Thursday, 8 March 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

Hi guys,  I have a card for you today and if you have the time, I have also added some personal thoughts at the bottom of the post about my Dad.   He would have been 92 today. I will warn you that it will be a long post though so get yourself comfortable if you are planning on staying with it to the end.
First up, let's talk about the card.  I love black and white and pink, and for some reason it always reminds me of Paris. I probably love it because it reminds me of Paris, which is where my daughter took me last June for my birthday!  I started with a black and white striped background which I added a pink and white decorative paper down the centre.  I cut two Moroccan border dies to add to each side.  I cut a romantic rectangle in black for the background to my focal element.  I cut the largest size of labels 25 and then used the embossibility folder to give it pattern and texture. I left the card in the die and placed it atop the opened folder.  The folder must remain open for this technique or your die will cut into (and ruin) your folder.  Very important not to close it!  I topped it with my tan mat and I had to add a few pieces of card to act as a shim.  Remember that the folder was open so it was not the usual thickness.  I had to account for this so I added the tan mat and shims.  Once embossed, I inked it with Spun Sugar distress ink over the top while still in the die.  This gave me that nice crisp white edge. I layered it on to the rectangle.  Next I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with a smaller size of labels 25.  I very lightly inked this too.  I cut two Damask Motif pieces and used them to clip on to the side of my sentiment piece top and bottom.  I nipped the ends of these pieces off and attached them to the sides of the label die to create an interesting shaped frame around it.  I glued all of these in place and added the piece to the centre of the card to complete my focal element.  With a little bit of matting and layering and piercing around the edge, the card was complete.

Now, about my Dad.
I had the amazing opportunity to be part of a lovely ceremony in honour of my Father last Friday.  I would like to tell you about it.  When I was last home, my Mother had a memorial service for my Father at Bushnell Cemetery in Florida.  It is a military cemetery and my Dad was a Lt. Col. in the US Air Force.  There was an honour guard there and they presented my Mom with a flag in honour of my Dad's service. 
He was stationed here in the UK at Molesworth for part of his duty.  He was a fighter pilot and part of the 303rd bomb group that made up a large part of the Molesworth base back in World War II.  At the entrance to the base, there is a beautiful monument to the 303rd bomb group.  I've included a picture for you to see.  I drive over periodically to put flowers on it.  It is a nice connection for me with my Dad.

Several years ago, I made a presentation on behalf of my Father at Molesworth. He had spent over a dozen years researching the whereabouts of every man (over 3300) that was in the 303rd bomb group and tirelessly recorded the research in a set of seven binders which are now on display in the library at Molesworth.  When my Father passed last year, I phoned my contact at Molesworth (Mr. Peter Park) to let him know.  Peter arranged for the flag that was given to my Mother at his service to be flown over the base at Molesworth for the day on Friday March 2nd.. In a touching ceremony, that flag was taken down, folded and presented back to me at 4pm that day.  The first Friday of each month, the enlisted men are in their dress uniforms and it also happened to be the anniversary of one of my Father's missions over Frankfort some 68 years earlier.  My Dad flew over 30 missions while stationed at Molesworth, which was more missions than any of his peers and nine of those missions over the heart of war torn Berlin.  To say that I am incredibly proud of my Father's bravery is an understatement.  The fact that I am even here is a miracle since so many never returned from those missions to keep us free. 

My Dad has always supported my in whatever endeavour I have undertaken.  I will never forget when I was much younger and he was retiring from his job as a stockbroker and financial planner, he wanted me to take over his clients for him.  Now mind you, I have three brothers, but he thought that I would be well suited for the job.  I said that I wanted to do something more creative and start a rubber stamp business.  There was no argument, he simply said to me that he wanted me to do whatever would make me happy.  He knew that I would have been more successful financially if I had followed in his footsteps, but at what cost.  I have never looked back at that decision.  Thank you Dad for allowing me the security of choosing a career path that has always made me incredibly happy.  I feel truly blessed.

My Dad used to send me these incredible emails that either had beautiful pictorial slides, amusing anecdotes or life lesson stories.  I always looked forward to opening emails that he sent and usually having a kleenex nearby as they were always very sentimental and touching.  I'm a big softy for those kinds of things.  When I started my blog, the third post that I ever made included the except below.  I would like to reprint here.  I think it is very true and I have often gone back and reread it when I needed a boost.  With your permission, here it is cut and pasted from my original blog post of June 2009:
My Dad, who is 89 years old, sent me this. I thought that I would like to share it with others even though it is quite long. I hope you take something from it with you. LESSONS OF LIFE .Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more: 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's OK to get angry 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. 12. It's OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks. 16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful. 18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. 19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?' 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive everyone everything. 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles.3 4. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do. 35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 42. The best is yet to come.. 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44. Yield. 45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift." Remember that I will always share my spoon with you! Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves I think that we all need to take a few moments every day and be grateful and appreciative of what we have.

I love you Dad!

All for now, Sue x


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Missmizog said...

Hi Sue
What a fantastic blog. I lost my mum recently and my memories are so precious.
Your family must be so proud of your dad, what an amazing man. He also must have been so proud of you.
The lessons of life is wonderful and so very true.
Your card is also beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, echoing what has been said by the about post, god bless hugs Polly xx

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous life you have had with such a pair of supportive parents, I hope they managed to see you often when you moved to the UK, it would be a trip down memory lane for them. I too love emails like the one your Dad used to send you. Lovely card as usual, enjoy your USA trip. Mabex

Unknown said...

So moving and so incredible that you have someone who thoughts of him lights you up even when you cry. My parents are still with me and I've gotten the same support from them even when they got frustrated with me.
You are so proud of your family and you have every right to be.
2003 at age 27 I got a very aggressive form of berast cancer so I had to have everything done, bilateral mastectomies, chemo and radiotherapy. i did fine as I went through it but after I had PTSD and I got pregnant after I marriend my amazing husband a year after I went into remission and when I had the light of my life part 2 I had very severre post natal depression. None of them ever gave up on me and after all that's happened we are stronger and mre cohesive for it.
My family may never do heroic deeds but they really are my hero!
Lovely card

Hellma said...

Love your card today Sue, Happy Birthday to your Dad, so incredibly moved by your Dad,s story and i love Lessons in Life.

nettie said...

morning sue lovely card again and the lessons of life wonderful, your dads story was very moving have a good day with your family take care jeannette xx

Sarah said...

