Thursday, 25 September 2014

Split Channel Card

Hi crafters!  I have a lovely channel card to share with you today.  I had this card sample with me at Ally Pally  last weekend and had lots of questions about it.  I did say that there was a video for it, so this perfectly timed!  I hope you enjoy it!  I have missed taking some extra photos of it too somehow, so sorry about that!

Buy from Joanna Sheen


Pam said...

Hello Sue and everyone, beautiful card today. I love the split channel.
Mt twin grandsons Jack and Ryan are 11 today, they are growing up so quickly. I will see them after school today.
Dorothy lovely memories of your mother in law.
Myra, can imagine you and hubby as Romeo and Juliet, you are never too old for love.
Meg I bet you miss your baby cuddles, sad they are so far away from you.
Txcowgirl you will enjoy your goodies when they arrive.
Not been out for a few days as they are laying broadband cables in the Close and it is too dangerous for me to walk out, but moving around house okay.
Love and hugs to all, have a great day.

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue, such a pretty card today and I love the bow and channel...

Have a great day whatever you are doing.
Cameeli xx

auscrafts said...

a pretty card for today

Pat said...

Morning Sue
I love this technique and must try it
Pat x

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. A very pretty card, simple and elegant, with lovely colours. Hazel xx

Rita said...

Love your card for today Sue. Very elegant and classy. Hugs Rita xxx

JAO said...

Beautiful card Sue,love the blue.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
A beautiful card today - love this technique which I am going to try later for a friend's birthday. The French collection border, corner and tag is on my wish list for my birthday (oh it's this Saturday how convenient!).
Enjoy your day.
Sheila x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Wow what a stunning card, will watch video later after shopping.
Pam happy birthday to Jack and Ryan enjoy your cuddles later, two of my Grandsons are 11 next year 4 days apart they grow up so fast.
Meg keep storing up all the cuddles for when you do get to see Leo and Skylar and I send some more for them x x x
To al our new Wllsonettes welcome we are one big happy family x x x
Norah love and hugs to you and your family x x

Congratulations to the girls on their bronze DoE award well done x x
To all who are ill or caring for someone not well I send love and hugs and wish you all a speedy recovery x x x
Managed to put some more cards together yesterday but now my wrist is playing up so I think it will be a rest day today and hope it settles down
Love and hugs to all the Wilsonettes x x x
Happy crafting
Love Tina x x x x x

Muriel said...

Love the channel, the EF and the iced snow, plus it is aqua and white my favourite. So much to add to the wish list, beautiful card today Sue and easyto follow techniques on the video,

Muriel x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you another great video and beautiful card. Very pretty colours. Take care all Kitty.

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
A lovely card. I love the channel technique - so effective! The border is just perfect to show it off. Best wishes, Anne O

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Looking forward to watching this video tonight, the card is beautiful.
Happy Birthday to Jack and Ryan, pleased that you are looking after yourself Pam and not risking walking around road works.
Special wishes to all. Sue xxx

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Love this card and technique. X

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, what a gorgeous and elegant card, love the split channel effect, great video, so easy to follow the steps. Bx

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - what a lovely card as always - will watch video later when more time - doing a few jobs before having my hair done this morning - it needs it! Did a test blob of that pink sparkle berry glue yday - really odd looking isn't it - anyway by this morning it has turned red - dont know how it does that but it does!
Clare W

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

Love this one its so stunning. Looks very elegant too and the colour is fabulous.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

tracy w said...

Hi sue
What can I say about this card
It's stunning. Love the colour combo must get some of the green card it's beautiful the video is great too thankyou tracyw x

Annie said...

Beautiful card, Sue - very pretty. Love the channel.
Hugs Annie x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Fabulous card. I love the colours and the channel technique. The die cut edge is so pretty and lacy. Thank you for sharing.
Hugs to all.

Breezes said...

Something else to have a go at ! How do you think of them all ? A really pretty card and one that anyone would love to receive ! The colours are so delicate it is beautiful !

Hugs, Rose xxx

Caroljsmith said...

I loved this card when you showed it before sue . It is so pretty .

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another of favourite techniques, your card is beautiful.
Off to watch and learn
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue what a pretty card I love it. I love this design and the colour is stunting. Off to watch the video while I'm sat quiet on my own. Take care

Debs A xxx

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue love the design and colours x xhazel

Kevonacrafts said...

Morning. Such a delightful card.
Have a good day everyone.

PharmacyMichele said...

Love this card, such a great idea. I might have to give this technique a go.


Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card very elegant,classy and simple. I made this one when you blogged it for your new released dies in the foundation teal and white. It turned out lovely but i will have to invest in some of the aqua and pale green colours as they look very clean and fresh. It will be much easier to make now you have done the video for it as it did take me awhile to work out how you had made it lol. Thank you for your videos they are so informative.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Mitosu Crafts said...

Morning Sue
Love this card and technique. I watched the video on utube a while ago and wanted to try it. Thank you for reminding me of it, might have to have a play when I get back from work later.
Hope you have a good day
Barry & Jay

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue your card is gorgeous. I do love your videos I will be watching this one when I get home from work. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

Jan.moogie said...

