
Saturday 28 September 2024

To Wish You A Merry Christmas

 Hi there my crafty friends!  I selected a pixied piece from my stash to use for the background.  I used Midnight Blue and Purple Violet Pixie Powders on it.  I cut the Moonlight Sleigh Cover Plate in black.   I cut the die a second time in white and used the fall away pieces to paper piece the moon.  I added the Cover Plate die piece to a larger piece of white card.  I cut the To Wish You A Merry Christmas sentiment in black and added it to the shadow backing piece which I cut in white.  I added the sentiment below the cover plate with mounting foam.  I used the fall away stars from the cover plate which I cut a couple of times with the leftover piece from the pixied background around the sentiment as accents.  The card was completed with white and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/2"  x  8"  in size.  

Just wanted to let everyone know that the hurricane has passed through our area and we didn't have any damage from it.  I do not yet know what the areas surrounding us look like however.  I know from the local news that about 600,000 homes are without power in this county alone.  It definitely wasn't without damage to some of the surrounding areas north of us so it will be an uphill battle for many unfortunately.  My heart goes out to those who have suffered great damage from this storm.  Hopefully they will be able to rebuild and get up and running again soon.

All for now, Sue x

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  1. Good morning Sue
    I’m so glad you were not affected by the hurricane but so sad so many were!
    I love today’s card it’s quite magical!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  2. Good morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I am so pleased to hear that you are safe but devastated that so many others are still without power and damage to there homes, my heart goes out to all of them and hope that it is restored quickly.

    This is a gorgeous card today, you never cease to amaze me with your designs.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  3. Hi Sue
    A lovely card, fabulous background.
    So pleased to know that you are safe.
    B xx

  4. Morning Sue.
    So glad you are safe and well,my heart goes out to all the other poor people.
    Sue todays card is so lovely thank you.
    Take care all Kitty.

  5. Good morning Sue,
    So glad to hear that you are safe & had no damage. So sorry for all those that have had damage & no power.
    Today's card is beautiful & I love your background. Take care Yvonne xx

  6. Morning Sue, so pleased you are all safe after the hurricane. What we have seen on tv here looks terrible and my heart goes out to those who were affected.
    Beautiful card. Love Jean xxx

  7. Hi Sue
    So glad that you’re safe and didn’t suffer any damage but my heart goes out to all those people who were badly affected. Love the moonlight scene and the pixied background is fabulous
    Love and hugs to everyone

  8. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Fabulous card Sue x I love the sleigh against the moon and the beautiful background x
    So pleased you made it through Helene, seeing some of the flood damage is heartbreaking x my son is there this week and is ok too thank goodness x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  9. Hi Sue. I am so pleased to hear that you are safe and were lucky to escape the worst of the hurricane.
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful Christmas card in these unusual colours. I am sure it would stand out amongst all the recipients other cards.


  10. Great traditional card. Thank you for sharing the news on the hurricane. It seems that the weather is causing havoc in many places and my heart goes out to all who have suffered. WakeyL

  11. Hi Sue, so happy to learn that you were not badly affected by the hurricane but I am so very sorry for all those without power and who have had damage and loss. I hope that all is cleared up very soon.
    Love today's card, I don't have this die (yet!) but I do have the Believe in the Magic frame which I have used a lot.


  12. Great card. Very atmospheric. X

  13. Hello Sue, so glad to hear you are safe and well. I hope and pray that those affected get some help. Love the card today. Bx

  14. Good to hear you are safe & didn’t suffer any damage. Heartbreaking to hear of the people losing their homes or suffering flood damage. The weather can be so damaging at times & it only takes a few minutes & a lifetimes work has been destroyed.
    Lovely card, especially the background!

  15. Deb E Isle of Wight28 September 2024 at 19:24

    A beautiful post. Glad to hear you and the family are ok. Heart goes out to all those affected. It only takes a moment from Mother Nature to turn your world upside down as we know here following a major landslide last year about 200 metres along the road from us.

  16. Hi Sue

    Great card.

    So glad you are safe and so sorry for all those who weren’t so lucky.

    Love Helen. Xx

  17. Glad you are safe Sue, praying for everyone affected. Fabulous card, love the colours xx
