Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Red Red Rose

Hi guys!  Look, I coloured!  It has been absolutely ages since I got my coloured pencils out and put them to work!  I'm a bit rusty in fact, as it took me forever to finish this rose, but in the end, I really enjoyed it!  There is a lot going on in this card, but to start, I embossed the centre of a large piece of card, using the Valor Embossibility folder.  I cut two of the Chateau Gates but taped the gates from the back and cut both of them at the small swirl half way down the side of the die.  I put them end to end and added some mounting foam across the back to secure them in place, then mounted the piece in the centre of my embossed background. This gave me a lacy filligree edge for my focal element.  I stamped the Bella rose and coloured it with pencils.  Using  the rose die, I cut a template out of card so I would be able to line it up over my stamped image to see where I needed to place my die.  Once aligned, I taped it into place and re-registered the die in the same place through my template.  Taped it all and then cut it so my rose was cut without being uneven.  I stamped the rose a second time and cut out just the centre of the rose to decoupage.  I used  two of the basic oval nesties to show off my rose.  The sides of the cards are mirror pieces both done with two of the new edgeability inserts and the fancy scalloped cutting edge.  I used the negative piece to add on the edge with a thin piece of mounting foam.  I mounted both pieces on a strip of red card to show off the cut out pieces.  I mounted each piece to the sides and matted everything on black card.  To finish, I added a few of the black rhinestone swirls to the top and bottom of the rose.  A little late for Valentines day, or just way early for next year!  All for now, Sue x


Sonia said...

Good morning Sue, what a beautiful card. I saw it demo'd on c+c and fell in love with it. So pleased you put it on the blog so I can check it out again. Thanks.
Sonia - St Helens

Patricia said...

Good Morning Sue,

I loved this card when you demoed it the borders are just stunning. Must get these Border Dies out and play.
Thank you for sharing all your fantastic ideas.
Have a great day,

Patricia x

Craftetter said...

Great card Sue. The lace border really sets the card off nicely. It is nice to see some colouring.
Elaine xx

Craftetter said...

Great card Sue. The lace border really sets the card off nicely. It is nice to see some colouring.
Elaine xx

Pam - Hartlepool said...

Hello Sue, I also watched you demo this card and it is gorgeous. It would also adapt well to paler shades for lighter coloured roses and make a stunning wedding/anniversary card. Best wishes

Pam - Hartlepool

Craftetter said...

Great card Sue. The lace border really sets the card off nicely. It is nice to see some colouring.
Elaine xx

Sue Yorkshire said...

Morning Sue

What a lovely card and I love the chateau gate die and how you have used it.

Can see a spending spree coming on when I get back

Sue xxx

melanie said...

Stunning card ,I watched yesterday morning instead of recording and things fell in my basket but not the deal I wanted as sold out ,credit card got a hammering,I new I couldn`t buy if i watched .Melanie

Missmizog said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card. Bet you enjoyed colouring again.

zerena said...

morning sue, saw this one being made on c and c. I love how you change the dies so original. Zerena

Felicie said...

I loved this card when I saw it on TV.It`s so beautiful.

Sarah said...

I too saw this on the tv - it definately stands out from the crowd - striking colour combo, love it!

Heather said...

Good morning Sue there are so many things that I love about this card. It would be nice to see you colouring again. So glad you have shown this card on your blog so we can have a good look at it.
hugs x

Heather said...

Good morning Sue there are so many things that I love about this card. It would be nice to see you colouring again. So glad you have shown this card on your blog so we can have a good look at it.
hugs x

Jackie D said...

Hi Sue,

I love the way this card came together when you demonstrated it on C and C and although I'm not a stamper the ideas for this card can fit any picture or sentiment. the ideas for the borders and edges though are boundless so thank you.

love from Jackie D

Eileen said...

What a lovely card. Must have a look at the demo, I have quite a few still to watch.
Eileen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, I love colouring in stamped images as it is so relaxing , what a beautiful card this is just up my street this one. love the border dies too. Happy crafting. Yvonne xx

Chris said...

Good morning Sue,
Lovely card again. Love the lace borders and can experiment as I have now received my damask and persion dies. Seem to be buying something everyday. Really enjoy watching your demo's on C & C.

Thanks Sue,
Chris X

baconbits said...

Good Morning Sue, Love Love Love Love it. this card is right up my street. Very feminine, elegant. Will have to add these new edgebilities to my stash.
Amanda x

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue Just love this card, thought it was stunning when I saw it on C&C, that is what made me buy that pick of the week! Pity the stamps sold out so quick I would have loved to see more demos using them. love Jean x

Anonymous said...

