Saturday, 8 March 2014

Have A Great Day

 Hi there crafters!  Remember this one from the last show?  It was a demo that I did to show how you can save a card even if you haven't stamped it perfectly!  That happens quite a bit too for one reason or another.  I used the Tufted Background stamp by Justrite and inked it in clear Perfect Medium and stamped it on aqua card.  I heat embossed it with white powder, but a bit of the corner did not get enough ink.  I probably could have hid it with more flowers, but I decided to give it a vellum cover.  You can still see the stamped image softly below the vellum but now it has an additional texture to it which I really like.  I embossed the vellum with the Extra Confetti folder by Couture Creations.  It has a pretty swirly pattern to it.  If you put a dot of Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear glue in each corner, then smooth it out with your finger, attach the vellum and you can't see the glue (I still like to add pearls to the corners, but it isn't necessary to hide the glue!)  I matted it on to a piece of white card, then a larger piece of aqua card.  I cut two of the Decorative Labels Eight dies in white and then slotted the aqua card into the corners of each one and taped them down in the back, they make a really lovely edging for your cards that way.  Next I stamped the Vintage Labels Seven Rose on white card.  I coloured it with Distress markers (Tumbled Glass, Spun Sugar and Shabby Shutters).  I lined up the template I made for the Vintage Labels Seven die to the image then taped one side so it hinged.  I covered it with a sticky adhesive sheet and then moved the die template back into place and cut it out.  I peeled off the backing paper and covered it with Iced Snow for some glitz.  I made a couple of roses using my Classic Rose die set, stamped the sentiment and cut it out with the tag die from the Nested Cloud die set.  The leaves were from the Bitty Blossom set.  I added some white pearl strings as accents and finished the card with a double white mat.  Finished dimensions are 6" x 7 1/4" in size.

A couple of quick things before I announce the card winner for this week.  I have noticed quite a few questions that have been left in the comments.  Since my posts are usually scheduled in bunches ahead of time, for the most part I can never remember to answer the questions when I write my posts.  Please just email me directly at if you have any questions, as I am happy to answer them.

   I have gotten quite a few emails recently about the Heart Lattice embossing folder so I wanted to let everyone know that the videos using that folder were filmed last July when we did have quite a good stock of them.  We are going to be doing another run of them so I will let you know when they have arrived.  We still have about three or four more videos in the original series to air and I have already filmed a second series of videos which focuses entirely on my new die line.  Those videos will be put up on the blog as soon as the first series is complete in about two weeks time.

On to the card winner now....  This week's card giveaway goes to:

Helen Terry!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your card!

Today would have been my Dad's 94th birthday (sadly he passed away a few years ago), but I am going to place some flowers on the monument at Molesworth (where he was stationed during WWII) in remembrance of him this morning.  Every year I go back and reread the Lessons of Life that he sent me (he didn't write it, but came upon it and sent it to me), but I still think that it is just the most well written bit of advice that I have ever come across.  I am including it again in today's post after all the card pictures if anyone would like to read it.

LESSONS OF LIFE .Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.
 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's OK to get angry 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks. 16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. 18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. 19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?' 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive everyone everything. 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles.3 4. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do. 35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 42. The best is yet to come.. 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44. Yield. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift." Remember that I will always share my spoon with you! Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves I think that we all need to take a few moments every day and be grateful and appreciative of what we have.

I love you Dad!

All for now, Sue x


Cameeli of Richmond said...

Good Morning Sue, and all the crafty crew!!
WOW!! WOW!!WOW!! Couture creations
and love the poem
Really loving this
card. Sue you are just a genius.

I hope everyone has a really lovely day, and enjoy the warmer temperatures!!
See you tomorrow.
Cameeli xx

Cameeli of Richmond said...

PS, Congratulations Helen, and Sue, the poem is really lovely, and losing a parent is always difficult, but we can always keep our memories and find joys in our hearts. We are so lucky in this life to have so much. I will light a candle for your father today.
A big hug to you.
Cameeli xx

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Very pretty card. Watched you make this. Very clever "cover up!!" Like the life lesson. Something in there for everyone. Congrats Helen. Lucky you! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - great card - love the vellum. The lessons of life is good advice for all of us me thinks - reading it puts a bit of perspective on the hurly burly of everyday life. Something to ponder whilst I am powerwashing the patio this weekend - it hasn't been done for 2 years and it's filthy - will take quite sometime and several goes I think - hate this job but its gotta happen! So no craftng for me this weekend.
Clare W

Unknown said...

Lovely card Loved the poem really beautiful to go go with a fab card xx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you For the card and the brilliant poem, we all have our troubles but our little hobbys and fammily help. really looking forward to the new videos have a good weekend all take care Kitty

Pam said...

Hello Sue and all Wilsonettes. I won't be on the blog for a while as sadly my partner Tim died suddenly yesterday and I am a wreck at the moment. Thank you everyone for all of your previous blogs which have made me feel part of a very special community. Sue I am trying to take your Dads comments on board, he must have been very special.
Take care of yourselves everyone.


Unknown said...

Great tips as always. Obviously your dad had a few tips of his own - I will treasure both your and his.

Alice xx

Patricia said...

Good Morning Sue,
Another stunning card, love everything on this.
All the thoughts are wonderful and every one should be adhered too. Thank you for sharing them.
Live life to the full it is the only one we have, is my Moto!!!
Have a fantastic weekend

Patricia xxx

Unknown said...

Beautiful card Sue have a pleasant and nostalgic weekend love and hugs
Heather xx

ellyscard creatief said...

Beautiful card Sue.
Gr Elly

Unknown said...

My thoughts are with you Pam at this sad time!
Heather xx

TDQ Karen said...

Pam, So sorry for your loss, take care of yourself.

Sue thank you for sharing that poem, I have heard parts of it but did not know where the sayings came fom, a lovely work to live life by.

The card is beautiful as always, loved it when I saw you demo it. Congratulations Helen.

Unknown said...

