Friday, 13 December 2013

Double Christmas Card Day

Good morning all!  We are getting closer and closer to Christmas so hopefully you have all your cards done and dusted, but if not, here are a few more to inspire you.  The first one is rather traditional with it's white embossed background (yes it is white!) and it's red poinsettia flowers.  I used the Holiday Magic embossibility folder to add texture to the top half of the card.  I stamped my sentiment on the bottom and used some white seam binding to create a border between the two pieces.  I used the Holiday poinsettia die and our red felt to create the lovely flowers for the card.  I added leaves in two shades of green felt as well.  The centres were adorned with white flatback pearls and a bow tied from the white seam binding just peeks out from underneath the flowers.  I finished the top corner with a pearl snowflake to add a touch of bling before adding my double white pierced mats.  Finished dimensions are 7 1/4" x 8 1/2" in size.  Card number two is less traditional, just scroll down to see it.

While brown is not ordinarily a colour that I would use for a Christmas card, I had been playing around with my high-low technique and just couldn't stand letting the background go to waste.  Who says you can't do Christmas in brown, right? LOL  I just needed to step outside my comfort zone a bit the day I made this as I had been doing far too many red, green ,gold or silver Christmas cards at that point!  I started with a piece of chestnut brown card and used a piece of self adhesive sticky sheet to cover a piece large enough to fit my 6" x 6" mask called Squared.  I coated the mask with clear Perfect medium to keep it from sticking too much, but I didn't want to use other products such as an anti-static pad or washing up liquid as are sometimes used because they may have prevented the other materials from sticking properly.  This is especially true when you use micro beads as they are heavier and require the full stickiness of this product.  I had planned on using micro beads when I started this, but decided to use Iced Snow to see what the effect would be.   I first covered the exposed area with bronze polished silk glitter.  You have to use the finer product first when doing this technique, then remove the mask and cover the other exposed area with the more coarse product, in this case the Iced snow.  I used the Resplendent Rectangles to create an outside border fin white or my focal element.  I stamped the tree stamp (Creative Expressions) with a clear Perfect Medium and white embossed it on Chestnut brown card.  I used the large Label die to cut it out.  I mounted it offset on my background.  I used Mimi Brown seam binding and wrapped it around the opposite corners of the background.  I tied a bow, finished it with a pearl embellishment and added it in the corner under my tree .  I finished the card with double pierced white mat layers.  Finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x 7 1/2" in size.   Would you like to see a sneak peek for Sunday's show tomorrow?  I think that would be the perfect post for a Saturday, check back tomorrow! All for now, Sue x


Pam said...

Wonderful cards, love em both

Cameeli of Richmond said...

Morning Sue
WOW Again and all the crafty crew Just gorgeous I love the cream card perfect for me.
Have a really great day
Cameeli xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, beautiful cards as usual . For me the second card is my favourite , just love the colours used. Can't wait for sunday . Lol lynne m x x x

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, Wow Wow Wow two gorgeous cards
love the first one absolutely
brilliant and no. two is
gorgeous too logged on this morning
and all these posts were already on
but I was too early and I hadn't
checked yesterdays silly me but that
was fantastic too.
Nancyd xx

TDQ Karen said...

Beautiful, will have to try the high low technique soon xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. What a contrast! Thee two cards are so different, I loved the first traditional one and the more I look at the second one the more I like it, like you say Sue, you have to get out of your comfort zone sometimes! Thanks for dragging me out of mine :) Just 2 sleeps left, and we get a sneaky peek tomorrow!!! Take care.

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. I forgot to add Happy Birthday to Patricia last night, and then forgot to say it belatedly this morning! Happy Birthday for yesterday Patricia. Hope you had a lovely day. Take care.

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue wow i love both of them im more a traditonal girl but i do like the cream one. Take care xxx
P.S thank you for the advice yesterday i got it to work with thicker card. Tske care xx

Debs A

Wacki Macky said...

Love both cards today Sue, but the cream and red is my favourite - because of the Pearls!

Craftihappiness to you all, love from Pearl

cr@fty said...

Good morning Sue
What a treat today's cards are very different from each other but both so beautiful. Brown is not a colour I would use for a Christmas card but WOW I will now its fabulous. I love creative expressions felt it cuts like butter and the colours are amazing. Would we like to see a sneaky peek? Is the Pope catholic? Can't wait to see you on our screens only two sleeps to go lol
Hugs x
Heather T

kitty davies said...