Enjoy celebrating your dad today with your family - relive the happy moments and memories together of which I am sure after reading today's post there are many!
Sarah x

Ali W said...

A beautiful, thoughtful and moving blog, I cried when I read it. You have a wonderful supportive family, I've always thought what a lovely person you are Sue, I can see why.
The lessons in life are so true, I will show my mum who is 85 and will appreciate it. Beautiful card as always. Alison :)

Heather said...

What a moving blog Sue I was in tears and I can see why you turned out to be such an incredible person. Birthdays are always the worse when you lose someone you love its so nice that you were able to be with your family. When I lost my son I had no family other than my other 2 sons so had to be strong for them. The lessons in life is so true. Todays card is so pretty. hugs x

Patricia said...

Oh! My Word! what a wonderful Blog.
I have copied your Dad`s letter, every word in it is so meaningfull.
My Father went to his grave holding a lot of untold things due to having signed The Secrets Act as Major in the Army. He used his experiences to teach us certain Life Skills which we are very thankful for.
Because of his duties our lives were quite isolated but we NEVER felt lonely or ever in any danger because he was always strong and always there.
Todays card is a work of art as always.
God Bless you and your family.

Patricia xx

Desiree said...

Hi Sue,
What an amazing blog... and your dad sounds an amazing man. Can see you're a chip off the old block as you are as inspiring to people as his life is. I hope that today will be a wonderful celebration of his life as it's obvious that he has left his mark on this world before passing on to the next.
Happy Birthday and thank you Sue's dad.

nattyboots said...

Sue your Dads words made me cry, i lost both my parents at an early age Dad at 45, Mum at 57. but i do have some very happy memories, { no one can take those away.} enjoy your stay with your Mum.... Another beautiful card again Sue. Thank you Elaine H X

jean.phillips1 said...

Morning Sue

A real tear jerker this morning Sue! What a wonderful Dad you have had and lovely memories of him. It is a privilage to have you share them with us all. I loved the email Lessons of Life, having being widowed twice by the age of 58 yrs I know you just have to take what comes in life and make the most of it. Love to you and your mum and family. Jean x

Ria said...

Hi Sue
Gosh what a lovely moving blog today, happy birthday to your amazing dad.
I always dreamed that I would have a wonderful supportive family but that was not the case for me. My mum left my dad when I was 4 and remarried. She gave me to my dad because she didn't want me as a reminder of him. Sadly he had to give me back to her as his life was not what he wanted to put me through.
Thirty years later I found my dad living in new Zealand and we have become so close I love him to bits. As for my mum and step dad I have no relationship with them, that's all their doing.
So glad that you have had the wonderful life and support from your family. Thank you for sharing it with us xxxxxx

auscrafts said...

love your story

Anonymous said...

What a truly inspirational man your dad obviously was. I lost my parents within ten months of each other at the ages of 68 and 69 (too young) That was 25 years ago, but I think of them every day and never forget the life lessons that they taugh me. You are now passing your creativity and inspiration on to us and we truly appreciate it as your cards are wonderful Sue and your dad would be so proud of what you have achieved.

Rita said...

Sue, what can I say. You had one fantastic father. I have tears in my eyes now after reading your story.Your Dad would have been so proud of you to-day and I'm sure would love this Fabulous card. Memories are so very dear to us and I hope Mum and yourself have a lovely day reminicing old times. Hugs Rita xxx

Jacqui's little piece of England said...

Such a beautiful post today Sue. I lost my husband (sadly only 57) three years ago on the 5th he was associated 41 years both as a serving and civilian member of the RAF and was very proud to be so. Such a touching post, thank you.

A beautiful card.

jacqui x

Debs cards said...

Morning Sue I have cried all the way through reading it. I have copied the letter from your dad. He sounds like he was a wonderful man. We don't realise what we've got till its gone. This card was one of my favourite when it was on C&C. I'm going to have Ago at mAking it for my dads birthday as we will be 80 this year. Hope you have a lovely time with your mum and family. Take care Debs xx

hazel young said...

Morning Sue. lovely card, but the post afterwards is breathtaking, your dad was a very brave and wise man. Love the lessons of life too x hazel xx

Jayne59 said...

Oh my. That has to be the most touching but so very true thing I have ever read. I just printed the set of 'RULES' off in numerical order and it is now laminated and fastened to the pin board on my craft room wall. Take care on your journey home sue, and look forward to seeing you on TV again very soon (with new goodies hehe)

Luv n hugs
Jayne xxx

Karen said...

What a beautiful blog post, your dad sounds like a fantastic man.What wonderful memories you will always have

ang said...

lovely post, and we should take heed thanks angxx

Joesgrandma said...

Wonderful Sue. I cannot add anything.

Clare Powell said...

Lovely post Sue, your Dad sounds like a wonderful man. I love the Lessons in Life.

Clare x

Val Jx said...

Hi Sue What a wonderful blog. My husband died 8 years ago aged 59 and although he was taken from me, nothing can take away the happy memories I have in my heart. Happy birthday to your dad.

Lydia Jordan said...

Hi Sue,
What a moving blog I only lost my 92 year old mother 3 weeks ago so you can probably imagine how I'm now feeling, but our memories last forever.

Lovely card too.


Marie-Louise said...

Beautiful card and beautiful memories.

Carolyn said...

Oh Sue,what a lovely story about your dad,i was crying as i was reading it.Love todays card,keep up the good work,take care and your mum to.xx

karen williams said...

Hi Sue
Thanks for the lessons of life.
Family means so much thanks for the reminder!

Kathy said...

Struggling to blog through the tears today, Sue, along with many of your regulars. Lost my Dad 44 yrs ago on March 5th, just before my 21st birthday but the memories are still there. Enjoy your time with your Mom and family and come back to us safely. Beautiful card, again! Kathy x

Linda said...

Hi Sue, Wow, you must be so proud of your dear Dad, and quite rightly. Thank you for sharing this lovely story with us. Thinking of you today. Linda x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, Every word is true, You are very proud of your dad, i lost my Dad 30yrs ago and i was very close to him just like you and your Dad. Have a nice stay with your Mum. Your Dad was a very brave man. Card is Beautiful. Yvonne xx

jimgem83 said...

wow this card is lovley so was your blog this morning. look forward to seeing on screen againn soon x

Maryann Laursen said...

