Thursday, 7 August 2014

Gilded Striplet Background

Hello crafters!  I just love this Bevelled Glass striplet die and I think you will too once you see it in action.  It makes a gorgeous background for a quick card, but still gives you an elegance that makes it look like you spent absolutely hours on it!  I'll never tell!

Buy from Joanna Sheen

 Finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x 7 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Hello Sue and everyone, such a beautiful card today. Your daily inspiration is amazing. Love that flower.
TOB Theresa, good luck to your daughter, she deserves it after all that work.
Norah, you bring back so many memories with your tales. I too remember when we got our first TV as we had previously had to watch The Lone Ranger at a neighbours house. She was my Nana's friend, used to bake for the street, hated washing up and my brother George and I used to do that for her before watching TV, happy carefree days!
Welcome back Jenny, hope your back is better now.
Love and hugs all round.

lilygee said...

Really nice die - lots of possibilities
Lilygee x

Jan.moogie said...

I am in awe of you once again, lovely card Sue. x

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. It's so fantastic to have your videos back and yet another unusual and inspirational way to use your dies.
Sorry, I forgot to say that I hope all exam results were what was hoped for. Good luck to your daughter, TOB Theresa. Good wishes to all. Sue xxx said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you another really WOW cardlove the background.You make it look so easy , great video, thank you take care Kitty.

JAO said...

Lovely card Sue , the back ground with the metal flakes great.

Muriel said...

So good to have the videos again Sue, have to get my striplet out and have a try and the flower is so lovely

Muriel x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I don't have this die yet but I do have the other 3 so I can see a re gig of my wish list good job christmas is coming so when asked I will have a very long list to hand out .
I will try and watch video on phone fingers crossed I will get to see it all in one go.
I have everything crossed for your daughter Theresa she has done very well and is a credit to you.
I think I missed a birthday yesterday and grey cells not awake so the name escapes me but I hope you had a lovely day.
Shopping day with Mum today could be a cheaper bill as youngest daughter is at her sisters.
Norah I might have a go at the star card I made one for my daughter a few years ago as when I asked her what she wanted I made the card and she would then say she wanted something else so she ended up with a 7 card star card with everything she asked for so if thumbs play nice I might try another one, I love all the things you remember when I tell my children of the things I watched as I was about 5 when we got our first tv and I loved Andy Pandy and have a video that is in colour, Bill and Ben
The Wombles and hiding behind the sofa when Dr Who came on
The sun is trying to come out so hoping for a better day than yesterday, 4 of my grandchildren had coloured the patio bricks in lovely colours on Tuesday and it all washed away with the rain.
Gentle hugs for baby Leo and his family Pam hugs for you and your family and your brother can take lots of love and hugs from all the Wilsonettes to Robbie.
Love and hugs to all the Wilsonettes
Happy crafting
Love Tina. X x x

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
A beautiful card, love it, a fantastic Technique, brilliant flower.
I have done a few very similar after my weekend with you & Julia at the Papeterie in Aberdeen when you showed us this technique.
Have a great day

Patricia xxx

Eemeli said...

Wow! The outcome looks absolutely stunning! Love the strong vibrant colors
on the background and with black they get even stronger (in a good way).

First my morning coffee and then I'll watch your today's video. Take care!


julie laz said...

Hi sue, beautiful card, the video's are back wow,
Thank goodness for that, as I love watching them,
Crafty hugs Julie xxx

To the lovely lady's
Pam always in my thoughts
Special hugs to Lynda xxx
Special hugs to Lynne mills xxx
Special hugs to yorkielass
you always send me hugs even when I don't comment on posts.
Thank you for your thoughts they mean a lot,
Orrrr Sandra I would of told you about omeprazole if I had none sweety , but the doctor should have put you on them because of the cocktail your on,
Hugs to everyone, love Julie xxx

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and everyone too numerous to mention, when I read all your comments it makes me feel as though I belong to the Wilsonettes family, I love it. I hope everyone enjoys their day. Well onto todays card, what a smasher it is, love the gilding flakes. Sue I really must thank you once again for the 'Wednesday give away card' I received yesterday and Oh My Word it is GORGEOUS, I cannot describe how I felt when I opened the package, my jaw dropped!!! it really is so beautiful....................yiphee I have a Sue Wilson original......I am going to frame it and keep it on my craft room wall as inspiration, once again a big thank you. Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone. June Smith xxxx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue, using those lovely gilding flakes on today's card, they always make a card look so expensive and beautiful. The colour combinations you can get in the flakes is fantastic. I like this card a lot thank you Sue and thanks for the video.

Debs cards said...

Good morning Sue and all well Sue this card is stunning. I love this technique. And the rose is gorgeous I love it.

Debs A cx

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, I love the striplet dies i have all of them. The card is beautiful and the gilding flakes look lovely . love Jean Z xx

Rosie said...

Wonderful card and video.

Caroljsmith said...

What a stunning card yet again sue love the background .you amaze us everyday with your ideas.

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue,

Love the card. I bought this die recently so must give it a try. Methinks my ribbon roses need more practice though.

Love Roz x

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
I love this card! So elegant. Your new striplet makes such a lovely frame for the flakes. Gorgeous!
Best wishes
Anne O

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely card today-this is why I purchased that die.


Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Awesome Video, I have The Bevelled Striplet Die and it's Beautiful and as with all your Dies it Cuts perfectly.
The Striplet Die has a Beautiful Pattern, I Loved how you cut four pieces out of your card, then added it to the fabulous sticky sheet and then you added another Favourite Product of mine The Creative Expression Gilding Flakes and you now have so many Stunning Colours to choose from, it's hard to say which is a Favourite Colour, they looked Stunning by the time you'd burnished them onto your Card, that just on it's own would make an Awesome Card, but you added a Fabulous Mat/Lay in Black and White and the Fabulous Black Cosmic Shimmer PVA Glue Dots yours always look perfect, and Then The Truly Beautiful Rose you made from The Rust Satin Ribbon The Flower Looked Amazing adding some of your New Curly Leaves.
Your Dies are Fabulous and each time you share Truly Fantastic Tips and Techniques on how to get the most from them.
Sue Thank You for The Tremendous Video Great Techniques, Thank You for The Daily Blog, Thank You For Your Outstanding Creations I Love To Open Your Blog To Check Out The Beautiful Cards.
Sue Yes I'm going to say it once more From Me Thank You For All The Inspiration You Give To Me each and every day I so Appreciate It.
Sue Take Great Care
Love and Hugs
From Sam x
Hugs to All

Anonymous said...

Love this technique with the striplet and gilding flakes, so effective. Gorgeous flower and embellishment too. Thanks for another great video.
Pretty top today, Sue, you look great.
Heather T - used your Calypso flakes yet??

'P' in Wales

ang said...

Hello sue
Lovely card, love this technique I tried it the last time you showcased it angxx

Debbie Tinks said...

Nice card Sue .... Happy crafting ...x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
I adore this card - when I first saw it when you released these dies I thought it was Amazing!
Sorry but the bevelled glass die has to go on my birthday wish list for next month with, of course, some calypso gliding flakes. Would love to have a go at this card!
Enjoy your day everyone.
Sheila x

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - fab card - love that die with the gilding flakes - it's a must try!

Have managed to misplace my ebosser instructions somewhere in my super organised craft room! Know theyre here somewhere - think I must have put them in a 'safe place' - so safe even I cant find them! sooo frustrating when that happens - so I'll be looking for that today -
Clare W

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful card very
opulent with gilding and the black
looks fabulous.
Nancyd xx

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Totally awesome, a very striking card today.
Amanda x

heather harrison said...

Morning Sue. Another Sue Wilson stunner. I love this technique. I have tried it a few times but not yet with the striplets. I have a couple but not this one but will give it a try anyway. Thanks Sue. Hugs Heather.x

Kate's Cards said...

Beautiful! xxx

sonja_w said...

Gorgeous card, very elegant and regal x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
I have just watched the video I don't have the flakes but I have done something simlar with glitter I put a mix of glitters and it looked lovely x
I will try the flower could be tricky with my thumbs so usually my flowers are made from dies or bought ones I will let you know how I get on.
Big hugs for all
Love Tina x x x

Gail said...

Morning Sue,
Great video yet agin, love the card. I don't have that striplets yet bunting do have a couple of the others that I might give it a go with.
Got the G. Children coming today so I will be doing craft on a different level today Loom Bands, I love them just as much as them.
Hugs for all in need.
Gail Cx

Micky French said...

Stunning Sue what else can I say, loved the video too.
Hugs to all
Michelle xxxx

Lesley said...

Love the card especially the flower the colour is georgeous. Would be lovely done in different colour gilding flakes.

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
OOH gilding flakes galore!! I think that this morning's die is the best in the striplet family. I just love the way you can get a full stained glass window effect which is just glorious. Will definitely be saving this one - as though I don't save all but this one in particular- because yes again I have just added another need to my wish list.

Sandra - I know you'll probably not see this but take care today/tomorrow and arrive safe and sound. It's just the same in our house re remembering to order extra prescriptions and then packing them into a single/s bags incase customs find them but most of all remembering to take what's left back with us as we both set out our weekly intake in one of those boxes so the bags are only seen once a week. ENJOY your hols you more than deserve them.

Maria - no I don't live in France but spend six months there as we have a little house in Burgundy.

Hope everyone is feeling OK today and for those who are feeling a little fragile please take care of yourselves.
See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Aspiring crafter said...

Lovely card Sue, will watch video this afternoon.
Love that flower too!

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, love this card and I do have this die so will give it a go. Love Jean xxx

nuttinanni said...

So beautiful and elegant. So love it. hugs Cheryl xxx

nuttinanni said...

So beautiful and elegant, just love it. hugs Cheryl xxx

Sandra said...

