Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Thinking Of You Today

Hi all!  I really like this background as it sort of looks like cork when you first see it, doesn't it!  I have simply used kraft card and stamped the Justrite Victorian Tile background using a clear Perfect Medium pad, giving you a watermark effect.  I added a piece of black duchess lace across the bottom of the card.  On blush coloured card, I stamped two of the Justrite Embroidered borders using a black archival ink pad.  I cut them out using the matching edgeability die edge.  Adding 3D foam to the back of both borders, I mounted them up for dimension, leaving a small gap in the foam to allow for the height in the lace.  I stamped the decorative stamp from the always and Forever set on black card using a clear perfect medium pad.  I heat embossed it with clear and cut it out with the oval nested medallion die.  On kraft card, I stamped the frame from the same set.  I stamped my sentiment on blush card and overstamped it for texture with the decorative stamp from the set.  I clear embossed for texture.    I matted the three pieces up to form my central focal element.  To keep my embellishments light, I used pink tulle to tie a bow and added some black jute twine and a black dazzler for definition.  I added a double blush mat and pierced the inner layer. To complete the card, I added small black dots to the edge of the borders using the Cosmic Shimmer black PVA glue.  Finished dimensions are 7" x 7 1/2" in size.


Pam said...

A very elegant card, lacy and subtle. It does look like a cork background and love the netting bow.

Unknown said...

Lovely Sue I did think it was cork until I took a closer look!

Crafty Hugs
Heather Rogers xx

Anonymous said...

Just seen Belinda's late comment yesterday, Sue. Congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the Year. No surprise there, you're a winner all the time to us!!
Great card today, almost like theatre curtains opening to reveal the big act. Love that bow.

'P' in Wales.

Karen R said...

Very effective, love the combination of colours and the great bow

auscrafts said...

simply beautifull

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue youve done it again this is a stunning card i love it. I lkke how you have done the cork looking background. I must say I do like the cork look. Tske care sue. Xx

Debs Artliff

Unknown said...

Hi Sue
Love this card, the background looks amazing. A good all rounder for any occasion.
Love Jan x x

tracy w said...

Hi Sue what can i say its stunning love the background it does look like cork and i love the ribbon thanks tracy w x

Unknown said...

What a spectaclular card with so many brilliant techniques , they all come together so well. You seem to have done something a little but different along the sides where you placed your cosmic shimmer pearls- that's very cute!!

Alice xx

Mrs B said...

Hi Sue. Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year. You deserve it. Lovely card today. The cork looking background is great and I love the lace. Take care.

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, fabulous card! It was great to be able to chat with you yesterday and see your latest wonderful creations...also to be able to congratulate you in person abut your blog accolade! We should have shown that in our photo shouldn't we? Have a great final day of Stitches Carole Z X

Gail said...

Good Morning Sue,
I love the cork like background, it could have many uses.. And lighten up by the blush, brilliant.
Gail C x

Donna Jones said...

Hi Sue,

All your followers know you have the number 1 crafty blog :-) love your 'cork' background and net bow with hint of black twine.

Donna Jones

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, lovely card, great colour combination, especially my favourite kraft card. Bx

Viv said...

Congratulations on winning the award and what a pretty card!
Viv x

Joesgrandma said...

Very attraceive, sophisticated and elegant! I really love this one Sue!

englishrose897 said...

Hi Sue. Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year. Well done you. Great card today , love the side panels. Sally

Ann said...

Hi Sue

Many Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the year well deserved you are so generous with your time and sharing your talent.

Stunning card today absolutely beautiful so elegant.

Hugs Annx without an "e"

baconbits said...

Morning Sue - Many congratulations on the Craft Blog of the Year you so deserve it - your blog is so inspirationaland the first thing that i do in the mornings after putting on the kettle.
This is such a pretty card really like the side panels and the over stamping on the sentiment.
Amanda x

Anonymous said...

,morning Sue, lovely card a lot of time,effort and thought went into it. I'll have to look at yesterday's comment to see Belinda's comment I usually only read the comments before mine.....I could be missing a lot of info....and that would ever do!!
Well done before I see it;I hope this is the year you wipe the board with awards you deserve it.Mabex

englishrose897 said...

Hi Sue. Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year. Well done you. Great card today , love the side panels. Sally

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue

Another beautiful card. Love the colour combination too

June x

Unknown said...