Good Morning, Sue.
Lovely card to match 8 March, your Dad's birthday, my Birthday and the International Day For Woman all over the Globe.
Regina Brett must have been a strong Woman, with enough humility to realize that God gives us the nuts, but he does not crack them for us.

I am looking forward to your new phase in life and know that we, your many followers, will not be disappointed.
Hugs, Lis x

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue beautiful card, love how you have used the vellum and the colours are really pretty.. I always remember the saying The morning never knows what the afternoon may bring, so very true. Pam so sorry to hear of the loss of your partner Tim. Sue I can remember you posting this poem in the past, and it is so true. I know you hold the memory of dad so dear.
Congratulations Helenx

tracy w said...

Hi sue stunning card thanks Tracy w x

Joan D said...

Good morning everyone, a beautiful, beautiful card. What more can be said? I lost my Mum last year,and it was my friends and family who kept me going,and reading this blog . I will write down the quotations Sue as they are oh so true. Thank you for sharing these lovely words. Xxx

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue another stunning card i love it. Its so pretty and I lije your tip with the vellum I would never thought of that. I love the poem its hard when you lost a parent I lost my mum last year and ut as left a big hole in my life. But when I read this poem it was something that she would say. Take care Sue xxx

Debs A

Vee Cassidy said...

Ah, Sue, thank you for reprinting these lessonsas I remember how much I liked them the first time. Since I lost my mum last year they resonate even more now. This card is lovely and one of my favourite demos. I have the Justright filigree leaves and really like it - such a good size. Thinking of you. Vee xx

Wacki Macky said...

Great card today Sue, love the card even though you say there was a mistake - no-one would know it though!

The Lessons of life are great and so apt!

Craftihappiness to you all, love from Pearl

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, Happy birthday to your Dad, will be thinking of you today. Love the Lesson of Life! Great card today too, love Jean xxx

floss said...

Hi Sue,
You share so much with us. It means a great deal. X

Sonia Jones said...

Love the card. I love to see vellum on cards but haven't used it myself! My dad died nearly 20 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. Hugs Sonia x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Fantastic idea to use the vellum. I saw you demo this on the show.
Pam, so sorry to hear your very sad news, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep strong xxx
Have a good weekend everyone. Sending hugs to those who are needing them for whatever reason. Love Alison xx

Magzeeann said...

Hi Sue. Another beautiful card today, I especially like the little roses. Thank you for sharing your dad's words of wisdom,they're so true and memories of him so precious.
Thinking of you Pam at this difficult time and sending cyber hugs.
Congratulations to Helen, you lucky lady.
Maggie x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card today and the poem is fantastic. Love to your dad Sue from me.

Pam my heart goes out to you , you have many friends on this blog who I am sure are sending you crafty hugs of support right now
Including me. lol lynne m x x x

alimecca said...

Hi everyone,
Sunrise crafts are shipping Sue's new embossing folders from Monday for anyone that is interested. Love Alison xx

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
Yep, I remember the demo and the card is beautiful. It's just a joy to behold!
And thank you for sharing the words of wisdom your Dad sent you - I've copied them to read thru every once in a while, just to remind me..
Pam, I am so sorry for your loss -my thought are with you.
Hugs, Rose

Nananne said...

So sorry for your sad loss Pam, hopefully the wonderful poem from Sue will help a little .
Another beautiful card , I love the vellum overlay, it is very effective, also lovely stamp and colouring.
I can't think what to write today as I feel sad for you and Pam , so I'll just send my love to all who need it xo

Mrs B said...

Pam. I am so sorry to hear of the death of your partner Tim. My deepest sympathy to you. Please remember that we are all here if you ever need us.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue
The lessons in life are so appropriate and when you posted them last time I wrote them down, thank you for sharing.
Pam my heart goes out to you sending you a hug.
I love today's card, I always had a problem sticking vellum even with the glues that are supposed to be for sticking it. But I tried using your method and was so pleased that it really worked. The colours you've used are so pretty, when Sir Tim brought out the markers I thought why would I need them when I have pro markers and Spectrum noir. But the more I see you use them the more 'I need ' them lol.
Hugs x
Heather T

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Take great pleasure from all of those wonderful memories of your Dad that you have in your heart. The Lessons of Life were written by a very wise person. The world would be a far better place if everyone were to heed them! Love this card . The tip about the glue is brilliant. Congratulations to Helen : ) Take care.

CraftySuetoo said...

Good morning Sue. Sending you special thoughts on this special day, the life lesson is good advice - your dad was obviously a very special gentleman to leave this for you.
A beautiful card, very pleased to hear that we have Season 2 videos to look forward to.
Pam, sincere condolences on the loss of Tim.

Jane said...

Beautiful Delicate card today sue just divine,the words of life are very true, thinking of you remembering.

Jane xx

Rachel Taylor said...

Beautiful card ,the poem is so true .thinking of you today x
Crafty hugs Rachel x

Unknown said...

Good Morning Sue and all,
I'm back two days in a row!
Another lovely card Sue, you never disappoint thanks for sharing that poem again! I remembe the fist time as it always reminds me of the lessons of life taught to me by my grandmother growing up! I will be thinking of you as you remember your dads b'day today!

I pay tribute to you all you strong Women of the world! Happy International women's day, may we continue to empower each other , our younger generation so we can continue to rule the world!! :-)
Bim xx

Anonymous said...

HOT NEWS FLASH WILSONETTES - thought some of you might like to know I've just found Sue's 5 new embossing folders available on Sunrise Crafts despatching Monday they say - also CE Project Book Volume 3 on Joanna Sheen's website - Happy Shopping!
Clare W

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, lovely card, I saw you doing the cover up on C&C, great idea. I remember your Dad's rules from the last time you posted them and read them often. Will think of you today. Also Pam, there are no words, but my thoughts are with you.

Love Rosemarie xx

nuttinanni said...

