Saturday, 30 August 2014

Christmas Wishes

 Hello everyone!  More Christmas cards!  I may have to start "double days" again soon to get through all of these before we end up on Christmas' doorstep!  How do you feel about that?  Overdose or not?  This card shows my first attempt using the new texture pastes.  I will probably use these again as I found it quite fun to do!  The down side is there is a bit of a wait for it to dry, but if you were to do a bunch of them in a big batch, you could just pull them out as you need to use them and voila!  I used the Cosmic Shimmer Gold Pearl texture paste through the large polka dot mask on to soft vintage gold card for this one.  You just need to tape the mask down with removable tape and then use a spreader to pull the paste through the pattern on the mask (I used an old gift card for my spreader).  I really like the tone on tone look myself, it gives you texture without fighting for attention too much.  I gave it a thin white mat and added it to the top of the card above my stamped greeting, which I embossed in gold.  I stamped the Justrite Wreath in black on a piece of white card.  I did a messy watercolour wash with Distress markers and cut it out with the Majestic Circles.  I stamped just the bow area again on gold card, heat embossed it in gold and cut it out by hand to overlay on the original.  The card was finished with a white pierced layer, a thin gold mat and a final white mat.  The finished dimensions are 7" x 8 1/4" in size.

The winner of this week's Wednesday card giveaway is:


Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card.  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Another beautiful card Sue, gorgeous, as always. Congrats to Camelot, enjoy your win.
Margaret give that little grandson loads of extra cuddles, fill your boots as they say.
Robbie continues to make progress, can almost roll over onto his aside, feed himself, make a fist, has feelings from head to toes and can propel a manual wheelchair. He may be allowed home in a few weeks. Hurrah for Robbie.
I am continuing to rest my foot as I was told by my ladies lol, thank you girls. Hope everyone is well, hugs all round, especially to Dianeandchips, Leo, Sam and Rory xx

Roz McLellan said...

Hello Sue,

Another beautiful card. I won't mind a double dose of cards, Christmas or otherwise. The more the merrier because you give us so much help, advice and inspiration.

Love, Roz.x said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you a very nice card. Sue we could never have an overload of your great talent, bring them on lol. congrats to Camelot. Have a good weekend, take care.Kitty.

Unknown said...

Lovely background Sue. Really like the cosmic shimmer glow! Bet it looks even better in real life too. Would love to see more of your fab creations!

Hugs Alice xx

Eemeli said...

Gorgeous! Love especially the color scheme you have chosen to doesn't
always have to be just red and green when it comes to Christmas. Great layout too.

Have a magnificant day!


Ann Lauzon said...

Morning Sue...Great card, I especially like the way the wreath just seems to pop off the card. Double dose is fine with me

Muriel said...

The cosmic shimmer makes a lovely background, such a pretty card. I don't know how you get all of these ideas for one a day, would not mind two a day at all- all the more inspiration for us.

Muriel x

Joan D said...

Unusual Christmas card . Have used texture paste but the ones I have are glittered,so I like the one you used. Must give it a try. xx

Clai01 said...

Hello Sue
I don't mind two cards a day as if today's is anything to go by, it will be great to see them all, more the merrier?
I love the colouring of the wreath and the texture paste background, lovely card x

Linda28 said...

Hi Sue, A lovely card today, I have not tried the textured paste yet, so this will be going onto my list! Would love a double dose of your beautiful cards. BFN. Linda.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
I Really Hope We See Lots More Of Your Stunning Christmas Cards, As I Have So Many To Do And I Hate Making The Same Ones So All These Wonderful Ideas Are A Tremendous Help.
I Haven't Tried The Texture Paste As Yet, But I've Seen Julia Use It On Create And Craft, (Or it may have been Sam) But It Looks Great And Like Yourself I Love The Tone On Tone Look.
I Just Love The Fabulous Wreath Stamp From JustRite (which I have) So As Many Tips And Techniques Would Be Greatfully Appreciated, I Think This Beautiful Stamp Has So Much Potential I Love The Colours You've Used, I also Love The Fact That You've Stamped Another Bow Cut This Out And Mounted On Top Of Previous One.
This Card Is Extremely Beautiful I Just Love It, The Close Up Shots Show The Card In All It's True Glory, Thank You For Sharing. I May Be In A Minority But Please Keep All The Stunning Christmas Cards Coming, I Gain So Much From Them And That Means So Much To Me. Thank You For This Tremendous Blog, You Work So Very Hard.
Sue On A Personal Note: Thank You For The Daily Inspiration I Truly Appreciate It Thank You So Much.
Sue Take Great Care
Love And Hugs
From Sam x
Hugs To All
Congratulations To The Wednesday Gift Card You Lucky Person Enjoy! You Deserve It!

carol edwards said...

Beautiful rich card Sue in the gold texture paste and the wreath finishes it off nicely. Two cards a day, wow, shows just how hard you work, thank you. Congratulations to Camelot on her win x

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Beautiful card more christmas card the better I love seeing all your cards you make thank you for sharing them tracy w x

Anonymous said...

Yes please, Sue, always ready for an overdose! Another unusual card today with an elegant result and do like the 'messy' watercolour look.
Well done to Camelot on winning the card.
So pleased Robbie has made such improvements, Pam, your turn now!

'P' in Wales

Heartfelt thanks to all lovely cyber friends for your touching thoughts re my cat Guinness (and the PayPal fraud - poor Brenda on your dreadful experience.)
Sorry missed your birthday, Sandra, hope it was great.

Pat said...

Morning Sue
Another beautiful card today
Pat x

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - always love a twofer! Must try the texture paste background - looks lovely. Another wet soggy start weatherwise here today - hopefully better later. Happy weekend Wilsonettes
Clare W

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
what a very lovely card.
Superb designing as always.
That paste looks very interesting.
Oh it will be lovely to have more of your fab creations in each post.

Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
Another stunning creation, love it.
Know the feeling having to wait for things to dry!!
Bring on the cards, the more the merrier.
Looking at today's card this could easily be adapted for all year round. That way we have LOTS of inspiration to work from.
Have a wonderful day

Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue
Beautiful card today. I love the textured paste background. I use an old loyalty card to spread mine. Could use a credit card but that might remind me how much I spend on crafting! I prefer to think of the points I have earned instead! :)

The wreath looks lovely too. I would be more than glad to see Christmas cards every day they cheer me up. So a double dose would suit me fine.

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good Morning Sue and all the crafty crew!! a very pretty card today and I really like the holly wreath, and the technique with the texture paste.

Double days!! are you kidding us?I doubt if anyone will overdose we love everything that you share with us...

Congratulations to Camelot67.

Pam, great news about Robbie you must all be thrilled at his progress, and glad you are resting that your foot xxx

Have a nice weekend everyone.
Cameeli xxx

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Love the use of the texture paste and would love to see more than one card a day!
Congratulations Camelot on your win, happy belated birthday wishes Sandra. Sue xxx

Anonymous said...

The effect of texture paste is great. Another lovely card. Thanks Sue. The more cards the merrier!

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. This is a very elegant card. The colours are beautiful together. I think that wreath will have to go on my shopping list. Congrats to camelot on winning the card. Please, please,please more christmas cards i don't mind how many you put on as it gives us crafters insperation to make some of your stunning creations and we really do know how hard you work to bring them to us so why not let them have there day on the blog. Have a great weekend.
Best Wishes.
Denise T x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I do like the texture paste. I have some but I haven't used it much. Yes please two cards a day that would be brilliant. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
What a delightful you have given us today. I don't think you can have too many ideas even though I have decided on using your 'Noel; Joy and Peace' dies this year. They are so easy to use and look so elegant - so hoping my efforts will follow the elegance theme! I love C.wreaths - traditional ones - as they give such a warm greeting to all callers at your door.

Pam - what WONDERFUL WONDERFUL news on the Robbie front. Won't that be a celebration when he arrives home. So pleased you are taking notice re resting your foot.

Sandra - hope you had a lovely coffee morning yesterday with your Wilsonette sisters.

Today is going to be very trying in this house! We - well Mr E - starts packing the car for our journey tomorrow. It has to be packed today with only the little bits and pieces eg garden produce to be put in in the morning! So it will be 'we're taking more back than we brought' etc etc. I think lots of coffee and perhaps closed ears will be called for.
We had our Friday Pastries last evening and they were just 'decadent' - not my word - we both had the same variety this week. A confection of Orange - prailine bottom with walnuts; orange mousse on top with a hint of liquer; orange gel on top finished with a big dark choc button!
That's it now for pastries until we return in the middle of October for 4/5 weeks providing all goes well with hospital/drs apptments of course. My week next week is going to be so different with sail on Monday; my craft club on Tuesday; hospital appt. Wednesday; hair cut Thursday and oh housework on Friday.

Hope everyone is having a good week-end and feeling a little better this morning. Congratulations to the Wednesday winner. Take care and stay safe.
Janet x

cheryl brown said...

I am in favour of a double dose of cards. Not long now for us crafters to start making them for ourselves so more inspiration always goes a long, long way.
Today's card is very interesting with the technique nvolved and I would certainly love to receive one like this.
Hugs to all Cheryl xxx

Linda Graham said...

Another lovely card Sue,you could give double,triple as many doses as you can Sue, your cards are such an inspiration,your very talented and i love it,thank you Linda x

JAO said...

Double days would be great.

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, a beautiful Christmas card
we would all love a double dose I'm sure, I started mine yesterday
the one you had with the bough on the video it wasn't as nice as yours
but it was ok.
Congrats Camelot on your lucky win.
Nancyd xx

Unknown said...

Morning everyone another lovely card

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue another beautiful card is love the design of ot but I'm not sure about the colour for a Christmas card.
Take care Sue xx

Debs A

June Smith said...

Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, I do hope you are looking forward to this weekend. Such a beautiful Christmas card Sue and Yes please double up by all means, 2 helpings in one day, oh heaven. So pleased about Robbie, every little step is wonderful, sending him healing hugs, and yes I do hope you are resting that foot and that the physio is helping. Congrats to Camelot, well done. Again a beautiful card Sue, thank you. Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone, hugs June Smith xxx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, lovely card and the thought of a double dose of Christmas cards will suit me fine thank you! I can never get enough of your cards. Love Jean xxx

Craftysusan said...

Morning Sue. I love all Christmas cards so the more the merrier for me. This card is lovely too. Have a great weekend. xx

Sandra Biggs said...

Hi Sue
Another stunning card. Can cope very easily with double dose of cards.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue and Wilsonettes. Urgh what an awful morning, grey, wet AND cold, that's me in for the day ! Janet, looks like you should be arriving back to a second flush of Summer (providing the weather forcasters have it right) ! Although after reading your post you wont see that much of it !
Pam, oh what exciting news, it just gets better, what a guy Robbie is. You keep doing what you've been told to do madam ! Lets get YOU right next xx
To those lovely ladies who celebrated Im sorry if I missed your birthdays and hope you had lovely days.
Well done Cameli, enjoy your W.O.W xx

If there is anything Id love to overdose on it would be W.O.W's (Wonders Of Wilson) cards, who wouldn't ? So bring it on lol

Texture paste ? ME ? Are you 'avin a laf' ??!! I had enough frustration feeling and holding card and ribbon yesterday, I spent MORE of my day bending over, tutting and growling, without trying to bring paste into the mix !!! Ooohhh dear me thinks Id be a total disaster ! But I do love the effect it gives, so I will admire from afar.
I hope my lovely gals have rested well and feel upto getting through the day with some crafting. To those of you that dont feel so good, Im thinking of you.
Particularly our Tina E as she tries to stay strong for her recently passed dad's Ceremony of Life ... Thinking of you dear friend.