Good Morning a Sue & friends,
That striplet die is gorgeous, what a fabulous, almost Art Deco background, a good one for mens card with geometric lines! Lovely, lovely card! Sue you are spoiling us with these amazing Videos, thank you so much! Xxx
Well ladies most of the packing is done, just the last few bits and pieces and 'the picnic'of course ! Not sure what too pack, usually some sort of egg mayo & crispy bacon rolls to be eaten chilled for breakfast, plenty of snacks to keep them all happy, particularly the driver, we are getting a midnight ferry, so will have to leave home no later than six tonight in case of hold ups on the motorway past Heathrow. And Gatwick!
Fingers crossed for a quiet run, also we want to have time to get petrol at Dover as petrol on Motorway through France is So expensive!
Margaret, thanks for the lovely messagert the girls are having a go at packing their cases themselves, we will see how eventful that will make the holiday! They also have their 'overnight' bags to pack for the stay over in Millau, France! I hope to have internet there so can hopefully update you!
Thanks again for your kind words, they mean the world to me Margaret!
Cameeli, hoping to see your return to the Blog today after your trip home, I know it's daft but is lovely to have you back! Can't wait to meet you very soon!
Pat & Sue I will message you if I have the chance, mostly will probable be at Hotels en route, as the internet at the campsite is super expensive, we do occasionally pay for an odd day, mainly for birthdays etc, as we have three family birthdays, mine, Paul's, & my eldest Matt! So it's a busy month! Good excuse for fresh croissants and lovely pastries though! Yummy and for the first time in the last four years or so I won't be struggling with chronic acid reflux/indigestion!
No doubt we will come home a few pounds heavier, although we eat more fruit than anything to be honest and salads, breakfast is the naughty meal, with baked goods hot from the on site bakery!
As I am writing this message I keep having those "oops must not forget" moments, pillows, that was the last one, I must have slight 'OCD' tendencies as I cannot put my head on any pillow other tha my own, or Paul's of course, I take my own pillow everywhere, travel, hotels, everywhere, I once looked inside a pillow case at an overnight stop once, oh my goodness! The actual pillow was in a beautiful crisp white case, perfectly clean, but inside the pillow was a browny/orange colour, covered in sweat and dribble stains! I almost vomited, it was so terrible and that hotel was four stars! Yuck! Makes me feel I'll just thinking about it! That's one of many examples! Public loo's are another, consequently I have the constitution of a Camel! (I can go all day without going) !
Anyway I will leave you lovely, kind , caring, warm & friendly ladies, I will miss your daily chat, I will check in when I can, missing you already,
Big,big hugs
Sandra xxxxxxx

barbiepinkfairy said...

Lovely card, colours are autumnal and beautiful but not thinking of that yet! I have the heart striplet and it is beautiful and far bigger than you think.

Norah, I remember all those programmes particularly play school and I loved the wombles! I intend to get a basket for the bike to complete the image! Went for another ride with Tilly and her friend last night and not fallen off yet!

Gail, my Hoover is testament to the loom band craze the things get everywhere!

Love to all especially those who struggle xxx

TDQ Karen said...

Love the art deco feel of this brilliant die, perfect for a gilded background

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
I really love this card. The striplet dies are so useful and I need to get this one. It just reminds me of a beautiful stained glass window in a cathedral. Will watch the video later when I've fully woken up! Thanks for the inspiration.
Clare W - log on to and download an e Bosser manual and save it to your computer, then you've always got it. Since I got my eBosser they've added extra instructions, so it's quite useful to have the latest edition.
Pam hope you're ok and hope your brother is starting to open up. Hugs to you both and to Robbie of course. Theresa, good luck to your daughter and to everyone getting results. Julie, hope you're ok. Lynne hope fur babies behave themselves today ( not much chance me thinks!!) Lindsay hope everything is ok with you and the animals. Has the stallion fully recovered now and how is the small foal that was so poorly? Steph, Norah, special hugs to you two. Gail hope you're ok. To everyone on this lovely blog, have a great day and sending you all love and hugs. Love Alison xxx

Rose in Chester said...

Everything, shall watch the video a bit later.
Thank you Sue, this is joining my all-time favourites.
Hugs, Rose

Val Jones said...

Good Morning Sue. Love all the Striplet dies. They are so versatile. Beautiful card and video today. THanks.
Love Val in Spain x

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Stunning card, I just love gilding flakes, and used with your striplet die they do look like a stained glass window.
So pleased the videos are back I really enjoy watching you craft.
Have a good day.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, yummy card today. Love the gilding flakes used with a striplet die. The ribbon rose adds the perfect finishing touch. Lol lynne m x x x

Took fur babies out this morning at 5:30am for another walk in the forest before hubby goes to work. As the road closed leading to our usual spot we went to another area. Oh dear!!!! poochies not happy at all as no rabbits or birds to chase so 2 divas now sulking. Hoping they will go to sleep for awhile as I'm not sure my body can keep up with these early morning starts without a couple of hours sleep now.

Lol and massive hugs to:-

Lindsay, Karen, June, Alison, Lynda, Norah, Pam, Myra, Julie, Sandra, Barbara & ben
Mrs B, Tres, Angela, Frances and everyone else I've missed x x x x x

Julsb said...


Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue,

Brilliant video, I love the striplet dies they are so versatile. This card reminds me of a stained glass window in a church or stately home.

Love Rosemarie xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
A very dramatic card. I love the strip let dies, they are so versatile. It looks really good as a background. Love gilding flakes. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs to all who need one.

doreenj said...

What a dramatic card, Sue!!!

Love it,

Doreen x

JJ said...

Hi Sue,

This is gorgeous, so elegant, love the gilding flakes in the background, really makes a statement.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
How beautiful if this? I have used your trick of putting the main feature on the sticky sheet and then gilding (as shown in ann earlier video), saving so much gilding flakes and it always looks so good, thank you.
I hope everyone has as good a day as possible, and those travelling get there safe and sound. xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Love this card, must have a go and use my gilding flakes today.

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Already have this die living nicely alongside my favourite embroidered Striplet.
It was seeing this terrific card on your sneak peak that made me buy the die.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Maureen Killen said...

P.s. Took my daughter to see Tom Baker (Dr Who) when he visited Newcastle in the 70's. He was lovely.

karenlotty said...

Fantastic I love this die and is at the top of my Need List It looks great and can be so useful - ladies gents weddings Christmas... The list goes on

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I love the die and it is one I actually own so I will be having a go at this technique. I have made a lot of Christmas cards lately and I feel like doing something a bit different today. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Hilary said...

Good morning Sue, and everyone.Such a beautiful card today, and a wonderful way to use the Striplet dies. A gorgeous flower too!
Wishing you, and all your Wilsonettes a happy and healthy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Love this card - the gilding makes it look so opulent .
Beverley W

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Stunning. Love the stained glass effect and the very pretty rose. Great ideas for future projects.

gwen70 said...

