Saturday, 12 May 2012

Just Because

Hi guys,  I am going to make this rather quick as I have been sick for the past few days and today was spent sleeping all day!  I think that maybe I have a good case of jet lag and cruise lag and I'm feeling ever so dizzy!  If it gets worse tomorrow, you may just get a card pic and no text!  A quick rundown for this card, though.  I embossed half of the background and cut it on the diagonal.  I added some blue to the top to match my ribbon.  I cut the largest Floral Oval out of decorative card, topped it with two Moroccan accent pieces and my sentiment stamped and cut out with a small Floral Oval and inked.  I cut one of the nautical borders to run diagonally with my embossed background.  Ties a double bow and added some stick pins.  Some pearlie swirlies along the border finished off the background and the paper piercing competed the card.

Here is Sheila in Hamburg in the town centre.  It was very pretty ,but since we were there on Sunday, nothing was open!

This is the Police building in the centre.  Quite spectacular isn't it?

Back on board the ship, the waiters paraded around the room with the lights off with their flaming Baked Alaska.  All for now, Sue x


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Missmizog said...

Hi Sue
Hope you feel better soon.
Beautiful card.

auscrafts said...

sorry your not feeling 100% hope your better soon Another lovely card

baconbits said...

Hi Sue, What a fantastic card. Love the colours and the super duper bow.
Hope you are feeling better soon, at least Mom can molly coddle you.
Amanda x

baconbits said...

Hi Sue, What a fantastic card. Love the colours and the super duper bow.
Hope you are feeling better soon, at least Mom can molly coddle you.
Amanda x

Unknown said...

Hi Sue, you have been burning the candle at both ends over the last few weeks. Now it is time to take it easy, please look after yourself.

Now back to the card, one word WONDERFUL so Sue, love the blue and the ribbon.


Desiree said...

Hi SueBow (you know why!),
You really are dedicated still posting when you are not well. None of us will mind if you take a day or two out to look after yourself so make sure you get a good rest. Love the card.x

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
really wonderful card today. Sorry to hear your not well. I am not surprised your not well. You do work very hard. We will all understand if you can't do your post. Get better soon. Have a great break with your Mum. I bet shes giving you lots of TLC.
Have a great crafty day everyone.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

nzillingworth said...

Hi Sue
Cracking card and love the play on the diagnal.Smashing ribbon.Pearls swirls are so perfect to finsih off.
sorry your not so well.Hope u get well soon
born again Spellbinder
Nadine hug x

martine said...

hi sue what a beautiful card i love the big bold bow it looks great xxx i hope you are feeling better soon xxx
martine xxx

Felicie said...

What a fantastic card.I love the colours.

Chris said...

Hi Sue,
You are such a trooper to carry on blogging while you are poorly, hope you feel better soon. I love the card.

Love Chris X

Anonymous said...

Love this usual... NOW it really is time to have a holiday from everything. We all know how horrible it is too feel unwell. Good job you weren't feeling dizzy on the cruise wouldn't have done you reputation a lot of good lol, get well soon Sue, Mabex

Carole Z said...

Beautiful card Sue, but so sorry you are feeling poorly...take care, rest up and feel better very soon, love and hugs Carole Z X

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, a really beautiful card. Sorry you are feeling poorly, all your jetting around must have finally caught up with you. Have a good rest. Hope you feel better soon. Edwina

May said...

I do hope you feel better soon Sue... love your card as always just Beautiful... Hugs May x x x

lestim said...

Hi Sue, WowWhatABow, love the colouring navy and cream are always great together. Sorry your not feeling well,take care of yourself. Keep the liquids up VERY important. Best wishes Lesley x

Pam said...

Boy, you still produce beautiful cards even when you are sick. Love this one. Hope you are feeling better soon, Sue. Take care.....

Victoria said...

You must be feeling shattered after everything, so please take care and REST! This card is one of the best ever. Simply STUNNING!

cebelica said...