What a wonderful memory trip here today Sue, I loved the lesson of life, and it´s so wonderful to see and feel the love you have in your family and still have for your dad, but he also seems like, he was an incredible man.
And ofcause your card is also just as wonderful as always hun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

What a loving tribute to your dad. He would be so proud of you.

Alyx said...

Wow! Your dad was a very, very special man Sue. I'm really glad that you had him and that he encouraged you to do what you do now as we've all benefitted from that.

Big hugs to your and your mam.

Corinne said...

Wow that brought a lump to my throat !Having lost my Dad 2 years ago certainly makes you appreciate life Your card is Lovely As ever Corinne

Pam said...

Wow - that's the most beautiful and emotional post I have ever read. Thank you.
Pam xx

Maggie said...

Hi Sue
A beautiful and moving blog today my tears are still flowing as I type, I never knew my dad as he died when I was only 15months, he served in the war and went through some terrrible times as a result this affected his health and he died age 42, the lessons of life is wonderful and so true, enjoy your memories and time with your Mum and I truly thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories with us today.
I would like to thank your dad for allowing you to follow your dreams which means we get to share you and your talent too :))
Maggie H xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

What a loveky blog post today. Fab card and thanks for sharing yiur Dad's words of wisdom, which are so true.

Teresa said...

Oh Sue. I can hardly write this through my tears. A lot of the "lessons of life" I already follow but I am going to pass this on to my sister cos she is struggling at the moment with her own family problems. I never know how to cheer her up and I hope that this will help. On a lighter note, I am very very lucky that my 91 year old mum lives next door to me and she also loves her crafting, I think that's what keeps her going. If she gets down, I sort out something new for her from my stash and it's surprising what some pretty sheets of card and embellishments can do for her. Sorry this is so long. Thank you for sharing your memories about your dad with us. Love to you and your mum. Teresa Skipper. XX

sandra collis said...

Just love what you wrote about your dad I lost my husband in November it has been hard but the good memories keep me going and all my friends

Sue Yorkshire said...

Sue what a beautiful and moving post today. I lost my Dad when he was 55 and it is his birthday tomorrow and he would have been 79 and I miss him so much.

Love the card too


Debbie Tinks said...

Sue lovely card as allways
.Lessons of Life very true.
thanks Debbie

marg said...

Hello Sue
What a wonderful man !
I was in awe of him, reading his letter to you.. you must be so proud.
This answers why you seem to be such a nice person, Sue.
Take care
Love Marg

Ladock girl said...

Great blog Sue, glad you shared it with us, what a super Dad you had, as do I, mine is 87 and still with me for now, and hopefully alot longer yet. The 45 lessons in life were amazing and I may well print that out for my home if that's allowed?
Just as an added extra the card was one of my fav's when you showed it on air.
love and hugs Linda xxx

nzillingworth said...

Hi Sue
wow what a man and always going to be remembered now and so he should be. So is your dad English or American? A foot in both camps. We have printed off your dads ideals, and passing them on to my partners children and hope they will have an amazing effect on them. (hope u dont mind). Like to add one on the end , with age comes wisdom. My dad was RAF too.
Well cards dont seem so important today, but it is a cracker. Well done Sue
born again spellbinder
Nadine x hug

Anthea said...

Wow what a wonderful person your Dad was. Hope you are having a great time with your Mum, and just love the lessons of life they are so true. Now for the card,love it just my sort of thing this one will definitely be on my work desk

Kazbomps said...

Hi Sue. What a wonderful post and what a wonderful man your dad was. My grandad was in the Royal Navy during the second world war and I loved his stories. He too was a great man and I miss him. Karen x

kim dixon said...

Fantastic blog today Sue, was thinking about my dad whilst reading this, he passed away in 2008, I believe dads will always be with us x

Craftetter said...

Sue, Your Dad sounds like he was a great man. The empty void they leave never completely fills up and as my Dad always said it is the ones that are left behind that bear the pain of loss. My thoughts with you, your Mum and your family today.
Hugs Elaine xx

Uta said...

Your card is so beautiful. I like the little touch of pink between the black and white.

Hugs, Uta

AnneRD said...

A very moving blog today Sue. Your father was obviously a courageous man but also very thoughtful and loving. Those of us who have lost a loving parent will be thinking of them too today. Anne x

lainey said...

Thank you for the lessons in life Sue!! we could all do with reminders :) your card is just lovely as ever lainey x

Carol S. said...

Morning Sue, What a moving posting to start the day. 3 tissues later I can now leave my comment! You are very lucky to have 'proper', caring family. The lessons on life is a very true overview of life and should be read often. Oh and by the way your card is beautiful as usual. Enjoy your time with your Mum. Both my parents have passed, so can't do that anymore. Hugs, Carol S.xx

Andi B said...

Hi Sue, You're Dad sounds like he was a wonderful man. Thank you for sharing.

Andrea x

Jenny L said...

Hi Sue,
loved the blog today. Your Dad sounded an amazing man. He knew what life was all about and very wise. No wonder you are so proud of him. As I expect he was of you.
Fab card today as always. Received my comment game prize yesterday. Thank you for the chance of winning.
Finished my granddaughters wedding invites yesterday. Phew I can sit back and relax now.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L

Alison Horne said...

What a guy!xx

Victoria said...

Thanks for sharing such wonderful and touching memories.

Anonymous said...

Once again an inspiring blog entry. Many thanks for sharing the 45 rules for life. I had worked out a few of them for myself but have noticed a few that I could definitely benefit from. Some of them are such good advice that I am planning to include them in an embroidered sampler.
What a wonderful legacy from your father.
yvonne x

Lynne M said...

I laughed and nodded to myself when reading the lessons in life and had a few tears when reading about your dad. what a lovely caring man. My "Pop" never told me which path to take all he ever wanted was for me to be myself and happy. I miss him every day but it helps knowing that part of him lives on in me and my children. Lol and hugs to both you Sue and your Mom . Lol Lynne M x x x x x

Ann said...

Well Sue beautiful card and really beautiful and moving memories of your dad. They so remind me of my dadx

granny sue said...