Didn't think I would like this die til I saw what you did with it, amazing, love it

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card today. The strip let looks gorgeous, lovely for men as they are so hard to cater for. Must try and get to Lyndhurst while we are in Bournemouth. Might be tomorrow as it's going to be nice today and we are off to Corfe Castle, we might even make Swanage.
Didn't know it was your birthday Sandra, I do hope you have a lovely one over in France. Good luck with the girls doing their own packing. I remember Dr. Who. Tina, I to hid behind the sofa. Mind you the new series's
Look more frightening that the ones I remember watching.
Glad you returned safely Cameeli, I bet you had a wonderful time and look forward to hearing all about it.
Hugs to Pam and Robbie as usual, also to Steph and Norah. Hugs to all in need of a hug today as well.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, very elegant and lovely, the way you have used the die is great. Need to add it to my wish list. Have a lovely day. Bx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue wow this one is a stunner!!! This really shows the die off Sue its fabulous. I have tried this with a couple of the California dies in cream but the black really makes a statement. I have mastered the paper roses so must move on to the ribbon ones and have a play. Have a great day Sue love Diane G xxx
Sandra hope you have a great holiday. Lynne 5.30! Gosh you're keen but I bet the forest was lovely that early. Xxxx

Annie said...

Another beauty, Sue, love the flower
Annie x

sued99 said...

Looking forward to the video although haven't had time to watch Tuesday's yet. Beautiful card. Would make a lovely background for Christmas.

Lacelady said...

Oh Sue - I just got the die, but I don't have any sticky sheets! Now I have to order some of those too. (I have the flakes). Stunning card, I'm so pleased I will be able to create it.

Marion said...

Hi sue what a stunning background ,love it.
Marion H

Unknown said...

So effective - love it

Jayne S said...

Stunning dramatic card. Love it!

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card love the colours xx hazel

Maggie said...

Hello Sue. I love this technique and will definitely give it a go later. Don't have that die yet so will have to make do, but I think it had better go on my birthday list! xx Maggie (better without a bow)

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Great card today ,hugs Sarah xx

Chris Curry said...

Another beautiful card Sue. So glad I bought this striplet the other day. I have already used it on a mans card but I love the idea of this video card. Thank you. Xx

Lorna D said...

Hi Sue,
So simple and stunning
Lorna D

nannapat said...

Impossible to find a word that does this card justice Sue, it is absolutely stunning. I was thinking about getting this striplet and now I know I definitely have to have it. I have the embroidered striplet and it cuts first time every time. Thanks for the video. Pat x

nzillingworth said...


Glennis F said...

Amazing effect - I love it

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, a lovely card today. I have just started using the gilding flakes and I have had my ups & downs with them. I will carry on though because the results are fantastic. I have just used 2 of my striplet dies to make post friendly Christmas cards. Beryl xx

nattyboots said...

So beautiful Sue . i love it all .
Elaine H X

June Horrocks said...

The card is stunning sue I love it I must get the leaves I always is them the were on Phills show and sold out. Love to all thank you sue xxxxjune

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,
I always love watching you use building flakes because they are so gorgeous. This die is inspired, it is so versatile and used in this way definitely does look like stained glass window. I've used it to make bookmarks just like this and it went down really well. Thank you so much for your inspiration. I just love the videos.

Hugs Alice xx

sandieann21 said...

What a beautiful, stunning card.

weefortune said...

Hi Sue, Stunning card, love guilding flakes always makw the cards look so rich. Hugs to all Elaine x

Marianna Hammer said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful video. Beautiful card!!!!

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh my word as always you have the one of the greatest design minds I have ever known! This card is stunning and so really does look like a stained glass window and the red ribbon rose just makes it pop and looks so classy. Fantastic video and always so informative.
Spoke to Nikki last night and her support worker told us she had a ball in Llandudno and they also managed to squeeze in a petting farm too. Shopping and animals....two of Nikki's loves.
Hugs to all those in need and I know there are a few and safe journey to those who are off on their jollies.

Love Sheila xx

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Another amazing card, it was lovely watching and crafting with you yesterday, pleased with how my card turned out
Carol x

SHARICA said...

Lovely Card .. xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, love this die, so classy. I think I have to have it! The card is stunning, I love gilding flakes and use them a lot, they usually end up all over the place including the cats, lol.
Many years ago Tom Baker (Dr Who) was doing a promotion at Boots, in Falkirk, I had taken my two boys to the dentist that day, and went over to the chemist for a few bits and bobs, we joined the queue, for an autograph and a local newspaper photographer was taking photos of the children and low and behold the next week there was a photo of my two boys with Dr Who, in the paper. Their claim to fame!
Happy days.
Take care everyone, Jess x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. I love this card and the Bevelled Glass Striplet. That die is at the top of my wish list : ) Thanks for the video with the reminder about how o make your beautiful ribbon roses.
Sending my daily hugs to you Sue, to Pam and Robbie, to Sandra and Pat and all of my other special friends and to all in need. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. Morning Wilsonettes. Welcome home Cameeli hope you made many wonderful happy birthday memories in NY. Safe road trip Sandra, and a belated happy birthday - did I get that right as I cant scroll back so many posts and my brain feels a little numb at the mo due to very little sleep !
Nice to see you again Julie, hope life is a little more kinder to you today love.
Pam - you are always in my thoughts each day as is your brother and Robbie xx
Baby Leo xx

Oooooohhhhh Nooooooo flakes !!! Yep, I can already hear the mocking !
Off to watch the video now to this totally stunning card. What an absolute beauty, oh Sue, I DO adore your work.
I shall return at some point when I've watched your tutorial. Im hoping that after Ive watched it, they will see the look of determination on my face and that I mean business, and quiver in their box !
Love to my lovely friends. And sending good luck to those waiting for results - you did what you could.