Gorgeous card today Sue and my friend Carols favourite embossing folder. It was one of the cards we had hoped to make when she came to stay last week but we ran out of time, so now are planning another get together soon, I hope.
Lovely to have you back Norah as your memories bring to mind my own childhood. Not as happy as yours but my brothers and I had our moments and I treasure those memories. Thanks for sharing xxx

carol edwards said...

Love this one Sue,, the colour is so pretty. I know I am liking rose/plum at the moment but I do so like this blue a lot. Off to watch the video x

Maryann Laursen said...

Hi there everyone, What an awesome card here again today, it´s just beautiful, and I absolutely love it with all the glitter and elegance all over it. Sooo pretty.

Dolly Daydream said...

Morning Sue and everyone
Such a pretty card today in lovely colours. Looking forward to watching the video later. I made a couple of the bows yesterday for Christmas cards. They are lovely and so easy to make,
Take care, love and hugs
Dawn Searle xxxx

Joan D said...

Beautiful card,yet again. Super colours too. Will watch video later x x

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card today. The colour is so nice. I seem to go for paler cards so like this a lot. Have never done a split card before so looking forward to the video. Have a lovely day. Hugs Heather.x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, this one is definitely on my to try list. The aqua card is beautiful must get some of that. Than you as always for the video, it makes things so clear.

Love Rosemarie xx

June Smith said...

Good morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, I have just watched the video and it is a really wow, I saw the card at Ally Pally and it really is a sight to behold, the colours used are wonderful, if any of you know me out there you will know that aqua is my favourite colour, I am going to have a go at this, got all the ingredients in my craft room.

Happy 11th birthday to your grandsons Jack and Ryan, give them an extra special hug for me.

To all who are feeling unwell, or are suffering I am sending healing hugs too.

Have a safe, healthy and happy day everyone, hugs June Smith xxx

Eemeli said...

Oh, what a gorgeous card today! I thought immediate this would be so perfect for
a little baby boy. Love the design and especially the wonderful color scheme.
My coffee should be ready in few mins and then I just relax and watch your video.

Have a wonderful day!


Aspiring crafter said...

A very pretty card Sue, love the colours .
Will watch video this afternoon.
Hope you are well Sue,

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card. Loving everything about it.

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue.
Love the video. Please keep them coming. They are fab for people who find it so much easier to watch and learn rather than follow written instructions. Don't have those dies but can adapt I'm sure.
Hav a great day everyone
Lots of love
Jo xx

sued99 said...

Very pretty card. The bows are just amazing.

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Such a pretty, delicate card, and I love the Split Channel technique.
Sending my daily hugs to you Sue, to Pam and Robbie, to Sandra and Pat-hope you are both ok, and my other special friends and to all in need today. Take care.

Julsb said...

Stunning card absolutely gorgeous.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, another gorgeous card
love your split level ones they always look
fantastic, and love the colour.
Nancyd xx

Anonymous said...

Love the card, Sue, aqua and white such a nice colour scheme and do like the French channel!! Nice touch of sparkle with the iced snow, bought some (and midnight) at H.West but not used yet. Thanks for another great video - don't watch on You Tube as like the surprise on video days and think I might hog out if I go there.

'P' in Wales

Lindsay Martin - are you okay? - not posted for ages. Anyone out there in contact?
Txcowgirl - always an upside to having an enforced bed stay - hope your JS parcel arrives soon.

Crafty Granny said...

Good morning Sue, beautiful card, I just love the colours and your iced snow. I have not been able to buy any yet but have requested the local craft shop to get some in and I can't wait!!

Love Nicola x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Delightful card Sue. Lovely design and fab colour.Super!
Have a great day.
Ang x

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Your gift today is exquisite using a gorgeous colour palette and beautiful dies. It just oooozes elegance and I would be in seventh heaven if I received such a gift.
Your new efolders are lovely to use and I think they are the best you have done so far.

Myra P - You are never too old for love. Your evening sounds wonderful. We have to make the most of making such wonderful memories.
Sandra - missed you yesterday hope you're OK and have not taken in too much of the gin before putting the sloes in. lol.

It's quite dark this morning with a wind and definitely on the chilly side. Time for a wardrobe change around me thinks. Autumn is fast approaching.

To all who are not feeling too good this morning hope you feel better as the day goes along. To all take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

jean.phillips1 said...

Mirning Sue, I saw this card at Ally Pally and loved it. Looks even nicer in the flesh if that is possible! Love Jean xxx

karenlotty said...

This looks fab Another must try which is nearly as long as my Need List!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
So glad to see a video of this card.
I loved seeing it up close at Ally Pally. It is very striking.
Thank you for sharing.
Veronique L

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
Simply stunning, love the blue and the split channel showing the bling is inspiring. Don't know how you keep coming up with all these wonderful creations, but glad you do!!
Lorna D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - yes I thought this was a gorgeous card especially in real life and so pleased you have a video which I will have to watch later. Bye for now, best wishes

cheryl brown said...

Yet again I am bowled over by such a pretty card, how do you think of all these techniques?
Good to read you walking around the house, Pam. Keep it up and you'll soon be back to full movement,then there will be no stopping you.
Hugs to all that need one. Cheryl xxx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Beautiful card and great video. I love the channel technique. Have a lovely day and hugs to all xxx

DMJ said...

I do like that effect, sue,

Doreen x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card today. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue What a beautiful card, I will watch the video later. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card Sue love the techniques, one of my favourite colours and love the channel border also. Also the bow and ohh I love it all

Marion said...