Hi Sue. Just wanted to say hello on this very important and emmotional day for you and your Mum. 12 years ago I lost my Husband, Mum and Dad all within the space of 13 months but I have since then unknowingly, until you have pointed them out, followed some of the "Lessons of Life" and I am now a content person, although of course, I still miss my loved ones. Your Dad was obviously a wonderful and caring man. I will now go and dry my eyes. Take care both of you. Sue x

Lorraine H said...

Thank you for sharing this Sue, it made me cry but it is really beautiful and inspiring. Lovely card as well. Love Lorraine x

CraftyCj said...

Wow a lovely card and just wanted to say loved reading about your dad today, I never really knew my dad but my nan passed 2 years ago Jan and although I think of her daily and miss her this really made me think about how she helped shape me and of all the things she went through in her life x

Anonymous said...

That is so moving Sue.


Karen said...

How beautiful and how true, we should all follow those rules and life would be just perfect! Life is way too short, just go with it and enjoy!

Seafield Jo said...

Such a heartfelt, moving post Sue, thank you for sharing with us.

Have a lovely, special time with your mum.


Jo x

Ruthie said...

You must be very proud of you father and rightly so. The lessons in life made me fill up they are wonderful.

Rosemarie said...

Hi Sue,I really needed the tissues, thank you for sharing that with us. I never knew my Dad, he was in the RAF but was one of the ones that never came back. My Mum was only 3 months pregnant with me at the time. What lovely memories you have to cherish.

Love to you and your Mum,

sue said...

Hi Sue, my thoughts are with you and your mum today. Your parents were very supportive and I can see why you are the lovely person you are. You must feel very proud of your dad for all he did and the lessons in life were incredible.
Enjoy your time with your mum.
Hugs Sue M

melanie said...

stunning blog you must have been so proud to have a Dad like that and brave have a lovely time with your mum Hugs X Melanie

Kazza said...

Beautiful card & beautiful sentiments. Happy birthday to your Dad & congratulations to you & your Mum on sharing your life with someone so special. Enjoy your day. Love Karen x

Redanne said...

Thank you Sue, I did not cry because I thought about my lovely Dad too. He came back to the UK during the war and also fought and he is the reason why I now live here too. My Dad was wonderful too and I celebrate his life every day. We are truly lucky people.

Lorna Lawson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lorna Lawson said...

Thank you Sue for sharing your dad's wisdom with us. Love love love your cards and watch all your shows on C&C. Lorna

isobel said...

Dear Sue, Thank you for sharing this with us,your Dad must have been a truly wonderful man, you must all be very proud of him, Sue please give your Mum a hug from us your, craft family. Take Good care. Many Blessings

craftycath said...

Hi Sue
Lessons is Life is so moving and so true - what an inspiration your Dad must have been to his family - have a happy day celebrating his remarkable life
Gone in search of more tissues!!
Love Cathie x

ps Your cards are remarkable too!

Anonymous said...

My husband & I have sat reading your blog about your Dad with tears in our eyes. What a wonderful man & obviously so inspiring which is obviously where you get your ways of inspiring people, if in a totally different sphere. I am sure you will be a good support for your Mum whilst in the US. We look forward to seeing much more of you & your wonderful card creations soon. The card today is, as always, beautiful. Thank you Sue, Take care. Ann W

Lizzie said...

Hi Sue
A BEAUTIFUL and MEMORABLE blog today I'm choked for the tears as my dad has been gone 28yrs on the 18th and he will be 100 this year the lovely happy memories are still with me and how true the Lesson of life are i to have copied and printed it off to give to my son and daughter who have not spoken to each other for 3 years.
Thank you so much for todays blog.
Happy Birthday to your dad.
Hugs for you and your mum.
Todays card is so beautiful just like todays blog
God Bless
Lizzie (Serial copycat)xx

Claire said...

Thank you for such a lovely post and thinking of you and all your family today.


Claveh said...

Oh Sue, you had an incredible Dad and no wonder you and your family are proud of him and his accomplishments, he sounds wonderful.
The whole post this morning has been incredibly moving and I am sure your Dad continues to be proud of you and your brothers' endeavours.
Have a lovely time.
Oh, great card also obviously!
Thanks Sue.

Hanneke said...

Wow, your dad sounds like a wonderful and very brave man! I love how he reacted when you told him you'd rather start a stamp buisiness! Wonderful card! Hugs, Hanneke

Kate's Cards said...

Thank you for reposting that Sue. I am in the throws of another bout of depression and anxiety and all those lovely life affirmations are just what I needed.
Carpe Diem!

craftygardener said...

Hi Sue - what a fantastic tribute to your Dad. My Dad was 92 when I lost him back in 2004, and I was so proud of him and his take on life. Enjoy your time with your Mum, have a safe journey and come back to us with even more brilliant ideas. Love and hugs, Joan xxx

gwen70 said...

Wonderful memories Sue and such a lovely card

Eileen said...

What a moving blog about such a special person in your life. I lost my parents many years ago but if I had to sum up my father he certainly lived by those rules.
Sending you a hug Sue x

Sandra F said...

A very moving blog today. Can hardly see to write this for the tears. Enjoy your time with your Mum even though it will be tinged with sadness you have many happy memories of his life. The lessons of life is so true.

Lovely card

bhavana said...

Well Sue, that is a thought provoking piece on your blog!!! The Life Lessons your dad (& Mom) enstilled on you are so precious! After reading the blog, my first thoughts were "WOW", life is too short to hate, or regret! I think I will print this out, if it is ok with you, so that I can I can remember everyday, their is such beauty around me all the time! Thank you, your father would be so proud, because you give so much to us who look on your blog daily and your beautiful creations that you show us that you inspire us! Sorry if it is long winded, but really enjoyed your blog!!

lorraine (classylady) said...

Sue what can I add that the others have not said, amazing man, amazing insight on how you should live and amazing Daughter, as we know only too well. Thank you for sharing something so very very personal to you

Beautiful card as usual, love to you and your Mom


Glass Daisy said...

God Bless you and yours Sue, and Happy Birthday to your Dad. He sounds an incredible person. My Dad was also very special and 30yrs on, I still miss him and think of him every day.
Another beautiful card, thank you.
I hope you and your Mum have a really special day today, celebrating your Dad's Birthday.
Sonia xx

hazel said...