Morning Sue.
Love both cards. sure you can have brown for christmas,eg- chocolate looking forward to Sunday and Julia on Saturday thank you take care Kitty

tracy w said...

Hi sue
Both cards today are stunning can not believe it's only 13 days to go we are having our christmas work party today so I will not be able to craft today thank you for all you have done Tracy w x

Jane M said...

These are both lovely, but particularly love the brown one. Sneaky peak? Yes please x

JJ said...

Stunning cards Sue, love them both, I think I love the Brown one best because of its originality and the richness of the colour, just beautiful.

Love & Hugs

Jacquie J xxx

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards Sue. Especially the Brown one....... Stunning. As for the sneaky peak..... You have to, it is Christmas!!!! Thanks Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Beautiful cards Sue. Especially the Brown one....... Stunning. As for the sneaky peak..... You have to, it is Christmas!!!! Thanks Sue xxx

englishrose897 said...

Good morning Sue Love both cards today , but the cream and red is my favourite it is just up my street.
Have a great day. Sally

Rachel Taylor said...

Love them both , the brown one is great because its so unusual !
Crafty hugs Rachel x

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Two fabulous cards today, I especially love the pearl snowflake in the first one, and the high/low technique in the second one. We are so lucky to be treated to these two gorgeous cards. I haven't finished my cards yet, so this added inspiration is greatly appreciated.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Patricia Howarth said...

Me again, Just a quickie to Thank all the beautiful peeps who wished me a Happy Birthday for yesterday, it was truly emotional. Thank You All.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Anonymous said...

Ooh, Sue, two fabulous cards today. It's a no-decider as like them both very much and thinks... must try the hi-lo technique but will have to get a mask first. Then get some iced snow. Next year perhaps!!
Think a sneak peak would be great but it will be too teasing as I can't watch Sunday's shows and have no recorder so will PRAY for repeats.
Whatever, it will be great to have you back.

'P' in Wales
Hey, is there going top be a Pam/Carmeeli race every morning now for top spot? What anticipation!

sonja_w said...

Great cards but the first one is my favourite, I love poinsettias, they are gorgeous. Xx

Jan Caven said...

Hi Sue
Love love love them both. Have finished cards for this year but will be trying the brown technique for sure and the cream card is beautiful.
love Jan x x

Nanny Jo said...

Two totally different cards, but both beautiful! Thanks, Sue....
Jo x

Gail said...

Good morning Sue,
Two cards and they are both brilliant! My choice would be the first one. Love the pearl snowflake, where can we buy them please?
Gail C x

Jackie T said...

Good morning Sue both the cards are gorgeous I love the felt poinsettias. I did buy some felt but I didn't get round to making any. Have a great day. Love Jackie

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
What a treat two cards today. Both totally different but equally lovely - who would have brown could look so good. Can't wait for Sunday.
Beverley W

Anonymous said...

Brrr what a cold Friday, you must be waking up in total shock Sue, us faithful Wilsonettes are so use to these cold mornings now, but your daily delights and W.O.W's - Wonder Of Wilsons soon warm us up right ladies ? : ) my 'Wilson Withdraw' symptoms are SO bad now Im watching your last show (with Hayley) before you flew to the States, it was before I started my waffle here and it was so lovely to hear my fellow Wilsonette bloggers names being read out - Maggie (b.w.a.b) Sharon, Rose (and your 'flat yellow card was beautiful Rose) and here I am now amongst some lovely ladies waffling on every day and boring many of you, and making other Wilsonettes scream at their screens "go away you stupid person" !
I wish I didn't have to record the first 2 hour show on Sunday, but Im out trying to make enough pennies to at least buy the foundation card let alone some of the newer goodies (I'll never catch up) so many beautiful products keep arriving and slapping me in the face like a wet kipper, its all running away with me ! Cant wait to watch you at the 5pm show though Sue although an hour just wont be enough to dampen my greed ! : (

