Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Bow Tie Flower

Hi bloggers!  Today's card showcases lots of great techniques including stamping and resist inking, embossing, apertures, and using your dies in other ways!  I hope you can find twelve minutes today to give it a quick watch!  Enjoy!

Buy from Joanna Sheen

Finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x 8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Stunning card Sue, gorgeous.
Norah, you and your family are in my thoughts and in my heart. Thank you Frances for letting us know.
Lindsay and Lynda, thank you for Robbie's posts, they were lovely.
Tres, glad you are back, take care.
Steph, hope you are okay Hun, missing you.
Lynne M and Wheelybad, hope you feel better soon, and anyone else who us not well or in pain. Hugs all round folks xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good morning Sue and all the Crafty Crew!!
WWW!! another beautiful card in my book.... will have a play at the weekend...but thanks for sharing it really does take my own efforts to a different level. Will watch the video later.

Dearest Norah, I am so sorry to hear about the sad loss of your mum, my thoughts and prayers are with you... and sending a Cameeli cuddle too xx

Hugs to all those who need and find a little magic in the day if you can.
Cameeli xx

Unknown said...

Another simply lovely card again today you are on a roll!
Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Jan.moogie said...

Love it, love it, love it, now this is a true Sue Card and one for me and my friend Carol to have a bash at. You have made my day with this gorgeous confection, thanks for sharing.xx

Hugs to Norah, thinking of you pet.xx

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
LOVE this card, it is stunning and I have the dies and my embossing folder arrived this week so I will attempt to make it this your video later.
Carol x

Angela Wade said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonettes.
A lovely, elegant card, Sue. Will watch the video later. Yesterday's card was beautiful too.

Hugs to Pam and Robbie.

Hugs and condolences to you Norah and family.

Hugs to Lynne M and critters and Wheelybad, hope you're both feeling better soon.

Hugs to Julie & Lee, Tina, Tres, Lanc's Steph and anyone else in need or pain ((( )))

Best Wishes to all

Angela in S. Wales Xx

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Wow love this creation. The colours are beautiful and i have all the dies and folder to have ago at this one today for my sisters birthday next week. Thank you for all your insperation i would be lost without it. You should do another dvd and give us crafters to have something to go back to time and again. I know it would be hard for you to fit a one in to your busy life but it is worth thinking about. Take Care.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Breezes said...

What a clever idea - a gorgeous card made even more special by thinking outside the box ! I just don't know where you get such clever ideas from Sue - you are truly inspired !!

Love and hugs everyone, from Rose in Portugal xxxx

PS Post still hasn't arrived with my Austrian background die - fingers crossed it might come today !!

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, oh what a beautiful card today, just spent time looking at the video, will go over it again later, loved the way you did the stamped embossed background to the sentiment area but also the lovely flower, who would have thought to use the ity bity bows, they look so effective.

Pam thanks for the site for Robbie but what is his last name? so I can see it.

Hope all of you are safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

Rosie said...

That looks lovely. Will watch later.

Caroljsmith said...

What a pretty card sue jan and I will be making this at the weekend. Really enjoyed the video keep the inspiration coming .

Hazel said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful card, love the EB folder and how you have used the stamp and dies. Hazel x

Norah so sorry to read of your very sad loss of your mum.

kittyedavies47@gmail.com said...

Morning Sue.
I have just watched the video, it is brilliant as is the beautiful card. To all Wilsonettes have the best of day that you can, take care all Kitty. Sue if I don't comment for a few days it has no reflection on you it is the baby sitting sechdule.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
It's absolutely beautiful. Everything about it - dies, embossing folder, colours - stunning.
Will watch video a bit later. Back to bed now that Katinka has had "little breakfast"
Hugs, Rose

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, wow this card is beautiful, love the peach colour, and a great idea to use the bow dies for a flower. Great video too. Have a good day everyone. Bx

Sudha said...

Wow...pretty beautiful. I love this.


Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunner today. Love how you have cut an aperture out of the card you have embossed. Will watch the video when I get home, will try this one with the dies I have at home. Thanks for sharing. Must go back and read the comments s I haven't while I'm on holiday.
Hugs to Pam and Robbie as usual.
Condolences to Norah on the loss of your Mum
Special Hugs to Mrs B and Sandra, we've had a few choice words when driving as we got caught up in a real stinker traffic jam in Chania. With cars and scooters coming at us from all directions. We survived and had a wonderful day, and managed to get back to our hotel all in one piece.
Hugs to all in need of one today.