A lovely card 'mistake', if you had not said what had happened I would not have noticed. And the 45 lessons in life are very apt and true. Thank you for sharing them. hugs Cheryl xxx

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, wow what a stunner today. Do love the roses and new folders. Congrats to the winners. Love you Dad's Ode and this is something to treasure. Thinking of you, big hugs. Have a great weekend.

Love June

foxyg said...

Lovely card Sue, and what a great rescue!

Carole Z said...

Morning Sue, another lovely card..very pretty. Love the "Lessons of Life'..thanks for sharing - and well done to Helen on winning, that was one stunning card! Have a good weekend, Carole Z X

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for your loss and heartfelt hugs. Keep strong and come back to us when you can.

'P' in Wales

Anonymous said...

Dearest Pam. My thoughts are with you during the worst days of your life. Warm tender caring hugs coming your way love.
Lancashire Steph xx

Unknown said...

Ps: Pam, sorry to hear about your loss must be a real difficult time for you! We're all thinking of you and your family!!
Take care
Lots of Hugs
Bim xx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
I loved today's gift when I saw you demo it and I still love it. Roses are one of my favourite flowers and is something I share with my late Mum. So I cannot say anything other than I LOVE today's gift and thank you for posting it.
The advice is so so true - a very clever man your Dad to see and recognise that. Everyone should read the paper = Please repeat it every so often.
See you tomorrow.
Janet x

Aspiring crafter said...

Dear Sue-thanks for sharing your fabulous card-watched you demo this- don't have all the products but will adapt and will remember the vellum fix it!!
Your poem is lovely -I have heard bits of it before.
Thinking of your dad today will make you smile and cry probably -hope you have a very special day.

Pam-prayers are with you.
Have a good weekend Sue and all ,

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Another beautiful card, I remember seeing you demo this one, I love the strings of pearls, and a fabulous tip with the stamping and vellum.
Congratulations to the very lucky Winner of a 'Sue Original', winning one is on my 'Wish List' !!
I loved reading the Life Lessons, so very true. I hope you will remember all the good times you had with your Dad, and celebrate his life today. My thoughts are with you.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Oh Pam !! I have just read your very, very sad news, my thoughts and my prayers are with you.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Crisco said...

Congratulations to Helen Terry - I'm sure the very beautiful card will have pride of place.

Love today's card - great idea about the vellum.

Lessons of Life ... so lovely, so true.

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue. Morning Wilsonettes. I remember you showing this delicate mistake of lovliness, no one would ever know what oopsie lies beneath the velum : )

My world fell apart when my dad passed, just four weeks after our daughter was born, so my heart and thoughts are with you today Sue. Lessons in Life are worth trying to remember, thank you Sue. Hope you find peace this morning.
Pam, you are in my heart and thoughts today and the days, months ahead. We are hear for you when you feel ready no matter how long sweetie.

Congrats Helen.
Lancashire Steph xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
A card of simple beauty and elegance. Enjoy your memories today.I remember reading the list here last year but should read it every day!
Pam,sincere condolences to you.
Ang x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I did watch the demo it is good to know how to correct small errors. Thank you for sharing those words your dad shared with you.
Congratulations to the winner.
I was so sorry to read Pam's post she will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Jackie

Anonymous said...

Pam - I have just seen your very sad news - sending my condolences to you.
Clare W

Janice K said...

A lovely card which looks soft and delicate with the addition of the vellum.
Love the poem and will be typing it out as it is so very true and acts as a great reminder that life is precious and too short to dwell on what could be. What an amazing selection of advice your dad passed on to you Sue.x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, the card is lovely and the poem is beautiful and so true, it would be nice if everyone took note of this and the world would be a better place. love to all Jean Z xx

Marion said...

Hi Sue i agree with whats already been said,the card is lovely and the poem really moved me.
Marion H

hollyberry said...

Beautiful card today.
Love the 45 lessons of life and just like a couple of years ago when you posted it on what would have been your Father's Birthday it brought a tear to my eye.
Our thoughts are with you as you go to place your flowers in memory.

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Beautiful card, loved when you did the demo on C&C, great idea with the vellum.
The poem is very true I do remember it from first time round, lost Mum 2 years ago so know how you feel.

Pam I'm so sorry for your loss,my thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.


Unknown said...

So very sorry to hear about the loss of your partner Tim.
Sending you love and hugs my thoughts are with you.

Jean D x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card love the vellum and the roses . Just ordered your new embossing folders !!!
Lovely memories of your dad today to keep forever.
Jean D

Unknown said...

Loved this when you did it on the show, such a pretty card. Congratulations to Helen.

Pam, so sorry for your loss.

BridgetCG said...

Hello Sue, this card is really beautiful, and thinking of you and hoping your memories of your Dad bring a smile to your face. The words of the Lessons of Life are so very true. Thinking of you Pam at this very sad time. Bx

Unknown said...

Awww pam. I'm so sorry. Thinking of u at this sad time
Love Tracy from killie

Unknown said...

Hi Sue Lovely card and great words of wisdom - thanks for both
Denise X

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue. Love the lessons of life and its so good to have happy memories of a loved one.
Beautiful card today and wonderful cover up.
Love Val in Spain x

Jan.moogie said...

Stunning card Sue and the life lessons are so true. Have a good day and lovely memories, xx

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Beautiful card and wise advice in the poem.

I don't know Pam but send my condolences at this time.

Ali B said...

Hi Sue,
What an exciting way to use vellum. I have some in my crafty stash that just sits there, now its going to get a whole new lease of life.
Lovely wise words that can affect everyone now matter how young or old, we can all still learn from them.
Alison B. x

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Beautiful card so pretty and what a fabulous idea to cover with a sheet of vellum.

Your Dad must have been a great guy and sending you that "lessons of life" which are so true.
It is my Mum's Anniversary tomorrow she would have loved your Dad's "lessons in life"

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Ann said...

Pam my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time.

Sending you BIG gentle hugs.

Annx without an "e"

Pinky said...