I adore these cards, and would you believe I actually HAVE one of the ingrediants - the embossing folder, which I have used on my batch of cards in panel form, with adhesive paper and very fine, very pretty almost clear glitter. The first card we have been wow'd with is so clean and fresh looking and the red sure does POP out at you, the brown card is in reverse, the white embossed tree screams Im here - Merry Christmas. Why not do brown ? Why stick to tradition ? I made a Christmas bat card yesterday ! A Brummie friend of mine is a Goth, now really, would any of you send a W.O.W to a Goth ? So I used white/silver pearl centura, and cut a black wreath and hung a silver bat left over from my trick or treat bags to hang from the wreath !!! (talk about thinking outside the box or leaving my comfort zone) NEVER in my life have I ever made a card like THAT !
Well, Im home alone from 9am as Mr Lancashire and Miss Lancashire are visiting Brum and Im looking after our Grand-dog so between saving our letterbox from a worked up pooch and again waiting for my injection delivery man, Im not quite sure how much crafting Im going to get done as I cant work in another room with closed doors when our fur baby granddog is left alone in another just not fair to him, bless ! (oh shut up woman)

Looking forward to watching you Sunday Sue, hope the jet lag has left you by then, but there again we are ALL excited just to have you back no matter what.
Have a good Friday ladies, stay warm and happy.
Lancashire Steph xxx

MRS DUCK said...

Good morning Sue and everyone.
The white card is absolutely beautiful. Love it. Not so keen on the brown Im afraid.
Looking forward to Sunday.
Ang x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Two very different Christmas cards, I do like the first one as I have made a few like this, this year. I have a couple of friends that would like the brown one so could be an idea for next year.
I would love to see a sneak peak, looking forward to Sunday's shows.
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, love both of these, the brown really works, would never have thought of it as a Christmas colour. Look forward to sneaky peak tomorrow,

Love Rosemarie xx

carol edwards said...

Hi Sue love the first card as really traditional, the second is great toox

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Oh Sue. These cards are stunning. Love the first one - ideas for next year already. Thank you.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

baconbits said...

Morning Sue
WOW two amazing cards today, the more I gaze at the second one the more it grows on me.
Amanda x

alimecca said...

Hi Sue
Love them both. Would never have even thought of doing brown for Christmas, but it does work! Really do like the high low background. But I adore the first card -so clean and fresh and the white with just the splash of colour from the flower and leaves is beautiful. Still have my special cards to do this weekend, so will try both of these albeit with slightly different "ingredients". Looking forward to Sunday and yes would like a sneak peak.

beachie said...

Hi Sue
Both beautiful cards, the first one is my favourite I think.
Audrey x

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
What a way to finish the working week - 'a two fer'.
Although I'm a traditionalist when it come to Christmas I do like your brown offering today.
But for me the traditional colours of white/red/green win today.
Thank you for all your inspiration this week.
Hope you are rested and ready for Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you.
Janet x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

I do like the brown one but I love the top one, wow cards are always great and the red flowers pop off the page

Unknown said...

Both great cards, like the brown one for something different.

Annie said...

Great cards, Sue, love the felt poinsettias. Have good shows on Sunday, I can't wait!! Hugs Annie

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, 2 great cards, the first one is my favourite, but the brown one is great and different. Love the background with the glitter. Bx

karenlotty said...

Both cards are gorgeous My ma-law would love the white one My sis-law would love the brown So guess what? I'll be playing with both types later Most of my cards are done except the special ones Looking forward to sneak peek too

Jan.moogie said...

Love the first card Sue, the second one is growing on me. Thanks for the ideas.xx

Unknown said...

Morning Sue
Two very different cards this morning I really like the first one but not sure about the brown one but I'm sure it will grow on me. Looking forward to your shows on Sunday.
Hugs Sue xx

jessie said...


Marion said...

Hi Sue love the first one ,not sure on the brown one ,might look better in another colour.
Marion H

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, two super cards today but the first one does it for me. Have a great weekend.

Love June

gwen70 said...

This is a WOW card, adore the colour and the finished effects, both cards are stunning

marg said...

Hello Sue
To start yes! a sneak peek of Sunday would be lovely!
I really like the 1st card.... I have used the Poinsettia a lot this Christmas, and I did one in Blush, it looks so gentle with pearls.
The brown will have to grow on me before I make a judgement!

TOB said...

