Saturday, 2 March 2013

It's A Giveaway Day!

 Hi guys!  I hope the weekend is starting nicely for you.  To help, I'm doing a giveaway on today's card.  You know the drill by now, leave a comment on the post and I will draw a winner and announce the name in a few days.  First, a little confession about this card.  You have seen it before, in fact I demoed this card during the previous 4 Day Deal that I did, but it had Iris on it.  The Iris have been discontinued from Heartfelt Creations line (or are about to be) and I just loved the layout with the embossed vellum and scalloped posy.  I decided to just do a swap.  The iris was removed and I added the Asters in it's place.  I wanted to show the asters embossed in white for a completely different look to them.  I haven't had time to go back and find the original card, but if you scroll back to find it, you will see just how different this small change makes to this card.  (I bet many of you probably wouldn't have recognised it if I hadn't told you, now would you?)LOL   I have to be brief today as I am finishing up my demo prep for Monday's shows and still have a ways to go yet.  One final mention, though, I can't actually post this card out until Thursday after the shows are over.  Remember to leave a comment in you want to be entered in the drawing.  All for now, Sue x


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Pam said...

Another beautiful card and the paler shades look so good with the Aster dies too. Good luck with your shows, cant wait to see what you have for us.

Viv said...

Love this card my favourite
Viv x

Lin W said...

WOW!love the colours and flowers,really wonderful card. cant wait to watch you on t.v. next week.

tracy w said...

Hi Sue another stunning card love the colours Tracy w x

Vick said...

Hi & Goodmorning Sue,

What a a stunner! I love it and I love the colour combo too, love the asters too, hope you have a great weekend, hugs, Vick xx
My YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue wow youve done it again i loved it the first time aroun. but i think this one is the best as i like these pale colours it will make a beautiful mothersday card. I lost my mum last December but i will be making a card like this one if you dont mind my copying it. Sue you are such a talented lady. Looking forward to next week shows. Take care Sue xx

Debs Artliff

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, love the Asters, what a beautiful die. Your card is gorgeous, adore the colours.

Wilma x x x

Missmizog said...

Fantasic card the pastel colours are so elegant. Make a great mothers day card.

CORINNE said...

what clever girl you are!sort of recycled love the colours looking forward to seeing you and recording you Monday hugs Corinne

Annie said...

Fabulous card, Sue Love the colour, adore the asters. Soooo looking forward to your shows, I had decided to spend this month on a new chair to craft on because my current one gives me backache but I have this feeling that asters and things may just nudge ahead and win the budget race for this month LOL have a great weekend in between your prepping Hugs Annie

Nananne said...

Adorable card ,just love everything about it! Good luck with all your shows,can't wait to see them when I get home from holiday.

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,

Loving those Asters, think I know what I want for my b'day. Great card and layout.

Donna Jones

Pat said...

Love this card - the flowers are so delicate. Can't wait to see you on TV again Pat x

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful card sue, love the colours and the asters. Soooo looking forward to the shows next week.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue
I would definately not have recognised today's card because it looks so different from the original. I thought the iris card was amazing but this card tops it. It's surprising how the colours you use changes the whole look. Really looking forward to your shows (although my bank manager isn't ) lol I know things will jump in my basket when I am not looking.
Hugs x
Heather T

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue,
I love this card, especially the color combination. The flowers just pop out and say it is almost spring...

fame01 said...

What great card sue real pretty. looking forward to the shows i will record them as i may be off for a trip in the hospital but that way i will be able to see them when i come home .. thanks sue for all your stunning inspiration .. hugs sarah ..x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue,

I loved this card first time round and this one is just as stunning, I too thought it would make a lovely Mothers day card .Monday is approaching cant wait!!! Have a great weekend .

Jean D

Sonja_W said...

Beautiful card, love the colours and the asters are so pretty. Looking forward to seeing your demos on Monday x

Unknown said...

Morning Sue!

This card is a stunner with the asters; anyone winning it is a very lucky person indeed.

The colours are so beautiful.

Try and find time for a wee rest tomorrow won't you? So you are bright eyed and bushy tailed to tempt us with goodies on Monday!

Crafty Hugs
Heather Rogers xx

JAO said...

Looks very lovely .

Jan.moogie said...

Stunning absolutely stunning Sue, x

Rose in Chester said...