Hi Sue.
Read the 'lessons of life' and, even though I've read them before, they still moved me. I miss and love my Dad too so I will be thinking about him today as you are yours. Thanks for awakening the memories. Vicki x

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card Sue I remember watching you make this card.
I have copied the Lessons Of Life Sue, very good advice for everyone, we have one life to use as best we can, and to loose both parents like me is very difficult, but and to the leaders of the world, they do not own this earth it was given to us to live in harmony not wars.
Hugs Carol x

Carol Clarke said...

To Pam,
So sorry to hear of your loss. and to tell you time is a good healer
Carol x

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
I love the card...but forgot about it when I read your Dads "Lessons in Life" ...I read it 1st time when he passed..and you showed it!..but it still brought a tear to my eye..he was some Dad,Sue!
Pam! I am so sad for you, and hope all the thoughts, and hugs from this Blog help... I wish you comfort from knowing we all care Pam!
Take Care
Love Marg

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, love the card, saw you demo this one, with the cover up tip still stuck in my mind. I have the poem and have read it many times since you last had it on your blog. There are so many lessons to be learnt from it.
ValC xx

rachel said...

gorgeous card Sue - and love the life lessons too xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, this card is so lovely, saw you demonstrate
It on C&C, like the idea for attaching vellum. Sue the Lessons of Life are so appropriate in this day and age, I wish the whole world could abide by them!
Pam so sorry to hear about your partner Tim, my thoughts go out to you and your family, and I know that our blog family are thinking of you at this sad time. Hugs to everyone who needs them, take care Jess x

Tres said...

Hi Sue. A lovely card today !! I love the aqua and white colours together. The labels seven dies and stamps look great and I do really like that tufted labels seven background stamp. I love your beautiful roses too.
The lessons of life poem is so true !! I think we are always focused on the things we do not have, and always wanting more. I don't think any of us appreciate what we do have, or make the most of the precious life we have.
I am thinking of you today Sue and I hope you are ok.

Pam, I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your partner Tim. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Wishing you lots of love and hugs at this most difficult time love Tres x x x
Lots of love to everyone love Tres x x x

karenlotty said...

I hope you come back to this page Pam to see the comments people are leaving for you We are all thinking of you, your family and Tim's family Life will feel awful (I would have used a swear word normally) for ages but you will be able to get through it and eventually your crafting will help You're allowed to feel angry with the world & look after yourself I know how much it hurts

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Another lovely card - I like the vellum idea.
The poem is beautiful. Thank You for sharing it with us.
Enjoy your day.
Bye for now.
SandraP xxx

Maid of Kent said...

Sue l love this card and what a wonderful way to hide a bo boo. The lessons of life are so true. What a lovely way to mark your Dad's anniversary. Pam so sad to hear about your tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Crafty hugs Ann x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely happy accident this card is, will definitely have to get the vellum out and have a go.
Pam our thoughts and heartfelt wishes are with you at this saddest of times.
Sadly I lost my wonderful dad 5 years ago today and it does leave a big empty hole but I cling on to all the lovely times we had together and the thing I miss the most is my cuddles with him, he was the best. The lessons in life are wonderful and so true. Take care of each other.
Love Jan x x

Anonymous said...

"morning Sue, I love ALL of this post. Thank you SOOOOoo much. Mabex

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
I watch your demo on this card! Great gluing tip which I used this week!
Beautiful card...
Brilliant poem, you had a very wise dad, thanks for sharing.
Gail C x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, I can't believe another year has already passed since you last went to Molesworth. My thoughts are with you today as you make the journey. I remember your advice regarding the stamping and covering mistakes with vellum and this makes such a pretty card, love from Jackie D

Anonymous said...

Love your card. Memories of your Dad are so special. That message he sent you is wonderful. I must keep it and read/share too.
Good wishes
Phil D

Alison Couchman said...

Another reason to be glad I recorded your show and still have it - I can go back and remind myself of what you did with this pretty card.

I have a copy of the lessons for life on my wall and read a few every now & then - they really do make you stop and think.

My condolences on you terrible loss Pam.


Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue ....have a nice weekend x

Lacelady said...

Beautiful card Sue, and if you hadn't told us, we would never have known that it didn't stamp out quite as you wanted it.
Congrats to Helen, getting a lovely card made by you.

I read the lessons of life you printed, lots of food for thought there. Perhaps she should have added that it's OK to celebrate a birthday of a loved one, in spite of the fact that they can't be there in person.

Pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
The card is gorgeous. I wondered why the teal card looked different. doesn't vellum change the colour. It looks lovely. Your dad is someone special to have found this poem and to send it to you. It's lovely that you remember him every year. mind you your mum and dad are special to have given us you. Lessons in Life is so right for the world we live in today. Hugs to everyone and especially you Sue.

Unknown said...

To Pam, so sorry to hear of your loss my thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Sending big hugs Sue C xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes
Love this rescue technique shall be using it I'm sure.
I love the lessons in life from your dad he must have been awesome.
Congratulations to Helen - lucky lady.
Hugs Sue C xx

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
I love todays card Sue, it is so pretty, delicate and yet it is robust. In other words Beautiful. Thank you Sue for answering my plea and everyone else's that so want your folder. I just think it would be the answer to so many cards that we want to do but have to make do and mend with at the moment. What a beautiful thing your dad left you and oh so true in so many, many ways. I hope that when he returned home from us that he left with a happy heart that he could tell your mum of his time back here. My own dad was in the RAF which is funny because he was not that very hot on flying, in fact he was only every in one more plane and that was to Holland in 1990 the year before i got married. Take him a red rose for the love you have for him and a yellow for the never ending friendship that you had between you.
Oh Pam, i cannot put into words what i feel for you at the moment. I am so, so, sorry for you, this is tragic news. My thoughts and love are with you at this terrible heartbreaking time as will all your friends here on the blog.
Enjoy your card Helen when it arrives.
Todays extra gift does have put things back into perspective. Take care everyone and please make sure your not to late to tell the people that are close to you just how much you love them,
Love and crafty hugs dear friends
Norah (Glenochil)

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
May I just send Pam my heartfelt sympathies on the death of her partner Tim
Thank you for the Lessons of Life, how true most of them are.
Beautiful card as always
Best wishes, Pat

SusanP, Kent said...