Just beautiful. hugs x

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Both card are stunning and such contrasting designs. Love them both
Can't wait for the weekend
Carol x

Pat L said...

Hi Sue
Thank you for two beautiful cards this morning, love them both although anything with a poinsettia on gets my vote.
Best wishes, Pat

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Love the white card, it's gorgeous. Sorry not so keen on the brown one although I do like the design.

Glenharon said...

Good morning Sue,
Talk about comfort zones and No.1 is just me, not just some of it, but in it's entirety. The red felt is just made for that poinsettia die.
Now the brown might not be traditional Christmas colours but why? Christmas trees have a brown trunk, if you get a real one. Santa's reindeer are brown amongst other shades. And the most important part of Christmas (in my child's eyes anyway) chocolate is mostly of the brown variety so why not a brown card for the season. The Hi/Low technique is different but some of us namely me need to grasp hold of the basics ie stamping and getting it clear would be a big help.
We are sitting in 12 degrees this morning up in "Sunny Glenochil" and i was just thinking, crikey we can't get that in the middle of summer, so i take it bang goes a white Christmas. Hoping all of you are sitting as comfortably this fine day,
Love and crafty hugs

Victoria said...

Two very different Christmas cards and both work really well. As you say, it's good sometimes to venture outside your comfort zone - great advice.

pat S Witney said...

Hi Sue

Love both cards but No1 is my favourite. I have the embossing folder, and have used it. Now, where in my piles of stuff is it now I ask myself. I also have the poinsettia as well. No felt. However, I'm hoping that the shop I'm going to in Lyndhurst sells it. the first is so easy you could do a production line, just changing to papers or card for the poinsettia. I won't see any sneaky peaks until Monday, and will be recording both yourself and Julia over the weekend.

Nananne said...

Love both cards but my preference would be the white one although I do love the tree stamp on the second !

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, a couple of stunning cards for today, you really do spoil us. Both cards are equally special, I love them both. Roll on Sunday! Take care, Jess xx

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Two beautiful cards, the white card is gorgeous and love the warm brown card, the hi lo is stunning. Looking forward to tomorrow's sneaky peek and to seeing you Sunday.
Have a great day everyone.
Hugs June xxx

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely cards but no 1 I like the best .happy crafting Sue X

hotpotato said...

love the white card, not so sure about the brown one though. Looking forward to seeing you on C & C on Sunday.

Marleine said...

Hi Sue,

The first card is so beautiful and clean.

The second one takes me out of my comfort zone which is good sometimes. X

hollyberry said...

Both beautiful and nothing wrong with any colour for a Christmas card,though I think the first is my favourite.

3362 Jan said...

Morning Sue. Oh my, the first card is a real stunner. Brown is not a colour I would choose. Not long now. Have a great day. Hugs. Jan.xx

Sonia Jones said...

Two beautiful cards. I love them both! Hugs Sonia x

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue, Love both cards the white is my favourite love Jean Z xx

Aspiring crafter said...

Hi Sue,
It's traditional all the way for me !
Love the first card , simple but classy

camelot67 said...

Good Morning Sue,

Two fabulous cards today. I know it's rude to pick a favourite but for me it's No.1. What can I say, I'm a traditionalist. That's not to say that I don't like No2, I do, but I guess if we all went for the same thing life would be pretty boring wouldn't it. Thanks for sharing this with us and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
Margaret A.

hazel young said...

Stunning cards Sue love them both as they are so different, looking forward to the sneak peak tomorrow and your shows on Sunday xx hazel

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Two beautiful cards today I love them both thankyou.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

SusanP, Kent said...

Two fab cards Sue. The poinsettia card is my favourite - everything about it is absolutely lovely! The second card has a more masculine look and I would definitely try something similar. There are more guys than gals in my family!
Have a lovely weekend.

nattyboots said...

Beautiful Sue i love them both ,

Elaine H X

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - sorry tad late today - some PC and shopping issues! but all OK now I hope! Love both and oh yes please to s sneak peek - that would be great - see you soon!!
Clare W

Craftysusan said...

Hi Sue. Just one word for the first card - exquisite.
Must admit though that brown is not my colour of choice but thanks for sharing the techniques with us. Looking forward to the sneak peak tomorrow.

Jill Liddle said...

Love both of these cards today, but my favourite is the second one.