Good morning Sue,
I love that you are doing really different things with a small set of dies. This helps me to,focus on a few fantastic ideas. Thanks

Anonymous said...

GM Sue - Congrats on the Blog Award - I should think so!!! Re card - what an effective background and I love the borders.
Clare W

Maryann Laursen said...

Congrats Sue for winning the craftblog of the year, it´s sooo welldeserved hun.
Your card today is really beautiful and well made as usual and I really like this one today.

Annie said...

Congrats, Sue - no surprise I'm sure for all your blog followers but great you are recognised in the wider world! Well deserved! Love today's card, the background is fabulous and I love the bows. Unique as always. I do love Kraft card and this effect is just fantastic. TFS Big congrats hugs Annie

marg said...

Good Morning Sue!
Well Done and well deserved too!
I too turn you on before I fill the kettle, and open the curtains its like a ritual now!
Love this card Sue!

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue
A very sophisticated card, congratulations on your blog win.
Happy crafting
Love Tina x

Anonymous said...

Good morning Sue
Congratulations on winning your blog of the year award it is so well deserved. I love the 'cork' background another brilliant idea from you.
Hugs x
Heather T

Patricia Howarth said...

Morning Sue, Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year, you so deserve the accolade.
Your card today is so beautiful, I love the heat embossed background and the lacy borders and the tulle bow is beautiful, although on my computer is looks white and not pink ha ha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx

kimberley said...

Another lovely card Sue as usual you make it seem so effortless.It could be used with any sentiment.A little request however-could we maybe see a few more cards with a lot brighter colours.At thus time of year I think we all need a little bit of sunshine colours,take care,x. Oh and many ,many congrats about your blog-it was thoroughly deserved,.

Rose in Chester said...

CONGRATULATIONS on winning Craft Blog of the Year. It is more than deserved because not only do you create wonderful cards time and time again, but you also let the rest of the world into the secret of how you do this. It is a thank you well deserved.
Today's card is absolutely beautiful, what a wonderful effect the "cork" background.
I MUST BUY that background stamp, it is so very versatile and looks good whenever you use it.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue.

Congrats on winning Craft Blog Of The Year. It's well deserved as the cards you do every day are beautiful and very inspirational. Love todays card yet again.

Val in Spain xxx

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue
MANY CONGRATULATIONS - you more than deserve this accolade and many more - you turned my crafting complete round and so much for the better so again CONGRATULATIONS.
Today's card is so so elegant - I can just imagine the Edwardian Ladies receiving such a card. I love the colour scheme and the format.
Today I'm off to the only craft shop around here (45k each way) for
a birthday shop in crafty goodies - even though I have to wait another week for the day. So much excitement on my part!!!
Janet x

Corinne said...

Hi Sue WELL DONE YOU!!!a well deserved award your cards are always stunning this one included love the stamps Hugs Corinne

Anonymous said...

Belinda Raven said...

Hi Sue, yay! Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful creativity - participate in craft - again I say 'Yay!'.

Will be using your faux-cork - another great idea.

Hugs, Belinda x

Victoria said...

This is such an elegant card. Love the borders on both sides. The jute is effective behind the bow too. Beautiful.

Carol Clarke said...

Morning Sue
Another stunning, elegant cardI do love the cork effect background very ingenious and also the Lace. Congratulations Sue you deserve it
Carol x

Marion said...

Hi Sue congratulations ,you certainly deserve it for all the time and effort you put in doing it and long may it continue.

Lynne M said...

Hi Sue, many congrats, the award is only what you deserve. Todays card is brilliant , love the faux cork effect background . Just lovely x lol Lynne M x x

Ladock girl said...

Elegant card, same colours as yesterday, you must like that alot. Have a good day, Linda xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well done on winning your award Sue - you so deserve it as you put in so much time to produce such brilliant cards and share your wonderful ideas with us all every day. Really love today's card and will be giving it a go! YvonneMayxx

Marleine said...

Morning Sue,

Congratulations. A well deserved award.

When will we see you back on C&C'S ?

Lovely card. Love lace stamps. X

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, Congratulations on winning the "Craft Blog of the Year". Well deserved. Your card today is stunning, love the background will have to give this a try....Thanks for all the inspiration that you give us.