Sending hugs.
Love you.
Lancashire Steph xx

PharmacyMichele said...

Lovely christmas card & a double dose of cards would be great. More inspiration is always welcome.


Anonymous said...

I love this card, Sue. Beautiful colours.

Anne (Northampton)

hollyberry said...

Stunning card that anyone would love to receive for Christmas.

Lilian said...

Hi All, lovely card today, think I will have to start C cards soon , so double dose, yes please. Lilian

Sue from Wiltshire said...

This is very elegant and a great technique. I dont mind double dose of cards, don't know where you get all the ideas from. I often have inspiration and creative meltdown:-(
Thank you for sharing your amazing talent.

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue, lovely card , your colouring in is soooooo good!
Two cards a day would be twice the inspiration!!
Love these big textured dots ,

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue - yet another beautiful card and the chance you may give us double doses fills me full of excitement. All that inspiration and just the chance to look at your wonderful designs. Heaven in my eyes.
Pam I am so please Robbie is progressing so well - now if you rest and do all your exercises as prescribed by your physio you will be making progress too.
Congrats to Camelot I bet you can't wait.
It would appear to be a nice day here although wet underfoot so I can wear my new funky wellingtons when I take Ozzie for his walk. We are going to have such fun today as hubby is going to be decorating the cloakroom when it gets home from golf problem being Ozzie will want to help!!!! Hope everyone has a good day and those in pain or suffering one way or another feel some brightness and I send hugs to all. Take care
Helen K xx

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue ,
A beautiful card today , lov the image. As Christmas will be on us before we know it I'll look forward to all the inspiration you can give us.
Pam it's just amazing news about wonderfully well he's doing....keep up the good work Robbie we are all right behind you!
Pam you take care too and look after that foot.
Tina E thinking of you today and hope all goes as well as can be expected.
Congratulations to Camelot enjoy Sue's beautiful card.
Love and hugs to those who need them and hope you're days get better.

Love Sheila xx

doreenj said...

I don't mind how many Xmas cards you pit on sue, they are all giving me inspiration!!!

Doreen x

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
Im sorry but Im not sure about double doses. . . I would rather have triple or quadruple please lol! Would never tire of looking at your cards Sue.
Loving the look of the textured paste background. Would be suitable for any occasion.
Have a great day.
Ang x

Bea said...

Another great card and love the colours

auscrafts said...

I would love a double dose of cards or even a triple dose

TDQ Karen said...

Lovely card Sue, you are baver than me, I keep thinking of texture paste but am sure it would just end up with I and me in a terrible mess! Yhe background looks beautiful though xx

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, truly beautiful. I have tried the texture paste, and made rather a mess, but will persevere. I would be more than happy with a double dose of cards.
Have a great weekend everyone.

Love Rosemarie xx

Heather Harrison said...

Morning Sue. What a beautiful card. It is so nice the wreath stamp and chrismassy without being too much. Thanks again for sharing your talent with us. Hugs Heather.x

GeeBee88 said...

Hi Sue, love the technique here. Not sure if I have the patience to do for more than one card now and then! Would be lovely to have double doses of your cards, the more the merrier. Gx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Stunning - absolutely stunning. Love the texture paste but haven't tried it yet. I think I wlll after seeing this beautiful card. Thank you.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card Sue, and I would love a double dose of cards

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Double does of cards would be great. Must admit today's card isn't doing it for me, not keen on the colours sorry

Kate's Cards said...

I must try the texture paste on altered art.

Jan.moogie said...

A very messy way to make a background, sounds like fun. The end result is gorgeous.xx

weefortune said...

Hi Sue, always happy to see extra cards, roll on the double days, have a great day Elaine x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, I must confess I was surprised to read this was your first go at using paste but you can get quite a production going in a short space of time and, as you say, you have one to pull out and use whenever needed. Looks so effective on your card today, love from Jackie D

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Two cards would not be an overdose!
Your samples are always inspirational. I love the way you have die-cut the wreath. the white edge really makes it stand out.
Veronique L

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card, love the wreath, and yes a double dose each day would be wonderful.

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue , Beautiful card love it and the more Christmas cards you make will be well appreciated. I just love them . love Jean Z xxx

Marion said...

Hi Sue bring it on .can never have enough of your cards.
I am not keen on the background of this card but love the wreath.
Marion H

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Wow !! love this !! I love how the wreath stamping matches beautifully with the circle die-cut, I really must get this stamp, I can't hold out any longer, as I have loved every sample you have used this on !!
Congratulations to Camelot67, you will be over the moon with your card.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, A lovely card today. The texture paste looks interesting but I think I would need so see it done first. Beryl xx

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Love today's Christmas card, this one might be on my list to do for Christmas this year.
Ginnie x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
This is a gorgeous card. I love texture paste. We could never have an overdose of your beautiful creations. Keep them coming! Thanks for sharing.
Pam, it's wonderful news about Robbie. What a courageous young man he is.
Well done to the card winner. Lucky girl.
Off to Chatsworth show now. Taking wellies!!

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
Overdose! We could never have too many cards of yours you give us such inspiration so keep them coming please. I love today's card and using texture paste also. The gold on gold is fabulous.
Pam that's brilliant news about Robbie and you must rest so that you get better as well.
Congratulations Camelot enjoy your prize
Tina E thinking of you and sending a hug.
Belated birthday greetings Sandra hope you had a great day.
Hugs x
Heather T

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I haven't tried texture paste yet. I really liked the way you used the polka dot mask on the daisy card a few days ago but not sure about an all-over effect. I do like the colour on colour technique though. No way will we be overdosed on your cards - the more the merrier!
Have a good weekend. Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Wow - love the texture paste background on this card. I might try and give this a go now I've seen the close up shots of how nice it looks.
Beverley W

Jackie Meechan said...

Gorgeous card Sue. Congratulations to the card winner.