What a lovely card - I remember the Iris but prefer the asters.
Am really looking forward to all of next week - and hopefully you'll be producing the rulers, amongst other things...
Have a great weekend Sue, despite being busy with preparations for the shows.

Astrid Maclean said...

Great card, those flowers really pop and I love the colours!

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - simply divine - loving those asters - only approx 48 hours to go - not that I am counting you understand..
Clare W

Clai01 said...

Looking forward to the shows Sue, absoutely gorgeous card as always!

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue, very pretty. Much prefer the Asters than the Iris. Such a pretty card and perfect for Mother's Day. Looking forward to seeing you back on C&C.
JazzaC x

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Wow! What a beautiful card. Looking forward to the shows. X

Anonymous said...

My first ever comment on a blog! Beautiful card by a truly talented lady - thank you for all the inspiration over the many months. Roll on Monday!

Joesgrandma said...

Such a beautiful card! Just lost for words!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't have known, Sue, and it looks just gorgeous with the asters.Thanks for giving us yet another chance to win a SW original.
Guess you have a lot of prepping for so many shows - what a job ha but someone has to do it!!

'P' in Wales

SusanLotus said...

Very soft and lovely card!
Enjoy your saturday to the fullest.


Unknown said...

Just beautiful again Sue. Lovely soft shade of lilac. Perfect for Mother's Day. I would love to receive this card ver much. X

Fieldsend said...

Morning Sue, swap or not is is still a stunning card. Love love it. Have a great weekend and looking forward to Monday at 8am

Love June

Anonymous said...

Astonishing Asters, really lovely card. There'll certainly be power surges from the TV for a few days starting on Monday. We'll SEE YOU SOON. Hurrah. Mabex

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, just love this card the soft colours are complimented by the lovely Asters and also just. The right number not over crowding the design. I love it.
Rita (Wigan)

Nanny Jo said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! I love the colours, the layout, the asters!!! Thankyou, Sue, for yet another stunning card!!

hazel young said...

No Sue i wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me. Gorgeous card again love those asters, so looking forward to your shows xx hazel

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
I definitely haven't seen this card before but I love the colour scheme - it's so gentle and gives the gentle hint that Spring may just be around the corner - We all hope so!!! I really do like the format and would dearly love to receive a card of this quality.
I hope I can managing to contact your shows on Monday whilst sailing across the Channel and fingers crossed for me that you still have stocks left!!!!
Janet x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue what a stunning card and love the colours..........I cannot wait for Monday's shows. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Patricia said...

Good morning Sue,
A fantastic card in every way, love the colour and design, right up my street.
Might just have to have a go at this one later.
Have a great weekend

Patricia. xxx

Dolly Daydream said...

Hi Sue - I haven't been on here for a couple of days as I have been a bit poorly. I love the asters, never did really take to the Iris and love the colours you have used. Looking forward to Monday - Hugs Dawn Searle x

ellyscard creatief said...

Lovely card Sue.
Gr Elly

Unknown said...

I never would have noticed if you hadn't said Sue, those flowers are so pretty. I treated myself to the jewel flourishes and flowers last month and haven't had a chance to use them yet but I think they are a similar style, although no matching stamps. Looking forward to your shows next week, have a great weekend. Maddy x

Val said...

Must buy the asters. Gorgeous.x

kimberley said...

Pretty colours Sue and any sentiment could be used.hope you have fun on the shows-i'm fair looking forward to them although i'm very short of pennies at the moment but no doubt something will creep into my basket!take care,x.

Ladock girl said...

Wow this is amazing, and your right I wouldn't have recognised it if you had not said, I love those asters they are so delicate and embossed in white they look great. I would absolutely love to win this card, good luck to everyone. Also good luck with the shows next week I'll be watching. Linda xxx

Maxine said...

A stunning card Sue I love the colours and it's so pretty. x

barbiepinkfairy said...

Love this one really looking forward to the shows!

darcydaydream said...

another lovely card.....can't wait to see all the demos next week. Have my planner set for record already!
Christine in Darcy....xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Great swap. I loved the Iris but these Asters are beautiful as well. The lay out makes you look right into this card, you can't help but notice every layer without trying, fantastic! (I know what I mean but not sure it make will sense to others, sorry). I LOVE IT. Only 2 sleeps now! Take care.

Clarissa said...