I remember this demo from your last show, it's very pretty and you'd never guess that anything had gone amiss.
I love the 'Lessons of Life'. So many of these little statements resonate with me. I have printed it off for future reference. Hope that's ok. Thanks for sharing.

Delyth said...

This is my sort of card girly and cute.I don't think vellum is used enough. Thanks for the poem I always say treat other as you would like them to treat you, but as you know this is not always the case. keep up with your beautiful creations thanks Delyth x

hazel young said...

Gorgeous card Sue and love your dad'a rules of life. Have a great day x hazel

Unknown said...

Morning sue and gang. Love the tip about the vellum that could come in quite handy for me lol.
I found ur lessons in life very touching I'm gonny make a note of those as most of them as so true

Love to all today Tracy from killie x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue. All our prayers go out to you Pam
On your very sad loss.
On to your card Sue stunning as usual remember it
from your show.
nancyd xx

Jill Liddle said...

Lovely pretty card today.

Carol S. said...

Beautiful card and love the roses. The words are amazing. A true lesson. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Carol S.xx

Craftycatty said...

Your card is lovely Sue but I have to say that the words your dad left you mean so much more.... what lovely positive thoughts, many of which I share. Thank you for sharing your personal memories. I would like to share this with my friends too.

darcydaydream said...

Lessons of true. Have a lovely weekend...xx
Love from Christine in Darcy....xx

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, Love this card, and who would know how it go to be so beautiful. Really looking forward to seeing "your dies" video's when I get back.
The poem is so true.
Wishing for the sunshine to stay for a while.
X Ros

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
This card is so pretty and soft looking if you know what I mean. The velum over the top really does make a difference. I think I will try and remember to give this a go when I have a stamping disaster. Thank you so much for posting your Dad's words. I have read them before and they still ring true.
Beverley W

englishrose897 said...

Good morning Sue and all followers.
Lovely card. I didn't see the demo on the telly, but it's good that you can cover up mistakes if you have to.
Your dad words are get and I think I will copy and paste then in an email to my daughter and son.
I think my son is already living life to the full, he has just got back from a year in Austraila for the second time and is already planning a trip to Canada. He's 27 and show no sign of settling down yet.
Have a great day

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
An exquisite card and I love the vellum..loved it when you demoed it on TV.

What wonderful words that your Dad sent you, the lady that wrote them was obviously a very wis woman. You're in my thoughts today Sue.

Congratulations to Helen on winning your beatiful card.

Love Sheila xx

yorkielass said...

Pam, my heart goes out to you on your sad loss of Tim. you are in my heart and thoughts. Take as long as you need, your blog family will be waiting with love and support. Warm hugs and take care of yourself.
Hugs June xxx

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, I remember this beautiful card, it is breath taking, thank you for the tip re velum. The stamp is gorgeous and looks scrummy with the micro beads. The lessons of life are so true, your Father was a wise man. His love and warmth will be with you as you lay the flowers, you will smile and cry and happy memories will keep you strong.

Congratulations Helen on winning the Wednesday card.
Hugs and love to all who need it.
Take care everyone.
Hugs June xxx

gwen70 said...

Gorgeous card Sue and I do love the poem

June Horrocks said...

Oh sue the card is stunning I remember it when you demoed it I love your dads life lessons he gave you even at 75i don't know everything. I know today is sad for you try to think of all the joy you and your dad had together .I have a candle burning for him here.x have a peaceful day love always June xxxxxx congratulations to the winner of the card xxx

Kathy mcmaster said...

Hi sue
Beautiful card, you're in my thoughts today.


Maryann Laursen said...

Gorgeous card hwere again Sue, and thanks for the info about the embossinfolder, as I have been pretty frustrated about this one. said...

Well the card was a delight, but those words are so inspirational! Hope you enjoy remembering your dad today! Lots of love, Susan x

Beryl said...

Pam, I am very sad to hear about your partner Tim suddenly passing away. My thoughts and prayers are with you, yours and Tim's family. Sending comforting hugs.
Happy Birthday Lis, hope you have a good day.
Hi Sue, love todays card.
Sunrise crafts are now selling Sue's new embossing folders. I've already ordered 3!
Hugs to all who needs one xx

Kate's Cards said...

A lovely clean card!

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Love this card, so pretty.

Thank you for putting up the lesson's in life poem again, although i can never get past the first couple of lines before it makes me cry, i read it a bit at a time, having lost both my parents at an early age, i was 13 when my dad died, it makes you realise that life is not a rehersal, but you don't see that until you are older.

Look forward to see you at Ali-Pali, love and crafty hugs.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

JJ said...

Hi Sue,

Fabulous card, I watched the demo on this.

Loved the writing on 'Lessons on Life', we can all learn from this.
Sorry about your Dad, I lost both my parents 23 years ago and I still miss them so much.

Have a good weekend.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Chris Curry said...

Love the card Sue, so delicate. Love the lesson of life too. My father passed away last year on 16th March. It would have been his 91st birthday on the 5th March. Our first one without him. My sisters and I went to his grave and gave thanks for the time we had with him.He would have loved the lesson of life. Thank you for that. Xx

Micky French said...

Love the card Sue.
Love that sentiment from your Dad.
Hugs Michelle xxxx

magpie said...