I'm all up for an overdose of xmas cards.


Glennis F said...

The texture looks amazing in the gold tones - stunning card!

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card.
Lovely Die.
Gr Elly

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Thank you for bringing us inspiration for Christmas Cards, I do not mind you doubling up the more the merrier. - keep them coming dear
Carol x

Croquet Queen x said...

Hi Sue,
What an elegant card!
Love the texture paste background the two tone gold is very effective.
You could blog all day long as far as I'm concerned Sue, every card gives me something different to think about to try and incorporate into my own cards.
Thank you
Lorna D

Jane said...

Good affect like the tone on tone ,

Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Sue
You could post Christmas cards every day for me, I just love them and they are my favourite to make.
I do like the card and seeing all the layers that you do, definately finishes the card off. I haven't been a fan of the textured paste but got to say I did like the close up pictures of the dots.
Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

julie laz said...

Hi sue, lovely card, colours are fab,
Have a lovely day everyone, crafty hugs Julie xxx

barbiepinkfairy said...

Love this card. I have this stamp which plan to use this Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration xxx

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sued99 said...

Definitely not overload. I'm just thinking about starting on my Christmas cards and need plenty of inspiration. Love today's card.

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card love the textured paste background very effective with the two gold tones.

Congratulations to the winner

Pam so pleased your being a good girl (not easy tho. is it gentle hugs for youxx So delighted to hear about Robbie's progress.

Enjoy your weekend girls hope the weather is kinder to you.

Hugs to all Annx without an "e"

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card today. I just love the wreath. Double dose of cards would be lovely. Nobody can say no to that Sue they are all so lovely. Wish I had a quarter of your talent you lovely lady, and I would be over the moon.
Fantastic news about Robbie Pam, he seems to be going from strength to strenght, hugs to you and him, and I'm glad your keeping up the good work and resting your foot.
Had a lovely day yesterday with Mrs B and Sandra, where does the time go when your having fun. We had a great natter and a laugh.
Hugs to Lancs Steph and Norah as usual.
Hugs to all in need of one today. Congratulations to the Wed card winner.

Debbie Tinks said...

Nice card Sue ... Have a nice weekend and happy crafting ...x

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. A beautiful card, I love the wreath stamp. I haven't tried using texture paste, it's another thing on my long wish list! You can show as many Christmas Cards everyday as you like as far as I am concerned, they are my favourite cards, both to see and to make so bring them on please : )
Congratulations Camelot, enjoy the gorgeous card : )
Sending my daily hugs you Sue, to Pam and Robbie-great news, to Sandra and Pat-it was so good to see you both and Sandraa's sofa is so much comfier than the Coops wooden chairs!, and to all of my other special friends and to all in need. Take care.

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Love the background you've created, wonderful colouring on the wreath too.
Donna Jones

Joanne K said...

Morning Sue, a very pretty Christmas card. I wouldn't mind if you doubled up your cards. They are always a pleasure to look at. Kind regards Joanne K x

June Horrocks said...

Love the card sue thank you love a double dose bring it on !!!!! Love to all. June xxxxxx

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Lovely card. Good one for batch cards. X

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, I love your Christmas cards, so keep them coming. This one is really lovely, the wreath focal point is perfectly offset by the background. Congrats Camelot67 on winning the card. Bx

Maureen Killen said...

Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
This is lovely Sue, and I agree with Mrs B, post as many as you want - the more the merrier - because they are all gorgeous!
I've never thought to use embossing paste as a background, only the main focal point, so thank you for the idea.
Pam, good news about Robbie and I'm pleased you're resting your foot.
Thank you for your hugs Yorkielass June, Ailmecca Alison, Lindsey Martin and there's someone else but the brain has gone AWOL. I hope everyone has as good a day as they can, safe journey home Janet and love to Sue xx

Maureen Killen said...

P.s. congratulations to Camelot!!

Wendy L said...

Lovely card, xxx

ElizabethS said...

Hi Sue, this is a lovely card and I agree it is good to do different techniques.
Definitely NOT overload on Christmas cards for me. I look at it as it's more inspiration for me from the Queen of Craft...hehehe.
ElizabethS x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. Another lovely card. I would love a double dose of cards especially Christmas ones.
Regards, Evis McCarthy.

Anonymous said...

Stunning Sue love the paste x

Unknown said...

Hi sue
Love this card. I too like using texture paste as it adds dimension without too much height for posting.
Keep them coming Sue, they are all so inspirational.
Love Jan x x

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Just can't seem to get my head around Christmas cards yet so inspiration from you may help. Have a good weekend. SueL x

Unknown said...

Hiya sue an crafty crew
Lovely card sue. Messy texture paste ill give amiss I get into enough trouble with glitter and gilding flakes!!!!
Overdose of Xmas cards?? Bring it on!!! Love all ur cards so how can 2 a day be enough make it 3 lol

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, yet another great creation from you, I for one wouldn't mind a double dose of Sue every day!

I received my prize die yesterday, it was the Noel one, it is gorgeous, thank you.

Congrats to Wednesdays prize winner.

Take care everyone, Jess x

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a stunning card. I love using texture paint.
Congratulations to Camelot67.

Maggie said...

Hello Sue. This is a lovely card and I have the textured paste, the mask, the wreath and can surely find a circle die so I know what I shall be doing this afternoon. This morning shopping for school shoes - why did we leave it so late??? xx Maggie (better without a bow)

nannapat said...

Double dose for me please! I could never get tired of looking at your creations, Christmas or otherwise. Today's card is lovely, the background looks beautiful - really subtle. Pat x

lindyloo12 said...

More than happy to have double cards from you, whether they be Christmas or something else as they are all lovely, and give me lots of inspiration.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
A really lovely card full of Christmas cheer I love holly wreaths but as I still have to master gilding flakes before I try masks and pastes!
Oh yes please I would dearly love more Christmas cards, as far as I am concerned Sue the more the better, thank you so much. again many thanks for my Christmas tree safely arrived and your useful tip too.