I'm in love with the Asters.
Clarissa. X

Carol H said...

Another beautiful card, just love the colours.

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty card Sue and so very delicate and yes I would never have known it was a 'repeat' had you not said. Just love the look of the asters and can't wait until Monday!! YvonneMayxx

Janice K said...

A beautiful card showcasing the gorgeous aster dies a treat. x

maxine h said...

Hi Sue
What a pretty fresh card today, I love it, and I'm soooooooooo liking the asters. I would have never known it was the same card not in a million years lol.
Love maxine xx

Sue - said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue - said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue - said...

Such a pretty card and lovely soft colours.

Marion said...

Hi Sue another stunner ,i have really fallen for the aster bet it sells out quickly. i would be honoured if i won this card and would cherish it.
Love Marion

Unknown said...

Beautiful card, the asters look stunning!

Alice xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Gorgeous card those aster's are just so pretty embossed in white really like this one.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

christine said...

Love the asters reminds me of the daisies tinged with pink that we made into daisy chains as children. Monday cannot come quick enough for me.

auscrafts said...

love it, I wonder if I said the same about it's original LOL

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, I love this card, and would never have noticed that it was an altered one from before. It is absolutely gorgeous.
Please enter me into the drawing, I would love for this card to be sitting in my Craft Room. Thank you for the chance to win.
Looking forward to your shows next week.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

Erica said...

Morning Sue,
What a lovely card, so delicate and the asters are gorgeous.
Roll on Monday!
Erica x

Cinders61 said...

I am in love with all the spellbinders flowers but these Asters are gorgeous!! The colours of this card are stunning. Good luck for all your shows. I have set the record button for them all as I will be out earning pennies to buy more Spellbinders! Gillian xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card, would love to win it!

Oksana said...

Beautiful Sue in such lovely colours!xx

Gail said...

Hi Sue,
What a lovely card, as I said yesterday just love the Asters.
Only two more sleeps, can't wait until Monday and your shows.
Gail C x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I would never have guessed had you not said. I remember the iris one but much prefer this one as the flowers and colours are more to my taste. Just shows us all how simple changes can have such an impact.hope you have a relaxing weekend as I can't wait for Monday to arrive.
Beverley W

Lacelady said...

Love the card, and I'll be happy to wait until Thursday for it to be on its way to me! I've ordered the asters die, as I think they are really pretty.

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card, I think the asters are becoming a must have and not just on my wish list. Looking forward to the shows. Bx

auscrafts said...

I've just scrolled back to see the original .amazinig how different it looks with a different flower this one is so much softer in appearence than the iris

Jean Z said...

Beautiful card Sue love the colours Jean Z xxx

Unknown said...

Love the gentle colours of this card, so soft and feminine.
Beautiful one again Sue.

Luv n hugs


bluebell-flowerwood said...

hi sue,i am all for recycling. i am all ready for monday,carnt waite to see what you have got for us,my credit card is shaking allready ha ha. hope the asters are on the show i need them. i would love your card even if it is recycled. i often pinch bit of my cards for other projects if they dont go to our hospics. love bluebell-flowerwood.

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Wow what a stunning card, how a card alters when you change the colours. Love the asters, a must buy
Cannot wait for next week
have a good weekend rest
Carol x

HiggiSue said...

I adore this. Lovely colours and the flowers are a delight. Upcycled rather than recycled in my opinion.

Cassieajh said...

Morning Sue

What a beautiful card, I tried to buy the flowers but as usual when you use a set of dies they sell out very fast!

Elizabeth said...

Good morning Sue, the colours on todays card are fab but then it is such a pretty card. It is good to recycle anyway and I guess many of us would not have known if you hadn't have confessed.
Have a lovely weekend.
Elizabeth S x

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue. Another fantastic card. I thought what a lovely Easter card it would make as the shape reminds me of an egg!

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend and don't work too hard on the prep.

Val in Spain xxx

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Just love, love, love this card the design, colour(my favourite)everything and this would look lovely on my mantle next Friday when I turn 50.
Looking forward to the shows next week as I will have some early birthday money to spend.
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
Just love, love, love this card the design, colour(my favourite)everything and this would look lovely on my mantle next Friday when I turn 50.
Looking forward to the shows next week as I will have some early birthday money to spend.
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

CraftyCj said...

love these asters on this card can't wait until monday have a great week x

Jane said...

lovely very delicate and feminine, pretty in pastels.