Love you.
Lancashire Steph xxx

hollyberry said...

WOW an amazing card.Love gilding flakes and they look gorgeous with the die across the top.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card. Take care. Claire

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Just beautiful! I love this card. Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW, WOW, WOW !! This is such a stunning card !! I saw this as your sample card when you released your new second set of dies. At that point I loved the Beveled Glass Striplet Die so much that I put it right at the top of my new wish list !! When you announced the winners of your new dies, I was absolutely stunned to see I was a winner of this very die !! I was so very happy Sue !! I have waited for your video on how to make this gorgeous card as I am going to make it for my Dads Special 70th Birthday towards the end of August. Thank you thank you, thank you Sue !!
It hope you have a lovely day today Sue, lots of love Tres x x x

To all the Wonderful Wilsonettes, I hope everyone has a lovely day today lots of love Tres x x x

Theresa said...

my head is buzzing with ideas now. i'm thinking how it can be adapted to make a gorgeous Christmas card.
this is so lush and expensive looking - well regal even xx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

A stunning crad today, so adaptable and elegant. Just going to watch the video.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Bejay said...

Good Morning, Sue. What a splendid card, the background die makes a great stained glass window effect and I love the rose. I think I'm going to have to learn to make ribbon roses. Thanks for sharing. x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue and thank you for another informative video. I bought the striplet from Joannna Sheen and it cuts beautifully so I will have to give this design a go. love from Jackie D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Again, another one of my favourites. I loved this striplet die as soon as I saw it and to see this beautiful card made with it is fantastic. Can't wait to have a go myself making this one.
Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Anonymous said...

A true W.O.W (Wonder Of Wilson) and again, the sentiment is sent back to you Sue, now Im not quite sure why Im thanking you so much, it could be for bringing us a new series of video tutorials which I find so helpful as my remaining brain cell sometimes refuses to function ! Or I could be thanking you so much for your wonderful inspiration everyday of the year, but Im thinking maybe I could be "Thanking you So Much" for an adhesive sheet and flake induced breakdown ! LOL, as you know how much trouble I get into, as do my girls here. I now have to walk into my little room and do battle with head held high, and show that sticky sheet and flakes who's boss ! All I hope for is that my silly little stubbie that wafts about in the wind doesn't get stuck onto my adhesive paper, or that will induce uncontrolable hysterical laughter and my battle will be lost immediatly !
Thank you so much for another stunning card and tutorial full of help and tips I cant do without !
Hope you have a lovely day Sue and to all my lovely sister Wilsonettes that are struggling, smile and Particraft smiles with you : ) Send everyone a : ) today.

Love you.
Lancashire Steph xxx

Alison D said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card today. So rich, it really says "look at me"! Have always loved gilding flakes, don't use them nearly often enough. Hope you have a fabulous day. Love and hugs,
Alison D x

Pauline A said...

Morning Sue, WOW what more can I say. Absolutely fabulous and so expensive looking. Love it!!Hugs Pasuline A x

Clai01 said...

The flower is stunning, lovely Autumn feel to the card with the colour tones, gorgeous as always. x

Joan D said...

Very unusual way of using the striplets. Stunning card altogether xxx

rachel said...

stunning - love it to bits xx

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Stunning card and video, love it
Sheila, so glad Nikki had a great trip
Best wishes to everyone, Pat

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, This card is a true WOWzer, it is so rich and opulent, love the die and the flower is truly scrummy. Thank you for the great video, it is so helpful to watch you make the flower and apply the gilding flakes, Enjoy the rest of your day.
Pam hugs to you and your family, especially Robbie.
Meg O and bay Leo gentle hugs to you both.
Oooh Lynne M you are an early bird, hope the divas have come out of their sulk and are now sleeping, hugs to you, Tilly and Cully.
Lindsay hope you are OK and the horses are well, gentle hugs.
Norah you made me remember the Wooden Tops and Champion the Wonder Horse, I cried every time that programme ended, I loved Champion, I even named my two wheel scooter after him, happy memories. Hugs to you and wee Rory.
Sandra happy travels and have a lovely time, hugs to you all.
Steph good luck with the demon flakes and adhesive sheet, you will win in the end, gentle hugs.
Jenny welcome back, hope your back is feeling better, gentle hugs.
TOB Teresa, good luck to your daughter, she deserves it after all her hard work and determination, think she gets tat from you, hugs to you both.
Daily hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Lynda B, Jean D, Julie and Lee, Myra P, Magpie, Tandy Tres, Mrs B, Maureen K, Angela W, Maria A, Brenda L, Janet Echo, Cameeli and of course our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Beryl said...

A stunning card Sue. Love the striplet and the gilding flakes.

Janice K said...

OH WOW! This is simply stunning!! The gilding flakes are gorgeous and the die looks amazing cut like that. Thank you for the great inspiration.x

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
another really stunning creation.
Thank you so much for your lovely video tutorial.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

hazel said...

Hi Sue
What a stunning and very eye catching card. Love those gilding flakes make any card stand out
Will watch your Video tonight as i always do with a cup of coffee
Take care
Hazel G xx

Glenharon said...

