Sunday, 3 August 2014

Have A Lovely Day

 Good Sunday morning all!  I found this card from last October hiding in one of my files recently so I thought I would give it it's day on the blog.  It's a particularly simple card, but we can all use those from time to time I think so definitely not without value.  I selected a piece of Teresa Collins paper from the Creative Expressions paper pad and covered it with a self adhesive sticky sheet.  I coated it with micro beads for a rich textural feel to it.  I cut two of the Frosty Forms borders in black and glued them to the top and bottom of the card.  I love it when I can use a "Christmas" die in a project that is anything but Christmassy!  I stamped the Happy Birthday Labels Four stamps by Justrite in black on to milk coloured card.  I cut it out with the matching die and inked it with Antique Linen before removing it from the die.  I used mounting foam and added it to the centre of the card.  I made a rose flower following the instructions on my tutorial at the top of the blog and seated it on some black tulle and twine on the corner of my focal element.  I added a black pearl swirl on the opposite side.  I added a double peach mat with an inner pierced mat layer to complete the card.  Truly as simple as it looks.  Finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x 8 1/4" in size.

It is time for the Sunday Comment Game Winners.  This week's winners are:
Jayne S!!!
Audrey O'Brien!!!
Evis McCarthy!!!

For the extra qualifying post of July 30th, the winners are:
Lesley Cann!!!
Wendy (Watford)!!!
Yvonne Masterman!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Morning Sue and everyone, love today's card, gorgeous.
Congrats to all winners especially Yvonne .
My daughter took me out for a trip to town in my hired wheelchair, it wasn't too bad Julie and it was so good to be out of the house, go on give it a go.
My brother is a little down at the moment, I know that it is partly jet lag and also missing Mary and Robbie. it has been hard for him to talk about Robbie so I am just letting him find his own way and time.
NannaTina when my daughter lost her beloved 13 yr old boxer Rocky two yrs ago, she got a wooden casket carved like a boxer for his ashes and it sits in the corner of the room. Her rescue boxer Buster seems to like to lie near it.
Itta hope the hospital can get you sorted this time.
Steph, I felt your frustration yesterday, sure I heard you shouting even in Hartlepool.
Love and hugs to all Wilsonettes and a special hug for baby Leo xx

Micky French said...

Lovely card Sue the paper is fab and I love the border die.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners enjoy your prize.
Hugs to all
Michelle xxxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. I'm not a fan of the colours today I'm afraid, it's just a tad dark for my liking but I love how you've made the rose from patterned paper.
Congratulations to all the winners. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

Nice card, Sue, bit of a blast from the past with that border - it is a great one - and do love the TC papers (which I have but just look at!)
Well done to all the winners.

'P' in Wales

To Ita who is having such a tough time - big hugs and wishing you well.

tracy w said...

hi sue
stunning card love the paper congratulations to all the lucky winners when are you gking to do some more videos on a tuesday and thurday so i can craft along with you thank you tracy x

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
I too have TC papers that I just look at 'P' in Wales I thought it was only me that did that lol. I love the rose made out of the background paper. It's great when you can adapt Christmas dies I like this die and had forgotten all about it.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Hugs x
Heather T

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Love the card the border die is stunning never tried micro beads I think I might have to put them on my wish list.
Max's ashes have come in a lovely box with a brass plaque a few years ago my daughter bought us an ornament of a cute German Shepherd with Max's name on so he sits next to the box on the fireplace, it is lovely to have him home.
Pam I think we will gets something done for Max when hubby feels up to it he is feeling very lost as he was his shadow where ever he went Max would be with him.
Baby hugs for Leo
Congratulations to all the winners
Huge hugs and love to everyone and a big thank you for all your comments they mean the world to me.
Love and hugs to all the Wilsonettes
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card and the TC papers are fab. Congratulations
to all the winners today well done.
Nancyd xx

Jan.moogie said...

Lovely card Sue and that boarder is WOW. x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you alovely card, I also like it when the dies can be used on any card. Take care all Kitty.
Nearly forgot many comgratulations to all the winners.

Vick said...

Love this card its vintage my favourite genre!! have a lovely day Sue and everyone else, and Congrats to all the winners this week, Hugs, Vick xxx
My YTChannel vixcrafts check me out

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another super card, love that border Die and how you have used it, the Rose is brilliant.
Have a great day

Patricia x

Susi Mortimer said...

Morning Sue and everyone,
Today's card is gorgeous love the colours it looks so elegant.
Congrats to all the winners.
Have a good day everyone.
Susi x

Unknown said...

A very pretty card. I really
Ike this border and it certainly doesn't look Christmassy at all. Congrats to all the winners.

Hugs Alice xx

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - great card - Love that musical flower - like P in Wales above, I can't bring myself to use the TC papers - but I like to look at them from time to time! well hoping to do some crafting this aft - hubby is off golfing so a few hours of peace with luck - Happy Sunday all
Clare W

JAO said...

Great card Sue, glad you found this one.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is lovely card with the christmas border that is not a christmas border on this card lol. Loving the way you make the flowers out of the matching paper. Will give this one a try. Congrats to all the winners. Have a great day.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

Anonymous said...