Gorgeous card! And great pics. TFS. I hope you'll feel better soon! Hugs! xx

CraftyAnn said...

Love this card, navy is my prefered black. Sorry you are not feeling well, hope you recover qquickly.
Take care.

Jan said...

Morning Sue, lovely color combinations, and the card design is lovely. Keep hydrated and rest for a few days, your probably tired and run down which makes you more susceptible to bugs! Wishing you a speedy recoveryX

Lynn said...

Morning Sue, loving the card, Blue is my fave colour.....sorry to hear that you're not well, hope you start to feel better soon. Lynn xx

Patricia said...

Good Morning Sue,
Oh! you poor thing, I would say you have been spreading yourself too far and wide of late. Look after yourself, take it easy, at least you can get cuddles from Mom that always helps.

By the way another beautiful card once again.

Patricia x

Lesley H said...

Hope you feel better real soon. Lovely card.


Hi Sue
A gorgeous and beautiful card hope you are feeeling better soon
Hugs Dianne xx :)

Kazbomps said...

Hi Sue. Lovely card. Sorry you are not well. You need to take it easy for a few days and recover. Take care. Karen x

shampylou30 said...

another fab card sorry to hear you don't feel well hope you get better soon sue xxx

kimberley said...

Hi sue,
Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather.Hope you feel more yourself soon.I'm sure with your mum taking care of you all will be well.
love the card-very striking!
take care.

Jane in Spain said...

hope you feel better soon, Sue. Another beautiful card for all that you don't feel so good - exactly my favourite colour ways!

Karen said...

Sorry to hear you are so unwell. Take carte and get well soon. This is a beautiful card. I love everything about it Karen xx

trish xxx said...

pretty on the side card.

Joesgrandma said...

Oh Sue I hope you get well soon. Thanks for making this lovely card. It is a stunner!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Sorry to hear you are so poorly. Hope you feel better soon. Gorgeous crd, love the colours.

nmty said...

Morning Sue, sorry to hear you are unwell, look after yourself and I hope you feel better soon. As ever, I love the card, some great ideas here, love the diagonal embossed background. Take care Norma

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue, so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I think you must be worn out with all your traveling, then you get run down and pick things up easily. Please take care of yourself and get better. It doesn't matter if you skip a couple of days, we all want you to feel well again. Love this card! Love Jean x

The Craft Bucket said...

Gorgeous, loving the colour combo and that to die for ribbon! Hope you are feeling better soon, take care Jane x

Debby Berry said...

Sue. Your health comes first. Take care if yourself see a doctor we have good ones in the US. Love this card especially thecolor. Be well.

Lydia Jordan said...

Hi Sue,
Hope you are soon feeling better there's no better place to be when you are ill is is with your mum I'm sure she will give you plenty of tlc.
Love the card but as I have said many times I like smaller bows but on this card it seems to fit.
Take care.

Mary at Doghouse said...

Morning Sue

Sorry to hear you are poorly hope you feel better soon. Love the card yet another stunner

Hellma said...

Lovely card Sue, feel better soon.

joy said...

Hi Sue
Hope you will be feeling better soon plenty of rest. The card is fantastic it sings to me.

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue sorry to hear you're not well. Love this card the colour lOoks so bright. I'm going to have ago at making this one.
Take care and look after your self.

Debs xx

iReneM said...

Fantastic - love the colours and the gorgeous stripey bow.
Ewww, sorry you are sick, Sue - get well soon

CraftyJo said...

Lovely card Sue, hope you're feeling better real soon.

Linda said...

Hi Sue, Beautiful card, great colour combo. Hope your feeling better soon. Linda xx

Sandra F said...

Lovely card Sue. I hope you'll be feeling better soon.

franzesjoi said...

get well soon, sue!! love your card today... beautiful always :)

alimecca said...