Happy crafting
Chrissie x x x

Unknown said...

Lovely as usual. And a big WOO HOO!! about winning your newest award. CONGRATS :) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue A lovely card and great colour combo! Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Sue,
CONGRATULATIONS on winning Craft Blog of the year, you give so much to your blog, you have really earned this award.
Love todays card, another winner!
Have a great day. Love Brenda Lel.

alimecca said...

Hi Sue
Many,many congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the year - well deserved. Today's card is lovely and quite delicate. Really like the tulle bow and the lace edges. Congratulations once again.

Rosemarie said...

Morning Sue, I would like to add my Congratulations as well, it is a very well deserved Award. I love the look of cork on this card and the overall effect is great. Congratulations again,

Love Rosemarie xx

Anthea said...

Good morning Sue, lovely card today particularly like the watermark effect must try that, Would be a good technique for men's cards. Hugs xx

hollyberry said...

Hi Sue
I really love this card,it is very elegant.

Sue Yorkshire said...

Morning Sue

Congratulations on your Blogger award... you have a lovely blog and I do try to get on every day

Love the cork effect background on this one

Sue xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and a lovely card x

maxine h said...

Hi Sue
Many congrats on your blogger award, its soooooooo deserved. I like todays card and think it would make a nice sympathy card if I was to omit the bow.
Love Maxine xx

Jess Watson said...

Morning Sue, well done on winning the craft blog award, it couldn't have gone to a nicer person! Today's card is stunning, how do you manage to come up with such awesome designs? Congratulations again, take care, Jess x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Congratulations on your award you truly deserve it bringing us wonderful cards and sharing your ideas every single day without fail. I for one am truly grateful to you. Love today's bow by the way.
Beverley W

ssn.wht@gmail.com said...

The watermark embossing on the kraftcard is very effective. Lovely card again Sue, and congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the Year - well deserved!

Thanks, Susan

Jean Z said...

Hi Sue Congratulations on winning Craft Blog of the Year no suprise there, love the card the stamped borders are beautiful will have to start stamping again Jean Z xxx

Lacelady said...

Congrats on your award Sue, I missed that, but no more than you deserve! Love the card, really must dig out my tulle and try a netting bow.

Erica said...

Morning Sue,
Many congratulations on your award. A fitting tribute to all your hard work and dedication.
Great card too.
Erica x

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your award, well-deserved!!! Love the card. I have a set of lace edges stamps, but must get the matching die and use them more often. Your cards are always such an inspiration. Maddy x

bluebell-flowerwood said...

hisue love the net bow. well done for your award you deservre it,for your hard word. when will we be seeing you on create and craft. hope the trade show went well. love bluebell-flowerwood.

Debbie Tinks said...

lovely card Sue

Unknown said...

Well done Sue, next award Craft Bog of the Century:)
Love this card and must try the stamping over the sentiment trick.

Happy Crafting
Carol B

Clare Powell said...

Gorgeous card, very elegant.

Clare x

Anonymous said...

Firstly congratulations - a well deserved win - you put so much effort into your blog and you are so generous with your tips and inspiration. Well Done.
I love today's card, I have some craft card in my stash and will search it out now after seeing your inspiring card - would also work well for a gents card background. Thanks for the inspiration.
Caroline MacH

hazel young said...

Lovely card Sue, no wonder you won craft blogger of the year. congrulations xx hazel

lydia jordan said...

Morning Sue,
A well deserved award congratulations.
Today's card is great but its showing as white on my screen I bet its very pretty in pink, I'll use my imagination.

Hanneke said...

Hi Sue, another gorgeous card! I love the black, white and brown/gold color! Hugs, Hanneke

MARGARET said...

Hi Sue
Very elegant card today, stunning.
Margaret L

magpie said...

Gorgeous card Sue & yes the background does look like cork. Beautiful border stamp & the subtle blush coloured card goes nicely with the black & kraft card. Very elegant xx Love Karen xx Congratulations too on winning the Craft Blog of the Year! No surprise there Sue, it's "Simply the best!" xx

Cazann49 said...

Hi Sue, the craft card really looks like cork! Love what you've done with this card..:) Have a great day.xxx

Unknown said...

Congratulations Sue, you truly deserve the award. You have so much talent and inspire so many of us, your work is truly fabulous.
Love the card by the way!!