Hi Sue what a beautiful the channel effect.dont no how you think of all these things.
Marion H

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A very pretty card, love the channel effect. Will certainly have ago at this one, but with your Italian border.
Have a good day.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Lovely icy colours and love the bottom die

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Pretty card, love the aqua and iced snow peeking through the channel too.
Donna Jones

hotpotato said...

beautiful card Sue.

Glennis F said...

very pretty colours and an awesome card!

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Really pretty and such a clever technique. This is one I will have a go at. Love the colours.

Chris Curry said...

Lovely card Sue. I really like the split idea, and not difficult to do. Gorgeous colours too. Thank you. Xx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue. This is very pretty and when you watch the video quite straight forward to do. I love the pale card and the French boarder, think that one might come my way soon. My lovely friend Jackie bought some of your card for me at Ally Pally so having stopped stroking the packet I will open it today and have a look. I had a busy day yesterday where the phone and doorbell kept going. Lovely to catch up with people but I had things planned which didn't happen so once they are out of the way I can play :) . Have a great day Sue whatever you are doing. Take care love Diane G xxxx

Lacelady said...

I would like to have seen it 'in person', but Ally Pally is a long way from the west of Ireland. I love the concept, so I will have to have a go myself.

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
stunning card today love it ,hugs Sarah xx

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

Wow, incredibly beautiful card. Must try this split technique.

Lots of love,

Ivy ling xx

Anonymous said...

Pretty card.

Take care


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card and I enjoyed the video. love Jean Z xx

Unknown said...

Such a clever idea Sue and the card really shows off the embossing folder prettily as well love from Jackie D

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh this is so very pretty and I love the style, the colours are perfect too. So elegant and classy. Great video to go with it and yo make it look so easy.
Pam best to be safe than sorry by staying away from those cables. Myra P sounds like a lovely evening.
Hugs to all in need, there are plenty to go hope your days get brighter.

Love Sheila xx

Janette MacArthur said...

Good morning Sue, love the split technique & such a beautiful card!
Janette x

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue ... Happy crafting and have a nice day ....x

Kate's Cards said...

So, so pretty. xxx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Such a pretty card, hope your having some down time..

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue this is really lovely I liked it the first time I saw it a few weeks ago. I have used this idea with some of my other dies and the results are good, thank you for your inspiration Beryl xx

Lesley said...

Love this card. Really looking forward to watching the video this evening.

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, another beautiful card, very classy, thank you for all your inspiration. Will certainly be giving this one a try.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card, love the French border , and great video. Won't be able to comment for the next few days as I'm taking my grandson over to London to spend some time with his mum and dad, my granddaughter in Great Ormond Street hospital for major surgery. They have been there for two weeks and he is missing them all,
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

Sparrow said...

Channel Card - haven't seen one for a while or have I just been asleep. Always popular - I have even run a craft class where we did 4/5 of them. Lovely card.

Lynda's craft's said...

Good morning Sue & Wilsonettes beautiful card today really enjoyed video. Which I sat & watched while having a bad nose bleed for over half an hour i sat with frozen peas on my nose & pinching it now it has finally stopped but really enjoyed video. I saw this card at Ally Pally it's lovely up close Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Jack & Ryan A Big Happy Birthday to you both have a lovely time with them later Pam,good. News your walking better good girl not going out today with road works outside Hugs to Robbie & Hugs to you Lynda xx

Lindsay Martin missing you hope your ok Gentle Hugs Lynda xx

Sandra missed you yesterday hope your ok congratulation to Sophie & Lucy on there's bronze award (I did Email you ) Gentle Hugs Lynda xx

Dianandchips Still missing you Hope your ok Gentle hugs Lynda xx

Norah lovely to see you back & eventually being ably to move into your childhood home what lovely memories you will have,hope your doing ok it's early days take one at a time lovely lady Gentle Hugs to you Rory & all your family Lynda xx

Lynne M hope you & Hubby are ok & both are feeling better love & Gentle Hugs to you both cuddles to little divas Lynda xx

Esther hope your ok Hugs Lynda xx

Welcome to all new Wilsonettes you will love this friendly blog we all care about each other & of course our lovely Sue who gives so much inspirations Hugs to you all Lynda xx

Special Hugs to Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Yorkilass ,Lindsay, Wheely Bad & Billy,Tina E & Clair,Tres,Tandy,Hazel,Julie Laz,Ita,Jean D,Maureen K,Pauline A,

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you for another lovely video. It's a lovely and soft coloured card. Really lovely. Your tip about the frame around the apperture is very good. Looks quite different and more finished.

Lynda's craft's said...

Sorry published to early got to add special Hugs to Nanna Tina,TOB Theresa,Myra p,Brenda L,Mrs B,Janet Ecco,Camille ,Steph,Helen K, & Our Sue love Lynda xx

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue and a lovely idea, will look forward to watching the video

Unknown said...

Another stunner, great video!

Unknown said...

Another stunner, great video!

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love the blue and your pretty bow. Thanks for the video.

Anonymous said...

Love the channel idea. Will have to give it a go. Will have to watch the video later as tablet won't let me play it for some reason. Wont let me post through Google either. Wont complain as sat in sun in Turkey with free wi fi. At least I can get my daily dose of inspiration.
Luv Karen Drew xx

Debo said...