Hi Sue, sorry to hear you're not well - get well soon. As ever this is a lovely card. The colours are gorgeous - very regal. Love it!

rachel said...

oh the bow - its gorgeous! and the rest of the card is pretty special too! Hugs Rachel xx

Carolyn said...

Fab card Sue.Get well soon! xx

Hanneke said...

Wow, lovely card! Great colors and details! Lovely photo's as well! Hugs, Hanneke

occasionali said...

Hi Sue. I think your body is finally telling you to rest up. With the POW then straight on to cruising and jetting of to the other side of the pond (not to mention all the prep involved) WOW no wonder you are feeling dizzy.... Love love love this card. Although I am not a fan of big bows, this one really fits. Hope you feel better soon. Meanwhile enjoy your visit with your Mum. Maureen.

marg said...

Hello Sue
Sorry to hear your poorly !Get well soon.
I really love this card colours design and the OVALS
Take care Sue!

Marie-Louise said...

Beautiful card. Very elegant. Hope you feel better soon.

Granny Ado said...

We are just back from cruising and my husband also feels dizzy. Wonder if a bug is travelling around. I know what this feels like and it is truly horrible. I was rushed to hospital and we all thougnt I was dying. I do hope you and my hubby don't get that bad. You have my sincere sympathy. Chill out.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you're not well. I'm not surprised though - you need to slow down a bit and recharge your batteries!

This is another card that really stood out for me. Brighter in real life. Such a lovely blue. Can your bows get any bigger!

Take care of yourself. Love, Julia xxxx

dutchess said...

Hi Sue..oh dear do hope you feel better soon must have overdone it with all the working and and recuperate now. The card is just spectacular and bless my soul I am going to give it a go today using that wonderful ribbon!!!! take care Margaret

FreshScentsScotland said...

Good Morning Sue

Your card today is just gorgeous, i love navy and white together, its a better combination for me that black & white.

I do hope you feel better soon, jet lag made me dizzy and sick also but I have heard that it can take some time to get over cruising.

You take care misses,

Much love

Amanda xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better

Fuchsia said...

Lovely card Sue
sorry you are poorly hope you feel better soon !
keep the piccies coming they are great x

Lesley said...

Beautiful card. Hope you feel better soon.

Lesley said...

Beautiful card. Hope you feel better soon.

nannapat said...

Beautiful card Sue, I love those colours. Sorry to hear you are poorly and I do hope you are soon feeling much better.

Jane said...

I am not surprised you are feeling ill, you seem to push yourself too hard. Beautiful card today put your feet up .

Jane xx

Moni said...

Hi Sue, fab card, great details and colour combo. Great pics. Hope you feel better soon.

janw said...

Sorry you're not well. Maybe need a good rest. Love this card, spectacular. Take good care. oxox

Jan.moogie said...

Hope you are feeling better Sue, don't like to think of you as being ill. Now I just love this card as it has that lushous bow and gorgeous pins on it. Love the colours.x

Debbie Tinks said...

lovely card sue and pics

vicky37diddy said...

hi sue , i hope u feel better soon hun, what a lovely card, take care and rest if can hugz vicky xx

BridgetCG said...

Hi Sue, hope you feel better soon, get some rest. Love the card it is fab, the idea of only half embossing and the diagonal is something I must try. Take care Bx

Debbie Tinks said...

hope your feel better soon sue

Marion said...

Hi Sue sorry to hear your feeling ill,hope you soon feel better.once again love the card simple but very atractive.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sue, Beautiful card, think I will have a go at this on haven't got Floral Oval dies (yet) will have a play with what I have got.
Sorry you are feeling so unwell, you have have been working very very hard these last few weeks. Its time you had some SUE TIME and forget everything else, Please take care. Best wishes Bren

Anonymous said...

Get well soon .
Look after yourself.

Fab card I love the diagonal.


Craftetter said...

