
Monday 20 November 2023

For You

Hello crafters!  I cut the Art Deco Oval Frame's outer die  in white.  I cut it again in black and used it to add an offset shadow to it.  I matted it with a piece of Pixied card that was made using Aqua Lagoon Pixie Powder.  I used the inside die to cut the centre out of the frame.  I added mounting foam to the back to raise it, then I added a piece of white card that I embossed with the Tidal Sands embossing folder.  I cut the centre die from the frame out of the pixied card and added it the frame opening with mounting foam.  I cut the Art Deco For You sentiment out of both white and black card.  I shadowed the sentiment then glued it to the centre of the card.  I used the Double Stitched Rectangles to add a thin black frame to the outer edge of the card.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2"  x  8" in size.  

Just a quick note to let you know that the November Die Release Blog Launch starts here tomorrow morning at 6am.  I hope you will join us then!  All for now, Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Morning Sue.
    A beautiful card thank you.
    Looking forward to tomorrow good luck all.
    Take care all Kitty.

  2. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Such an elegant card Sue x the art deco frame looks wonderful with the aqua background x I love it x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  3. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I am loving the aqua lagoon colour in the background of this card, one of my most favourite colours, so this is a real winner for me.

    Looking forward to your new release tomorrow and hope you get lots of new wilsonettes to join your daily blog going forward.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  4. Good morning Sue, a beautiful card, thank you for sharing
    Looking forward to your new release tomorrow
    Marion S x

  5. Good morning Sue,
    Another beautiful art deco card & lovely colour combination. Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful creations with your new launch of dies. Yvonne xx

  6. Hello Sue
    This is beautiful and I love the colours. Can't wait for tomorrow seeing your new inspirational dies. Hugs to all that visit today x

  7. Deb E Isle of Wight20 November 2023 at 08:21

    Gorgeous colour and post…looking forward to tomorrow…

  8. Hi Sue. Love the colour of the background on this one. Such a good idea for the design which can be used for any age or gender. Looking forward to the new launch tomorrow.


  9. Good morning Sue
    Another beautiful card I love the colours!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  10. Morning Sue, a beautiful card today, the pixied background is lovely. Looking forward to the release. Bx

  11. Hi Sue
    Like this card very much today and the colours are gorgeous.
    Nov Launch l will be watching very closely
    Owlish p Xx
    From The Bonnie Land of Scotland

  12. Morning Sue - this is gorgeous! Definitely one for the “To Make” list! Colleen xx

  13. Love the art deco series.WakeyL

  14. Dj from kettering20 November 2023 at 10:39

    Love this, one to back as a backup/just in case
    card!!! The back colour is lovely.

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

    Doreen x

  15. Love this card. The colour is so pretty. X

  16. Hi Sue,

    A lovely card. Great colours.

    Barbara V

  17. Hi Sue, a beautiful card today and I love it. Currently choked with a cold so hope I am bright enough tomorrow to keep up with the launch.


  18. Hi Sue
    A beautiful art deco card, love the aqua pixie powder backing to the art deco frame
    Get well soon Frances, you can’t miss a new die release

    Love and hugs to everyone

  19. what a lovely card sue my favourite colour io canny wait until tomorrow i’m sure it will be great stay safe my friends June Horrocks xxxxxxxxxxxx

  20. Hi Sue

    A gorgeous card. Very special and elegant. I’m currently on holiday but the wifi hasn’t worked properly until now. Fingers crossed it will be ok from now on and I can see all the new releases.
    Love Helen xxx

  21. I love the Aqua Lagoon Pixie powder you have used in this beautiful card!

  22. A lovely card, in the beautiful aqua colour
    Marlene O

  23. Pixie powder background is beautiful, love art deco….luv Ursula xx

  24. lindyloo12Somerset21 November 2023 at 12:14

    Pixie powders and art deco dies, gorgeous!