Roses are for any love card .. think this would be great for any occassion.
Thanks for the tip on using edgeabilities think I wil be using that a lot


Carolyn said...

Beautiful card Sue,love that image of the rose.You colored it in beautifuly.x

bhavana said...

What another wonderful card! saw a glimpse of it on the show yesterday! Looking forward to shows today! Thanks for sharing!

Debs cards said...

Stunning card Sue its so elegant loveD it when you demo'd it on C&C. You are such a talented lady you give us so much inspiration. Looking forward to my dies coming.

Take Care Debs xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, lovely intricate looking card, you certainly show us how to make full use of the dies.Loving the shows.Mabex

shampylou30 said...

gorgeous card as always sue and your colouring is stunning sue xxx

lestim said...

Morning, I really love this card. Colouring is one of my favourite things to do for me it puts the craft in crafting. Am loving the shows hope the stock keeps up for the full week. Best wishes Lesley. X

joy said...

Morning queen of spellbinders
well saw the demo of this card .it was great just love it.

Jan.moogie said...

Wow what a beautiful card Sue, saw it on c&c but didn't do it justice. x

Carole Z said...

Morning Sue! Saw you demo this on C&C - it's lovely...these dies are on my 'wish list', hugs, Carole Z X

Sandra F said...

gorgeous card Sue.

marg said...

Good Morning Sue !
A really pretty card I love the Heartfelt dies more and more.... but will have to wait a while to afford them
Love Marg

Karen said...

Saw you demo this and it is worth all the effort. So beautiful.

ang said...

really lovely card saw similar I think yesterday, glad you showed how to do the borders they are beautiful thanks angxx

Victoria said...

Two of my favourites - stamping and Spellbinders! lovely card Sue. Thank you.

hazel young said...

Morning Sue this is an absolutely stunning card, i love it. xx hazel

Rosemarie said...

Good Morning Sue, What a really pretty card, it could be used for so many different occasions.

Love Rosemariexxxx

auscrafts said...

oh my !!!!!!!!! this is gorgeous

sandra collis said...

I love this card must get my pencil out and do soe colouring gain now my new craft room is finished I can play

leswood said...

Hi Sue,
Sorry not been leaving comments lately but have been in hospital.
Love this card it is wonderful as usual. You are a true inspiration.
Lesley xx

ValJ xxx said...

Good morning Sue and everyone. Such a pretty card. I saw you demo it and have done my own feeble version. I love watching you on C+C. You are so inventive and so happy about what you do. Keep up the wonderful work.

Ruthie said...

Beautiful, beautiful card how thrilled would I be if someone sent that to me. I will have to make one myself. It is hard to believe it is just paper and card. A true work of art.

Lynnus said...

Hi Sue, saw you demo this on candc and thought it was beautiful then, such a oretty card x

kim dixon said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card and not just for Valentines day, I can see this working for anniversaries and weddings, thanks for more great inspiration x

jimgem83 said...

beatiful card sue x

Debbie Tinks said...


angiec said...

absolutely superbly beautiful

Sue J said...

A lovely card with lots of detail. :)

AnneRD said...

What clever use of the border and gate dies. Lovely. Anne x

Kazbomps said...

Hi Sue. Love the colours on this card. Saw the demo and loved it then. I missed out on the stamps so will have to wait for those. The cards have been fantastic on this potw you should be very proud of them all. Karen x

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
stunning card today. Saw you demo this on c and c. just love the design and colours. Will miss you again today as I help run a ladies club on Tuesday Afternoons, and it's our Easter Raffle today.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

sue said...

Morning Sue, this card really sings to me. I love stamping and flowers are my favourite subject. The red really pings out from the edgabilities and the rose is stunning. I would like to make a card like this.
Lv Sue M xx

Anonymous said...

Morning everyone,
What a lovely card. I have loads of flower stamps and this just shows how mounting them can really make them the focal point of your card. Well done Sue.
Beverley W

Vicki Sharkey said...

Really different to your normal style Sue, but great all the same. have been glued to all your shows this week and have thoroughly enjoyed them - you really are an inspiration. Can't wait for my dies to arrive, hope its before the end of my hols.
Vicki :)

dutchess said...

what a lovely card and thank you I watched the demo and now I know why my dies and stamps are not lining up properly and will cut a stencil for each.....whey I might get it right!!!!! hope you are not too tierd by now!!!! looking forward to watching you today take care Margaret

Ladock girl said...

