
Tuesday 21 November 2023

Pet Pals/ Mittens

Hello bloggers!  The final post of the day is for Mittens, the only cat in this release.  Mittens can be coloured to look like many other cats too so she is very versatile.  This set has four dies in it with Mittens, including a ball of yarn, a letter and a mouse toy.  If this set is floating your boat, then you need to add a comment to this post.  If you have never left a comment, there are directions on the right hand side of the blog that are easy to follow.  I will be back tomorrow at 6am with the start of day two.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Lovely mittens
    Elizabeth Bennett

  2. Deb E Isle of Wight21 November 2023 at 18:12

    Meow....lovely set and there had to be a cat to go with the dogs...Great post as well....

  3. Good evening Sue.
    Another great addition to the pets love all the little
    extras that go with them thank you.
    Take care all Kitty.

  4. Good evening Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh this Pussy Cat reminds me of one we had when I was a child, he was a great mouse catcher too, and would sit underneath the table at meal times looking up at me and my sisters almost begging for a little tit bit, well if Mum or Dad wasn't looking we used to give it to him, but keep this to yourself Sue as I don't want to influence any other children to do this.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  5. Another cute one! Like the multi-coloured paw prints!
    Sharon in Toronto

  6. Good evening Sue,
    A fabulous addition to the dogs a beautiful cat. A beautiful expression on Mittens face & I love how you have included a little mouse. Yvonne xx

  7. I’m not a cat person, but have plenty friends who are and this card is gorgeous. The background ofnpaws is gorgeous. Thanks Sue xx

  8. Hi Sue
    Enjoying the options of these pet dies and your inspiration for your cards
    Owlish p Xx
    From The Bonnie Land of Scotland

  9. Love this little cat. Gorgeous card too. What a wonderful first day of this release. X

  10. Hi Sue
    Loving Mittens and your paw print background, this one’s definitely for you Frances

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  11. Hi Sue - wow, what a day of spectacular new releases - I love them all! Colleen xx

  12. Hi Sue
    Adorable card and dies! I love the colours you’ve used!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  13. Great that this release includes a cat too. WakeyL

  14. Stunning cat set

    Helen in fife

  15. Such a sweet little, another super pet set of dies. The paw print background is perfect.

    Liz Cavill - Crafty Sunflower xx

  16. Another great die set. This is one for the cat lovers.
    B xx

  17. Hello Sue,
    Mittens is such a cutie, cat lovers amongst us will love him. Loving this latest launch and so looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.
    Tooth Fairy Jo. xxx

  18. Hello Sue, I have been away most of today and just caught up. Fabulous samples, I think Milo is so cute
    Marion S x

  19. I'm very happy that there is a cat in this release, and a cute one!! Mittens is a sweet name for a cat, and love that he (she?) too have the letter, together with the toy and the ball of yarn! And such cute spots that can be coloured!
    Also Mittens calls my name, I can hear mew mew mew :D
    Love so much the way you made the colourful background on your sample, all the paws are so sweet!!

  20. And there we have it a cat too, would not be complete without a cat….love it….luv Ursula from Verwood xx

  21. Hi Sue, I love Mittens, she (and it is definitely a girl) is adorable and your card is lovely. You have given her a beautiful face almost as if butter wouldn't melt but those of us who are owned by cats know that things can change in an instant :-)

    Pat L - you are quite right, this is a must have for me.


  22. This kitty is the cutest ever! I love how the tail curls a bit! So sweet! I am a cat mama to Coco, my Siamese cat, and I will have to get this fun die set!

  23. Evening Sue, I suppose we have to have a few cats, but no noone with one anymore. Need new friends? Lovely Card. AON

  24. Hi Sue,
    Mittens is so cute. I love the card especially the paw prints. Be well and stay safe.

  25. Hello Sue
    Mittens is so cute. Sorry I wasn't very well yesterday

  26. Dj from kettering22 November 2023 at 08:56

    I can see this one in all types of cy.

    Doreen x

  27. Hello Sue, Mittens is lovely and your card is superb. Love the names you have given to all the characters. Bx

  28. Hi Sue,

    I am a cat lover so this gorgeous set is right up my street. I love the card.

    Barbara V

  29. Good Morning Sue and all that visit this morning. A lovely card.. But cats are not for me. I love animals and would never ever hurt one. I really am a doggie person. I have loved today posts Sue ... So different. Someone is going to be very lucky to win this set. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  30. Cute card and die set, Sue xx Hazel Nottm

  31. Love the cat and your card!

  32. lindyloo12Somerset22 November 2023 at 13:39

    A great card and die set!

  33. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Another fantastic fur baby x mittens is really cute and I love her toys x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  34. Loving mittens with the options to colour her different ways, great ideas

  35. Ooh Mittens is very cute I like her accessories too
    Lynne L Haverfordwest

  36. Mittens is so cute. Great card! Judy Hollers from North Carolina

  37. Gorgeous Mittens. I’ve had two black cats and although they’re not so popular, they were lovely pets.. X

  38. Oh my ears and whiskers...I'm a crazy cat woman so this is really puuurfect for my stash. Love it, Sue.xx Bejay in Truro

  39. Hi Sue and Mittens :)
    Son has got a cat so perfect for him this card.
    Maria A x

  40. Hi Sue. Although I love all animals, I have a cat (called Pickles) and so I am really pleased you have included Mittens.

    Lisbeth (from Beckenham)