My usual Sunday Smiles to you Sue, and 'my' sister Wilsonettes.... Oh for goodness, Ive forgotten now !!
Oh yeah, Wheely Bad - I love how you show your ink pads who's boss, I think I have some of that glue, but need a few more acrylic pads just to keep for stamping and pads - A Wheeley Good idea, thanks (see what I did then) AND its not even 7am (well it wasnt when I started my post) !
Heather T - thinking of you at your sad time. Remember the laughter.
Nana Tina xx

Pam - Pam, yep you heard me and I apologise for all 'the bombs ' I dropped, most unladylike ! One day at a time. Your brother may feel he can 'off load' better away from Robbie and family and have a good cry away from those he is 'afraid' of upsetting, I maybe talking utter rubbish as Im here and you are there, in the middle of your brothers worst possible nightmare. I send you both much love Pam, if only we could take the pain he is feeling, and I WILL say it "life is SO unfair"

Ooooooh wouldn't I just luurve a divorce (maybe not right now) but after supper tonight sounds just the job lol. Sounds a dream of a villiage and holiday - lucky Sandra.

Well done to comment winners. Enjoy your gift, I use mine regularly, infact I was using it on my 3hr destroyed card !
I really like todays card Sue, its different. Maybe its all the dark colour's used (probably is a tad lighter in real life) as I find photo's do tend to adjust the true colour's plus sometimes micro beads seem to slightly darken the colour of the paper/card they go over, or is it just me that finds that ? I was quite suprised the 1st time I used them, as I used burgundy colour card, and being glass I thought they would reflect and make the card a few shades lighter, durrr... Wrong LOL.
So now I also need to add Theresa Collins paper pad to my 'I love stroking paper' club ! Thank goodness some have 3 the same, as at least you can hang onto one sheet without using it reluctantly !

So now Ive done, the sentiment today goes to you Sue and all my lovely friends here (you ALL know who you are and how special you are to me)
Have a good day.
Love to our Wilsonettes that dont feel so strong in health and mind. Tomorrow is another day.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph (now WELL past 7am) !!! xxx

the 'Stroke Theresa Collins' club

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
Today's gift is definitely one for the more subdued ladies I think. I love the composition but I would like to see it done in a little brighter colours. I know we don't always want the 'I'm in your face' appearance but for me it's a little too subdued.

Steph - Oh how I can empathize with you and certainly did yesterday. When I set my crafting table up (I don't have a craft room and so have to use the veranda over here or the dining room with in the UK)I always cover it with a piece of table oilcloth and then I have copy paper to hand along with a full kitchen roll because like you I hate all the ink manufacturers - along with other ingredient manufacturers- when they do not leave enough material to be able to hold never mind to open such things as lids/tops etc. Big deep breathe Steph; shout at the wall and then try again - hugs to you.
I hope that makes sense!!

To all who are due to travel to their holiday destination take care and arrive safely.

Sandra - will try my best for you re the sunshine dance -

Once again we are going to another village brocante this morning although looking through the window we shall be taking waterproofs and brollies! I managed to spend £3 yesterday and bought one of those old bamboo carpet beaters (for all those ladies of my age who can remember Mum/Grandma putting carpets over the washing line every Spring and beat the living daylights out of it with one of these). Mr E looked at it when I bought it and told the stallholder that it was for 'husband bashing' - his sense of humour having an outing once again!!!. The little man didn't look very impressed at all!! What can you do?

Hope everyone is OK and having a good weekend. Take care please and see you tomorrow.
Janet x

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi Sue. Gorgeous card today. Love the colours, and the frostyville border (one of which is in my own collection) is definitely a favourite :-) I am off on holiday today, so probably won't be able to comment much this next coming week - internet access isn't great where we are going :-( Congrats to all the winners. Have a lovely day/week and hugs to all xxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry all. I lost my spacing on my comment today, and as I use my phone to comment every morning, so not as easy as using a laptop/computer, so I apologise for the unusual sentence floating in the wind at the bottom of my post ! Im as good with technology as I am with chuffin ink pads LOL : )

Lancashire Steph xx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue and everyone! Lovely card as usual, Sue, I never saw one of yours that I didn't like...sometimes you need a more subtle colour scheme for a particular person. I've got two of the TC paper pads, one to use and one to drool over...Love and hugs to all, Judy M

Debs cards said...

Good morning sue wow I love this one the border die beautiful and the rose is stunning just wish I could then as good as you. Take care Sue xx

Debs A xx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and everyone, well it is a glorious morning weather wise at the moment, blue skies here in Kent lets hope it continues. Sue a terrific card again, I love that border die and it is one I don't have, they both match up so well with the background and the sentiment..........oh I will have to start on my Christmas cards soon. Pam once your brother gets over the jet lag and begins to talk about Robbie I am sure it will help him, fingers crossed. Good news about getting out for you, when do you have the plaster off. Have a great day everyone, keep safe, healthy and happy. June Smith xxx Oh sorry forgot to say congratulations to all the winners xxxx

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue ... Love the colours and the flower ... The papers are nice ... Have a nice Sunday ...

