Sunday, 2 February 2014


Good Sunday morning all!  Going back a bit for this one, back to September in fact.  I started with a piece of coconut white card and covered it with a sticky adhesive sheet.  I peeled the backing paper off and spread gilding flakes from the Red Blaze set all across it.  I used a rubit scrubit pad to spread them across the sticky sheet and help refine and remove the excess bits.  I covered it with another sticky sheet and this time covered it with Iced Snow (this is the simplest version of my Fire and Ice technique, no stamping involved in this one).  I used a corner rounder and that was the background sorted, easy peasy.  Next I cut three of the circle die from the lovely die set called Lacy Tiers by Becca Feeken.  I cut them all out of coconut white card for a nice contrast against my gilded background. I used small pieces of foam on the back and mounted them across my card overlapping the centre one.   I stamped the sentiment by Justrite in black Archival ink and cut it out with the tag die from Vintage Labels Four.  I mounted it with foam across the centre decorative die cut.  I finished this quick and easy card by adding a few flatback pearls and my signature double white pierced matting layers.  Finished dimensions are 5 1/2" x 9" in size.

Now for the Sunday Comment Game winners.  This week's winners are:

Debs Artliff!!!
Chris Curry!!!
Kate Blair!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at to confirm your address and claim your prize!  

Not that I want to tease you (okay, I do! LOL) but I do have a bit of exciting news that I am really hoping I will be able to spill the beans about sometime next week, so do be sure to check the blog everyday as I just don't know when, but it will be very soon!  All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Very bold striking card, perfect for the males. Cant wait to find out what your news is. Congrats to winning ladies. Tres, your blog yesterday was priceless.

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,

Love your easy fire and ice technique- reckon even i could do this now. Look forward to hearing your news!

Alice xx

kitty davies said...

Morning Sue.
Thank you this is a very good male card as Pam says, it makes me think of cartwheels.Eagerly awaiting your news. Take care Kitty

tracy w said...

Hi sue
What a simply but stunning card any one would love to recieve can not wait to see what your news is congrats to the winners thank you Tracy w x

Jan.moogie said...

Wow what a simply elegant easy card today Sue, love it. Awaiting your titillating news with bated breath.xx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
A beautiful less is more and very simple to follow gift for today.
I love this take on a buckle card and one that I'm sure I could make work.
Congratulations to today's very lucky winners. Debs I am so jealous(lol)
Janet x

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue
I love your fire and ice technique it's so easy to do and looks amazing ( nearly as good as micro beads lol). Today's card is simply beautiful and can be for any occasion. You are such a tease I'm curious what news you have for us and I will be counting the days lol.
Hugs x
Heather T

Anonymous said...

Sunday smiles to you Sue and all Wondering Wilsonettes !! Naughty naughty Mrs W you really are a tease ! Dont you think us poor Wilsonettes have enough suspense each time we get our crafty stash out ? Poor Heather has to apply her cricket pads just to use her GC these days not knowing if its going to attack her, some of us almost have respiritory arrest due to breath holding when stamping, other Wilsonettes are accosted by guilding flakes just for trying fire and ice, now the suspense of waiting for news, there are going to be exploding Wilsonettes up and down the country, and I think poor Norah has been through enough this week without exploding in the hills !
I love the way you attack your guilding flakes Sue, would I be brave enough to cover a full sheet ? I think so, Ive decided its the glue that worries me as its quite hard to get it just so, whereas our friend, adhesive sheet attacks the flakes and stands no messing, although I did venture into my flake box last week to guild the singles swirly heart to use on an ordered Valentine card, and I managed to suss that tricky glue out just so - phew ! I have a couple of circular dies, so I could do this card, although it wouldn't look as pretty as our gift this morning, I could turn it into a male card : )
Im working flat out these days working on a nice big order, which keeps growing, plus Easter and Mothers day cards HAVE to be done before the next fair, plus our daughter wants us to go wedding invite shopping, so those will have to take priority, on the up side, it means I get to take her to my favourite craft store so she can buy her invite stash, but I have to resist buying which will be very hard : ( hope my body holds out, dont let me down now !
So, I've sent you all back to sleep after all that twaddle, so I'll send Sunday Hugs to all and hope for you all a lovely day.
God bless.
Lancashire Steph xxx (in suspense) !!