Pam said...

June ! It is Robbie McCluskey, good luck xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
The butterfly and flowers are really lovely.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - love this - will watch video later when more awake!
Clare W

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Gorgeous card, can't wait to get home and watch the video.
Sincere condolences Norah on the loss of your Mum, special wishes to you and all those in pain. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Your video makes this beautiful card so easy to follow. Lots of techniques to try here. A winner!

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What a great idea to use your bow die as a flower pure genius. I enjoyed watching your video (I love video days lol). I love everything about today's card your dies and embossing folders are just a bit different from the many that are out there.
Norah I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mum sending you a hug.
Hugs x
Heather T

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue, yet another stunner.
Love everything about this beauty.

Norah, so sorry to hear about your loss, thinking about you.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

tracy w said...

Hi sue
What a stunning card love the bow into a flower going to be crafting at the weekend and trying it out thank you tracy w x

JJ said...

Stunning Sue, love the layout, stamping and flowers. The colour is gorgeous too.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

June Smith said...

Pam, I copied what you typed and still can't find it, tried, Rob, or just McCluskey but still nothing..............what am I doing wrong xx

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
This is absolutely beautiful Sue.
Norah, I'm so sorry to read of your sad loss. No-one can take the place of a mother or father.
I hope everyone has as good a day as possible, love to all.
Got to get the girls ready for school and early football session.
Will catch up onn everyone's news later. xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, A fabulous video, and a stunning card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Another lovely card today. I love it when you show different ways to use your dies
Pat x

Annie said...

Stunning card, Sue will watch vid after work, sounds to be full of great things!
Hugs Annie

hazel young said...

Stunning card , love the colours and of course the stunning flower love it xx hazel

PharmacyMichele said...

Great card & helpful video, I can't wait to try out the Bow dies to make flowers-a truly great idea.


Anonymous said...

Agree with Jan.moogie - this is a 'true' Sue card - just love it all. Clever use of the bow die for flowers and love the petite vinery, think I may have to get them. All very pretty indeed. Thanks, Sue, for another great video.

'P' in Wales

Norah - so very sorry to hear from fluffycat that you have lost your Mum - feel that we've got to know her through your chatter - can imagine you are devastated. Sending sympathy and big hugs.

Aspiring crafter said...

Such a lovely card Sue, will watch video this afternoon, thanks for the inspiration,

Jackie T said...

Oh Sue this card is stunning. I will watch the video when I get back from work today - that will be a lovely treat waiting for me. I often go back to your videos to remind me how to do things they are a wonderful resource. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Beautiful card Sue. Your embossing folder is very pretty. Will have to watch the video when I get back from my volunteer job.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Norah, so sorry for your sad loss.x

Unknown said...

Morning everyone another lovely card. I really like the background embossing folder, it's surprising how different it looking with different dies. I have die for the flowers which I use a lot .

Bea said...

Another fab card Sue - always inspirational.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, Another really beautiful card. I am so glad you have done this on video, it is so much easier to follow, and well worth all your hard work doing them.

Norah, so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you.

Love Rosemarie xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card and what a lovely flower made from the bow! You never fail to amaze me at the ideas you come up with! Love Hean xxx

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue,

Yet another beautiful card. Paul Church showcased your dies at one of our Demo Days and made two or three different flowers with your bow dies.

I love the colour scheme on this card.

Love, Roz.x

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue this is a lovely card with lots of detail. I am lucky enough to have this folder along with the other two in the range, they are so pretty. I am off to watch the video x

Jayne S said...

Stunning card Sue, thanks for sharing another way to use bow dies. I will be trying this very soon.

Unknown said...

I really love this card Sue, that flower is beautiful and I love the little butterfly too! xx

Val Jones said...

Lovely Sue. Beautiful flower and butterfly.
Love Val in Spain x

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue another beautiful card. I love the design of it.
I off now to watch the video while I'm
On my own.
Take care Sue xx

Debs A xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue beautiful card today the peach Bellini is a great colour isn't it. Love the way you have made the flower and the butterfly just finishes it - really pretty. Thank you for sharing. Have a great day love Diane G xxxx

Nora so sorry to hear about your mum my thoughts are with you at this sad time. Big hug and love Diane xxx

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. Beautiful card today. Looks so elegant. Cant wait to watch the video later. Love the flower and the backround is one of my favourites. Thanks again Sue. Hugs Heather.x

Maryann Laursen said...