What a moving blog sue.I lost my Dad 5 years ago and there is never a day passes without me thinking of him.He was a very good man and like your dad wrote to you with lessons in life reminded me of what my dad said to me just before he died, a few things that your dad also wrote.Your dad was a hero Sue in the war.I have 2 Nephews that are in the Forces and i worry so much for them every day.But i know that this is what they want to do and they tell their family each time we see them there is no need to worry.But of course we all do.
Your cards is a beautiful Sue one your dad would be proud of.
Take care Sue x

Joanie said...

Hi Sue

Very touching. I lost my dad last year too and I miss him so much, he was my rock.

God bless

Joan x

Vie Carter said...

Oh Sue - writing this in tears, what a lovely tribute you posted about your Dad, and what a great-nice man.
My Dad was in the RAF -met my Mum on leave at a cinema queue, married within 6 months on a Saturday then on the Monday went to Burma for 4 years.
When Mum died last year I found all the love letters he wrote to her while away in the war - my daughter and grandaughter and I spent a Sunday reading them and we cried for about 3 hours - they were so touching - I want my grandchildren to read them when they are older - just wonderful

My thoughts are with you and your Mum

And incidently the card is great too!


yorkielass said...

Hello Sue, What an touching blog. Your Father was an amazing and brave man, your family must be so proud of him. Thanks to him and men like him we are free. The lessons of life are wonderful and so true. My thoughts and prayers are with you both, be a comfort to each other and smile through the tears remembering the happy times with Dad. God Bless.
Oh loved the card.
Hugs June xx

smartcookie said...

I read every word, shed a tear for you sue, what a wonderful father you had. The wisdom of all those wise words will stay with me. i Would like to pass them on to my kids. Theres a lot to be learned from our older generation. Thank you for sharing, as you always do with your lovely creations.

I think your a lovely person, and you have a sweet soul.
Have a lovely time with your mom, on your well deserved holiday.
Hugs Julie Andrews xXx

lockedinmycraftroom said...

This is such a moving blog Sue, and thank you for posting the Lessons of Life. Your dad was obviously an amazing man and I'm so glad you shared your memories today.
Chris x said...

Hi Sue
Lovely card and very special blog.
Eileen x

sues craft magic said...

Hi Sue , what a wonderful thing for you to share with us all. I lost my dad on the day my eldest son was to be born ,32 years ago , but whenever i see a John Wayne film or a war film on tv i always imagine my dad sat watching it with me . Have a wonderful stay with your mum .
Hugs Sue xx

Ita said...

hi Sue thank you so very much for sharing this story about your Dad,what an interesting life he had, and of course he was proud of you ,you are a very talanted person, and you have such a lovely warm personality.I have just printed this out to show to my hubby

May said...

Sue a very beautiful post, so true your wonderful Dad's lesson's of life a very wise man wrote these words, you are so loved by your parents Sue you must be so proud, and that's what made you the lovely lady that you are today! I will put my tissue away now as I really did have to use it!
todays card is stunning as always Sue, Hugs May x x x

Lynnus said...

What a truely moving blog today as you can tell from all the lovely comments. Thank-you for sharing your memories and I hope you have a wonderful time with you mum x

pam said...

sue what a beautiful story of your late father. so reminds me of my late parents I lost my dad 3yrs jan
89yrs then 10mths later my mum nov
86yrs.they were the best parents you could wish for, do I miss them...but I still have my fabulous husband children & grandchildren and beautiful pam

Toni said...

Hello Sue, just a few words today. The card as usual is gorgeous but more important than that 'thank you for sharing your dad memories' very touching and some lovely memories.
Toni xx

Jackie D said...

Hi Sue,

My thoughts are with you and your mum today but what memories you must share, such a brave man and such words of wisdom you have kindly shared with us.

love from Jackie D

oh and PS another lovely card

Anonymous said...

What a moving tribute in a day when families are so easily torn apart it's nice to read of one like yours.Your dad was a very wise man in letting you follow your heart career wise and we have all benefitted from it in seeing and being inspired by your lovely cards.
God Bless
Grimsby Chris

Brunemma said...

Dear Sue,
Thankyou for sharing such a wonderful man with us. I too, am privileged to have had a wonderful Dad who left us almost 12 years ago. It is the wisdom we take from Dads like ours that make us the people we are today. Your Dad was a very brave man - no wonder you are so proud of him. Thankyou
Pam xx

christine1234 said...

If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back. How true is this.
Sue i have learned from you to look at my small stash of dies and see lots more possibilities. Thanks for inspiration.

JAO said...

Fantastic family with a true love of life,many thanks for the blog

Patsy said...

Lovely blog this morning Sue, it brought a tear to my eye and happy memories of my own parents and hubby who passed over 20 years ago. Pat

Anonymous said...

love your work


Hi Sue
A fabulous card and your Dad sounds like he was a wonderful man
Hugs Dianne xx :)

jane stillman said...

A beautiful card, and brilliant blog. Thank you so much for sharing your Dad's life with us, it couldn't have been easy. The Lessons of life is so true. xxx

Nikbee said...

A fantastic post. Your Dad sounds a real inspiration.
Your card is gorgeous too.
Nikki x

Cumbrianlass said...

Hi Sue, a beautiful card as always.

I am sat at my keyboard trying to type with one hand as the other is mopping up the tears.

My Mum died 3 years ago last month, and your lesson in life email from your Dad remined me so much of her attitued to life,
we live in the same house that my Mum moved to when she was 6yrs old, she would be 88yrs old now, and eventhough everything has been changed and redecorated, I walk into what was her sitting room and still expect her to be there.

You are right to be very proud of your Dad, land make the most of your time with your Mum.

Sorry for the long drawn out comments.

Best wishes Janet xxx

Christina Griffiths said...

A beautiful card Sue and your story was very touching. Your Dad sounds like an amazing man. I love the list at the end of your post and how very true are so many of theose sentiments. Thank you for sharing it with us. xxx

Karen said...

Hi Sue,

It was really nice reading about your dad, and his words of wisdom are so very true.

I love the card, simple but stunning xx

lindyloo12 said...

Hi Sue Your dad was obviously an extremely brave and remarkable man, and what he said is so true. sharing memories is I always think one way of keeping that person alive in your heart. I hope you are having a great time with your mom. Nearly forgot the card is brilliant too, lol

elkeartsandcrafts said...

Hi Sue,
I've not been on your blog recently, but like all the posted cards.
I really enjoyed reading 'The Lessons of Life'. I have copied it, too. I can understand why you were so proud of your dad.