Marion Bull said...

Now you've got us all on tenterhooks for your news - what a tease! Lovely card though and I think I just might be bold enough to try this background technique! Thank you!
Marion B

Anonymous said...

Oh ladies Im SO sorry, I forgot to congratulate our lovely winners, I really apologise, that's because I waffle too much !
Here you are so excited to see your names in print, and I forgot to tell you how happy I am for you.
High 5 ladies - enjoy xxx

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue another lovely card today, useful to change sentiment for lots of occasions. You really are a tease, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Congratulation s to the winners. Take care all x

Erica said...

Morning Sue,
A gorgeous card today. Love your 'Fire and Ice' technique. Congrats to today's winners.
Erica x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue this card is fantastic definitely inspiration for something I might try myself. Congratulations to the winners. More suspense I can hardly wait. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Love Jackie

Lacelady said...

Love the card Sue, but you are a rotten tease! Congrats to the winners though.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Well today's Card is Truly Out Of This World, it's Just so Stunning, Awesome, Opulent and very very Beautiful.
I just Love it when you use the Fire and Ice technique it just looks Fabulous, the Gilding Flakes you have chosen are so Rich, I Love The Sentiment from JustRite I love the fabulous Script of there stamps, and the Awesome Die from Becca Feekan Lacy Tiers (she is very talented also).
I like all your lovely ladies are waiting in anticipation for your reveal of something exciting you tease Lol!
I'm thrilled for this weeks winners as I always am when ever anyone wins a gift from yourself they must be thrilled I know I was!
Love and hugs from Sam x
Lancashire Steph don't ever think you Bore us, I for one love to read your stories and I know a lot of Sue's other ladies feel the same way!

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Morning Sue, Great card and lovely technique great for the fella's.
What a tease but looking forward to your news. Tres your welcome thank you!! Congratulations to all the winners and enjoy your booty!!
Well have a lovely day everyone.
Cameeli xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue and everyone on the blog. I am loving this card I love becca' s circles. Nicola x

TDQ Karen said...

Love the fire and ice background and the design is a true Sue card, love it, congratulations to all the winners xx

Anonymous said...

Yes, think this is one we all could have a stab at with perhaps a little change of dies, background etc. if we don't have the exact mix. Perfect for male cards.
Well done, winners.
Will await your news with anticipation, Sue.

'P' in Wales

Unknown said...

Good Morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes

I love this die. I couldn't help thinking the circles would make wonderful carriage wheels for a Cinderella carriage with little difficulty to put a cab on top! Mmmm! Ideas are flooding in at the moment of other opportunities for them as well. :)

Congratulations to the winners today. I hope everyone is keeping safe from the winds and floods and for those affected I hope someone has taken pity and is helping you my thoughts to all concerned.

Crafty Hugs
Heather xx

Rachel Taylor said...

Love this it reminds me of an orange sliced up ! Looking forward to your news ,you're such a tease lol .
Crafty hugs Rachel x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I think my computer screen is having problems because this card has come up bright orange. I can however imagine the true colour. It would make a great male card. Can't wait to hear what you have in store.

Love Rosemarie xx

Vick said...

Morning my friend,

I love the colours on this card, so warm and inviting but a very different card for you! You tease!! looking forward to your news, it can only be good, coming from you, hugs my friend,
Vick xx
my YTChannel vixcrafts

Joan D said...

Another winner Sue. Will try this technique today as with the dreadful weather we are having at the moment allows me to stay in and craft! Can't be bad can it? Silver lining etc. you are a tease aren't you? But it's something to look forward to. Take care x x x

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - great card again - love the fire n ice effect - you've got us all wondering re your news!
Clare W

Debs cards said...