Val Jones said...

Good Morning Sue.
Congrats to the winners.
Lovely card today. I love using Christmas dies on unchristmas cards thereby getting more use out of them. Beautiful flower-must have a look at the tutorial.
Love Val in Spain x

Aspiring crafter said...

Lovely card Sue , great borders on that micro beaded background , I love the effect.
Hope YOU have a lovely day Sue,

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Love the die cut border on this card. The paper is very pretty and I just love micro beads! Fab Rose made with the design paper. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to the winners.
Hugs to all who need one.
Keep smiling!

PharmacyMichele said...

Great card & I can't believe the border is really for chtistmas.


Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, love the card very pretty borders, congrats to the winners . love Jean Z xxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, This card definitely deserves it's 'day' on the Blog, I love it !! The micro beads change a piece of patterned paper considerably, and give added texture, and I thought I recognised the border as being from the frosty forms, I use this border on nearly every card at Christmas. I love this card.
Congratulations to the lucky Winners, enjoy your goodies.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Carole Z said...

Congrats to the winners..lovely card and those dies are fabulous! Hugs Carole Z X

Marianna Hammer said...

Lovely card. The colors work well for a mans card.

karenlotty said...

I agree with Pharmacy Michele I can't believe the border die is a Christmas one! Will need to investigate that set

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, There is quite a vintage feel to this one, I like it. I to have Theresa Collins papers but at the moment have only used a few, I haven't finished just looking at them yet! Glad I am not the only one who does that.

Love Rosemarie xx

Muriel said...

Lovely subdued card. Really like the micro beads and the rose in the music paper,

congratulations to the winners

Muriel x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, I really like this border die, as you say not at all like a Christmas die. The result is a beautiful card Beryl xx

Unknown said...

Mornin all.
Lovely card sue.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I love this card and the Theresa Collins papers - this design is one I have been wondering how to use and you have now given me the answer! I love these papers and have nearly finished one book, but have another in my stash! Hope there will be more designs in the future. Congratulations to all the winners today. Best wishes

Sandra said...

Good Sunday Morning Sue & lovely friends,
Sun is shining & birds are singing, I have been awake virtually the whole night, you know those nights where you just can't relax ?
I have that border die, it is beautifully ornate without being too frilly and you would never believe it was from a Christmas themed set of dies, gorgeous card today Sue, I am glad you found it, it is nice to revisit older dies, otherwise they sit in the drawer never seeing the light of day, any chance of some more older die inspiration, sometimes you forget how beautiful they are, so Vintage Die Day, would be amazing (pretty please)! Haha. Sue I do hope you are no where near the strong wind and rain they have forecast for us!

Pam your bother will probably be happy just for someone to sit and listen, I think it's quite hard for Dads or(men) in general, they are experiencing the same devastating event as we are but they often feel that they have to hide their emotions and be strong, be the pillar that everyone else needs to lean on to get them through, so it may take a while for him to open up and let his emotions out, (I may be wrong but we went through a similar situation where medical mistake took away my mobility and independence) my husband was the rock and I could see he was struggling to listen and care for the rest of the family! Huge hugs coming your way!
Nanna Tina, we bought a beautiful rose, it has had loads of beautiful yellow roses, it was a rose that signified remembrance, we put it into a gorgeous pot with our very much loved dog Gemma's ashes, we rescued her as a pup and she was part of our lives for 14 years, they leave a huge void when they are gone, hugs xxx
Janet....divorce yesterday & beating him today, poor fella, just watch he is not planning his revenge! Haha, in the words of Bruce Forsyth Janet..please keeeep Dancing! 3 more days until we depart, we have to do ferry this time as tunnel was booked up, so no high winds please! I had an email from Cameeli yesterday, sounds like she is having an amazing time, she's back on Friday!
Congratulations to all of the very lucky winners!
Well I have probably waffled way too much, so I will send hugs to: pat, Mrs B, Margaret, Lynne , Lynda , Julie, Norah, Yorkielass, Steph, Brenda, Angela, Karen,Alison, Myra, TOB, Maureen & every last one of you, sending you all big hugs & lots of love!
Sandra xxxxxx (sorry about the length)

TDQ Karen said...

Love this way to use background papers, and really like the flower. Congratulations to all the winners xx

Chris Curry said...

Good morning Sue. A beautiful card, especially like the rose. Thank you

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Love the concept of this card but not the colours, great idea to bring the frosty border out for non Christmas cards it is so versatile.
Donna Jones

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
Great card today, I really like it.
Congratulations to all the comment winners.
Take care everyone xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, Another Beautiful Card, I really Love The Background Paper you've used from Teresa Collins from The Creative Expressions Collection, and a Beautiful Collection it is.
I Love how you've covered the whole of The Background Sheet using one of my all time Favorite The Micro Beads, they feel Extremely Tactile when placed on a Card, I Love how you've cut out Two of The Frosty Forms Borders they look amazing in Black, and then placed them on your Card.
I Truly Love your Focal Point from The Happy Birthday Labels Four Stamp by JustRite.
Then I Love how you've added The Beautiful Rose Flower made from a Music Sheet I believe also from The Fabulous Teresa Collins Paper Pad, then adding Tulle, Twine. Sue Thank You For This Beautiful Stunning Extremely Opulent Card. Thank You For Sharing your Fabulous work with us, Thank You for the tips and techniques, Thank You for The Great Photography, Thank You For This Tremendous Blog and all your Extremely Hard Work.
From Me A Huge Thank You For All The Inspiration You Give To Me Each And Every Day.
Sue Take Great Care
Love and Hugs
From Sam x
Hugs to All
Congratulations To All The Comment Gift Winners This Week.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a superb card, love everything about it, sometimes you just need something simple. Congrats to all the winners. Bx

Anonymous said...