Good afternoon Sue and all my fellow Wilsonettes,
This card looks like you looking through the stain glass window when in church on born fire night with the glows of the gilding flakes looking like the beautiful flames from the bonfire. I think the imagination has been propelled into overdrive on seeing today's beauty. The black(yes i know i don't do dark colours at all)just shows up the fire of the flakes beautifully. I love the cinnamon coloured flower you have made from the satin ribbon, such a gorgeous colour and so warm looking, just right for the card. Thank you Sue for giving us so much of your talent and time, i know that each and every one of us on this blog thank our lucky stars for the day we found our very talented friend.
Sandra, i hope that you, your lovely hubby and the girls have a wonderful holiday. I know exactly what you mean about others pillow, toilets etc. Pillows i always take, and i am like your camel as well when it comes to other facilities. Have a wonderful time and birthday flower and i hope that you have a good time pain wise as well. Take care on the drive over and down to Spain. hugs.
Welcome home Jenny L, i'm glad that your back and discs have now decided to play nicely together for you.
Theresa(Tob) a big well done to your clever daughter both on her fantastic results and the chance of realising her dream. I will cross everything i can in the hope that she lands her dream job.
Helen Jones, a very happy belated birthday for yesterday and i hope you had a lovely day.
Brenda, i can see quite a few Wilsonettes were having struggles with the technology yesterday. I think you must have been nearer the door when they gave out patience than i was, but i bet even you were near breaking point with it all. I hope hubby survived long enough yesterday to have a good birthday and to your son in law as well.
Nanna Tina, it's funny how i am normally home with more money when daughter doesn't come as well. Having seen the amount of people at the back of the sofa with we during Dr Who time, did you all keek around the end to see if it was safe again as well?
June, i'm glad that you have that belonging feeling because i think that that is what Sue is aiming for, and certainly what we all want too. Your WOW up close and personal is like nothing else when you receive it, it is just so special and so much more in real life. I hope you have joy picking it's place of honour.
Welcome home Cameeli, i hope that you both had a fantastic holiday in the big apple and have come home with plenty of pictures and lovely memories.
Well what a day we are having today. I am frightened to say it's nice because these horrible nasty looking clouds keep coming over and making the beautiful blues of the sky disappear. Hubby is off this week and next as having that super fancy operations to his eyes because he doesn't want to wear glasses any more. But i think it was top secret as it was only discussed with daughter because i wouldn't understand it all you see. He seems to think that because our daughter is a nurse she knows everything there is to know about every operation out there. Being honest he is just getting in the road of the way i do things and it's 20 questions as to why i am doing it a certain way. I'm getting ready to scream "go away and leave me alone". I have been doing things the same way for over 23 years of marriage and now he starts asking why?? I think i know how women feel when there hubby retires and starts to take over what and how they have always done things.
Anyway i will go and leave you all with hugs going out to all the special people on this blog as they are unique and wonderful,
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (glenochil)
P.s. my hills have all went dark and gloomy on me so i hope that they get back to normal soon too. said...

Lovely die and very classy card - thanks Sue! Susan x

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Once again, stunning. Love it. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Brenda said...

Hi Sue,
WOW What a stunning card. I just love the way you have used this striplet to make it look like one large die.
Thank you for another inspiring video.
I apologise for my multi posts yesterday, I tried to blog you and explain only to have the same server error message, my thoughts were leave well alone!
Take care, love Brenda xxx

Lynda B. So pleased I wasn't the only one having Server error messages, both my iPad and computer
were playing up yesterday. Let's hope all is ok today.

Sheila (G) It sounds as though Nikki really enjoyed her trip to Llandudno.

Sandra and family, Wishing you a safe journey, hope you have a fantastic holiday LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue

This was and remains my absolute favourite of your recent cards (difficult though it is to choose). I am going to adapt it for my main family Christmas Cards. Really stunning - thank you.

Take care


Anonymous said...

How fabulous. Such a gorgeous card, Sue.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, great video. Love the card. I love the look that you get from gilding flakes, but I have yet to try them. I really must give it a go.

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said....

Gorgeous card. Love the versatility of the striplet die and the gilding flakes look stunning. I have to throw in, I just love the gorgeous tops you wear in your videos they are very striking and look lovely.

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue,

It's brilliant when you put it on video to inspire us and I personally find it easier to follow that reading. Love the gilding flakes. Gorgeous card again. Thank you.

Lots of love,

Ivy Ling xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A lovely card, beautiful die and a gorgeous flower, love it!!
Lots of love from Patricia xx

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Great video again I love theses I can craft along with you the card is stunning thank you Tracy w x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful die and excellent video. Best wishes to all.
Vanessa x

Ann Lauzon said...

Morning Sue...really nice card, I'll have to give it a go. Not the flower though, wasted 18" of tape trying to do that one. LOL. I really love that Summery top that you are wearing. The pattern would make a lovely card.

Anonymous said...

Belinda Raven said....

Hi Sue, stunning card today. Enjoyed the video and found it very helpful. The Bevelled Glass Striplet is on my wish list as I think it's a fabulous die that I'll get a lot of use out of.

Hugs, Belinda. X

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good afternoon Sue and everyone
What a beautiful rich and very luxurious card, with a touch of the dramatic too. I am seriously thinking of giving these flakes a try my courage is building up and I shall keep watching the video for extra special inspiration, thank you so very much.

Have a super time Sandra, oh those French pastries yummy!

Pam please do tell your brother there are two little Pembroke corgis here and their owner sending the very best of wishes to Robbie just wish I could send him some pics of my two little darlings. Corgis are very special little dogs and they are strong and very determined which is what Robbie is being bless him, do tell him they are all in my prayers.

Cameeli can't wait to here your holiday report!

Julie lovely to see you back.