Morning sue what a great card you have for us today. I love how you do ghe background. I will be having ago at this card as its beautiful like all your cards. Take care Sue xx

Debs A

Christine Harrop said...

Such a lovely way to use this die Sue. The fire and ice technique is great. Christine

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue. You are a tease. This card looks very sunny with the gilding. I've yet to try fire and ice. Must give it a go. X

Jane said...

Lovely Die looks like a quick and straight forward card to do.

Jane xx

Sonia Jones said...

Lovely card today and it remind me of cartwheels too. Steph good luck going into a craft shop with your daughter and not buying anything yourself lol. I know I couldn't do it! Looking forward with anticipation to hearing what Sue has to tell us. But I'm wondering will my credit/ debit cards like her news or will they go into a meltdown! LOL. Congrats to the winners and hugs to everyone Sonia x

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
when's a buckle not a buckle? When it's a card like this which looks like it but isn't.
Sue, it's lovely and so simple! Hallmark of very good design.
Absolutely GORGEOUS!
Can't wait (but suppose I'll have to) to hear your news, hope it'll be sooner rather than later in the week.
Have a great Sunday.
Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, thanks for this great sample which would be perfect for males. Looking forward to hearing your news. Have a great day Edwina

Aspiring crafter said...

Morning Sue,
Lovely card-fire and ice beautiful.
Look forward to hearing your news.
Congrats to winners,

JAO said...

Congrats winners. Great card Sue.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, love the fire/ice technique. Lol lynne m x x

Victoria said...

Quite a different look today, but really effective nevertheless. The background is stunning, and the dies look so good against it. Now I'm wondering what your news could possibly be!!

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,
Great card, love the die.
Donna Jones

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, what a stunner today the card is - love it. Congratulations to the winners and so looking forward to hearing your great news. Have a great day.

Love June

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - love this fire and ice method and will be trying this technique. You are such a teaser Sue - can't wait to hear what it is. Congratulations to the lucky winners tody. Best wishes

karenlotty said...

I wholeheartedly agree wiv Lanc Steph She sums (waffles) things up brilliantly The fire & ice technique is one of the very few that I've been able to master & get good results Congrats winners, looking fwd to the news but I look fwd to coming here every day!

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
A very simple but elegant card, congratulations to the winners and looking forward to hearing your news.
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

JJ said...

Morning Sue,

Beautiful card, I do love your Fire & Ice technique, never ceases to amaze me.

You do like teasing us and keeping us waiting lol! Will look forward to hearing your news.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

lydia jordan said...

Hi Sue,
This is a very effective card, with the use of just one die, love the gilded background, stunning.
Sue you do like to tease us, wonder what it can be. Congrats to the winners, enjoy your prize.
Have a good day.

Sue from Wiltshire said...

Great card and suitable for males who are always so difficult. Look forward to hearing your news.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Fab card, you are such a tease

Unknown said...

So effective Sue, made think of fireworks!! - and another tease, I wonder what this is, love from Jackie D

gwen70 said...

You are a tease Sue,yet another gorgeous card

gwen70 said...

way you have done this, will be watching this morning

gwen70 said...


Margaret corgi owner said...

Good morning Sue
What a fantastic card I have these set of dies and I love them but have never thought of using them like this so thank you so much.
Congratulations to the lucky winners. Keep going Steph and enjoy the shop with your daughter, do take care everyone and after the last week especially Norah and Heather keep those cricket pads handy!
Margaret corgi owner

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, a really striking card, the background really sets off the circle dies. Must try the fire and ice technique. Congrats to the winners. Really excited to find out what your news will be. Bx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Fantastic card. I love the colour and the die! Like Rachel Taylor I think they look like slices of orange :) What have you got up your sleeve this time? Hope we don't have to wait too long. Congrats to todays lucky winners. Take care.