Loved this card when I saw you demo it on C&C this week it really is stunning. Love Linda xxx

Crafty Sue said...

Sue this card is STUNNING. As always you hit the right note. Thank you for all your inspiration :):)

Cazann49 said...

Hi Sue, what a beautiful card. So glad you put it on your blog cos saw it demo'd on CR&CR..Although I don't have the gate die I will be able to do one similar with the SB dies I already have..:) Each day I look on your blog I'm inspired!...Have a great day...xxx

Lydia Jordan said...

Morning Sue.
Love this card would be a lovely anniversary card. I like to stamp and colour so this appeals to me a lot.

Judith said...

Good morning,Sue.
What a pretty card.Red roses are my favourite flower.

nattyboots said...

Hi Sue all i can say is its really beautiful , Elaine H X

Clover in Devon said...

Loving all your cards and shows, cant wait to get my new spellbinders dies. Susan

nannapat said...

Fantastic card Sue. Your designs are just stunning. tfs with us. Pat x

Christine Hussey said...

Good morning Sue and everyone, I too saw this demo on C&C and was in awe. The use of the negative border and masking the rose was brilliant, thank you for sharing your ideas and techniques you are truly inspirational. A lovely, lovely card. Hugs Christine H x
P.S. Lesley, hope you get better soon x

CraftyJo said...

Ah, it's back! :). Your colouring is lovely and the whole card is very, very pretty.

Toni said...

I saw this when you demo'd it, absolutely stunning. Such a beautiful border effect.
Toni xx

Delyth said...

Good morning Sue. Your cards are fantastic and you have not disappointed me yet. Spellbinders are so lucky to have you. I watch C&C everytime you are on and sometimes buy the dies. Is it possible you could start bringing some of the lovely paper you use for your cards ie patterned. Cheers Delyth x

Carol S. said...

Morning Sue, Your colouring is perfect as expected. The dies and background have all been put together with such style. Hugs, Carol S.xx

jan said...

Hi Sue, gorgeous card, I watched you make this yesterday, you always come up with new ideas. waiting for to-days shows now really enjoying them, but you must be exhausted.
love jan x

isobel said...

Good morning Sue, and all your followers. This card is lovely,like someone else said I must get these dies. We are all really enjoying you shows, Take care we love you.

Ali W said...

Hi Sue, I saw you too, demo this on C&C, it's unusual for you to include a picture, you seem to use a lot of sentiments on your cards, I've enjoyed seeing the needlework ones also. Lovely card, I bet it would look lovely in other colours too. Take care Alison :)

Granny Ado said...

Another masterpiece. I find 'colouring in' very theraputic. I need to buy some decent pens.

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, I loved this card when you demonstrated it on TV. I don't have all the dies used but you have given me some good ideas for substitutes.

joolsedesigns said...

Hi Sue, Again what a beautiful card I have been watching your demos on C&C as I am eagerly awaiting my POTWs

Joolse xx

Lizzie said...

Hi Sue
Had a sneak preview when you boob boob last week LOL! and this one did make me go OH WOW! This is right up my street as reds and whites are on my top list for colours.
I have an order to do a golden wedding anniversary card so this might be the one (tweaked)
Thank you
Lizzie (serial copycat)xx

Claveh said...

Thank you Sue for adding this card to your blog, I saw you make it on one of the shows and fell in love with it.
Thank you.

Uta said...

Wow, that is so beautiful. I'm speechless.
Hugs, Uta

salem said...

wow lovelly i cant get on with stamps myself my cards are alot better with your ideas i sell them for charity waiting for the show

Cumbrianlass said...

Hi Sue

Such a beautiful card, I loved this one when you did it on C&C.

jane stillman said...

aha! the missing link has been found. Absolutely gorgeous, and one I will be trying, thanks Sue x

eileen.fj said...

Hi Sue
Really lovely card-saw your demo.
Very adaptable too using alternative pattern dies.
Eileen x

Mrs Rookie said...

Lovely card Sue The red under the lace border really shows the border off.X

yorkielass said...

Hello Sue and everyone, Stamps and Spellbinders my favourites. Colouring is so theraputic and it is great to see you using this medium. Love the rose as a focal point and the lace border really sets the card off. Thanks for sharing, must go now to watch you and Nigel. Get better soon Lesley.
Have a great day.
Hugs June x

Jachyd said...