Sue, hope you are feeling better and your Mum is looking after you. Possibly all your hard work catching up with you. Stunning cards and really love the colours. You just get yourself better - the blog can wait!
Elaine xx

Phil D said...

Super card - Hope you are feeling better and resting.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, beautiful card. So sorry you are not feeling well, I think you have been pushing yourself too hard. Time to rest, relax and re-charge your batteries. Take care and get well soon.

Jackie D said...

Hi Sue,

A wonderful card today but so sorry you are feeling under the weather. I suppose everything has finally caught up with you bearing in mind the hectic schedule you have been living these past few weeks. Now is the time to rest and recuperate and I hope you are back to your normal sunny self in s few days. Let your mum cosset you!! she'll love that.

love from Jackie D

CraftygasheadZo said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling so good, seems like lots of you haven't stopped wobbling or feeling sick since the cruise. Hope you feel better soon, Super card fab colours and great design as always. Zo xx

mags said...

Beautiful card Sue. Lovely use of the dies and love the colour. Sorry you are not well, hope you feel better soon.

KellysKards said...

Lovely card I hope you feel better soon.

Maid of Kent said...

Good morning Sue,
So sorry you are poorly, do not worry about the blog if you are not well, we will still be your followers even if you miss a few days. Get well soon and take care of yourself, you have been burning the candle at both ends, and in the middle, your body can only take so much. The card is a stunner, navy and white is so elegant. Lol Ann

Clare Powell said...

Gorgeous card, I love the colour combination. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope you get better soon.

Take care,
Clare x

hazel young said...

Argh Sue take it easy and get some rest, hopefully you will be back on form pretty soon. Stunning card really like the colours use dand the angle you have displayed your bow. xx hazel

EmmaT said...

Beautiful card once again, like the diagonal embossing. I hope you feel better soon, take it easy and sleep. Emma

Rosemarie said...

Good Morning Sue, I am so sorry that you are not feeling too good. You have been working so hard, I think it is time you had a break and slowed down for a while to recharge. Enjoy some quality time with your Mum and have a rest. The card is beautiful as always, and thank you for taking the time to do it when you are not feeling well.

Love Rosemarie xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are feeling poorly Sue, wow you are so commited to post even when ill and what a beautiful card, so elegant. Hope you feel better soon, Hugs Helen O xxx

Sue J said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too good. Take it easy and have a good rest. :) Love your card for today, it's really pretty. :)

Maryann Laursen said...

So sorry to hear, you´re not feeling very well Sue, but your card is as always smashing and just my favorite colors today, so I sure love it. You´re so talented girl. get some rest and take good care of yourself hun.

Linda Simpson said...

Take care of yourself Sue, and I hope you recover quickly. Another beautiful card.

Linda xxx

Dawny T said...

Love the card. Hope your feeling better and back on your feet very soon with more stunning cards. Great seeing daily pics of the cruise.

sue said...

Hi Sue, so sorry to hear you are not well, all that travelling has caught up. Look after yourself, you work so hard.

The card is beautiful, I say again HOW do uou do it?
Take care, Hugs Sue M xx

Heather said...

Hi Sue sorry to hear you are not feeling well it is most probably because of all the hard work you do. I think you have been doing too much and your body is telling you to SLOW DOWN. None of us would mind if you took some time off you need to look after yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon take care
Hugs x

Sue - said...

Hi Sue sorry to hear you;re not too well - hope it passes soon. Meanwhileanothe fantastic card - love the colour combo.

hazel said...

A fabulous card Sue and I hope you start feeling better soon.
xxx Hazel.

Maggie said...

Oh poor you. It's all probably just a bit too much. take some proper time off and rest - we won't mind, promise. A lovely card going into the reference box. Thank you. xx

jane gray said...

Hi Sue, what a lovley card. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling to good after your travels. At least the weather is looking good for the weekend so put your feet up outside, with a big warm blanket, and make the most of the sunshine, ensuring that someone waits on you hand and foot - you deserve it as you have worked so hard over the past few weeks to inspire us crafters Thank you.