Anonymous said...

Really love card number one. It is absolutely fabulous.
Thanks for your continued inspiration.
Caroline MacH

Olga said...

Gorgeous cards!

Brenda said...

Hello Sue,
Two very different and very beautiful cards you have given us today. Love the white one with that beautiful felt poinsettia, also love the brown one with the high low technique it's really stunning - if I were given either of these cards I would feel very special !!!
Looking forward to tomorrow's sneak peak.
Have a good day, love Brenda xxx

Maggie said...

Good morning. What a treat - two cards today and both equally delightful. You spoil us! xx Maggie (better without a bow)

Sandybee said...

Two beautifu lcards today Sue, really looking forward to Sunday, seems an age since we saw you on C&C xx Sandra

Sheila - Ginger said...

Morning Sue,
Oh I do love a '2 fer' and both are stunning cards in their very different ways, Brown is not a colour I would have picked for Christmas but I think it looks great.
Looking forward to your shows on Sunday, I thought I wouldn't have been able to see them as we were supposed to be in Scotland on holiday but at the last minute my face has swollen up and I have an absess on my tooth so had to cancel the holiday but the outcome of it is I won't miss your show! Yeeeeeeeh!

Love Sheila xx

SHARICA said...

morning Sue Love em both .. especially the Poinsettia ..

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful cards, the first one is my favourite, I love the pearl snowflake.

Clare x

fame01 said...

Hi Sue
Wow 1ST card is amazing I love it so much well I have 2 more to make and I think one will be a take off of this one I like the second one to but the 1st one is my fav , thanks for the inspiration. Hugs sarah xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. WOW !! What a treat two cards today !! I love them both for different reasons but I think the white card with the red poinsettia's is my favourite. Poinsettia's are my favourite Christmas dies and I love them made with the felt. Gorgeous !! I love everything about the first card. I do really like the second card to as I love making backgrounds with my mica masks and the silk polish glitter. The glitter is on my Christmas wish list !! I am not sure about the brown bronze colour though and would probably use the red and gold coloured glitters instead. The brown glitter mica mask background I would use for a mans birthday card. Although saying that I have different shades of browns, oranges, golds and green baubles and the same colours of tinsel on my Christmas Tree !! I really love these colours and they go with the decor of my living room. (cream walls and autumn coloured accessories !! ) I cannot wait until Sunday to see you on tv Sue and I will also be recording your shows. I would really love to see a sneak peak of the show tomorrow !! Crafty hugs to all love Tres x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, two great cards, my favourite is the poinsettias -striking, clean, fresh and very opulent looking.
ValC xx

Kiraneries said...

Hi Sue, two beautiful Christmas Card. The first is my favourite, I love the white with the red pontsettia. I do really like how you have done the second card but not keen on the colour.

Crafty Nanna said...

Morning Sue, two beautiful cards. I love the Poinsettia in the felt, I have the dies so will give it a go. I think the brown works well for the second card but as you say I wouldn't have thought to use a brown for Christmas normally but I think the glitter and the iced snow just set it off so perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue - love the cards today, but if I have to choose it would be the poinsettia one. Love poinsettia Christmas cards. Looking forward to the sneak peek but more so on Sunday! Best wishes

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
I love your felt flowers and the Poinsettias really look lovely one card 1.
Card 2 is unusual but I don't dislike it.
Just finished writing a big batch of home crafted cards for friends and fellow crafters, I don't mind making them it just takes forever to write them. They're all worth it though.

Margaret O

Unknown said...

Lovely cards as usual can't wait to see you on C &C on Sunday
Sandra xx

Gail said...

I like both cards and although I don't normally go for traditional Christmas colours I must say I prefer the first one xx GailT xx

CraftyJo said...

I love both of these Sue, the pearl snowflake on the first is divine and I like the non-traditional colours of the second.

La said...

Glad you didn't waste the brown background. I don't think I'd have thought of it as a Christmas card, but it seems to work. My favourite of the two is the first one though. Looking forward to Sunday, you aren't on often enough for me.

Rose in Chester said...

Hi Sue,
wish I had finished with my Xmas cards..
I love both of the cards but would use the second one for non-Xmas.
I just go for white, red and green and gold. Call me a stick-in-the-mud, I don't care.
Safe flight back, looking forward to Sunday....
Hugs, Rose

Margarita lady said...