Many congratulations to Margaret something for you to treasure, I am sure today you will enjoy the rest of your day too!

Pam please do keep on with the resting it will pay off in the end. Fantastic news of Robbie to think he may be home with his beloved corgi soon, just wonderful! Hugs to you both.

Thinking of you P in Wales you have been kind and brave, no more pain, peace at last for your little darling.

As for PayPal I keep checking my account every few days and change the password on a regular basis, you cannot be too careful. The sooner they are alerted to problems the sooner they get sorted.

Brenda what a dreadful experience for you, why do these thieves choose to do this to the lovely people in life.

Thinking of you Tina and the difficult day ahead, take strength from your loving family, God Bless.

Norah hope you are recovering after your trip to the Thistle Centre thinking of you and Rory.

Warm wishes and hugs to all who need them especially Pam, Cameeli, Yorkielass, Lynda, Sandra, Tina, Steph, Lindsay, Julie and of course Sue.

Margaret corgi owner

Karen Drew said...

Post as many cards as you like. Love to see your work so the more inspiration the better. Bring it on!!!!
Love todays card. The colours are gorgeous
Karen xx

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Beautiful Card Sue!

I like the background. I for one haven't tried using texture pastes, but I think it's something I should have a go at.

Having double days from you would be fab, your creations are always lovely and it would be great to see more each day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I like the texture paste background and love the messy painting on the stamp.
Now Sue, did you really think any one of us would object to a double dose of your cards? You will see from all the comments that we are more than willing to have double, triple and even quadruple doses so as the saying goes 'bring it on!'

fluffycat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fluffycat said...

P.S. Sorry, forgot to add congratulations to Camelot67 on being the lucky Wednesday Winner.

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & Lovely Blog friends,
Sue, there is no such things as 'too much' of anything you wish to share with us, we are eternally grateful for the inspiration you give us every day, I love the wreath today and the background is just perfect!
I had such a lovely time yesterday with Pat & Mrs B, such lovely ladies, I promise you I will make lunch next time, I always underestimate how long we will sit and chat for, but it's like we are 'old friends', look forward to the next time, I wish a few more of you lived closer so that you can join us!
Janet you must have mixed emotions as you pack up to come home, not so bad if you are returning in October, how do you cram everything in, we were filled to the max for just three weeks! Have a safe journey home xx
How many of you are going to Ally Pally this year? I can't wait to meet and put names to faces!
Congratulations to Camelot, enjoy your gift!
Sending huge hugs to all of my special friends,
Sandra xxxx

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue & Lovely Blog friends,
Sue, there is no such things as 'too much' of anything you wish to share with us, we are eternally grateful for the inspiration you give us every day, I love the wreath today and the background is just perfect!
I had such a lovely time yesterday with Pat & Mrs B, such lovely ladies, I promise you I will make lunch next time, I always underestimate how long we will sit and chat for, but it's like we are 'old friends', look forward to the next time, I wish a few more of you lived closer so that you can join us!
Janet you must have mixed emotions as you pack up to come home, not so bad if you are returning in October, how do you cram everything in, we were filled to the max for just three weeks! Have a safe journey home xx
How many of you are going to Ally Pally this year? I can't wait to meet and put names to faces!
Congratulations to Camelot, enjoy your gift!
Sending huge hugs to all of my special friends,
Sandra xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, as always, another very pretty card. Thanks for the inspiration.

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue, and what a wonderful start to my day to find that I have won the Wednesday card giveaway! Thank you so much. I'm thrilled to finally get my hands on a Sue Wilson original.

I just love everything about today's card - the wreath looks amazing. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

Susi Mortimer said...

Morning Sue,
Another gorgeous card love the background.I for one wouldn't mind seeing more Christmas cards, as I have quite a few to make, and don't like making the same ones. So any Idea's are very welcome here and will be greatly appreciated.
Congrats to Camelot.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Susi x

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Lovely card and colour combo must try the paste for background detail, really like the look of it gives.
Sue yes please you can show this as many cards as you want, I just love all the inspiring cards you bring to us, a big thank you. LOL

Congratulations Camelot67 enjoy your beautiful card.

Have a good day, love Brenda xxx

Pam, fantastic news about Robbie, he is a special young man

Sandra, I for one will be going to Ally Pally, usually go on the Saturday.

Sending crafty hugs to all, hope everyone has a good weekend,

Anonymous said...

Red, green and gold - you can't go wrong for a Christmas card! 2,3,4 cards a day. ...... just keep them coming! Jean T x

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and Wilsonettes,
I think the texture paste is going to grow on me but i don't think i will be trying it some how. Love the wreath Sue but it is colouring and playing which is my favourite. This could be for those impossible people called men or for someone that is not girlie and prefers "plain". What a question to ask Sue are we up for double days? That's like saying to a chocoholic do you want more chocolate...oooh yes please.
Pam i am so very, very happy to read Robbies progress is so far advanced now. That young man is doing fantastic and with such determination, i hope that he is proud of himself as he should be, very proud. George and Mary must see the difference and have so much hope at his progress. I hope that the swelling is going down in your foot/ankle again so that you can ""slowly"" start to live life to the full again. ((Hugs)) for both you and Robbie.
Well done Camelot, i know you will enjoy your beautiful card.
Janet(Ecco), a good pair of ear plugs works wonders. You sure have a packed week next week, you're going to be tired by the end of it before you even have time to feel back home, well here. Have a safe and hopefully on speaking terms homeward journey and tell Mr E that they make all these hidden spaces in cars just for the making full use off.
I have said to my friend that i will meet her at Dunelms in Falkirk next week as they are only one storey high and have a shiney banister down the middle of the flight of stairs that if all else fails i shall get her to howk me on to it to slide down as it is the only place i can think of going that i can escape from quickly or as quick as i can on my sticks. All i need to do now is try and get the pins and needles and hyperventilating under control at the thought of it.
End of part 1 because I keep running out of characters

Glenharon said...