Hi Sue and all the Wilsonettes......I remember this poem so well and I wrote it down then. Every word is true and it certainly makes you think. What a wise lady she was.... Thinking of you Sue and sending you hugs on what is your dads birthday......Sending hugs to everyone who have lost a loved one of the family, whether they have two legs or four legs.....Pam, so so sorry to hear about Tim. Heartfelt love, hugs and prayers are being sent to you......
Sue, gorgeous card. I remember this one and the tip about glue on velum. Plus it covers many a mistake on the stamping too.... Just stunning! Congratulations Helen on winning the Wednesday card giveaway! I forgot to say how stunning that was Sue and that you Helen will be whooping all over the house when it arrives.... Take care everybody, sending lots of love, hugs and prayers to you all xx Love Karen xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. So pretty and delicate looking. Congratulations to Helen on winning your card. A wise man your father and the author of 'Lessons on Life'.

Unknown said...

Sue - this card is gorgeous and the Lessons of Life is so perfectly try. Something everyone should think about and take solace in.

Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend - weather appears better here with first load of washing out on the line - more to be done.

Thank you for your hard work on the card and for sharing your thought on this sad day for you. You are definitely in all our thoughts as is everyone who needs some support today. Take care all Helen xx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Love the card I did see the demo, it is my birthday and my 11th wedding anniversary today and I will 'have a great day'
Loved the lessons in life, I lost my Dad 3 years ago.
Sending hugs to Pam and all the family on the loss of Tim.
Happy birthday to Lis, hope you have a lovely day.
Congratulations to Helen on winning the card from Wednesday.
Hugs to all and happy crafting
Love Tina x

Planetsusie said...

This really is a beautiful card Sue - I love the use of the vellum especially. What a great list of 'Lessons of Life' so true!!!

Happy birthday to your dad Sue - I am sure he is watching over you all the time.

Big hugs Sue Pxxx

Pauline A said...

Hi Sue, Congratulations Helen on winning sue's gorgeous card. What a pleasure! I saw you demo this card Sue and have bought several sheets of vellum in order to cover up stamping imperfections; just hope it works for me. My father would have been the same age as yours when he passed away; on the same date date too.Thank you for the Lessons of Life as I can almost hear him saying many of those points. A wonderful card! Hugs Pauline A x

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

I love everything about it.

The Lessons of Life was a wonderful read, thank you for sharing something that means so much to you with us.

Happy Crafting!!! :)

Lynn (delphinoid) X X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
A lovely card - I remember seeing it on your show.
I think the 45 Rules of Life are very thought provoking. Losing a close family member, friend or partner is never easy but time does heal. My mum passed away 17 years ago but I still have my dad at nearly 93. Cherish them while they are still with you and never leavego on an argument!!
Pam - thinking of you at this very sad time don't forget we are here for you.
Love to all crafters!
Sheila x

Unknown said...

Stunning card, I saw you demo it, it's such a delicate looking one with out too much fancy stuff(!) I love the lessons in life, the chocolate one made me laugh as I had just reached for a piece and popped it In my mouth as I read it, and the one about getting up is so true, I have M.E. but still get up every day no matter how much pain I am in. I believe I have it, it does not have me. There are just so many good points in the piece.
Big happy birthday to some one who had to be a fantastic father, to have had such a kind, thoughtful and generous daughter as you xxxx

terrie said...

Congrats to the winner...enjoy the card.

The life lesson your father left you is words of wisdom and very wise.
Thank you for sharing this with us...

Sue, your card is very pretty.

Myra P said...

Hi Sue,
Hi Everyone,
I do remember the demo for this card! It is so lovely - proves we can put "mistakes" behind us - learn from them and go on to create something special! A great card to go alongside today's Lessons of Life! Thank you for sharing both Sue, had heard parts of the poem but not all of it. My Dad would have been 94 in August - he was great - if I said something wasn't fair - he'd tell me to write down all the things for which I should be thankful before I complained ! That always did the trick! Wise men Dads ! Be thinking of you today Sue!
Sending love to Pam - so very sorry to learn your sad news! God Bless!
Clare W what can I say! Encouraging us to spend money! Thanks for that too!
What a special Blog this is !
Love to all,

JAO said...

Great card save.

Myra P said...

Sorry, forgot to say Congratulations to Tina on her Birthday and Anniversary! Have a lovely day! Congrats too to card winner! Love Myra

Jayne S said...

Lovely card Sue and thanks so much for sharing your dads lessons of life with us again. They are truly wonderful words.

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Beautiful cards you have given us today, love the embossing on the vellum, in fact I love everything about this card.
Sue your dad must been a very caring man sending you these wonderful words "Lessons in life" Thank you for sharing them with us.

Pam my thoughts and prayers are with you, I can't imagine how you must be feeling to have lost Tim so suddenly. Remember we are all here for you.

Congratulations Helen Terry you have won a really beautiful card.

Take care, love Brenda xxx

Terry Owen said...

Thank you Sue

Jennifer said...

Yet another beautiful card, thank you Sue. Hugs, Jen xx
Krafty Keepsakes

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Sue, I love the life lessons, I think we could all take a few pointers from them, it sure would make the world a nicer place, tfs Helen O xxx

CraftyJo said...

Beautiful card Sue, and thanks for sharing your 'mistakes' with us :) Love those life lessons too.

Paper Junkie said...

Today's card is just so pretty. Hope your lovely memories of your Dad hold you up today Sue. X

Karen Drew said...

How true the lessons of life. We have to remember that life isn't a dress rehearsal. We only get one shot at it.
Beautiful card. Love the vellum overlay
Karen xx

Ita said...

Hi Sue I say you doing this card and the velum tip.and to know you can make a boo boo too.The rules for. Life that your Dad shared with you I printed it out the first time and framed it.
Pam I send you my deepest sympathy on your loss,my. Heart goes out you.

Tina said...

Hi Sue, and caring friends

A beautiful cover up card, very pretty colour scheme. The poem is so true,it's lovely. Hugs to you Sue on this special day.

Pam, I am so so sorry hear your sad news about your partner Tim. God Bless and keep you both safe. Love and hugs to you Pam.

Kind Regards :-)

Tina X

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

A beautiful card Sue and what a wonderful poem i miss my parents so much i lost my dad when i was only six and wish i could have had longer with him but he is never forgotten xxx

Anonymous said...