Just beautiful Sue, I can't wait for my dies to arrive so I can have a go at it.


Jachyd said...

Just beautiful Sue, I can't wait for my dies to arrive so I can have a go at it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Saw this on C&C. Found the tip of creating a mask to line up the cutting die very useful. I would have cut & then stamped = very tricky. With Love & Light Theresa. H

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Love the way you are showing us how to combine so many elements with the spellbinders. Thank you.
Grimsby Chris

SusanneJ said...

absolutely stunning card Sue i love it !!! Loving your shows on C&C xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, watching you again on C & C, been watching the pick of the week with you since Friday. I've had my GC since end of last year and have been a little afraid to use it incase I go wrong but you have given me so much inspiration the last few days. I have had to buy the edgeabilities & the set of 4 m-bossibilities yesterday and can't wait for them to come. Last week I bought the butterfly & the butterfly lace circles. I am going to be so busy in the next few months. But am looking forward to it now i've seen your demos. You make it so clear and give me the courage to have a go. Your cards are absolutely amazing. Thank you Helena - Cambridgeshire UK xx

harjules said...

What a lovely card Sue.I think I must invest in more dies

Anonymous said...

Sue Sue Sue!!!!! I love your work....I only found you recently on C and C when you were showing us your lattice dies! You cracked me up as you didn't have your glasses and kept saying "I don't know which one that is I don't have my glasses on" and I was shouting at the Tv "put them on then!"Anyway from that time on I have been taping all your shows and checking in here every day. You have inspired my card making beyond recognition as well as blowing a huge hole in my childrens Uni fund. I reall feel you have missed an opportunity to be in Desparate Housewives! Seriously....I can see you and Bree in her amazing house knocking out some spellbinders cards and baking cupcakes. LOL! Big hugs Sue xxx

Sheila H said...

Hi Sue.Absolutely love this card.Somehow it appeared on your blog on Saturday because I printed it off.Never mind,it is still as lovely second time around.Thank you .xx
Sheila H

Sandra said...

Beautiful Sue, a little different for you, but beautiful all the same. The edgebility die reminds me of one of my favourite Martha Stewart border punches, the only trouble with them is they only cut paper, the edgebility cut through card too!
Make a lovely anniversary card too!
Huge Hugs
Sandra xx

Craftychris said...

Oh my goodness - this is amazing! There is so much going on but it is not overpowering - I love it! xx

Christine said...

A beautiful card, I missed it being demo'd so I'm enjoying it fresh today.
Just caught the end of a demo on C&C. I thought we weren't going to see it as Nigel May was leaning on the Grand Calibur, showing some dies, when Sue wanted to cut, but clever Sue squeezed in with a laugh, putting the plates under his arms, (he didn't acknowledge he was in the way, - and still didn't budge! Strange, the presenters usually work with the demonstrators.) but thanks to Sue we saw a lovely card finished.

Thank you, Sue, for a lovely demo too.


lindyloo12 said...

Hi Sue you obviously have good colouring skills too, I saw this on one of the shows and thought how lovely it is.

lindyloo12 said...

Hi Sue you obviously have good colouring skills too, I saw this on one of the shows and thought how lovely it is.

hazelz said...

love this card and learning a lot from you, Sue xx

mumzichrome said...

i just love your beautiful creations , you really have inspired me to be more creative . thanks for sharing all your ideas

Vie Carter said...

Loved this when you demonstrated it this weekend


maxine said...

hi Sue beautiful card i think all your cards are stunning and like no others anywhere thanks for the inseration

PlumTuckered's Paper Plays said...

Sue, this card is just gorgeous!! It would also make a lovely Mother's Day Card!

Pauline The Yorkshire Rose said...

this card is just divine Sue and I must get the stamp and die eventually!

Pauline The Yorkshire Rose said...

this card is just divine Sue and I must get the stamp and die eventually!

FreshScentsScotland said...

Hey Sue, it has been fab watching all your demos on C&C, you are truely inspirational and i am so very pleased to now have the access to your blog!!

Thank You so much



Desiree said...

Hi Sue,
This was one of my (many!) favourites from the shows so far. Love the colours and flower/lace combination.
Tell the C+C presenters that your blog followers think your demos are more important than emails so they need to know when to stop instead of reading 4 or 5 at a time! It's nice to hear all the deserved compliments you get and to see the inspiration you have given people with the pictures they send in, but on some shows they spend half an hour on all the products, you only get to do 1 demo and then they spoil that by paying more attention to emails. Grrr!

nettie said...