Another stunning card here today Sue. This is sooo beautiful and soelegant, it could even go for a wedding, I think. Amazing work in every deetail.

Sandra said...

Good morning Sue & friends,
Another amazing card today Sue, I am going to watch video after my comment x
Norah, my heartfelt condolences are sent your way, I was so sad to hear your sad news, sending you the biggest virtual hug, I can only imagine how you must be feeling x
Frances, thank you so much fir keeping us up to date x
Wheels bad, big hugs to you, I so wish you could make Ally Pally, I would love to meet you, I know exactly what you are saying about the short temper thing, I think it's just a case of holding your emotions in and covering how you are really feeling for so long that you just can't take any more, it happens to us all xx
Pat S, sounds like you are having some adventures! Can't wait to hear all about them x
Cameeli, I think one of your cuddles could solve anything, sending a hug back to you xx
I hVe posted a new card on my Blog at long last, I am trying to do it more regularly, I so admire Sue for being so busy and so organised!
Big hugs to all my crafty friends today,
Sandra xxxx

Joan D said...

Absolutely gorgeous card. Lovely textures and colours x x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Such a beautiful card so pretty . love Jean Z xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue a wonderful card and I just love all of the pinpoint embossing folders. The colours are great as well. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Another stunner, love it all. Will watch the video later.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow this is gorgeous, love all the techniques used today

DMJ said...

I do like these videos, Sue, and the card is great!!

Doreen x

foxyg said...

Beautiful card. Will watch the video later.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Thank you for the most beautiful and elegant gift today.
I love love your new Efolders. They are just superb. Today's colours are so gentle/soft and who wouldn't love to receive a gift such as this.

Norah - I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss. Mums are so so special as we all know. You're all in my prayers and thoughts.

Steph - where are you?

Sandra - I don't have a blog but will try and get a pic to you via yours. (fingers/toes etc all crossed).

Off to have the first stage of my annual cardio check up at my local surgery. After having blood taken last week at the hospital it's now the turn of of my local vamps. If I carry on like this I'll not have any left (thinking of the old Tony Hancock sketch).

Hope all are feeling a little better this morning. Take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
Janet x

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
Another winning video! What a lovely card, and so clever making a flower out of a now die.
Gail C x

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue, especially impressed with the idea of getting double duty from the bow dies - great idea cant wait to give it a try!

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, another fabulous card
love this embossing folder and one f
my favourite flowers.
My sympathy's are with you Nora so sorry
to hear about your mum.
Nancyd xx

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card today - will watch the video later. Have a great day and hugs to all xxx

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful card and gorgeous flower and butterfly ,will watch the Video later with my coffee .
Take Care
Elaine H X

Nananne said...

Stunning card and Video! Love how you used the bow die to make your fabulous flower and the peach Bellini is now on my never ending list!
The rows of bows EF has become my favourite and I can't stop using it, it's so gorgeous .
Norah , I'm so sorry for the sad loss of your wee mum you must be devastated, thinking of you and the family and sending you a big warm gentle hug.
Thankyou June Yorkielass , I had a great craft day yesterday and lots of fun, pity it's only once a month!
Congratulations Clare W, on your win at the Dorset show Hope you also won at your local show?
Hugs to all xo

Linda28 said...

Morning Sue, A stunner today, very pretty, love the colour and how you have transformed the bow into a flower. Thanks for all your tips.
Norah, so sorry to hear your bad news, a big hug to you. Linda.

gwen70 said...

How gorgeous this card is Sue, adore the flower

Wendy L said...

Gorgeous card, loving the butterfly and flower, xxxx

Chris Curry said...

A beautiful card Sue with lots of techniques. As I have the itty bitty bows, vinery, and butterflies I will definitely be trying this out. Thank you. Xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Stunning demo of a beautiful card.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Veronique L

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Well after all the drama of the broken "old" computer here I am trying to use a borrowed posh lap top lol..... well here goes see if it will let me post a comment??? I was so thrilled to win a prize on Sunday thankyou Sue

What a beautiful card so pretty and one of my favourite things a butterfly.
Hope this works fingers x'd

Luv n hugs to all

Annx without an "e"

Glennis F said...

Stunning card today - I love the flower

Marion said...

Hi Sue great video and the card is beautiful ,love the flower very delicate looking and no big bow to take over .
Marion H

Angela H said...

What a beautiful card. I love cards with butterflies on them. The colour is subtle and just adds that little extra.