Jane xx

Maryann Laursen said...

A really beautiful card, that I definitely would love to win.
It´s really true, even the smallest change can really do a huge difference to any card, and actually make it change to a complete different look, but this is still absolut gorgeous.
Have a wonderful week-end Sue, and I´m looking forward to see the shows next week.

sarah hyett said...

Hi Sue another fabulous card, love the dies and the colour scheme. X

Cazann49 said...

Hi Sue, this is such a delicate looking card.I love

Anonymous said...

GM Sue, those asters just keep growing on me, love them in the paler colour. Another stunning card as always. Have a safe trip, take care.
Gilly C

Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, Yay givaway day!!! I totally love this card - the colours are just beautiful - I think this is one even I could do, I will give it a go this afternoon. Love Sam xxx

nmty said...

Hi Sue love these aster cards that you are making so much so that I will be getting this die I just love the effect of this die the flowers look so delicate. Keep up the good work.

Lv Norma

Hellma said...

Stunning card, love the asters and the color you have used.

englishrose897 said...

Morning Sue,
What a lovely card. Wow wow wow. Sally

gwen70 said...

Beautiful card, love those asters, I think they are going to be a must have

Unknown said...

Wow!!!!what an absolute stunner!! Fabulous Sue!

lainey said...

those flowers look amazing Sue, love it!! lainey x

Sandybee said...

Beautiful colours, beautiful card, Anyone of us would be proud to own this. Good luck Everyone
xx Sandra

Heather said...

Beautiful card - I love the asters!

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, no-one would have known that this was a recycled card if you had not said so, I liked the iris one but I REALLY like this one. The asters are going to be a must have! Roll on Monday! Take care Jess x

Karen R said...

What a great card, love the asters and the colour is wonderful. A great looking card xxxxx

Katie-Louise Sweetlove said...

Hi Sue
What a beautiful card this is, it's lovely and girlie. The asters are so very pretty. I love the pink ink you've used and the borders.

I don't remember the other card to be honest but I've not been following your blog that long. It's good to say you can use the same background work and change one element to make a stunning card that looks so different.

Thank you for your hard crafting work, looking forward to your shows. I hope the ipad c&c app starts working properly in case I miss a show and so I can watch it back again.

Best wishes from Katie-Lou sweetlove

sue said...

I just love todays card,the design,the colours... what more can I say it's beautiful. Lots of love, Sue

Maggie said...

Fabulous card Sue the Aster is another of my fav flowers like the Iris and I just love your pastel card which really suites the Aster. Looking forward to shows on Monday :)


nattyboots said...

Hi sue
I love the aster flowers and the colours you have chosen .

Another die goes onto my wish list

Have a nice weekend.

Elaine H X

Sonia Jones said...

Morning Sue, WOW i love this card and you are really teasing us with these asters! I can't wait for the demo on them to show us what you are doing to them to make them so stunning! I missed yesterdays post as i was doing a workshop and there was no internet access! Hugs for now see you Monday X

Clare Powell said...

Beautiful card, the flowers look very pretty. Looking forward to watching your shows on Monday.

Clare x

baconbits said...

Morning Sue,
What a beautiful card and with Mothering Sunday next week this would be a fantastic card to receive.
Am on tendere hooks waiting for Monday although work will be interfering with my watiching live but i will be there in spirit.
Enjoy the prep.
Amanda x

Maggie said...

That's it. I shall be the first on the phone on Monday for these beautiful dies and stamps. Can't wait. Thanks for the sneaky peeks it's made the waiting all the more exciting. xx

Jacqui aka Morgana said...

Well Sue I wouldnt have known but they do say confession is good for the soul.

Absolutely love this card - definately my favourite so far of the asters - cannot wait for monday to arrive so I can drool over even more of your stunning samples.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us and giving us a chance to win one of your beautiful creations which would have pride of place in my craft room if I was lucky enough to be the winner xxxxx

karenlotty said...

Like other comments my first thought was What a beautiful Mothers Day card idea Love the colours

EmmaT said...

Morning Sue, beautiful card, i wouldn't have known and it just shows that by changing little things you can use the same layout out. Love the flowers and colours. Good luck for next weeks shows. Emma

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
Just stunning, the Iris is a great flower but I much prefer the aster they are beautiful.
Have a good day hope you get your prep done.