Thank you for all of your sharing.
Elaine J

DianeN said...

Sue,what an inspiration toall you are. Not just talking about your creativity but also about your humanity and empathy. I am typing this through my tears as it is so poignant. Thank you xx

Lothian Crafts said...

Hi Sue your post is a wonderful thank you for sharing your thoughts about your father was very touching to read..

salem said...

lovelly memories great card

lilygee said...

Dear Sue

Thank you for sharing this with us - how wonderful to have such a loving and caring parent and one to be proud of too and emulate. I love inspirational sayings and these made me laugh and cry too!
As for the card - as usual a beautiful creation - thank you for taking the time and making the effort to share this lovely blog with us today
lots of hugs from lilygee xxx

Sandra Riley... said...

I feel very priveliged that you have shared your thoughts and feelings with us Sue, it must have been very emotional to write. I have been waiting to here how special a person your Dad was since you said you would share your thoughts after he passed away.
I totally understand the pain you feel as I too lost my father, all be it very suddenly and at a much younger age, it was a very emotional time but somehow you then reflect on all of the best times you have shared.
I hope you enjoy today celebrating the life of a very special man.
Warmest regards to you and your family, thank you again for sharing your personal thoughts.
Sandra Riley

CraftyJo said...

Love your card today Sue and enjoyed reading the whole of your post.

I lost my Dad 25 years ago (he was called David and was taken on St David's Day, March 1st) and still miss him terribly. Unfortunately, as an adult, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him to find out about his life - we were living in California when he died and had not lived close to home since we got married. The number of times I regret that I didn't get to ask him about his time in the army (he drove a General around in Palestine) and all sorts of other things are a huge regret to me. He didn't get to see my sons grow into the wonderful young men they are now.....Oh well, that can't be helped but I do make sure we talk to our boys every day (Skype and MSN are great tools :) ) so they shouldn't have the same regrets as I do.

Thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts of your very special father.

lesley c. said...

That was so touching, I am going to try to put some of those lessons into is a gift and I thank god your in ours.

God Bless

Lesley x

Lin said...

Such a touching post Sue. Many, many thanks for sharing your wonderful memories of your amazing Father.

I have lost both my parents now, but they come to mind often, and more often than not when I least expect it. I was lucky that my heart took lots of pictures and I dip into those pictures when I am feeling sad, and they always lift me up.

I love your list of Life Lessons. I think number 40 is the most important one there.

Lin xx

Lin xx

Christine Hussey said...

Sat at my computer with tears in my eyes. Both my parents are no longer with us but they are and will be forever in my thoughts and heart. Your Dad was a very special man, may he rest in peace. Thank you Sue for sharing your personal thoughts of your Dad with us and the lessons of life are so thought provoking. Bless you. Another beautiful card today.
Hugs Christine H x

bali said...

Hi Sue. What a lovely memory you have shared with us. I feel very enlightened from just reading that. NEED TO PUT MORE THINGS INTO PRACTICE.
Thank you so much for sharing that with us and also for sharing the wonderful ceremony that was held for your dad. You must be so proud of him. God bless. bali xx

Sue J said...

What a lovely inspirational man your Dad was, and a fantastic friend to you and your family as well. xxx

A lovely card today, I love the way you have embossed the card with the die still in place. :)

Ann said...

Hi Sue thinking of you and your family today.
What a wonderful man your Dear Dad was you must be so proud of him and what a man to encourage you to make your own way in the world he would be so proud of you today....
Sending my love and Big hugs to you and your Mum and family

Ann said...

Hi Sue thinking of you and your family today.
What a wonderful man your Dear Dad was you must be so proud of him and what a man to encourage you to make your own way in the world he would be so proud of you today....
Sending my love and Big hugs to you and your Mum and family

dutchess said...

Dear Sue I can hardly write this for tears...thank you for sharing your love of your Dad with us...he must have been the best father.....I am missing mine so much it hurts I have printed off the lesson of life and promise myself to keep on looking at it when life gets me down bless you take care Margaret

jan said...

hi sue, firstly a lovely card posted to-day. I can see where you get your inspiration from now, your father, he must have been a wonderful man, and you must be so proud of him. The lessons of life are so true, we should all count our blessings there is always somebody worse of than youlove jan x

Carole Z said...

Hi Sue, how beautiful and moving your thoughts and memories are. I lost my dad when I was a mere 20-something and whilst we were close, I was too young and not long married to really appreciate him. I still miss the chats we 'never had'. I lost mum a few years ago and reading your blog brought a tear to my eye. Thank you Sue, sending a big hug and thinking of you, Carole Z xxx

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, this card is terrific.

Unknown said...

Hello Sue,
memories like these should be written down and cheerished ,my biggest regret was when i lost my grandparents not knowing what they did through their lives so i made up my mind that that would not happen with my parents so i got them to write about their lives their jobs etc so at least I can pass it down to my kids it helps to keep their memories alive you are a very warm and lovely person and we can see where you get it from, take care and keep crafting we love it. Tez xxx

Megan's Little Piece of Heaven (LPH) said...

This is a lovely testimonial to your dad. He was a wonderful dad which explains why he has such a lovely thoughtful daughter.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Loved your blog today.What a wonderful man your dad was,thank you for sharing him with us.I'm sure he would be so proud of you today.It takes a good woman to do what you do every day.

Carol at Henlow

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
Cannot find the right words to write about todays post.
You can feel how proud you are of your father through the words you have written, it was very moving, thank you for sharing.
My father died ten years ago, there was just me and him, in a hospital room, I miss him every day.
Best Wishes

Carole said...

Thanks Sue
It brought laughter and tears. You must have had a lovely, brave and proud dad. Thank you for sharing this with us all.

Janet said...

Parents are prescious, no matter how old I am or how long ago I lost them, and even though there are many little ones who call me grandma, inside I am still the little girl who sat on my dads arm as he waltzed with my mother.

Thank you for sharing your treasured memories with us.

Jane said...

What a wonderful post today Sue what lovely memory's you have of your Dad, what a wonderful life,
Beautiful card as well.

Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
Just to say your blog was lovely it reminded me so much of my father who I lost when I was only 26 nearly 20 years ago. Like you he was not only my father but my friend and guide in life.
I have loved all your recent shows on create and craft bought every thing again from last show. Love getting up in the mornings to see what one of your cards you have posted that day. love your work. Sue R.