Take care

Erica said...

so sorry you're feeling crook Sue. Have some rest to recover from all your travels.
Lovely card by the way.
Get well soon Erica

lilysmum said...

sorry to hear you're not feeling too good sue, hope you get better soon.
the card is beautiful btw.
get some well earned rest.
best wishes.xx

Sandybee said...

Hope you feel A1 again soon Sue. Its a beautiful card none the less xxx

Cinders said...

Hi Sue,
Hope you feel better soon, at least mum can take care of you and make sure that your eating and drinking, got to keep them fluids up!
The card is wonderful and I'm loving the colours, it's simply stunning
Take care
Caz xxx

salem said...

everyone has flu so youer not alone, lovelly card

Christine Hussey said...

Hi Sue,another beautiful card but more concerned about you! Please rest we don't mind not having the blog for a few days, we just want you well! Take care of yourself. Many hugs Christine H xx

evis said...

Hi Sue.
Beautiful card. I do hope that you feel better really soon.

Anonymous said...

You have been overdoing it - POTW followed by cruise and then off to the states. You need a rest. Lovely card as always


Gemma Mackintosh said...

fab card sue, cruise looked fab wish i could have been there, maybe next time

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly - hope you feel better soon. judt take it easy. Love the card by the way the colours work very well together.
Best sishes
Beverley W

Bluebache said...

So sorry to hear you're poorly ... best wishes for a speedy recovery :)

Kylemore Kards said...

Hi Sue, So sorry to hear you're not well. Sounds to me like you've been over-doing it lately and need a good rest. Crafters are very understanding and would much rather you were taking care of yourself so if there's no cards for a day or two thats OK.
Get well soon. Love Hil xo

hollyberry said...

Good Morning Sue
Card is lovely but much more important hope you are feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

GET WELL SOON dont worry abt blog we have so much inspiration already if u take a few days off we have enough to keep us going look after urself hugs xx

Tres said...

Hi Sue. I am sorry to hear you are not feeling too well. You can only push yourself so far. Now your body is telling you that you need some time out to rest and relax and to help you get better. Your card for today is stunning. I personally think it is one of your best ones so far!! It is just gorgeous. I love the layout and the colours. I love the dies you used. I just love everything about it!! Please take care of your self lots of love Tres x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful card,love the layout and the colours used.
You need to take a break so if there is no cards for a couple of days we all understand.
Take care GET WELL SOON.

Kate's Cards said...

Hope you feel a whole lot better soon Sue!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Beautiful card with a capital B. You take care of yourself & DON'T worry about your blogging if you are unwell, every one understands & IF they don't then tough, you've most probably over done things after your VERY busy time of late.
take care
Sandra (craftynan)

Caro said...

Hi Sue

How wonderful that you can turn out beautiful work like that when ill (get better soon) and with such a plumptious bow too.


Cazann49 said...

Hi Sue, another beautiful card..:)Hope you feel better soon. You have had a few very hectic weeks, so try and rest for a few days whilst at your moms..Take care...xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, hope you are feeling better soon. Your card is sensational. I have printed off a copy for my inspiration wall. Great cruise photos. When I saw the time & investment that had gone into the architechture of the police station I thought criminal justice must hold a high value for the community. It really makes a statement. With Love & Light Theresa.H

MARGARET said...

Hi Sue
Another beautiful card.
Hope you are feeling better very soon.

Margaret L

craftylisa said...

hi sue i love the card and i hope your feeling better soon.i think you have been over doing it ,take care and rest.

hugs lisa x

gwen70 said...

gorgeous card Sue, love the colours. Hope you are soon feeling better

Unknown said...

Forget the cardmaking and explaining just get well soon!!

Harmandra Crafts said...

Sorry to here that you are ill please get well soon and your card is stunning

Hilary said...