Hi Sue!
Yet ANOTHER stunning card!!!

We bought your A4 Checkboard Pinpoint Embossing Folder at Ally Pally last Saturday. LOVE it!!!!!!

But we have a request: Can you bring out an embossing folder with the dotty part of the pattern ALL OVER the folder, to create a linen look????
Also, we love the original Cuttlebug Swiss Dots folder but is not big enough to even cover a C6 card. We keep buying other dotty embossing folders in larger sizes but the dots get bigger and further apart, nothing is as small and pretty as the original. I know it can be extended but that is a hassle and it is still limited. With the PinPoint range, is there any possibility that you can bring out an A4 'Swiss Dot' folder????

Oh, and we also bought some of your dies - they are just SO pretty and SO versatile!!!

Thanks Sue!

Debbie and Ann

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue - this card is just magical it is so pretty and I think the aqua card may be another purchase I need to make along with some new dies.
Just back from walking my dog and I think it will have to be a rest day as my foot is playing up. The ironing can definitely wait.
Hope everyone is having a good day - it is bright sunny but a bit breezy here. Take care all ~Helen K xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! This card is stunning !! I really love it all !! As always, this is a fab video, with you making it all look so easy !! Thank you. Just like one of the other ladies, I do not watch your videos on You Tube as I like to watch them for the first time on your blog because then they are lovely exciting surprises !!
The Aqua is one of my favourite card colours and looks great with the coconut white card. Your Austrian Salzburg die matches so perfectly with the French border die. (It is all on my wish list.) I love your Rows of Bows background EF and this is on my wish list to !! I love that you have added the ice snow glitter giving this beautiful classy card a lovely hint of bling. I have never made a "channel card" before but what you have done, adding the glitter in the gap has made it much more appealing to me. ( I never thought of doing that !!) I really need to give this technique a go now. I really love your beautiful bow to. (I am hooked on making those at the moment.)
Thanks for sharing this amazing card today Sue.
Wishing you a lovely crafty day, lots of love Tres x x x

Pat L, I am so sorry to hear about your grand daughter in hospital. Please know I will be thinking of her and you, and all of your family going through such a difficult and upsetting time. My heart goes out to you all and I really hope everything goes ok. Sending you lots of love and best wishes from Tres x x x

Norah, thinking of you and your family today. Sending you all lots of love from Tres x x x

Pam, Its great to hear you are on the mend. Glad you are improving day by day. Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

Lindsey Martin, You have not posted for a while. Missing you. I hope you are ok. Sending lots of love from Tres x x x

Lynne M and fur babies, I hope you and hubby are doing ok. Missing you. Sending lots of love from Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to all the wonderful Wilsonettes today. I hope everyone has a good day from Tres x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A stunning card again today. Beautiful. I love the channel and the bow - I must try this myself Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, love todays card. The aqua card is nice and gentle and I do love a bit of bling! Love and hugs,
Alison D x

June Horrocks said...

Love the card sue it beautiful love this technique very elegant love to all xxxx
June xx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Such a lovely card, the bow makes this so delightful and the colour shades used quite simply make this a beautiful card.

Pam so pleased you are taking care after all you have been through, good girl 10/10

Warm wishes and hugs to those who need some especially Pam, Cameeli, Norah, Steph, Sandra, Yorkielass, Lynda, Tina, Lindsey and Lynne not forgetting Sue of course.
Margaret corgi owner

Paula said...

Such a lovely card Sue,

Paula x

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Such a beautiful card, love the bow and the channel. The colours are so crisp and clean. Thank you for another fantastic video. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Pam Happy 11th Birthday to Jack and Ryan enjoy your birthday hugs later. Good that you are avoiding the cable works, you are doing so well, gentle hugs to you and Robbie.
Meg gentle hugs to you and babies Leo and Skylar, shame that they are so far away from you.
Myra what a wonderful evening, will now imagine you and your hubby as Romeo and Juliet, as Pam says you are never too old for love.
Txcowgirl enjoy your goodies when they arrive and hope that you are feeling better.
Dorothy lovely memories of your Mother in Law.
Lynne M hoping you and your hubby are feeling better, gentle hugs to you both and Tilly and Cully.
Lindsay missing you and hoping that you are okay, gentle hugsx
Norah thinking of you and your family, gentle hugs to you and wee Rory.
Steph enjoy your break, enjoy you special lady.
Pat L sorry to hear that your Grand Daughter is ill, such a worrying time for you all, you are all in my thoughts and prayers, gentle hugs to you all.
Special hugs to Tina E and Claire, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Myra P, Anne C, Maureen K, Wheely Bad and Billy, Magpie, Cameeli, Sandra, Mrs B, P in Wales, Ita, Tres, Brenda L, Heather T, Helen K, hope the foot is better, Cheryl B, Alimecca and Aunt, Angela W, Maria A and of course our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Jill Liddle said...

Lovely technique today.

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue, must give this a go. Crafty Regards Julie Kay xx

Anonymous said...

AnnS said:

Thank you for sharing. Like the aqua colour and the clean look of this card design.

Luv AnnS

Maxine T said...

Bow beautiful card today, love it Sue. Maxine T

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...

Very pretty Split Channel card today. Love the color, embossing and the sparkle. Just adore those pretty bows too.

Glenharon said...