Debbie Tinks said...

This could be a man card nice Sue x
Happy Crafting

loftylass said...

Morning Sue. I'm loving this card but I've still not opened my gilding flakes!!! This could be the incentive I need.... wish me luck.
Congrats to the winners and like everyone else I'm wondering what your news could be.....
Heather W

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, like the colours of this card but it's not one of my favourites it doesn't grab me like most of your others but you are a very clever lady all my love Jean Z xx

Janice K said...

Good morning Sue, this card is another stunner and one that I could see being very adaptable for men. Can't wait to hear your news! x

Sandy G said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. Love fire and ice. Congrats winners. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue great card could be used for lots of occasions.
Denise X

Anonymous said...

DOH!!! I'm a bit thick headed with the cold that everyone seems to be "enjoying" I wrote a comment but can't have pressed to finish it. Anyhoo the general gist was... great card as usual Sue and I've got the flakes etc so this card is tempting me to "have a go!!" Thanks Mabex

auscrafts said...

love this one .Eagerly awaiting your news

alimecca said...

Hi Sue,
Fabulous card which could be used for so many occasions. Especially useful for those pesky males! Can't wait to hear what your surprise is - you are such a tease! Have a restful Sunday everyone. Congrats to the winners. Love Alison xx

hazel young said...

Fabulous card Sue love it xx hazel

hollyberry said...

Love this card would be great for anyone and any occasion.Your fire and ice technique always looks beautiful.

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Love this fire and ice card, congrats to the winners - and I await your news Sue
Carol x

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Love the fire and ice looks so pretty with the Becca dies and pearls.

Congrats to the lucky winners

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

Unknown said...

Morning Sue

Wow, the fire and ice technique looks fab, I will be having a go later today!

Annabelle x

englishrose897 said...

Good morning Sue and all followers. Great card. Could use other dies like this. Take care. Sally x

Joanne K said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card today. Background is very striking. Congratulations to todays winner. Enjoy your prizes. Kind regards Joanne K x

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Fabulous card and I love this technique.
Congratulations to the winners and looking forward to your news.

Love Sheila xx

pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue
Just love the fire and ice technique. I also have circles that I could use on this one. I love Becca's blog and go to see what she does with stamps and dies. like all the other ladies I wonder what you have in store for us and can't wait. We all avidly follow your blog to see all the wonderful techniques you show us. Steph please don't stop your waffling as you call it. I love to read what you have written, it makes my day. Cameeli you still haven't said when you get the results of your interview. Hope you didn't go out the other day Norah and that you are still with us and haven't got blown away in this windy weather.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Simple, elegant and really lovely. Many thanks.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

Maryann Laursen said...

Gorgeous card again Sue, and you certainly ARE a real teaser, I think ha ha ha, but be sure, I´m curious enough now to get back as the first every morning here next week, even I always do that anyway LOL.

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Gorgeous Card Sue!

I love the background, such gorgeous colours.

Congratulations to the winners.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
I think you read my mind, I was looking at this die yesterday and thought I would try cutting it out in white!
Your background is stunning, I am going to give it a try - so hopefully my background will look similar to your yours! (I wish)
Congratulations to today's winners - enjoy.
Take care Sue and all the loyal blog followers, love Brenda xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
It may be a quick'n'easy card - but so effective! Love it.
Enjoy the sunshine while we have it!
Sheila x

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, Oh how you do like to tease us...!!! Stunning card today. Love Sam xxx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, very pretty card card and seems to be so easy to do. Love the guilding flakes and Using the adhesive sheets makes it so much easier..congrats to the winners, take care everyone, from a very windy and wet Central Scotland (no snow yet for us). Jess xx

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
congrats to the winners..Mmmm what ever is your news cannot wait. The card is simply stunning .hugs sarah xx

ros hodgkins said...