Carol S. said...

Morning Sue, My last post for a few days, as I am going into hospital for a knee replacement tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to it though!
A gorgeous card today as usual. The background is amazing, gives a very elegant feel. Congratulations for winning your blog award. Well deserved, as this card shows. Hugs, Carol S.xx

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi Sue
Lovely elegant design but for me lighter colours hit the jackpot.
Many Congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the Year so well deserved, but I have to admit it is no surprise at all you are in a class all of your own.

beachie said...

Hi Sue
another beautiful card,great background.
Audrey x

salem said...

fab car d love color

Jill Liddle said...

Lovely card again Sue. Love these colours again too.

raineysheep said...

Lovely card Sue, very inspiring

Lorraine x

raineysheep said...

Lovely card Sue, very inspiring

Lorraine x

Janice K said...

Love the cork effect! x

Jackie Calvert said...

As usual your idea's are inspiring, I like this card very much, and can imagine how different colourways could look.

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, first of all Congratulations! Love this card and it is just what I need to make today for someone! I have the background stamp and the dies so may have to give it a go. Love Jean xxx

CraftyJo said...

Love that idea of overstamping and clear embossing on top of the sentiment - the close-up shots really show it off nicely.

Jayne S said...

Lovely elegant card, great colour combos.

Craftychris said...

I love al textural look of this card - the background is fabulous! xx

Lesley Sinclair said...

Hi sue firstly congrats on winning your award it is so well deserved as you have helped and inspired so many of us, secondly what a great card I love the justrite stamps and am slowly building up my collection and Victorian tile is the next one I'm buying this week so thanks for the cork background idea!! Love Lesley x

howdy said...

love this one. Great colours and very pretty

Michelle said...

Hi Sue,

I totally agree with you, the background cetainly does look like cork, it looks brilliant. I love the duchess lace across the bottom of the card, it's so elegant. Adding the Justrite embroidered borders raised is a lovely effect and the center focal point, with all it's techniques, really attracts the eye. I love the pink tulle bow with the twine and black dazzler it really does give dimension to the card. I would be delighted to receive a card like this from a friend if I were going through a hard time, it's a lovely way to let someone know you're thinking of them. Thanks for sharing this beautiful card Sue.

Hugs Michell E xx

PS I mistakenly posted this to yesterdays post, I can be tad daft at times, lol. Sorry for the confusion. xx

Meg Owen said...

Hi Sue,
I do like this card, the medallion dies are very effective.

Margaret O

nancyd said...

Hi Sue,congratulations on your award
very much deserved we are all very
greatfull to you for all yur work
and blogging them for us.
Back to todays card just love it
and did think it was cork.
Nancyd xx

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Snuffy Snoo said...

Hi Sue, many congratulations to you... you certainly deserve it - I think you are just great!! Love the card as always. Love Sam xxx

nzillingworth said...

Hi Sue
Really like the cork effect, cleverly done. Really love these boarder stamps.
Born again spellbinder
Nadine hug xxx

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue. Many congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the Year, well deserved. Have missed a few days of checking in, internet down, they fixed it at their end on Sunday but mine still did not work. They came out today and it was the powerpack was dead. Now I am a happy bunny I can look at your blog again. Sat, Sun & Monday cards are amazing. Today's card is elegant and lacy, love the faux cork very effective, will be getting the stamps and having a go.
Have great day everyone.
Hygs June xxx

Paper Junkie said...

Many congratulations on your award Sue - it is well deserved as you are such an inspiration! X

Vie Carter said...

Well Sue a very well deserved winner of the blog of the year for craft

Anyone of my fellow bloggers would agree that you brighten our day with your daily card and tutorial

C & C are very lucky to have you on their team as you inspire so many crafters to just 'give it a go'

Love todays card


Julie Bee said...

Hi Sue

Congratulations on your award, very deserved.

I also thought the background was cork, clever idea I will be trying that one.

Love the card as ever, hope you are well.

Best Wishes

Julie Bee

carol bradshaw said...

another stunning card and congratulations on your award

love and many best wishes


Maggie said...

Hello Sue. You deserve your glory as champion blogger. This card is so interesting and really does give the effect of cork. Would love to see it in real life so I guess I'll have to give it a go. xx

Fieldsend said...