Good afternoon Sue and my amazing Wilsonettes,
I loved this card the first time i seen it Sue but have only just managed to get the dies. It is so pretty and soft, and would make a beautiful card for most occasions. The colours are beautiful in the soft colours but i bet it would look so dramatic in your favourite black and white making it possible for a lot of different tastes. Thank you Sue, i love when i see the videos even if i have seen them a few times, ok a lot of times before, but i never get tired of watching. Hope you have recovered from your mad few weeks and feeling more like yourself again. Sending you hugs anyway just to say thank you dear friend.
Janet flower we all need to let off steam sometimes otherwise you would end up as daft as me. You carry on as i am quite sure that we ALL understand that. And another lady Jane or Janet, you are not ungrateful, and did not sound it either so way lay that wee idea right out of the brain, ok. Stop being so hard on yourself as you have no need to. Sending you hugs just to say hello.
Myra, Romeo and Juliet couldn't have looked more beautiful or felt as content as i bet you and lovely Mr P did. Glad you have had a wonderful finish to your holiday and you are feeling the benefits of it. Enjoy your last day in the sunshine flower.
Happy Birthday to Jack and Ryan, Pam. I hope they have a lovely day today even if it does include school. Glad to see that you are being wise and not tackling outside with all the commotion going on outside as we can do without you injuring yourself and having a major setback. Sending you a hug to keep you going but please don't do too much. Hugs to young Robbie as well and come on Robbie you can do it and beat that chair, have every faith in you being whole again someday soon.
NancyD, get Skype hook up to your laptop and them you will at least be able to see them on there, in person and hear them. I know it is not the same as seeing them in the flesh, but at least you will not miss them as much. You need a mic and camera if they are not built into your laptop or computer.
Happy 18th to Maggie(better without a bow) daughter. Sorry you are not well wee lass but you will have plenty of time to celebrate when you are, all i would say is enjoy every minute of it.
Sheila(Ginger) i am so glad you seen in reality what i see every day of my life, literally. I have woken up to these hills where ever i have lived and still love the magnificence of the beauty that surrounds me. I hope that you found my fellow Scots as hospitable as i know they are and can be. My cousins live in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and they literally are up in Scotland bank holidays, real holidays. Only one of them has been abroad twice. Once Iain(6'3" but younger than me so wee cousin) took his mum and dad on their ruby wedding to New York and once to Tenerife in which he said he wouldn't go back as it was awful barren looking and nothing to see. His wee brother (Stuart 6'8" still younger so wee cousin) brought his wedding party up here to Edinburgh to get married as my mum couldn't travel down to see him get married. His wee sister(Melanie she's off normal height)is getting married, again in Edinburgh with the whole family being brought up from South because of mum again, next year. Although she knows mums gone now she is still having it up here because of me. I must have the loveliest wee cousins on the planet.
Sorry two parter i got carried away again

Glenharon said...

Welcome TxCowgirl to the wonderful of Wilsonettes. I am so sorry you are not well at the moment but quite sure that wee touch of retail therapy would help and do wonders to cheer you up. Make plans of all the things you want to attempt when you get back on your feet but please take it easy and don’t rush at it. Sending a get well hug in the hope that it will make you feel better.
CraftyNanna, i hope that your dear hubby is back feeling better soon and that once the medication has kicked in, he will feel a lot more like himself. Sending him get well hugs that will hopefully give him that much needed boost.
Diane, are you the Dianewithchips Diane because i get confused easily and not used to seeing your real name. I hope that you are getting a bit more stable and more able than you have been. You have been missed flower, but i do hope that you are now on the upside.
Lindsay and Lynne, missing you so much her on the blog. I am missing your horses and capers and Lynne's Tilly and Cully and what they have been up to. Lindsay i hope that you are ok and Lynne that your hubby is back to feeling more like himself soon. Take care dear girls((hugs)).
Well i am going to see if me and my brain can connect to make a wedding card for our nephew and his lovely fiance who after 15 years engaged have decided to get married in a fortnights time in Cancun. When was this decided... last Friday or Saturday. I never ever thought this day would come as she always wanted her parents to go but her mum wont go across water in boat or plane or even under in the channel tunnel. So they are going to have a big party when they come back, and quite right they are too. I am so happy that this wee lass will finally get to be a bride as she is a beautiful person inside, he couldn't do any better as she has stuck through the good and bad and still loves him. So excited as i can now make up invites to the party instead of the wedding, whey hey.
Have a wonderful day everyone and hope that it is good to you,
Love and crafty hugs to all my special Wilsonettes,
Norah (Glenochil)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card love the channel technique and such pretty colours

Hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Hope this post works fingers x'd

Sandra said...