Sue Parish said...

Lovely card - and no, I wouldn't have recognized it if you hadn't said.
Looking forward to Monday!
Sue xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
The card is lovely and I remember the card with the iris, but I much prefer this one. I often look at some of my older stash and try to recycle it into something different. I think its brill.
Love Jan x x

cats said...

Good morning Sue,perfect card I am loving the asters !! Roll on monday.... I hope I have enough money !!
Christine xx

sued99 said...

It may be the same card but looks so different. This is definitely my favourite this week and I would love to own it.

hollyberry said...

Hi Sue
So beautiful and the colours are delicate but catch your eye at the same time.Confession-no I wouldn't have realised if you hadn't said it was a makeover of an old caed

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I would not have known it was a makeover, it is beautiful and delicate. Looking forward to the shows.

Love Rosemarie xx

Glenharon said...

What a beautiful card that a mother would love much more than the expensive bouquet of flowers. What a work of art. You truely have a magical gift to your fingertips Sue. Love and hugs, Norah

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue, the Asters are gorgeous, it is such a beautiful elegant card. Enjoy your weekend.

Anthea said...

Good morning Sue, have to say I prefer this version its gorgeous. Disappointed last night as I attempted to order the pack of coloured card you have on your shows next week and its already sold out!!! I do hope they get more in :( Hugs xx

Lynne M said...

Hi Sue, love the springlike look of this card . Just beautiful. I can hear my bank card groaning already as I can't wait for Monday to arrive. Lol Lynne M x x

mell said...

nice soft colours sue! very versatile card xx my week end started at 4:30 this morning for a weekend of 12 hr shifts x

Inagh said...

Hi Sue Another stunning card Love it
I have not posted for a while as I have not been very well. thankfully I am on the road to recovery. I am in Hospital since before Christmas
I will miss Monday Morning Shows on C&C as I have to go to Theatre having a procedure done but will watch the evening shows on the lap top PG
Regards Inagh x

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, I love the shades and the asters especially. Looking forward to the forthcoming shows.

Nic C

Joan Hill said...

Hi Sue,
Am really liking the asters, and it goes without saying the colour pink!!!
Looking forward to your shows x

Joan Hill said...

Hi Sue,
Am really liking the asters, and it goes without saying the colour pink!!!
Looking forward to your shows x

scofessex said...

What a lovely card I love the colours

Ali B said...

Hi Sue,
Love the look of this card the colours are so soft. Can't wait to see whats on the shows. Im saving hard so I can purchase some new goodies.
Alison x

Jackie Calvert said...

Morning Sue.
I love the freshness of this card, I don't think Asters are the right flowers for the elegant look you usually go for, but this card is lovely. It all depends what you do with it doesn't it?

loftylass said...

Love this card Sue - great for mother's day. I liked it first time round but I've fallen in love with the Aster dies. tfs
Looking forward to next weeks shows. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The card is wonderful as usual and I wouldn't have recognised it from before. I'm now intrigued as I'm just realising that there must be stamps and dies to match coming up on the shows!!
Caroline MacH

Helen J said...

Beautiful card, I love the colour scheme.

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Another stunning card today. I love the asters. Really looking forward to next week. Have fun. SueL

Sandra said...

Good Morning Sue,
I absolutely LOVE that Aster flower!!!
I am really looking forward to your shows next week, looks like there are some really exciting things in the line-up!
I did xxn@t recognise the card fom last time and would never have known!
Have a lovely relaxing weekend before your busy week, mind you I expect with you demonstrating that everything will sell out on Monday!
Crafty Hugs
Sandra Riley

nancyd said...

Morning Sue, an absolutely beautiful
card just love the Asters wasn't
really that keen on the Iris dies
but didn't recognise the card from
before just shows you change colour or
topper and it looks completely
different.(tried to comment on my
tablet this morning at about 8 o'clock
but wouldn't go so hope its not
duplicated)Nancyd xx

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hello sue, have just been on create and craft to order the aster dies and stamp set,and it is sold out already,so i tried the aster dies on there own and they are sold out to. how dissapointing. i have left my email if any more stock come in. thought i would put this on your blog to save others spending money on the phone call. love bluebell-flowerwood.

Delyth said...