I love making these roses but I never think to use patterned paper! Thank you for another idea.

Anne (Northampton)

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, do love the effect of the micro beads on the printed paper. Congratulations to all the winners. Love Jean xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue
Lovely card today, Sue, the borders and the flower are gorgeous too!
Hope you are having a relaxing weekend.
Lesley S

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Lovely card and really like the rose in the patterned paper and the border is rather nice too.

Lesley said...

Love this card. I really like the creative expressions paper pad so enjoy seeing cards made using this. Hope one day they bring out a new pad.

Unknown said...

Morning everyone congratulations to all the winners. Love the micro beads they always give everything such a special effect. The border is beautiful for Xmas and also that it is multi purpose. Looking forward to seeing some more Christmas cards?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love the border on this card.
Beverley W

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the look of your new Christmas collection. Congrats to all the winners

Maryann Laursen said...

Again such a wonderful card here Sue, sooo beautiful work as always.
Big congrats to all the lucky winners this week.

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue

Love this card, I have Teresa Collins papers and they are gorgeous.
Carol x

Glennis F said...

Very striking - I love the black trim!

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue I do like today's card it is beautiful. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day. Love Jackie

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card. Love the sentiment will have to look out for that one. Keep crafting

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue ,
Gorgeous card, love the Teresa Colloins paper and the back pearls and trim reallyy make it pop.
Congratulations to all the winners.
Hugs to those who need them.

Love Sheila xx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, nice and sunny again here, we seem to have escaped all the rain everyone else is having. Not too keen on the colours here but I must look out that border and make more use of it as it looks so nice. You talk about a blast from the past, I was looking at an old tape from December 2010 when the Grand Calibur was first introduced and you demonstrated your out of the box technique amongst other things. haven't we all come a long way since then!! love from Jackie D

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Elegant and beautiful is what I would describe this card as. So glad it's got its "outing" on the blog. I love the frosty form border, and also use it throughout the yeaar.
Hugs, Rose

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Beautiful card, love the colours you have used and the simple elegance is so lovely.
Congratulations to the winners.

TOB said...

I just love this card, the borders are great. That backing paper looks really nice.
Had a really bad night so off to rest.
Hugs to everyone.
Theresa x

Unknown said...

Lovely card again Sue, using that border is inspired, and you are right, it doesn't look a bit Christmassy, so definitely an all year round one from now on. Congrats to the winners too!

How come Pam always gets to be first every day nowadays?

Annie said...

Love today's card, Sue, the paper is fabulous, the flower is gorgeous!
Happy Sunday all!
Annie x

Annie said...

...and congratulations to the lucky winners!!
Annie x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card - really stunning. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card today. The frosty forms look gorgeous. I have lots of dies but not the older ones. The frosty die looks lovely, I wonder if you can still get this one. I saw some cards made with the Grand Large Labels and thought how lovely it looked, but Spellbinders no longer do this one, boo hoo. I to have the Theresa Collins pad, but haven't used it yet it's so nice. When I buy paper pads they always had a few I didn't like, but this one all the papers are gorgeous. But Sue helped in the making of it so what else could we expect.
Pam, your brother will open up about his feeling in due time, don't rush him. He'll just need someone to talk to. Hugs as usual to you all.
Sandra hopefully you'll have a good crossing on Thursday, I'll keep everything crossed for you, and the weather should be good in Spain. Hope Milo is now behaving himself after his little op.
Hope you are keeping well Mrs B, I'll email soon.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners this week.
Hugs to all those in need of one today.

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue love today's card with the microbeads and pretty paper ( yes another paper stroker!) . I had to look twice at the boarder to see that it was a Christmas one and it's good to see an old one revisited. Have a great day Sue and congrats to all the winners. Love Diane G xxx

GeeBee88 said...

Great card today, love the use of the borders. Congrats to all the winners! Gx

JJ said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, love the background.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

Congrats to all the winners!

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

nannapat said...

Love the card Sue and we all need simple on occasions. Congrats to all the prize winners, enjoy! Pat x

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue
Such a lovely card again, Congrats to the winners .