Liz said...

Hi Sue
Happy Birthday to your Dad, I hope you and your family have a lovely day remembering all the good times. I love the life lessons and think if you dont mind i will copy it and share it with my family and friends. Love the cards as well. Hope you have a lovely time in the USA.

Kathryn said...

Sue your a star :) xx aren't memories fabby :)

Linda Simpson said...

Oh Sue, thank you so very much for sharing with us once again the post your Dad sent to you. How very true is this! I was deeply moved about reading this post and your Dad indeed was a very brave man. Life IS a Gift and I always life each day to the fullest.

Sending you and your Mum lots of hugs
Linda xxxx

Mrs O crafty blog said...

fantasic card..and wonderful memories, thank for sharing Px

nesscraftyqueen said...

A beautiful blog for many reasons but mostly because you are a caring sharing beautiful person, thank you 'Sues Dad' for giving us Sue!

Lots of hugs, to you and you Mom

Ness xxx

Fiona P said...

Remember with honor,pride and love that lovely words you have said about a wonderful man and he and your Mom will never know how inspitational you are to others and they will be proud of you too. To read your dads lessons of life I could hear my Dad in some of the words made me smile and cry too. Have a nice day with your Mom and smile and share a tear too thinks of all the happy and wonderful thing you have all shared, thinking of you and sending hugs to you both, Fiona P xxx

PaulineC said...

What a lovely man your father must have been. You never stop missing them but what wonderful memories you have to cherish. Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your Dad and his philosophies with us.

joy said...

Hi Sue
your dad was a remarkable man and all your family must be very proud. the lessons in life is very true.
the card is fantastic.

Maid of Kent said...

Hi Sue
What a wonderful man your Dad was, thank you for sharing his lessons of life. As we get older the lessons our parents taught us seem more important. The card is beautiful, enjoy your stay with your Mum. Lol Ann

Victoria said...

The card as always is brilliant. Also enjoyed reading your extended post. Lovely memories.

Barbara said...

What a moving story, your Dad must have been an amazing man. I think you have been a fantastic daughter and he must have been so proud of you.
Hope you have a nice time with your Mum.

Suzanne said...

Sue what a wonderful post to celebrate your Dad - he sounded a very special person and how very proud he must have been of you - I didn`t know the background of Moleworth and pleased you have a place you can go and be close to his past. Take care and lots of hugs on this special day
Suzanne x

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, what a "Lesson in Life" also love the card.
Have a great time remembering all the good things you had together as a family and of course Dad & Daughter these are so so important.
God Bless

baconbits said...

Hi Sue,
What a wondeful blog. I lost my Dad seveeral years ago and know how precious memories are and how we treasure them.
Your Dad sounds amazing and you must all be so proud of him. He woudl also have been proud of you.
The lessons in life is so true and beautiful to read.
I am loving the card also.
Amanda x

Pinky said...

Hello Sue.
My Dad died in September - so thank you for your courage to share the memories of your Dad making me treasure the memories of mine. With love to you and both our Dads. Vicki x

gill said...

This is a lovely post. The love you have for your dad shines through and I'm sure he's proud of you today

martine said...

hi sue
what a wonderful way to honour your father, I am glad you had so many wonderful memories of your father he sounds like a great man and father it's nice to hear a daughter so proud of her father and your mother. I would just like to say you are a wonderful person and a fantastic crafter and you give so many people so much inspiration. thank you xxxx

Carol Ashby said...

Thank you Sue for sharing such personal and special thoughts and memories of some of you and your dads journeys. It brought a tear to my eye too! hanging on to those things that make your dad, your dad reminds you of how he has influenced you and your life path and your values and they will never diminish im sure. Im glad you are able to share this special time with your mum too. x Carol Ashby

Jan.moogie said...

Wow Sue that was a brilliant read, Seems to me like your Dad was lovely and knew what was important in life. So many people forget what living is all about in this hustle bustle world. Can see where you get some of your natural niceness from. Love the card as well.x

Jacqui aka Morgana said...

Hi Sue I lost my dad when I was 28 (I'm 50 this year)and there isnt a day goes by when I do not miss his wisdom, his understanding, his forgiveness and his love. He was, like your dad, always there for me, always supportive even when he knew it was the wrong decision and he never said I told you so. Your post shows just how much you loved your dad and how much he loved you and Im sure he is looking down now so proud of you. I hope you and your mum have a wonderful day remembering such a special man.

And as for the card - you truly are an inspiration (but a serious problem for my bank balance).

tinaco said...

what a lesson for all of us sue, my daughter who is 17 wants to go in the army and I know I have got to let her go and the man upstairs will be looking outfor her just as he did for your dad. enjoy your time with your mom treasure her hugs tina xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue. Great Card. Thanks for sharing details of your Dad's life & the thought provoking poem. It sound like your Dad was a great man, who touched the lives of many others. My thoughts are with you & your family at this time. With Love & Light Theresa. H

Gill S said...

How touching Sue,i'm speechless,thinking of you hun Gill xxx

Carolyn B said...

A very moving blog Sue. You were so lucky to have this lovely man as your Dad and it is great that you have all these wonderful memories of him.
Take care and enjoy your time with your mom and family.
Once again your card is beautiful.

Carolyn B

Uniqui said...

I never knew my Father ,it must have been a privilege for you to have such a man in your life.

sheila said...

The memories we make in life are the things that give us a big hug when a physical hug is no longer possible. It cheers my heart to hear and know that love like that is still making the world go round

craftylisa said...

hi sue

you must be so proud of your dad and he of you,it is thanks to men like your dad that we live the lives we do now(very brave men).
i lost my dad 15years ago at the age of 45,he had 3 brain tumers,i miss him every day that goes by ,i dont think it gets easier you just learn to live with it.
your card is beautiful sue
hugs lisa x

craftylisa said...

hi sue

you must be so proud of your dad and he of you,it is thanks to men like your dad that we live the lives we do now(very brave men).
i lost my dad 15years ago at the age of 45,he had 3 brain tumers,i miss him every day that goes by ,i dont think it gets easier you just learn to live with it.
your card is beautiful sue
hugs lisa x

joan said...