Part 2
I think i am upsides with Steph on the texture paint though as the hands have decided they like the claw look today. Daughter and her hair have turned me into a wreck. You know how mum's know nothing but more importantly mum that has more than 30 years experience in hairdressing even though i haven't been on one of their fancy "colouring technicians" courses knows even less. Well madam smarty pants decided that she knows best and followed the instructions that her friend who had done a years college course coming out not far from the bottom in marks told her and did on her and made a mess. She went into the fancy £250 ago hair extensions lass at Toni & Guy and came out with only half of them done as her hair needed sorted on top. Again followed what someone else at the warehouse that i get my things at where none of them are trained hairdressers, told her what to use. Well what do i know and after doing what they had told her to get done, twice bleaching it to try and get the pink(because she did start with auburn with caramel highlights), putting the toner on that she had been told by Toni & Guy to use, and finally me colouring it with what i was going to use in the first place it finally turned out matching. As i used the tint as a toner because of all the distress she had already given her poor hair(thank the lord that she has rare thick hair), i told her after it was rinsed off and conditioned with a protein pack to leave it to settle in. No she went and washed it with a lightening shampoo and wrecked my hard work so yesterday i had to colour it all over again. The hands are feeling the effects today and she had better not mention that hair to me again before she goes away on holiday to America, because you will see me in the papers up for attempted murder of daughter, weapon used tint brush and bowl and bottle of peroxide to konk her one across the broo.
Have a great day everyone, hope your weather is better than ours. Sending special hugs to "P" in Wales(still in my thoughts flower), Robbie ( a truely fantastic survivor), Baby Leo, wee Sam and Diane(withchips) you will get home soon flower and all the wonderful people that make the Wilsonettes possible starting with Sue herself.
Love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Anonymous said...

Lovely card. Take care. Claire

JJ said...

Beautiful card Sue, love the wreath.

Double dose sounds good to me lol!

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
the card is beautiful and I agree, the pastes are great to use.
I love the watercolour wash, it looks so much better than carefully drawn, shall certainly try this. I remember you demoing it and it is certainly also quicker to do.
Double dose - sounds VERY good to me.
Hugs, Rose

karenlotty said...

Lovely card And yes yes yes post as many as you like/want I need as many ideas as possible!

magpie said...

Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Gorgeous Sue. I love the effect of the dotted mask with the gold paste. Just gorgeous! You could never overload Sue x Can't get enough Christmas card inspiration. Definitely the more the merrier!! I loved yesterdays card. Using the border die was a great idea and yes it does looks like a petticoat....brought back memories too. The kraft card with red really makes it pop. I cut four Spanish corners out and either way they look gorgeous. "P" in Wales, so so sorry to hear about Guiness x thinking of you and glad that you've got the paypal sorted. Terrible how someone can steal from someone else.... Pam, fantastic news that Robbie is making progress! Wonderful! xx Congratulations on the Wednesday card giveaway Camelot67! Wonderful! x Norah, not much left to the my cousins wedding in Methil all the lads wore kilts....There were a few shocked faces (red too!) when they all decided to whoo hoo together! x Janet, that pastry sounds n mmmm! Hope all goes well with you x Tina, thinking of you too x like everyone, I forget a few names but I can honestly say each and everyone of you are in my thought and prayers xx Lynne what lovely presents your fur babies brought in to you.....not! They must plan tactics to one another and see what they can do to you next! "Thank you Sue" for all your inspiration. Sending love and hugs to you and your family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are hurting through and through xx Take care everyone xx Love Karen xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely Christmas card. I do like the wreath stamp. A double dose of any of your cards is good for me.

Paula said...

Lovely card Sue, and congratulations Margaret! (Camelot)

Paula x

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love today's card, of course we would love as many examples as you can throw at us, you never cease to inspire. I hopefully will be at Ally-Pally on the Saturday.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
What a great Christmas card today I love Christmas time, hugs Sarah xxx

Diane Green said...

Hi Sue great card today and well done with your attempt at texture paste. I haven't tried it yet but it's on my list as it looks lovely. Congrats to Camelot for winning the card. Double Christmas cards? Yes please! Have a great weekend love Diane G xxxx
Pam fantastic news about Robbie he will be pleased to go home. Keep resting xxxx said...

Lovely and I really like the look you get with the distress markers - guess you could just use some ink on a block from a pad with a paintbrush too? Keep the Christmas inspiration going - I'll hopefully get started next month, but have a bunch of anniversary and birthday cards to do for this month! Thanks Susan x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card. As for the double Christmas cards as far as I'm concerned the more the better.

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card but I don't think texture paste is for me, don't have the patience to let it dry! Yes pleases to the double dose of Christmas cards the more the merrier
Best wishes, Pat

Lynda's craft's said...

Good morning Sue & Wilsonettes gorgeous christmas card Sue & the more the merrier keep them coming. I love using texture paste, the reef stamp i have & used it lots its lovely. Thank you for all your inspiration love & Hugs to you & your mom Lynda Brock xx

Pam glad your resting your foot good girl Wonderful news about Robbie you must be over the moon for him Hugs to you both Lynda xx

P in Wales your in my thoughts hope your ok Hugs Lynda xx

Dianeandchipps thinking of you hope you manage the stairs & can go home soon chin up Hugs Lynda xx

Wheely Bad hope you had a good night celebrating Alex's birthday yesterday Hugs to you & woofs & paw hugs to Billy love Lynda xx

Sandra glad you had nice time with Mrs B & Pat S. Did you get my birthday Email hope you had a good one

Special hugs to all the above & Margaret corgi owner,Yorkilass,Lindsay,Jean D,Magpie,Nanna Tina Tina E,Tandy,TOB Theresa,Tres,Sandra,Mrs B,Myra P,Maureen K,Brenda L,Pauline A,Janet Ecco,Helen K,Julie Laz,Camille,Steph,Cheryl B,Alimecca Alison,Ita, love Lynda xx

Hugs to every one who needs them xx

Julsb said...