Vick said...

Lovely, I cannot wait till this weekends shows sue, hope its good for you, hugs, Vick xx
My YTChannel vixcrafts

nannapat said...

Stunning card Sue. I love the uncluttered look and the dies you have used - and my favourite embossing folder too! I didn't think I would like this folder as I'm not normally a lover of straight lines as I think it looks too regimented. However, I borrowed the folder from a friend to try and then couldn't wait to get one - it really is gorgeous! Pat x

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue, so delicate. These are my favourite colours ... at the moment. Crafty Regards Julie Kay

sued99 said...

Stunning card. Looking forward to catching up with the video later.

auscrafts said...

Lovely card will have to watch the video later

Zena Mc said...

Morning Sue. Gorgeous, so feminine and delicate. It's really amazing the twists you put on the cards.
Regards Zena x

Jackie Meechan said...

What a stunner. Love it. Gorgeous. This card is a winner.
Hugs to everyone who needs one or two.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fab card. Best wishes

Gail said...

Luv this card - the colours - everything xx will catch up the vid tut later xx GailT xx

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Gorgeous card, your bow flower is truly scrummy and love the soft colours and the butterfly. Thank you for another great video, you are a true inspiration, hugs to you and your Mom.
Dearest Norah sincere condolences to you and your family on the sad loss of your Mum, my thoughts and prayers are with you, you precious lady, gentle hugs to you and Rory.
Pam hope the ankle is going down, hugs to you and Robbie.
Clare W congratulations on winning the Dorset show, hope you won the local one too.
Tres and Wheely Bad glad to see you both back, hope you are feeling a little better, gentle hugs.
Lynne M hope you are feeling better, hugs to you, Tilly and Cully.
Janet good luck today, your Tony Hancock comment made me smile, gentle hugs.
Special hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Steph, Lynda B, Lindsay, Magpie belated Happy Birthday to your Mum, Myra P, Maureen K, Anne C, Ita, Julie and Lee, Sandra, Mrs B, P in Wales, Meg and baby Leo, Heather T, Helen K, Maria A, Angela W, Dianeandchips, TOB Theresa and of course our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Brenda said...

Good morning Sue,
Another fantastic video with such clear instructions, Another WOW card, love how you created the flower from the the bow die. - something I would never thought to do, it looks so beautiful. I purchased the butterfly dies last week at Sandown Park and haven't played with it yet, the Rows of Bows EF is on my WishList, I hope to be able to manage to get this one soon.
Have a good day, love Brenda xxx

NORAH, sending you a very gentle hug you must be feeling very fragile at this sad time. You know we're here for you, I wish I could do more. Sending you and wee Rory love and prayers (and not forgetting the rest of your family LOL)

Fluffycat (Frances) thank you for telling us about Norahs and sad loss. Work

Janet, Hope all goes well with your cardio checkup.

Sending love and hugs to all who need them.

Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, a really lovely card, will watch the video later, and catch up on all the comments.
Norah my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time, take comfort in knowing we are all thinking of you and your family.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, just brilliant , so pretty and I love the butterfly. What a fantastic idea to use the bow dies for flower petals. So glad you come up with these ideas to make the most of our dies. Lol lynne m x x

Lindsay - way to go girl!!!!!, so pleased you have managed to get back on a horse x x
Norah - my partner in crime, oodles and oodles of cuddles to you from me n pesky critters x x x
Wheelybad - hope you feel better soon.

Poochies being good which is kind of scary but as I'm still in bed it helps. Hope to shift whatever has made me poorly well in time for ally pally.

Lol and massive hugs to all my cohorts on this blog x x x x x x x x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Morning Sue,

Another beautiful elegant card. Will try to attempt it after watching your video. Thank you.


Ivy ling xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.
I just love this card. The embossing and the colours and just everything are stunning.
Take care,
Evis McCarthy.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Have just watched the video and it was great. So clever to use the bow to make the flower. The card itself was beautiful.
love Jan x x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This is a very pretty card. Love the techniques. The flower is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Sincerest condolences to you Norah on the loss of you mum.

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh what a simply elegant card today.....must get the peach belini ink pad (it's also a wonderful cocktail too....peach juice and champagne...only tried it once though! ) Great video to go with it too.
Norah there are not words to heal you at this very sad time so sending you a huge gentle hug instead.
Love and more hugs to those in need of them

Love Sheila xx

PS. My little nap turned into a cold but must get rid of it by Friday as I'm off to a Craft show in Manchester!