Take care
Elaine H X

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
This card defitinitely deserved it's day on the blog! It's lovely. I love Teresa Collins papers and will definitely try to make a musical flower or two as I have a friend who is very musical - great idea! Love the black border too and pearl swirls.
Steph - you really made me think about ink pads etc yesterday! We can all have accidents - I drop things all the time - but then if I destroy something it won't be three hours hard work lost. The lids could do with a little lip or something sticking out so that it would be easier to lift off. That little finger you talked about "waving round the corner" - is it just right for drinking a posh cup of tea! Keep smiling - you always do x
Pam - so pleased you had a little trip out yesterday. Your brother has been and still going through so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Especially Robbie.
Tina - my husband was completely lost when our dog died as like you said she followed him everywhere. Thinking of you both.
Janet - I bought a carpet beater in a charity shop a couple of years back. It gets decorated at Christmas and hung on the wall. You'd still be able to use the flat side for beating if necessary!! Ha ha.
Sandra - sorry you had a bad night . Hope you sleep well tonight .
Rain has stopped this morning - wow have we had some rain!Garden needed it .
Hope you all have a nice day. Sending love to Norah,
Anne, Brenda, Alison, Tandy, Tres, Wheelybad, Julie L, June, Lynne, Lynda , Ita - thinking of you too., Margaret and Heather. And anyone I've forgotten. X
Love Myra

June Horrocks said...

Love the stamp sue thank you and the card is lovely congrats to the lucky winnersobe to all June xxxxxx

fame01 said...

HI Sue
What a pretty card so nice I really do like it,congrats to all the lucky winners, Hugs Sarah xx

Wendy L said...

Gorgeous card and I love the darer colours used too, Love the blingy swirls. xxx

Lorna D said...

Hi Sue,
Love the use of micro beads on the background it just lifts a plain paper!
Lorna D

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, another lovely card, would not have known the border was a Christmas one.

I also have Teresa Collins paper pads,(also a paper stroker - too nice to use) but have used some of them.

Congratulations to today's winners, take care everyone, Jess x

Janice K said...

A beautiful card, the micro beads really take the background to a new level giving a lovely frosty effect.x

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, a very pretty card. Kind regards Joanne K x

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. Congratulations to all the winners.

Jill Liddle said...

Love the card today. Beautiful colours too.

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Love today's card. One of the many reasons why I love following you is that you show cards for everyone, both in the design and the level of difficulty in making them. I love the border die, you wouldn't think of it as being a Christmas one when you see it used on here would you, it's always good to get more use out of our dies isn't it : )
Sending my daily hugs to you Sue, to Pam and Robbie-I would be doing just the same as you are with your brother by giving him some breathing space, bless him. Hugs to Sandra- I will email you but really glad you are on the up, to Pat- wouldn't it be great if we could fit in Sandras suitcases: ) to all my special friends and to all in need. Take care.

iReneM said...

A very striking card, Sue
The 'Lovely Day' stamp is....lovely :)

Congrats, winners!

Julsb said...

Lovely card, gorgeous. Wishing you a lovely day. Congrats to the winners.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Thanks for a quick and simple card today. I'm finding photographs don't always do microbeads justice. They truly change a plain backing paper into something really special. It's easy to forget the older dies we each have so thanks for taking us back down memory lane.Congrats to all the winners. Good morning Sunday wishes to all Wilsonettes and their families, hugs to anyone in need.
Vanessa x

Maxine T said...

Unique card Sue, sometimes simply is good. I like it.
Maxine T

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, So glad that you found this card and gave it an airing, it is gorgeous and deserves to be admired. The Frosty Forms are so versatile and I use mine frequently. Love the Teresa Collins paper and like P in Wales, Heather T and Clare W I love to stroke and admire it!
The flower is scrummy. Enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for all your inspiration yu special lady.
Congratulations to the lucky winners, especially Yvonne.
Pam congratulations on your outing, you so deserve some fresh air and sun on your face, you brave lady. Your brother will open up in time, he will be feeling overwhelmed at sharing his innermost feelings, you will be his rock and special shoulder to cry on, love and gentle hugs to you all especially Robbie.
Janet Echo, Mr E had been through the mill, divorce, beating, I love your Yorkshire sense of humour.
Steph you made me smile today, you are so brave and inspirational, you will beat the ink pads and scream away. Do you drink your tea as Myra said? you are a treasure and mean a lot to many Wilsonettes on here.
Sandra happy holidays, sorry that you did not sleep last night, take care and give our love to Cameeli, glad she is enjoying her trip, can't wait to hear all about it.
TOB Teresa you did so well, keep persevering, you brave lady, gentle hugs.
Ita hope the hospital can sort you out this time, gentle hugs.
Meg O gentle hugs to you and baby Leo.
Nanna Tina keep Max in your heart and remember the special times you had with him, he is never far away.
Daily hugs to Tine E, Margaret corgi owner, Norah and wee Rory, Lynne M, Lynda B, Jean D, Myra P, Maureen K, Wheely bad, Mrs B, Tandy, Tres, Heather T, P in Wales, Janet Echo, Sandra and of course our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

selinei said...

Hi Sue love this card love the stamp and border gorgeous.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, today's offering is a little dark for me but I love the design and the borders and can see it in different colours.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners - enjoy your prizes.


Mrs B said...

So sorry that for the second day running I forgot to say Congratulations to June and all of today's winners. Take care. x

Unknown said...

one more gorgeous card Sue

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card love how you have used a Christmas die for a beautiful card for another occasion. I think I have that die set with the beautiful deer.