Get well soon Sue. Just off to try and copy your gorgeous card xx

shamraiz said...

Fantabulous! All that work is certainly worth it! Wonderful job!,thanks for sharing,

Business Gift Cards
Gift Card Printing
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suedd99 said...

Lovely card. I do like these colours together.

Glass Daisy said...

Hi Sue,
Another lovely card. I hope you start to feel better soon....we miss you already so dont be away too long.
Sonia x

Ecco of Sheffield said...

morning Sue - hope you're feeling better very soon - these are definitely my colours and love the way you have used them.
Janet x

nattyboots said...

A good rest is what you need Sue ,hope you feel better soon,the card is another beauty. Elaine H X

Lizzie said...

Hi Sue
The card is a beaut i love it.
Hope you feel better soon and have lots of mum cuddles they always worked for me
Thank you
Lizzie (serial copycat) xoxox

ann lomax, mail follower said...

hi Sue, great card and colours, love the lay out. hope your feeling better soon. Ann

Joan Hill said...

Gorgeous card Sue, hope you feel better soon x

isobel said...

Sorry you are not well Sue, maybe every thing is catching up with you,after all you have been very very busy of late. God Bless you and your Mom.

Planetsusie said...

This is a dream card Sue - I love these colours together and am impressed with the use of the patterned card for the frame. It looks really nice - will definitely use this idea myself. What a beautiful bow (as usual!!).

Hope you feel better soon, you must take care!!

Hugs Sue Pass xx

Love the piccies again - there is some wonderful architecture around.

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, Sorry to hear that you are poorly, have some Mum cuddles and take it easy for a while. Your health is important to your followers and we don't mind missing a few days cards, we just want you well again. Todays card is fab, love everything about it, you are so dedicated making it when ill.
Take care and hugs to you and Mum.
June xx

AmeliaK said...

Love the card. You work too hard. A week on C&C, then a working cruise now jetlag to boot. Poor you, really hope you feel much much better soon and relax. Amelia xx

Claveh said...

This is a lovely card, really nice colours that I would not have necessarily put together, but it really does work. Thanks for the great photos, those who did not get the chance to go on the cruise, are experiencing the holiday through the lovely photos. Thanks Sue.

Sonia Jones said...

I'm really sorry that your feeling so ill. It could well be because you are totally exhasted with all the work and travelling you've been doing recently. You need to really rest up while you can. I really hope you feel better soon. A lovely card though Sue. Soniax

JoanB said...

Hi Sue,
Lovely card, like the way the background is cut on the diagonal just for a change.
You've had a very busy time I guess it was bound to catch up with you. Feel Better!
Joan B.

Ita said...

hi Sue super card love the layout and colour.RestSue you have had a very busy few weeks,so take some me time,do not worry about the blog,if you can not post so what,we will survive to please REST
Smiles Ita

greendragon said...

Lovely card Sue. Hope you are feeling better soon. x

3362Jan said...

Hi Sue. Sorry to hear you are poorly, hope you are soon recovered. Love this card, the colours a smashing. Take care,best wishes. 3362Jan

Yorkie girl said...

Hi Sue
Sorry you have been I'll (Travel Sickness) lol
Love the card hope you feel better soon
Take Care
Theresa x

SUZYD said...


Anonymous said...

You create something beautiful even when your poorly! Beautiful card Sue, Love the colours, thankyou for the Idea..looking forward to seeing you back soon on C & C

hugs..Manx Linda

Becci said...

Beautiful colours and card :) xxx

Redanne said...

Beautiful card Sue, I think you have been overdoing things, television, cruise crafting, flying - you need to take some for yourself girl! Hope you feel better soon.....

Anthea said...

Hi Sue, hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the time you have with your Mum in the U.S. Absolutely love this card, the blue just grabs me and wow what a bow :) Hugs xxx

Teresa said...

Hi Sue. So sorry to hear your not feeling well - hope you feel better soon. Really like this card - MUST get those floral pval dies. Teresa (Nottingham) xxx

Lynn said...