Robin said...

Lovely card again. Want to extend my crystal ball request from yesterday - any ideas what I have done with my Spanish Collection dies and Meadow stamps??? Not me - who seems to be a permanent resident in my house at the moment - has a lot to answer for? I have even made a card with one of these dies, as I have with the missing bow die I mentioned yesterday!

Tres said...

Hi Sue. Wow !! Such a fab informative video today, with some lovely ideas !! As usual your card is stunning Sue !! I love how you have put an aperture in your card, and then covered it with a frame to make it all neat and tidy and a great idea to do white on white embossing and then going over it with a coloured ink pad to bring out the beautiful embossed pattern. As for the idea of making the itty bitty bows into flowers - well just pure genius Sue !! I am so excited now I have seen you make these flowers with the bows. I will be making these as soon as I get the chance to with my new itty bitty dotty bow dies. I will also have to try out my itty bitty classic bow dies to. Now I have to get the filigree and the mosaic bows to !! Thank goodness for Birthdays and Christmas !!
Thank you for such an amazing video and a stunning card today. I can't wait to see your shows on C +C at the weekend.
Sending you lots of love and hugs today Sue, love Tres x x x

Norah, I am so very sorry to hear about the sad loss of your Special Mum. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of love and gentle hugs to you, Rory and your family. Please take care love Tres x x x

Sending lots of love to all the Wilsonettes today from Tres x x x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Gorgeous and stunning. Love it. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, the bow flower is just great.

Craftihappiness to everyone, love from Pearl.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Fantastic card and video, love the flower
Norah sending you a gentle hug, so sorry to hear of the death of your mum, my thoughts are with you and all your family.
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card. Enjoyed the video.
Great idea with the bow/ flower. X

SHARICA said...

Love this card .. its so pretty and elegant .. xx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Stunner of a card today will watch the video later on, I have just bought the embossing folder cannot wait to use it hugs Sarah xx

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful and very clever use of the itty bitty bows. Again, my type of card!
Norah, I am so very sorry to hear that your mam has passed away. It is always so dreadful when you lose one of your parents. My mam died last year and I still miss her every day. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this extremely sad time. Lynne, Wheely and Tres hope you are all feeling better today. Lindsay, great news about the stallion and so glad that your riding went well. Steph, where are you? Yorkielass thank you for thinking of my aunt. Well back to the decorating - staircase again today ugh! Love to all and cuddles to all those who need them

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue amd my dear friends.
Sorry to read of your loss Norah.

WOW ! Only you Sue could see a flower grow from an itsy bitsy bow, how does it happen ? But watching the video its SO obvious ! I have most of the ingrediants apart from the stamp, vinary die and ef but I can improvise with what I have. I too would love a dvd of your inspiration Sue.
Wishing all my dear very special Wilsonettes a painfree as possible day.
Hoping your day is a perfect day Sue.

Lancashire Steph xx

weefortune said...

Stunning card sue can't wait to watch later, have a great day Elaine x

Anonymous said...

Stunning and elegant card.

Take care


Anonymous said...

Stunning and elegant card.

Take care


Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
Sorry not commented for a few days I'm in Cornwall but have looked
Today's card is soo nice had to make time to comment
I love it
Thanks again for sharing your inspiration and talent
Take care Sun
Theresa x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, as always another gorgeous card. Love the various techniques used, especially different ways of using the die. Thanks for the inspiration.

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, absolutely goegeous card. Loved the video.

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

We're now back home in South Yorkshire having just returned from visiting the grandchildren down in sunny Kent (which needless to say we thoroughly enjoyed) so having missed your blog for a couple of days I'm in the process of catching up. I just love the cards I've missed and am really looking forward to watching today's video. Congratulations to all the winners over the weekend and to you Sue for sharing your wonderful inspiration. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, absolutely gorgeous! A really beautiful card. I have the itty bitty bows but never saw a flower in them, how do you do it? Loving the colours also.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes for Norah, I will let her know that you are all thinking of her and her family.

Angela Allen said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card today,very summery.Love this folder.
Love Angela x

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Very pretty and delicate. Thanks for the inspirational video.

Jane Franklin said...

Just spent 12 mins lost in the video. Really enjoyed it and the flower just such a great re-use of the die. Best wishes to all and especially Norah for your sad loss. Luv jax

Paula said...

Oh, I do love this card Sue!!!