Congrats to the luck winners.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Yes like this card, congratulations to all the winners.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
This shows the versatility of dies, just need to look.

Wacki Macky said...

great card today Sue, thank you

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card, hard to believe the border die is from a Christmas set, really like your beautiful flower
Congratulations to all you lucky ladies on winning comment game
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

Kate's Cards said...

Most unusual. Loving the background. xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely card. Take care. Claire

Angela Allen said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card,like the colours for a change.Congratulations to all the winners.
Love Angela x

Clai01 said...

The frosty forms border looks great on this card, really sets it off, lovely!

barbiepinkfairy said...

I like this one, subtle colours that may be good for a male card.

Congratulations to all the winners _ enjoy your prize.

Happy crafting to all xxx

lilygee said...

Love the stamped sentiment - gorgeous
Lilygee x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

So beautiful glad you shared it. Love the flower

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue xx hazel

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...

Very pretty border and the Rose is gorgeous out of the print paper. Congrats to the winners...Wow there sure are a lot of winnings on this blog that I am unaware of. Those Micro beads look so pretty, might have to check into those and give some a try.

Paula said...

Another beautiful card Sue, well done you!

Paula x

Unknown said...

HI Sue oh wow so pleased to see my name amongst the winners, thank you, congratulations to all my fellow winners.
Todays card is gorgeous I am a big fan of black on cards
hope everybody has as good day as possible, hugs to all who need them....Yvonne xxx

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the very lucky winners

Great card today Sue


Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue

I love this card, I like darker tones anyway. I have so many favourite colours I tend to change each day as to what my favourite is. "Is it a purple day or a blue day, a black day or a pink day?" I *have* to find this stamp, it's a style I really like. I should also try making my flowers out of patterned paper. I don't remember this die either but I really, really like it. I shall be doing some research later. I also really must get some micro beads.

Steph you have made me giggle today, especially coming out as a paper stroker! The Theresa Collins paper is gorgeous but I have to use up some of the other 12x12 pads I have first. It's one of the reasons I faff so much, I spend more time cooing at nice papers than using them!

Hope you get some rest today Sandra. It's been hot down here in Suffolk and I have been sleeping worse than usual, it drains you on top of the pain so you have my sympathy, gentle hugs x

Pam, hugs for your, your brother and Robbie xxx

I have to go now as I got to have a lay down myself. Mr W suggested taking the dog to the pub so if I'm going to have a chance I have to stop here.

Special hugs for all my fellow Wilsonettes. Extra hugs if you're hurting in any way. Big hugs for Sue, for all the lovely ideas she brings us. Sorry I don't have more time

Love and hugs

T x

shabbycraftcabin said...

Afternoon Sue,

Another beautiful card. Amazingly I have all the items used and I shall definitely give it a go to replica it.
Lots of love,

Ivy Ling xx

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Ooooo love this card Sue. Love the paper, the frosty garland border, the label four stamp and flower. The flower has always looked gorgeous to me in the musical note paper. It's so classy and stands out beautifully! I can't imagine how many cards you have stashed away! You blow my mind with all the energy that you use doing all these different things! Could you send me a bottle....? Lol! "Thank you" for all you do Sue, it's so appreciated xx Sending love and hugs to you and all your family Sue xx Sending love and hugs to Pam and your family, Lynne, Lynda, Yorkielass, Lyndsey, nannaTina, nannaPat, Myra, Meg, Heather, Julie (I hope you're ok hunni, thinking of you xx), Lancs Steph, Norah and to all our Wilsonettes who need love and a hug today xx "Thank you" Sam for writing everything down that Sue has done to a card. I have a memory like a sieve and you SO help me! xx Sonia, have a great holiday shug! Take care Sue and everyone xx Love Karen xx

magpie said...

Oops! Congratulations to all you lucky winners! Wonderful! Enjoy your prize! xx Love Karen xx

Rosie said...

Lovely card, Sue....i love the back ground papers, the die and flower made from musical papers....

Congratulations to all the winners...

sued99 said...

Really like the borders on this card. Congrats to the winners.

doreenj said...

Congrats to all the winners.

Love the idea of using "Christmas" dies for another occasion; will try that on my cards.

Doreen x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry this one is not for me. I think it's just too dark. I do admire the techniques though! Congratulations to all of the winners.
Steph, pleased you've had a better day and love the fact that you love to stroke paper! Pam, I'm sure your brother will feel better once the jet lag has gone and I'm sure that once he feels that the moment is right to talk about Robbie he will. Give him a big cuddle from all of us - that should cheer him up! Hope everyone is ok today - sending special hugs to those in need of one and love to everyone else. Off to start ironing now - a job I hate! Love Alison xx

alimecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
terrie said...

Great looking card Sue...
All of your card turned out so nice...
Keep up the good work on your cards...
Well done

Anonymous said...

Well Sue, what can I say, yet a another beautiful card.
From Annie.B. Northamptonshire

Bejay said...