Afternoon Sue, now this is a Sue card. Love the combination and great card. Like many other would like to say Congratulation on the Craft Blog of the Year, well done.

Rgds June

Julie-Ann said...

Hello sue,
beautiful card. I love Kraft card, i used it for my sons 18th birthday invites, he had a tea dance, seemed to fit the bill.
Congratulations on your blog award, well deserved, so pleased for you
crafty hugs Julie-Ann x

jeffrey bubbles said...

aFTERNOON sUE WELL AGAIN i HAVE TO SAY i LOVE THIS ONE. I struggle sometimes to get things to stick onto bows so will try tyeing it instead. Thanks for all you do as it inspies me sooooo much Kathy

Anonymous said...

Congratulation and well deserved on your award.
What would we do without your blog to get our fix.
Great card once again,
Gilly C

3362Jan said...

Hi Sue. Congratulations on the winning blog. So well deserved. Love the composistion of this card, not so keen on the colours.Hugs.3362 Jan.x

nannapat said...

Lovely card Sue - perfect for those difficult times when a sympathy card is needed. Pat x

nannapat said...

Lovely card Sue - perfect for those difficult times when a sympathy card is needed. Pat x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue thought you had used cork until i read the blog, and the net bow is lovely just like the card xx gail from eastbourne

Patricia said...

Good afternoon Sue,
Congratulations on your win. You deserve it your Blog is always fantastic with beautiful creations every single day.
Great card as always, love that bow!!!
Have a Great Day

Patricia xx

Marianna Hammer said...

This is a lovely card. Lovely background, and beautiful design

Michelle said...

Congratulaions Sue I've just heard the fabulous news that you have won Craft Blog of the Year, wooohooo!!! That's fantastoc, well done, you thoroughly deserve it.

Hugs Michelle E xxx

iggy said...

very pretty.though i thought it was black & white + kraft at 1st glance..thats old age for you without my specs on LOL.....anyway having a great imagination i could see the pink/ blush would be great with the black / grey & white.

Jane said...

Very effective love the color combo.

Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue.
Congratulations on the winning blog. So well deserved. Your card is so versatile as are a lot of your cards Sue x

Vick said...

Hi Sue,
Oh wow, one of my favourite colour combos, taupe and black yay!!! love love love it, definitely looks like cork background before you take a proper look, very clever card, love it, and the frou frou is back yippee!!!! xxxx hugs lovely lady, Vick xx
My YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary

Lynda's craft's said...

A very elegant card today Sue loved the background and the bow just lovely .Hugs Lynda xx

petlady said...

Congratulations Sue on your award.I can see why with all the bautiful cards which you make,like this one on todays blog.Sandra x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sue on your blog award you're a very worthy winner. Another of your elegant cards, one to add to my file for future reference.

Carol H said...

Another versatile card, love the colour combination and the bow.

Shirley T. said...

Hi Sue,

Love the card today. Well done.

Much love,

Shirley T. xxx

Carol H said...

Another versatile card, just love the colours and the bow.

Linda Simpson said...

Stunning Sue, love the gorgeous colour combination. Congratulations on winning the Craft Blog of the Year.

Linda xxx

Anne O said...

Hi Sue
What a lovely card! So many things to try out. I ove the bow - so delicate yet full of interesting texture. Congratulations on your well deserved recognition. So generous of you to share your hints and tips.
Best wishes
Anne O

brenda said...

Hi Sue, congratulations on your award, well deserved. Beautiful card today, love the colours and your gorgeous bow. X

Belinda Barton said...

I love this colour combo again and Im also wondering if I have any old cork dinnr mats at the back of my cupboard somewhere....
Congrats again on the well deserved award. {I thought I was about 2 days behind the times (as is normal) when I posted last night, so was very surprised to find it was breaking news!}

sued99 said...

Really nice card. Have missed looking every day whilst on holiday.

Unknown said...

Hi Sue,
Very many congratulations on your award!!! I love today's card ,the colour the design and the lace another must try, the list is endless of my must tries!
As always thanks Sue!

Jean D

Suebak said...

Thinking of you too! :)

Sue Parish said...

Hi Sue,
Congratulations on your well deserved award.
Love today's card - especially the bow! Must get some of that twine, it really adds something,
Sue xx

wannabcre8tive said...

A very pretty card, I love that tulle bow.

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