Paula x

XxJULESxX said...

Stunning card Sue as always!

Cazzie D said...

Yet another gorgeous card Sue. Yesterday's card was a real stunner too. Caz x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A gorgeous card today - stunning.
Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Muriel said...

Beautiful delicate card. Love the dies and embossing.

Muriel x

Jill Liddle said...

Love everything about the card today. Will definitly have to try making flowers this way.

Lacelady said...

Beautiful card, as always Sue - I do admire how you manage to come up with so many.

craftynanna said...

Hi Sue, this is a beautiful, beautiful card and the video is great too, i have got your Bow die and now i can see another use for it, thank you for your daily inspiration Sue it is greatly appreciated Regards to all J

Janette MacArthur said...

Such a gorgeous card today Sue & love the flower - will certainly give this one a try!
Many thanks
Janette xx

Beth T said...

Beautiful card-this will be the inspiration for my sister's birthday card!

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,

I love this superb card today.
Beautiful Colour combo, and design as usual.
Thank you so much for your video tutorial.
I have just bought that bow set of dies, and will be making some flowers soon with.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue

A beautiful card today....you really can't go wrong with butterflies and flowers!!!



Unknown said...

Amazing card Sue. Going to watch the video later when I have time to take it in properly. Happy days
Jo xx

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful card! I love the design.

-Kathy H

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good afternoon Sue and everyone

A really stunningly beautiful card, so rich and opulent in true Sue Wilson style. Your video is so very informative and I just have to say I so love the flowers and plants they add to the 'Wonder of Wilson' for me, thank you.

Darling Norah I am so truly sorry to hear the sad news of your mum, you are in my thoughts and prayers take care lovely lady.

Wishing everyone a peaceful day, take care.

Margaret corgi owner

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Goodmorning Sue, Love the card especially the flowers and color. Trying to catch up on all your videos tried to order some cosmic glitter but out of stock they will email me. But I am so glad I have found you on YouTube I always add your videos to my favorite. Love always Dorothy.

June Horrocks said...

Love it love love it the flower is beautiful thank you sue love to all
June xxxxxc

Linda Graham said...

WOW What a beautiful card Sue, love everything about it,thank you, Linda x

Pam said...

Hello June Smith, if you have got to the Caringbridge site, go to who do you want to visit or visit a site, enter Robbie McCluskey. If you need to log in enter your email address and name. One into Robbie's site you can read journal, guest book, leave comments, look at his photos.
Good luck June xx

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...
Always love your videos. Beautiful card. Love all the items you used including the color you used on the stamp, very pretty.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
I enjoyed the video and am enjoying the soft subtle colours. As I'm watching I'm thinking of the dies that I have that will give a similar effect. Thanks for the inspiration. Best wishes to all.
Vanessa x

Susi Mortimer said...

Hi Sue,
Another beautiful card. The video is also good, thanks for sharing with us. Have a good day everyone.
Condolences to Norah on the sad loss of your Mum.
Susi x

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card Sue, love everything about it.
Your videos are so inspiring and informative it makes it look so easy!!!!

NORAH sorry to hear of your loss, hope you are okay.

LYNNE hope you get better soon, missing the girls antics.

Kate's Cards said...

Lovely fresh colours today Sue. xx



terrie said...

Beautiful card and a great video...
Thanks for the tip on how to use the die to make something else beside a bow.
Well done Sue

SusanP, Kent said...

This is SO pretty, I love it. I'm going to watch the video right now!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
A really gorgeous card and video today.
The colours are so lovely together and I love how you have made that lovely flower from the bow die. All the other dies you have used just make this card so stunning. All in all one of my favourites!!
Love Lesley S

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, lovely card today I have already used my Ity Bity Bow to make a flower and I was so pleased with the result. Beryl xx

Anne Temple said...

Love your card and I had to smile as I just opened my new bow die yesterday and kept thinking how that particular piece would make a great flower or a fun repeating background. :-) I'm definitely going to try this.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, What a very pretty card. Your inspiration is never ending.
Love from

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, What a very pretty card. Your inspiration is never ending.
Love from

TOB said...

Beautiful card, great video. I made flowers out of Sues faux quilled leaves, and she mentioned me on TV when she made her flower out of the bows, (my claim to fame)
Norah thinking of you and your family at this very sad time. Hugs to all who need them Theresa x

Blue Rose said...

Gorgeous card. Love the bow/flower idea. Love the embossing folder. Great job.

hotpotato said...

pretty card.