Good Afternoon, Sue.
What a wonderful card to find hiding in your files :). I really adore the flower with musical notes and you are really making me love the use of black. Even if it's just used for a mat it really makes the card 'pop'. Thanks for sharing. x

Barbara said...

Lovely card, I love the Theresa Collins brand and follow her blog. She is an inspiration and has so much courage running a business, looking after her family and coping with her husbands illness. To look at her you would think this woman has everything and is always so positive and happy.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners!!!

Ann Lauzon said...

Ohhh Sue, how I love this card. It is absolutely gorgeous, so glad you took it out of hiding. lol.

nzillingworth said...


Unknown said...

Really like using micro beads it has such an effect - love the music paper flower.

Laura O said...

lovely card,it is great to see christmas dies used in other ways .Laura O

Jayne S said...

A lovely card with a very useful border. Great when a die is multi purpose. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Lovely card Sue. Thank you.

Well done all the winners.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Really love the backing paper to this card, and the colour scheme is pretty.I love Teresa Collins papers and EB folders.

Pam, You two have a lot to talk about,and when the time is right you will find the strength, you both need this time together. I know you have big shoulders Pam, they might become very soggy, thinking of you both. BIG positive hugs to Robbie. So glad you managed to get out of the house Pam. XX

Baby gentle hugs Leo XX

Special hugs to, Steph, Margaret, Yorkielass, Norah, Lynda, Meg, Nanna Tina
,Tandy,. I know again I have forgotten some names, forgive.

Kind regards to all :-)

Tina XX

Blue Rose said...

Gorgeous card Sue. I always love your use of micro beads. Love the background paper. said...

A lovely card from a lovely lady - I especially love the little musical rose! Thanks, and congrats to this week's winners, Susan x

craftynanna said...

hi sue, this is a great card one for the men i think, the colours are a bit dark for a general card, for me anyway but still a great card love to all J

Unknown said...

Fabulous card Sue!! Love the colours. I was wondering if you might be able to show a fee more using your recent die collections? I have just bought most of the french collection and would love some more inspiration :-)

Caron28 said...

Hello Sue. A stunning card and the rose is lovely. xx

Cazzie D said...

Evening Sue. Unusual card today. Looks good. Caz x

Jane said...

Love the boarder on this one very nice.

Jane xx

janet said...

Unusual card - I think I like it -I certainly would if it was sent to me!! Congrats to winners. Sobbing in corner again this week -maybe one day. Funny how some names come up several times and others never!!(nor serious, just sad LOL)
Will cross fingers again next week.

Hugs Janet in Kent.

Tina said...

Hi Sue

Whoops I forgot to say congratulations to all the winners, well done enjoy your gifts.

Kind regards :-)

Tina XX

AnneRD said...

Lovely colours to this card Sue and I Particularly like the die and stamp you have used. Anne x

Tandy said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely card congratulations to all the winners. Pam glad you had a trip out I hope your brother gets some rest and all our good wishes help lift him. Love and hugs to all.

Hazel said...

Good evening Sue, love the design of today's card but the dark back ground paper isn't me. Hazel xx

P.S. Pam you must have enjoyed your trip out and getting some fresh air, enjoy having your brother here, give him time and do talk about Robbie it will make it easier for him to start talking. Hazel xx

vanessa said...

Hi Sue, yes a lovely card again the colours are great for a male card, & the micro beads give the card an added punch, congratulations to all the winners, take care, crafty hugs vanessa xx

Unknown said...

Lovely card as always Sue, nicely beaded as always!
Pam your brother knows when the time is right he can lean on you as you know him better than anyone had ping grown up together, it's hard for all,but keep positive Robbie is still making good progress.
Steph you gave me a chuckle again today, I managed to drop an ink pad today over a nice clean piece of card. Now got to find something to do with it! Not as bad as your three hour card though.
Norah and Lynne hope you are both ok.
Janet how I wish I was a fly on the wall whe you are out and about.
Sandra have a great trip.
Love to all my Wilsonette family, hugs also to Tina, June, tres, TOB, Karen, Alison, Margaret, Myra, Lynda and also to every one I have forgotten as always xx

Unknown said...

Me and my memory, congratulations to all this weeks winners xx

Unknown said...

Me and my memory, congratulations to all this weeks winners xx

Ita said...

Hi Sue and everyone,
I just love today's card,I must be the only one who does not have Theresa Collins paper.It would be great to see /use our older Dies,we get new ones all the time,and our older ones sit there( I am talking about me.)
I just love your Dies,as you have designed ,your Dies to mix and match,which is fantastic .
My plan this week,if I can is to put all my dies,on the table,and have a good look at them.
Pam,your brother needs the rest,he is with you,so his brain,knowes he is in safe a safe place,and has given him,to go ahead and sleep.
Congrats to all the winners.
P.s. Thanks for your goog wishes Pam.