Warm wishes and hugs to those who need them especially Sandra, Lynda, Lyndsay, Yorkielass, Tina, Steph and not forgetting Sue.

Margaret corgi owner

Ita said...

Wow Wow Sue this card is wonderful,love the Die.
Thank you for your inspiration.

SusanP, Kent said...

Brilliant way to make one of your gorgeous cut-out backgrounds with just a striplet! The card is a feast for the eyes yet so simple to do and not fussy at all. Right up my street.

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
And all you lively like minders Sue fans
Sue today's card is a delight I love gilding flakes but have yet to have a go with them
Your take on your dies is nothing less than inspired and beautiful
I wish I had a quarter of your tallent
You take Care Sue
Love Theresa xx Txx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Fabulous card so pleased to see this one on the blog I have just got the dies set and now I can have a personal tuition video with it lol........

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
What a gorgeous card! I love that Striplet - my friend bought it so I have seen it but don't have it myself. What a beautiful useful die. I also love your ribbon rose - so pretty. Thank you Sue! It doesn't seem enough to just say thanks but it seems to be a unanimous sentiment throughout this blog!
Brenda - I felt for you and others yesterday - it is so annoying when that happens. Do hope your husband had a lovely birthday.
June - wow Champion the wonder horse! My brother's favourite - can't remember the little boys name but remember his Uncle Sandy!!
Started emptying my kitchen cupboards and dresser. What a task - so much clutter. Trying to be firm and give stuff to charity shops - too sentimental for my own good . Had big debate - do we move or replace the kitchen. Now I'm not so sure we made the right choice.
Wish me all the best for the next three weeks! I will need this blog to keep my sanity I think.
Sending love to all .
Safe journey home for your brother Pam and love to Robbie .
Love to Meg and baby Leo and family.
Sending hugs to Norah, Steph, Anne , Sandra, Tres, Lynda, Lindsay, Heather, Janet, Wheelybad Bad, Theresa, Julie Laz, Tina, Yvonne and Sheila - so pleased Nikki had a good day!

Wheely Bad said...

Hi Sue.

I love love love love LOVE this card, this die is next on my list. I have to say thank you too as I made one of your ribbon roses on Monday and I got it first time :-) next time I need one will probably take several attempts as I think it may have been beginners luck! Big hugs fkr you and your Mom xxx

To my Wilsonette friends, well! Time has kind of passed me by since Tuesday. I got a letter Tuesday telling me I have a housing inspection tomorrow- arrg! Cue frantic organisation of cleaning Tuesday and today. Yesterday we went to pick the portraits we wanted of us and Billy. Lucky Mr. W & I think the same! Had a walk on the prom after. Billy was so well behaved and slept solidly all evening so I could rest. I have to get back to my "pointing and shouting" now. I shall catch up properly soon.

Special hugs for baby Leo, Robbie and all my Wilsonette friends. Extra special hugs if you are ill, in pain or just need one (we all do some days!) I have missed you all the last few days.

T xxx

Barbara said...

Amazing card today Sue!
The gilding under the black card is so beautiful. When I was deciding what dies to get first from the new collection the striplet dies were near the bottom of my list as I didn't think I would get much use from them. How wrong was I!!!!!!!!
I need to go and order them straight away.
Your use of dies is just inspirational and you never fail to come up with a new use for them.
Wish I had tiny bit of your imagination!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, not long bought the gilded flakes and wasn't sure what or how to do with them, def will now have a go at this card thanks lol Gill P G

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card and, as I have this striplets die, I am going to do a similar card if that's OK. SueL x

craftynanna said...

hi sue, fantastic colourful card, i love guilding flakes i have a few pots and they go so far, unfortunately i would have to trim down on the size as i only have a bigshot, but it is still very affected and thank you for the great video love to all J

Karen Drew said...

Amazing. I bought this die as I loved it. Looking forward to seeing what else you can do with it
Karen xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. This is a beautiful card. It looks like a stained glass window. Will give this card ago and would make a lovely male card.
Best Wishes.
Denise x

lindyloo12 said...

Love the stained glass window effect.

Maureen Reiss said...

Wow!!! GORGEOUS!!! Love the ribbon flower and the background die!!

Unknown said...

This die is great Sue, I can see so many ways of using it, I'm sure it will be making it's way home soon.
Alison, thanks so much for asking about my little lad, he is still having his leg bandaged weekly, the skin is not growing over the wound at all, but he is now allowed out so is much happier, the foal is doing very well now, I think it was being in that gave her the choke!
On a brighter note, we took one of our Shetlands to the local show today, the biggest one day show in the country for her first class, she came 11th out of 16 with many seasoned competitions and their ponies in the class, think we were the only first timers there today, the little mare behaved impeccably almost as if she had been doing it for years, my daughter put so much work into washing her for weeks before hand and teaching her to stand and trot!
Julie glad to see you commenting again, love to you and Lee.
Lynne, thought we were mad to get up at 6.30 to make sure the mare was clean for the show! But 5.30 you must be knackered.
Cameeli hope you had a lovely time away.
Norah, I wish I could send you some of the lovely sun we had today.
Pam, hope you and your brother are both ok and love to the wonderful Robbie.
Myra big hugs and take care.
Sandra have a lovely holiday and hope the girls get their own packing done and remember everything.
Janet, pastry day tomorrow mmmmm.
Steph, keep smiling big hugs.
Love to all my Wilsonette family, Linda, wheelybad, tres, TOB, Tina, Margaret, Karen, and the lovely June xxxx

Laura O said...