Tina said...

Hi Sue

You have shown some beautiful cards over the last few day's.

I have'nt been on the blog lately as my daughter Claire was rushed into hospital last Thursday with suspected appendicitis, she got sent home appendix still in tact and still in pain. She has to back tomorrow to see another consultant to see how she is and if she needs more tests.

I would like to say a heartfelt Thank you to everyone that has left messages on my blog about Claire XX.

NORAH, I can't put into words how sad and sorry I am to hear about your lovely mum. You have sent lovely thoughts for me through my sad times lately, it's ditto time now and I send you & Rory such big hugs, and my condolences. Thinking of you. XX

Big hugs to Steprh, Margaret, Yorkielass, Lynda, Pam & Robbie, Little Leo, and Sheila I hope you feel better soon.

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Unknown said...

Such a very pretty card, love the bow flower


Janice K said...

A beautiful card in a lovely soft shade of peach.x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

I love the butterfly, it's very pretty and everything else on your card is lovely.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Debbie Tinks said...

Hi Sue love the card .. Happy crafting and have a lovely day ...x

hollyberry said...

Such a beautiful card.

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, another stunner of a card. I love the die-cuts one it and the colour selection. I haven't watched the video yet as Adobe Flash decided to crash on my laptop but as soon as I kick it into submission I'll be watching. As always, thanks for sharing with us. x

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...

Love everything about today's card just divine.

Jane xx

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

simply gorgeous!

Deb E Isle of Wight said...

simply gorgeous!

Joanne K said...

Evening Sue, gorgeous card and fab video. Thanks for showing us how versatile our dies can be. Kind regards Joanne K x

janet said...

That's such a nice card -love the delicate flowers and butterflies!
Will watch the film of it tomorrow. (can't think of the right word!!)
Hugs Janet in Kent

Julie Bee said...

high sue

the pictures are still loading, but im sure its great, will watch later

best wishes

julie bee

barbiepinkfairy said...

Lovely card, love the bows as flowers!

Norah, missed you, so sorry to hear the news about your bereavement. Take one day at a time. We are all here for you.

Love to all xxx

Unknown said...

Ooh Sue, this one is lovely great use of your dies as always,
Norah, I. So sorry to read that your dear mum has passed away, you have told us so many stories of your childhood which have included so many details of what she was like, please take time to grieve and remember we are here for you, big hugs to Rory to at this difficult time for him.
Well my mums second cousin told us it was my great aunts funeral today and asked for a lift. So I drove and met her half way to drive her and my mum to the crem. We got there in time even with lots of diversions due to road works. When I got there I thought we had gone to the wrong one as it was so different to when my great uncle died, three years previously, it had be re modelled. Didn't see anyone we recognised, finally found a list of the times and cremations and my aunts name wasn't on it. We had to phone her daughter who told us it was actually next week. Argh no appoligies from the second cousin! So I will make the journey again next week!
Lynne glad your girls are behaving.
Thanks all for your wishes on my riding, I can't tell you how much being able to ride again means to me, even if I do have more pain from it but it's worth it.
Love and hugs to all my friends, Norah, Pam, Cameeli, June, Lynne, Linda, Sandra, Karen, Alison, Tina, tres, Theresa, TOB, Janet, p in Wales, mrs B, Mrs Duck, Wheely bad, Margaret, Myra and and all those whose names have run from my tired mind xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card again and it's nice to actually see how you make them so thanks for the video tutorial.

Karen Drew said...

Very pretty card. I love the layout of it and using lots of techniques too
Karen xx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Looking forward to watching your video later. Card is lovely. SueL x

Theresa said...

very elegant card Sue. love the softness created by the peach colour. hugs xx

ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

Lovely card again today Sue - will have to check out the video tomorrow, as I've run out of time to do everything today! Thanks for sharing, Susan x

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes,a gorgeous card once again Sue a WOW love everything about it love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Norah I am so sorry for your loss of your dear mum your in my thoughts & prayers & gentle Hugs to you Wee Rory & all your family Lynda xx

Wheely Bad hope you feel better soon & sorry you can't make Ally Pally I would have loved to have met you. Take care love & hugs to you & cuddles for Billy xx

Lynne M sorry you have been unwell & Tilly & Cully have been good for you. Hope to see you at Ally Pally be lovely to meet you Hugs Lynda xx

Special Hug to all above & Sandra,Yorkielass,Lindsay,Tina E,Dianeandchipps,Tandy,Tress,Margaret corgi owner,TOB Theresa,Jean D,Mrs B,Myra P,Nanna Tina,Mareen K,BrendaL,Janet Ecco,Hazel,Julie Laz,Helen K,Ita,Cheryl B,Pauline A,Magpie,
Love Lynda xx
Hugs to anyone who need them xx

Myra P said...