Hi Sue At last the Queen of Craft is back in residence!
Love the striking contrast on the first card, red is so bold, such a great colour.Second card is equally as eye-catching, brown is a super idea for Christmas cards.
Be with you on Sunday, noon & 'Happy Hour'.
Lotta luv

Myra said...

Hi Sue,
First things first! Yes please I'd love a sneaky peak!

The first card today is my absolute favourite. It is simple yet very striking! I love the felt and it cuts beautifully.

Sorry about the toothache Sheila, ouch! Trust you feel better soon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone - I think we're all looking forward to Sunday!

Love Myra

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh my god, both these cards here today are absolutely stuinning Sue. Amazing work done here, that´s for sure.

Beryl said...

Two great cards. I have to admit the first is my favourite.

Sandy H said...

Super cards. The first one is my favourite too but the one with the brown background shows that Christmas doesn't just have to be about red and green.

Carol S. said...

Absolutely beautiful, both of them. Shame I have finished mine! Hugs, Carol S.xx

Marianna Hammer said...

These two cards are wonderful.

Eemeli said...

Love the soft look on the felt pointsettias and the embossed tree is much to my taste. Wonderful cards both!


Jane said...

both wonderful ideas I Love the white one cant warm to the chestnut colour on the second one.

Jane xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, not totally sure about the brown one, but it is growing on me. Absolutely adore the white one, that is just me. Looking forward to Sunday.

Shazza said...

love them but the white is my fave x

sharon said...

Good evening Sue
Very different cards, I love the simplicity of the first one but really don't like the dark brown in the second, maybe it might have worked better in a more Christmassy colour.
Hugs Sharon Kirkwood x

Carole Z said...

Love the both Sue, but especially the poinsettia, Carole Z X

Howdy said...

Both delightful, Sue. Love them both and nice to see brown for a change.

Chrisspi said...

I am always totally amazed when someone can come up with two such wildly different cards and yet both are brilliant. Love the felt flowers in particular but the brown card is classy too. Well done Sue

Chrisspi said...

I am always totally amazed when someone can come up with two such wildly different cards and yet both are brilliant. Love the felt flowers in particular but the brown card is classy too. Well done Sue

Unknown said...

I love the felt poinsettias, I've got to get these dies and the matching stamps!

Diane from Glasgow xx

SusieB said...

Beautiful as always Sue! Love to have one as a Sue original.

Love Sue B

magpie said...

Helooooo Sue! A bit of a catch up is on the cards me thinks....(excuse the pun!). Lol! Wow! You have been a busy bee! The Wednesday card giveaway is gorgeous. Good luck to all of you in the winning of this stunning card. So glad it is on the tutorial as it´s such a lovely technique. Ooooo and loving those border stamps and border dies. I don´t have these border one´s but I do have different set which my husband bought for me. Unfortunately I didn´t see a demonstration on how to use them but I do now! Thank you! Although I´ve already done my Christmas cards (only 15 this year, couldn´t cope doing 90 like last year!) but any ideas are very much appreciated....especially an early two-fer...! Beautiful cards Sue. The first one I love a lot. I just love how you do the embossed top half and leave the bottom half plain. The poinsettia´s in felt just give it the wow factor. The second one is beautiful too. It´s nice to see a brown colour being used. I have some copper glitter and mirrorcard I could use instead so maybe I should make an early start....mmmmm, only kidding! Lol! Happy belated birthday wishes Patricia. I hope you had a lovely day. A bit stuck at the moment Sue. I´m hoping, even if I miss watching the shows, that I can always catch up when I get back! Take care Sue, look forward to seeing you when I can! xx Love Karen xx

Laura O said...

both fab cards ,love the white one,its stunning .Laura O

Unknown said...

Hiya sue. Woooooweee 2 wonderful cards and totally differ styles love them both so looking forward to seeing the shows on sun

Love Tracy from killie xx

Lynda's craft's said...

Two fantastic cards today Sue I just love everything on the first one especially the gorgeous star embellishment so pretty as are the wow red felt poinsettia's.
Then I also love the brown card with the white Christmas tree that just pops right out at you. The high low technique
Which I love doing now, thank you for showing us how to do that so I think that both cards deserve the WOW WOW WOW FACTOR. So looking forward to Sunday's shows
And the sneak peak tomorrow.
Love & hugs Lynda Brock xxx

Tina said...