Hello Sue, I like the way you have covered the card with both gilding flakes and glitter.
Congrats to this weeks winners.
X Ros

Jess Watson said...

Hi again, I forgot to say can't wait to hear your news, you really like keeping us on tenderhooks. Jess xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card. I too can't wait to hear your news. Congratulations to the winners.

magpie said...

Oh wow! Stunning card and technique which you could do oozles of for different occasions. You, naughty, naughty lady could you leave us all in suspense?! Ooooo it's the little devil in you again! As always, whatever the time, I shall be popping on along with the rest of your family bloggers! Congratulations Debs, Chris and Kate! Wonderful! Enjoy your prize when it arrives! Have a great day Sue and everyone! xx Love Karen xx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone
Simple but effective. Love it.
Best wishes.
Ang x

Carol S. said...

Gorgeous bright and cheerful card. Great for anybody. What are you up to now?;-D Hugs, Carol S.xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, such an exquisite card made simply with much thought. Love the lace circles and the gilded background. You do tease Sue! Hope your news is not too far ahead!
ValC xx

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
this is a beautiful card and I love the fire and ice background - must try with the sticky paper as I do have some, and some gilding flakes too, how lucky is that.

Now girls, never mind Valentines cards think Easter - I saw my first Easter Eggs on sale last week in a shop in Wensleydale, (near to where Wallace and Grommit get their cheese)- why don't they give us time to recover from Christmas for goodness sake!

It's been a year for early starts so far, I found a caterpillar walking on my door on New Years Eve, saw lambs on the 2nd January and on Friday I saw my first butterfly. Hurry up Spring.

Congrats to the winners - you lucky ladies.

Margaret O

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
Simply awesome - simply yet effective.
Ooh how you tease us, whatever could the news be - A channel dedicated to Sue Wilson
Amanda x

Anonymous said...

Lovely as always Sue :) xxx

Myra said...

Good morning Sue and Everyone!
Just got home from church and the sun was in my eyes all the way home! Made a lovely change!

I do like this way of doing fire and ice as I think I for one will make a lot less mess! The background is so effective and the focal point can be easily adapted. Thanks again, Sue! Now what are you up to?! You've got us all in suspense again!

Steph keep waffling as you call it! It's lovely to keep up to date with everyone.
Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy!
Love to everyone,keep warm and safe!

Unknown said...

Morning Sue - I love this card and the background is stunning. I am now waiting with baited breath for your news!! Helen xx

Kate's Cards said...

Gilding flakes do make very striking backgrounds, don't they.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely quick card and it really shows how effective your 'fire and ice' technique is - love it. Can't wait to hear what your news is, guess I'll just to be patient like everyone else. Congrats to the winners and take care everyone.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely quick card and it really shows how effective your 'fire and ice' technique is - love it. Can't wait to hear what your news is, guess I'll just to be patient like everyone else. Congrats to the winners and take care everyone.
Beverley W

Tres said...

Hi Sue. This is a lovely simple but beautiful card today !!
I love everything about it. The background covered with gilding flakes makes the card very rich looking and Becca's beautiful Lacey tiers dies add that touch of elegance and sophistication !! A truly great card Sue. I always love the way you finish your cards with the paper piercing to. I think it is such a lovely decoration. Well you are really teasing us again today. I hope we don't have to wait for to long to find out your news !!
Congrats to all today's lucky winners.
Happy crafting everyone. Lots of love Tres x x x

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, A striking opulent card, love everything about it. Now feel brave enough to try the fire and ice technique, the adhesive sheets are tad easier to handle. Sue you are a tease, will be waiting in anticipation for you news.
Congratulations to the lucky winners, enjoy ladies.
Steph you make me smile with your waffle, don't ever stop.
Stay safe and warm everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Gail said...

Hi Sue,
The simplicity of this card is what makes it so brilliant! It can be used for any occasion. Congratulations to the winning ladies.
Gail C x

weefortune said...