Lovely card.

Maryann Laursen said...

Such a gorgeous card here again Sue, and beautiful coloring too.

Jayne S said...

Besutiful card today, the wearth samp is lovely, looking forward to 'double doses' of Christmas cards.

Unknown said...

I really love this card Sue. Like you I have the pastes and haven't used them yet!! One day!!!! I think what you have done with the wreath is innovative and I do like the ideas you give us which can be used with other dies too. Thanks and hugs Maureen. Back to struggle with my internet and tv!!

Anonymous said...

Eileen L. said...

Love the texture paste and color choice on this lovely card. A double dose is great to me.

Congratulations Camelot on your win!

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, A beautiful card, the texture paste is stunning and love your colouring of the wreath. Keep the Christmas cards coming, we could never overdose on your spectacular creations. Enjoy the rest of your day, hugs to you and your Mom.
Congratulations to Camelot on winning the Wednesday card, enjoy,
Pam that is fantastic news about Robbie, he is such a brave, courageous young man. Glad that you are resting your foot, it will be worth it in the end, good luck with the physio today, hugs to you and Rbbie.
Tina E thinking of you today, gentle hugs.
Maureen K do the challenge with warm water, I am sure your nephew won't mind and you are still doing the challenge, hugs.
Norah I hope your hands are feeling better and good for you going to Falkirk, deep breaths and you will be on your way, you special lady, hugs to you and Rory.
Wheely Bad hope you had a lovely evening celebrating Alex's birthday, hugs to you and Billy.
Sandra glad that you and the ladies had a lovely day, sounds fun and a great welcome home.
Lindsay your day with the children and horses sounded fun, they will treasure the memories.
Janet safe journey home, the pastries sounded delicious, hope Mr E is keeping calm and quiet.
Margaret your grandson will be so pleased to see you and the corgis, enjoy the massive hugs and hearing about their holiday.
Special hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Steph, Lynne M, Lynda B, Lindsay, Magpie, Myra P, Maureen K, Sandra, Mrs B, P in Wales, Julie and Lee, Ita, Cameeli, Tres, Brenda L, Heather T, Meg and baby Leo, Dianandchips, Cheryl B and of course our Sue.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Janette MacArthur said...

Hi Sue - please overdose! You give us so much inspiration !
Janette xx

Marianna Hammer said...

Oh please overdose us :)
I love Christmas cards and this one is lovely

terrie said...

Congrats Camelot...enjoy your prize...
Very nice card...I like the wreath on the card...
Well done Sue

I feel not an overdose on seeing your cards

utilitygirl said...

Lovely card Sue, as always. Love the colours.
Can never have too many Christmas cards for me x

SusanP, Kent said...

A lovely subtle card. I like the background, but confess I'm not a texture paste kinda gal. I just know I'd make a mess! I'm up for "double days".

shabbycraftcabin said...

Hi Sue,

Love the different technique of background. Great card, love it. Double dose, triple dose.... The more the merrier!!!!

Lots of love,

Ivy ling xx

Maria said...

Hi Sue and everyone! Lovely,lovely card.Just let them come Sue,we will never tire of seeing more.Thank you.
Fantastic news Pam about Robbie,glad also to see you are taking things a bit easier. Take your time Norah when you next venturing out and have a nice day,we are all with you...
Belated birthday Sandra,hope you had a nice day also to Wheelybads Alex,hope you had a good evening.P in wales,hugs to you. To the daughter who helped the bull in trouble,what a fab thing to do.
I saw my half brother on Thursday for the first time as you know and it's was greeeat! We met them at their hotel in London and we did not stop talking for 8 hours!Tihi
I know it's not like some have family in America or Australia but equally exciting when you meet for the first time and hopefully it wont be 50 odd years until next get together....
Janet-have a safe journey home!
Lynne- tell the pesky critters to leave the slimey things outside,cuddles to them both.Congrats to our Wednesday winner.

To everyone,big,gentle hugs all around
Maria x

hazel young said...

Stunning card Sue xx hazel

SHARICA said...

Very Pretty .. xx

Cathie said...

Would love a double dose of cards. Twice as much fun to look at and drool over. Thanks for all the inspiration.

lorraine (classylady) said...

Another lovely delicate card Sue. Like using the pastes but always get in a mess.

lorraine - scotland

Janice K said...

Personally I can never have enough of Christmas cards, so if you want to do 'double days' I'll be very happy.
Today's card is beautiful, love the wreath stamp.x

Unknown said...

Now Sue what a silly question, doubles and triples for us all I think! Love today's offering, the texture paste has given a lovely background as you say it doesn't fight with the focal point.
Omg Pam I'm nearly in tears I'm so happy that Robbue is making such great progress, it's no longer small slow recovery steps, he seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds your brother and his wife must be over the moon that he will be home with them soon. Just rest up that leg and your whole family will be doing well.
Jackie, hope Mr E gets all the packing done, and try and rest during your first week back here, sounds like you have a full on week ahead. As for this weeks pastries they sounded a dream.
Norah, I hope you manage to get out to Dunelm, we will all be with you in spirit, wishing you on and no pesky alarms going off. As for your daughters hair, I had mine coloured at T&G years ago and they had to put bleach on it again as it turned green, my poor scalp was so burnt as was my hair, it took years to recover and I still hate going to any hairdressers now,
Lynne hope the girls are being good.
Steph, I'm sure you could get to grips with the paste, it doesn't sound half as evil as the flakes.
Camelot huge congratulations on winning this weeks beautiful card.
Love bad hugs to all my friends on here including the above and June, Julie and Lee, Maureen, Margaret, Myra. Alison, Karen, Linda, mrs B, P in Wales, Mrs Duck, Cameeli, Wheely Bad, Diane, and all y other lovely friends xxx

Caron28 said...