Sue you keep being proud of your Dad if he was my Dad I know I would be. The card is lovely like normal xx

Lynn said...

what a beautiful tribute to your must be wonderful to be part of such a supportive and loving family...i can see why you are so proud of him and he must have been so proud of you too..after reading the post i can see you have inherited much from your Dad.
Big hugs ((((()))) xx

jollyjoyce said...

Sue you made me cry. I know how you feel, the love between a father and daughter is so special. I lost my father 11 years ago and my heart is still so empty without him.

I wish you and your family a beautiful day with lovely memories of a wonderful, husband, dad and grandfather.

Barbara said...

I think it must have been very hard for you to write about all those memories, but sometimes it does us good to 'remember' on paper. My dad would have been 99 in a few days time, and I still miss him very much. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.......and the card is lovely xx

rachel said...

beautiful card and story x Rachel x

jollyjoyce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sheila stokes said...

A lovely card Sue, Thank you for sharing a small part of your dads life story, he must have been a lovely person. The lessons in life are so true. All my best wishes. Sheila. x

fluffycat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
furrypig said...

gosh that was so beautiful Sue your dad was an amazing man you must be so proud. Thank you for sharing and the 45 lessons for life were wonderful xxx

fluffycat said...

Hi Sue, a lovely card and a beautiful & fitting tribute to your father. My Dad would also have been 92 this year but we lost him 9 years ago. He served in India and luckily he and his three brothers all came back. It is because of men like our fathers that we are here now and can enjoy a freedom still unknown to some. I thank them all.
Enjoy the time with your Mum & God Bless you and yours.

Craftychris said...

Wonderful! I can't say much else - simply wonderful xx Your card is fab too xx

Su said...

Have just finished reading today's blog post and am glad I looked at the beautiful card first!

My dad passed away last year too and today would have been his 88th birthday. Although not a 'hero' in any sense of the word to us, his family, he was the world and advised, encouraged and supported us as did your dad Sue.

Dad I love you and miss you each and every day but have such wonderful memories of the fun we had over the years.

Sue I hope you and your family take some comfort in remembering the good times you had together. Take care xxx

Unknown said...

xxxxx Julia

JayBe said...

Wow! What a fantastic entry - I love your card, as always. I lost my own dad when I was 13, but still think of him most days, even all these years on. The post of your dad's email is truly inspirational - life is far too short to waste. Jx

carol edwards said...

Thank you for sharing this with us Sue. You are your father's daughter. Enjoy your time with your mum x Carol E

Unknown said...

Sounds like your father was one incredible man, you were very fortunate to have him. I lost my father 16 years ago and my mom 4 years ago, it is sooo strange not to have them here in my life. I still sometimes think I need to call mom and tell her... then I realize. I enjoyed reading about your father and viewing your beautiful card!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, you must be so proud of your dad and his role in such an important event in our history. He sounds like a wonderful family man and you are truly blessed to have such treasured memories, its so very sad to lose someone, but even harder when they are wonderful. I got a little tearful when reading and found the life lessons so true, everybody should try them.

Your card is beautiful as usual, I love the papers, dies and the layout, Im so pleased that your dad supported you in your choice to be a crafter, you inspire us daily and we are so grateful.

Thank you for sharing and Happy Birthday to your dad Hugs Helen O xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely comments.

Craftycat said...

I'm a big softy too so this has brought tears to my eyes. Your dad was obviously a wonderful man and must have been as proud of you as you are of him x

Lorraine said...

oh Sue what a beautiful posting your father true was a very special man,its so nice to hear a bit more about you and your life huni,your card is beautiful and the dies look great and the sentiment is great also x

Sue Parish said...

Hi Sue, what a wonderful, wonderful post. I am in awe of your amazing Dad and can see where some of your qualities come from (mustn't forget your Mum had something to do with this too though!). My Dad would have been 92 in May this year and my Mum will be 92 in April. Dad was in the RAF too - they had been married less than 24hrs when he was sent to India for 3 1/2 years! It seems that lots of us have been thinking of our Dads today so thank you for stirring our memories. I am another who will be printing the lessons of life to put on my wall and like Christine number 40 is my favourite, it did make me smile.
Lovely card, as always. Sue x

Inagh said...

Hi Sue thank you for sharing the Celebration and memory of your Dads Life and the lessons of life are so true, and there a few I could take on board, as usual Sue another wonderful card
Hugs to you - your Mom and all the Family
Inagh X

Inagh said...

Hi Sue thank you for sharing the Celebration and memory of your Dads Life and the lessons of life are so true, and there a few I could take on board, as usual Sue another wonderful card
Hugs to you - your Mom and all the Family
Inagh X

Sue Parish said...

Hi Sue, what a wonderful, wonderful post. I am in awe of your amazing Dad and can see where some of your qualities come from (mustn't forget your Mum had something to do with this too though!). My Dad would have been 92 in May this year and my Mum will be 92 in April. Dad was in the RAF too - they had been married less than 24hrs when he was sent to India for 3 1/2 years! It seems that lots of us have been thinking of our Dads today so thank you for stirring our memories. I am another who will be printing the lessons of life to put on my wall and like Christine number 40 is my favourite, it did make me smile.
Lovely card, as always. Sue x

Sue H said...

Hi Sue
A very moving post,it's wonderful to see how proud you are of your Dad and how you treasure your memories :D
I am sure he loves the card and so do I
Sue h. xx

Linda (Lindyloo) said...

Dearest Sue,
I am a little lost for words, reading your post touched me so much. Thank you so much for sharing a little of your dad with us, he sounds an amazing man.
I cannot write much more at this time but I would like to tell you the one thing missing off the list that my dad always taught each of his 7children (I'm no.6): Count your Blessings - Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:
"Today I am thankful for _________. Today I accomplished _________." (As you can tell, I have that list also)
The card is gorgeous. I bet your mum sees your cards like this and has to smile thinking about your dad, because together they made you!
Bless you and your family, may you find solice in each others company and in the memories each of you has to share.
With Love to you all. Linda

Rufus said...

Your Dad sounds like an amazing man, husband, father and Hero. I thank you and your Mom for his service to our Country. I'm not that far from the cemetery in Bushnell. Oh yes, today's card is another in a long line of fantastic cards. So glad that your Dad encouraged you to follow your heart. We'd all have lost if you'd gone into finance instead!
P.S. my Dad sent me the same email!

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