
Tuesday 4 January 2011

Quickie Post for the New Year

Happy New Year to everyone!  Here is one of the cards from the Grand Nestie show on Monday.  I will try to post several more as I have had a request from one of my followers to see them.  Ask and ye shall receive, right?  Well I do try! 
I cut the grand nestie circle shape using two of the middle sizes to create a frame.  I then wrapped the entire frame with lavender satin ribbon and ties a bow at the side.  The iris have been stamped and coloured with distress inks and then cut out and mounted in the centre with 3D foam pieces.  I stamped the sentiment on the decorative background paper cut to fit just inside the circle.  Mounted everything on to another decorative paper which was backed by a lavender card that I punched all the way around with a MS punch.  Hope you like it (Lelly Jelly!).  All for now, Sue x


  1. You do come up with the most fantastic ideas Sue. It is a gorgeous card.

  2. Love it Sue - really gorgeous - didn't see the whole show but what I did see was brilliant. Another stunning collection of cards - you are so talented.
    I'm gonna give your ribbon idea a go - it's stunning. I will link back if I blog it.
    Ann xxx

  3. oooo, this is beautiful! very nice work

  4. themessycraftroom4 January 2011 at 19:43

    Lovely card Sue, love this idea. You have the most amazing ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us. Hugs x ChrisB

  5. Very nice idea to make the ribbon circle)) This looks so special)

  6. Really lovely and the border punching is great - still haven't quite got the hang of lining them up right to go round the corners myself - will need more practice!

  7. Love your cards Sue, your take on how to get the most from nesties is awe inspiring! Saw the new flower you demo'ed today, absolutely brilliant :))

  8. OH WOOOOOOOOOW love this card so so much how clever i just love the ribbon so inventive it looks amazing thankyou so much for inspiring me it looks fabtastic Sue xx

  9. Thank Sue! Very pretty,vibrant colour.Missed this mornings show as I was at work but watched the re-run on my computer,did make me giggle as the stream was poor and Lottie kept getting stuck on the screen with her face all weird - sorry, that's just me and my quirky humour. Loved the horse stamp on the hessian - very effective especially for those difficult cards for men. Am really enjoying these shows. Thanks again.xx

  10. You have done aother beautiful card. I am having real problems seeing live shows on sky because they have increased the number of station I can only record them overnight. I love your show so feel I am missing out. Hugs Bee

  11. Your cards are always so involved. Someday I may have to invest in those grand nesties; I always find circles so hard to cut by hand.

  12. loving the shows, your cards are always so stunning

  13. STUNNING card and finally caught up with the new shows and loved very moment of them - thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas
    Suzanne x

  14. Happy New Year. Gorgeous card. Love, Julia xxx

  15. what a lovely card, Saw some of the shows - really look forward to you being on as you always have something new and/or interesting to show us (given the chance!) C&C don't seem to repeat your shows as much as some of the others.
    Anyway, great demos as ever.
    Best wishes.
    Lynne in Spain

  16. luv the native indian stamps are is available on its own? tried the flower you demoed, but instead of stamping a flower shape i cut a ragged edged circle then spiraled it & it worked what a lovely simple embellishment thanks sue keep coming up with your different ideas
    mandy x

  17. Totally missed Mondays show but recorded yesterdays one. Fabulous!! I love that you always manage show us a new way of using the die cuts and that you really think about the theme of a stamp to ensure the other elements on the card compliment it. The spiral flowers are genius and are sure to be my new fave embellishment. Great work x
    Dawn x

  18. Awww Sue what great shows. Am always blown away by the ideas you have. So glad you share them with us. Stamps are wonderful, love the native American. Love the punched edge, what MS punch is it? Hugs Annette x

  19. Great shows, cant afford a new machine atm but most of your ideas can be used with the small nesties too....so its win win!

    Ty and lovely card also


  20. Wow!!!! That is a Awesome Peice of work!!! Not to mention that It is My most favorite Color!!! TFS!!!


  21. Sue - can you help with this embellishment question? I have noticed you have been using some really great foliage/fronds in with your flower etc embellishments. I don't think you have punched them out, as they look too dimensional on the telly so wondered what they were called, as I would like to get some. Thanks Susan

  22. Just managed to catch the re-run of most of todays's c+c show which I really enjoyed. Missed the ribbon flower. What was that? Disappointed that tomorrows show won't be repeated so will be looking to this blog for all those wonderful examples.At least the craft shows all start again from next month, oh my poor purse...xx

  23. This is very nice! I love the ideaod wrapping the ribbon around the nesties and tying into a bow. I'll have to try that one. Thanks to you I've soooo invested in the nesties. Good thing they were on sale at the time, lol. Mimi

  24. This is beautiful and rich!

  25. You are so talented with ribbon

  26. Love the ribbon covered circle frame...beautiful card once again Sue!

  27. Their is no end to your talents Sue. The colours ,the frame, the flowers, everything is so well put together. Hugs Rita xxx

  28. This card is absolutely beautiful. A perfect blend of colors.

  29. I love what you did with the circle and ribbon. SO pretty!