Oh Sue hope you feel better soon, you've probably overdone things!!! the card is gorgeous and the colours are lovely i have that ribbon so going to have a go.

Lynn x

deniseann said...

Hi Sue
Love this card, might try it in pink and brown. Hope you're soon feeling better , have a good rest
you deserve it.

Lara B said...

Good afternoon Sue
So sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather, hope you feel better soon.

Many thanks for taking the time to provide the info for your card, which is quite lovely! As always there is nothing I don't like about your creations.

Take care & get well soon.

Best wishes
Lara xxx

ang said...

gorgeous card love the colours, hope you feel better soon angxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely Card Sue - Wish you well and hope you are soon back in full swing and able to enjoy your stay with your Mum.
V.C. x

Christine said...

Well done, lovely card, and the information was above and beyond the call of duty! Take care.
Thank you, Sue

Su said...

Another lovely card Sue - very clean looking! Hope you're soon feeling better - take care.

Soop (Su) xx

Dawn Louise said...

Hi sue, sending lots of get well soon hugs. love the card, I needed some inspiration for a card for my dad who's been taken in hospital very poorly, this would look great minus the bow and different greeting. x thanks sue

Sue B said...

Hi Sue
Such a beautiful card.
Sorry you are feeling under par probably in need of a well earned rest.
Hope you are feeling better soon
Sue B x

jucrook said...

Hope your feeling better soon. The card is beautiful -I really NEED the paisley embossibility!! Thanks for the beautiful card. Ju

Lynda's craft's said...

sorry your under the weather sue hope you are soon a 100% well soon. you still managed such a beautiful card today with such a super bow.

Lacelady said...

I love this one, the diagonal seems to suit it very well.

Get well soon!

Carol S. said...

Hi sue, This is a stunning card again. LOve the colours. Hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like a bit of exhaustion to me. Or too much Baked alaska! Hugs, Carol S.xx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the card, Sue. So sorry to hear that you are poorly. I have severe jetlag having landed this am from Florida and am trying to keep awake until bedtime!!!

Get well soon!
Jan Dunham.x

brenda said...

Love the colours you have used, hope you feel better soon Sue x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Truely stunning card today, love the blue and the bow.
Sorry to hear you are not well, you need time now to recharge your batteries, take time out and enjoy your time at home with your Mum.
Lots of Love

AdrienneQ said...

Now you just STOP and let your self be looked after by your Mum. I am sure she will love having her little girl needing her

Ria said...

Hi Sue
So sorry to hear you are not feeling too good, here's wishing you well.
This is a lovely card and I love the over sized bow. I must buy some of this ribbon

Gay New Malden said...

Sue, beautiful card. a real Wow.
But do stop and give yourself some rest and recoup. Let Mum take care of you, she will love it..Take care
Gay xxx

Sue Yorkshire said...

Hi Sue

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling good... its your body telling you to take it easy for a time.

I love the card you have posted today.

Sue xxx

liz spooner said...

Hope you feel better soon, lovely card. Liz S.x

Nanna Tina said...

Hi Sue, Love the card not too sure about the bow abit big for my style.
Hope you feel better soon, Mum will make it all better love Tina x x x

Barbara said...

Sue have a rest and forget the blog for a couple of days!!!!!

jordiegirl said...

Hi Sue

Hope you feel better soon - have yourself a well earned rest. Don't worry about the blog until you feel well enough to post again - we will all forgive you.

Great card again Sue.

sheila said...

Feeling it for you, not a good place to be when your balance has been upset, so wishing you a speedy recovery. We all would rather you looked after yourself first rather than worry about your blog. Todays card is lovely with the diagonal giving it a very different effect.

Ladock girl said...