Hi Sue
Late again! Sorry but been in bed all day with the dreaded migraine! Just wanted to leave a brief comment. The card is so lovely. The flower is gorgeous and I will certainly be giving it a try. I have all the necessary " ingredients" for the card except for the lovely ink pad. I shall look out for that one. Thank you for the clear, helpful video.
Love to all,

Myra P said...

Hi Sue
Late again! Sorry but been in bed all day with the dreaded migraine! Just wanted to leave a brief comment. The card is so lovely. The flower is gorgeous and I will certainly be giving it a try. I have all the necessary " ingredients" for the card except for the lovely ink pad. I shall look out for that one. Thank you for the clear, helpful video.
Love to all,

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone.Very nice card Sue,have to watch the video some time tomorrow as today have been busy with one thing after the other.
Norah-lots of hugs to you and Rory.Take care at this sad time.
To all who are not well at the moment,wish you better.Sheila-sorry to see you ended up with a cold,hug.
Tina-hope your daughter will be ok.
Lindsay-bless you to have to do that journey again next week,hope it goes alright. HUgs to you all and June,Pam,Steph,Norah,wheelybad,Janet,ToB,Lynne,June s,Ita,Tres,Sandra Take care and try to have a good night (full moon) Hugs Maria x

Angela (UK) said...

Such a pretty card Sue, thank you for such wonderful inspiration as always x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
A beautiful card today love the colours and dies you've used and how you've made your lovely flowers will be giving those a try .thanks Sue hugs to you and mom xxx

Special hugs to yorkielass, Lynda and anyone who needs them , especially Norah xxx

Jean D xxx

Julsb said...

Love this card, the beautiful butterfly and flower, the colours. Simply stunning. xxxx

dreamer said...

Hi Sue ,what a wonderful card again today, love the peach tones, how I would love to have all those dies,, but they must be in the hundreds of pounds to own,?... To make that card, shame I could cry its so beautiful , please can you make a smaller card Sue, as in Australia we have to smaller cards to post , other wise the cost is by the size great work love love them all xxxxx

dreamer said...

Forgot to say Sue I just wait every day for your videos and when they are on I just watch over and over again regards wendy

Anonymous said...

Lovely card and great video. Love to be able to work along with you in the future when I get all of my things together to do the card. What -- no bow or ribbon!!! Just joking. Love the layout and the look.

nzillingworth said...


Carole Z said...

Beautiful card Sue and as ever, fab video, hugs Carole Z X

Carole Z said...

Beautiful card Sue and as ever, fab video, hugs Carole Z X

GeeBee88 said...

Hi Sue, love this card, so pretty and an ingenious use of the bow die. Don't know how you manage to come up with all the ideas, fantastic.
Condolences to Norah at this sad time for you and a hug to all Gx

Sandy H said...

Beautiful card. Love the delicate colours. Saving the video as a treat to watch tomorrow.

Norah, so sorry to hear that your dear mum has passed away. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Take care everyone.

Unknown said...

Another beautiful card today Sue. Peach s not a colour we use often but looks really delicate. Xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card - I tried to make my version in pink and one in lemon.But I started too late in the being - but half way there. Takes so long to do all the elements to go with it.
BRILLIANT idea with the bow turning in to a flower!
Sheila x

Bridge x said...

This is a stunning card Sue
Best wishes
Bridget x

lindyloo12 said...

I love everything about this card, the colours, the layout, well as I said lol everything.

dawn holben said...

Simply beautiful and stunning, I would so love to recieve a card like this.
I really like the colours as they are warm and subtle but stand out just the right amount.

Jean Bullock said...

I wrote a comment the other day but I guess I forgot to click on publish, lol. I learned a lot from the great video and I pinned it. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765604922109/

Darlene from SK said...

Sue, your cards are all so beautiful!

julie laz said...

All I can say is beautiful, crafty hugs Julie xxx

TDQ Karen said...

Such a pretty card, love it xx

Unknown said...

Amazing as usual...loved all your demos on create and craft...can't wait to get some time in my craft room to try out all the techniques...crafty hugs...sue