi owwner

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I love how you have used the border die to create a background.
Thank you for showing us that technique.
Veronique L

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a truly beautiful card and a great video full of tips and techniques. I hadn't realised the border die would do what you did - I would have been cutting it out by hand! So clever. Now my daisies have arrived I have everything I need to replicate (sort of, anyway) this card and I'm glad to see you treat your leaves the same way as I do :-)
To all of those going to the SECC this week-end, enjoy yourselves and have fun spending lol.

Darlene from SK said...

Another beautiful card. I love the technique. Your dies are truly amazing!

Sandy H said...

Gorgeous card. I've missed some absolute beauties over the last few days.
Take care everyone.

barbara macaskill said...

The colors on this card are so soft and serene looking! Am going to have to watch the video in the morning because it is 12:30am and hubby needs to get to bed! LOE this card and will see you in the morning! TFS!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow love the icy feel to thsi one, gorgeous flowers and ise of the die

AnneRD said...

A very informative video Sue. The technique for getting an embossed border is so useful to know, and good to see it being demonstrated, as is the way you have trimmed back the lace border. I like the colour combination on this one. Anne x

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for another wonderful video. The card is stunning and you are entertaining as always. I lov it :)

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
another stunner today. I love this colour combination, and how you have used the border die. Will watch the video late.
Sorry you not feeling to good Sandra, special hugs for you today.
Hugs to everyone who needs one today.

Jean Bullock said...

this is fantastic. I love the frame effect you created and the flowers are fantastic.

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Hello Sue, hope you are keeping well. You are certainly a busy bee! Another sensational card from you. Hugs. from
Annie B Irchester, Northants

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Love the daisies they are really beautiful and i love the frame all makes a stunning card
Take care
Hazel G XX

janet said...

So pretty -love the soft colours. Havent used this die yet either. Must make time to watch the video.
Janet in Kent