Oh Sue I hope your better soon. This card is lovely as usual. We'll all be here waiting for you when you feel better, get well soon. Love Linda xxx

nancyd said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear you'r not feeling so good
no wonder you'r feeling under the weather
all the coming and going you have been
doing lately hope you feel better
soon get plenty of rest while you get
the chance I know mum will look after you.
Great card by the way.
Nancyd x

Dawn said...

You need to take time and think of yourself for a change, have a break, have a proper rest, and when your feeling better we will all be here to see what gorgeous offerings you have for us! Take care Dawn x

Joan said...

Hi Sue, hope you feel better soon you have been real busy lately. Your card tho is top quality, loving the varieties you give us. Hugs Joan xxx

Joan said...

Hi Sue, hope you feel better soon you have been real busy lately. Your card tho is top quality, loving the varieties you give us. Hugs Joan xxx

Unknown said...

Feel better soon! FL is known for relaxing, so I hope you'll follow suit. Love this color combo, the diagonally placed embossed cardstock, and the bow (of course). You find more ways to put elements together and make them look good than anyone else I've seen. Nice work!

sheila stokes said...

Hi Sue, hope you soon feel well again, the card is beautiful . Sheila. x

kim dixon said...

Oh dear Sue, you've probably been overdoing it! Really hope you feel better soon, beautiful card as usual :-)) x

Wendy said...

Thank you for the beautiful card, Sue.
Hope you feel better soon and enjoy Mother's Day.

Margaret corgi owner said...

Hi do hope you are feeling much better really soon, you obviously need the rest so take the chance and do just that. A hug from your Mom will work wonders, better than any medication.
Really love this card.
Take care

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good. Hope you feel better soon.

Your card is gorgeous and I do love the colours you've used.

Take special care. Wishing you well.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Vie Carter said...

So sorry to hear your under the weather

I told you to rest up and now you will have to - good job your back in bed taking it easy

Loved the card today, lovely design

Look after yourself, and hope your feeling better tomorrow


Christine said...

Hi Sue, sorry to hear you feel unwell, hope you feel better soon.
I love your latest card, fabulous colours and a beautiful bow.
Christine xx

michele said...

Take care, nice card

Janice K said...

A beautiful card, you really are tempting me with the floral oval dies!! Hope you're feeling better soon.

bhavana said...

wow, simply amazing! love the embossed background and great bow as usual! love the colour combo! A bit of a late post, am not feeling well either, so I do hope you are feeling better soon! Well I am off to bed now, hope we both recover soon!

Venus and Luanne @ Sisters Craft Cafe said...

very beautiful card just so love the color combination and design. great photos! that is an amazing police station.

magpie said...

Hi Sue, so so sorry to hear you're not feeling too well. You take care of yourself & have a good rest for a few days. We'll all be waiting here for you however long it takes! You have a good Mothers day tomorrow with your mum (& daughter?). Love the card today, it's beautiful. Take care, put your feet up if you can, love Karen xx

Ann said...

Hi Sue Beautiful card love the colours and the style.

So sad to hear your feeling ill hope you soon get well again nothing worse than feeling dizzy.
Take good care hugs Annxx

hazel said...

Evening Sue
Stunning card as always.Sorry to hear you are Sick.Get plenty rest and drink plenty.Take care Hazel xx

Sue Parish said...

Oh! Poor Sue! So sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell and hope you'll be your usual bright and bubbly self very soon.
The card is great and so is that gorgeous bow!
Lovely photo's too.
Take care - you are a special part of many peoples lives and we are all wishing you well again,
Sue x

Vanessa said...

yet another great card, hope you feel better soon

CathyinMN said...

I hope you feel better soon! I really love the white and bold blue combination. Such a pretty and bright card!

Emily H said...

Spectacular ribbon! Great pictures!

Jenny Marples said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the embossing on an angle.
Get well soon, sending you crafty hugs, Buttons x

AnneRD said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell, I think you have been over-doing things just a bit! Take some time off to rest.
Love this card, great colours and design. Anne x

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