Hi Sue

2 stunning cards today. Love them both for their individuality, I still have not made my Christmas cards yet, but I know what I am going to do now, thanks to your inspiration. I have said before I have been doing my daughters wedding invites, but also my father in law has had 4 really bad falls and sad to say he is now in a nursing home. It has happened all so fast it's like a tornado has swept through, so Christmas is on halt for a while. Anyway, I think when I get the time I will make the 1st Christmas card as I think I could replicate them for my cards this year. Sorry for the waffle, got a touch of the Steph-an itis coming on. ( meant very fondly Steph ).

Really looking forward to your shows on Sunday.

Kind regards :-)

Tina x

brenda said...

Hi Sue, your first card is absolutely gorgeous, love the design of the second but not my favourite colour, can imagine it more christmassy colours x

nuttinanni said...

really pretty cards hugs Cheryl xxx

Anonymous said...

Hugs for you Tina. In my thoughts -.that's all Im saying xx

Vie Carter said...

Lovely cards today, but just ahead is no 1.

A bit colder here than when you left eh Sue

Hopefully finished all my xmas cards now


Jackie Meechan said...

Two beautiful cards. Love them both and would love to win one.


Erica said...

Two gorgeous Christmas cards Sue. The first is my favourite, just!
Erica x

cmu said...

Two great cards but I love the first one the most! Best wishes for Sunday.

Ali B said...

Hi Sue,
You are spoiling us with these two. I love the traditional card but equally love the modern christmas card, never thought of using brown colour for a christmas card.
Alison B. x

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
Two beautiful cards. The white one is so stylish, but the brown one is so original. I love the Christmas tree stamp. Looking forward to Sunday's shows.
Best wishes
Anne Ol

Janice K said...

Two super cards, love the look of the high-low technique, really must have a go at this myself. Thank you for the inspiration Sue. x

Sam Smithard said...

Hi Sue, I've had a really busy day, but I couldn't let the day go without saying what Fantastic Cards you have brought us this Friday Morning and I Love them both, I Love the White as this is a Traditional Christmas Card, The Brown I Love because of all the wonderful Textures used to make the Card Fabulous Cards Both Of Them, love and hugs from Sam x

Disco Queen said...

Gorgeous cards Sue. I particularly love the chocolate colour scheme. Theresa x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, two beautiful cards the cream one is my favourite as I love the felt poinsettia flowers have made them a lot on my c cards . Looking forward to Sunday shows
Jean D

kimberley said...

I was the lucky winner of card number one when it was on C&C and it is stunning!!!!!,take care,xx

nzillingworth said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
2 fab cards both so different - classy all the way the Christmas tree card great for the male population - so glad you are back
whopperjaw said...

Really like the pearl snowflake on the first card, and the white embossed tree on the second one - too hard to choose my favourite!

Karen G Ratcliffe said...

Hi Sue
The two Christmas cards are so stunning!! Always love the red and white color, but the brown is so different yet stunning. Love it!! Wow, all the dimention of the brown background, looks so pretty, bet it's even prettier in person! Wish I had time o try it out now but alas will have to wait till after the holidays.
Hugs, Karen

Unknown said...

Definitely the first one for me.Like the layout of the second one-maybe in a different colour way.
Helen Bx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue sorry I missed your post on both Friday and Saturday as I was too busy with my grandkids - but love both of these cards the brown one is perfect for a male Christmas card.
Denise Hancock X

Maryann Laursen said...

Both cards are really beautiful, but I must confess the first one is my favorit still thoug.

Birdy said...

Hi Sue

A day doesn't go by without me saying, "Wow! Come and look at this card" to my OH. I wish I had just half of your imagination! Your cards are delightful.

Sadly, I have found that due to the restructure of postal fees, my customers are no longer buying large cards or cards that are too dimensional because they simply can't justify the postal charges.

Although I prefer making larger square cards (I find them to be the most elegant), I am now struggling to come up with some elegant designs on a smaller scale. Could you please occasionally make smaller sized cards eg 4"x4" and DL. I really need some innovative ideas.

Hannah xx