fantastic card Sue ,love the die and the gilding flakes ,Laura o

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone! I'm getting more and more interested into gilding flakes,they make a card look sooo amazing and with the striplet die this card is beautiful.Thank you also Sue for the great videos,saving them all so I can go back as often as I can.
Steph- Can see badlam with the flakes :0 I had to buy some pots with click fastening for my flowersoft as that where going everywhere every time I used it:< also the pots from chinese take- aways are good but sometimes the lids are a bit to hard to open.
Lynne-5.30 !! all the fun with your lovely little furbabies :)
Theresa-good luck to your daughter!
Sheila-nice to hear Nikki's outing was good,such a lovely day.
Wheelybad-hope you haven't exhausted yourself with the cleaning for tomorrow.... walk at the pier sounded lovely.
When down in B-mouth we always have a walk out.Would love to see Compton Acres one day,can't remember who is down there at the moment but have a nice time.
Have a nice evening, Hugs to all!
Maria x

Joanne K said...

Evening Sue, Stunning card and another fab video. Thanks for all your hard work. it is appreciated. Kind regards Joanne K x

Craftycatty said...

Stunning on the site but absolutely beautiful in the flesh at the Craftworld event in Glasgow.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,

Love the new striplet die makes a beautiful background especially with the calypso guilding flakes, just stunning,beautiful flower too!! Thanks Sue.

Crafty hugs to yorkielass, Lynda and all wilsonettes and of course to you Sue xxx

Jean D

terrie said...

I really like the color of the metal flakes as your background...
This card has bold colors
Take care Sue

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

You are so right in saying you think we'll love it when we see it because I know I do, as I'm sure many of the ladies do. The background is stunning and the whole card is very elegant.

Thanks for the fab video.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Lovely Wilsonettes WOW WOW GORGEOUS GORGEOUS CARD I think you know I like this card card Sue it lovely & Yaaay I have this Striplet die so defently going to try this .love the colour of the G.flaks. & your rose is stunning. Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xx

Norah I watched Button moon,Bill n Ben Care Bears ,& I cried every time I watched Lassie. Hugs to you & wee Rory Lynda xx

TOB Theresa, congratulations to your daughter in her exams.Hugs to you both Lynda xx

June you are a Wilsonetts & lucky you winning a Sue original card Hugs Lynda xx

Sheila Ginger so pleased Nikki enjoyed her holiday day & got to do two of her favourite things Hugs to you both Lynda xx

Meg O & Baby Leo Big hugs to you both & family Lynda xx

Welcome back Jenny hugs Lynda xx
Camille hope you had a fabulous time in N Y hugs Lynda xx

Special Hugs to Sandra,Julie Laz nice to see you today,Ita,Margaret corgi owner,Tina E,Tres,Tandy Jean D,Lindsay hope your ok xx,Yorkielass ,Magpie,Wheely Bad,Nanna Tina,Lynne M & pooches,Tob Theresa,Mrs B,Janet Ecco, Lanc Steph,Myra P,Brenda L,Maureen K, & Hugs to all that need them love Lynda xx

Delilah64 said...

Such a great technique. I love learning from your videos Sue.


Nic xx

Jackie Meechan said...

Very opulent card. Gorgeous will have to try it.
Hugs to everyone who needs one

Wacki Macky said...

Love the look of this card today Sue.

Craftihappiness to everyone, love from Pearl.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, despite my aversion to just quite so much black I fell in love with this card at launch and it was one of my first purchases of your new dies. Seeing this card in real life only proved how beautiful it is. I am planning on making one similar to, but in slightly lighter colours, for a friend's birthday later this month.
Thanks for another great video.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sue, another lovely sample!Love all that you do.
Best wishes
Annie B (Irchester) Northamptonshire

iReneM said...

Wow!!! The black card and gold flakes give this an amazingly opulent look.

Love it :)


lorraine (classylady) said...

Beautiful card Sue, I am going to try something similar with the heart striplet.

Hope you are well

lorraine - scotland

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
I love the vibrant colours in the gilding flakes against the sharp black die cut. I always think that geometric designs are perfect for masculine cards, but just adding the floral element feminises this design so beautifully.

Rach83 said...

Hi Sue,

What a gorgeous result. The gilding flake background looks so rich and textured with the combination of colours against the black. I love the black glue dots on the black card. I would never have thought to do this. Another fantastic card.

Rachel x

Dawn Holben said...

Another beautiful card and you made it look so easy that I might just manage this one lol
I will have a go at the flower but something tells me mine won't look like a beautiful rose.

auscrafts said...

only got to see this today simply stunning card

Rosie said...

Yet another stunner, Sue.....i do love this colour combination with black. It makes the card look so classy....i love it....i am so glad you have added the video now i can try and make a similair card..TFS

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favourite dies in your collection, Sue. A beautiful card.

Anne (Northampton)

Unknown said...

Hi Sue sorry for the late comment but couldn't connect to a server yesterday.
I fell for this die when you launched them. In fact I'm the very proud owner of all of the striplet dies. Absolutely love them.
The techniques you show are wonderful. Love being a part of your crafting Army.
Once again, gave a great day
Lots of love
Jo xx

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card - I have this die and am waiting for the chance to use it!! Hugs Carole Z X

dreamer said...

Fantastic ,stunning words cannot say how thrilled I was with this video, loved the flakes,loved the card what more can one say great, Sue regards wendy

cr@fty said...

Hi Sue
Fabulous card and video
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

I love this card i think it is gorgeous love the peachy colour and the black. The stick pins just are the perfect finishing touch!

Unknown said...

I love this card i think it is gorgeous love the peachy colour and the black. The stick pins just are the perfect finishing touch!