Back again, Sue, just couldn't find the heart to comment after Pam's devastatingly sad post.
Lovely card and great recovery from your minor stamping problem - I have big stamping problems where BIN is the only answer!
Told a minor porkie yesterday, of course I do have a HC item - Bella Rose - just love that swirl.
Card winner Helen, well done.

'P' in Wales

Sue, hope today is a day of happy remembrance for you. Thanks for the Lessons of Life - so much good sense there. Do like "what others think of you is none of your business" - made me giggle.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I can remember seeing this Card on Create and Craft and I loved it so much at the time the colours are so Soft and Gentle, I Love the Rose Stamp from the labels seven range and I Truly love the colouring, and I so agree with I think it was Heather bless her! I use Copic Pens so why would I need Sir Tim's range of pens well you prove to me just the reason why, I love how you've placed Iced Snow on top of your main image I really love that product, I love the embossing folder but rarely use any others except yours now, I just seen all your New Embossing Folders they are Tremendous I want all Six
I'd go for the Celtic first, then Quilted, Tapestry, illusion, Deco last but not least Honeycomb.
I've also just seen The wonderful JustRite Labels 7 March release "The Magnolia" It's just Stunning.
I really Loved "The Lesson Of Life" I lost my father over 30 years ago he was Tremendous
sadly I lost both parents as unlike most of you, I didn't have a good Mum, and I didn't see her after that, but that's a very long story! Dad was a Mum and Dad to me, and he did a great job!
Take Care Sue
Love and hugs from Sam x
To All The Wonderful Wilsonettes I really hope your well, Norah have a great day at your Craft Show tomorrow, Pam I'm extremley sorry for your loss, please take care.
To all of you take care
Hugs from Sam x

Marisa Job said...

Another beautiful creation!!! Lovely card!! Thanks for sharing "Lessons of Life" with us, I saved it and I will share it with others too. Hugs and blessings!!

deniseann said...

Hi Sue Lovely card again, thanks for the poem, it's made me cry again. If only we would all live by these rules. My condolences to Pam

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - I really loved this card when I saw you do it on C&C and keep promising myself to use more velum as it is so pretty and gentle. My thoughts are with you Sue as I lost my dad two years ago and miss him every day as I do my mum. The words are so very true and meaningful. So sorry to hear Pam's news and my thoughts are with her. Love

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card. Touching poem and so so true.

Congrats to Helen.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Shirley T. said...

P.S. Pam - my heart goes out to you. Am so, so sorry.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, I watched you demo it and loved the way you covered up the small error - very clever.
Congratulations to Helen on winning a card.
Pam, we may never have met outside cyber space but please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. I will be thinking of you.
Sue, when you first posted your dad's Life Lessons I copied them and sent them to my sister who was struggling after the loss of her husband. I am sure they helped. I hope your trip to the memorial goes well and that you feel uplifted by the good memories rather than saddened by the loss.

Unknown said...

Hiya Sue. I did see card on screen and the being from iced snow looks stunning. Lovely life words from your Dad, sounds like a very wise man. RIP She's Dad. Try to enjoy u r weekend lots of love, Jo xx

lilysmum said...

Good afternoon Sue, another beautiful card I especially like the addition of the vellum-it's one of the things in my crafty stash that rarely gets used so now I can see a different use for it. Thankyou for sharing such a beautiful memory of your dad, I get the impression you were very close. this week is 4 years since my mum passed, my dad was quite young when he died. Still, we have memories which seems a bit of a platitude, but as it says in your list-give time time. They are all good sentiments to try and live by. Thankyou lovely lady.xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sue for the lovely card & the Lessons in Life. Ann (France)

Laura O said...

a lovely card ,this is a great poem with lots of fab advice .have a good day ,Laura O

julie laz said...

Hi sue, I am Ill and finding it hard to cope with, because I will never get better, I'm 42 and lost my mam when I was 12, she was my best friend and I miss her, I stay in the house all the time, because I feel safe, my husband of 24 years gave up everything to look after me and our 3 children, after reading what your dad said it went to my heart And it made me think (what am i doing) I said to myself, I've had 5 back surgery's and the first
One went wrong, but I was a fighter and I did fight, but then the 2nd and 3rd surgery's I just gave up, but now reading what your dad said has gave me a kick up the bum, and I'm gonna fight again, THANKS SUE crafty hugs Julie xxx

samantha wade said...

Beautiful card so delicate, what a lovely way to think about your dad, I really enjoyed reading the lessons of life but I was eating some chocolate buttons at the same time, thank you for sharing, it does us good sometimes to read advice like that, xx

Helen Barker said...

Love the card,thanks for sharing the life lessons-some good advice in there.
Helen Bx

sued99 said...

Thank you for sharing the poem. Saw the demo of this card and I was glad to see that it's not just me who needs to 'rescue' a card every so often.

Marion Bull said...

Beautiful card Sue and beautiful words that made me shed a tear for my Dad and Mum. Thinking of you and your Dad today. When they are gone, they are never far away! Thank you for everything, inspiration, comfort, opportunity and everything you share with us!
Marion B xx

ang said...

Beautiful card and lovely words I remember reading them when you posted them last year angxx

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue & Wilsonettes Sue this is a gorgeous gorgeous card so delicate with the soft colours thank you for the tip with sticking the velum down the stamps & dies used are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your Dad' s life's lesson poem,it's beautiful I will be thinking of you Sue at the memorial & all the good memories of your Dad xx
Congratulations Helen for winning Wednesdays card you lucky lady x
Norah have a great day at the craft show tomorrow
( lucky you )hope you meet some fellow Wilsonettes with there W.O.W badges on .
love & hugs Sue & all who needs them take care
Lynda Brock xxxx

Pam I am so sorry for your sad loss of your partner Tim my heart & thoughts go out to you & thinking of you at this very sad time sending you love & hugs try & stay strong love Lynda xxxx

Victoria said...