What a beautiful card. I have been looking for an Easter card with a few tweaks as I don't have all the dies you have given me a great idea, looking forward to your shows next week good luck on your prepping.

Unknown said...

Hey Sue
I was on C&C and their new trick to see about the 4 day deal and I know exactly what I'm going to get. Right now they say it's sold out but they just won't let us get them yet. Roll on Monday1 :)
Love the layout and love the card again. Thanks Sue
See you here again tomorrow.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue
Gorgeous card - love the colours and the asters are absolutely stunning. Have already ordered the aster dies and also the stamps ( though not from c&c!) so am looking forward to playing with them on Monday. Really looking forward to the shows - have already set the recorder. Good luck- though you won't need it!

Unknown said...

Wow Sue this is fabulous. Gorgeous layout and my very fave colour too. Stunning.
Dawn xxx

Anonymous said...

This one amazing, I've I have a choice, I always choose lilac!!

Mol x

Alison Scott said...

Beautiful card that really shows the versatility of the dies.

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Love this soft delicate card, the aster die is beautiful, I remember the iris card and this upcycle version is scrummy.
Good luck with the prepping and try to have a little chill time tomorrow.
2 more sleeps to go my credit card is quivering.
Have a great day everyone.
Higs June xxx

Val H said...

Hi Sue Love the card, beautiful soft colouring and the asters are a nice touch which makes the difference. Very much looking forward to your shows tomorrow!!! Good luck

JJ said...

What a lovely card. I love all the pastel colours, so fresh.I have missed so many dies in the past, now looking forward to seeing whats on offer on Monday!
Love Jacquie xxx

Debbie Tinks said...

Lovely card Sue. Must try this lovely

Bev said...

beautiful card very subtle colours

Hanneke said...

What a lovely card Sue, I love the soft colors and flowers, I'd love the chance to win it. Hugs, Hanneke

MARGARET said...

Hi Sue
Such a beautiful card, This is my favourite one of all I think. Stunning
Margaret L

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win this little beauty, those beautiful asters again. Good luck with the rest of your preparations, Edwina said...

Really do like this card today - the colours are great together and the white embossing of the asters is just lovely.

Hope your remaining show prep goes OK and I'll enjoy watching them.

Thanks, Susan

CraftyJo said...

Looks a pretty card Sue, the colours are very sweet.

Craftychris said...

Truly stunning! The delicate colours are gorgeous and the Asters look fabulous. Thank you for the chance win! xx

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue

Wow, I love this card, will have to look for the original one but think I can remember it. Looking forward to see what you will be bringing us! Love Jean xxx

Maddie, Nottingham said...

Very lovely Sue as usual. Loving that the flowery cards are back. Looking forward to Monday when you are back on C&C, it's been too long!

Suebak said...

So much thought is given to choosing the right sentiment for your spectacular card creations. Thanks. x

Glynis said...

Love this card, it is so pretty. I will definitely be having a go at replicating this.

Sue C said...

I love this card xx

Ita said...

Good Morning Sue WOW I just love this card the color combo.,is fantastic,I would not have guessed that we saw it befoure,but I did think Sue is using that NICE Scalloped edge again,It
amazes me how you can create fantastic cards every looking forward to seeing your show on Monday

Jean J said...

Another day, another beautiful card. Thank you sue,Looking forward to your new shows tomorrow.

jean.phillips1 said...

Just scrolled back to 7th November 2012 to see the original card, love them both! Love Jean xxx

Sheila Cook said...

Hello Sue,
Yet again you have posted a beautiful card, how do you keep on doing it? You are very talented.
Thank you.

nzillingworth said...

Hi Sue
Well snowed under in boxes here Jewelry boxes and easter bun boxes but always got time to look at a brill card. Fallen in love with the aster dies.
Hope to tune in for the shows. Sure your demos will be great. As always
Born again spellbinder
Nadine hug xxx

Meg Owen said...

Beautiful and versatile card Sue.
I love the flowers and the colours.

Margaret O

Howdy said...

Love the asters sue. Oops-more shopping!

Marianna Hammer said...

Wonderful soft colors, what a lovely card.
Yes thank yoy, my week end startes lovely. Slept in, and a lovely sunshine when I woke up. One can only be in a good mood on a day like this. Hope your week end is full oc joy.

SusieB said...

Hi Sue,

Beautiful card as per usual. I absolutely love the aster and my fingers have been twitching but I have decided to wait and see some of your demos before deciding between the lovely goodies that are on the website.