Hello Sue. A nice background and lovely wreath stamp on today's card. x

Bejay said...

Hi Sue, A nice 'un-Christmas' background made really tactile with the texture paste - another thing to add to my wish list - it certainly makes for a different look to the card. The wreath really 'pops' on the white die cut, another winner. As always thanks for sharing with us. x

Wacki Macky said...

Hi Sue!

Love the card today it's FAB, added more items to my wish list.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Craftihappiness to everyone, from Pearl.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Another nice card.Don't mind been over dosed with Christmas cards, might even get me to start make mine.

Theresa said...

lovely CAS card today. i love the close ups of your stamped images as i really enjoy looking at your colouring in. i think it is awesome xx

Nananne said...

Lovely card! Love the use of the embossing paste and the gorgeous stamp!
Sorry for the lateness of my comment but it was a really busy day with the Flower Show. But thanks to June yorkielass and Myra P. I think due to their good wishes I was very lucky ( it's only a wee local show ) and I won the Floral Art cup and the Cut Flowers Cup so I'm over the moon, I didn't win the show but a girl I play golf with did so it was a Great Day!
Tired now, but hugs to all xo.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I don't understand where the days are going!! I THINK I've logged on to your blog and then realise I've missed a card or two! This card is lovely and I adore your Christmas cards particularly. I have to admit, Christmas cards are my absoloute favourites to make and I have done so much more die cutting since I got my eBosser, bought the holly sprays, filigree and classic ponsettias which are gorgeous!

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card today! I really like that mask and you had used that on the card which I was fortunate enough to win. The wreath is lovely . I have used texture paste and was surprised how well it turned out . I was expecting a mess and there was none. Julia got me interested in the texture paste but I don't use it often.
Would we like to have two cards instead of one - ohhh yee es! Please.
Thank you for everything you do and the daily inspiration and enthusiasm.
Congratulations - Margaret (Camelot) on your win.
Pam - such good news about Robbie . I know my heart went out to you and the family when this happened and I was not alone - we took Robbie to our hearts and we have prayed for him and willed him to get better. Now we need to get Auntie Pam up and running again . Gently does it though!
Anne - congratulations! You did it! So pleased you had a lovely day.
Janet - oh the packing! It'll be done now I guess. Hope it went well. Safe journey home. You've got a busy week ahead.
Norah - so pleased you are going to go out with your friend. We'll all be thinking about you and willing you on.
Well I must go as not been too good today. Woke with a migraine - typical - stress of kitchen fitting over - headache hits! Been asleep nearly all day and not much at all. Going to try to eat something now.
Love to all friends on the Blog!
Special hugs for Robbie, Sam , Rory and baby Leo.
Love Myra

Dorothy Mutafopulos said...

Hi , Sue just thinking about starting to make Christmas cards this is a truly great idea .I recently order some of your dies can't wait for them to arrive. Love the way you layer your cards. Love Dorothy

Barbara said...

Lovely card Sue!
Have used texture paste with stencils and love the effect.
Just received my die from the draw today and love it. Thank you Sue.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card and I for one wouldn't mind you doubling up. I need all the inspiration I can get!love the texture paste - it's one of my favourite things at the moment although I haven't used this one, mine is usually white and then I ink it in whatever colours I want.
Brenda how awful for you! Dianeandchips, hope you get home soon. Pam hope you're resting your foot and brilliant news about Robbie. Steph you should try the paste - it's much easier to use the gilding flakes! Well done to Camelot. Myra you have my sympathy re the migraine. I seem to have had a few lately - I think it's stress! Janet have a safe journey home. Lynne the pesky critters were only bringing you a present! Hugs to all above and of course Lindsay, Julie, Norah, Maureen, Cameeli,Tina, tres, Yorkielass and everyone else. Love Alison xx

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous christmas card, I love that wreath stamp. Double cards will be fantastic cant wait to see more of your wonderful creations.

crafty hugs
Helen xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, another lovely Christmas card today with a beautiful wreath and the texture paste background looks amazing, I'm up for a double dose of inspiration , thanks Sue hugs to you xxx
Tina E thoughts are with you xx
Pam fantastic news about Robbie sending him and you hugs xx
Congrats to Camelot xx
Crafty hugs to yorkielass, Lynda and all wilsonettes xx
Jean D xxxx

craftynanna said...

hi sue, did i see that right, double sue cards, how wonderful, this one is just the job for christmas a lovely wreath adorning the door, can't wait to see the rest, love to all J

janet said...

I haven't used the stencil paste through a plastic stencil yet!! Only through the metal ones. Yours makes a nice background. I won't mind at all if you start doubling up!!
Hugs janet in Kent

June Ballenger said...

Hi Sue

OOh I like this one.

Multiple postings would be much appreciated.


AnneRD said...

Lovely textures and design Sue. Anne x

CraftyJo said...

Lovely :)

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card, as always. Thank you.

Congrats to Camelot.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Lovely Sue. Fantastic texture. X

Blue Rose said...

No overload for us, as long as you don't over do it. Beautiful card...great background paper. Another great job.

Darlene from SK said...

I would never know it was the first time trying this technique. It looks like you've been doing it for a long time. Once again, a beautiful card.

Sandy H said...

Beautiful card. Haven't been able to comment for a few days. All this week's cards have been gorgeous.
Pam, I've only read one comment today - yours. Just had to come straight here to say how lovely it is to hear of Robbie's fantastic progress.

Carole Z said...

I'm having a catch up..this week has been way too busy! Beautiful card, never mind a double helping of your stunning cards! Hugs Carole Z X

nattyboots said...

Just loving your Christmas Cards Sue
Elaine H X

Unknown said...

What a lovely Christmas card today Sue, would love a double day


Crossword Puzzle Maker said...

Excellent card. I think the bordered wreath really says 'Christmas' Thanks