Hi Sue, now you've got us all wondering what your news could be!!
Love the card, always looking for ideas with guilding flakes.

BW Elaine x

Jill Liddle said...

Lovely card.

terrie said...

Good morning to you...
Such a striking card with the background..well done on your part.
Congrats to the three winners.
Also looking your forward in your good news..
Have a great day!

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Sue I love the fire & ice technique i do this a lot now I have mastered them devilish guiding flakes lol.
I will try this card today as have a man's card do,haven't got Becca' die but have a circle die I can use so I'm sorted.
Sue you love teasing your Wilsonette followers will be waiting with anticipation but I know we shale love the surprise from you.
Love Lynda Brock xxx

Congratulations to the three lucky ladies enjoy your prizes. Happy Sunday too you all crafty hugs xx

Wacki Macky said...

Morning Sue, lovely and Sunny here in Kinver at present and I've just finished my washing and other housework so I now have some time for crafting!

Love this card today.

Caftihappiness to you all, love from Pearl

CraftyJo said...

Gorgeous - it's simple and yet sumptuous.

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Sue, A beautiful card, I love your easy technique with the fire and ice, I will have to give this a try, as it is so effective.
Congratulations to the lucky ladies.
You are a definite tease, so looking forward to your news, I have no patience hahaha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

This card reminds me of wagon wheels, wagons rollll!

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

SusanP, Kent said...

This is a very unusual design. the Lacy Tiers (really pretty) are perfect to show off your iced snow technique. Now that we've been teased I hope you are able to 'spill the beans' this week!

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Love your fire and ice technique combined with the lovely Lacey circles
Congrats to all the lucky winners
Best wishes, Pat

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
I do like today's card it is not one I would known was yours if you had not put your name on it
It is so nice but then again I still have to see a card I do not like lol
And you are teasing us again. !!
We have a mutual friend that does exactly the same
Eh. V
You have a great day Sue
Take Care
Theresa x

Yorkie girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina said...

Hi Sue

I agree , it would make a wonderful guy card. Love it.

Can't wait to hear your news one day next week, I look forward to that.

Congratulations on your win ladies. Hope you have a lovely Sunday Sue and all the other ladies too.

Kind regards :-)

Tina X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, bit late today, had to change the tyre on our truck as my daughter came home with it going down!! Lovely card to come into though so thanks so much for that, have this die I must find time to use it as it's so effective. Well done to today's winners and I'm looking forward to your news xxx said...

You are teasing us with the hints about news next week - can't wait to find out what's occurring! Congrats to the winners. Susan x

Ita said...

Hi Sue a fantastic card again to day,striking but soft at the same time.When I read that you did the card in September my brain clicked,which it does not always do since I was ill and I have 3 months of your Blog to look at so I a very happy lady.
Congrats to the winners and can't wait for your news

SHARICA said...

Another fab card .. congrats to all the winners :) looking forward to the big news :)

Beryl said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. I have some circle dies so could try this card. Congratulations to all the winners.

Gail said...

Luvly simple card with fab techniques xx GailT xx

Ali B said...

Hi Sue,
Another stunning card and one that I can attempt. Got guilding flakes that are just staring at me so good excuse to get them out and use them.
Alison B. x

christine c said...

hi sue and all ladies.
like others have said
great male card, Lancashire steph
had me in stitches this morn when I read the blog, the funny thing
is shes right in what she says
ha ha ha why do some of us crafters always make hard
work of things. if I make one card the house is like a tip. from Christine c

Patricia said...

Another beautiful card, love how you have used the Die. I have that somewhere, must go get it out and use it.
You are a tease, will keep my "pocket money" this week till I see what you are offering.

Patricia xx

TOB said...

I love those gilding flakes. Beautiful card. Tidying my craft room this morning and found a stash of goodies I'd forgotten I had, It was like Christmas all over again. My room is still a mess as I have now started to crochet and make jewellery so I have more things to put in there. Never mind I'll just have to get cracking and making lots of things. hugs Theresa x

Tandy said...