Please, please can I win.......? lol

Am off to do some card making now myself as hubby is away in Portugal even though it is my birthday weekend!! :-(

Sue XX

Leanne said...


Unknown said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Can't wait for the shows, just hope that they don't sell out to early so that we don't miss any.

Lynne J said...

Oh I cant wait until Monday, we have missed you Sue. I really wouldnt have known this was the same card but it is still beautiful

Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Such a pretty card, a complete contrast to yesterdays, i wish i could find some of your inner inspiration.

Well so much for a break this weekend your still preparing for next week, hope you do find some time for a break before Monday.

Best Wishes and good luck for next week(i know you wont need it).

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

Lynn Rowe said...

I just love the Aster Dies, the card is beautiful. Little confession I too have used another card, removed and piece and replaced with something else when in a pinch...a typical crafter

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Beautiful card love the colour.
Those beautiful Asters really enhance this gorgeous design. I really think this is a winner.
Love Brenda Lel

Lynn Rowe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, this card really jumped out at me and said hello. It's lovely and if you try really hard you could almost believe the background die was an Easter egg. You can guess what cards I am making at the moment :-)

LesleyW said...

Yet another beautiful card. I think it is even better than the original iris version. Just love these pastel colours. Good luck with the shows x

salem said...

great card love flowers aND COLOR

Janice said...

Love this card, The flower in the centre is similar to delicate aster die from spellbinders. I also like the simplicity of the edge and overall design of the card. It looks very stylish. Janice x

Sandra F said...

A lovely card Sue. xx

Jayvalikka said...

I love the colors! So pleasing to the eyes. :) You've added lovely embellishments to it as well! perfect combination.


Unknown said...

A beautiful as always.Can't wait until Monday.Only 2 more sleeps !!!!

Anne O said...

What a beautiful card. I would not have spotted that it was 'recycled'. How stylish! I've never had much success with making flowers, but I'm keen to try these asters.

Hope I'm lucky enough to win the card and have a sample even closer to hand,

Good luck with the shows - ill be reordinf,

Best wishes Anne O

yorkshiresue said...

Hi Sue
I shall be searching out the original card to compare
I have the anemone dies so will see how they look
Can't wait for your shows next week. It seems an age since you were last on

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue. Amazing how the change of flower makes a difference. Thanks for sharing x

Unknown said...

Lovely card Sue. Amazing how the change of flower makes a difference. Thanks for sharing x

Michelle said...

This is so pretty Sue, it would be lovely as a Mother's Day card. It is so different with the asters. I'm really looking forward to Monday and wish you all the best for the shows.

Hugs, Michelle xx

Laura O said...

beautiful card Sue,love these flowers and the colours are fantastic.Laura O

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful card Sue. Love the style, colours and design xx

Unknown said...

wow another beautiful card Sue the colours are lovely. Looking forward to the 4 day deal been very good and saved some pennys car'nt wait to see what treats you have for us
hugs Ruth

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Sue! Flowers do it for me every time
Carole N x

Jenney said...

What a pretty card ans so useful for lots of occassions. Ihave just started using Spellbinders so need your wonderful inspiration. Thanks so much for the daily help. Jenney x

Hilary said...

Hi Sue. I absolutely love everything about this card. What a difference a change of flower makes!!The Asters are gorgeous!
Looking forward to your shows. Have a great weekend. Love and hugs. Hilary xxx

Glass Daisy said...

Hi Sue,
I love the card, and guess what......have the dies except the asters.......they will be on order lol.
Sonia x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Wow 194 comments already this is a stunning card I have some of the dies so can make something similar looking forward to the shows will record them all of course Sue x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, another stunning card and you have used my favourite colours today, hope your not getting too stressed prepping for the shows, you are so talented so take time out and step away from your desk !Looking forward to the shows. Hugs Liz C X

redfox said...

Hi Sue, what a beautiful card! It's simply stunning. I love the pale colours and the asters look so pretty and effective. Sooo looking forward to Monday!

Maggie J said...

Wonderful card as usual Sue. The asters are one of my favourites and combined with the lovely colours this card is an absolute winner. Maggie J

lorraine (classylady) said...

Sue this is a gorgeous card, really loving the Asters. Cant wait for Monday...

lorraine - scotland

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