Good Afternoon Ladies,
Sue, this card was on your work area at Ally Pally and I love it, I love the Aqua card, but sadly couldn't buy any at he show as there was none. I bought that die though, so I may have a go in a different colour.
I am so cold today, I just can't get warm at all today, maybe it's time to put the dreaded heating on! I am going to find the winter part of the quilt out today too !
Yesterday was just 'one of those days' but today is a new day so onwards and upwards!
Had Lucy home poorly since Monday night, I think she caught what Soph had before the weekend but worse, so everyone seems to have had it expcept me!
Pam great to hear you are still moving about, it's so easy to stop and cease up! You have come so far! Hugs xx
Lynda, hope you gave recovered from your nose bleed, I will get round to emailing you back, was lovely to hear from you! Hugs to you xxx
Janet, the Gin us still in it's bottle! I have the laborious task of 'pricking the sloes' I think I got fed up last year and stabbed them all with a fork! Paul has suggested freezing them so that their skins burst as an easier method but I'm not sure! Any recommendations ladies?, there must be a sole gin expert among us! I also thought that raspberries would be a nice alternative?!
Well I am off to watch the video, I must get some cards made, I will update my blog tomorrow!
Warm, gentle hugs to everyone , especially Mrs B, Pat, Lynda,Cameeli, Brenda, Myra, Lynne, Norah, Pam, Steph, lovely Margaret, Tres, Janet, June,Julie,Nanna Tina! Emeeli, Hazel , & everyone of you kind, caring & genuinely wonderful Blog Family members xxxxxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card in one of my favourite colours. Another video for me to watch later - so much better on the laptop than the tablet.
Lynda - dianeandchipps posted yesterday thanking everyone that is thinking of her.

Rach83 said...

Wonderful card, Sue and I love the glitter! Ooh it just makes you tingle looking at the gorgeousness!

Rachel x

Maureen Killen said...

Good afternoon Sue, and all the ladies.
This is such a pretty card, and I love the split channel, the colours, the glitter, the bow, oh everything.
Best wishes to all the ladies and take care everyone. Thank you Yorkielass June, Lynda and Alimecca for your good wishes. xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Great video and the finished card is lovely.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card. My grand daughter kitty has been such a good girl, bless her she is only six and a half months old.
Ginnie x

Jaccards said...

Love the card, not normally keen on blues but, this looks lovely

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card, Sue.

Jimi Mac

terrie said...

What a beautiful card and also my favorite color blue...
Thanks for the video.
Well done Sue

Wacki Macky said...

What a lovely card today Sue, thank you.

Craftihappiness to everyone and love from Pearl.

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Love this idea of the channel card. Love the bows going to place an order for the bows just waiting to see if gilding flakes are in stock so I can order them together. Thank you Sue.

CraftyJo said...

Very pretty, such soft colouring.

Unknown said...

Hello Sue
This is so pretty. Gorgeous colour. Love the border.

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Unknown said...

Afternoon Sue. Just watched the video,what can I say? Absolutely Stunning. Just love the colour combination. Have a great day. Hugs. Jan. xx

Hannah A. said...

Look at all that sparkle! Anyone would love to recieve this card. :)

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
I just had to come inside as its very hot today! Good excuse to have a look at your lovely card! It is stunning! I just love it - all of it! Will have so many to try when I get back home tomorrow - all being well. I'm sure I've said this before but I haven't seen a shade of card from Creative Expressions which I did not like. They are all really tasteful colours and when we add Sue magic to that - Bingo - its a winner every time. Thank you Sue, gorgeous card today yet again.
Pat L - so sorry to read that your little granddaughter is unwell. GOSH is the best - and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Txcowgirl - welcome ! It's lovely to have new people join . Sorry you have been unwell. Do hope you are able to get out of bed very soon! Sending a hug!
Lynda - sorry about the horrid nose bleed! Hope you okay now. Hugs on way to you too.
Norah - so thrilled you got something lovely to look forward to. Thanks for your good wishes! x
Pam - Happy Birthday to Jack and Ryan! Have a lovely evening. Thanks for your good wishes too! So pleased you making good progress. x
Thanks too to Janet, June and Sheila - it was a lovely evening and a super memory. So much for which to be thankful.
Sending love to all including - Sandra, Margaret, Anne, June, Wheelybad Bad, Tres, Julie L, Brenda L, Janet, Steph, Lynda , Lynne, Lindsay, TOB Theresa , Frances and Alison . Special hug for Sue!
Love Myra

SusanP, Kent said...

I do love your videos! The aqua card is so pretty and the shaping of the channel makes for extra interest. I adore this border: it's my fave from your second collection.

Dianeandchipps said...

Hello Sue, another wonderful card, I love the effects you used and love the pastel blue. I now have over 100 of your videos and love to watch them, especially when I didn't have internet access in hospital.

Thank you Lynda, I am plodding along. back at Fracture Clinic tomorrow so hope that things are healing well.

Hello Norah, yes I am dianeandchipps, friends with fluffycat. Real name Diane Maitland.

Happy crafting everyone xxxxx said...

Must have a go at a channel card, as they always look so effective. Thanks for sharing, Susan x

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card,love the colours.

Jane said...

Another Beautiful card love the colours on this one.

Unknown said...

I saw this at Ally Pally and loved it, great card and colour


Barbara said...

Lovely card and beautiful colours, haven't tried a split channel yet.
I couldn't wait for your videos every week and watched them all on YouTube but still enjoy watching them again.
TXCOWGIRL welcome to Sues blog and hope you are feeling better.
LYNNE M hope you and hubby are okay and Tilly and Cully are behaving.
NORAH nice to see you back and hope you enjoy making your invites to the party.

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

Oh wow, just amazing. Another die on my list and this after yesterdays beauty too (I just checked back). I think this would work with other dies and EFs too and in many colours. I am gagging to get up that table. I think I'd need to take a flask and a picnic as I'd be there all day lol.