You're too hard on yourself Sue, because the stamping wasn't bad to begin with!! However, I do like the vellum overlay, very pretty. Good news about the Hearts embossing folder too!

Meg Owen said...

The Lessons of Life are wonderful and so true.
This is a very pretty card Sue and could be used for so many occasions.
As always I love your flowers.

Margaret O

Unknown said...

So glad to here there's going to be some videos using your die range,looking forward to seeing them.

Pam B said...

Hi Sue

Thank you for your beautiful creations and thank you for sharing the words that your Dad sent you. Dad's just know don't they. I will say a prayer for your Dad today.

Thanks again Sue

Pam B

SHARICA said...

What a wonderful card today ..

My heart goes out to all who have lost someone, whether long ago or recent .. It Hurts .. xx

Janette MacArthur said...

Such a beautiful card today Sue! Thoughts are with you & Pam today Janette xx

jane stillman said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Sue and Pam. Love the card which I watched you make. Take care - love and hugs x

Jackie Meechan said...

Great card Sue and lessons in life. Wishing everyone all the best anx big hugs to everyone who needs it as it is difficult when you lose someone very close.

June Ballenger said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card and I just love the vellum. I'm not very brave with vellum but will definitely try this.
Terrific poem.

June x

TOB said...

A beautiful card and beautiful words. I have lost both of my parents and I think of them every day they were very special people. Pam my heart goes out to you, stay strong surrounded by love. Hugs Theresa xx

Clai01 said...

Hello Sue
Hope you day was ok, I've been thinking about you xx

dawn minto said...

I love this card Im going to have a try myself with different colours x

baconbits said...

Evening Sue
Fantastic - I love the vellum gives a very subtle feel.
You are in my thoughts and I the poem is very moving - makes you think.
Amanda x

nannapat said...

So sorry to read your sad news Pam. I hope you have many friends and family to help you through this difficult time.

Beautiful card Sue - your roses look as if they've just been picked out of the garden, they are so realistic. The words in Life Lessons are all so true and meaningful. I'm going to save it and share it with my three daughters. Pat x

Unknown said...

I watched this demo with great interest, who hasn't made a card that needs rescuing, the final result us fabulous . Great poem as well.

Marianna Hammer said...

This card is so beautiful.
It's good to have good memories of those we loved <3

Margaret corgi owner said...

Good evening Sue
Such a beautiful elegant card today love the colours too. This card just says to me peace, which is what I wish you today as you remember a wonderful, kind and very considerate person, your very special Dad. Hold on tight to your wonderful memories. I can remember you kindly sharing these wonderful lessons before along with some of your photographs of the memorial.
Delighted to hear the wonderful news that you have made a new series of videos, thank you so much for all your wonderful help and inspiration.
Pam may it help and comfort you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you today and the difficult days ahead.
Have a wonderful time at the show tomorrow Norah, I do hope you meet lots of Wilsonettes!
Warm wishes and hugs to all who need them.
Margaret corgi owner

christine c said...

hello sue and everyone.
wonderful card today Sue
very calming look to it.
oh what a beautiful poem
I have read it over and over
again,think people can take
lessons from certain parts
of it. hope everyone is well
from Christine c and ella

Sonia Stephenson said...

Hi. This is a beautiful card and loved the demo of it on the show. Am still meaning to do the technique with the double sided adhesive and the iced snow onto a stamped image myself. Lovely lessons of life - so true :-) xx

Suebak said...

How lovely and......... how true 'The lessons of life'. It's good to remember those who are no longer with us. It's a way of keeping them in our hearts. Thanks.
Susan x

LoraineC said...

Beautiful card, and so true the lessons of life x

christine c said...

P.S. just read Pams heartbreaking news. so sorry Pam on the loss of Tim, my thoughts are with you. sending love from
Christine c.

Craftychris said...

Gorgeous card and I love the addition of the vellum. Your Dad was very wise indeed, bless him! xx

Theresa said...

hugs Sue xx and gorgeous card btw. i love your colouring in xx

Vie Carter said...

Beauiful soft coloured card today Sue

I read these words last year in tribute to your Dad, they made me cry then and again today

Wise words indeed

Love Vie

Unknown said...

Thanks Sue for a lovely card, and such wonderful words. I shed a few tears over them, as it's a year this week since I lost my mum, and this is the type of thing she would tell us, woman of wisdom, how I miss her.
With that in mind, my sincere thoughts of sympathy to Pam, and to you, Sue.
Janice W

Anonymous said...

Hi sue. I watched you make this card on tv and it is stunning so pretty and elegant. I love the way you get the shadowing of the stamp when you put the vellum over the top. Read your dads lessons of life and i cried as they are so very true. Hope you have a peaceful day and remember the good days you shared with him and the rest of your family.
Best Wishes
Denise x

AngieD said...

Hi Sue, What lovely cards, you explain and show them so well and I can honestly say that you have changed the way I craft. I never 'copy' anything, it goes against the grain but you inspire me to try new more exciting things and my cards have gone from strength to strength, because of you. I haven't quite worked out how to put them on my PC yet, I'm working (not very successfully!) on a blog, but like my card making I'm not giving up, I will succeed and one day I will send you a picture of one of my cards.
Thanks for everything, keep up the fantastic work and I wish you every success with your new die range they are superb and I want them Ordered my first from Sam Poole and can't wait for them to come.
With huge respect and affection, Anne x

Sandy H said...

A lovely card. Thanks to your Dad for sharing Regina Brett's lessons of life with you and to you for sharing them with us, Sue.

Pam, so sorry to hear of the death of your partner, Tim. You and your family are in the thoughts of all who read your post.

Helen Terry said...

Hi Sue
omg I have won one of your creations, i have been away and just got back and seen yippeeee.
beautiful card today and your dad was a very wise man with these words.
Thank you ladies for all the well wishes this is the first card i have ever won, sending you all lots of love and crafty hugs xx
helen terry xx

nzillingworth said...