Theresa said...

such a pretty card Sue. and that border works so well with it. love the colour combo xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hello Sue & Wilsonettes ,Sue I love this card glad you let it see the light of day & shared it with us today it too nice to shut away. I also love T C backing papers & like others I can't bring myself to use them they are too beautiful.The flowers made with music paper just gorgeous thank you for all your inspiration you give. Love Lynda Brock xxx

Congratulations to all the lucky winners enjoy your prizes hugs Lynda xx

Pam so pleased your daughter took you out in the wheelchair it must have been so good to get some fresh air & sun on your face. Hope your brother feels he can let his feeling out to you about Robbie in time,I think it's harder for a man to cry & let all them emotions out. You will be there for him Pam when he doses love & Hugs to you your brother & Robbie Lynda xx

Ita sorry your having such a hard time of it,hope the hospital can get you sorted this time your such a brave lady gentle hugs Lynda xx

Tob Theresa sorry you had a bad night & hope you have a better one tonight Hugs Lynda xx

Meg O gentle hugs for baby Leo thinking of you all love Lynda xx

Lynne M missing you & fur babies antics hope you are ok & not in pain hugs Lynda xx

Special hug to Sandra,Tina E,Tandy,Tres,Margaret corgi owner,Julie Laz,Jean D,Magpie,Lindsay ,Yorkielass ,Wheely Bad,Nanna Tina,Tob Theresa,Mrs B, Myra P,Maureen K,Brenda L,Janet Ecco,Norah & wee Rory, Lanc Steph,
Love & hugs to Sue & all the Wilsonette family Lynda xx

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone! Yesterdays card was simply gorgeous,love snowflakes! Todays card for me is a bit dark but think maybe it would be alright for a man,they are always so difficult to make a card for.
Pam- good to hear of Robbies wiggle toe, have a nice time with your brother.He will talk when he is ready. Steph- I really felt for you with the mishap with inkpad. I have problems too to open and shut the pads without getting ink more on me than actually the stamp itself. Mini inkpads and teardrops works little better but not much so the idea with thin med.gloves wheelybad might help me out :) Any help with squeezing glue and stickle bottles easier? Jean- Iced Snow ,look in to "sunrisecraft" not sure if it's the right one doh. Congrats to all the winners!
Have a goodish night all,
Hugs from me Maria x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Can't make my mind up about today's card , I like it but it's quite dark on my I pad. The way you've described it sounds lovely with the micro beads so I would probably change my mind if I saw it in real life , love the rose and the frosty forms border die . Thanks Sue xx hugs xx

Sending crafty hugs to yorkielass, Lynda , and everyone , and congrats to all the winners xx
Jean D

Wacki Macky said...

Lovely card today Sue, love the colours and shapes of the dies, such a lovely set.

Sonia Jones said...

Lovely card today hugs Sonia x

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, love this card. Thank you for sharing it with us, it's too good not to have a share of the spotlight. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Sorry very late today, it's been one of those days when it has been almost impossible to have a moment to yourself, anyway I'm on track now. (All be it rather late in the day) Today's card is gorgeous, love using Micro Beads, they add so much dimension to your card, love it all.
Take care, goodnight and godless, love Brenda xxx

Pam - So pleased your daughter managed to take you out, it just lovely to have a change of scenery. Hope your brother is ok - he is in a very fragile place and possibly not been able to show his true feelings at home being the MAN of the house, just let him work it through his system, he will come through and be stronger for having this time with you. Love and prayers

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue and everyone
Such a lovely card that appears to have lots of texture I love your rose what a lovely idea.

Pam be patient with your brother remember everything comes to he who waits, he will tell you when he is able to I am sure. So pleased you have been able to get out for a little while.

Not long to go Sandra but please don't over do things. I think you will need a crane to lift your suitcase with us all inside hitching a lift!

Congratulations to all the lucky winners enjoy your prizes.

Warm wishes and hugs to all who need them especially Sue, Tina, Yorkielass, Lynda, Lyndsay, Steph and Ita

Margaret corgi owner

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card but as someone said bit too dark for me too. Then again everyone likes different things it would a weird place if we all liked the same and boring its nice to see and I still appreciate it. Well done to the winners.
Hugs to everyone thats struggling just now whatever there worries are

Anonymous said...

Belinda Raven said....

Hi Sue, this card is just right for me! I love Frosty Forms so much I have 2 sets! I've now got the Justrite birthday stamp set you've used today so I'm going to be able to make a card similar to yours - yay!

Hugs, Belinda. X

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
I don't know what to say about your absolutely stunning card .
I for one love the way you have used your considerable tallest to put this masterpiece together
I love those borders very striking
Congratulations to all the winners
Take care Sue.
Love Theresa xx

julie laz said...

Hi sue, lovely card, sorry not read all comments today,
Crafty hugs Julie xx

To all you fab lady's
I was given a box with a lot of new stamps, a lot of Christmas ones,
I don't do Christmas cards, so I will give them away, they are some wood mounted dog ones that are new never been used, so I will make a list of what I have and any one can have some,
I will pay the postage my treat
Crafty hugs Julie xxx

Unknown said...

Wow. Very striking Sue. X

hollyberry said...

Gorgeous card today,love the die.

SusanP, Kent said...

Utterly gorgeous all over! I have the Frosty Forms set, but unbelievably I've never used the border. How daft am I? It's much prettier than I thought and as you've shown it need not be for Christmas. Once again you prove why you have your job and I don't!