There's so much to say, Pam, wishing Jack & Ryan a happy birthday and I hope you are improving more each day. Sending healing hugs to Pats granddaughter at GOSH, Sandra I put the heating timer on today to give the place a little warmth early in the morning. I try to last til mid October but I was so cold this morning! Lynne M, hubby and fur babies I hope hubby is feeling better and you're all ok, Lindsay I hope you're ok too, i miss the horsey stories too. Lynda, nosebleeds are horrid, I've had more than my fair share and sympathise. A cup of tea and a biscuit works wonders a little while after to perk you up again, Norah, I'd love to visit Scotland one day as my paternal gr.grandparents are Scottish and we are proud of our ancestry. I'm going to do my family tree next year and find out more. I love being a Suffolker too and love the beauty of my home. It's a heck of a lot flatter than Scotland, what you consider a slight bump we call a mountain! Love to you, Rory and the rest of your family.TxCowgirl, best wishes to you and hope you feel better soon. Special hugs to you all.

I'm gaving a much needed quite day. In a bizarre position on my side laying on the sofa as I can't sit or lay down without lots of discomfort. In two days I've been booking interviews with the independent living people and with a cleaner for tomorrow, done a dogwalk Tuesday bouncing around on the dreadful pavements but I do love it and so does Billy. Two car journeys, again not the most happy situation for my spine the yesterday to see the nurse for a certain tri-annual test that involved a certain amount of contortion on my part laying on my side as on my back was out of the question! I'm paying for it all today, with the neck and the back sending their messages of complaint down my arms and legs. More than I've done in months. The dog walk was because Billy had to visit the vet for his jab and after he's very sleepy and clingy. He was a good boy and got a chewy for behaving so well. May have been the young lady vet who kept saying how lovely he is and me giving him treats while he jabbed him. He didn't even sneeze out his kennel cough vaccine. He's curled up behind my legs putting his weight on the back of my legs which he does when my back hurts this much. It feels so nice and eases the pain. He's such a good boy even if he likes a good bark!

Special hugs too for "Our Sue", Janet Ecco, Myra, Maria, Yorkielass Sue, Leo and Skylar, Pams Robbie, Brenda, Theresa and anyone ill or in pain. Hugs to Wilsonettes everywhere and happy crafting.

T x

Wheely Bad said...

That'll teach me for not checking my spelling!

T x

Wheely Bad said...

Head like a sieve me!

Julie L, Alison (Alimecca) and Diane M (mystery solved for me too!) Special hugs to all of you and hope you're ok!

You'll have to excuse me. Getting my hugs in for everyone in case I'm not back for a few days again.

T x

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Good video for a really lovely card. SueL x

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A lovely card, loving the split channel.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Txcowgirl said...

Hi Sue and friends,
Just yesterday I had watched the video on this very card. The die for this is in the order I'm waiting, not to patiently for. So I will try this one right away, I think. So very pretty.
Thank you everyone for the thoughtful comments, it's nice getting to know ya'll (Texan for all of you) a little. BTW, my real name is Dawn, don't know if you ever hear this name over there. After rereading I see another Dawn on the list! Dawn Searle, do you live in England?
Thank you Pam, so looking forward to my shipment. Happy Birthday to your twins. Not sure what "the Close" is, but be careful.
Yorkielass, thank you for the well wishes. This is off subject, but your name brought it to mind. My scrapbooking friend, has a little Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier), named Yogi, and on Monday she had let him out for his potty break, when suddenly a big hawk swept down grabbed him, flew over her house with him, then dropped him.
He suffered some bad puncture wounds from the talons, and an injury from the fall. He had to have surgery, but is slowly getting well. I had never heard of such a thing before, poor little guy.
Norah, I appreciate your comments, and yes, having the internet, and videos of Sue's have really inspired me. It's very boring if you just have to lay around, so I'm thankful for technology. I also have a Cricut Explore, which they just updated with a new Print and Cut feature, so this gives me time to read up about it. So yes there is a plus side. BTW, my very best friend and neighbor, her name is Nora, also, but without the "h".
Sandra, just have to ask, as I am so curious. What is sole gin, and "pricking the sloes"? Isn't gin a form of alcoholic beverage? Sounds kind of unpleasant.LOL
Myra, thanks for the hugs, love me some hugs! Sorry it's hot there, we are finally cooling off here a bit.
Barbara, thank you for the welcome.
Wheely Bad, appreciate the hello. Please get better, back problems are no fun, and so don't overdo. Thank the Lord we have our furry friends to give us their devotion. Just this year lost my two sweet shelties, Betsy and Amos. Still not ready to start over with new babies, maybe next year.
Thanks Anonymous, almost missed your post, I will let you know when my package from JS gets here. Maybe a while as it has far to travel.
Sorry if I went on to long, but it was nice reading the blog and the comments. Thanks for brightening my day.
Txcowgirl, Dawn

camelot67 said...

Good evening Suw,

A fabulous card today - I sooooo love the colour. Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.
Margaret A.

magpie said...

Helloooooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Gorgeous card and a great video Sue! Wow! I loved the 3d bows card with the Austrian die and the Iced Snow which is my favourite to use for the shiny that I like. I have been doing similar cards only without the bows....that's because I haven't got them...but still happy with what I have! Lol! The Wednesday card giveaway is stunning! The vintage rose and the gorgeous pink with the black heated background was truly awesome! I really do love the Victorian Velvet too....haven't got that either, but I love it! Lol! Good luck to everybody! Todays card is beeeautiful! Another great video Sue x I love the French border, tag and corner die. The corner I've been cutting four and making it as a focal point. That set is so so pretty. Love the Rows of bows EF and the Iced Snow sparkle! I love everything about it Sue. It is so elegant. "Thank you so so much Sue" for your inspiration xx Sending you and your family love and hugs and I hope you are managing to get a bit of rest after your marathon of wonderful cards and shows at Ally Pally! xx Pam, "Happy birthday" to Jack and Ryan! Sheila, hope you get this stunning set of dies on your birthday, Saturday! Hope you've left your list hanging around accidently....oh, how did that get there...? lol! Crafty Nanna, hope your husband is feeling better? Maggie's daughter, "happy 18th birthday" to you, get well soon xx Norah, Wonderful about your nephew and his bride to be after being together for 15 years. How romantic xx Wheelybad, thinking of you xx Lynne, Yorkielass, Lynda, Cheryl and thinking of and sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who need some. take care everyone xx Love Karen xx

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, that's one seriously pretty card today. I love the delicate colours you used. As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Theresa said...

great idea this card that can be applied to a number of dies. lovely colours as well, hugs xx

Crafty Nanna said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card as usual. I do love the blue and white together, such a great combination. Must just away to watch the video.

nzillingworth said...


SHARICA said...

Gorgeous .. xx

Janice K said...

Beautiful card in such a lovely soft colour with just the right amount of gorgeous bling.x

Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue,
Just seen the video it was great the card looks so classy Love it. Hope everyone has had a good day. Susi x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, what a pretty and elegant creation you have for us today. Ribbons, bows, sparkle - what more could a girl ask for?! Have not signed in for a while as I have been away on my hols and just got back. Was in a villa up in the mountains - internet, electricity and water were all in sporadic supply!!! I thought 'buffering' was a thing of the past but ooooh no! Just trying to connect was painful to say the least!! I returned home to find my C&C weekender had been delivered and the first thing I did was cut out the angel... she is stunning!! My Christmas cards this year have gone to a whole other level. Thanks for bringing us such wonderful products. Hugs to all. Karen xx

Gail said...

Wow I think this has to be one of my all time favourite cards - luv everything about it and I mean everything xx GailT xx

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card Sue.Love the design colours it's really elegant Sue.Thank you for another wonderful Video
Take care
Hazel G XX

janet said...

I do like th idea of the split channel. Will watch the video to see how it's done!
Hugs Janet in Kent

barbiepinkfairy said...

I love this one really pretty xxx

Angela (UK) said...

Hi Sue, Just love this card, the colours are so pretty. Will certainly be giving this one a go at the weekend. Thank you x

Laura O said...

lovely card ,like the way the channel is an unusual shape and that it matches the die used underneath ,Laura O

Unknown said...

Evening Sue, a beautiful card.

GeeBee88 said...

Hi Sue and everyone, what a pretty card today and I love the channel. Gx

craftynanna said...

hi sue, this is the most loveliest card ever, i haven't tried the split channel before so its on the list for my to do and i will be able to do the bows and the split as i have those, thank you sue.
oh dear we have two Crafty Nanna's but i am craftynanna so hope there isn't too much confusion lol
welcome Txcowgirl, sloe gin is certainly alcoholic and some, iv'e never made it because i don't like gin but i make damson vodka which is yummy and i only make it for christmas so mine is brewing nicely, sorry your not well and hope you are feeling better soon.
thank you norah for your hugs, i have loved reading your lovely words since starting on sue's blog your tales are brilliant keep them up,
also magpie(karen) thank you as well
i love reading everyone's story's you think its only you with ill health problems till you read something like this, hats of to you all you certainly are one big Sue family
kind regards to all J

Beth T said...

you always make it look so easy!
thank you! love the colors and the cute bow.

Angela Wade said...

Good Evening, Sue and Wilsonettes.
I loved this card when you first show cased it as part of the new Die collections Launch. I have all the ingredients for this one :-)

I've missed posting the last two days, as I was busy packing, taking 'Fur Babies' to kennels, travelling etc.
Will play catch up.

Hugs to everyone.

Angela in Dubai Xx

Ita said...

Hi Sue and everyone,lovely card,love the Chanel idea,and the colour is stunning .I am very late comment wise,as I have been sedated most of the day,for tests .

Sandy H said...

Another gorgeous card. The aqua is such a delicate colour and the channel technique is another "must try". Off to watch the video if I don't lose my connection again.
Take care everyone.

Sandy H said...

Another gorgeous card. The aqua is such a delicate colour and the channel technique is another "must try". Off to watch the video if I don't lose my connection again.
Take care everyone.

Darlene from SK said...

Love the technique, color and bow. I received some of your dies a few weeks ago and love all the different things I can do with them. I see, though, I'm going to have to place another order for more!

Dawn Holben said...

Absolutely stunning and beautiful,
I really love the colour and the layout of this one.

julie laz said...

Hi sue, sorry I'm late, had a few unwell days,
but just had to let you know how beautiful this card is,
Crafty hugs Julie xxx

Blue Rose said...

Gorgeous card, great technique for using the cutaway parts. Love the color.