Hi Sue what a lovely card love the dies and the stamps together maybe this sould be my next purchase it may have to wait as i have just ordered on of the sets you sold out of on C&C cant wait for them to arrive i had the sent to work so hubby dont know lol keep up the great work x

maureen said...

Hi Sue,
Love the different colour story,
Maureen x

Joesgrandma said...

Oh Wow Sue! Lovely. a delight for the eye! TY Sue

Unknown said...

I have trouble with coloring with any medium. I can stay inside the lines, but that's about it. You are definitely more patient than I...and the results show it. Beautiful coloring and beautiful die cuts to set off the image. Nice work, Sue!

gwen70 said...

Hi Sue, this has to be one of my favorites as I adore red, it's just gorgeous

jennifer berkhahn said...

I just recently got a cuttlebug die cutter and I have had so much fun playing with individual dies. I love all the intricate work and embossing that can be done with one process. Love your cards they are so lovely.

May said...

Gorgeous card Sue, watched the demo just Fabulous, Hugs May x x x x

Alyx said...

This must be one of my absolute favourites...it's stunning!

Anonymous said...

I love the lace edges these dies make, can't believe it's only a piece of card.

Another beautiful card Sue.

She x

mags said...

Beautiful card Sue. Love the border dies and the layout is great.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card as usual Sue, I wonder sometimes if you can sleep at night or do you go to bed thinking of card designs! Where you get all the beautiful ideas from is beyond me
bt I'm so glad you do!! :-)

hugs.....Manx Linda

Marie-Louise said...

Really beautiful card.

liz spooner said...

Another fantastic card Sue, thankyou for all the ideas.

Glass Daisy said...

Hi Sue,
What a week! I had a Grand Calbur for my Birthday last month and my husband & I make a great team, I design and choose the dies needed and Eric sets them up and does the cutting and embossing. Trouble is, you are such a good salesperson....I want them all!
Thanks for all the hard work you have put in.

Maid of Kent said...

Love this card, l like to stamp and colour, sothis has given me inspiration, so beautiful. Lol Ann

Purpleali said...

Fabulous cards Sue!! I always enjoy watching your demos on Create and Craft, you always show different ways of using the dies. It gives me so much inspiration.
Keep up the good work

Vick said...

WOW Sue i really don't know how you do it, so many ideas, so much inspiration, thankyou for being fantastic!!!
Blessings, Vick McClean

clare_bear24 said...

stunning card as always. been enjoying your shows on C&C x

Elaine McC said...

Hi Sue. Totally new to the world of blogging, but just had to join. Your cards are stunning! I got my grand calibur with moroccan accents and motifs for my mothers day and birthday combined(only a week apart). I have just about filled up my sky+ box with your spellbinder shows to give me inspiration. Then I heard you talking about your blog again today on C&C and decided to look it up. Can't believe the amount of cards that you have on there with explanations of how you created them. Loving your work. Please keep up with the inspirational cards. x

Hellma said...

What a wonderful change seeing an image on your card, but a lovely card all the same.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, another great card, as usual. It's been great watching you on C&C these last few days and have managed to record nearly all of them- are you going to do a CD/DVD at any time soon in respect of Spellbinders? It would go well with your DVD on Stamping.
God bless

Mena Ireland(Galway) said...

Hi Sue i been watching all shows so only just catching up on emails,i saw this one on c+c a stunner.Thanks for you very talented inspiration and sharing it.Take care god bless.xxx

AJ said...

Hi Sue, still watching the shows. wish I had found this blog before, it is so full of inspiration.

Take Care

Ria said...

Hi Sue
What a pretty femine card and your colouring skills are great.
I have decided that embossing folders and dies is the only way for me to craft the results are FAB

Lynn said...

Wow Sue, I watched you on C & C last night making a card similar to this trying frantically to remember what you did. You must be a mind reader! Just succumbed and ordered the swatches and flowers multibuy even tho' I swore the HUGE set I bought last month,was the last for a while, spellbinders should come with a warning they're addictive. Lynn

Lynn said...

Wow Sue, I watched you on C & C last night making a card similar to this trying frantically to remember what you did. You must be a mind reader! Just succumbed and ordered the swatches and flowers multibuy even tho' I swore the HUGE set I bought last month,was the last for a while, spellbinders should come with a warning they're addictive. Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hi, im totally new to following blogs but you soooo inspire me on Create and Craft that i just had to have a look, your work is fabulous, and since using spellbinders my cards and papercrafting projects look completely different and more professional looking.
Thanks for all the inspiration
in sunny cornwall!!

lockedinmycraftroom said...