Hi Sue
Another wonderful card congrats to the winners. Can't wait for your news I will have to try and make a little time to log in every day. just a bit difficult at the moment.

Karen G Ratcliffe said...

Morning Sue
Lovely card with another technique to try!! The background is brilliant! Still lol at Lancashire Steph's comments!! Waiting with everyone else with bated breath on your upcoming news. Congratulations to today's winners. Thank you for sharing your creativity. Karen

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue and to everyone who follows your excellent blog! Just back from a trip to Aberdeen to find this stunning card. I love gilding flakes and can't think of an occasion for which the would be inappropriate in some form and colourway!

Take care


Maggie said...

I really like this card Sue. It does seem an easy technique having seen it with and without the stamping and I must give it a go. Looking forward to hearing what is coming up. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Laura O said...

lovely card ,do like gilding flakes ,Laura O

Theresa said...

very sparkly, lush but relatively simple card. quite striking xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card. It look like one of the 'less is more' cards if you know what I mean. The simple elegance with the backing of gilding flakes make it just stunning. You have really got me wondering what is happening this week. Cannot wait to find out.xx Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card. It look like one of the 'less is more' cards if you know what I mean. The simple elegance with the backing of gilding flakes make it just stunning. You have really got me wondering what is happening this week. Cannot wait to find out.xx Yvonne

Sandie C said...

Love this card. Thanks for the info on the background - it is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Evening wilting Wilsonettes. I vote for baconbits idea - The Sue Wilson Craft Channel.
Oh my sweet juliet, how wonderful would THAT be : )

Night Night dont let the guilding flakes bite xx

Lancashire Steph xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, I have the becca dies but never thought of using them like this , they look fabulous against your fire and ice technique, will be giving it a go! A good card for the men in our lives .
Hope everyone's had a good weekend .
Congratulations to all winners .
Jean D

sued99 said...

Looking forward to the news. Great card.

hazel said...

Hi Sue
Very beautiful card, your fire and ice technique sure does have the WOW factor and love that lacy die
Look forward to your exciting news
Take care
Hazel G x

Glenharon said...

Good evening Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
todays card reminds me of a picture i grew up looking at that had the two sides of the world. I used to love seeing where different places were in the world, learning about the different countries and there capitals. Sorry folks but its strange how the simplest of things brings back the happiest of memories. Anyway Sue, you already know my brain flies in the world of make believe at the best of times but this would make a lovely card for the men and golly do we need all the inspiration we can get for them.
Congratulations to all our lucky winners this week, i hope you enjoy your prizes and have fun with them.
Now its the start of a new week so lets see if the local hospitals casaulty department can miss us this week as i think some of us are goig to be issued with a season ticket soon. Me, im staying away from the front end of the local bus service and automatic doors. Heathers got to wear her protection gear just to get to play so we're hopingvthat her and her g.c. can play nicely together again soon. And poor Steph has got to get protection detail (daughter) to accompany her to the local craft shop. So heres to a new week of good things and top of the list is Cameelis' dream job, although the fingers are trying to decide whether they want to stay permanently in the crossed position, i hope you receive the news of your dreams soon flower, we all do as we have had words with him upstairs so hoping that he was listening to our pleas for you.
Take care everyone and hopefully i will be able to see you all tomorrow, and its so nice to have Ita back amongst us, hope you're feeling much better flower
love and crafty hugs
Norah (Glenochil)

Sandy H said...

This may be a quick and easy card but it still looks stunning.

julie laz said...

Lovely colour sue hugs Julie x

Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened tried twice yesterday, anyway.....
Lovely card, the die reminds me of the Rose Window at Ally Pally

Hopefully this comment will upload today xxx

Liz Hardman

nzillingworth said...


Anonymous said...

The background looks great very regal. Those dies are gorgeous so delicate.
Can't wait to here the news.
Kayleigh B xx