Love this card Sue, it would be nice if you could incorporate stamping into your creations more often.

Chris x

occasionali said...

Stunning yet again. Will use this as inspiration for a card I am making tomorrow for a friends wedding anniversary.

Muriel Tynan said...

Evening Sue. Words fail me. It's such a lovely card. Thanks for all your ideas they are encouraging me to look at my dies differently. Thanks again Sue

Muriel xx

Barbara said...

Gorgeous card, love the rose stamp. Just got your Lattice Dies and absolutely love them. Cant wait to see what else you have in store for us!!!

Redanne said...

Wow Sue, great colouring in and great card. Love those dies.

-Agnes- said...

So that's how you use the cut out pieces you mentioned in the show - very creative and ornate!

Anonymous said...

I really love this card especially the die cut borders.

Su said...

A really romantic theme - absolutely beautiful!

sheila said...

Beautiful, crisp and fresh card, I agree wehn you haven't coloured for a while you forget how absorbing it can be.

bakercasper said...

....once again, a gorgeous card

Debby Berry said...

This is nice and a little different for you... nice job...

hazel said...

Good evening sue
Yes another stunning card.I love red and black together and this card is very striking.So happy that you put it on your blog.Watched all your demos Today but you must be exhausted by now.Think it's time you put your feet up for a well earned rest.Take care Hazelx

Sue Parish said...

Pretty card Sue. Have loved today's shows (and all the others). I've been recording them but used my last blank DVD today. I may have to delete Crufts for you tomorrow!! Sue x

lilygee said...

A very colourful card and love that swirly heartfelt die and the borders. Will really miss seeing you next week Sue - you made me laugh today when you said you check your rubbish to make sure you haven't dropped dies in it - that's exactly what I do too and I've been known to go through a large bin of scraps when a die goes missing - I get so frantic and worried about losing them!!
lots of love lilygee xxx

Joan said...

I saw you do this card on C&C it is lovely. I cant wait for my dies to arrive to have a play night xx

craftylisa said...

wow wow wow wow wow this is a stunnig card and i love the colour lisa xx

Eemeli said...

Beautiful! Love the rose and that lace border is so pretty. Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

vicky37diddy said...

so so beautiful sue !!!!! u rock !!!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Beautiful, you should colour more often.

Unknown said...

Really elegant card I love it, Mary x

Unknown said...

It's so romantic and beautiful.
Your coloring is amazing, doesn't show you're rusty :)

Anonymous said...

love this card. This is the one set i did not buy as i am not very good at stamping, love the idea of joining stamping and spellbinders.
susan R newcastle upon tyne

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, this card has really really instant appeal to me, I think its one of the nicest you have made over the POTW shows so far, thank you, it just hits the spot for me. Hugs Liz x

Sandra said...

Hi Sue,
I just love this card as I have some of the edgeablilitiy sets and am going to ;have a go at it.
Saw it on C & C and glad it is on your blog.
Sandra - Spain

Jane said...

No one of my favourites can't put my finger on it may be the rose.

Jane xx

Anonymous said...

A stunning card, Sue- actually another stunning card. I saw it as a sample on C&C and thought it beautiful. it's so nice of you to post all your samples on your blog so that we can study them more closely.


uniqui said...

You are very good at colouring,but then what else would we expect from such a talented lady

Unknown said...

O wow another absolute stunner

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Such a beautiful card Sue!

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

jan p said...

Good everning Sue,another beauitful card!!!!Waiting for my spellbinders to come.Hurry up postman

Sue, Birmingham said...

This card really stood out on the show with the bold red, white and black design - gorgeous! Sue x

miislucky said...

I just love this one! The flower is perfect in the middle and the colors are too. Love how you used the edgeabilities! Mimi

HiggiSue said...

Sue this is just lovely. its great that the dies are so versatile. thank you for sharing... off to do some colouring myself :-)

Gwyn said...

Hi Sue,

Absolutely love this card, it's soooo beautiful :)xx

Pauline The Yorkshire Rose said...

another stunner that I adore :-)

mell said...

this is such a loving card with heart felt warmth its a stunner much love mell xx

mell said...

this is such a loving card with heart felt warmth its a stunner much love mell xx

Pablobzty said...

Today, the free craigslist service has all but replaced classifieds, and the printed yellow pages are shrinking. Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand). A patch for each championship banner is embroidered on the back.